Issue 21
Complimentary Copy (£2.50 where sold)
Mens Fashions Bits for blokes
WOW looks at the finer details.
June 2010
Who’s the Daddy Gift ideas
for Father’s Day
Events Music
Days out
and things to do
Gig listings Who’s playing in June
Competitions Win tickets to : James Morrison Will Young Let’s Hang On Cadbury World Dancing Queen
The essential guide to what’s on in the Midlands
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The essential guide to what’s on in the Midlands 2
UP FRONT – latest news from our region.
THEATRE – We look at a few productions coming the stage this June.
WOW Ladies That Do - page 40 3DTV - page 22
MUSIC – Gigs in the region.
COMEDY – Bags of Laughs
MOVIES – Previews of releases for this month
WOW Interview - We get to talk to Robin Maughan of Let’s Hang On
20 ARTS – 4 pages of creative stuff 24 FASHION – It’s a man’s world! Frankly speaking - page 19
26 HAIR & BEAUTY – Looking and feeling your best. 29 EVENTS – Lots of things to do in June. 34 WOW KIDS – Mmmmmm! 36 WEDDINGS - WOW previews the Ladywood
Mazda 6 Facelift - page 42
Wedding Fayre 38 LADIES THAT DO... Get posing!
WOW What’s On Where is published by WOW Publishing Limited, 50 St Mary’s Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7DU. TEL: 01858 439999. FAx: 01858 469008. EMAIL: WEBSITE:
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Tracy Webber. FEATURE WRITERS: Leon Gray, Derek Hammond, Elaine Lavender, Matt Bozeat. MOTORING EDITOR: Tim Barnes-Clay MOVIES EDITOR: Jaz Cox CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Reg Cox. DESIGNERS: Lissa Reynolds, Tracey Flaxmer, Paul Condie. SALES DIRECTOR: Paul Calcott. SALES MANAGER: Roger Holcombe.
WOW Publishing Ltd 2009/10.
PICTURE CREDITS: Cover; iStock photo. pp26; Dreamstime.
40 DAD’S DAY GIFT IDEAS - WOW looks at the top buys for Father’s Day. 42 MOTORING – WOW drives the Mazda 6 Facelift 46 WIN WITH WOW – Competitions and reader offers 47 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY – Big ones & small ones. 48 SECRET MIDLANDS – Hallaton
This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form in whole or in part without the permission of the publishers. Liability: while every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information herein, or any consequence arising from it.
A BIG THANKS TO ABBY EAMES - without you we would never have found our way out of Stoke Bruerne!
WOW June 2010
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Beijing Fundraising - latest news $IJOB 5PVS %JOOFS %BODF 'VOE SBJTJOH $PODFSU TFU UP TFMM PVU
F70C{B >= Sun 13th June LuBenham Jazz Picnic in the afternoon at Lubenham Village Green in aid of the Beijing tour and the Village Green (50/50 split). Both the Jazz Band and Soul Patrol will be playing. Free entrance. Bring own picnic. there will be some stalls selling refreshments also. Sun, 7th June â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Jazz On a Summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Day Jazz Band is opening the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Jazz on a Summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; organised by market harborough Jazz club at Lamport hall. they will be on from 1.30 pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; .30 pm and after us there will be two other jazz groups: harborough Jazz combo at 3 pm and the headlining pro act Simon Spillett Quartet at 4.00 pm. tickets are ÂŁ 0 for adults and ÂŁ10 for children under 16 on the door, or ÂŁ18 and ÂŁ9 in advance from rob De Barker on 01858 466737. Sat JuLy 3 - auctiOn an auction will take place in the main school hall on Burnmill road with viewing will be from 9 amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;10 am with the auction from 10 amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;11 am. it will be led by John Gilding from Gildings auctioneers. items include a
WOW June 010
second hand yamaha flute, a clarinet, a second hand piano, a signed Leicester tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; shirt previously worn by martin corry, a signed Leicester tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rugby Ball, a rugby shirt signed by the england national team, and various Formula 1 merchandise supplied by Bernie ecclestone. anyone wishing to donate an item for the auction, please contact mrs Petersen or mrs Dyke by emailing office@ or phoning 01858 440770. Sat 3 & Sun 4 JuLy - StamFOrD riVerSiDe FeStiVaL the Jazz Band has been selected, following the submission of audition materials, to perform at the Stamford riverside Festival which takes place during on 3rd-4th July. 670 bands applied to perform at the festival which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. the Jazz Band will be performing on the main stage, the riverside Stage, at 1 noon on Sunday, 4th July. entry to the festival, which has 3 stages and is expected to attract about 0,000 over the two days, is free. For more info go to WeD JuLy 7 - SOuL PatrOL at mFy natiOnaL FeStiVaL
The Robert Smyth School Jazz and Soul Bands were recently chosen to represent the UK at the International Society for Music Education 29th World Conference in Beijing in August, but need to raise the ÂŁ55,000 need-
ed for the trip. WOW keeps you up to date with the latest events and fundraising activities. To find out more or to help with fund raising you can email
On Tuesday, 25th May, Soul Patrol were at the Primary Proms at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham, where they had been invited by Music for Youth, for the second time, to entertain over 2,000 of primary school children! Soul Patrol has, for the third time, made it through to the music for youth national Festival (rock, Pop and urban category) at the O academy in Birmingham on Wednesday, 7th July. this is the uKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest youth music festival. Only about 5 of the several hundred groups who took part in the regional festivals were selected. For ticket info go to uk. tickets are likely to sell out fast. Fri JuLy 9 Dinner anD Dance in the evening the groups are holding a Dinner and Dance
fund-raising concert in the main school hall to raise money for the tour to Beijing in august. Doors will open at 7.00 pm. the music will start at 7.30 pm with the Jazz Band, followed by the Jazz Quintet during the dinner, and finally Soul Patrol for the post-dinner dance. tickets will be ÂŁ 0 (ÂŁ10 for children aged 1 and under) and will include a welcome drink, a cold meat/vegetarian buffet and a selection of desserts. there will be a fully licensed pay bar. tickets will go on sale the week commencing 7th June from Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reception (01858 440770) and aBc music
61 '30/5
Harborough cinema )BSCPSPVHI 4DSFFO DBNQBJHO MPPLJOH UP EFMJWFS B $JOFNB UP UPXO BGUFS ZFBST JO UIF EBSL At the start of May the Harborough Cinema campaign launched a fund to raise £50,000 to refurbish a mobile cinema unit that the town has been gifted. The unit, known as the ‘Screen Machine’ has toured around the Highlands and has entertained the troops in Basra. The ‘Harborough Screen’ will run a programme of up to 4 films a day with plans to programme a mix of recent box office hits, critically acclaimed films and classics to keep all elements of the town satisfied. At least 6 different movies will be shown every week to appeal to children, teenagers, adults and pensioners. After
refurbishment the unit will seat up to 90 people in comfort. Tickets will be available on the day or can be booked in advance online or reserved on phone. The campaign is asking local businesses to sponsor seats at £250 each and the public to become members of the cinema in advance of the opening. Annual membership cost £50 for adults, £80 for couples and £100 for families. “In the 3 weeks since the launch, more than £30,000 has been pledged and we are very optimistic of raising enough money to complete the project. The sooner we raise the money, the sooner the
cinema can open” comments Campaign Co-ordinator Alastair Campbell. “Although we are asking everybody in the town to become members now, their membership will only go ‘live’ when the cinema opens so they won’t lose out. In fact, we are totally relying on the
people of Harborough to make this project happen. For the first time in 2 generations it is our chance to have a cinema. What a great achievement for the town it will be” Membership forms can be downloaded from www.
We’re backing Becki Network for Heroes 5PEBZ -FJDFTUFSe UPNPSSPX .JTT 8PSME FRI 04 JUNE Rebecca Durrant from Kibworth, is WOW’s Tip for the Top in the finals of the Miss Leicester competition, to be held at the City Rooms on Friday 4 June. We’re backing Becki, who is proudly sponsored by Halo jewellers in Market Harborough, to win the title and a place in the Miss England final! “I knew nothing about it until I received an email announcing I’d reached the semi-finals,” Becki tells us. “Only then did I find out my mum had sent off a photo and entered me!” Currently working as an optical assistant, the admirably grounded Ms. Durrant is planning to return to uni in September to
study criminology. But can she pull off both her beauty queen and police force ambitions? “I’d love to represent the city as a positive role model for young girls,” says Becki, “I’m a bit of DIY girl when it comes to my beauty regime. I think it’s important to be your own person when it comes to style – an important factor to looking great is to embrace your shape.” And when it comes to a community role, “In previous years Miss England contestants have raised £200,000 for charities around the country.” Vote for Becki! by texting 21REBECCA to 84205 More info: www.missengland. info/regionals/leicester
#/* FWFOU JO BJE PG )FMQ GPS )FSPFT WED 16 JUNE The Welland Chapter of BNI is inviting businesses from the Harborough area to a wine and cheese party at The Angel Hotel at 6pm on June 16th to learn about the power of networking. BNI is the most successful referral organisation in the world. The organisation allows only one person from each trade or profession to join a chapter. Richard Trustram Eve, Chapter Director of the Welland Chapter says: ‘Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of sales people working for you because all the other members carry copies of your card with them. When they meet someone new that could use your products or services they hand out your card and personally recommend your services’.
Wine and food will be provided by two successful Market Harborough businesses, Award-Winning Independent Wine Merchant Duncan Murray and popular Delicatessen Emerson and West. During the Evening funds will be raised through a raffle for “Help for Heroes” (H4H), the Chapter’s nominated Charity. It promises to be an informative and fun evening. Entrance is free, but must be by prior notification. .
For more information or if you wish to attend please contact: Karen Walters on or call 0845 269 9416.
WOW June 2010
monty python’s Spamalot " OFX NVTJDBM MPWJOHMZ SJQQFE PGG GSPN .POUZ 1ZUIPO BOE UIF )PMZ (SBJM #Z &SJD *EMF BOE +PIO %V 1SF[ mON 7 - Sat 12 JUNE Really, really famous and much loved (we were forced to say that) TV actor Todd Carty will bang two coconuts together in the UK Tour of Spamalot, joining the cast as Patsy. He will start off in Wimbledon and then drag himself on stage at every venue on the tour, until he bunks off after High Wycombe (possibly). “The most infectiously funny musical of the millennium” (Eric Idle), Monty Python’s Spamalot, began a sweeping tour of the UK in May 2010. Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Spamalot is an almost-new musical with a book by Eric Idle and an entirely new score, (well, almost) created by Eric Idle and John Du Prez. Audiences all around the world have been roaring with laughter since Monty Python’s Spamalot won the Tony Award for Best Musical in 2005. Spamalot tells the legendary tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and features a bevy (or possibly a brace) of beautiful show girls, witch burnings (cancelled due to health and safety)
not to mention cows, killer rabbits and French people. The show features fantastic tunes which are catchier than the plague He Is Not Dead Yet, Knights of the Round Table, Find Your Grail and of course the Nation’s Favourite Comedy Song (Reader’s Digest Poll 2009) Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. SpamalOt is at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham from Mon 7 Sat 12 June. Tickets priced £14.00 - £37.50. For tickets call the box office on 0115 989 5555 or visit:
a midsummer Night’s Dream +PJO VT PO UIF EBZ PG 5IFTFVT BOE )JQQPMZUBoT XFEEJOH tUES 8 - Sat 12 JUNE A day of love and romance with entertainment provided by local craftsmen – “The course of true love never did run smooth”. When the mischievous fairy Puck plays a trick in the forest, a complete farce ensues leaving Hermia & Lysander and Helena & Demetrius tangled up in a complex love square! Then when Oberon, the King of the Fairies uses magic on his Queen, Titania, there is even more hilarious confusion and mis-guided affection!
WOW June 2010
The Castle’s Artistic Director, Nik Ashton, directs this high-energy and hilarious play, featuring a cast of 100 community performers. Nik will be joined by voice coach, Neil Swain who was a member of the voice department at the RSC for 3 years and has recently worked on films including An Education and Atonement. Neil has worked for theatre companies including The National Theatre, The Royal Court, and The Donmar Warehouse; and actors in-
cluding Helena Bonham Carter, Daniel Craig, Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Helen Mirren and Kevin Spacey. Participants will get to work alongside movement director Ann Yee who is currently working on Henry V at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Featuring a specially commissioned original musical score and energetic and beautifully choreographed movement sequences, this is the perfect summer treat for Shakespeare fans and new-comers alike!
a miDSUmmEr Night’S DrEam is at The Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA from Tues 8 - Sat 12 June. Tickets priced from £8.50. For tickets call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit: www.
The Harder they Come 5IF BVUIFOUJD SFHHBF NVTJDBM TFOTBUJPO TUES 8 - SaT 12 JUNE The 1972 movie that took reggae to the world, The Harder They Come is set to take Britain by storm once again, live on stage, bringing original author Perry Henzellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quintessential tale of 70s Jamaica to life. As topical as ever, The Harder They Come is the acclaimed adaptation of the ground-breaking film starring Jimmy Cliff, featuring his classic songs such as You Can Get It If You Really Want It, Rivers of Babylon and the hit title track, The Harder They Come. An all
time classic film soundtrack and one of reggaeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best ever selling recordings, Cliffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songs remain as inspirational and relevant as when they were first written in the aftermath of Jamaicaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s early years of Independence. Now spectacularly staged with an acclaimed cast and full reggae band, the music comes alive in a powerful and life-affirming drama of broken dreams, wasted youth and redemption... the story of a Jamaican rebel with a cause. The show was written by the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s original producer/writer/
director, the late Perry Henzell, and first performed by an all-Jamaican cast. Since the opening London run, it has continued to attract enthusiastic audiences through its vivid characterisation, timeless music and dramatic bite. With the resonance of a modern fable of gangs, guns and disaffected youth, The Harder They Come has proved not only to be a gripping show, but also to be a potent cultural expression of contemporary Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ongoing issues of social exclusion, poverty and inner-city breakdown.
THE HaRDER THEY COME is at the Royal and Derngate from Tues 8 - Sat 12 June. Tickets priced ÂŁ10.00 - ÂŁ26.50. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:
Dangerous Liaisons .BQQB .VOEJ SFUVSO UP 8FMMJOHCPSPVHI XJUI UIFJS TVNQUVPVT BOE TFYZ BEBQUBUJPO PG %BOHFSPVT -JBJTPOT TUESDaY 22 JUNE Mappa Mundi, Walesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; most dynamic and popular theatre have produced a racy new stage adaptation of Pierre Choderlos de Laclosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1782 novel of lust, greed, deception, and romance. The original book was an overnight sensation and, simultaneously, the scandal of French society, which was bewitched by its exposĂŠ of the sexual mores of the aristocracy. Starring Kerion Self of BBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s My Family, along with some familiar Mappa Mundi faces, Dangerous Liaisons is a sumptuously mounted celebration of artful wickedness, betrayal, and sexual intrigue among depraved 18th Century French aristocrats, which promises audiences seductively decadent fun.
Set amongst the glittering chandeliers and marble salons of Paris, Dangerous Liaisons, the story unfolds through a series of letters written by the idle rich, as each missive exposes plots and counterplots until sexual corruption and the desire for vengeance propels the story to its tragic ending. Bringing to it the panache and flair which theatre audiences have long associated with Mappa Mundiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work, Dangerous Liaisons is sophisticated, witty, yet raucous; it is dark, sensual, and insightful. Most of all, it is very, very sexy. DaNGEROUS LIaISONS is at The Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA on Tues 22 June. Tickets priced ÂŁ16.00 (ÂŁ14.00). For tickets call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit:
Subscribe to WOW Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On Where for only ÂŁ20 a year, and get all the latest news hot off the press. For details see the ad on our classifieds pages.
WOW June 2010
the 39 steps 5IF 8FTU &OEoT MPOHFTU SVOOJOH DPNFEZ 5IF 4UFQT MOn 14 - sat 19 JUne This blissfully funny show follows the incredible adventures of our handsome hero Richard Hannay, complete with stiff upper lip, British gung-ho and pencil moustache as he encounters dastardly murders, double-crossing secret agents, and, of course, devastatingly beautiful women. Maria Aitkenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s multi awardwinning produc-
tion contains every single legendary scene from the 1935 classic Hitchcock movie thriller, including the chase on the Flying Scotsman, the escape on the Forth Bridge, the first theatrical bi-plane crash ever staged and the sensational death-defying finale in the London Palladium, as well as the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;stockings and suspenders sceneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, considered controversial at the time of the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s release.
the 39 steps is at the Theatre Royal Nottingham from Mon 14 - Sat 19 June. Tickets priced ÂŁ11.00 - ÂŁ25.00. For tickets call the box office on 0115 989 5555 or visit: www.
decky does a bronco "XBSE XJOOJOH QSPEVDUJPO DPNJOH UP #FDLFUUoT 1BSL MOn 14 - sat 19 JUne As part of its Hometown season, Royal & Derngate brings Grid Ironâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s critically acclaimed, award-winning production Decky Does A Bronco to Beckettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Park. This site specific outdoor production is a boisterous look at the triumphs and trials of growing up as seen through the eyes of flourishing young Scottish writer Douglas Maxwell. Following its multi-award winning success at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2000, Decky Does A Bronco has received rapturous responses from audiences in the smallest of villages in the Scottish Highlands and Islands to the largest of British cities.
A theatrical event not to be missed it combines the physical dexterity of eight actors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all trained acrobats â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with brilliant new music and a beautifully written script. decky dOes a brOncO is at Beckettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Park from Mon 14 - Sat 19 June. Tickets priced ÂŁ11.00 - ÂŁ27.50. For tickets call the box office on 0115 989 5555 or visit:
dancing queen
thUrs 8 - sat 10 JUly Celebrating timeless hits from the pop phenomenon Abba and hot on the heels of the huge success of the Broadway Musical â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mamma Miaâ&#x20AC;? this outrageous glittering production is a non-stop, fun filled party for everyone. Dancing Queen will come to the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham. Guaranteed to have everyone dancing, singing and
WOW June 2010
swinging in the aisles. So dig out those flares, put on your dancing shoes andâ&#x20AC;Ś Get ready for the biggest party ever!
dancing qUeen is at the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham from Thurs 8 - Sat 10 July. Tickets priced ÂŁ24.50 - ÂŁ18.50. For tickets call the box office on 0115 989 5555 or visit: www.
Theatre comes home
XJUI OFX QMBZ CZ /PSUIBNQUPO XSJUFS Fri 18 June - saT 3 July The Royal & Derngate is focusing firmly back on Northampton, where as part of its Hometown season DC Mooreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brand new play Town, set in and around contemporary Northampton, takes to the Royal stage. Following his critically acclaimed Honest â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the one-man play which Royal & Derngate staged in the Mailcoach pub this spring â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Northampton writer
DC Mooreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Town poignantly explores enduring themes of identity, isolation and belonging, rooting them in modern life. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the chance to see the latest new play from this acclaimed young playwright. TOWn is at the Royal and Derngate from Fri 18 June Sat 3 July. Tickets priced ÂŁ15.00. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:
Guys and Dolls p/P NBUUFS IPX UFSSJCMF B GFMMPX TFFNT ZPV DBO OFWFS CF TVSF UIBU TPNF HJSM XPOoU HP GPS IJN q WeDs 2 June - saT 3 July This multi award winning Broadway musical, set amidst the hustle and bustle of New York City, follows larger than life characters as they sing and dance their way through a host of endless exploits. Professional gamblers, petty crooks, belligerent cops, earnest missionaries and enchanting dancers cavort through New
York as each pursues their own mission in this amusing and captivating production Guys & DOlls is at the Kilworth House Theatre, Lutterworth Road, North Kilworth, Leics, LE17 6JE from Weds 2 June Sat 3 July. For tickets call the box office on 01858 881939 or visit:
WOW June 2010
<DB82 .64*$
James Morrison
Once an Animalâ&#x20AC;Ś
ThURSDAy 15 JULy James Morrison won the Brit Award for Best British Male Solo Artist in 2007. His debut single You Give Me Something was a huge hit in Europe, Australia and Japan while his multi-platinum selling debut album Undiscovered was number one in the UK Albums Chart. His most recent album, Songs For You, Truths For Me, is another multi-platinum seller and spawned four hit singles. He enjoyed a huge worldwide hit in
WOW June 2010
2009 with Broken Strings, his duet with Nelly Furtado. Leicester Tigers and Squareleg Entertainment are proud to present JAMES MORRISON plus support on 15th July at Welford Road. Doors 4pm. For tickets go online to www. / 0871 220 0260 or Ticketmaster www. / 0844 847 1742. Hospitality also available by contacting the Tiger Ticket Hotline on 0844 856 1880.
FRI 4 AND SUN 13 JUNE Few rock stars of the 1960s have made it into the 21st century with a live reputation as enviable as that of former Animal Alan Price. The gentle giant of a Geordie showman gave us the doomy psychedelic chords on the classic â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;House of the Rising Sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, which then gave way to jazzier vibes and a regular TV slot on â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Two Ronniesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in subsequent decades â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but all along the way, his propul-
sive R&B keyboard style and loveable Geordie wit have remained constant. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I Put A Spell On Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Simon Smith and His Amazing Dancing Bearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Stop The Carnivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Rosettaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Jarrow Songâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. All the hits and more good-natured anecdotal badinage than a hipster can take.
ALAN PRICE Fri 4 The Stables Milton Keynes Sun 13 Loughborough Town Hall
X Marks The Spot -FPOB n9o -FXJT JT B LOPDLPVU 2 8 10 JUNE She’s come a long way since she won the 2006 series of The X Factor, has our Leona. Back then, the Islington songstress was straight in at number one when her debut ‘A Moment Like This’ became the fastest-selling UK single, downloaded 50,000 times within 30 minutes of its release. Since then, she’s become the first British solo artist to top the Billboard 200 with a debut album, also making their Top New Artist of 2008, with ‘Bleeding Love’ and the download-only cover of Snow Patrol’s ‘Run’ breaking yet more records. But far more important than all of this, she’s the Sexiest Vegetarian of the Year – and her debut World Tour arrives soon practically at the end of your street. .
If you only go to 30 gigs this month… with DJ Fontana Tue 1 BILLY OCEAN The Stables Milton Keynes THE E.N.D. WORLD TOUR: BLACK EYED PEAS + CHERYL COLE LG Arena Birmingham Wed 2 MARK OLSON The Musician Leicester Wed 2 Thu 3 STEVE HARLEY & COCKNEY REBEL The Stables Milton Keynes Fri 4 GEORGE BENSON + MARTI PELLOW Trent FM Arena Nottingham
LEONA LEWIS + GABRIELLA CILMI Wed 2 Trent FM Arena Nottingham Tue 8 + Thu 10 LG Arena Birmingham
Nevermind the Chipmunks "MWJO MPWFT 3PDL nOo 3PMM 8 10 JUNE Just when you thought moody ‘60s teen icon / ‘70s leather-bound glamster / ‘80s cuddly rocker Alvin Stardust had lost his all-black catsuit or had grown tired of wearing that vast naked lady ring on his gloved microphone hand… he lives again. Dubbed ‘the Godfather of Rock ‘n’ Roll’ by no other than Keith Richards, the demonic groover has still got what it takes – namely ‘My Coo-Ca-Choo’, ‘Jealous Mind’, ‘Red Dress’, er, ‘I Feel Like Buddy Holly – though these days he’s occasionally known to allow his ‘70s showbiz vow to lapse, and to smile!
F70C{B >=
Sat 5 THE FACES EXPERIENCE Y Theatre Leicester ONE MIC - VARIETY NIGHT Northampton Guildhall JULIE FOWLIS The Stables Milton Keynes Sun 6 HOTEL CALIFORNIA Civic Hall Bedworth Mon 7 SUZY BOGGUSS The Stables Milton Keynes Tue 8 GOLDFRAPP Assembly Leamington Wed JAY-Z + DRAKE + MR HUDSON LG Arena Birmingham JULIAN COPE The Rescue Rooms Nottingham
Thu 10 THE CAVERN BEATLES Loughborough Town Hall NANCY KERR & JAMES FAGAN The Maudslay Coventry THE ENID The Stables Milton Keynes ‘I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll’ is the new album from The Man In Black. And Music Week’s Best Male Performer of 1973 remains, as ever, the ultimate quiff-toting outsider superstar. Grrrrrrrrr. . . Tue 15 ALVIN STARDUST Royal & Derngate Theatre Northampton
WOW June 2010
Sat 12 ZOUNDS Sawyers Kettering Tue 15 KIM RICHEY The Musician Leicester Fri 18 GIGSPANNER: PETER KNIGHT The Castle Wellingborough Sat 19 CHRIS ARMSON Showcase Cinema De Lux Leicester THE ROCK RABBIT & ROLL TOUR: CHAS AND HIS BAND The Stables Milton Keynes MERCURY Tamworth Assembly Rooms RUBY TURNER Warwick Arts Centre Coventry AYNSLEY LISTER + KING KING FEAT. ALAN NIMMO Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire Sun 20 SOME ENCHANTED EVENING The Castle Wellingborough Wed 23 BLACK UMFOLOSI 5 The Y Theatre Leicester AL GREEN + MICHAEL McDONALD LG Arena Birmingham Thu 24 NEWTON FAULKNER Assembly Leamington THE BARRON KNIGHTS The Castle Wellingborough PiNK Ricoh Arena Coventry STARS FROM THE COMMITMENTS The Stables Milton Keynes Sat 26 THE PISTOLS Sumo Leicester AKALA Kasbah Coventry 50TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR: ELKIE BROOKS The Stables Milton Keynes BRITAINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GOT TALENT LG Arena Birmingham Sun 27 THE BILLY FURY STORY: HALFWAY TO PARADISE Loughborough Town Hall
WOW June 2010
Dillon: Electric
FRI 18 JUNE / THURS 1 JULY Best stick with the winners, eh? WOW Pick of the Month status befalls Cara Dillon, the Irish folk singer who picked up â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Album Of The Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in the 2010 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. And the venue sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s playing? None other than Music Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Venue of the Year, the Art Deco temple also known as the Assembly in Leamington Spa. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Hill Of Thievesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is Caraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fourth album, a year old now, with more of an acoustic feel than the earlier three. The simplicity and clarity of arrangement brings to mind Nick Drakeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island LPs. The voice is beautiful and poignant. Sweet but never sickly, in the same emotional range as Sandy Denny, somehow recalling Kate Bush.
THURS 1 & FRI 2 JULY Through popular demand they are putting on two nights Thurs 1st and Fri 2nd July 2010 at Welland Park College. Tickets are ÂŁ5 each and proceeds from the concert will be split between Adam Smile and Rainbows. The concert is set to be a great evening of musical entertainment including songs such as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;unchained Melodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Fly me to the Moonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Hey Big Spenderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and more. Maureen Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malley, Chair of Songbirds said â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are pleased and delighted to be performing on two nights for our Summer Concert. It will hopefully give the people of Harborough a chance to come along and listen to the only all female choir in the District. We are a very relaxed group of ladies and primarily sing for the pleasure of getting together each week and singing popular songs. Our previous concerts have given us the chance to showcase our performances to a wider audience. David Hubery our Musical Director has again put together a wonderful variety of songs for the Summer Concert with something for all tastes. The added bonus for us as a Choir is that by us having fun we are also able to raise money for our chosen charities. If you would like to see Songbirds perform please get your tickets soon as they are selling fastâ&#x20AC;?
Cara sings about blood and soul, whether in her own compositions or native traditional songs such as the haunting â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Black Is The Colourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Lost love. Her own baby twins, in-between the lines. Emigration. Hellos and goodbyes.
Fri 18 CARA DILLON The Big Session Festival De Montfort Hall Leicester Thu 1 July Assembly Leamington
FRI 18 - SUN 20 JUNE Green award winner, more real ales than you shake an empty glass at, and more gourmet nosh than the old-school burger
vans would ever have imagined possible. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all going on at Leicesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s famous Big Session Festival. But, of course, the real focus of the three-dayer lies on stage, on an unprecedented array of musical treats. To name but a few: The Proclaimers, John Smith, Cara Dillon (Friday, Indoor Main Stage) / Chris Wood, The Rockingbirds (Marquee Stage). Stornoway, Kate Rusby, Chumbawamba (Saturday, Main) / Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls, Dreadzone (Marquee). Oysterband, Dervish, Megson (Sunday, Main) / Jackie Oates, Kerfuffle (Marquee). Dig! Fri 18-Sun 20 THE BIG SESSION FESTIVAL De Montfort Hall Leicester
Songbirds can be seen Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd July 2010 at Welland Park College, Market Harborough. Tickets available from Aldins Tea Rooms or by contacting Maureen Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malley on 07890858705 or emailing or
hot Smut Perverts
Will young
Fri 4 and Fri 18 JunE Veritable superstars on the wheels of plasticky aluminium, DMC World Champion DJs the Scratch Perverts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; aka Tony Vegas, Prime Cuts and Plus One â&#x20AC;&#x201C; have become synonymous with hip-hop and battle DJing since their formation in 1996. This one carries a government repetitive beats warning, and may involve staying up past eight oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock. Continuing this monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theme of questionable moral behaviour at the Roadmender, Hot
Club de Paris isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a club, isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in Paris, but is an unquestionably hot indie band in an NME sense. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re one of those tunesome, wordable acts from Liverpule who bring to mind the likes of The Zutons, The Coralâ&#x20AC;Ś The Beatles? Okay, check the myspace site and sample these Scouse subarctic monkeysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; schtick for yourselves. Fri 4 Smut Club Presents: Scratch Perverts Fri 18 Hot Club De Paris Roadmender Northampton
Friday 16th July Will Youngâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s debut single Evergreen/Anything is Possible was the biggest selling single in the UK in the last decade while the worldwide hit Leave Right Now was nominated as the Best British Single of the last 25 years at the 2005 Brit Awards. He won the Brit Award for Best Breakthrough Artist in 2003 while his song Your Game landed him the Brit Award for Best British Single in 2005. His 2009 greatest hits album The Hits was one of last
Christmasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top sellers, giving Will Young his fifth platinum album in seven years. Leicester Tigers and Squareleg Entertainment are proud to present Will yOung plus support on 16th July at Welford Road. Doors 4pm. For tickets go online to www. / 0871 220 0260 or Ticketmaster www. / 0844 847 1742. Hospitality also available by contacting the Tiger Ticket Hotline on 0844 856 1880.
Kyte ,ZUFoT NVTJD SFBMMZ TIPVME DPNF XJUI TPNF TPSU PG XBSOJOH Friday 4 JunE Listen to this, it would read, and you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get much done. Their twinkling, woozy guitar lullabies will only make you day dream and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what four students at Robert Smythe School in Market Harborough did when they sat in each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bedrooms listening to Green Day and Blink 182 CDs. They started to day dream about being in a band. Fast forward a few years and Kyteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songs have been heard on The Sopranos and mesmerised thousands of Japanese fans with
their spacey, other worldliness. The hope is that new album â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dead Wavesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; will propel them beyond their current cult status and into the mainstream alongside kindred spirits Sigur Ros. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s different enough without straying too far,â&#x20AC;? said Cox. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you liked us before, you should still like us and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s enough there to attract new listeners as well.â&#x20AC;? You should buy the album, go to the gigs. Remember, Tony Soprano wants you to.â&#x20AC;Ś KytE are at the White Noise Festival at the Firebug in Leicester.
WOW June 2010
Strung Out Sisters Female string and vocal trio
Providing musical entertainment for weddings and corporate functions for over 15 years. For more info/bookings call 01858 431 304 or log onto
Tue 29 THE OSMONDS + DAVID ESSEX + LEO SAYER + LES MCKEOWNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BAY CITY ROLLERS Trent FM Arena Nottingham Mon 5 July RICKIE LEE JONES Assembly Leamington
9Pii 2[PbbXRP[ Fri 4 NEIL COWLEY TRIO Royal & Derngate Northampton Thu 17 TAD NEWTONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S JAZZ FRIENDS The Castle Wellingborough STACEY KENT The Stables Milton Keynes
A Funny Valentine +B[[ +VOL BOE (FOJVT SAT 19 JUNE Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1961 and Chet Baker is in jail in Lucca. Voted best jazz trumpeter in the world only five years before â&#x20AC;&#x201C; now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doing time in an Italian jail for drug offences. Italians strolling around the town walls stop and listen to the sounds of Chetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s golden trumpet wafting through the prison bars. Chet shared his cell with a storyteller; that
storyteller became his friend. 28 years later, on the night he died, Chet shared a hotel room in Amsterdam with the storyteller. Only the storyteller knows what really happened and now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s telling it. With live music on stage arranged and performed by Colin Steele (trumpet) and Dave Milligan (piano) this is a captivating and unforgettable evening of jazz, junk, and genius!
Some Enchanted Evening $FMFCSBUF JO TUZMF BU 5IF $BTUMF SUN 20 JUNE The Castle has assembled a fantastic 19 piece orchestra and a stream of guest singers to bring you an evening of great music.
Featuring well loved tunes from composers including Cole Porter, George Gershwin and Oscar Hammerstein II your favourites are sure to be included.
Fri 18 HOMAGE TO CHOPIN: FRASER GRAHAM Oakham School Chapel Sat 19 ALEXANDRA DARIESCU St Andrews Church Lyddington Sat 26 MAGIC MOMENTS - THE SOUNDS OF BURT BACHARACH: CHRIS DEAN The Stables Milton Keynes BRIGHOUSE & RASTRICK BAND The Castle Wellingborough GRIMETHORPE COLLIERY BAND Civic Hall Bedworth Sun 27 JAZZ ON A SUMMERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DAY Lamport Hall & Gardens
Your Gig, Band, CD, Website, etc.
With a THUMBNAIL AD (like this!) in our listings column. Call the wow team on 01858 439 999.
WOW June 2010
A FUNNY VALENTINE at The Castle Wellingborough. Call the Box Office on 01933 270 007 or online at
Conducting the evening will be one of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading conductors, Richard Balcombe. Richard has conducted a string of West End musicals as well as all the UKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s major orchestras. He regularly conducts Friday Night is Music Night for BBC Radio 2. This evening is sure to be a highlight in The Castleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2010 events, so why not celebrate with them in style? SOME ENCHANTED EVENING at The Castle Wellingborough. Call the Box Office on 01933 270 007 or online at
Gerry ferry merriment )PX EPFT IF EP XIBU IF EPFT UP VT FRI 04 JUNE Merseybeat legend Gerry Marsden returns to Bedworth Civic Hall this month with his â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Gerry Cross The Merseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; show. And if he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sing every one of his three consecutive, Beatle-topping number ones from 1963 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;How Do You Do Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;,
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I Like Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Never Walk Aloneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WOW will personally give you a full refund. Gerry is one of the original and archetypal lovable Scouse wits, and the evening promises unstoppable Mersey tide of humour, anecdotes and nonstop hits.
As the great man says himself: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love being on stage performing for people all over the world. I get paid for enjoying myself.â&#x20AC;? Join in the nostalgic fun! Fri 4 GERRY AND THE PACEMAKERS Bedworth Civic Hall
WOW June 2010
F70C{B >= If you only go to 20 comedy gigs this month… with DJ Fontana
To advertise your event in the East Midlands’ fastestgrowing guide to what’s going on and where to be seen, email sales@ wowwhatsonwhere. or call 01858 439 999
WOW June 2010
The Enigma (FU ZPVS NJOE CPHHMFE CZ %F[[B #SPXO TUES 15 - MON 28 JUNE “Like previous shows, I will absolutely push myself to the limit,” Derren Brown promised of his new show, ‘Enigma’. “The audience will be taken for a theatrical roller-coaster ride, and I hope it’s an experience that they will never forget.” It might seem odd to come across DB on the Comedy page, but that’s purely because we don’t have a page devoted to mind-boggling psychological superstars and their apparently impossible feats of illusion. It’s certainly no comment on
the content of the great man’s latest escapade; but, like all the best comedic and dramatic theatre, the ‘Enigma’ show does have the power to lead you through a series of emotions – the laughter of shock, of amazement and bewilderment, the laughter of deliciously shared confusion. Enter here and give up all control to the ultimate stage manipulator of mood and mindset. “Everybody is transported into a weird world of wonder,” the show’s notices rave. “Derren Brown is simply astonishing to
witness on stage”… “Enigma raised the hoodwink and the scam to the level of art”... “It’s theatre and entertainment at its best”… “Derren Brown, you put Merlin to shame...” Tue 15 - Sat 19 DERREN BROWN: ENIGMA Alexandra Theatre Birmingham Mon 21 + Sun 22 Royal & Derngate Northampton Fri 25 Milton Keynes Theatre Sat 26 De Montfort Hall Leicester Mon 28 Royal Concert Hall Nottingham
The Joy of Sex 4PSSZ nDPNFEZo #VU XIJMF XFoWF HPU ZPVS BUUFOUJPOe MONDAY 7 JUNE If a club proprietor told you, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our comedy nights are always amazing,â&#x20AC;? youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d probably take it with a large pinch of salt. But Vas at the Assembly can actually back up his whopping claim. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s my little baby!â&#x20AC;? He chortles, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I insist on household-name headliners. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had Russell Howard, Dave Gorman, Lee Mack and others in the past.â&#x20AC;? This month, the proof of the pudding comes in the form of a smashing quad bill secretly featuring what Vas calls â&#x20AC;&#x153;one of the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
favourite comediansâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and, given that track record, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re tempted to believe him. MC Russell Kane is himself a star of the Beebâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Live at The Apolloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be upstaged even if Eric Morecambe were secret guest. Jimmy McGhie is a hotly tipped new face on the comedy scene, charming, brighteyed and casually hysterical. And then thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s headliner Dan Atkinson, a shambling, shabby, unfashionably happy character whose key themes include romance, the fragility of the human condition, and being a bit of a dick.
With a THUMBNAIL AD (like this!) In our listings column. Call the wow team on 01858 439 999.
Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s go impro! 1BVM .FSUPO BOE DPOTVNNBUF DPNFEZ DIVNT MONDAY 14 JUNE Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been involved in the improv scene since it took off at the Comedy Store and other key London venues in the 1980s, translating effortlessly to TV in the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;90s as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Whose Line Is It Anywayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, when it gave not only yer man Paul Merton but a whole host of his chums their big break. Now, how welcome it is to see Merton back out on the road with some old (bare) stagers from that retro classic â&#x20AC;&#x201C; namely rotund Canadian Mike McShane and, on the pianoâ&#x20AC;Ś Richard â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Only Person Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve Ever Heard Of With The Surnameâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Vranch! Fellow original Comedy Store Players Lee Simpson and Suki Webster (a marriage made in heaven â&#x20AC;&#x201C; she and hubby Paul met on improv stage!) Make up the fab five, promising unscripted jollity galore. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right: they can promise a new and unique comedy show on
Your Gig, Band, CD, Website, etc.
Sun 13 SO YOU THINK YOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE FUNNY? Kayal Restaurant Leicester Wed 16 THE LADYBOYS OF IRAN: PATRICK MONAHAN Uppingham Theatre THE PETTY CONCERNS OF LUKE WRIGHT Warwick Arts Centre Coventry Thu 17 THE COMEDY CLUB: GUEST COMEDIANS Wicksteed Park Kettering Sat 19 COMEDY & CLUB NIGHT: NIK COPPIN, MARTY MCLEAN, SIMON BLIGH, OWEN Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;NEILL Famous For Comedy @ Highlight Leicester JUST THE TONIC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BIG SHOW: RICH HALL, DAVE SPIKEY, RUFUS HOUND + SPEIAL GUEST The Royal Centre Nottingham Wed 23 REGINALD D. HUNTER The Stables Milton Keynes Thu 24 FUNHOUSE COMEDY NIGHT: SEAN PERCIVAL, DUNCAN EDWARDS, LIAM SPEIRS, NEIL COLE The Walnut Tree Inn Northampton Fri 25 MILES JUPP Warwick Arts Centre Coventry
every performance of the tour, based entirely on suggestions from the audience.
Mon 14 PAUL MERTONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S IMPRO CHUMS Royal & Derngate Northampton
Sat 26 GUESS WHO: THE MAYDAY PLAYERS Victoria Hall Oakham Warwick Arts Centre Coventry
WOW June 2010
F70C{B >= Released FRiday 4th death at a FUNeRal. directed by Neil laBute, death at a Funeral is a hilarious day in the life of an american family come together to put a beloved husband and father to rest. as mourners gather at the family home, shocking revelations, festering resentments, ugly threats, blackmail and a misdirected corpse unleash lethal and riotous mayhem. the GiRl ON a tRaiN. Jeanne lives in a house in the suburbs with her mother louise the two women get on well together. louise earns her living by looking after children. Jeanne is half-heartedly looking for a job. louise harbours the hope of getting her daughter a job with samuel Bleistein, a famous lawyer whom she knew in her youth. Jeanne and Bleisteinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worlds are light years apart. sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OUt OF My leaGUe. in the comedy â&#x20AC;&#x153;sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Out of My league,â&#x20AC;? Kirk, an average Joe, canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe his luck. though heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stuck in a seemingly deadâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;end job as an airport security agent, against all odds, Molly, a successful and outrageously gorgeous babe, falls for him. Kirk is stunned. so are his friends, his family and even his exâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;girlfriend.
WOW June 2010
Get him to the Greek "BSPO (SFFO IBT IPVST UP HFU B 3PDL 4UBS GSPN -POEPO UP - " 1SBZ GPS IJN Release date: JUNe 25 Aaron Green gets things done. The ambitious 24 year old has been given a career-making assignment. His mission: Fly to London and escort a rock god to L.A.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world famous Greek Theatre for the first stop on a huge comeback tour. His record big shot boss, Sergio Roma, gives him one warning: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The artist is the worst person on Earth. Turn your back on him at your own peril.â&#x20AC;? British rocker Aldous Snow is a stunning musician, but due to a bad break up and nose-diving career, has fallen off of the wagon and now is a drunken disaster. Tired of â&#x20AC;&#x153;yes menâ&#x20AC;? and fearing heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entered the â&#x20AC;&#x153;greatest hitsâ&#x20AC;? moment in his career, Snowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in the midst of a cynical downward spiral.
When he learns his true love, model/pop star Jackie Q, is in Los Angeles, Aldous makes it his quest to win her backâ&#x20AC;Ś right before kick-starting his world domination. As the countdown to the concert begins, one innocent young man must navigate a minefield of London drug smuggles, New York City brawls and Vegas lap dances
to deliver his charge safe and, sort of, soundâ&#x20AC;Ś all while trying to remain faithful to his med student girlfriend. He may have to coax, lie to, enable and party with Aldous, but Aaron will get him to the Greek. CeRtiFiCate: TBC GeNRe: Comedy Adventure diReCtOR: Nicholas Stoller Cast: Russell Brand, Jonah Hill Rose Byrnn,Sean Combs, Elisabeth Moss RUNNiNG tiMe:TBC
Greenberg " UBMF PG QPXFS MPWF BOE CFUSBZBM Release date: JUNe 11 Greenberg brings actor Ben Stiller together with Academy Award—nominated writer/ director Noah Baumbach (“The Squid and the Whale”) to tell the hilarious but emotional tale of Roger Greenberg. Roger Greenberg [Ben Stiller], single, fortyish and at a crossroads in his life, finds himself in Los Angeles, house sitting for his more successful/married - with children brother. In search of a place to restart his life, Greenberg tries to reconnect with old friends including his former band mate Ivan [Rhys Ifans]. But old friends aren’t necessarily still best friends, and Greenberg
soon finds himself spending more and more time with his brother’s personal assistant Florence [Greta Gerwig], an aspiring singer and also something of a lost soul. Despite his best attempts not to be drawn in, Greenberg and Florence manage to forge a connection, and Greenberg realizes he may at last have found a reason to be happy.
CeRtiFiCate: 18 GeNRe: Comedy Drama diReCtOR: Noah Baumbach Cast: Ben Stiller, Greta Gerwig, Koby Rouviere, Sydney Rouviere, Chris Messina, Susan Traylor. RUNNiNG time: 100mins
s2 paNdora & thE FlyiNg dUtChmaN (pg) 3.15pm, 8.15pm s2 strEEtdaNCE 3d (pg) 1.15pm, 6.15pm
JUNE Film listiNgs tUE 1 s1 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 8.45pm s2 thE Bad liEUtENaNt – port oF Call: NEw orlEaNs (18) 3.30pm, 6pm s2 Cléo From 5 to 7 (pg) 1.30pm, 8.30pm s3 last taNgo iN paris (18) 3pm, 7pm wEd 2 s1 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 6pm, 8.45pm s2 thE Bad liEUtENaNt – port oF Call: NEw orlEaNs (18) 1.30pm, 6pm s2 Cléo From 5 to 7 (pg) 4pm, 8.30pm s3 last taNgo iN paris (18) 3pm, 7pm thU 3 s1 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 6pm, 8.45pm s2 thE Bad liEUtENaNt – port oF Call: NEw orlEaNs (18) 3.45pm, 8.30pm s2 Cléo From 5 to 7 (pg) 1.30pm, 6.15pm s3 last taNgo iN paris (18) 4pm, 7pm Fri 4 s1 CiNEma BamBiNo: dEar JohN (12a) 11am s1 FUrry VENgEaNCE (pg) 1.15pm s1 ViNCErE (15) 3.15pm, 8.30pm s1 lEBaNoN (15) 6.30pm s1 mUlhollaNd driVE (15) 11pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 6pm, 9pm s3 tokyo dECadENCE (18) 2pm, 6.15pm s3 loNdoN iN thE raw (15) 4.15pm, 8.30pm sat 5 s1 FUrry VENgEaNCE (pg) 12pm, 2pm s1 lEBaNoN (15) 4pm, 8.45pm s1 ViNCErE (15) 6pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.30pm s3 tokyo dECadENCE (18) 4.15pm, 8.30pm s3 loNdoN iN thE raw (15) 2pm, 6.30pm sUN 6 s1 hEima (N/a) 12pm s1 FUrry VENgEaNCE (pg) 2pm s1 ViNCErE (15) 4pm, 8.45pm s1 lEBaNoN (15) 6.30pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.30pm s3 tokyo dECadENCE (18) 2.15pm, 6.45pm s3 loNdoN iN thE raw (15) 4.30pm
moN 7 s1 FUrry VENgEaNCE (pg) 11am s1 ViNCErE (15) 1pm, 6pm s1 lEBaNoN (15) 3.30pm, 8.45pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.30pm s3 FElliNi roma (15) 3pm, 7pm tUE 8 s1 astro Boy (pg) 11am, 1pm s1 ViNCErE (15) 3.15pm, 8.15pm s1 lEBaNoN (15) 6.15pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 6pm, 8.45pm s3 FEliNNi’s roma (15) 2pm, 4.30pm wEd 9 s1 astro Boy (pg) 11am s1 thE BEaChEs oF agNEs (18) 1pm, 8.15pm s1 lEBaNoN (15) 3.30pm s1 EyEs widE opEN (12a) 6.15pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 6pm, 8.45pm s3 FElliNi’s roma (15) 3pm, 7pm thU 10 s1 astro Boy (pg) 11am s1 lEBaNoN (15) 2pm s1 thE BEaChEs oF agNEs (18) 4pm s1 EyEs widE opEN (12a) 6.15pm, 8.15pm s2 sEx aNd thE City 2 (15) 2.30pm, 6pm, 8.45pm Fri 11 s1 CiNEma BamBiNo: how to traiN yoUr dragoN 3d (pg) 11am s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 1.15pm s1 how to traiN yoUr dragoN (pg) 3.45pm s1 roBiN hood (12a) 6.15pm s1 aVatar (3d) (12a) 9.15pm s2 paNdora & thE FlyiNg dUtChmaN (pg) 1pm, 6pm s2 strEEtdaNCE 3d (pg) 3.30pm, 8.30pm sat 12 s1 how to traiN yoUr dragoN 3d (pg) 11am, 5.30pm s1 roBiN hood (12a) 8pm s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 2pm s2 paNdora & thE FlyiNg dUtChmaN (pg) 8.15pm s2 strEEtdaNCE 3d (pg) 6pm sUN 13 s1 how to traiN yoUr dragoN (pg) 3pm s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 5.30pm s1 roBiN hood (12a) 12pm, 8.15pm s2 paNdora & thE FlyiNg dUtChmaN (pg) 8.30pm s2 strEEtdaNCE 3d (pg) 6pm
tUE 15 s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 12pm, 5.30pm s1 roBiN hood (12a) 2.30pm, 8pm s2 paNdora & thE FlyiNg dUtChmaN (pg) 1pm, 4pm s2 thE last rEsort (15) 6.30pm wEd 16 s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 3.15pm, 6pm s1 roBiN hood (12a) 8.30pm s2 agora (12a) 1pm, 3.45pm, 8.15pm s2 moViNg to mars (12a) 6.15pm thU 17 s1 roBiN hood (12a) 2.30pm, 8.15pm s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 6pm s2 agora (12a) 3.30pm, 8.30pm s2 lilJa 4-EVEr (18) 6.15pm phoENix sqUarE Film qUiz Night 7.30pm Fri 18 s1 CiNEma BamBiNo: agora (12a) 11am s1 thE killEr iNsidE mE (18) 1.45pm, 6pm s1 hiErro (12a) 4pm, 8.15pm s1 rompEr stompEr (18) 10.15pm s2 BlaCk dEath (15) 12.30pm, 6.15pm s2 thE girl oN a traiN (tBC) 3pm, 8.30pm sat 19 s1 Utopia (U) 1pm s1 killEr iNsidE mE (18) 3pm, 8.15pm s1 hiErro (12a) 6.15pm s2 BlaCk dEath (15) 3pm, 8.30pm s2 thE girl oN thE traiN (tBC) 12.30pm, 6pm sUN 20 s1 killEr iNsidE mE (18) 12.30pm, 7.15pm s1 hiErro (12a) 3pm, 5pm s2 BlaCk dEath (15) 6pm s2 thE girl oN thE traiN (tBC) 3.15pm, 8.15pm s2 thE haNgoVEr (15) 12pm moN 21 s1 hiErro (12a) 1.15pm, 6.15pm s1 killEr iNsidE mE (18) 3.30pm, 8.15pm s2 BlaCk dEath (15) 3.15pm, 8.30pm s2 thE girl oN thE traiN (tBC) 1pm, 6pm
Now he has to figure out how to make the relationship work, even though he’d be the first to admit she’s totally out of his league. --------------------------------Released FRiday 11th letteRs tO JUliet. When sophie, a young american, travels to Verona, italy — the romantic city where Romeo first met Juliet — she meets a group of volunteers who respond to letters written to Juliet seeking romantic advice. sophie finds and answers a letter that has been lost for 50 years, and is stunned when its author Claire arrives in italy with her handsome but overprotective grandson to find the fiance she left decades before.
tUE 22 s1 killEr iNsidE mE (18) 3.30pm, 8.15pm s1 hiErro (12a) 6pm s2 thE girl oN a traiN (tBC) 3.45pm, 8pm s2 CoNFEssioNs oF a Film programmEr (N/a) 6.15pm wEd 23 s1 hiErro (12a) 3.30pm, 8.30pm s1 killEr iNsidE mE (18) 6pm s2 Fish story (tBC) 3pm, 8.30pm s2 thE girl oN a traiN (tBC) 6.15pm thU 24 s1 killEr iNsidE mE (18) 3.30pm, 8.30pm s1 hiErro (12a) 6.15pm s2 thE girl oN a traiN (tBC) 3.15pm, 8.15pm s2 Fish story (tBC) 6pm Fri 25 s1 CiNEma BamBiNo: whatEVEr works (12a) 11am s1 whatEVEr works (12a) 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm s1 EVEry yoU always waNtEd to kNow aBoUt sEx… (18) 10.15pm s2 aJami (15) 1pm, 6.15pm s2 grEENBErg (15) 3.30pm, 8.45pm sat 26 s1 whatEVEr works (12a) , 1.15pm, 5pm, 7.15pm s2 yEllow sUBmariNE (U) 11.30am s2 grEENBErg (15) 1.30pm, 7pm s2 aJami (15) 9pm sUN 27 s1 whatEVEr works (12a) 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm s2 aJami (15) 12.30pm, 5.30pm s2 grEENBErg (15) 3pm, 8.30pm moN 28 s1 whatEVEr works (12a) 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm s2 grEENBErg (15) 1.15pm, 6.15pm s2 aJami (15) 3.30pm, 8.30pm tUE 29 s1 whatEVEr works (12a) 1pm, 4pm, 6.15pm, 8.15pm s2 grEENBErg (15) 1.15pm, 6pm s2 aJami (15) 3.30pm, 8.15pm wEd 30 s1 whatEVEr works (12a) 4pm, 6pm, 8pm s2 aJami (15) 3.30pm, 8.30pm s2 grEENBErg (15) 6.15pm thU 1 JUly s1 whatEVEr works (12a) 4pm, 6.15pm, 8.15pm s2 grEENBErg (15) 3.30pm, 8.30pm s2 aJami (15) 1pm, 6pm
moN 14 s1 roBiN hood (12a) 1pm, 8.30pm s1 priNCE oF pErsia (12a) 3.45pm, 6pm
WOW June 2010
Fascinated by Claireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest, sophie joins them on an adventure through the beautiful hills of Tuscany searching for Claireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long lost lorenzo. The journey will change their lives forever, as they discover itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never too late to find true love. WHEn In ROmE An ambitious young new Yorker, disillusioned with romance, takes a whirlwind trip to Rome where she defiantly plucks magic coins from a fountain of love, inexplicably igniting the passion of those who threw them in: a sausage magnate, a street magician, an adoring painter and a self-admiring model . But when a charming reporter pursues her with equal zest, how will she know if his love is the real thing?
Killers .BSSJBHF (JWF JU ZPVS CFTU TIPU RElEAsE DATE: JunE 18 Trying to recover from a sudden break-up, Jen Kornfeldt (Katherine Heigl) believes sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never fall in love again. But when she reluctantly joins her parents on a trip to the French Riviera, Jen happens to meet the man of her dreams, the dashing, handsome Spencer Aimes (Ashton Kutcher). Three years later, her seemingly impossible wish has come true: she and Spencer are newlyweds living the ideal suburban life â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that is, until the morning after Spencerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 30th
birthday when bullets start flying. Literally. It turns out Spencer never bothered to tell Jen heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; member of the blah blah blah with a license to blahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; , and now Jenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s perfect world has been turned upside down. Faced with the fact that her husband is a hit man, Jen is determined to discover what other secrets Spencer might be keeping â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all the while trying to dodge bullets, keep up neighbourly appearances, manage the in-lawsâ&#x20AC;Ś and work out some major trust issues. And you thought suburban life was easy. Lionsgateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s KILLERS is a hilarious, unpredictable action comedy about love, marriage and serious fire power.
--------------------------------CERTIFICATE: PG GEnRE: Action Thriller Comedy DIRECTOR: Robert Luketic CAsT: Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Catherine Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara, Tom Selleck, Alex Borstein. RunnInG TImE: TBC
RElEAsED FRIDAY 25TH GOOD HAIR A revelation of comic proportions. GOOD HAIR visits beauty salons and hair styling battles, scientific laboratories and Indian temples to explore the way hairstyles impact the activities, pocketbooks, sexual relationships, and selfâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;esteem of the black community. Director Jeff stilson follows Chris Rock on this raucous adventure prompted by Rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;year old daughter approaching him, asking, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Daddy, how come I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have good hair?â&#x20AC;? Celebrities such as Iceâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;T, nia long, Paul mooney, Raven symonĂŠ, maya Angelou, salt n Pepa, Eve and Reverend Al sharpton all candidly offer their stories and observations to Rock while he struggles with the task of figuring out how to respond to his daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s question.
WOW June 2010
Four lions $ISJT .PSSJTo DPOUSPWFSTJBM DPNFEZ BU UIF 'PSVN $JOFNB FRI 11 - sun 13 JunE After The Day Today and Brass Eye, arch-controversialist Chris Morris targets the comical flip-side of terrorism. Four British jihadists, including a Westernised Muslim with a young family, a white radical who just likes violence and a couple of brain-dead lieutenants, plan an outrage but their cripplingly conflicting ideologies get in the way
and they find their plans for martyrdom slipping into oldfashioned farce. CERTIFICATE: 15 GEnRE: Comedy/Drama DIRECTOR: Chris Morris CAsT: Benedict Cumberbatch, Kayvan Novak, Riz Ahmed, Julia Davis. RunnInG TImE: 94 mins For screening times, please call 01604 837 007
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WOW talks to Robin Maughan, aka Frankie Valli out of top tribute band Let’s Hang On…
Now winning acclaim as the world’s number one Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons tribute act, all the work put in over the past four years is paying off for Leicestershire’s own Jersey Boys.
A>18= Once we had performed ‘Sherry’ and ‘Walk Like A Man’ at a Scottish sellout gig. Wow, we had to breathe and take it all in as the crowd went so crazy. It was out of this world!
F>F Have you always been able to sing like Frankie Valli?
F>F Is there fierce rivalry between your act and the Jersey Boys show?
A>18= No, not at all, I used to sing pop songs and a lot of Swing numbers when I was working solo and on the ships, so doing Mr Valli was a great challenge. I had to sit and listen to him for four months to get it right!
A>18= No not at all, the guys down in London do a great job, pulling in all the crowds at every show. Their production is nailed to a tee showing the whole story of Frankie Valli with a lot of emotion. Our show is more of a concert with a little bit of the story, so if you want a boogie then come and see us!
F>F How did the band get together? A>18= The band was formed by Martin and Dino, the guitarists in the band, and they auditioned people for the roles. They advertised on a website for a singer, I went to sing a few songs in front of them and, well, the rest is history! F>F What have been your memorable moments on stage?
WOW June 2010
F>F What eras in Valli’s long career do you cover? A>18= All of them. We go back to 1950s doo-wop just to show the crowd how it all started with our vocal harmonies. We add a story in the beginning letting people know how the Four Seasons got together with an audition song called ‘Cry For Me’! Its great!
F>F W h a t does the future hold for Let’s Hang On? A>18= The future can only get better. Ask the people who come back to see us time and time again! LET’S HANG ON play at Octagonal Theatre Market Harborough on Friday 18 June. Tickets are available to buy from Halo on High Street and the Council Offices on Adam & Eve Street. Tickets are £15 each.
0ACB "354
Fashion Exhibition BU /PSUIBNQUPO .VTFVN "SU (BMMFSZ FROM SAT 22 MAY Students and graduates from across the Division of Fashion and Textiles at The University of Northampton will be exhibiting their work at an annual exhibition at Northampton Museum & Art Gallery from Sat 22 May 2010. The exhibition is entitled ‘Emerge and Blossom’ - on show until 4 July will be work from Surface Design, Fashion Marketing, Footwear/ Accessories and Printed Textiles for Fashion students and graduates. The breadth of work from across the Division will showcase an exciting mix of interior products, textiles, wallpapers, shoes and bags.
WOW June 2010
Vicki Dean, Head of Fashion, School of The Arts, The University of Northampton, commented: “This exhibition gives members of the public the opportunity to see the breadth of work produced by the innovative students and graduates of the Division of Fashion and Textiles. “Fashion is not just about catwalk and this exhibition truly reflects the diverse industry, show-casing graduates from all of our courses within the Division; Surface Design and Printed Textiles, Fashion Marketing, Footwear and Accessories and Textiles for Fashion and Year One of our MA in Fashion and Textiles. We look forward to welcoming visitors to the exhibition.” Josie Hickin, from Northampton Borough Council’s Museum and Art Gallery, added: “This year’s UN Show is set to be a real talking point. There will be no display cases, just a beautifully laid out room for visitors to interact with – visiting the exhibition is a must.” The University of Northampton is dedicated to high quality higher education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, through taught courses and research. As Northamptonshire’s only dedicated higher education
institution, it is committed to the transfer of knowledge and technology to the community and aims to contribute to the cultural development of the region.
This event showcases the talents of Year 2 and graduating BA Fashion, Textiles and Footwear pathway students.
THE ANNUAL FASHION EXHIBITION is at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery from Sat 22 May. Opening times are Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 2pm to 5pm. Admission is free. For further information, please contact 01604 838111 or visit www.
THE FASHION SHOW is at The Royal and Derngate on Weds 16 June. Shows are at 2.30pm to 7.30pm. Tickets priced at £16 (£14). For tickets please call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit For further information visit: www. show
WOW June 2010
Meri rail " TOBQTIPU JO UJNF PG UIF QFPQMF XIP XPSL GPS BOE EFQFOE PO UIF *OEJBO SBJMXBZT UNTIL 15 AUGUST Arriving this spring at New Walk Museum & Art Gallery is a unique and stunning exhibition of photographic portraits by award winning filmmaker Gerry Troyna. Meri Rail: Portraits of the Indian Railways runs until 15 Aug 2010. The exhibition is a snapshot in time of the people who work for and depend on the Indian railways, including images from the humblest station orphan to a coolie, a high-level bureaucrat to a loco driver.
A new dimension of India, Meri Rail provides an insight to a real, everyday and fascinating society rarely seen. The photographs were captured using a portable studio with a single canvas backdrop with Gerry Troyna directing his photographer, Achinto Bhadra, to shoot the large format portraits of the people he encountered along the line. The photographic images have a painterly affect and offer both an intrigue to the people lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s featured, but also a window
Cultex $SPTT DVMUVSBM 5FYUJMFT TUeS 22 JUNe - SUN 22 AUG Japan and Norway share a close cultural and physical relationship with the innate power of natural forces; forces that can display great beauty in one moment and raw brutality in the next. Organic form and their understanding of the proximity of nature are the threads linking each of the artists in this project. The artists in CULTEX are all working sculpturally, with much of the work conceived as site-sensitive installation. CULTEX will show an exhibition of a new body of work reflecting the artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; individual and collaborative experience during the two years working exchange. All the artists are mid-career artists, each of whom has
WOW June 2010
an international reputation and a recognized body of work. At this stage in their careers the artists will find the cultural interchange between equals both stimulating and challenging. The participants will explore different approaches to the creative process, approaches mediated by specific cultural identities and each artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s established practice.
CULTeX will be showing from Tues 22 June - Sun 22 Aug 2010. Admission is free. For further information visit The artists and the curator have written journals about their experiences which can be found at
onto the great and colourful panorama of India. Freed from the context in which they are usually seen, the people featured in the photographs are not merely being looked at by the camera. In fact, they are looking at us. The Meri Rail project began in 2004 during the production of the documentary series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Monsoon Railwayâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bombay Railwayâ&#x20AC;? for the BBC. Three of Gerry Troynaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s films celebrating Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hill railways are also been shown on BBC4
on consecutive Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in February 2010. Including Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Nilgiri Mountain Railway and Kalka-Shimla Railway. MerI rAIL: POrTrAITS Of The INdIAN rAILWAyS is on at New Walk Museum & Art Gallery, New Walk, Leicester LE1 7EA until 15th August. Opening times are Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 11am to 5pm. For more details on Gerry Troynaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; films visit
Timmy mallett 4FF IJT OFX DPMMFDUJPO BU $SPGU 8JOHBUFT Artist & TV Personality Timmy Mallett has produced a collection of paintings to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the classic film ‘The Railway Children’ ... Three Exclusive Signed Limited Editions Prints are available at Croft Wingates the Picture Gallery in Market Harborough. John Snape, of Croft
Bernard Cribbins
Wingates said ...”Timmy’s painting just get’s better and better and we are thrilled to be able to offer collectors of Timmy Mallett’s paintings the chance to own one of these special signed limited editions featuring scenes from the film ‘The Railway Children’. What is particularly special
Jenny Agutter
Fri 4 - SUN 6 JUNe The Oadby Society of Artists, in Leicestershire, was founded some 42 years ago by a group of mostly amateur, and some professional artists. The OSA has two main areas of activity. Firstly, there are monthly meetings (except June and August), mainly providing tuition in the form of demonstrations. These are open to full and associate
members, and to visitors (for a small charge). The Society’s showcase is its Annual Exhibition, in early June, where full members have the opportunity to exhibit their work (not shown before in Leicestershire), with the potential for sales. The Society is fortunate in exhibiting at Brocks Hill Visitor Centre, Oadby, which is an excellent venue. Monday night meetings consist mainly of demonstrations
about them is that they are signed by three of the main characters from the film. Alongside Timmy’s signature the three actors to sign are Jenny Agutter, Bernard Cribbins & Sally Thomsett, making this a real collectors item. We will also be featuring a brand new collection of
Party at Station
by professional artists using a variety of methods and media. Meetings are both entertaining and educational, and associate members do not need to be experienced artists. Each year, one meeting is devoted to an appraisal of members’ work by a professional artist. There are also oneday workshops, open to nonmembers if space is available. Meetings are held at Beauchamp College, Oadby LE2 5TP, on the first Monday of each month at 7.00 p.m. from September to July (unless the school is closed for a bank holiday
originals and signed limited editions from Timmy Mallett in the gallery very soon.” For more information regarding our Timmy mALLeTT Originals and Signed Limited Editions contact John at Croft Wingates on 01858 465455 or email him at
Stopping the Train
when the meeting is moved to the 2nd Monday). There is no demonstration meeting in June. At present there are over 60 members (full exhibiting members and associate members). The Society welcomes new membership enquiries. Please telephone the Chairman on 0116 273 0493. The ANNUAL eXhiBiTiON will be showing at Brocks Hill Visitor Centre from Fri 4 - Sun 6 June. For more details call 0116 273 0493, email: cstevensart@ or visit: www.
WOW June 2010
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This seasons look is about paying attention to detail. A subtle flamboyance appears to be evolving in designer menswear.
eacock detailing is the phrase being used to describe the move to accentuate individuality and ensure you stand out in a crowd. Big design features for menswear in the past has usually reflected a functional purpose, however, there is a new move by designers to embellish with rather functionless detailing, this needs to be watched closely as we move through the seasons, as it really could be the most exciting move in men’s fashion for years!
808 ."/ For now why not start paying attention to detail with a new hairstyle, a MANicure! and while you’re in the mood, experiment with some great men’s skincare ranges! (Turn to our Hair & Beauty section.)
WOW June 2010
1. Cole, £99 . Bertie. 7
2. Tooth, Seven London, 925 Stirling Silver. £95, Halo. 3. Brown Leather Lace
Up Boots, £135. French Connection. 4. Brown leather saddle bag £34.99, River Island. 5. Sunglasses, £85 , John Lewis , Highcross 6. Trilby hat £9 by F&F. Tesco. 7.
8. Island Life Printed Shorts, £20 . 9. Rock Legends Mick Jagger T-Shirt £25, French Connection.
10 11
10. Stone Suit Jacket £99, Shirt £25, Belt £12, Natural Chinos £25,, Brogues £50. Burton. 11. Men’s jeans, £36.50. Debenhams. 13
12. Seven London, 925 Stirling Silver Cuff links. £115, Halo. 13. Fabric SS10, Republic.
14. 10 Corso como for Liberty of London Pink printed men’s shirt RRP £150. 15. Dass in chocolate £45, also available in Black, sizes 7-12. GorGeous. 15
%"%oT %": For some more WOW ideas for Father’s Day, turn to page 40.
)"*3 #&"65:
Men’s bits "EBN GSPN 7JWJE )BJS UBMLT B MJUUMF CJU BCPVU IJT FYQFSJFODF PG DBODFS JO NFO BOE TPNF HSFBU 'BUIFSoT %BZ HJGU JEFBT This month it’s all about men’s bits! It’s all Tracy, from wow magazine’s, fault! She came in last week with some ideas about what topics were being covered this month, and all she could talk about was men’s bits! I think it is in reference to Fathers day & the new summer fashion collections out this month, but I’m not really sure. Maybe it was the way
WOW June 2010
she was asking but apparently she couldn’t find any anywhere, men’s bits that is. So as usual I will do my own spin on the hot topic this month. It is now nearly 3 years since my father died from prostate cancer something that whilst you never really get over I would like to use my experience of it in a positive way. No matter how
much I learn about the nature and aspects of this dreadful disease what really strikes me still is the lack of knowledge that we the public, and men in particular actually know about it. If the good people at Wow will allow me to then next month I will do a feature on what with a few simple steps to follow, we (men) can do something that could save us or a loved one from suffering the same fate as my Dad did in 2007. I am also setting up a charity that will link to all the main causes of cancer in men & I think that calling it Mensbits would be a good name! After all where would we be without them!
If you have any haircare questions you would like to ask our expert, please write to: Adam @ Vivid Hair, C/O WOW, 50 St. Marys Road, Market Harborough, LE16 7DU.
I would like to and on a lighter note though and cant really let this column end without mentioning the new con/lib government so there you go I’ve mentioned it! And finally you all know by now that we stock a great range of products for men and women by both Chill and Davines so if it’s a Fathers day present or just something you want for yourself to look good for your man then come and see us. See you next month Adam VIVID HAIR is at 44 St. Marys Road, Market Harborough LE16 7DU. To book an appointment telephone 01858 468 394
)"*3 #&"65:
treat your Dad ,BSB 1PUUFS GSPN 5IF #FBVUZ .BOPS IBT TPNF HSFBU USFBUNFOUT BOE HJGUT QFSGFDU GPS 'BUIFSoT %BZ With half the year nearly gone, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure most peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feet have not touched the ground yet since Christmas. I hope everyone is booking their summer holidays but before we can go into the holiday period we have one last thing to celebrate- FATHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DAY. With Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day nearly upon us I thought I might catch the attention of some of these men who do want to know about beauty and their skin-care. Male Salons are opening nationally and skin-care brands are expanding the mens range due to popularity. Aside all the products there is the relaxation time that has to take into consideration.
8IBUoT BWBJMBCMF JO UIF 4BMPO DECLEOR offer their mens facial using a specialised mask called Pure Energy, which helps to soothe and calm any shaving irritation, protects from internal
and external factors, hydrates and nourishes the skin. All Decleor Facials include a Back Diagnostic Massage. Also within the Decleor treatment list is there Aroma Body Massage. 1hr treatment includes back, neck, arms and legs. 1hr 30 minute treatment includes same as 1hr treatment and also face and scalp massage. The Decleor body massage includes Thai, Shiatsu, Swedish, Aromatherapy and Reflexology moves and helps to relieve any tiredness or stress in the mind.
.FOoT TLJO DBSF Decleorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mens skin-care range is one of the top selling ranges within the beauty industry. Containing Clove as its main ingredient this helps to leave the skin feeling clean, bacteria free and smooth shave. The range consists of 6 productsClean Scrub Gel, Smooth Shave, Triple Action Oil to be used pre and post shave, Aftershave moisturiser, Skin Energiser
for face and Skin Energiser for Eyes.
.FOoT OBJMDBSF JESSICA has the Gentlemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club Set which is a male manicure set that can be done at home and in salon. The set contains a cuticle gel, hand scrub, hand cream and nail protector. Aside from the gift set, regular manicure are must have for men as having your hands massage with rich, nourishing hand creams really helps to loosen up the hands, as hands tend to carry a lot of stress and eases the joints.
.FOT XBYJOH Waxing if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re brave enough, is great to have your backs and
If you have any beauty questions you would like to ask our expert, please write to: Kara @ Beauty Manor, C/O WOW, 50 St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Road, Market Harborough, LE16 7DU.
chests hair free for summer, but definitely not for the faint hearted men!!
(JGU WPVDIFST Ladies donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget that Gift Vouchers are available from Reception at Browns Hairdressing for Beauty Treatments. HAPPY FATHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DAY Kara
Beauty ManOr is above Browns Hairdressing, Manor House, High Street, Market Harborough, LE16 7NL. To book an appointment telephone 0844 999 4365
Decleorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mens skin-care range
WOW June 2010
)"*3 #&"65:
Beauty on the move 4QB USFBUNFOUT JO UIF DPNGPSU PG ZPVS PXO IPNF If you live within six miles of Market Harborough, there’s a friendly, trusted and discreet alternative to beauty treatments in a salon. Sarah Cleaver is a fully qualified beautician who brings spa treatments to your own home, offering a relaxed service for clients who enjoy the convenience and privacy of her professional service. “Many of my clients have small children that make it difficult for them to spend an hour or more in a salon,” Sarah says. “For others, steps or travel might be problematic. But lots of ladies simply prefer the feeling of relaxing and enjoying their beauty treatments at home rather than in public.” Sarah offers a full range of feel-good treatments – facials, massage, manicures and pedicures, waxings, eye and nail treatments and makeup – bringing everything she needs to your home, and leaving everything spic-andspan. “It’s an increasingly popular service,” Sarah says, “and because I don’t have the overheads of running a salon,
WOW June 2010
it’s possible to pass savings on to my clients.” SARAH CLEAVER is a mobile beautician. To book an appointment telephone 07534 349403 or 01858 446074 or email www.sarahcleavermobilebeauty.
Dr. Marten tracks Play lOuD at: WWW.DrMartens.cOM. nOIsettes ever Fallen In lOve WIth sOMeOne yOu shOulDnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;best live band in Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; funk up Buzzcocksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; gay punk classic. Buraka sOM sIsteMa BuFFalO stance Neneh Cherry meets â&#x20AC;&#x153;the roughest globe-scoured ghetto-funk riddimsâ&#x20AC;?. the Duke sPIrIt IF the kIDs are unIteD. Whatever next? A girl grapples with the Sham 69 terrace anthem. D M-Funk thInGs that DreaMs are MaDe OF 1980s funk, driving beats and electronic synthsâ&#x20AC;Ś filtered via the black LA experience.
Guaranteed for life %S .BSUFOoT GPPUXFBS s MPPLJOH GBOUBTUJD BU As the Dr. Marten AirWair sole hits the Big 5-0, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to reflect on the design and style genius that lies behind this local Midland success story. Invented in Munich by the eponymous Dr Klaus Marten, he then partnered with Northamptonshireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Griggs family of shoemakers to produce the classic work/playwear â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s HQ remains in Rushden, where special-edition shoes are still manufactured. At first, it was postmen, factory workers and transport unions who felt the benefit of the ultimate fit-for-purpose boot; though throughout the course of the 1960s they were joined by what the DM website calls â&#x20AC;&#x153;rejects, outcasts and rebels from the fringes of society.â&#x20AC;? More than any other item of footwear, the Dr. Martenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shoe/ boot/lifestyle accessory has kitted out generation after generation of great British youth cults, continually re-inventing itself in
the eyes of its beholders to fit an ever-changing idea of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique, individual, indefinably of the moment. To mark the occasion of the DM50 anniversary, 10 cult bands have recorded 10 cult songs wearing cool cult booties. They recall the days of uniformed â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;youth tribesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from original skinheads and mods, via glam, punks, ska, psychobillies and grebos, to Goths and industrialists; from numetal and hardcore, to straightedge, grunge and Britpop. And the sum effect is one of all-consuming, multi-referential modernity. In the 21st century, the age of the cult is past. Now everyone is a stylistic one-man/woman army, incorporating elements of any or all of these styles into a unique look of their own. And the footwear that used to function as a tag of belonging can now, better than ever, truly define the individual.
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WOW June 2010
Blaston Show
Music in the Park
SUnDAY 27 JUne The 53rd Blaston and District Agricultural Show will take place Sunday 27th June. The Showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s main ring displays will include tug of war, terrier racing, gymkhanas, driven ponies and show jumping. Other attractions will include childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fair rides, trade stands, rural crafts, a licensed bar and food outlets, classic cars, classic and vintage tractors, modern farming display, dog showing, hound showing and sheep and goat showing and a cattle exhibit. The Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chairman, Rupert West said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our aim is raise the bar in what we can offer at Blaston Show every year. The addition of show cattle and other new attractions this year means we hope
to attract an even wider audience. Raising as much money as we can for local charities is our ultimate aim, but it is also important that this local rural show offers a great day out for everyoneâ&#x20AC;?. The 53rd Show will take place on the temporary Blaston Road showground between the villages of Blaston and Slawston in Leicestershire.
SATURDAY 5 JUne Music by â&#x20AC;&#x153;Junction 21â&#x20AC;? (an 18 piece swing band) and culminating with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Last Night of the Promsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by the acclaimed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kettering Citadell Brass Bandâ&#x20AC;?, and followed by a fabulous firework display set to the 1812 Overture in front of Wistow Hall.
All the money raised is going to the charity â&#x20AC;&#x153;LOROSâ&#x20AC;? (Hospice Care for Leicestershire & Rutland). So come and enjoy a great night out, whatever your age. It will certainly be a night to remember. MUSIC In THe PARK is at Wistow Hall on Sat 5 June. Gates open 5.30pm. Music starts 7.30pm. Finale & Grand Fireworks display 10pm. Advanced tickets ÂŁ12.50 On the Night ÂŁ15 12-16yr ÂŁ5 Under 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s free. FREE PARKING Book now by calling the Box Office on 0116 278 6374 or online at
For full information about the show, go online at:
Trooping the Colour 5IF 2VFFOoT PGäDJBM #JSUIEBZ SATURDAY 12 JUne The custom of Trooping the Colour dates back to the time of Charles II in the 17th. Century when the Colours of a regiment were used as a rallying point in battle and were therefore trooped in front of the soldiers every day to make sure that every man could recognise those of his own regiment. In London, the Foot Guards used to do this as part of their daily Guard Mounting on Horse Guards and the ceremonial of the modern Trooping the Colour parade is along similar lines. The first traceable mention of The Sovereignâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Birthday being â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;keptâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by the Grenadier Guards is in 1748 and again, after George III became King in 1760, it was ordered that parades should mark
WOW June 2010
the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Birthday. They have since been an annual event. Over 1400 officers and men are on parade, together with two hundred horses; over four hundred musicians from ten bands and corps of drums march and play as one. Some 113 words of command are given by the Officer in Command of the Parade. The parade route extends from Buckingham Palace along The Mall to Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall and back again. The Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Birthday Parade will be held on Saturday 12th June 2010 on Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall, London SW1A 2AX. The processions can also be seen from the Mall. Events begin at 10am, fly-past at 1pm. Also broadcast live on BBC TV.
Cadbury World celebrates 20 years (FU NPWJOH UP $BECVSZ 8PSMEoT 4VNNFS MJOF VQ Cadbury World has announced a sizzling summer line up of family events beginning with A week of football mania for the whole family to Kick start the Whitsun half term holiday. Keen footballers will be given top tips by the West Bromwich Albion Community Coach whilst visitors will get into the World Cup South African spirit with performances by African drumming troupe Rhythm Junkies. Families will also be able to play on an EA Sports Gaming hub or score the winning goal in a game of giant human table football. On Sunday 6th June BMX freestylers Team Extreme will be helping to motivate walkers participating in the Junior and Family Walkathon sponsored by Cadbury World. The nine mile
Walkathon is part of the longer twenty-six mile BRMB Lookers Vauxhall Walkathon raising money for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Charity. Applications close on Monday 31st May and the Worlds biggest Cadbury chocolate shop on route will help keep energy levels up. Continuing throughout the summer Cadbury World has planned activities aimed at the whole family including a giant Scalextric championship on Father’s Day. On 17th and 18th July Cadbury World will be transporting visitors to Bollywood with a series of glittering performances by the Bollywood Dance Academy. The series of summer events lined up by the popular Midlands attraction marks its 20th Anniversary. As well as enjoying
the themed events, visitors will have the chance to explore the fourteen different zones at Cadbury World, including the opportunity to choose their own unique concoction in the Essence Zone. Having first opened its doors in 1990 Cadbury World now receives over 570,000
visitors each year including 75,000 school children who arrive to experience the magic, making and history of Cadbury chocolate.
iver homeware products, wood crafts including live woodworkers, jewellers, winemakers and brewers. There really is more than we can possibly mention here – the best news of all being that while we’re busy sampling, there’s a performing storyteller, live
llamas and a bouncy obstacle course for the kids!
For more information about a visit to Cadbury World go to
A taste of summer 'PPE $SBGUT FWFOU BU #SJYXPSUI $PVOUSZ 1BSL sun 20 June There’s an unmissable day of crafty and foodie delights coming up at Brixworth Country Park later this month. In addition to its usual lakeside attractions and the excellent café common to all of Northamptonshire’s Country Parks – Salcey Forest, Oundle, Fermyn Woods… – this one-off Food & Craft Day will feature the best of our local speciality businesses and their uniquely tasty wares. Among the many treats to sample (and buy, of course!) will be Ostrich Fayre’s exotic meat
from Nottinghamshire, Brockleby’s pork pies and Minority Breed meats From Melton Mowbray, and organic produce from Pick’s farm shop from Barkby Thorpe. Deli2dine4, Brackley Country Market and Harborough’s own Classic Slices will be rubbing shoulders with Jamie Ol-
FOOD & CRAFT DAY at Brixworth Country Park on Sun 20 June. Admission to Marquee: Adults £3.00; Children £1.00. Pay and Display charges in operation.
WOW June 2010
everyone loves Bugsy Go dine in Northants ,FUUFSJOH .VTJD BOE 1FSGPSNJOH "SUT /FX POMJOF SFTUBVSBOU TFBSDI BOE EP #VHTZ .BMPOF CPPL GBDJMJUZ HPFT MJWF Fri 18 & SAT 19 JuNe Kettering Music and Performing Arts Centre’s forthcoming production is Bugsy Malone. Alan Parker wrote the screenplay in the 1970’s and Paul Williams wrote the songs. After the success of the film, Alan Parker adapted the screenplay for the stage. This familiar, fun packed show, complete with slurge guns and custard pies will delight you all. The students, aged between 7 and 16, have been working hard to produce a great show. Bugsy Malone is showing on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th June at 7pm at The Masque Theatre, Latimer Arts College, Castle Way, Barton Seagrave, Kettering. Tickets cost £7 for adults and £5 for concessions and are available
from the Kettering Music Centre, Southfield’s School, Lewis Road, Kettering on Saturday mornings from 9 - 12pm (excluding 29th May and 5th June) or by calling our Box Office on 07957 250491. Come and see these talented young people and you will leave the theatre with a smile on your face, singing and dancing all the way home! If you want to know more , visit the website at:
Northamptonshire Enterprise Limited (NEL), in conjunction with Go dine, today launches a new free to use one-stopshop online restaurant guide featuring the best places to eat in Northamptonshire, providing users the chance to browse menus, images and maps, book tables and earn free meals. The new website can be found at www.northants.godine. and provides a user-friendly guide to the best, predominantly independently owned, restaurants in Northamptonshire including the facility to book online for which users receive a text message confirmation as well as proof of any special offer which has been booked for real peace of mind.
Listed on the site at any one time will be more than 200 special offers, many exclusive to the site, user-generated content allowing visitors to post reviews and the option to edit or cancel any bookings should the need arise, on top of this is the collection of Go dine points for every booking made, allowing users to earn themselves free meals. For anyone looking to book for a large group or corporate function, the Northamptonshire Go dine site features a selection of restaurants ideal for group bookings. Go dine also has a bookings team which is available 7 days a week 10am-10pm to answer queries or provide a shortlist of options based on individual requirements.
We have lift-off... 4QBDF FYIJCJUJPO BU /FX 8BML .VTFVN "SU (BMMFSZ SAT 5 JuNe - SuN 10 OcT New Walk Museum & Art Gallery will launch a mustsee exhibition for all ages this summer. Space Age: Exploration, Design and Popular Culture will invite visitors on a
WOW June 2010
journey through the cosmos to contemplate how space has become part of their lives through popular culture, literature, film, design and merchandising. In this touring exhibition from the V&A Museum of Childhood, there includes more than 300 intriguing objects on display from their collection as well as fabulous loans from around the world. There promises to be something for every space enthusiast - from children making their own ‘first small steps’ to the generation who witnessed Neil Armstrong taking his on the lunar surface in 1969. Exhibits include a piece of a Mars Meteorite, an original
Cosmonaut Suit, an Indo-Persian celestial globe, a model of SpaceShipOne, packets of NASA space food, and a Fisher Space Pen (the pen that defies gravity). The excitement of the space race during the 1950s and 1960s left an indelible mark on popular culture. Space opened new frontiers in design, architecture, music, film, fashion and literature – from Ziggy Stardust to Star Wars, space was soon omnipresent in everyday life. Space Age: Exploration, Design and Popular Culture is a touring exhibition organised by the V&A Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green, London.
NeW WAlk MuSeuM & ArT GAllery, New Walk, Leicester. Admission free. Open Monday – Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm, Sunday 11.00am – 5.00pm. For more details call 0116 225 4900 or visit: uk/museumsandgalleries.
Find out more at or ring 01933 664437 for further information
In search of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;best of the bestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
WOW June 2010
808 ,*%4
BcaPfQTaah @dTT] 2PZTb WOW kids celebrate the queens official Birthday on 12th June by creating their very own celebratory strawberry and cream indulgence, inspired by the forthcoming Wimbledon Tennis Tournament starting 21st June.
WOW June 2010
*OHSFEJFOUT GPS TIPSUCSFBET 125g (4oz) salted butter plus some extra for greasing 60g (2oz) caster sugar 125g (4oz) plain flour 60g (2oz) cornflour 2 level tbsp cocoa powder For the filling 250g (8oz) fresh strawberries (washed, hulled and sliced) 300ml (½ pint) double cream Icing sugar for dusting
F>F CX_ As an alternative, use a singular biscuit and add fruit of your choice, and a dollop of ice cream!
.FUIPE 1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC (325ºF/ gas mark 3). Place the butter and sugar in a bowl and cream together until light and fluffy. 2. Sieve in both the flours and cocoa powder. Mix together with a fork until all the ingredients are combined. 3. Make the dough into a round ball using your hands. 4. Sprinkle a surface and rolling pin with flour. Put the dough on the surface and roll out until ½ cm thick. 5. Cut out 12 short breads and place on a greased baking tray. Put in the oven for about 20 minutes. 6. When the shortbreads are done, take them out of the oven and leave to cool. 7. Whilst the shortbreads are cooling, use the whisk to whip the double cream. 8. When the shortbreads are cool, spoon some of the whipped cream onto the underside of the biscuits. 9. Pile on the strawberries onto half of the shortbreads, and sandwich with the remaining. 10. Finally, dust your strawberry shortcakes with icing sugar, using a sieve.
Mixing Bowls - Set of three, £25. John Lewis
Sieve, £7. John Lewis
F>F 5PRc ONE HAS TWO HRH the Queen’s actual Birthday is 21st April. Silicone Spoons and Spatulas, £6 each. John Lewis
WOW June 2010
Sunday 11 JuLy, 11am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5pm Many of the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best Wedding suppliers will be exhibiting within a marquee in the beautiful grounds of Ladywood Estate, offering everything you need for your perfect day.
WOW June 2010
LadyWOOd WEddInG FayRE For more information, please contact Hannah from Hand Maid Weddings & Events on 07725 252200 or go online to
WOW June 2010
-"%*&4 5)"5 %0
3^dQ[T Ca^dQ[T
Tracy and Elaine almost skip to the station, full of excitement and anticipation, with just a few nerves and ready to enjoy to a luxury photo-shoot experience, courtesy of doubletake studios...
nboard our train we sit back relax with a drink, and arrive at St Pancras in just over an hour. It seems like no time at all before we find ourselves standing outside the doubletake studios where we are greeted in the studio reception by a very friendly team. We are shown a comfy sofa, offered drinks and given an outline of what our day would consist of – make-up, hair, photo-shoot, lunch and viewing.
Obligatory form filling gave us an insight to the various stylings. Once this was done, we were introduced to our own make-up artists Anita and Magdalena, then off to the beauty studio! With our seats laid back, our hair hanging down, it was time for the real fun to begin!On with the face mask and eye pads, as a colleague starts on the hair, another gives a fabulous hand massage - heaven! Once the face pack was removed, the make up was applied, and only when Anita and
WOW June 2010
We chatted about our prefered style of photo, we opted for contemporary and funky (lingerie shots or more sensitive photo’s can be pre- arranged with an all female team). Ideally we wanted to compliment each other in our together shots. We already thought about this with our choice of outfits! Getting together for a try on session was a good idea! 3-4 outfits is probably enough. Also to give the photograper an idea of the style of pose you would like, it’s an idea to take a few celebrity pics to use as reference. The session begins with our nerves getting the better of us, as we opt to share a changing room! Rather excited and a little apprehensive, we are as always, determined to have a good time. The photographers manage to put us at ease, striking poses for us to follow, and polite words of encouragement, our nervous smiles soon become genuine ones. Half way through we change outfits and having been separated for some of our photo shoot it’s reassuring to keep passing each other as we travel to the
Magdalena were happy we were allowed view our ‘new’ (and improved) faces! - WOW! Breathe, then off to meet our photographers - CJ and Nadine.
-"%*&4 5)"5 %0
different studios. Eventually we are reunited for some more fun pictures together, bumping and falling over each other. “A normal day for Tracy and Elaine really!” After our photo shoot we return to the comfy waiting area to have some lunch and await our viewing... We are left alone in the viewing room and begin to giggle uncontrollably as we watch a slide show of ourselves on a rather large screen, the montages were a great twist to the traditional photo. As the tears of laughter subside along with the want to have all the photos. We discuss what packages are available to suit us with a member of the team and try to be realistic and stay within our budget. Having enjoyed all the attention we have been given we make our way back to reception to book a cab for ‘Covent Garden’ to soak up some entertainment, along with a glass of wine or two! An absolutely fantastic day and yes the pampering guarantee was definitely honoured. If you don’t fancy the hustle and
bustle of London, doubletake does have studios in Birmingham, so if you get a call saying that you were recommended by a friend, think twice before you decline the offer (a big thank you to WOW reader Marie Smith), as we were her phone a friend! doubletake studios LondonBirmingham-ManchesterSouthampton web: www. tel: 08444 776655
WOW June 2010
5PcWTa{b 3Ph VXUcb If you want to tell your dad just how much you love him this Father’s Day then give him a great gift...
his Father’s Day, 20 June, treat your Dad to something a little bit different from the usual socks, books and chocolates. The WOW team have put together a list of some of their favourite goodies in the shops now
...a cool gadget perhaps... 3
5 1
...or maybe some jewellery... 7
925 Stirling Silver from Seven London (Items 7-9)
WOW June 2010
...or if sport’s his thing...
The Team at Duncan Murray Wines invite you to Saturday Tastings between 12pm and 3pm
OPENING TIMES Tuesday - Friday: 10am - 2.30pm 3.30pm - 7pm Saturday: 10am - 6pm
10 Adam & Eve Street Market Harborough Leics. LE16 7LT Tel/Fax: 01858 464935
Saturday Tastings
Always first with the latest technology, department store John Lewis will be first to market with the much-anticipated 3D television. The new Samsung UE40 C8000 X LED 3D TV, priced at £1,999, is available NOW! John Lewis will has the following products available to buy: • Samsung UE40 C7000 3D TV, £1,799 • Samsung 3D Blu-ray Player BD C6900 - £349 • X 2 Samsung Active Shutter 3D Glasses with 3D Blu-ray Monsters v Aliens disc - £149 • 3D Ready HDMI Cable - Version 1.4 - £49.95 If customers buy the Samsung UE40 C7000 3D TV and Samsung 3D Blu-ray Player BD C6900 from John Lewis, they will receive, free of charge X2 Samsung Active Shutter 3D glasses with a 3D Blu-ray Monsters v Aliens disc, a combined value of £149 – this offer runs until 30 June.
bot e c a ni ay! e k i D l ing ther’s h t a o ’s n d on F e r The of Re
Please mention WOW
...for more WOW ideas, turn to our fashion pages (p24)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Braun P60 Pocket Go Shaver - £14.95 John Lewis Cuisinart DBM8U Auto Burr Coffee Grinder - £50 John Lewis Adidas MX680 Sports Headphones - £34.95 John Lewis ROBERTS Sports 994 Personal Radio - £34.95 John Lewis Built NY 15-16” Laptop Sleeve - £29.95 Sennheiser Apple’s revolutionary iPad - from £429 The Apple Store, Highcross 7 Tigers Eye ring - £110 Halo ( 8 Necklace - £95 Halo ( 9 Black CZ Crystal Cuff links -£150 Halo ( 10 World Cup flip flops - £24 each House of Fraser 11 Multi bright briefs - £20 each Bjorn Borg, House of Fraser
WOW June 2010
I normally test my cars in the Midlands â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but stunning Scotland provided the scenery for the recent UK launch of the upgraded Mazda 6. Inverness is always stunning, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the drive out towards Loch Ness that does any car justice. The roads give you a chance to really drive. There are no traffic jams - just lots of hills, twisty bends and long stretches of open tarmac where you can really enjoy the feeling of freedom behind the wheel. The latest version of the Mazda 6 didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t disappoint. So what does the facelifted 6 look like? Well, at first glance, the car is not much different to the older model, but as
WOW June 2010
you get a little closer you see the front and rear have been restyled. The 6 now features Mazdaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distinctive new family face complete with restyled silver-backed headlamps and fog lamp bezels. Similarly, the rear of both hatch and estate boast good-looking new tail lights. These exterior changes are complemented inside with contemporary silver ringed dials and controls, while the centre console and steering wheel spokes are finished in a high gloss black trim. But what is immediately noticeable is the improved sweeping dashboard with its softer casing. This gives the whole cabin a higher quality feel. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not to say that Maz-
da has binned all of its cheaper looking interior plastic mouldings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; bits and pieces have still found their way in. The Mazda 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four familiar equipment levels â&#x20AC;&#x201C; S, TS, TS2
and Sport â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all deliver great safety and kit. Upgraded equipment includes â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;smartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; turn indicators and Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) for all models, while higher-end models like
.0503*/( the magnificent 170ps 2.5 litre Sport get a funky new rear spoiler, front and rear parking sensors, Hill Hold Assist (HHA) and active Bi-Xenon AFS front lights. The fresh-look Mazda 6 range comes with a choice of six engines – three petrol and three turbo diesel, available with five and six-speed manual transmissions or five-speed auto boxes. The petrol versions range from the 120ps 1.8 litre and 155ps 2.0 litre to my favourite – the rapid 170ps 2.5 litre performance flagship. The diesel range involves three variants of Mazda’s 2.2 litre turbocharged powerplant which delivers 129ps, 163ps and a very meaty 180ps.
The Mazda 6 promises to deliver better economy and lower emissions than before. CO2 emission levels are from just 138g/km with a combined economy of up to 54.3mpg. But it’s not all about being green and economical; steering and suspension have been enhanced to give a more sporty and dynamic driving experience, making the car real fun to drive. If you’re more of a badge polisher than an engineering expert, you’ll be pleased to know that I reckon the bold new styling of the car is first rate. Put it this way, if you need a family car but you still want a sporty, affordable, sexy looking car,
then you’ll enjoy seeing this sitting on your drive. You’ll even be able to find the money for a valet occasionally with the cash you’ll undoubtedly save from the Mazda 6’s clean and fuel efficient engines.
Yes, priced from £16,995 to £23,445 on the road, this car delivers great value and top-notch performance. And with Mazda’s legendary reputation for reliability, you can’t go far wrong.
_a^b R^]b POSITIVE • Looks • Interior • Strong engine • Economical NEGATIVE • Interior plastics
UPGrAdEd MAzdA 6 MEchANIcAL: Choice of 6 engines, 3 petrol and 3 diesel, from 120ps to 180ps MAx SPEEd: Up to 137 mph 0-62 mph 8.4 – 11.3 seconds cOMbINEd MPG: Up to 54.3 ENGINE LAyOUT: 2477cc in-line four cylinders POWEr: 165 bhp TOrqUE: 402lb ft @ 2000 rpm cO2: From 138g/km PrIcE: £16,995 to £23,445 on the road
WOW June 2010
High-tech device set to slash insurance premiums for young drivers " IJHI UFDI EFWJDF XIJDI SFDPSET UIF UJNF PG EBZ B DBS JT PO UIF SPBE JT TFU UP TMBTI JOTVSBODF QSFNJVNT GPS ZPVOH ESJWFST CFUXFFO UIF BHF PG UP  The i-kube logs journey data enabling insurance companies to offer policy conditions which encourage motorists not to drive between particular hours.  Drivers who agree to have the i-kube fitted will have their premiums reduced by up to 40%.  Its makers hope the device will dramatically reduce the number of fatalities involving young people on the roads between 11pm and 5am.   A spokesman for i-kube said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Early indications are that i-kube is working brilliantly. Over 80% of policyholders already insured with us are not driving at all during the red hours.â&#x20AC;?  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proving particularly popular with parents of students who might be a long way away, as it
can offer real peace of mind that their son or daughter isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t running the risk of being on the roads late at night.â&#x20AC;?  â&#x20AC;&#x153;We see the use of this sort of technology as a win-win for young drivers. It makes driving more affordable and ultimately, far safer.â&#x20AC;?  WOWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s motoring editor, Tim Barnes-Clay, commented: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Learning to drive is a rite of passage for many young people, but getting on the road can be costly in more ways than one.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;The use of this type of technology is more common in Europe, particularly Italy and Spain and not just for young drivers. Pay as you drive systems have been tried here, but this is something much simpler.â&#x20AC;?
 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Insurance premiums are typically very high for young drivers because the risks of them being involved in an accident are relatively high. For parents of teenagers, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s understandably a real concern.â&#x20AC;?  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s well known that driving between 11pm and 5am is the most dangerous time for young drivers. So, by discouraging drivers from being on the roads between these hours, their risk of accidents is reduced and the i-kube can significantly reduce the cost of their insurance.â&#x20AC;? The i-kube works using a small hand-sized GPS device, which is installed on the car in around 10 minutes behind the dashboard.  It sends out a signal to advise the insurance company when the
car is driven between the hours of 11pm and 5am.  If the car is driven during this time, known as the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;red hoursâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, the policy holder will be charged ÂŁ45.  Makers of the i-kube came up with the idea after it was revealed 17-25 year-olds made up more than a quarter of deaths as a result of road traffic accidents between 1999 and 2008.  And of the fatal accidents involving that age group, more than one in three happened between 11pm and 5am.  One in ten happens between midnight and 1am.  Men are also twice as likely to be involved in a car crash than women. Â
Biomethane is an answer to road pollution, says rural watchdog  Road pollution is a major concern for many people and councils across the country have implemented measures to try and reduce harmful emissions such as traffic calming, car sharing, congestion charging schemes and in some cases, areas prohibiting all traffic.  However, according to a Leicestershire rural watchdog, a far simpler way to reduce the pollution from road vehicles could be to switch to biomethane.  CLA East Midlands, based at
WOW June 2010
Sutton Bassett near Market Harborough, says that while switching to the increasingly familiar Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) certainly delivers air quality benefits, it remains a fossil fuel and is only a partial answer. Â The CLA claims that in other EU countries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; notably Sweden â&#x20AC;&#x201C; tax breaks and incentives have allowed motorists to make the next step, and realise all the benefits of gas fuel as well as saving carbon by switching to biomethane.
 Tim Barnes-Clay, WOWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s motoring editor, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Leicestershireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farmers can make biomethane from animal manures and crop by-products like vegetable peelings, as well as from crops such as maize. Compared to other biofuels, a car does many more miles per hectare running on biomethane - therefore making the best use of farmland.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a pity that the carbon savings and air quality benefits of biomethane are only now being recognised in UK policy. We
have a great deal of catching up to do with Sweden, but provided policy provides the right incentives there is no reason why biomethane should not be as widely available as LPG.â&#x20AC;? The CLA recently hosted representatives from the Department of Transport at Nottinghamshire based Hardstaff Haulage - the first major transport company in the UK and Europe to use natural gas recovered from landfill waste for road transport. Â
WOW June 2010
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8JO 'FTUJWBM 8FFLFOE 5JDLFUT The Big Session Festival is on Fri 18 - Sun 20 June at De Montfort Hall and Gardens, Leicester. (See page 13 for details) De Montfort hall have very kindly given WOW a pair of weekend tickets to give away.
WOW has teamed up with The Leicester Tigers to give away 1 x pair of seated tickets to see James Morrison (Thursday 15th July) and 1 x pair of seated tickets to see Will Young (riday 16th July) at Welford Road.
Normal purchase price is ÂŁ35.00. For your chance to win apply to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;James Morrisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Will Youngâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to the address at the foot of the page. Closing date for entries is Monday 5 July.
For your chance to win, apply to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;BIG SESSIONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to the address at the foot of the page. Closing date for entries is Friday 11 June.
%BODJOH 2VFFO Dancing queen is at the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham from Thurs 8 - Sat 10 July. WOW has a pair of tickets to give a lucky reader for the performance on Thursday 8 July at 7.30pm. For your
chance to win, send your entries to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ABBA Competitionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HANG ON play at Octagonal Theatre, Market Harborough on Friday 18 June. WOW has a
Closing date for entries is Friday 2nd July.
pair of tickets to give away. For your chance to win, send your entries to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;FOUR
SEASONS Competitionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to the address at the foot of the page. Closing date for entries is Friday 11th June. Go to page 19 to find out more
8JO " 'BNJMZ 5JDLFU UP $BECVSZ 8PSME If you like chocolate youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love Cadbury World! WOW has a family ticket to give away to the first name out of our goody bag on 25th June. For your chance
to win, write to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Glass and a halfâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to the address at the foot of the page and tell us which colour you think of first when you think of chocolate!
Please state clearly which competition you are entering and send your entries along with your name, address, phone number and email address to WOW Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On Where, 50 St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Road, Market Harborough LE16 7DU.
WOW May 2010
38A42C>AH To advertise in the Midlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fastest-growing guide to whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on and where to be seen in our region, email or call 01858 439 999
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WOW June 2010
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7P[[Pc^] 2Pbc[T Derek Hammond visits the other village treasure…
ny mention nowadays of the chocolate-box village of Hallaton is likely to be followed by a discussion not only of the ancient bottle-kicking and hare-pie scrambling rituals that still thrive in the Leicestershire village, but of the huge treasure hoard dis-
WOW June 2010
covered locally 10 years ago. The Hallaton Treasure was an archaeological find of national importance, posing almost as many historical questions as it answered. You can go and see some of the 5,000 Iron Age and Roman coins in the new exhibition at the Harborough Museum – but when you’re out this summer for a weekend stroll, there’s another spectacular element of the village’s long and confused history that’s worth a visit: Hallaton Castle. If you park near the village pond, a 10 minute walk down Goadby Lane soon reveals the spectacular remains of the motte and bailey Castle, visible across a lush valley over the fields. Cross the field and the winding river, and you can climb right through the deep defensive ditch and up the 8 metre motte mound to admire the view down the picturesque river valley. As Leonard Cantor explains in his ‘Scheduled Ancient Monuments of Leicestershire and Rutland’: “the official account describes it as the probable centre of an estate described in the Domesday Book… According to Pevsner, however, it was probably built in the mid-twelfth century.” Note that use of the clause ‘probable’. It’s probably just coincidence that Castle Hill is just down the slope from where the local Corieltavi tribe’s treasure was found, including not just 5,000 coins but the sacrificial remains of 300 pigs, a silver ingot and bowl and a Roman helmet, confusingly dated well before the shrine’s date of AD40, when the Romans invaded the area.
“Who were its first defenders it is hard to say,” Arthur Mee wrote of the Castle in his ‘King’s England’ in 1937, “for coins of Tasciovanus [dating to 20 BC], the father of Cunobelin (or Cymbeline), have been found here, as well as Roman ones…” Walk back to the village through the beautiful river valley and enjoy its terracettes, cut-off meanders, river cliffs and slip-off slopes. So to the village church, where you can learn about the later Christian
adoption of the hilltop Hallaton shrine, when it was devoted to St.. Morrell and attracted pilgrims from all over Europe – contributing to the growth of the village as the region’s most important market centre, pre-Harborough. As Arthur Mee concluded regarding the Castle, the coins, “forgotten pagan customs” and the church’s unique “little vaulted crypt” linked to the display of sacred relics: “When origins are sought at Hallaton, the choice is bewildering…”