Walking with the Rabbi Day by Day In-Depth Personal Study Sessions
Day One I How Do You Follow God
Wmry Wmwds mff ffiwd
Our Father in beauen, ballotued be your nant,e, ))our kingdoyr-t. conl,e, be done on eartb as it is in beauen. Giue us today our daily bread. Forgiue us our debts, as we also baue forgiuen our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliuer us from tbe euil one.
your uill
What Did lt Mean to Follow God? ,.Th.e, opbh|hg,,,Sce,ne,',,:of
segment at 0mrit, the temple Herod built
0f .the1,;R0rna ,efiP,dror, Eoes tb the heart of what it means to be ''l. uisiiple. .;i'.iesu$''- hbw dor you follow God? we know that Jesus spent
!Gsf$,,''teaching'and:,,showin-g his disciples how to follow God, but we may not
'',,.,iearile,,. ....0
rr,ofi.iiuCial.,a,., *iilUn'this was' tor -tews at the time. How to follow
d, f.rignlv
ohn;1 fi,,fdbic consioer just a few of the varied ways that
G;'d'duri'ngthe:time of Jesus and his disciptes:
' Paul Follawed
.'.,.5;;1',liii;i'ilili#ld p;ri)::*u* an exceptionat student of the scriptures. He Wai'i nigfiii: q#iif ed'#ffi Wno had stuoieo under Gamatiet, one of the ',
i':greate$ Anbient
of the Hillel school. So Paul knew Scrip-
tiai:nbd in.tlr,B',,.rabbi.,hic system, flfld was absolutely con-vlnced,that ',.the..wat,ib"*oliq*,G'ou Wis lo purrecute the early Christians. It-took a divine .,,,.,,tule,.,wa$
,,$'H'-Unidi.Withleius'(Which must have happened just down the road from .ffrA ,iAmpie
at 0miiii:,for Paut to recognize his blindness and open his eyes to
"THE,WORSHt*tp sON OF A WORSHtpED GOD' continued on nert page " . .
i Torahl' {see i'.:$0"t
of how he had acted in power to deliver them from Egypt and cleady stated what he expected of them.
:how to follow God wa$ to take 0n "the yoke of
.M:atthew 1;1:28'=30)
b',,.FlHafisee$ ,had,,'im:U,ltiple
\f/hat kind of kingdom did God say they would be if they .What obeyed him? S[rhat did the people agree to do? were they accepting and affirming by agreeing to obey?
pUrp0ses in mind when they asked Jesus
nat tO sive tribute to,Ciesur (Matth ew Z2:1b- 2zl. They he'W0uld'$d$,$bmbthin0 they could use against him before the
]ffiho$'ihg 'Hffi'0r',ternnle',.auth0,dfiBs,But
they were asking was where
Fart rwhat follOWl,God?" question. They wanted to O,you i'Je$U$'.Hn,Oud "Hdff,' questioners ' kno* who$e.,iiUb:he,WfiS],Unt.,io$u$, wnO iinew ttre hearts of his :0h''th'0,
i.ti,,i,,afidithe.1hgAql .of..h;s;rne$$406',
:,.:]t,f'iiffi ,idfifi
gave an amazing response that silenced his a fundamentat tiuilr,
Vhat did the Israelites do after they crossed the Red
Sea and
saw the Egyptian army s\nrept away? $t/hat conclusion had they reached about God's power? How did they acclaim his rule? (See Exodus 14:29 - 75:18.)
Sible Discovery Follow God and God Alone Jesus' response to the question of whether of not one should pay
tribute to Caesat which meant to acknowledge the emperor's divine superioriry communicated a powerful message toJesus' disciples as well as to his critics. (See Matthew 22:18- 21.) t$t/ithout exactly saying so, Jesus cleady communicated that Caesar was not God! Why was this important? The sovereign lordship of God as eternal king was the fundamental premise of everything thatJesus taught! God's exclusive authority has always been the reason for following him and obeying him in everything. 'WhenJesus
taught, he often used the phrase "the kingdom of heaven." In Scripture, this phrase can refer to paradise or the life to come, but it also had a special meaning for theJews inJesus' day that related to following God. You will better understand how to follow God if you understand howJesus used this phrase to communicate to his audience.
The kingdom of heaven concept originated wtreg g,9q deliv-\ ered the Israelites from the Egyptians. Even the Egyptihns recognized God's power at work in the plagues upon Egypt (Exodus 8:19). In Exodus 19:3 -8, God reminded the people
It is one thing to see God's po\ /er and acclaim his ruleo but it is another to accept his rule in one's own life. The Jews who remembered the exodus would take on obedience to the kingdom of heaven by seeking to obey God in all things so that his reign would become a rcality in their lives. Moses rirst expressed this allegiance in Deuteronomy 6:4 - 12. In what ways were the Israelites to obey God and thereby make God's kingdom a rcality on earth?
How do we know that allegiance to the kingdom of heaven as expressed in the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) was very much on the minds of religious Jews in Jesus' day? (See Mark T2:28 - 34.)
How was God's great power revealed in Jesus' ministry? (See Luke 11:20")
How did the people acclaim Jesus? Is acclamation enough? (See Matthew 7:2I -23.)
Reflection Most likely you are familiar with the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6:9 - 13 (also Luke 1L:.2 * 4). Possibly you have even memorized it. Read this ptayff again (preferably aloud), and focus on the meaning of its individual phrases in light of what the disciples would have
\[rhat else is required to show allegiance to the kingdom of heaven? (See Matthew 7:2L.)
understood about the kingdom ofheaven:
How essential do you thinkJesus considers obedience to be in the kingdom of heaven? (See Matthew 2L:28 - 32.) Nfhat does this understanding of the kingdom of heaven-lequire o(
o -"
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Remember, there is a connection between doing God's will and the coming of his kingdom: God's kingdom comes as his will is done. Vhat is our pafi in this process? '$0/hat must you do in your life in order for God's kingdom to come?
DayTWo I f ollow the Rabb! 'the Rabbi
Become Like
The Wery Wwrds mf ffimd A student is not aboue bis teaclter, but eueryone ubo u.till be like bis teacber.
fully trained
Luke 6:40
Now read the prayer again and focus on the meaning of its individual phrases in your life and your walk with God. Vhat are you affirming as you read? To what are you making a, commitment? Sflhat do you desire to see happen as you pray this prayer?
In what wrys is this pra\rer a model for following God in your daily life?
Bible Discovery Follow ta Become: The Core of Discipleship Training
The relationship between a first-century rabbi and his disciples was unique. It was very intense and personal-like a dynamic father/son relationship. As a disciple followed his rabbi, he would get to know him as well or better than his own family. In time, the walk of the disciple would become like the walk of his rabbi.
Each of the following passages describes some aspect of what it meant to followJesus. Read each one and carefully
note whatJesus expected his "disciples-in-training" to do and be.
Mark 3:13 - 19
Mark 8:34 - 35
Matthew 19:21 - 30
How to Experience the Kingdom of Heauen
Rscognize God,and Fod alone as sovereign Lord.
o, ,Accept his reign by,obeVing him in all things.
,i.,, Establish the kingdom of heaven by doing his will.
what Jesus'Meant when
. .,'.
He $aid,
"Follow Me!,,
'The Sreâ‚Źk,wafa axatilitigin (based on the Hebrew to "walk after"), which
m0re than eighty-five times in the New Testament, captures the c6m, ,aFPBars
' nand a ianni
giVdt0 a poteniial disCiple. lt was an invitation to join him wherever he went and especially to do whatever he did. As the disciples follb@JeSus, thet Waked hundreds of miles and faced danger, difficulty, and WoulO
How did Jesus respond to their faithfulness and success? How might Jesus respond whenever a disciple follows, obeys, and becomes more like him?
. OFposition,
Often they did not know where they were going, hgw long it would how difficult it would be, or whether they could do it. Through everything, ,,,tflker 'theV needed to learn to:'tffi their rabbi with their lives without being able to
Despite their human failings, Jesus' disciples eventually became very much like their Rabbi. They walked as he walked, and when they were fully trained, they became like him. Read Acts 4:5 - 13; 5:I2 - 16 andlist the ways the disciples had become like their Rabbi.
, ,.0vhlUate,their -.iapabilitl4 to do what he asked. They needed to believe that he r',knbw Wher:e he was leading, had a purpose in doing s0, and would never lead
."the:m i.,r.
lnto a Situation tnat they, by God's grace, cguld not handle. -J' vr-----, I . ,. ..
People responded to Jesus in different wAys, and many were unwilling to follow him. Read Luke 9:57 - 6Z and note the kinds of obstacles that prevented some people from following Jesus. In what way do these obstacles still trip up potential disciples?
U,l([N$]iwlTH: il E$*Uq T0DAY
ti.,lror..,..u':ili.s6i$|{r.i.n,,..un.$u$'1'd,ffi.'.,.thef0.was no
The point of followingJesus, as expressed in l John 2:3 -6, is to obey and learn to walk as Jesus walked to become like him. So part of the disciples' training included going out to preach the kingclom of God just as Jesus had done. Jesus sent out the twelve as well as a larger group of seventytwo followers. Read about their experiences in Luke 9:L - 6; 1o:1
-9, 17 -2o.
.,.,.',.,fiith.,:'JASU' l..ff,fif
:::.'.,I' .,,,:$p0'nd
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time,:Wiih' 6;5 [od,y, the community of faith.
oftrb* iaiui walred fresh in your mind by reading the .: : .
,:.;|i,,Go$[et$.,|egu,terly,-fi'bfhaps once a month for the rest of your life. ,', fi6aU.i5r. ehtiie''Bib'te'eVery trrree vears-0r more frequenily. (The Bible
r'.,''.f. ..,.
. r. * I a- $flhat happened to Jesus' followers after t6ey went r.ri
me,,of'tho,ways in which we can spend time walking
Indilfii'.'iO;thatlwe can',",,neeome like him. The following ideas
flesh as he was with the twelve disciples,
l.nift, walk with him, and become like him has
shortcut to becoming like the rabbi
.. :.
to do what he had prepared and trained them to do? In what ways were they becoming like Jesus?
.':.....''...;...'..'.'i.part'.0fbec0:rn'in'$.like.'':.JesUs'}'.i'. ,."
ffiemoitib'as, muiH,',.$.iliiiiiii,,,lll
lu iin. iou might
start by memorizing
, "'
, .
.,:FR0F{,E.'...gpt',,,:, ,.:.',PE0PLE
Vhat must be an absolute priority in a disciple's life if he or she is to obeyJesus' command to "follow me?" Are you willing to accept his call, without knowing what such obedience will entail? $[hy or why nor?
','Je$us: greW..'..,U i.,..i.a.fid,i.,,$beht',his
e S.,,Were
wHO WEnr DETERMINED T0 ministry am0ng the most religious Jews in
known tor the;f $r:eat reverence for Scripture and if ix every aspect of daily life. The
;]thei ',$il$$lonate oesire,.tb .bc,,.fai+hfui. .to '''$'fiA iHl$fi,,Geiiii
dff,'b'Ifiiliuie':,6u *[mor,y, debated its apprication with
Bnthusiasm,,lorred God with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy ,:.,6i5),,
and,trained their children to do the same. Their great desire to follow
tf ffid,intd i...Gdil
$ibiant religious Communities whose synagogues echoed keeping the Torah. As a result, Galilee
ii.ii'trvltH.....flbbat $,,'dnd,,'di$Cu$$ibn$.,'about
Have you ever followed anyone with total trust? If so, what was it like ? what challenges do you face in seeking to trust and follow Jesus completety?
,,i i,.
.,JesUS'..fit.,.int :,tni$:.CUit
If you were to use the amount of time you spend in the Word of God as the measure of your commitment to being a disciple, how committed are you to following Jesus and becoming like
i$ilUfi fi.,..,.ffifii$,'.ffib
Whilh to
[.' iUb61$. r^e,
ihah any otrrer resion in the wortd.
perfectly. God had prepared an environment where
frbvioeo exacily the context Jesus needed
ot ttre kingoom of heaven. The spirituat cutture
undeibtand the great faith and courage of Jesus'
01 ,Gfllile0.U|.$0':..he,llp$,,l.Us
messagU,to the:wortd. Their courage, methods, ,ili$:dl$t6 :,ffiU$,+6ilft'fibius'
t.r.U,fid.,..cfi l.etgl...fie ti.dn.',to'.G,ou,[ d,,his, Word:were born and cultivated in the ...,..
i $,.,iil,fihiifi
,g w up,
DayThree Walk in Cbedience I I
Yfuw Wmrp Wmrdm mff ffimd
If you loue me, you uill obey ubat I command. . . . If a.nyone loues me, be will obey my teacbing. My Father usill loue bim, and oue will come to bim and make our bome with bim.
In what ways might you expect to change in your heart, in your life, in your relationships with others - if you were to make becoming like Jesus your top priority? How- would your life be different if you were to become more like Jesus? z,:t -" d
John l4:l 5, 23
,\ ,i
ffiHfu$w ffi$sam\r#trW
Is 0bedience Absol utely Necessaryl
God gives us salvation by grace alone ; no amount of obedience can evef earn it for us. But that doesn't mean obedience is not necessafy
for those who love God and call themselves his disciples. The following study of Scripture will help those who want to walk with Jesus put obedience in its rightful perspective.
tend to underestimate the importance of obedience in the life of a follower ofJesus. In whatways do the following passages contradict that assumption?
Read Luke 6:46 - 49.$/hat question does Jesus ask, and in what tone do you think he asked it? What did he say obedience is like, and what does it accomplish? Vhat are the results when obedience is lacking?
John 14:19 - 24. Vho does Jesus say loves him? In this passlge,Jesus explains much about obedience, relationships, and the results. $flhat relationships exist among Jesus, the Father, obedience, and love? (These relationships are so intenelated it might be helpful to diagram them so you clearly see the picture Jesus pre-
is a *A$edy.
You're akeady familiar with it, but take one more look at l John 2:3 -6. Do yotl see any way that obedience andwalking as Jesus walked can be thought of as optional for a disciple ofJesus? tVhat is the identifying mark of aperson who truly follows Jesus?
Jesus not only taught obedience to God, he also lived it. Read John 8:28 - 3l and note what Jesus said rcgarding his own
obedience in action and in words.
$i/hat did Jesus do and say, and what was the result in his relationship with God?
c. b- What did Jesus teach those who believed in him about
ReadJohn L5:9 - 11. \flhat are the results of obedience? Describe in terms of the wodd you live in how different life would be if you walked in obedience or did not.
obedience to his teachings? Vhat do you think we can expect when we obey his teachings and please the Father in all things? ,'\
of what obedience is, its importance, and what it requires differ from what you have just explored in the Scriptures?
What happens when a person's faith practice is based solely on knouing the right things instead of also doing the right things on the right path?
James 2:L4 - 26 can be a confusing passage for Christians today.
How does understanding the context of discipleship as Jesus taught it help clarify the meaning of this passage for you?
How serious is youf personal commitment to "walk as Jesus walked? In what specific u/ays does your walk need to follow his more closely? Nflhat are you looking forward to as you take those steps?
$ mt$wxq$q$ffi
Think about your understanding of obedience in the Christian -T life. To what extent is obedience emphasized in the Chfrstihn community in which you are involved? $f/hat is it you have been taught to obey and why? In wh at way might your understanding .! irl
If you loue rne, you uill obey ubat I command. . . . If a,nyone loues me, be utill obey my teacbing. My Fatber uill loue bim, and ute usill come to him and make oLtr bome witlt bim. John l4:t 5, 23
Day Four l whar was Peter Th in king
Vhat is the only recorded activity that Jesus did without his disciples [hint: it's described here] , andwhat does this reveal about the Rabbi's commitment to his talmidim and the need for time alone with God?
For how long did the disciples row before Jesus went out to them? (Norn: The "fourth watch" is between 3 and 6 a.m.) What had Jesus been doing as the disciples strug-
Yfue Werp Wmrds mf ffimd
"rord, if it's ?ou," Peter replied, "tell me to come "Comer" I)e said.
jlou on tbe rD,ter.,,
Tben Peter got down out of tlte boat, watked on tbe r.uater and came totuard.fesus.
Motthew t4:29-29 ffi$fu$w
Pushing the Limits sf Devotion
You don't have to know much about the disciples to know the story of Petef's nighttime walk with Jesus on the sea of Galilee. chances are you've heard a vafiety of explanations as to what happened that night and the lessons learned. But let's look at this story again through the eyes of a talmid who is completely devoted to becoming like his Rabbi and has a consuming passion to follow him wher-
gled on the
ever he goes.
Read Mark 5:45 - 50 andJohn 6:18
- lg. This event happened immediately afterJesus fed the five thous and. Scriptural details and historical tradition indicate that the Oisciptes probably started their boat ride west of Bethsaida in the general vicinity of Capernaum.
How did the disciples react when they first saw Jesus? How might their location (on the abyss) as \Mell as their difficulties during the storm have intensified their response? If you had been in the boat, what would you have been thinking about following the Rabbi at that moment?
$irhat do you imagine the mood of the disciples was as they started out toward Bethsaida? what might they have talked about? what might they have been thinking about Jesus and why he was nor with them? In what ways do you think their frame of mind might have changed during the night?
Read Matthew T4:26
- 33. Keep in mind that rhe disciples were probably not at their best when Jesus showed up. Sfithin a few hours they had seen Jesus perform an amazing miracle, spent hours fowing in heavy seas, faced grave danger in the storm, and thought they had seen a ghost" So we
can assume that they were physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted.
How much do you think Peter thought about what he was going to do before he did it? What does this tell you about what was most importantto him?
0n the $ea of Galilee
,.This fie$hWater lake in ,,,ihan.$eVdn,,'111iles ,,,,,
ff0$h'',WAtdrr for,l$fael. The water's surface is seven hundred feet below
most of the lake is surrounded by steep hills. 0n the east side
do you think motivated Peter to take the action he did? What in the text indicates that this was his motivation? How badly did he wanr to be like Jesus?
wide, and up t0 four hundred feet deep" lt is fed by the Jor-
afi Ri*.6r:..and runoff from winter snow, and even today remains a key source
northeastern lsrael is nearly thirteen miles long, more
Heights), the hills rise up to fifteen hundred feet above sea
IeVCl,"Whdh Weather conditions are right, this topography can create sudden,
severe storms 0n the Sea of Galilee. ,Th,
stoims' only added to the reputation of the Sea of Galilee during New
,ife$tAmeint,times as being a place of evil and chaos. Traditionally, the Jews have fe,alred the sea as a symbol of the abyss, the place where evil spirits live. ,
If you had talked to Peter eadier in the day, do you think he would have said that he could walk on water?'What, then, enabled him to do it?
d. What do you think
fish were plentiful, fishing was not a major industry at that time.
,fiU|tural ,background helps us better understand the disciples' reaction ,,:,Tfii[$, :tr
,,WhehJd$u.$ stilled the storm (Matthew ,,,rhlsO,:0X0lain
14:22-32; Mark 4:35-41). lt may
why even today this lake remains free of piers, condominiuffis,
caused Peter to doubt? In what did he
lose confidence?
After things calmed down, how did Jesus' tatmidim respond? How do you think this event affected their walk with God?
.\ '\ .\ .
"rowing against the wind" in youf attempt to follow Jesus? tVhat did you think Jesus \Mas doing while you struggled? How does this event in the lives of Jesus' disciples change your perception of what rnight be happening when you face difficulties? Have you evef been
resorts'lhat Are typicatly found around beautiful lakes in other parts of
Fishermen on the Sea of Galilee today still catch the same kinds of fish and use types of nets and small boats that the disciptes woutd have
used A fiist century@'iecently discover.ed in the mud of the Sea of Galilee i$'tWffiyjsix feetLofi$'.dnd seien and a half feet wide, and would have had a smalt'saiiano oais, Ttre $i ei' of these small boats are low to make it
il il
for fishermen to cast their nets over the edg; do not have to be high to threaten a boat's occupants.
back in. Waves
'$[hat do you think all twelve talmidim learned that night about the effort and commitment required to be like their Rabbi? How badly did they want to be like Jesus after that night?
In which area(s) do you fear that you are unable to follow your .What Rabbi? Does that stop you from trying? Vhy or why not? do you believe Jesus is willing to do if you take that risky step? Sfin you take it? W"ill you get out of the boat?
Day Five I Ma ke Ta lm id im I
Yhe Wwry Wwwds mf ffimd
fteflection scripture reveals that the disciples rowed quite a distance in the storm-at least three miles eohn 6:19; Mark 6:45).Why_do you i thinkJesus allowed them to struggle so long andhard{'' '1 ,
All autltority in heauen and on eartb bas I
been giuen to ma Therefore go and rnake disciples of all nations, baptizing tbem in tbe name of tbe Fatber and of tbe Son and of tbe Holy Spirit, and teacbing them to obey euerything I baue commanded you. And surely I arn tuitlt you ahua.ys, to tbe uery end of tbe age"
Matthew 28:18 - 20
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Galilee where he had taught them how to be disciples, Jesus commissioned them to make disciples. Then, he had them walk back to Jeruselem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. So even during these last preparatory events, the disciples were still \r{ralking in obedience to their Rabbi. Once their preparution was complete, they would walk even farther!
1. Read Matthew 28:16-20. a. As Jesus commissioned his disciples to make disciples,
what impact do you think the setting in Galilee had on them? What do you think they remembered of their training experiences in the area? How might that setting have encouraged them in their future ministry?
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did Jesus tell his talmidim to go? How much traveling had the disciples done up to that time? \flhat do
you think they thought when Jesus told them where to make disciples?
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W'hat four things did Jesus command the disciples to do?
What is significant, in light of the Rabbi /talmidirn reLLtionship, about Jesus' final words: that he would always
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Frepmn€d Ts[rwidirn fs ffm&e r#dffi?rdrff?
The cliscipXes were in Jerusalem when jesus was crucified and rose frcm the dead, trut before jesus ascended into heaven he had them walk back to Galilee. Ttrlere, offi tnae sa{T}e hills abcve the Sea of
with them?
Why did J-eslls.c0mmand his disciples t0, "G0 and make disciptes? " He could h-ave told them,.to or church members, t0 do evangelism, ,rnake,converts 0r
the like, ls there,a-difference, between a Christian and a disciple of Jesus?
ii;;;* * ;*il;
the First-Gentury Way
,,,,,M,a,king.,Disciples just as Jesus had taught them. ::i::i-les:us' disciples wentout'flild made disciples
irl,b tCii$tilia'i'
iatbia .Ai,thAii *ork helps us see the practicat side of the
*r;'ch,irtians today have ,rr.nrr*en the discipreship p;art of Jesus'-eommission? What has happened to our desire:
To follow Jesu$, the,Rabbi and Bassionately seek to become like him? To immerte ourselves in Scripture?
.,, ,T0
ek ini.,tire ot,:tnb SpiriiZ
T.0,teach and live, as,if ,the,kingdom of heaven is near?
ea0l-t of these passages reveals about
, ho* *uch of Ure tf,rill of being part of God,s great '
Although he was not one of the disciples who walked with Jesus through the hills and villages of Galilee, paul was certainly a talmid. He had two rabbis the great Gamaliel and the greatest of all,Jesus. Read 1 Corinthians 4:L6 - 17; 11:1 -2; Philippians 3:I7 -20; and 1 Thessalonians 1:4-7 and notice how Paul taught those who followed him. Vhat did he say over and over again? Why did he ask believers to do
the process of
Filitirting ihe'ministry of the word of God by making dis-
-tffit$'til *lffi+
hot onlV continued teaching, they strengthened
woik'are We misSinrg?
to remain true to the faith.
taught, 'nototy and faithfutly, in this case, teaching
" ," deiltiibrffib.,VeaiSl ' ,.'" '".t'.i',ilct$'2i'li 5'r'16''ufhey-
, ,'
CaieO for and supported one another.
follow him and learn the path of discipleship before they could go out and make disciples. It is .We no different for those who would be Jesus' disciples today. can make disciples on$ when we are disciples. Are you willing to be a disciple of Jesus?
Jesus' disciples had to choose to
To help establish in your mind the biblical model for making disciples, list all of the u/ays in which Paul imitared his Rabbi as he poured his life into making disciples.
In light of how Jesus prepared his disciples for ministry, what is God doing in your life to preparc you to make disciples? How closely are you walking in his steps? Is your preparation sufficient that you should be making disciples? S[hy or why not?
Think about what it would look like to be a talmid of your wodd. what does becoming a disciple involve?
How must your life change if you truly dedic being like Jesus the Rabbi?
yourself to
Sfhat is required for you to make disciples who will becorne like Jesus as they imitate you?
How committed are you to going into your world and making disciples? Ttrhy?
I ,..,,-*-_;.u-'.r ,'.,,i;.' "l.ir,'''.1+ . r . ',THE W-1t00[I 1OF.THE RABB lS r
rOo.nffinru"wif4fuUmiinni or die without a disciple. ."r: ",-.:i..r.".'.," , ,.'t,.
Memorize Follotu my example, as I foilotu tbe ercample of Cbrist. I pralse you for remembering nxe in eaerytbtng andfor bording to tbe teacrrings,Just as I passed tbem on to you.
Corinthians I l:I