SPRING SESSION The Pastors’ Institute Weeks 1 & 2: May 7–18 Kathryn Greene-McCreight APPL Darkness is My Only Companion: Pastoral Care for the Mentally Ill and their Loved Ones Keith Ganzer May 7–18 APPL The Exegete in the Pulpit: NT Greek & Exegesis in Sermon Preparation Jim Belcher May 14–17 APPL Mission and Tradition: Seeking the Balance in Ministry Session 1: Weeks 1 & 2: May 7–18 Bruce Hindmarsh May 7–13
Prayer: Five Traditions & Practices Mariam Kamell New Testament Foundations Sven Soderlund Pastoral Vision of the Apostle Paul
Session 2: Week 3:
May 21–25
Phil Long The Bible and Archaeology John Walton The Book of Deuteronomy
Peter Shaw INDS The Christian Leader in the Secular World of Work Gordon T. Smith SPIR/THEO Conversion and Transformation May 21–June 8 BIBL Sven Soderlund Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation Ron Rittgers HIST/SPIR TBA Session 3: Week 4 & 5: May 28–June 8 Glen Scorgie May 28–June 1
SPIR Introduction to Christian Spirituality Ross Hastings APPL/BIBL Theological Themes in the Book of Hebrews Craig Gay INDS Christian Faith and Practice in a (Post) Modern World Iwan Russell-Jones INDS Image & Word: Theological Reflections on Media & Culture Loren and Mary-Ruth Wilkinson INDS Food: Communion, Community, and Creation Maxine Hancock INDS/SPIR Spiritual Pilgrimage: Image and Experience in Literature and Life
SUMMER SESSION Weeks 1 & 2: June 25–July 6 David Lyon June 25–29
INDS Surveillance and Privacy BIBL Dave Diewert Solidarity, Resistance, Liberation: The Way of God in the World Marilyn McEntyre INDS Praise by Phrase: Lectio and the Reading Life Rachel Smith INDS Christianity Immersed in Culture: What Art Reveals About the Challenges of Contextualization Hans Boersma INDS/THEO Theology of Culture Hans Boersma THEO Systematic Theology C
Weeks 3 & 4: July 9–20
Bruce Waltke and Jim Houston July 9–13 BIBL/SPIR Psalms as Christian Lament Ralph Wood INDS Flannery O’Connor, the Gospel, and the Imagination Susan Phillips SPIR Contemplative Listening: The Foundation of Spiritual Friendship and Direction Paul Helm THEO Systematic Theology A
July 9–20 INDS/THEO Ivan Satyavrata How Jesus Fulfills the Human Religious Quest Tim Lowly July 9–27 INDS Drawing, Close to God: Regarding, the Vocation of the Artist (3 weeks) Week 5: July 23–27
John Dickson APPL Promoting the Gospel to Contemporary Culture Edwin Hui APPL/INDS Clinical Ethics: The Five Hardest Decisions You’ll Ever Make Paul Stevens APPL/INDS The Soul of Leadership: Developing the Spirituality of Influence John Barclay BIBL Galatians Rebecca Idestrom BIBL God’s Glory in Exile: Studies in the Book of Ezekiel George Marsden & Bill Svelmoe HIST All One Body? The Many Faces of 20th Century American Evangelicalism Biblical Languages June 25–Aug 10 New Testament Greek Old Testament Hebrew
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