11 minute read
Unit 1 – Living Things Around Us
Activity 1.1
What Are Living Things? 1. Check the living things. Cross the non-living things. Cross the non-livin Regal l education n e 2
2. Go into your schoolyard. Draw two living things. Name each living thing you draw. Living Thing 1 Living Thing 2 R Regal ngi Regal e Re l al a education educatio e edu eddu d ducatio o tio ti
Activity 1.2
What Things Do Animals Need? 1. Match the animals to the food they eat.education n ? at. ti 4
2. Draw and name an animal that eats plants. 3. Draw and name an animal that eats other animals. Re R Regal education s. an animal n animal ducationeduc duc uccation n 5
4. Match the animals to the place they live.education ca 6
5. Draw a home for each animal. a al R Rega cation c n educ 7
Activity 1.3
1. Circle the pet you would like to care for. 2. Draw a picture to show how you will care for your pet. cat rabbit hamster lizard Caring for a Pet R Regal ucation or. n on o w you will ca you will c ter liz uc educ cu 8
3. What do pets need to live and grow? Use the words in the box to help you. air food water shelter eduducae edduc ducdu ontio helter
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Activity 1.4
The Needs of Plants 1. Match the words to show the needs of plants. sunlight water airRega education nf plants. ants. at 10
2. Draw the things the young plant needs. n tion
3. What will happen to a plant if it does not get the things it needs? Reg What will hap What will h things it nee things it Rega eg
Activity 1.5
Write a sentence to tell the things people need to live and grow. Use the photographs to help you. 1. What Things Do People Need?cation need to live ed to live you. u. n 2.
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Engineer It!
Build an Animal Home Sophie and Chelsea have a pet snail. Help design and build a home for their snail. Show how the home gives the snail all the things it needs. What things will you use to make the shelter? Regal all the ll th s will you use t ll you us ega egag Reg R Re education n a have a pe ave a pe or their sn their s ngs 14
What things does the shelter provide for the snail? Draw a Model Regal ega egag Reg R Re s does the she oes the s al l n education 15
Activity 1.6
1. 2. 3. 4. run crawl swim slide fly Use the words in the box to describe how the animals move. How Do Animals Move? Reg Re R al educ d ed e ation tio de fly the en 16
5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. al leduca 8. ed e tio atio a at Re R
Activity 1.7
1. Match the adult animals to their young. Living Things Reproduce and Grow education g. n Gro c t ga
2. Draw pictures to show how you grow and change. 1 year old 10 years old 4 years old 20 years old 3. How do people change as they grow? Reg eggal gHow do people w do pe Re R n ch education ed education u uc 20 y du 19
Activity 1.8 Alike and Different
1. Tell how these cacti are alike and how they are different.
How they are alike ... How they are alike ...
How they are different ... Reg egal e different ... different ... al l R Regal ga ed e 20
2. Tell how these lions lions are alike and how how they are different. ent.
How they are alike ... How they are alike ...
How they are different ... Reg egal e different ... different ... al l R Regal ga ed e
Activity 1.9
Check the boxes. Write ‘living’ or ‘non-living’. Is It a Living or Non-living Thing? 1. 2. Needs air: Needs water: Eats or makes food: Moves by itself: Has young: Grows: Needs air: Needs water: Eats or makes food: Moves by itself: Has young: Grows: An airplane is a thing. A sunflower plant is a thing.Reg Re A sunf A s low gal l l education n g? ucatio io ducatio tioat a caucdu kes food y itself: oung: w e Ne edu ed d 22
A mouse is a
Needs air: Needs water: Eats or makes food: Moves by itself: Has young: Grows: Needs air: Needs water: Eats or makes food: Moves by itself: Has young: Grows: thing. A frog is a thing.Regal l l alog is a s a ga ga educ edu u du d ed e Needs air: eeds w Eats or cation tion ion ation n onioti iat f: Mov Ha ca ca 23
Living Things Around Us 1. Use the words in the box to compare the needs of animals, people and plants. (a) List three things animals and people need. (b) List three things plants need. air food water sunlight Regal thing gal ga al aReg Reg egR education n needs people n tio sunlig ca caduc ducdued 24
(a) A plant is a living thing. (b) Plants eat other plants for food. (c) Non-living things grow and change. (d) Living things move. (e) Non-living things need air and food. (f) Water is a living thing. (g) People need a place to live. 2. How do plants get food? 3. How do animals get food? 4. True ( ) or false ( ). Regal ings mov living thi (f) Water is (g) Pe education g. duc ants for s grow on natio atioat 25