12 minute read
Unit 10 – Matter
Activity 10.1
1. Your teacher will give you some objects. Sort the objects into two groups. Draw the objects and tell how you grouped them. Now group the objects in a different way. Draw the objects and tell how you grouped them. Grouping Objects Regal Regal R he o he bjects an ects a e Re l al a education educatio edu eddu d cts. u grouped th grouped th ects in ectsin ducati ti t n 102
2. Circle the object that does not belong. Regal l Reg educ ucation tion 103
Activity 10.2
1. 2. hard soft rough smooth hard Check the boxes to describe the objects. Describing Objects le ed on ducation no R
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Activity 10.3
Suggested Materials • tin can• bag • elastic bands • soft toy • sandpaper • modeling clay • book 1. Have your classmate hide an object in the bag. Procedure 2. Reach into the bag and feel the object using your sense of touch. Describe what you feel. Can you guess the object? 3. Swap roles with your classmate. See if they can guess your hidden object. What’s the Secret Object? Regal he objec sense of cribe w el. Can yo he objec Swap role assma the hidd n ducation • sandpa y • book edu ate hide g
Name, draw and describe the secret objects. Object: Object: Object: Object: Description: Description: Description: Observations R Regal al al l ript ipt Re education ed n e edu u du 107
Activity 10.4
Materials • assortment of objects assortment of objects Sorting and Grouping Objectson tion n
Procedure 1. In small groups, observe each object. Talk about the ways you can sort them into groups. 2. Sort the objects. Draw the objects in each group and tell how they are grouped. 3. Repeat Step 2, but sort them in a 3. Repeat sort th al ec they at Step 2, but tep 2, bu them in a em in a uc cedu erve eac sort them rawt different way. diffefferent way. ent way. 108
Draw and tell how you sorted the objects. Analyze and Interpret What are some other ways to sort the objects? Objects Grouped By: Objects Grouped By: Objects Grouped By: Objects Grouped By: Observations eg gRe alyze and In What are so gal R ducation ucation uc n edu u du de tion tio o ed 109
Activity 10.5
Materials • modeling clay Procedure 1. Take some modeling clay and roll it into a ball. Draw the ball on the next page. 2. Use your hands and fingers to change the ball of clay. Draw to show how you changed it. 3. Roll the modeling clay into a ball again. Repeat Step 2. This time change the ball in another way. Changing Matter Re Regal w to odeling c me chang all in other way. eduucationduc clay and next pa nd fing owh n 110
Analyze and Interpret Tell what you did to change the ball of clay. Ball of modeling clay: Ball of modeling clay: Change 1: Change 1: Change 2: Change 2: Observations eg gRe Tell what yo R gal education ation at n ducaed d a e 111
Activity 10.6
Circle the most suitable object to use. 1. Keira needs to water her plants. 2. Riley is trying to reach her doll. Suitable Objects Regal education reach her ach he ed n 112
3. Jordan needs to clean the spill. 4. Halle needs to remove the nail.edu move the na e the na ducation Reg
Engineer It!
Build a Bridge!
Cars and trucks are very heavy! When engineers n design a bridge, they need to make sure it is strong enough to hold all the vehicles. Now, it’s your turn! Design and build a bridge to move a toy car from one desk to another. • art and craft supplies • tape, scissors s • toy cars Materials ppal educa her. • plastic cup • marbles
Draw a Model 1. Move two desks apart. 2. Using the craft supplies, design a bridge to get the toy car from one desk to the other. 3. Draw a model of what you plan to build. 4. Build and test your bridge. 5. Place a plastic cup on the bridge. Test how many marbles the bridge can hold. e R Regal edu ed le ducation ge to get other. to build. bridge. bles the brid
Analyze and Interpret 1. What materials did you use? Why? 2. What could you do to improve your bridge? Reggal al al l g ga education o improve ion ion on edu edu d atio attio tiuca uca ca 116
What materials are used to make bridges? Why?n Why?
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Activity 10.7
Is It a Solid or a Liquid?
• different types of solid and liquid matter different types of solid and liquid m c ca on tion atter matter ter n
Procedure 1. Use your senses of sight and touch to observe the different objects. 2. Sort the objects as solids or liquids.Regga Use your s he diffe ort
Analyze and Interpret 1. How could you tell which things were solids? 2. How could you tell which things were liquids? Solids: Solids: Liquids: Liquids: Observations l Rega uld you te 2. ow cou RegaegR e education cation ca n educa c 119
(a) You are matter. (b) Water and air are matter. 1. True ( ) or false ( ). 2. Write two words to describe the marbles. 3. Circle the best tool to help Chelsea get her schoolbag. Regal g g educa duc duc ucedu ed cation n ati the marb to hel
4. Use the words in the box to label the different states of matter. (a) (b) (c) gas liquid solid Regal education duca uca ca 121