10 minute read
Unit 7 – The Earth and the Sun
Activity 7.1
Warning: Do not look directly at the Sun during this activity. The light from the Sun can damage your eyes. 1. During the day, go outside and observe the sky. Draw and list the things you see. What’s in the Sky? Regegal egR Re education tion ring damage utside and o tside and he things yo things y ed de n 28
2. At night, go outside and observe the sky. Draw and list the things you see. 3. List one thing you can only see in the sky during the day. 4. List one thing you can only see in the sky at night.Regal ng you c g you e day. ay. st one thing yo one thing yoga ga Re R education no cation c n duc duuc ued ed 29
Activity 7.2
Will ice melt faster in the shade or in sunlight? Make a Prediction • two plastic containers • ice cubes • stopwatch Materials wo plastic containers Observing the Heat from the Sun al education cation sunlight? atio atioat • t Ma tw n un
30 30
1. Place three ice cubes into each container. 2. Place one container outside in direct sunlight. Place the other container outside in the shade. 3. Start the stopwatch. Observe the ice cubes in each container every 20 minutes for one hour. 4. Record your observations. Draw what you observed. Start Sunlight Sunlight Shade Shade Observations Re Regal Regal ducucation unlight. n the shad e ice cub es for o edu rved. e 31
20 minutes
Sunlight Sunlight
40 minutes
Sunlight Sunlight
1 hour Shade Shade Shade Sunlight Sunlight Shade ShadeRegal al al Rega R a ga g education cation ca n ed ed ducedu duc uc u de
Analyze and Interpret 1. Describe what you observed. 2. In which container did the ice melt faster? Why? 3. What can you infer from your observations? Regegal al al al ega egga g ed er from education e melt fa ion ion on duc ducaucatio attio ti edu d 33
Activity 7.3
Will water be warmer in the shade or in sunlight? • two plastic cups • thermometer Materials o plastic cu thermo Make a Prediction Measuring the Heat from the Sun education or in sunligh atio atioat • two M e tw n Sun
1. Fill each plastic cup with the same amount of water. 2. Place one cup outside in direct sunlight. Place the other cup outside in the shade. 3. Use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in each cup. 4. Measure the temperature of the water in each cup again after one hour. 5. Record your observations in the table. Procedure Cup Location Temperature at Start Temperature After 1 Hour Sunlight Shade Observations Regal Regal gal galRe R ion Tem nlight on nsed education nt nlight. e shade. ure the each cup e of the w hour. tions ine 35
Analyze and Interpret 1. In which cup was the water warmer? Why? 2. What can you infer from your observations? Application It’s a very hot day. Circle the area Ethan and Wyatt should eat lunch. d l Regal oni day. area Etha uld eat l e education y? ur observ ion ion on duc duc ucatio attio ti edu ed d 36
Engineer It!
Keep It Cool
You have learned that ice melts faster in sunlight. What could you do to slow the melting of ice in sunlight?
r Materials ials
e tion
• art and craft craft supplies pp es • variety of different objects and materials
• scissors • scissors • tape • ice cubes
1. In small groups, talk about the different ways you could keep the ice cool in sunlight. 2. Use the materials to design a container to keep the ice cool. 3. Draw a model of your container. List the materials used. 4. Build your container and place one ice cube inside. 5. Place the container in direct sunlight and record the time. 6. Observe the ice cube every hour. Record the time when the ice cube has melted. e e be Regal containe sunlight the time serve the ic every hou ime wh has educa er e
Draw a Model Draw a model of your container. Label the materials you used. Start Time Time When Melted Time Taken to Melt e Observations eg Reg Reg R gaal al rt Time rvationsntion on education o 39
Analyze and Interpret 1. How long did it take for the ice cube to melt? 2. What could you do to improve your container? Application Blake has a pet rabbit. Draw a model of something Blake could use to keep his rabbit cool when it is hot. Regal ke al la du ducation elt? our contaion ion oncat catia duca uced it. Draw duse 40
Engineer It!
Sun Protection
Sometimes the heat from the Sun can cause the Earth to get too hot for animals. They seek shelter in the shade or underground. Think of your favorite pet. Design and build a shelter that will provide your pet with shade and keep it cool oo on a hot, sunny day.
Draw a Model
Draw your model. Label the things you used. Application What can you do to stay cool on a hot day?Reg ReegR gal al l gacationcati tia you do n education 42
1. Use the words in the box to label the pictures. (a) (b) (a) The Sun is a star. (b) The Earth is bigger than the Sun. 2. True ( ) or false ( ). 3. List two things we get from the Sun. Sun Earth The Earth and the Sun Regal s h is bigg things we Reg Reg egR education res. r e e ( ed ) duc u n 43