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Cooling Matter Review 94 w

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Heating Matter


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Where do the water dew droplets on grass come from? What causes them to form?

Have you ever noticed water droplets form on the side of a cold glass of water? The droplets of water form when water vapor in the air cools as it comes in contact with the cold glass. This process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called condensation. Cooling Matter Condensation How does matter change when it is cooled?gal Have you Have the side the of wa of as it pr p Cond Con ed Cooling M oling M ducatione How whe The water droplets that form on a mirror after a hot shower and the dew on grass on a cold morning are other examples of condensation.



What change will occur when water is placed in a freezer?

Pour some water into an ice tray and , place it in a freezer. After a few hours, you’ll notice that the liquid water has changed into solid ice. This process of changing from a liquid to a solid is called freezing. Chocolate melts when it is heated in a pan. The liquid chocolate flows and can be poured into molds. When the liquid chocolate freezes, it becomes a solid with its own rigid shape. Activity 10.5AB a duca


Science Words

1. What is mass and how can it be measured? 2. How can you measure the volume of a liquid? 1. is the process of changing from a solid to a liquid. 2. is the amount of space matter takes up. 3. is the process of changing from a liquid to a gas. 4. matter has a fixed volume, but can change in shape. 5. A can change in both shape and volume. 6. How much matter an object has is its . 7. is anything that has mass and volume. 8. matter has a fixed shape and volume. 9. Water in the form of a gas is called . 10. The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called . 11. The process of changing from a liquid to a solid is called . Use the words to complete the sentences. matter mass volume solid liquid gas melting evaporation water vapor condensation freezing Review Reg What is mass How gal er has m of a gas is of changing s of changin ew eg education solid to a liqu takes u om a liqu me, but ca th shape an has is its d at has ma ti 94

3. Create a chart to compare the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Provide an example of each state of matter. 4. Describe what happens to the volume of air in a balloon when the balloon bursts. 5. Describe the processes taking place in each picture. (a) (b) (c) c) ducation en t re.

(d) 6. What change takes place when melted chocolate is cooled? 7. What change takes place when butter is heated in a pan? 8. What change takes place when water vapor cools on a cold glass? Reg What chang What


In this chapter you will ... • describe the ways in which forces affect motion. • distinguish and name contact and non-contact forces. • determine cause and effect relationships of electric and magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other. • define a simple problem that can be solved by applying knowledge of magnets. • provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object. • use knowledge of forces and motion to predict motion. How can you tell that an object is moving? What causes things to move? 11 Interactions and Forces al l that an at causes thi educatio forces f electric an ntact with e lved by ap of balanc nd motion n


What is a force? How do we interact with forces in daily life? edu fe?

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