Media influence on customer purchase

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INFLUENCE OF MEDIA PRODUCTION ON CUSTOMERS PURCHASE :IMPRESS TELEFILM PRIVATE LTD. 1.1 Introduction The role of media production houses in Bangladesh is very important in the field of entertainment, social and cultural perspectives, creative works, building awareness, and employment for the artists, professionals and technical experts. Several media production houses have already been established in Bangladesh to serve those fields mentioned above. Impress Telefilm is one of the leading media production house in Bangladesh engaged in a wide range of activities including production of films, Drama & Drama serials, Music videos, Magazine Program, Musical Program, Documentaries and TV commercials. It also provides full professional & technical support to interested parties and individuals for production of short films, Drama serials, Commercials, Musical Program, Documentaries etc. So, Impress Telefilm has a great scope to make the world class audio, video productions, to make the artists popular across the country and worldwide and to provide the professionals and technical experts the highly developed technology to enhance their creativity. But to make those things happen they must assure their desired level of business which largely depends on the customer’s purchase decision to purchase the media productions of the company. They must examine those factors that are directly related to customer’s purchase decision towards the productions of “Impress Telefilm” to run the business. 1.2 Background of The Study Now a day’s customer wants different kinds of entertainment elements including films and drama. Hence according to the demand of the customer, media production houses are growing rapidly. As electronic media is the largest source of entertainment people mostly prefer it for entertainment purpose. Their expectations and needs are driven through technology, creativity, innovation and many more things. Customers want assurance that the product of the production houses will satisfy them through their variety of productions. “Impress Telefilm Ltd” as a media production house is needs to provide this assurance, more importantly need to ensure customer’s desire on media productions to influence their purchase decision. Without this, survival in a competitive market would not be possible. For that purpose they need to play an important role at promotional campaign, distribution system, ensure production quality and variety of the production. The uses of these terms are prevalent for the assurance of quality production which will be maintained through end user. Impress Telefilm Ltd is promised to serve their customers by providing those factors as it declares itself as a “Quality Production House”. 1.3 Problem Definition The intrinsic and the extrinsic cues of product have great Influence on customer’s purchase decisions. So a media production house must consider that whether they are determining those factors related to their product to fulfill customer’s demand. “Impress Telefilm Ltd” as a well established media production house must determine that whether they are being able to fulfilling those factors with their current operations. They must measure those factors that can influence customer’s purchase decision towards the product of the company to ensure desired level of business. Following those factors I have decided to do my research project on the “Factors influencing customer’s purchase decision towards the media productions of “Impress Telefilm Ltd”.

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