Media influence on customer purchase

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INFLUENCE OF MEDIA PRODUCTION ON CUSTOMERS PURCHASE :IMPRESS TELEFILM PRIVATE LTD. 1.1 Introduction The role of media production houses in Bangladesh is very important in the field of entertainment, social and cultural perspectives, creative works, building awareness, and employment for the artists, professionals and technical experts. Several media production houses have already been established in Bangladesh to serve those fields mentioned above. Impress Telefilm is one of the leading media production house in Bangladesh engaged in a wide range of activities including production of films, Drama & Drama serials, Music videos, Magazine Program, Musical Program, Documentaries and TV commercials. It also provides full professional & technical support to interested parties and individuals for production of short films, Drama serials, Commercials, Musical Program, Documentaries etc. So, Impress Telefilm has a great scope to make the world class audio, video productions, to make the artists popular across the country and worldwide and to provide the professionals and technical experts the highly developed technology to enhance their creativity. But to make those things happen they must assure their desired level of business which largely depends on the customer’s purchase decision to purchase the media productions of the company. They must examine those factors that are directly related to customer’s purchase decision towards the productions of “Impress Telefilm” to run the business. 1.2 Background of The Study Now a day’s customer wants different kinds of entertainment elements including films and drama. Hence according to the demand of the customer, media production houses are growing rapidly. As electronic media is the largest source of entertainment people mostly prefer it for entertainment purpose. Their expectations and needs are driven through technology, creativity, innovation and many more things. Customers want assurance that the product of the production houses will satisfy them through their variety of productions. “Impress Telefilm Ltd” as a media production house is needs to provide this assurance, more importantly need to ensure customer’s desire on media productions to influence their purchase decision. Without this, survival in a competitive market would not be possible. For that purpose they need to play an important role at promotional campaign, distribution system, ensure production quality and variety of the production. The uses of these terms are prevalent for the assurance of quality production which will be maintained through end user. Impress Telefilm Ltd is promised to serve their customers by providing those factors as it declares itself as a “Quality Production House”. 1.3 Problem Definition The intrinsic and the extrinsic cues of product have great Influence on customer’s purchase decisions. So a media production house must consider that whether they are determining those factors related to their product to fulfill customer’s demand. “Impress Telefilm Ltd” as a well established media production house must determine that whether they are being able to fulfilling those factors with their current operations. They must measure those factors that can influence customer’s purchase decision towards the product of the company to ensure desired level of business. Following those factors I have decided to do my research project on the “Factors influencing customer’s purchase decision towards the media productions of “Impress Telefilm Ltd”.

Objectives of the research: 2.1 Broad objective: The broad objective of research is to find out the most important factors on which the customer’s purchase decision about media productions is highly dependent and determining their relationship. 2.2 Specific objectives: • To determine the necessity of promotional campaign on the customer’s purchase decision. • To determine the assurance of proper distribution system to influence customer’s purchase decision. • To determine the distinct quality as an important factor to influence customer’s purchase decision. • To determine the variety in production as an important factor to influence customer’s purchase decision. • Finally, to determine the relationship of those factors with the customer’s purchase decision. 2.3 Research Questions • To determine whether any further extensive promotional campaign should be conducted to influence the customer’s purchase decision. • To determine whether distribution system is working properly to influence the customer’s purchase decision towards media production of Impress Telefilm. • To determine whether the quality of the production is helping Impress Telefilm” to influence the customers purchase decision. • To determine whether variety in production can help the company to influence the customers purchase decision. • Finally, overall customer’s purchase decision that will ultimately enhance the business of Impress Telefilm. 2.4 Hypotheses Based on the Research Question, I have developed following hypothesis, H1: Extensive promotional campaign is required to gradually influence customer’s purchase decision towards media production of “Impress Telefilm”. H2: Distribution system is working at a satisfactory level to drive the customers to purchase the products of “Impress Telefilm. H3: Distinct quality of the production is helping “Impress Telefilm” to influence customers to purchase their product. H4: “Impress Telefilm” can influence customer’s purchase decision through increasing product variety. RESEARCH DESIGN: The type of design that I used in this research is called causal research design. Because I tried to find out the important factors that have substantial influence on the customers purchase

decision of media productions and their relationship. Data analysis will be quantitative and my findings will help the production house “Impress Telefilm” in making their decisions. 3.1 Questionnaire Design • A formal and several informal discussions were held to get some insights regarding the problems I had dealt with. • After having the couple of discussions with industry experts as well as with focused group I came out with the four factors which helped me to complete this research paper. • A Questionnaire consists of thirty questions are developed to conduct this research. • The questionnaire consists of six Dichotomous questions and twenty four questions were set using “Likert scale”. • A Likert scale was used to question the respondents on the five point scale. The respondents were asked to rate on the scale between Strongly Agree and Strongly Disagree. 3.2 Sample Selection To select the sample we have used non-probabilistic sampling method and which is convenient sample. A sample size of 40 students is used to conduct the research. The respondents of the sample were mainly the students of East West University as it is easy for me to collect data from the campus. Though there are some criticisms about the use of student as respondent of any sample but many of the researchers used student as sample. 3.4 Validity Since this research had limitations in terms of time and scope my research is limited to the reliability. As a result less attention was given to validity. 3.5 Measurement of the variables A total of 23 items were constructed to get the data on five variables where four were independent and the remaining was dependent. Reliability and internal consistency of the multi item scales for each of the constructs were measured using Cronbach Coefficient Alpha. Based on the assessment a total of 24 items measuring the constructs were finally retained for final use. Coefficient alpha values were computed for each construct separately which ranged from point 0.0286 to 0.8364. Dimensions Promotion Distribution Quality Variety Purchase decision

No. of Items 5 4 5 6 3

Alpha(α) values .7336 .0286 .6284 .5375 .8364

DATA ANALYSIS: Analysis Technique First of all, we found the frequency distribution of the six dichotomous questions. Then we can determine the reliability test to find out the correlation ship among the questions to find out the consistency. we was able to maintain to keep all the questions. Then mean were identified for all the independent variables which were, Promotion, Distribution, Quality and Variety and one dependent variable which was Purchase decision. At the end of my analysis we came up with the regression analysis and we used linear regression for my analysis. RESULTS AND FINDINGS: Question 01: Dear respondent are you became familiar with the movies and dramas produced by some newly production house in Bangladesh?

Findings: From the respondents100% familiar. Interpretation: All the respondents are familiar with the name of Impress Telefilm. Question 02: Do you enjoy the movies/dramas that are made by some newly alternative production house?

Findings: 52% of respondents usually enjoy movies/dramas that are made by some newly alternative production house. Interpretation: There is a variation of the respondents regarding enjoying movies/dramas that are made by some newly alternative production house. Question 03: Are you familiar with the name of “Impress Telefilm”.

Findings: 100% respondents are familiar with the name of “Impress Telefilm”. Interpretation: All of the respondents are familiar with “Impress Telefilm”. Question 04: Do you usually watch the movies/dramas of “Impress Telefilm?

Findings: 70% of the respondents usually watch the movies/dramas of “Impress Telefilm”. Interpretation: Most of the respondents usually watch the the movies/dramas of “Impress Telefilm”. Question 05: What is your age?

Findings: From the respondents 52% are of the age of 20-25, 38% are of the age of 25-30 and 10% are of the age of 30-35. Interpretation: Most of my respondents fall in the range of 20-25, then second most respondents fall in the range of 25-30 and only a few respondents fall in the range of 30-35. Question 06: What is your gender?

Findings: 65% of the respondents are male and 35% of the respondents are female. Interpretation: Both the male and female are participated in the research. Question 07: Next time when I will buy a DVD, I will …………..

Findings: 42% of the respondents definitely buy, 40% of the respondents may be buying, and 18% of the respondents definitely will not buy a DVD of “Impress Telefilm”. Interpretation: There is a mixed perception towards buying of DVD of “Impress Telefilm.” Findings of Research In this section hypothesis based on the four factors that influence sales of Impress Telefilm are being analyzed. 5.1 Hypothesis Testing

H1: Extensive promotional campaign is required to gradually influence customer’s purchase decision towards media production of “Impress Telefilm”. Independent Variable

Standardized Regression Coefficient (b)

t- value






From the above table, the p-value (1-tailed) for the test is 0.016. Since the p-value is smaller than the α-value (i.e. 0.05), H1 is accepted. That means further promotional campaign is required to gradually influence customer’s purchase decision towards media production of “Impress Telefilm”. H2: Distribution system is working at a satisfactory level to drive the customers to purchase the products of “Impress Telefilm. Independent Variable

Standardized Regression Coefficient (b)

t- value






From the above table, the p-value (1-tailed) for the test is 0.775. Since the p-value is greater than the α-value (i.e. 0.05), H2 is rejected. H3: Distinct quality of the production is helping “Impress Telefilm” to influence customers to purchase their product. Independent Variable

Standardized Regression Coefficient (b)

t- value






From the above table, the p-value (1-tailed) for the test is 0.139. Since the p-value is greater than the α-value (i.e. 0.05), H3 is rejected. H4: “Impress Telefilm” can influence customer’s purchase decision through increasing product variety. Independent Variable

Standardized Regression Coefficient (b)

t- value






From the above table, the p-value (1-tailed) for the test is 0.558. Since the p-value is greater than the α-value (i.e. 0.05), H4 is rejected. 5.2 Regression Analysis Model Summary Mod R R el Square




Adjuste Std. Change Statistics d R Error of Square the F df1 Estimate R Square Change Change .167 .52905 .253 2.961 4


Sig. F Change



 From the regression analysis, I have found that the Value of R Square is .253 or 25.3%.  That means independent variable (Promotion, Distribution, Quality, Program Variety) has 25.3% impact over the dependent variable (Customer’s purchase decision about media productions).  In other words, the dependent variable (Customer’s purchase decision) can be influenced 25.3% by the independent variable (promotion, distribution, quality, production Variety). 5.3 Findings  In this study of regression model analysis I tried to find out some of the important factors which influence customer’s purchase decision towards the media production of “Impress Telefilm”.  The four factors Promotion, Distribution, Quality and Production variety which influence the customer’s purchase decision towards Impress Telefim.  The Result indicates that the adequate level of Distribution facility, Quality and Production Variety have a great scope to positively influence the customer’s purchase decision towards the media production of “Impress Telefilm”.  But according to my analysis, I found that further promotional campaign is required to influence customer’s purchase decision towards media production of “Impress Telefilm” cause the extent of existing promotions are not good enough.. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION In this report customer’s purchase decision towards the media productions were tested using some independent variables. Through this report we tried to measure the effect of promotion, distribution, distinct quality and production verity on the customer’s purchase decision of media productions. However, the development in the distribution channel, distinct quality and production verity can positively influence the customer’s purchase decision. But a contradictory result occurred in the case of promotional campaign requirement and the independent variable that is promotion, distribution, distinct quality, production variety has only 25.3% impact over the dependent variable that is customer’s purchase decision about media productions. The reason might be many other factors may have influence on customer’s purchase decision about media productions of “Impress Telefilm”. We would recommend any further exploratory or conclusive

research to have better idea or adequate information on which we can make much better decisions for the production house.

BIBLIOGRAPHY  Marketing Research, Naresh K Malhotra, 5th Edition,  Generalizability of Perceived Quality Measures  Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics. Lind Douglas A., William G. Marchal, Samuel A. Wathen. 11th edition.  Annual Report of Impress Telefilm Ltd  Website of Impress Telefilm Ltd.  A Study of Audience from Bangladesh Television. APPENDIX Test of Research Frequency Table of Question 1 Familiar with the movies and dramas produced by some newly production house in Bangladesh Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Yes 40 100.0 100.0 100.0

Frequency Table of Question 2 Do you enjoy the movies/dramas that are made by some newly alternative production house?

Valid No Yes Total

Frequenc y 19 21 40

Percent 47.5 52.5 100.0

Valid Percent 47.5 52.5 100.0

Cumulative Percent 47.5 100.0

Valid Percent 100.0

Cumulative Percent 100.0

Frequency Table of Question 3 Are you familiar with the name of "Impress Telefilm".

Valid Yes

Frequenc y Percent 40 100.0

Frequency Table of Question 4 Do you usually watch the movies/dramas of "Impress Telefilm".

Valid No Yes Total

Frequenc y 12 28 40

Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0

Valid Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 30.0 100.0

Valid Percent 52.5 37.5 10.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 52.5 90.0 100.0

Frequency Table of Question 28 What is your age? Frequenc y Valid 20-25 21 25-30 15 30-35 4 Total 40

Frequency Table of Question 29

Percent 52.5 37.5 10.0 100.0

Gender Frequenc y Percent 26 65.0


Male Femal 14 e Total 40

Valid Percent 65.0

Cumulative Percent 65.0






Frequency Table of Question 30 Next time when I will buy a DVD, I will …………..


Definitely buy Of the DVD of "Impress Telefilm" May buy the DVD of "Impress Telefilm". Definitely not buy the DVD of "Impress Telefilm". Total

Frequenc y Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent
















Test of Research Reliability (Promotion) ****** Method 1 (space saver) will be used for this analysis ****** R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Mean 1. 2.


Std Dev

3.6500 3.7750


.7696 .7334

40.0 40.0

3. 4. 5.


3.5000 4.0250 3.3750

.9058 .8002 1.0300

40.0 40.0 40.0

Item-total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted PROM_5 PROM_6 PROM_7 PROM_8 PROM_9

Scale Corrected Variance ItemAlpha if Item Total if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

14.6750 14.5500 14.8250 14.3000 14.9500

6.7378 6.5615 6.1994 5.6513 5.0231

.3780 .4634 .4036 .6699 .5970

.7279 .7005 .7244 .6228 .6456

Reliability Coefficients N of Cases =


N of Items = 5

Alpha = .7336

Reliability (Distribution) ****** Method 1 (space saver) will be used for this analysis ****** _ R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Mean 1. 2. 3. 4.


Item-total Statistics

Std Dev

3.4000 3.3000 3.9500 3.5000


1.0077 .9115 1.0365 .9058

40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0

Scale Mean if Item Deleted DISTR_10 DISTR_11 DISTR_12 DISTR_13

Scale Corrected Variance ItemAlpha if Item Total if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

10.7500 10.8500 10.2000 10.6500

2.3462 3.7718 2.8821 2.3872

.1495 -.2202 -.0379 .2199

-.2426 .3426 .1121 -.3351

Reliability Coefficients N of Cases =


N of Items = 4

Alpha = .0286 Reliability (Quality) ****** Method 1 (space saver) will be used for this analysis ****** _

R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Mean 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Std Dev 3.2500 3.9250 3.6250 3.5500 3.7500

Cases .8987 .8286 .8066 .8756 .8086

40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0

Item-total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted QUAL_14 QUAL_15

Scale Corrected Variance ItemAlpha if Item Total if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

14.8500 14.1750

5.2590 5.1224

.2675 .3627

.6342 .5840


14.4750 14.5500 14.3500

4.7173 4.8179 5.1564

.5141 .4122 .3701

.5095 .5588 .5805

Reliability Coefficients N of Cases =


N of Items = 5

Alpha = .6284

Reliability (Variety) ****** Method 1 (space saver) will be used for this analysis ******

R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Mean 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Std Dev

3.7500 3.7500 3.3000 2.8750 2.8500 2.7000


.7763 .6304 .9661 .8530 .8336 .9661

40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0

Item-total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted VARI_19 VARI_20 VARI_21 VARI_22 VARI_23 VARI_24

Scale Corrected Variance ItemAlpha if Item Total if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

15.4750 15.4750 15.9250 16.3500 16.3750 16.5250

6.7173 7.3327 5.4045 5.0026 5.2660 5.6404

.1115 .0113 .3185 .5342 .4725 .2604

.5640 .5866 .4738 .3601 .3968 .5063

Reliability Coefficients N of Cases =


N of Items = 6

Alpha = .5375 Reliability (Purchase Decision) ****** Method 1 (space saver) will be used for this analysis ****** _

R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Mean 1. 2. 3.


Std Dev

3.6000 3.7500 3.6500


.6718 .6304 .6998

40.0 40.0 40.0

Item-total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted PERCEP_1 PERCP_2 PERCEP_3

Scale Corrected Variance ItemAlpha if Item Total if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

7.4000 7.2500 7.3500

1.5795 1.3718 1.4128

.5892 .8508 .6751

Reliability Coefficients N of Cases =


Alpha = .8364 Regression

N of Items = 3

.8766 .6280 .7985

Descriptive Statistics



Std. Deviation





3.67 3.54 3.62 3.20

.595 .489 .536 .465

40 40 40 40 Correlations

Pearson Correlation

Sig. tailed)



PURCH 1.000 .431 .181 .325 .148 . .003 .132 .020 .181 40 40 40 40 40

Descriptive Statistics



Std. Deviation





3.67 3.54 3.62 3.20

.595 .489 .536 .465

40 40 40 40

Variables Entered/Removed(b) Mode Variables



PROM .431 1.000 .269 .208 .065 .003 . .046 .098 .345 40 40 40 40 40

DISTR .181 .269 1.000 .462 .097 .132 .046 . .001 .275 40 40 40 40 40

QUALI .325 .208 .462 1.000 .158 .020 .098 .001 . .164 40 40 40 40 40

VARIE .148 .065 .097 .158 1.000 .181 .345 .275 .164 . 40 40 40 40 40

l 1

Entered Removed VARIE, PROM, . Enter QUALI, DISTR(a) a All requested variables entered. b Dependent Variable: PURCH Model Summary Change Statistics Adjuste Std. Error R Mod R d R of the Square F el R Square Square Estimate Change Change 1 .503(a) .253 .167 .529 .253 2.961 a Predictors: (Constant), VARIE, PROM, QUALI, DISTR

df1 4

df2 35

Sig. Change .033

ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares df

Model 1

Mean Square



Regressi 3.315 4 .829 2.961 on Residual 9.796 35 .280 Total 13.111 39 a Predictors: (Constant), VARIE, PROM, QUALI, DISTR b Dependent Variable: PURCH





Unstandardized Coefficients Std. B Error (Const 1.291 ant) PRO .380 M DIST -.053

Standardiz ed Coefficient s t




95% Confidence Interval for B Lower Upper Bound Bound


















R QUAL .280 .181 VARI .051 .166 E a Dependent Variable: PURCH











Coefficient Correlations(a) Model 1

Correlat VARIE ions PROM QUALI DISTR Covaria VARIE nces PROM QUALI DISTR a Dependent Variable: PURCH

VARIE 1.000 -.028 -.125 -.021 .034 -.001 -.004 -.001

PROM -.028 1.000 -.094 -.199 -.001 .022 -.003 -.006

QUALI -.125 -.094 1.000 -.425 -.004 -.003 .033 -.015

DISTR -.021 -.199 -.425 1.000 -.001 -.006 -.015 .040

Collinearity Diagnostics(a) Variance Proportions Dimensi Eigenvalu Condition (Constant Model on e Index ) PROM 1 1 4.943 1.000 .00 .00 2 .021 15.193 .00 .51 3 .019 16.276 .00 .34 4 .010 21.780 .01 .05 5 .007 27.463 .98 .10 a Dependent Variable: PURCH

DISTR .00 .01 .14 .68 .17

QUALI .00 .00 .30 .68 .02

VARIE .00 .46 .19 .00 .35

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