The Regent
Spring 2006 • Volume 17, Number 2
You Belong to the Regent World Inside: You Belong to the Regent World....1-2 Members of the Regent World.......2 “Googling” J.I......3 Introducing Paul Williams.......4 Introducing Richard Thompson... 5 The Next Chapter ............6-7 Pray for the World................ 10 Summer Programs............ 11 Regent Bookstore........... 12
s it pretentious to tell our readers that they belong to the Regent world? In I Corinthians 12 and 13, Paul unpacks an important principle about belonging by using the image of the body and the virtue of love. I want to take the liberty of reworking those two chapters while staying committed to the foundational argument: In the Regent world there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. All members of the Regent world contribute and in so doing they are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses. For just as the Regent world has many members, and all the members of the Regent world, though many, are one. So it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the Regent world does not consist of one member but of many. If the person who does not live in Vancouver would say, “Because I have not been to Vancouver for years, I do not belong,” that would not make them any less a part of the Regent world. And if the faithful donor who can only give a small amount each year would say, “Because I am not a donor that contributes a large amount of money, I do not really belong,”
that would not make them any less a part of the Regent world. If the donor community was only made up of donors that have been blessed with significant wealth, Regent would miss the prayer, support, and friendship of many individuals who want to be part of what God is doing among us. But as it is, God arranged the members of the Regent world, each one of them, as he chose. If everyone in the Regent world was only a student, or a staff member, or a faculty member, where would we be? Imagine if we only had alums or volunteers or donors? Where would we be? As it is, there are many members, yet one Regent world. The faculty cannot say to the staff, “I have no need of you.” Nor can the students say to the Board, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the members of the Regent world that are not as visible and obvious are
indispensable. It is just like our physical bodies. There are parts of our anatomy that might be described as less honourable or respectable, but we clothe them with honour and respect. In fact God himself gives honour to the less obvious so there is no dissension and all members of the Regent world can have care and respect for one another. When something good happens at Regent we are all pleased, and when we face a challenge or a crisis, we go through it together. Now you are the Regent world and individually a member of it. Always remember that this is God’s doing. In his sovereignty he appoints board and foundation members, faculty and staff. He makes it possible for students to participate in the Regent world. Graduates carry out various ministries all over the world because of his enabling. The sacrifices of volunteers and donors can be traced to his prompting.
But always ask yourself these questions. Is the Board the only part of the Regent world? Can the Administration lay claim to being the most important part? Are the faculty the be all and end-all? Are the staff the only group that counts? Are students the only members? Are alums the key component? Is the Regent world lost without volunteers? Are donors the only indispensable group? You will only find the right answer to these questions by practising love. If the Regent world is known for its academic excellence and orthodox teaching, but does not have love, it will actually sound like an orchestra that is desperately out of tune. If the Regent world plumbs the depths of scholarship, links it with Christian spirituality, and seeks to prepare people to serve God in their varied vocations around the world, but has not love, it is nothing. If Regent students leave
the green roof and engage in the marketplace, the church and the academy with vigour and passion, but they do not have love, they gain nothing. While academic enterprises like the Regent world can miss the importance of such an ethic, the pursuit of love will ensure that we are not impatient, unkind, envious, boastful, arrogant or rude. We will be known as those who do not insist on our own way, or are characterized by resentment and irritability. In the process we will rejoice in truth and not error. Whatever may occur in the Regent world we will bear all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things. And now faith, hope and love abide, but the greatest of these is love. You belong to the Regent world.
Members of the Regent World Mike Domes, Jennie McLaurin, Ellie Robson, and Susan Phillips all belong to the Regent World and have vocations that involve them in caring for the health of others’ bodies and spirits.
Mike Domes is a current student who started at Regent this past autumn. He and his wife Naomi are both physiotherapists. He says, “I first heard about Regent years ago, when my university roommate came to Regent for Su m mer S cho ol, and I was curious.” Now that he is studying at Regent part-time, Mike says, “The integrity of the place has been confirmed. A lot of folks speak highly of Regent, and it is a non-compromising place that allows thinking outside the box. “I’ve appreciated its focus on the mandate of Christians to be stewards of the earth. Evangelicals have often longed for the kingdom in the future instead of
looking for signs of it here and now.” Mike’s concern for the re-integration of the physical and spiritual aspects of life shows up in his physical therapy practice as well. He says he is convinced that full “healing ultimately begins at a spiritual root,” and his interest in “holistic ministry” is one of the reasons he is attending Regent. After completing his BSc in physiotherapy, Mike completed a certificate in medical acupuncture, and though he doesn’t follow Chinese philosophy in its entirety, he says that, in studying the treatment of pain, he has realized it is good to integrate the best insights of the West and the East. “We don’t have it all figured out in the West,” says Mike, “but we can tell when we’re not succeeding. With the intricate design within our bodies—which is not surprising when there is a divine engineer—it is not surprising that our limited minds can’t figure it all out. For example, Western medicine is just latching onto
the power of the breath. And we need to stop meditation from just being ascribed to the East—it is a gift from God.” “I have always understood the body to be more than just physical,” says Mike. “The body and mind play off one another so much. The flavour of the day right now is to bring in spirituality, and I felt that, if I am broaching topics of spiritual depth in conversations with my clients, even if I have a solid faith, I should have some expertise.” Mike and Naomi recently returned from a trip to Guatemala with their children Ethan and Liesl. Six years ago, the couple spent time in Thailand. “It’s a no-brainer as Christians who are globally-minded that we can use our physiotherapy skills in at least parttime missions opportunities,” says Mike.
Dr. Jennie McLaurin is another member of the Regent world involved in caring for others’ health. She has almost completed her MCS and is currently working on her thesis “about the purposes of modern medicine as understood in contemcontinuing on page 8
Percentage of the annual budget met by student tuition and fees:
Percentage of the annual budget met by government funding:
Percentage of the annual budget met by denominational sponsorship:
Percentage of the annual budget for which 30% we rely on the friends of Regent College:
J.I., Telling the Regent Story and Meeting the Budget
Those numbers demonstrate why we count upon the faithful and generous support of our donors. Unlike most universities and colleges in Canada, we do not receive government funding. Every single mem ber of the Regent community matters staff, donors, facu And our unlike most seminaries, – students, lty, alumni and friends. Your rece Regent community through nt participation in giving has blessed who study, teach and your sisters and brot is not sponsoredworkby aColl denomination. hers at the ege. Student tuition and fees, along with the generous donations of our supThank you for your financial supp porters, constitute the College’s two ort to the Annual Fund. It has us to: enabled • keep tuition as low asrevenue. primary sources of possible; • provide student scholarships; • support faculty in teaching, research Investing in the and writ • maintain the financially ing; and College’s essential administrative serv ices College is not required to be part of the Regent world. However, if you are Percinentaage ofposition the annual budget to help address met by student tuiti on and fees: 70% Percentage of the annu al budget met by deno Regent’s financial needs,minand ational theresupport: 0% Percentage of the annu al budget met by gove rnment funding: entage of the annual to the Regent by Perc contribute story,0% budget to be met by friends of the College: 30% we would appreciate your donation before the College’s fiscal year-end The fiscal year-end il 30, 2006. you of have April AprWill consider We apprecia already given us this te the support you year and invite you that God will provide to join with us in pray thesupport ing remaining funds for showing your work we needthe year with a bala to finish the 2005-06 nced budget. Thank you so much for your partnership. of Regent College by making a donation before that date? We need your help to finish the year with a balanced budget. Whatever your role at Regent may be, and in whatever ways you support the College, we wish to say, “Thank you.” We are grateful to have you in the Regent world.
You count
Your gift counts
STuDenT SuPPoRT PRogR am
he first day we “googled” J.I. Packer in research for our most recent donor brochure, there were 499,000 hits. A few days after that there were 315,000. The day we wrote this piece – 620,000 hits. The day you read this article and try it on your own computer, who knows? And therein, as we discovered, is the trouble with “googling” our famous and much beloved professor (who, by the way, doesn’t even own a computer!). You cannot nail down the number of hits to one consistent tally. Here, however, are some numbers we were able to nail down: on average 250 bowls of soup are served every Tuesday after chapel; 38,650 CDs of Regent lectures were produced in 2005; it took Darrell Johnson 31,768 written words to explain the 57 words spoken by Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer; 70 students, staff, and faculty stayed at the College one night to pray for the world (see accompanying article); and Sharon Forsyth would accumulate 6,237,841 air-miles if she visited all our alumni in one trip (actually, that last number is completely made up). Interesting numbers and playful statistics meant to give a small picture of what makes Regent distinctive and transformational. But the reality is that the numbers cannot do justice to what life at Regent is like. What really adds up, and is truly impressive, are the stories of all the people who have been impacted by their association with the College. That’s why every member of the Regent “world” counts – alumni, donors, friends, students, staff, and faculty. And that’s why we would be impoverished and diminished without your participation in our community. We want to be upfront with you as a member of the Regent “world” concerning our financial needs. Here are some very telling statistics:
The numbers only begin to tell the story…
Here’s why we’re grateful for you
Counting down to April 30
Donations can be made on-line, by mail or by phone Regent College
Regent College Foundation
5800 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 2E4 P.O. Box 33276, Seattle, WA 98133
604.224.3245 or toll-free: 1.800.663.8664
The Regent WORLD Spring 2005, Volume 17, Number 2
Dal Schindell
Design / Layout Rosi Petkova Writing
Susan Kennedy Alvin Ung
Martin Dee
Western Printers
5800 University Boulevard Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 2E4 Toll-free: 1.800.663.8664 Phone: 604.224.3245 Fax: 604.224.3097 3
Paul Williams
“One of our biggest challenges as a Christian community,” says Paul Williams, Regent’s new David J. Brown Chair of Marketplace Theology and Leadership, “is to help people in the world imagine how things could be different. “This requires that we see clearly how things are, that we know the Christian story, that we envision—on the basis of that story—how things could be other than they are, and that we can articulate this vision in a way that others can see it—not as a utopia but as a reality.” “Our culture’s imagination has become sterile and grey. The language of modernity has inevitably been the language of impersonal economic forces, and modernity itself has landed us in a kind of cultural paralysis. People feel unhappy about the way things are, but they feel utterly helpless about changing them.” Before moving to Vancouver to teach at Regent, Paul worked for a prominent think tank and was the chief economist of a multinational real estate investment bank and consultancy firm based in London. He advised Britain’s Labour Party, numerous international banks and financial institutions, and the governments of Spain and Estonia. He says that when he was first invited to 4
think about applying to teach at Regent College, where he had completed his MCS in Old Testament (concentrating on “hermeneutics for economists”), his initial answer was, simply, “No.” As an undergraduate, Paul had studied politics, philosophy and economics at Oxford, where he says he “deliberately rejected” the Christian faith of his originally Brethren parents, who had been involved in the charismatic renewal of the late 1960s. “I lived the life of an agnostic intellectually,” says Paul, “and an atheist practically.” One of his friends at Oxford, a seeker who knew of Paul’s Christian background, asked him to explain the Christian faith. “I rehearsed the Christian arguments for my friend,” says Paul, “and found myself having to explain Christianity.” In the process, he himself was newly drawn to the faith he’d rejected. “I began praying, and this was the beginning of my vocational conversion. I became convinced my faith had to impact all aspects of life, including my economic and philosophical training.” Paul did graduate work in economics, married Sarah (Regent’s new Associate Professor of Church History, introduced in the last Regent World), and went into consulting. He says he saw how Christ was Lord of his life in his extensive involvement in their church, but he couldn’t see how his economic consulting was Christian: “I saw how my personal ethics and relationships could be Christian, but I didn’t think the content of my work was Christian, and I couldn’t see how to make it Christian.” “God’s agenda was for me to find out what it meant to be a Christian economist,” says Paul. “Over time I realized how much integrative work was necessary and that I couldn’t do it while working full-time. Regent was the only place even thinking this way.” After Paul and Sarah left Vancouver in 1995, he was hired as an economic consultant in London. Of his return to consulting, Paul says, “I tried to find a mode of discourse that was not holierthan-thou, or religious. I looked for
schools of thought that were out there— but not in the mainstream—that were in line with Christian thought. “I found there was an openness to talk about issues of justice, value, and meaning in society and the economy— not from everybody, but from most people.” Because he felt a call to be clearly engaged with the world, Paul says teaching at Regent initially appeared to be a wrong move: “It seemed to me that to withdraw from the frontline of mission into a potentially Christian ghetto was a retrograde step. However, through the process of considering what God might be saying, I had a growing conviction that I could be as much in the marketplace at Regent as I was when in consulting.” Paul has not only brought his economic expertise to the classroom, he has also sought to connect personally with their own experiences of life in the marketplace. At break time, rather than retreating to his office, he provides tea and coffee and sits with his students. He says, “I genuinely believe, particularly in a class on the marketplace where we learn from one another—and I certainly learn from the students!—that rather than having everyone go to all corners of the college at break, it is good if we can actually get to know one another.” Tamar Koleba, a Doctorate of Pharmacy student at UBC who has been auditing Paul’s Marketplace Ministry class, says, “A lot of us in the class were auditing or part-time Regent students, and we didn’t really know a lot of people. So the coffee and tea really helped people feel connected.” Tamar says, “I didn’t really have a theology of work going in, but I felt I needed something. I really appreciated Paul’s experience in the workplace. It was good to hear examples of how he’d tried to integrate his faith—and the principles he’d been talking about in class—into his workplace, and even how, in retrospect, he would’ve done things differently. “One example Paul gave was that of building community: he as boss encouraged people in his company to
go out for lunch together—to make that the acceptable work culture. And if people were working late a lot, he’d go by and tell them, ‘I’m going home to my family now,’ or even, ‘You need to go home,’” so they weren’t putting work above their communities outside the workplace.” “Paul has a lot of wisdom,” says Tamar. “Taking this class has changed my view of mission. It has broadened my idea of what the kingdom is. It is God’s—Christ’s—rule over everything, from creation to political systems. It’s not just about saving souls, but about caring for the environment and redeeming political systems. And so our work in a broader sense—caring for people’s health, in my case—is bringing in the kingdom as well.” Paul says, “My vision for marketplace ministry at Regent is modeling and equipping students for engagement with the actual public arena of culture. This needs to be part of our corporate life, which must be, at its core, missional.”
Paul sees the facilitation of missional community as directly related to Regent’s strengths. He says, “Regent’s strengths are its core DNA. Regent is at its best when it is integrating Christian thinking and spirituality across a range of disciplines and traditions. Our strengths are integration and being transdenominational. “In a fundamental sense, we cannot achieve learning in community, spiritual formation, and equipping for mission in the world and, at the same time, have the same mentality of individualism that is typical for academic culture. We may increasingly find secular university criteria—even theological schools’ criteria—coming into opposition with some of our core values. “We need to continue grappling with how to be genuinely countercultural while staying in the culture. The base of evangelical culture is far away from the rest of culture in North America, but I feel enthusiasm and excitement as I look ahead. We are
in a cultural moment that holds huge opportunity, and Regent is in an incredibly good position within the evangelical community to make a difference.” C u r r e n t l y, Pa u l i s t e a c h i n g “Marketplace Ministries” and a seminar on “Christianity and Capitalism.” During Spring School, Paul will be teaching “Spirituality and Work,” which will explore the question: “If God dwells within us by the Holy Spirit, what difference does that make to our work?”
Richard Thompson “I had no ideas of doing professional fundraising,” he says. However, after working at St. John’s Shaughnessy as Youth Director, Richard took a position at Tenth Avenue Alliance Church, leading their capital campaign. “Money is still the final taboo in Christian circles,” he says. “It is easier for churches to talk about sex.” Regardless, Richard says, “It is a very spiritual and pastoral experience to invite people to give to something bigger than themselves. And there is nothing more worthwhile to give to than Regent. It has been a big part of my life and my wife’s. I don’t know which of us is more excited that I’m working here. “Our education at Regent was transformative—it rocked our worlds and blew apart our theological boxes. And when we see where our fellow students have gone in the world and what they’re doing… I don’t know of any place like Regent that has that kind of impact.” As a former student and an alumnus,
Richard has an insider’s understanding of what it’s like to be asked for donations to Regent. He says his first reaction as an alumnus receiving a fundraising letter was, “I think Regent has enough of my money! “But,” he says, “I had been oblivious to the fact that I was benefiting from someone else’s giving—that I didn’t have to pay as much tuition as I could have.” Richard loves hearing donors’ stories about the joy of giving to Regent. Sharing these stories with the broader Regent community—including the student body—is one of the things he looks forward to in his new job. “But being Director of Development is my second favourite job,” says Richard. “My favorite thing in the whole world is being a dad!” He says, “Nothing has as much responsibility, joy, and heartache—or brings as much fullness and meaning to life” as being dad to Carter, 5, and Reid, 3 ½. 5
Richard Thompson, Regent’s new Director of Development, says that, during his days as a Regent student, he told professor Gordon Fee, “Love brought me to Vancouver. It wasn’t Regent.” Richard, an electrical engineer turned Nazarene youth pastor, had been attending Tyndale Seminary in Toronto and dating Jennifer Hall (then a Regent student), but when long-distance dating got to be too much, Richard moved to Vancouver. The couple had their prewedding party in the Regent atrium and married on the weekend of Regent’s fall retreat. Because their anniversary falls at the same time as the retreat every year, Richard says he never attended a retreat as a student and jokes, “The real reason I came back to Regent was that I wanted to go to the retreat!” Jen earned her MDiv in 1997 and nursed at the UBC hospital to put Richard through Regent. Richard earned his ThM in 2000, having written his thesis on the monies Paul raised among the Gentile churches.
is being written …
The neXT ChaPTeR
ibrary construction has begun! The park has been dismantled, dynamite has exploded boulders, and concrete is being poured. And perhaps most importantly, the library staff is preparing for the first of the renovations in the current building: more washrooms! By December, 2005, 80% of our $14.5 million campaign goal was raised in gifts and pledges–and digging began.
he Next Chapter includes a new and larger library, more classrooms and office space, a Student Services area, and an upgrade to Regent’s information technology systems. The Library’s design is innovative and environmentally sensitive. Skylights around the perimeter and reflective pools will provide ample natural light – particularly in the study areas. The climate control system makes full use of the constant and ambient underground temperature. Fresh air will be circulated throughout the library by using windpower to draw air through an artistic 6
The “pit,” as it’s affectionately known, now dominates the view from the north end of the atrium. By the time the library is completed in December, 450 dump truck loads of earth will have been removed from the park and 230 truckloads of concrete will be delivered. The new, larger library will be a living treasure under the newly re-built park.
wind tower situated in t he middle of the park above the library. It’s a green library – to match our green roof. The $14.5 million Writing the Next Chapter campaign project will provide the necessary space and resources for Regent students, faculty, and staff for decades to come. It’s a significant investment in the lives of thousands of future Regent students who will benefit from their time at Regent. Students need a
place to study at Regent. We need to provide it. For more information and updates about the Next Chapter projects, and to watch the library construction live on our web-cam, go to:
Wind tower model
$14.5 million $13.1 million
e are grateful to report that, to date, $13.1 million has been given and pledged to help write the Next Chapter at Regent. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re almost there! We need to finish the project debt-free so that studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tuition costs are not affected. With $1.4 million to go, we need your help. Please, help us write the Next Chapter at Regent. Regent students will be grateful for your investment in their spiritual growth through their studies. We truly need your partnership as we write the Next Chapter together. Your financial support can be given at <>, or by calling the Campaign Office at 1.800.663.8664
memBeRS oF The RegenT WoRLD
continued from page 2
porary Christian medical ethics.” She and her husband Andrew, also a doctor, are members of the Regent world as donors to our capital campaign. Jennie says, “Our journey to Regent is a great story! My husband’s job got eliminated just a few weeks after our fifth child was born. I had unpaid maternity leave. We had no idea what was next. People asked us what we’d like to do, and I said, ‘Go to Regent!’ They always laughed, but I was serious. My husband decided we might as well go for a summer break to Regent, because nothing could get any worse.” Jennie took an apologetics course that summer, and later she and her family moved to Bellingham WA, which has made it easier to take courses at Regent. Jennie says, “God has been so extravagant in his provision for us at Regent, and that is part of why we want to be as generous as we can in return. I have graduated from quite a number of schools, and been asked to support many campaigns. While I do respond to some of these requests, I recognize that my other educational institutions serve a very limited purpose, and their goals are not really any different than most other colleges, universities, and medical centers. “My feelings about Regent in this regard are quite different. While some students complain that Regent is no different from a secular graduate school, I know firsthand that Regent is decidedly not like secular institutions, and not even like most of the seminaries and Christian graduate schools out there. Regent has been one of my life’s greatest gifts, and I want to give what I can to allow it to continue to be a place of God’s blessing.” In talking about her medical career, 8
Jennie says, “As a young child, I read about Dr. Tom Dooley, a Catholic missionary doctor, and I wanted to be like him. As I grew older, I thought health care was a great way to be both a scholar and a helper. I had the opportunity to work in India during my senior year of medical school. That really shaped my career, as I worked with a pediatrician who had a public health degree. I went on to study pediatrics and public health, and was on an academic teaching track when a migrant health center I had volunteered at posted a first-ever position for a pediatrician and medical director. That was a fantastic job, as I could shape programs and policies, and was allowed to invite all sorts of groups to work alongside us. “My faith was always central to my work, as my university associates wondered how I could stand working with such poverty, and my patients turned to me for hope and encouragement. This was a time of the emerging AIDS epidemic, and I remember how important it was just to touch our patients, who were so much like the lepers in the Bible.” Eventually, Jennie says, “I took on work as a migrant health expert for the federal health programs, serving as a lecturer and consultant on policy and program issues.” “In my church life,” says Jennie, “my faith and medical practice often seemed at odds. I didn’t understand why so many evangelicals seemed unconcerned with the poor in their midst. I described myself as politically liberal and theologically conservative, which didn’t make much sense in the world of the white Southern evangelical Protestant.” “I don’t think Regent has changed my view of being a doctor,” she says. “It was the first place that seemed to affirm my view, and a place where I felt understood as the whole person I am and not as someone with a particular title. What has changed for me is the idea of possibilities still before me. So many people treat being a doctor like being a priest or a nun—you enter the order and vow never to leave. I’ve been encouraged, especially by Maxine Hancock and Luci Shaw, to allow myself to grow in other areas of longing. I’ve taken steps that I never would have without their encouragement, such as publishing creative non-fiction and allowing self-discovery through writing.”
Jennie says, “I’m not a superwoman—there are real difficulties and drawbacks that accompany the multiple roles of mom, doctor, and theology student. Children are sick, work deadlines interrupt studies, schedules conflict. My husband is my great encourager, the one who makes it possible for me to live out my calling with freedom and joy. I think that a lot of us who have come to Regent after working and starting families feel a sense of delight in being able to study—that feeling of gratitude can overshadow much of the stress. I don’t know what will be next in my life, but I’m not really anxious about it. I know God will use all of who I am to accomplish his good purposes.”
Ellie Robson was one of the Regent
world’s first members. She came to Regent, having been a nurse and teacher of nursing, in Regent’s second year (1971-1972) and earned a Diploma in Christian Studies, having become a Christian as an RN. She has continued to be a well-connected Regent alumnus, and, this coming June, she will retire from her position as Health Strategy Researcher with the Capital Health Region in Edmonton, Alberta. Ellie says she heard about Regent from three friends. “And when I hear a thing three times from three different sources, it reminds me the story of Samuel and his call from the Lord. I was skeptical, but Vancouver wasn’t far [from Kamloops, where Ellie was working], so I phoned Jim Houston and he said to come down for the weekend. Jim and Rita continue to be dear friends.” “I went to Summer School,” says Ellie, “and it was a good introduction. When I decided to sign up, my dad, who was a nominal Christian concerned with security, said, ‘Eleanor, this is the most foolish decision you have ever made.’ I had a wonderful boss in Kamloops, and when I asked her for a reference, she wrote, ‘Ellie is a fine Christian girl. Don’t spoil her.’ Early on, I knew I was not going to get support from outside.” Ellie says that at Regent “the theological lingo was completely new,” and none of her fellow students—from conservatives to flower children—knew quite why they were at Regent. She says it felt strange to study the Bible like a textbook, and she appreciated Jim
Dr. Susan Phillips, Executive Director at New College Berkeley, has been both a sessional faculty member and a board member in the Regent world. Her call to care for others’ health has been through teaching and spiritual direction. Susan says she has experienced the hospitality of the Regent community for over twenty-five years now: “Though I never attended Regent, Regent faculty have instructed me through their writing and mentoring since Regent was founded. Soon after Regent’s founding, New College Berkeley, inspired by Regent, was created in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ward and Laurel Ga sque came from Regent to NCB in 1979, Ward as president, and through their love and example taught me how to live as a Christian. “Like the experience of the people on the road to Emmaus,” says Susan, “I was offered hospitality, instruction, and helped to notice how my heart burned within me when I encountered God. That has continued to be my experience with the Regent community of students, faculty, staff, and Board. At Regent I experience hospitality, first-rate thinking, and hearts attuned to God. I’ve taught at a number of seminaries, and the Regent community strikes me as remarkable and wonderful.” Susan joined Regent’s board because of the people on the board “and the way they are Christian community together, both on campus and in the wider, global Regent community. I continue to hear
from students I taught at Regent years ago, though they are scattered around the world. I am refreshed and heartened by all my relationships through Regent.” Susan says she became involved in both teaching and spiritual direction— what she calls her helping professions—by God’s grace. She says, “Teaching was the first professional call I felt, and so I studied sociology with the intention of teaching it. Along the way, I became intrigued with one-on-one practices of listening, such as psychotherapy, and wrote a dissertation related to how the evangelical church related to such practices, and did or didn’t meet the needs for such practices. Susan says, “I believe that good listening is essential to any caring practice. What I’ve been teaching helps us as listeners remember that we are participating in God’s work in the other’s life, and that God works through our listening and attention, even when we don’t have answers or remedies for the other. The caring practice of listening to another, while at the same time attending to God’s loving presence, is a skill that can be developed, as well as a blessing to the one heard and to the one listening. “There is a lovely flow of grace,” says Susan, “in my experience of helping and caring and the sustenance of my faith, from which flows the desire to help and care and pray. It is seamless, in my experience, except when I don’t spend enough time in prayer and attending to my own needs for care.” Susan shares God’s love through listening and teaching. Ellie shares his love through designing health promotion programs and advocating better health policies. Jennie shares his love through touching patients and lecturing and consulting on migrant health policy and programs. Mike shares his love by caring for patients through holistic treatment and conversations. May you too, as individual members of the one Regent World, share God’s love for the whole human soul through your gifts in your vocation. 9
memBeRS oF The RegenT WoRLD
Houston saying, “Ellie, these theologians don’t have all the answers for you. Regent is not just a matter of the head. It is a place to examine your life.” Eighteen students graduated in 1972, and Ellie says she was grateful to be among them. “It was the most significant year I ever spent anywhere. It has changed what I’ve done since. I realized I knew about illness but not a lot about health, and health was a good fit for me. So I changed from nursing into prevention. “I have no regrets about training as a nurse. It was so practical—especially the assessing skills I learned. As Jim says, there is no wastage in God’s plan. “After working in Vancouver for a few years and getting up the courage, I took a Masters in Health Studies. It has really suited me. My heart is in my job, and I’m not afraid to fail. I’ve depended on God for projects and my focus. “As a research scientist, I’ve worked on health promotion: smoking cessation, early AIDS prevention, health policies, pulp mill regulations, early intervention for gambling and problem drinking, seniors’ fall prevention…” Ellie says her faith has greatly changed her career: “To know that you are unequivocally loved is the greatest confidence you can ever have. It has changed my practice. I have been willing to take on what most people would never take on, and I have never embarrassed my employer. You can’t teach that.” “I have seen my work as ministry, and I have trusted God for where to go. I have been willing to admit I’m wrong, to change my ways, to ask for forgiveness. This is how Regent helped me to be a Christian and a health professional. We need people in every profession that think as Christians
and see the relevance of being Christian.” After her year at Regent, Ellie has stayed in touch with the dialogue at Regent. She says, “I think I’ve taken forty Regent courses. That one year gave me a beginning ability to critique and assess things at a university level, and I’ve built on that. I’ve taken most Regent courses in my car, back and forth from calls.” As Ellie looks toward retirement, she says, “It’s a bit of a challenge to know what’s next. I have to trust God for that, as I have for each step in my work.” In 2004, Ellie published her first children’s book, Rebecca and Arturo.
But ask future alums to name their favourite evening at Regent, and “Taste of the World” might just have some competition. Ask any of the seventy students, staff and faculty who gathered at Regent on the night of February 4th of this year to name their most memorable
As you read this, Regent alums around the world are smiling to themselves as they recall that unforgettable skit that their native country performed or that beautiful folk song that they and their countrymen taught us or that recipe that they have to this day after sampling a foreign delicacy cooked by a fellow student. To the casual observer, the evening may look like nothing more than an evening of fun and food. But to those who love this College, the perception is far more beautiful – the world has come to Regent! Better yet – the world belongs at Regent.
Ask a sampling of alums from the last 15 years to look back on their time at the College and recount their favourite Regent social event, and chances are good that a majority will smile and reply, “Taste of the World”. And what’s not to love about the tastiest and funniest evening that Regent hosts every year in early February?! Amazing (and fascinating) food from the College’s nations prepared by students, staff, and faculty; the very best in entertainment and humour from Scotland to Japan, Australia to Switzerland, from all the Americas and from that funniest of all nations – Canada; and a chance to see a side of our faculty rarely seen in the classroom. Is there an evening at Regent where you eat better, smile more broadly and laugh more heartily?
At the start of the night, I had a terrible migraine and was going to go home. But when we started praying the migraine left and I stayed the whole night. It was the best experience of my time here in Vancouver. - Genet Sado (staff member)
evening, and the likely answer will be: “Pray for the World 2006.” On February 4th at 9 pm, about a hundred Regent students, staff and faculty gathered to pray for the world. People came and went throughout the night. Some stayed for an hour or two; seventy stalwarts prayed until dawn. The evening began with a time of confession, followed by prayers for Regent, Vancouver, Canada, USA, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. After midnight, there were breakout prayer sessions for twenty-four different countries. An itinerant group roamed throughout the College to pray for the work that goes on behind the scenes. Every two hours, those present regrouped for worship. Communion was held at one in the morning. Listen to those who gathered to pray: I had a problem with huge worship events, thinking that they were staged to elicit an emotional response. I would much rather see a beggar weeping for Christ out of genuine emotion. But God convicted me when a Korean student led worship at three in the morning. God showed me that there were other ways of worshipping him than my own narrow way. - anonymous student
It was a comforting sight to see students from various countries showing interest and concern for other countries and cultures. - Conrade Yap (student) It was perhaps one of my best experiences in five years at Regent. I was humbled by the rich experiences of our students. - Lynne Smith (staff member) I feel more tied to Vancouver after the night and I find myself praying for the city more. - Dave McCue (student) The night of prayer was like a spiritual retreat. I felt so refreshed afterwards and continue to be buoyed by it. - Izumi Araki (student) There was an awesome feeling of community during and after the night. Since then I have experienced lots of corridor camaraderie with students who were there that night. - Sarah Williams (faculty member) To the casual observer it might have appeared to be nothing more than a sleepless night for a group of dedicated people. But to those who recognize that God is at work at Regent and that his Spirit is stirring up something special in the hearts of this community, the perception is far more beautiful – Regent loves the world. Or maybe – Regent belongs in the world.
I believe that our all-night vigil of prayers, to paraphrase Thomas Merton, is like trees which exist silently in the dark and by their presence purify the air. - Alvin Ung (student)
The Regent community and calendar have been enriched by the addition of another worldly event. Each of events leave a lasting impact on its participants. We need to celebrate and commune; party and pray. We are truly blessed to enjoy the diversity of the nations’ food, folklore and fun; and we bless the nations by interceding for their people, rulers and needs. The world has been coming to Regent for years. And we continue to celebrate. Our needy world has been tugging at Regent’s heart. And now we pray. Regent and the World – they belong to each other.
I arrived at 1 am and only planned to be there for an hour but the whole environment was so overwhelming that I stayed for 2-1/2 hours!
Photos and testimonials of the “Pray for the World 2006” event at:
t’s almost time for Regent’s Spring and Summer Schools again! You may have noticed, in leafing through your Spring and Summer School brochure, that Larry Crabb will be coming from Lakewood, Colorado to join Rod Wilson, Maxine Hancock, and Darrell Johnson for the Pastors’ Conference. You may have noticed that John Auxier will be coming from Langley, BC to teach on addictions or that Wafik Wahba will be coming from Toronto, Ontario to teach on globalization. You may have noticed that Alan Jacobs will be coming from Wheaton, Illinois to teach about reading poetry, while Jeanne Murray Walker will be coming from Newark, Delaware to teach on writing it. You even may have noticed that SooInn Tan is coming from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to teach about a biblical perspective on success and failure in leadership. But have you noticed how many courses are being taught by local Vancouverites, including full-time Regent professors? Maxine Hancock, as well as speaking on “Three Conversions in the Life of the Leader” at the Pastors’ Conference, will be exploring “The Literary Art of the Sermon” during the Pastor’s Institute. Paul Williams will be teaching “Spirituality and Work” during Spring School. Retiring Professor Sven Soderlund (who’s been on the teaching side of Regent’s classroom for 28 years!) will be looking at “Paul’s Churches and Ours” during Summer School. He says, “More and more our postmodern, neo-pagan
society begins to look like its first century pre-Christian society. The spiritual vacuum created by secular rationalism has left people groping for spiritual reality in all kinds of new places. The rise of interest in Eastern meditation, astrology, and the occult are only some of the expressions of this trend, not to speak of the flood of pornography and sexual perversions of all sorts. Over the years I have taught courses on the life and letters of Paul, but increasingly I felt that I also wanted to look at that era from the perspective of the churches that Paul had planted. How did they survive and thrive (or fail to do so) in the context of their pagan and pre-Christian environment? After all, the apostle’s ultimate goal was not to teach abstract theology but to plant self-sustaining and mature faith communities.” Hans Boersma will be teaching “Systematic Theology C: Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology.” He says, “As I’m teaching this course, I’m reminding myself and others that the Holy Spirit is truly active in our world, that he is present in and through a visible Church to lead his people to a life that far transcends anything that we experience here and now. I always really enjoy the discussions around the readings we do together. And one of the exciting things about Spring School is the greater mixture between old and young, which makes for fascinating interaction.” Craig Gay will be teaching “Christian Faith and Practice in a (post) Modern World.” He says, “I think my interest in
the intersection of faith and modernity is, at root, autobiographical. Understanding the peculiar ‘shape’ of the modern—and now postmodern—society and culture helps me to understand myself better. Since studying at Regent 20 odd years ago, I have been utterly convinced of the importance of thinking our world through theologically.” Edna Grenz will be teaching “Bridging Diversity and Doxology: Planning Theologically Sound Worship.” She says, “Over the years I have noticed that some worship services have become more about ‘me’ than about God. Public prayers are sometimes not thought through in a theological way, and the reading of scripture is sometimes neglected. Worship has also become equated with music in some cases. I believe that there is a need to return to God’s story over and above the trendy consumerism that many churches have adopted for their worship style. People are lost and troubled. They need to hear who God is, his plan of redemption, and they need to be given truths that will help them in the struggles of daily life in the world. I look forward to interacting with people of many different backgrounds and to sharing practical and theological ideas that will help us all in developing Godfocused worship.” For more information on other Spring and Summer courses being taught by local Vancouverites—or to find out how you, too, can come to Summer School, whether you reside in Vancouver, Seoul, Geneva, Caracas, or Nairobi—go to <>.
Summer Progr ams 2006
New from the Regent Bookstore ideal, but patriarchy is allowed and regulated by a God who has larger kingdom purposes in mind. Stackhouse then tests his understanding by exposing it to the objections of other theories and concludes with two appendixes that tease out some practical implications.
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Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense N.T. Wright Regular price $29.50, Sale $23.60 (US$21.07) Simply Christian walks the reader through the Christian faith step by step and question-byquestion. With simple yet exciting and accessible prose, Wright challenges skeptics by offering explanations for even the toughest doubt-filled dilemmas, leaving believers with a reason for renewed faith.
Art & the Christian Mind: The Life and Work of H.R. Rookmaaker Laurel Gasque $22.99 (US$20.53) Laurel Gasque examines Rookmaaker’s life and shows how he incorporated his biblical beliefs into his teaching, writing and interaction with the arts and individuals. Her Living the Resurrection: The Risen Christ in careful research and engaging writing style Everyday Life Eugene Peterson make this book an outstanding contribution Regular price $22.99 (US$20.53) to the world of Christian biography. Eugene Peterson takes you back to Jesus’ time so you can experience the Resurrection New Books: Playing Heaven: Rediscovering Our Purpose as through the eyes of the biblical witnesses. You’ll be a participant in the story, so its Participants in the Mission of God R. Paul Stevens meaning and wonder can enliven your soul as never before. Christ’s friends were utterRegular price $21.95 (US$19.60) This volume celebrates the writings of R. ly transformed by his resurrection. Their Paul Stevens, whose lifetime of teaching friendship, their work, and even their meals has focused on equipping the whole peo- together took on a new meaning and purple of God for leadership. Playing Heaven pose. The same can happen to us today. contains the majority of the shorter pieces published by Dr. Stevens in Crux and Vocatio. This stimulating collection invites the reader to rediscover the many ways in which we are called to participate in God’s purposes in the world. If you have any suggestions, address updates, or want any other items
Don’t Step on the Rope!Reflections on Leadership, Relationships, and Teamwork Walter C. Wright Regular price $18.99 (US$16.95) Through thirty years of mountaineering with friends, Walter Wright has learned a lot about mountaineering, about his teammates, and about working on and leading a team. He shares with us the tales of expeditions and the lessons his team have learned from those successes and failures.
Finally Feminist: A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender John G. Stackhouse, Jr. Regular price $20.99, Sale $16.79 (US$14.99) In Finally Feminist, John Stackhouse proposes a way forward by affirming both the patriarchal and the feminist (or complementarian and egalitarian) reading of Scripture. He argues that these emphases exist side by side in the Bible, and then provides biblical, theological, and practical arguments for his own understanding: Equality is the biblical
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