Year 3 Aliens Topic Week One (Week beginning 12/09/11) We will be launching our new topic this week. The focus is All About Me, so we are going to investigate from the aspect of an alien wanting to find out all about us. We will be researching space and building our knowledge and understanding for our topic, as well as reporting on what has happened so far. This week also sees the start of Italian lessons on Wednesdays. Week Two (Week beginning 19/09/11) We will be continuing our topic with contributions and ideas from the children on what they would like to do. Hopefully we will also be able to discover and meet the alien this week. On this Monday we will be having a squash coach visit us to give the children a taster for squash and on the Friday we hope for Filmclub to begin. Week Three (Week beginning 26/09/11) This week has a music trip to the City Learning Centre taking place on either the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for your child. Week Four (Week beginning 3/10/11) This week we will still be helping the alien to find out all about us. Week Five (Week beginning 10/10/11) On this week we will be having a trip to the Great North Museum to see the planetarium to find out about rockets. We will then be thinking of our own rocket designs and building some of these using a variety of materials. This trip will take place on the Monday at the cost of ÂŁ3 and will see us return to school in time for lunch. On Thursday it will be photo day. Week Six (Week beginning 17/10/11) This will be the final week of our Alien topic. We will have an opportunity to review our topic and the work we have done, as well as share the topic homework we have undertaken. Homework projects will also be due in this week. There will be no Filmclub this week.