10448 regional udviklingsplan 2016 uk 2 (2)

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The Good Life as a driver of Growth -- / Regional Growth and Development Strategy

attractive active productive

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-- / Publication of: RegionsrĂĽdet [The Regional Council], THE REGION OF SOUTHERN DENMARK [The Region of Southern Denmark] Damhaven 12, 7100 Vejle


Vision and goals


Vision, goals and initiative paths


Knowledge in motion


People with potential

p.11 Health

p.12 Education


Business in development

p.20 Sustainable energy

p.22 Health and social innovation


Green opportunities

p.34 Climate

p.36 Environment & raw materials


Vibrant urban regions

p .40 Cities & urban regions

p.44 Rural districts and remote areas

p.46 Culture


Strong connections

p.51 Infrastructure and mobility

p.53 Digital infrastructure

p.54 Danish-German collaboration and international connections

-- / Managing Editor: Rune Stig Mortensen, Strategy & Analysis -- / Design & Production: Media Group AS -- / Photo: Hyldager Fotografi -- / Circulation: 1,000 copies -- / ISBN: 978-87-92217-50-9


-- from challenge to initiatives -- /

p.24 Experience Economy

Future direction

A strategy in motion

1.2 million people live in Southern Denmark. A diverse group of all ages with differing backgrounds and skills. It is their engagement and initiatives that create a well-functioning and attractive local community, and their creativity and skills that create productive businesses.

The strategy is the result of a close dialogue between the region, the municipalities,the business community, educational institutions and volunteer and professional organisations.

This is the vision of The Good Life in Southern Denmark What can be defined as a good life varies from person to person, but it is important for everyone to be able to use their skills and develop themselves together with others. The regional growth and development strategy is aimed at creating a setting where human resources play a major role in business life, in the cities, and in the local areas. Growth is driven by people who understand how to utilize the opportunities they have in their cities and their area. Where there are enterprising people driven by engagement and enthusiasm, there

Stephanie Lose The Regional Council Chairman and Chairman for the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark

Together for a strong future Isolated initiatives are not effective enough. A strong Southern Denmark requires a broad initiative across administrative areas and across sectors. The regional growth and development strategy is the joint platform for the Southern Denmark development initiative for the next four years.

From challenge to initiative. The Southern Denmark challenge images describe the challenges that the region faces. The growth and development strategy describes the strategic initiatives aimed at tackling the challenges.

In this strategy, the the strategic agenda and many activities have already been started, but after each activity there is a need for a new one that goes further.

However, as all of Southern Denmark's areas and sectors join in creating a good coherent framework for citizens and companies, we must aim for a common goal. The growth and development strategy therefore lays down a set of objectives supported by the stakeholders in Southern Denmark to create an attractive, active and productive Southern Denmark. The Region of Southern Denmark, the municipalities, and the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark agree that together we can create a stronger future. A future where on the basis of a regional growth and development strategy and municipal planning strategies, we have a good foundation for facing joint challenges and forming joint solutions.

Bo Libergren Chairman, The Committee for Regional Development


Egon FrĂŚhr Chairman, Municipality Contact Council of Southern Denmark

The world is constantly moving. Globalization, climate and resource strain, urbanization, the network economy, and many other development tendencies create a continuous need for new solutions and skills.

At the Syddansk Topmøde [the Southern Denmark Summit] in 2015, the municipalities and the region signed a joint declaration that confirms collaboration on a common vision of a good life and the three goals of attractive, active and productive.

Therefore collaboration in Southern Denmark continues. The political and professional dialogue between the region and the municipalities and many other stakeholders must ensure the sharing of results and new knowledge and that new Southern Denmark activities are agreed upon and implemented. The 2016-2019 regional growth and development strategy will replace the 2012-2015 regional development plan when it is adopted.


The impression gained from public debates is that it is only in the large cities that Denmark is able to participate in development. This is not the case. Denmark must utilize all of its resources and qualities. The cities and areas of Southern Denmark vary and all the areas are characterized by qualities that can contribute to development.

are also opportunities for growth. With positive expectations and a focus on economic development with people at the centre, continued renewal and progress can be achieved.


One vision – Three goals The good life is the vision for the growth and development strategy in Southern Denmark. The growth and development strategy shall create coherence and development opportunities so that Southern Denmark becomes a more attractive, active, and productive region in which everyone has the opportunity to live a good life – both as citizens and as business owners. The vision is annually reviewed in KONTUR, which follows the municipal and regional framework conditions and the citizens' own life experiences in Southern Denmark.

Southern Denmark's road to vision and goals: The development of Southern Denmark towards the three goals is continuously monitored via seven indicators. More residents in Southern Denmark

A population growth of 12,000 between 2015 and 2020 (equal to 1%). More attractive local areas


8 out of 10 people saying that their local areas are attractive in 2020. More people in the workforce

A workforce increase of 5 percentage points through to 2020.


Higher educational level


The share of persons with professional education to rise by 3 percentage points through to 2020. More must use their skills and talents

8 out of 10 persons experiencing having their skills and talents utilized in 2020.





Southern Denmark will be a region that is exciting to visit, that can attract and retain citizens and businesses, where there are vibrant cities and rural areas.

Southern Denmark will have active and healthy citizens who undergo education, participate in the labour market, are engaged in local areas and establish new businesses. This requires there to be opportunities to fully develop and utilise their skills and talents.

Southern Denmark will be home to competitive and productive businesses. This requires access to an engaged, well-educated and creative workforce and a strong physical and digital infrastructure, as well as international cooperation.

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Best for growth

Southern Denmark is the region with the largest annual productivity growth. Good accessibility in the whole region

The average travel time for the 10 most popular travel routes in each of the four areas of Southern Denmark to be maintained despite the fact that the amount of traffic is expected to increase.

Six initiative paths

Growth and development model





Growth and prosperity


Greater utilization of framework conditions




At the same time, development continually changes conditions and opportunities – and this must be taken into account. This means that the framework conditions and utilization must continually be evaluated and reconsidered.


The six initiative paths are closely related – this means integrated thinking is required to make these as effective as possible. When an initiative is taken under one path, this leads to changes in other paths. Therefore, close coordination is required, to combine the strengths of the six initiative paths.


Current utilization of framework conditions

Improvement of framework conditions

Framework conditions






Increase in growth and prosperity


-- I N I

The growth and development strategy includes six initiative paths that are designed to move Southern Denmark closer to the vision of a good life by improving the framework conditions and by utilizing the existing framework more effectively (see the figure below).



Knowledge in motion A vibrant region does not sit still. Challenges and opportunities change all the time and so must the knowledge base. There is a need for knowledge about where Southern Denmark is going, how the challenges frame the region, which resources are available, and which relationships would be advantageous to develope.


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Regional knowledge Knowledge is necessary to create development. Southern Denmark finds itself in global competition and in a society in constant motion, which with increasing urgency changes the conditions and framework for regional development. This means that both challenges and opportunities in the regional and local plan are continuously changing. This is something that must be watched and managed. Therefore, Southern Denmark will build and further develop knowledge on the movements that occur at these local, municipal and regional levels, and keep up with the international trends and movements, that can contribute to new perspectives on development policy.

The joint knowledge base must be reinforced, and new knowledge must be implemented. Knowledge creates the foundation for decisions, dialogue, and collaboration. It contributes to making informed decisions that create the framework for development in Southern Denmark. At the same time, it is key for development that knowledge is used to set an agenda on the local, regional and national level, thus forming priorities. The cities and urban regions are constantly moving. The cities are centres for a large portion of economic activity, but the effects

of the activities are spreading. There are both positive effects, such as, e.g., an extensive supply of specialized services and knowledge, and negative effects such as, e.g., traffic problems and pollution effecting an area larger than the city itself. Accessibility and attractiveness, together with a human resource base, are crucial for the development of the individual locations and therefore also the development of the whole urban region. Understanding the foundation and the movements is key to utilizing these to create growth and development in the whole of Southern Denmark.

Sub-objective The knowledge base for the joint Southern Denmark initiatives must be at the forefront of development in terms of methods, trends, and transactions with the outside world.


1. The initiative areas for the growth and development strategy must be supported and developed towards the common goals – attractive, active, and productive – through knowledge building and knowledge sharing. 2. Develop knowledge about and an understanding of the urban regions' roles through, among other things, the following:

The Nordic case study project entitled �Functio-

nal city-regions" together with NORDREGIO Measuring well-being in Danish city-regions in collaboration with the OECD.

The foundation of Southern Denmark's information and knowledge must be developed further, through, among other things, the following products:

KONTUR collects municipal and regional key figures and provides a strong basis for discussion, planning and management. Reports on growth and an annual monitoring report that follows the regional and local growth conditions. The goal of The Good Life is to focus on framework conditions and citizens' own experience of life in Southern Denmark. The Region of Southern Denmark's Citizen Panel is composed of 1,000 residents that continually provide responses to questions about their everyday lives.


The Business Panel is composed of 900 directors from small and mediumsized companies that provide responses to questions that focus on the business community. At detgodeliv.regionsyddanmark.dk, updated figures, maps, and analyses are made available for citizens, companies, decision makers, etc. Regional analyses are continually carried out for the purpose of strengthening the foundation for making the right decisions on issues such as education, entrepreneurship, climate, industry and infrastructure.

City analyses provide knowledge of both small and large cities and contribute to supporting and shaping city development strategies. Syddanmark NU provides inspiration for taking new paths with its articles about successful companies, entrepreneurs, educational institutions, and new analyses from Southern Denmark. The health profiles qualify illness prevention of and the promotion of health with insight into the well-being of citizens.


The knowledge base for Southern Denmark must be at the forefront of development that must be achieved through documented knowledge and continuous monitoring of goals.


People with potential People create change and development. The human resources in Southern Denmark must be developed and utilized as best as possible so that everyone has an opportunity to contribute what they can to society – on the labour market, in the educational system, in their local area, or in their close relationships.


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We must avoid gaps in the good life

Perspective Residents of Southern Denmark must be prepared for the future Globalisation, digitalization, and technological developments change our ways of working, our relationships, and our everyday lives. The future residents of Southern Denmark must therefore be equipped to navigate and adapt themselves in a high speed society in which the framework is constantly changing. Education and good health are prerequisites Education and good health provide opportunities that make it easier to change course when the world changes. They create a foundation that can be relied upon in times of crisis and can reduce an individual's vulnerability. At the same time, this foundation enables the workforce to adapt, evolve and utilize changes in a way that benefits the competitiveness of Southern Denmark.


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Everyone is needed Denmark needs everybody. It is important that more people are able to enter the labour market. A good professional life is essential to people's fitness, health, and quality of life, and it strengthens Southern Denmark's development. Active people with the opportunity to shape their own lives also strengthen their close relations, the local community, the workplace, and Southern Denmark as a whole. The goal is The Good Life Together with the other strategies, the initiatives on education and health contribute to creating the framework for a good life in Southern Denmark.

When there is poor health, or when qualifications do not match the labour market, the foundation for a good life may be affected, and at the same time, society may lose important resources. Holes in the good life must be patched and prevented. This can be done by making residents of Southern Denmark better able to develop their abilities and tackle challenges.

Health Health is the cornerstone for a good life with security and a high quality of life. At the same time, health has great economical value in society because it affects health costs, productivity, and because good health is crucial for people being able to enter the workforce. Moreover, innovation in healthcare can create new solutions that increase quality of life for citizens, value in operations, and growth for the businesses of Southern Denmark.

The health status of Southern Denmark must be raised. An ageing population and steadily increasing treatment options will be a great burden on the healthcare system in the coming years. Therefore, this is a task that can only be solved jointly by the region, the municipalities, and citizens themselves. Health is not only about the absence of disease, but also about lifestyle, life conditions and a good life with physical and psychological wellness. The health task must be solved in conjunction with an education policy, business policy, along with the development of infrastructure and city development. The health initiative therefore is closely related to regional development.

Average life expectancy The map shows average life expectancy in the municipalities of Southern Denmark.

"You are responsible for your health. Together we will take care of your illness." This is the vision of the Region of Southern Denmark which is supported by a wide range of initiatives. The following initiatives play a particularly close role in regional development and are based on collaboration between several agencies: Health equality must be increased via differentiated access to citizens' resources, including in the project "Early detection and prevention", and via the implementation of the strategy on the prevention of lifestyle diseases in persons with psychological disorders. Health close by: Distribution of health centres where municipal and regional functions are brought together, as well as the development of telemedicine solutions that bring health provisions close to and into the homes of citizens. Health knowledge: Data on health status will be collected via health profile questionnaires and The Good Life metrics. Linking data to where people live provides a better foundation for health planning, better utilisation of resources, and better city development.

Retaining the labour market: Southern Denmark is working to retain and restore people's attachment to the labour market or educational system. This is being done through, among other things, measures targeted towards an early, targeted, and cohesive initiative in healthcare in terms of prolonged diseases. Municipal and regional collaboration: There is a well-developed collaboration between the municipalities, the Region, and general practice in the health area. The framework for the collaboration is set out in, among other things, the Health Agreement. International collaboration: The Region will expand and qualify solutions and initiatives in healthcare by raising it up to the European level. Public-private collaboration will contribute to new, innovative solutions in healthcare. Southern Denmark has good provisions for collaboration, development and testing of new solutions at hospitals and institutions etc., through Southern Denmark's Health Innovation and through the Co Lab inter-sectoral initiative.

79.3 - 79.8 years 79.9 - 80.2 years 80.3 + years Unknown Source: The Region of Southern Denmark and Danmarks Statistik [Statistics Denmark]




Good health is important to living a good life. The costs of poor health are extensive for the individual, for businesses, and for society in general.

Focus areas


A healthy and active life

Average life expectancy in Southern Denmark must be increased. 11

Qualified residents of Southern Denmark Education

Education provides the basis for good health, financial security, and increased opportunities.

At the same time, education contributes to ensuring a skilled labour force that can attract and retain businesses in the region.

Education is a prerequisite for the development of the individual and for the competitiveness of the region's businesses. This means that more residents must have a secondary education, more must have a higher education, more must be lifted from non-professional to professional status, and more highly educated persons must be employed in the private sector. All levels are of importance for the enhancement of growth and development in Southern Denmark. To increase the educational level, it must be possible to get a good education in Southern Denmark. If more people receive their education in the region, it will be very likely that they will also live in the region after they complete their studies. However, it is also crucial that they are given attractive job opportunities. Therefore, it is important to ensure strong connections between educational institutions and the business community in their area, so that educational initiatives target labour market needs. There are a great number of jobs for skilled workers in Southern Denmark. In several areas, there are challenges in recruiting a qualified labour force consisting of trade qualified and highly-specialised graduates. Therefore, Southern Denmark is working on a number of labour market-related goals that will strengthen the connections between public educational initiatives and the labour market in Southern Denmark, where a technical, health-related, and scientifically knowledgeable and skilled labour force is required, both now and in the future.

Overall educational policy goals • 95% of students per class year must complete their secondary education. • 60% of students per class year must complete their higher education.

Labour market-related goals • • 12

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The percentage choosing a scientific, technical or health-related education must rise by 20% compared to 2010. 25% of students per class year in 2010 must choose a business education after ninth or tenth class.

Welcome back Many young people relocate in order to get an education. Interesting jobs, attractive cities, and strong bonds must make it desirable for them to return after their education is completed. Attractive educational opportunities in Southern Denmark must therefore be included when considering the strategy's other initiatives.


Southern Denmark will raise youth education levels with initiatives in the following areas: Preconditions in place Too many youngsters do not have the necessary professional skills in the areas of, among others, Danish and mathematics. Moreover, social and personal problems can intervene and make it difficult to complete an education.

More traineeships Through targeted initiatives, more traineeships must be created in Southern Denmark. Lack of traineeships is one of the causes of the high dropout rate in vocational training programs, as without them it is not possible to complete an education.

Accessibility of secondary education In many places in the region, there are long distances to educational institutions. Good accessibility can contribute to more young people getting an education and reduce dropout rates.

Studies in Southern Denmark More young people must start higher educational studies in Southern Denmark, and fewer must move out of the region to work. Southern Denmark must offer students good and strong educational institutions and attractive places to live and work.

A better educational start The dropout rate must be brought down during the transition from primary school to secondary school, and also during the transition to higher education. Dropping out increases the risk of not completing an education.

Apply knowledge There is great potential in using the documented knowledge and experiences gained in the educational and research sector to a greater extent to increase the quality of the educational programs.

A qualified labour force

The decentralised educational structure in Southern Denmark, including distribution of University of Southern Denmark campuses in several cities in Southern Denmark, is contributing to growth and development in the entire region. It supports development in the urban regions and is helping to ensure a close dialogue with the businesses regarding their needs. The Region of Southern Denmark, together with the municipalities, is working to maintain the decentralized educational structure for both secondary education and higher education studies in Southern Denmark.

Southern Denmark will meet labour market challenges through coordinated initiatives in educational, business, and employment areas. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark is focused on ensuring a qualified labour force for businesses, with an awareness that the synergies between educational and employment initiatives can be better exploited. Furthermore, The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark will work on social inclusion in order, among other things, to increase the employment rate in the region.

A high dropout rate in secondary education programs The figure shows educational status 1-3 years after starting a secondary education from 2010. 100%


The Regional Council is ensuring dialogue and collaboration in the educational field across the region, municipalities and school types via the Southern Denmark Agreement on Education. The Regional Council's group backs projects and activities that support the initiatives and the Agreement.

A decentralised educational structure

90% 80% 70% 60% 2010


General secondary education



Business secondary education

Vocational education


Young people in education

Source: The Region of Southern Denmark and Danmarks Statistik [Statistics Denmark]




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Today, under 80% of 25-34 year-olds have a secondary education, and a little over a third of 30-39 year-olds have a higher education. If 95% of young people in the future are to complete a secondary education, and 60% are to have a higher education, this requires that all relevant actors in the educational area help to meet the educational policy's objectives. Working together, they are stronger in meeting challenges and in their initiatives to reach the right solutions. Therefore, the Southern Denmark Agreement on Education has been established as a collaboration between, among others, the region, municipalities, educational institutions, and business organisations. The initiative in Southern Denmark will support and initiate interdisciplinary cooperation and involve knowledge and resources available from other areas such as health and psychiatry areas.

The figure shows the expected educational level 25 years after a class year's students have left primary school. 100% Proportion of class years

Elevating education — a joint task

The expected development for the overall goal

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 2004










Year of leaving primary school

Objective: 95% to have a secondary education Completed a secondary education Objective: 60% to have a higher education Completed a higher education

The challenge of the labour market must be met with initiatives in educational, business, and employment areas. The Region of Southern Denmark, the Southern Denmark Agreement on Education, the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark and the Regional Labour Market Council will coordinate together. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark will work to increase access to a qualified labour force so that educational provisions match the needs of Southern Denmark's businesses. Synergies between educational and employment initiatives must be better exploited. The Growth Forum will work to raise the formal education level of the workforce by having more people complete a vocational education at the skilled or higher education level. The Growth Forum will also strengthen social inclusion by, among other things, increasing the employment rate in the region. The target group are persons who will not be able to reach the labour market without supportive intervention.


The Southern Denmark Agreement on Education The Southern Denmark Agreement on Education is a collaborative platform that ensures continuing dialogue and collaboration in the educational area in Southern Denmark. Further information can be found at: www.syddanskuddannelsesaftale.dk. The Southern Denmark Agreement on Education's collaborating agencies THE REGION OF SOUTHERN DENMARK The Municipalities of the Region of Southern Denmark Business academies University colleges The University of Southern Denmark The Confederation of Danish Industry The Confederation of Danish Enterprise The Danish Construction Association Danish Industry and Craft Trades Youth Guidance Centres

Choice of studies Production schools Private boarding schools Social and health care schools Trade schools Adult education centres Technical schools Upper secondary schools Agricultural schools The labour market office in Southern Denmark

The Regional Council's and The Southern Denmark's Agreement on Education's Action Plan The Region of Southern Denmark will implement the educational strategy in two-year action plans.


Southern Denmark must have a labour market in which supply matches demand. This helps to ensure that as many as possible will help contribute to the welfare society, to growth, and to development, and that businesses are more competitive because they have a qualified labour force. At the same time, unemployment can be prevented if the qualifications of the workforce match the businesses' needs. However, the labour market is facing dual pressure; demographical developments mean that the workforce is shrinking, creating a risk of a labour shortage. Demand for labour is also changing. Unskilled jobs are disappearing, and new jobs are requiring higher qualifications or alternative qualifications. If the labour market is to be in balance in the future, it is necessary to implement initiatives that raise the skills level and include more individuals in the labour market.

Source: The Region of Southern Denmark and the profile model of the Ministry of Education


Creating a balanced labour market



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Business in development --- BUSINESS IN DEVELOPMENT

Southern Denmark's business community must be strengthened and developed in the entire region so that Southern Denmark is ready for national and global competition in the future. Business development opportunities and strong businesses with interesting jobs are helping to make Southern Denmark more attractive, active and productive.



The strategic frameworks Southern Denmark's strengths- global opportunities The picture of challenges in Southern Denmark shows that growth in Southern Denmark, as in the rest of Denmark, continues to be low. Strong production growth in 2010 and 2011 showed the great adaptability of Southern Denmark's business community, but in 2012, development again stopped. At the same time, the number of jobs in Southern Denmark fell, and the demographic development presents a rising challenge in terms of the work force. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark's initiatives on growth and business development will therefore continue to be primarily focused on increasing productivity of Southern Denmark's businesses and on raising the employment rate.

With the strategic objectives, the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark aims to counter the challenges facing the region on the basis of the strengths that the region possesses. This shall be done by, among other things, creating a basis for growth through adaptability and drive with a background of, among other things a challenged business structure, demographic and a changing international economy. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark is therefore continuing with focused, long-term initiatives with certain business areas that were started in 2009. This is consistent with the new requirements for structural funds programs and smart specialization, and the recommendations prepared by the OECD for the Growth Forum. These focused initiatives will contribute to a long-term transition towards business growth by creating competitive environments in three Southern Denmark business areas that are strong or have potential: Sustainable energy Health and social innovation Experience economy

The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark's strategic goals for 2020 Southern Denmark is the region of Denmark with the

greatest annual production growth. 82% of working age people are ready to work.


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A matter of attractiveness

Growth cannot be reduced to a single formula. Elements such as innovation, productivity, high employment rate and new technology are important. However, also important are a good infrastructure, strong educational institutions, and attracting a qualified work force with the help of attractive areas with an exciting cultural life and strong relationships.

The businesses' conditions for creating growth and jobs is rapidly changing, as a result of, among other things, increased globalisation and the economic crisis. This creates new challenges and opportunities managed and seized. Therefore, the Growth Forum will, on its own initiative, start up broad initiatives that have great potential. These initiatives are not limited to the three

business areas, but may reach further. Further, the Growth Forum will implement initiatives to support growth and development in remote areas. For this to be successful, we need well-functioning public-private partnerships on the regional, national and international levels. This applies internally in the region where coherence and coordination of initiative must be ensured so that synergy and transparency are created in the provisions to businesses. Nationally and inter-regionally, The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark will emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration and a suitable division of labour with the other regional growth forums and the state on, e.g., welfare technology, energy, and foods. Businesses must have easy access to participate in business-promoting activities across regional borders, and coherence with the national growth initiatives must be safeguarded through growth partnership agreements. Finally, the Southern Denmark Growth Forum is working diligently to take advantages of those opportunities that come from international collaboration, in particular the collaboration across the Danish-German border. This applies to, e.g., EU’s Horizon 2020 program and INTERREG, including international collaboration that contributes to the internationalisation of the Growth Forum's priority areas.


Higher productivity and employment rates

High growth

High growth

High growth

Sustainable energy

health and social innovation

Experience economy

Broad initiatives, internationalisation and remote areas --- BUSINESS IN DEVELOPMENT

The strengths of Southern Denmark make the region available nationally with ambitions to utilize its international potential in the areas in an inter-regional collaboration. The business areas were chosen on the basis of the region's special strengths and the expected development in national and global demand in each of the areas. The region has a particularly strong position in the area of sustainable energy, with specific business specialisations in the area of energy-efficient technologies and offshore energy. In the area of health and social innovation, there is potential to utilise the rising global demand based on a strong publicprivate innovation partnership and the region's strength in automation, among others. In the experience economy, there are significant international players in the tourist area, and there is great potential in utilising the region's specialized research and scientific environment in the areas of design and creative occupations in order to create business growth. As a further development in the focused initiative, a high growth model will be implemented in the three business areas. This shall contribute to the development of more large businesses in Southern Denmark.


Sustainable energy Business area definition Energy-efficient technologies Businesses that work with technologies, knowledge and components that lead to intelligent and efficient energy usage of all forms of energy. Offshore Businesses that work with technologies, knowledge and components that are used throughout the entire value chain in offshore energy production – renewable as well as fossil fuels.


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According to the International Energy Agency,

There is a shortage of suitably qualified labour.

global demand for energy will rise by 55% in 2030. At the same time, global competition and the climate agenda are creating increased demand for energy-efficient technologies. The global market for energy-efficient technology is expected to grow significantly up to 2035. The businesses in the power electronics area, for example, expect yearly growth rates of 15-20% in the coming years. By further developing Southern Denmark's stronghold position in the area of offshore energy, the number of employees is expected to increase from 27,000 today to 50,000 in 2020 nationwide, provided that principal challenges are accommodated. There are strong innovation environments for energy efficient technologies and offshore energy that are anchored in the region. There is great potential for innovation and business collaboration through cluster organisations with the status of national innovation networks.

There is a need for maintaining the market position on

the global market, in which small and medium-sized companies can increase exports. There is a need to maintain a qualified "prime mover" Danish domestic market that can act as an innovation driver, in which, among other things, small and mediumsized companies have a need for greater energy and resource efficiency, and access to testing, development and demonstration facilities.

Transport 1041

Cars Other transportation methods Aviation, shipping,



and railways

Total 8,002 billion ($ 2012)



Non energy-intensive Energy-intensive


739 455


284 432



Housing Source: World Energy Investment Outlook OECD/IEA 2014

Sub-goal energy-efficient technologies 20% growth in revenues up to 2020 for

companies in the area of energy-efficiency. A 5 percentage point higher export share for small and medium-sized companies in the area of energy-efficiency up to 2020.

Market growth in the EU for offshore wind (Megawatts) 25000

Sub-goal offshore


15% growth in revenues up to 2020 for


companies in the Danish offshore industry. 15% growth in exports up to 2020 for

companies in the Danish offshore industry.



5000 0





Southern Denmark offers particular trade specializations in the energy field. In the area of energy-efficient technologies, approximately half of the country's workplaces are located in the Region of Southern Denmark, and the businesses have revenues of 24 billion Danish kroner. In the area of offshore energy, a good 40% of workplaces are located in the Region of Southern Denmark, and this industry has revenues of 110 billion Danish kroner. The fields of energy-efficient technologies and offshore energy are dominated by large manufacturers and exporting companies with a high degree of specialised knowledge.

Total global investments in end-user energy efficiency


Sustainable energy

Source: Wind energy scenarios for 2020 (central scenario), EWEA 2014



Health and social innovation Business area definition Businesses that work with health and welfare solutions that can contribute to solving societal challenges in the welfare area and at the same time create increased growth in private companies as well as increased efficiency and quality. The welfare area is broadly defined but focuses on utilizing business opportunities in technologies and services related to care and nursing assistance, disease treatment, self-care,prevention (including nutrition), and opportunities associated with construction projects in the area.


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Health and social innovation


Global societal challenges, with a changed

T here is a need for a stronger home market with

demography, rising numbers of seniors and more people with lifestyle diseases and chronic ailments are creating increased demand from both the private and the public market for health and welfare solutions, which can be developed and delivered by private companies. Southern Denmark has strong expertise in user involvement, testing, usability and design. A coherent research and innovation environment with testing facilities that serve as foundations for inter-sectoral public-private collaborations on innovation has been built up, and a business cluster with the status of national innovation network has been set up. As a result, there is increasing international interest in collaboration with operators and businesses in the field of health and social innovation in Southern Denmark.

increased exports. There are few entrepreneurs and not enough large

companies - and generally these companies are experiencing low growth. In addition, revenues are low as a result of, among other things, limited exports. There is a need for increased public-private collaboration based on needs, innovation, testing, and innovative purchasing, for the purpose of a more successful implementation and deployment of welfare technological solutions in municipal hospitals' operations. There is a need for increased funding and venture capital for the companies' commercialisation and growth.

Sub-objective health and social innovation 5% more businesses in the health and social

innovation area up to 2020. 15% growth in revenues for companies in the

area of health and social innovation up to 2020.


2013 -2080 (Index 2013=100) 180 170



Population changes in Denmark

160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80





0-24 years old 25-64 years old 65+ years old Source: EUROSTAT and The Ministry of Business and Growth





In Southern Denmark, through long-term and focused initiatives, a strong innovative environment and cluster collaboration with international impact in health and social innovation has been built up. In Southern Denmark, there are approximately 300 private companies working in the area of welfare technology. They employ approximately 3,000 people, and the revenues of these companies is estimated to be approximately 5,669 million Danish kroner. The businesses of Southern Denmark offer special expertise in automation, intelligent aids, IT and telemedicine.


Experience economy Business area definition Tourism Businesses that work work with holiday and business tourism, overnight stays, transportation, travel and tourism services, hospitality and experience economy. Businesses that work with food as an experience product. Design and creative business Businesses that use design strategically to strengthen innovation and competitiveness, and creative businesses, including businesses offering design expertise.


-- from fra udfordring challengetil toindsats initiatives -- / -- /

Experience economy

Global tourism is growing. With strong

international beacons and an attractive shoreline for active holidays, the region has great potential. As the second largest business tourism region, Southern Denmark can exploit the expected increase in international business tourism. Increasingly, tourists are demanding more and better dining experiences. Therefore, there is great potential for businesses that work with food as an experience product. The use of design and design methods strengthens innovation and competitiveness in businesses. This is vital for international competitiveness and can contribute to maintaining production jobs. Creative businesses encourage a fertile environment for new enterprises and contribute to growth in the whole region through business development and by helping to renew innovation of the region's industries.

Challenges In the tourism industry, levels of education and productivity are low. Growth in overnight stays by overseas visitors is low. There is low satisfaction with the price level compared to the quality of service, overnight stays, food experiences, etc. There are few small and medium-sized businesses that use design in their business and strategy development. There are few growth companies in the design and creative businesses area.

Sub-objective tourism 3% annual growth in the number of foreign overnight stays. 5% annual growth in tourism-created consumption.

Sub-objective design and creative business 4 percentage points more businesses using design in their business and strategy development up to 2020. 10% higher share of growth businesses in the area of creative business up to 2020.


Developments in employment in the private sector in the whole country between 2009-2013. 140



80 2009







Tourism businesses emerged from the crisis more rapidly

Amusement parks, excursions and events Gastronomy and night life Overnight stays and tourist agencies Tourism industries in total All businesses

Source: The Region of Southern Denmark and Statistics Denmark prepared by e-statistik.dk


Southern Denmark is the biggest tourism region in Denmark measured by the number of overnight stays, with internationally attractive destinations that attract an increasing number of holiday and businesses tourists. Tourism generates annual revenues of approximately 18 billion Danish kroner and jobs for 25,000 people in Southern Denmark. In the area of design, Southern Denmark has strong education and research environments with well-established collaboration with businesses, and the number of businesses using design strategy has risen from 11% in 2010 to 22% in 2013. This will help to create growth, as these businesses are significantly more innovative, and have higher expectations of increased revenues and exports than businesses that do not use design. Impactful entrepreneurial environments for creative businesses shall support business development in the area and create a a fertile environment for new businesses.


The high growth model In Denmark, newly started large companies that contribute new jobs are rare. This is a problem, because large internationally-oriented companies are typically more productive than domestic market-oriented companies. Often large companies also play an important role in wellfunctioning clusters and contribute to creating growth and jobs in smaller and medium-sized companies in the value chain. There are already a number of measures aimed at creating entrepreneurship and growth companies; however, there is a lack of a coherent and systematic process to help the best businesses grow quickly. What is the high growth model about? The high growth model is based on a focused initiative and is part of the inter-regional and nation-wide Team VĂŚkst Danmark [Denmark Growth Team] initiative. The objective of the model is to attract national and international entrepreneurial talent and growth businesses to Southern Denmark, in the three business areas of health and social innovation, sustainable energy and experience economy. The starting point and hence also the time frame for implementing the model will vary for each of the areas. As a part of the Denmark Growth Team initiative, Southern Denmark's business industries with growth potential, which are not a part of the three business areas, can both use the provisions within the region and can also be part of another regional high growth model.

Share of large companies that are less than 10 years old 25%





0% 250-499 employees

500-999 employees

1000+ employees

Denmark Finland USA

The model offers a structured incubator and accelerator process in which it is possible to quickly test and develop its ideas in a scalable company. The model is based on a coherent concept with highly specialised counselling and testing environments, attractive physical settings, and close contact with investors to ensure growth of venture capital. The companies are matured for investment and make it interesting for international operators to invest in Denmark. At the same time, new large companies attract other companies which in turn support the region's attractiveness for companies and investors. The model involves close collaboration with all existing operators and schemes.


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Source: Nordic Entrepeneur Monitor 2010

Sub-objective 2 percentage points additional high growth companies up to 2020.

Broad initiatives The business environment for creating growth and jobs is changing as a result, among other things, of a challenged business structure and demographics and changing international economy. This is creating new challenges and opportunities for both exporting businesses and domestic market businesses, as well as a continued need for the Growth Forum being able to act in the short-term and the long-term. Along with its long-term focused initiatives, the Growth Forum can therefore upon its own initiative initiate broad initiatives that can reach out beyond the three business areas. There may be challenges that require a rapid initiative using a more short-term perspective, such as major job losses, or there may be challenges that require a more long-term initiative, such as in relation to the businesses' access to qualified labour.

Broad initiatives are characterized by: Being launched at the initiative of the Growth Forum. There must be a specific challenge to be managed. They can affect general as well as specific framework conditions. They must contribute to providing a particularly strong potential.

To increase Southern Denmark's businesses' access to a qualified work force, the Growth Forum will work to strengthen the connections between business development and the educational and employment initiative. This requires educational provisions to match the needs of Southern Denmark's businesses. The driving force in the collaboration must be better utilisation of the synergies between the educational and employment initiative. Furthermore, the Growth Forum will work on social inclusion in order to, among other things, increase the employment rate in the region.



The broad initiatives are limited in time.


The strategy must be put into action The strategic framework for the Growth Forum's work is supported by a working method that will contribute to the Growth Forum's strategic productivity and employment rate objectives.

Demand Higher productivity and employment rates

Experience industries




Total expected effect

health and experiential welfare business innovation

High growth

earch Resucatio & n Ed

Sustainable energy

High growth

nc Fina ing

High growth








Development of projects

Monitoring of projects


LOW 5,00





Higher productivity and employment rate

Time and price

Broad initiatives, internationalisation and remote areas


Strategic frameworks

Growth model

Prioritisation of initiatives

Monitoring and learning

Growth model


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earch Resucatio & n d E



n Fina cing

The Southern Denmark Growth Model is the foundation for realising the potential in each of the business areas in a focused initiative. The model constitutes the infrastructure of the business policy. It provides opportunities for supporting the framework conditions that are of importance for each business area, and take action where it is most promising. Thereby, it becomes possible to support the interconnected value chains from idea to market. This can be done in various ways, e.g., through grants to projects or through partnerships with relevant operators.

Demand The Growth Forum will stimulate, organize and qualify the demand for new products and services. Financing The Growth Forum will improve businesses' access to venture capital and development funds.

Offerings The Growth Forum will support the establishment of more businesses and more and better products and services on the market. Research and education The Growth Forum will strengthen research, education and knowledge in the business areas and ensure the businesses' access to the right expertise.

Effect model

Total expected effect This is an expression of the project's potential. Time and price This is an expression of the project's complexity.


Total expected effect

The structure of the effect model

The Growth Forum shall prioritize the initiation of projects. The effect model constitutes the basis for decisions of the Growth Forum along with a number of assessment criteria. The effect model provides an overview of the projects' expected effect, time and price. Some measures, such as cluster development and innovation initiatives, usually provide effects only in the long run, but on the other hand typically have a great effect in the form of permanently improved framework conditions that benefit a broad range of companies. Other measures, such as, e.g., enterprise supervision, typically have lesser but more rapid effects.










In addition to the effect model, each of the requests and initiatives are assessed in relation to how they comply with to a number of criteria:


Time and price

Business engagement




Public-private partnerships



Remote areas


Development of projects


Monitoring of projects



The evaluation model consists of portfolio management. This ensures that the Growth Forum will be following up on all projects in order to derive learning on realization of effects. The learning can be used as experience in future projects and contributes to shaping the prospective strategic framework for the work of the Growth Forum.


Monitoring and evaluation



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Green opportunities


The environment, climate, and growth are closely related and are becoming an ever more important part of the societal agenda. Investments in tackling climate change, in a clean and healthy environment, and better utilisation of resources are crucial for Southern Denmark's competitiveness and thereby also initiatives in creating better living conditions and development opportunities for all residents of Southern Denmark.



Perspective Circular economy and sustainability are essential to growth and a better environment at the same time. It is not just recycling and economics, but about changing direction and creating a new mindset that can expand our freedom of action and options in the future. Growth and a green balance are under pressure. Climate change, rising prices of raw materials and a rising global demand for resources such as raw materials, water, and energy is putting pressure on natural resources and at the same time has great environmental consequences. This affects Southern Denmark's living conditions, and many have already experienced the consequences of extreme weather. However, there is also the development, that to an increasing degree, affects businesses' bottom line and thereby Southern Denmark's growth opportunities.


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A strong agenda Sustainability and the circular economy are therefore on the agenda in, e.g., the World Economic Forum and in the EU as well as a number of international companies such as Danfoss, IKEA, Vestas, BMW and Carlsberg. This is a battle with the use and throw-away culture for a more circular economy that cherishes valuable resources and reuses them in a circular orbit. The circular economy is a way of creating growth that is disconnected from the shortage of resources. This benefits both the environment and growth. What is needed? A conversion to a more circular economy requires national will and national investment. Southern Denmark should be at the forefront of development and be ready to assume an active role in this conversion process, as a conversion will lead to a rising demand for new technologies and new design. This is a chance to create new jobs, strengthen competitiveness, to increase supply security and create better living conditions and a better quality of life.

Resources, resources, resources A circular mindset – a new development concept The initiative in the area of climate, environment and raw materials takes steps towards a more circular mindset in problem solving. In this initiative, there will therefore be a focus on more efficient and flexible use of resources, so that an initiative or a product can fulfil several objectives at a time or hold plans for another usage in 10 years. In the business area, the initiative for a better use of resources is focused on sustainable energy, offshore, and the development of energy-efficient technologies. This places a significant demand on collaboration across sectors and disciplines: however, if the right solutions are found, they will create more value for money, create new jobs and at the same time inspire more resource-efficient solutions.

This is about much more than simply recycling, a clean environment, climate changes, and attractive nature. It is also about creating a more sustainable and circular way of thinking that can lead to efficient usage of resources and energy sources. This is essential for future growth.



Southern Denmark takes responsibility Climate changes will depend on the amounts of greenhouse gases that are emitted in the future.

Climate change prevention Southern Denmark will share in the responsibility to limit the future effect of climate changes due to, e.g., the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas for energy production and transportation.

Initiatives aimed at limiting emissions of CO₂ are a part of a huge challenge, which is being taken on both globally and nationally. In working to achieve the objectives, it is necessary that the C0₂ challenge is also addressed regionally, in the municipalities, and locally, so that everyone can contribute in reducing emissions. The region and the municipalities in Southern Denmark have started several initiatives to reduce the impact of climate change. In both the region and in most of the municipalities there is the ambitious goal of reducing C0₂ emissions in their own operations. In addition, there is broad support for joint projects such as strategic energy planning and development of a joint knowledge base so that it is possible to monitor the development of C0₂ emissions in all the municipalities. The strategy goals in Southern Denmark for reducing C0₂ emissions is the same as the national objective, and all Southern Denmark's initiatives in climate change prevention must contribute to achieving the overall goal.

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Sub-objective Reduce CO₂ emissions in Southern Denmark by 40% in 2020 as compared to 1990.

Initiatives The development of new knowledge

and new collaboration paths that can build upon existing knowledge and initiatives in the area. This can be done with, among other things, a C0₂ mapping tool that can monitor CO₂ emissions in all the country's regions and municipalities, and the energy scenario analysis from projects for strategic energy planning that outline two scenarios for future energy systems in Southern Denmark. A green business initiative for

Sustainable Energy. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark and the Region of Southern Denmark prioritize initiatives aimed at strengthening business development for South Denmark's particularly strong positions in offshore energy and energy-efficient technologies. Energy-efficient construction.

Southern Denmark is part of a three-year ELENA Project in which the Region is collaborating with 14 municipalities in Southern Denmark. The project participants commit themselves to joint energy investments in public housing and street lighting for 597 million Danish kroner from 2014 to 2017.

Climate change is a reality, and many residents of Southern Denmark have already felt the effects of increased rain, downpours and floods. Climate change will increasingly challenge Southern Denmark's cities, nature, and the joint infrastructure, and thereby everyday life in Southern Denmark.

A more climate-robust Southern Denmark will also have great significance for future growth opportunities, as confidence in that the infrastructure can withstand climate changes can make the area more attractive to investors. Initiatives in Southern Denmark will focus on the development of new and combined solutions that also aim to accommodate, e.g., city life, health, natural areas, management of soil contamination, as well as increasing attractiveness and development opportunities for residents of Southern Denmark. If the right solutions are found, they can be factors for development in both city areas and rural areas, and they can include business opportunities.

Climate strategy The region of Southern Denmark shall, by the end of 2015, adopt a new climate strategy that shall create the framework for sustainable growth and development in Southern Denmark. The climate strategy covers both the Region of Southern Denmark's own initiatives as well as joint initiatives in the whole of Southern Denmark.


Climate adaptation in Danish cities. The citi-

es of Southern Denmark must improve their water management to be able to withstand climate changes. The initiative is focused on developing and testing solutions through, e.g., the Region of Southern Denmark's collaboration project with the Municipality of Odense and VCS Denmark water centre on protecting the region's large city services from rising groundwater levels. Climate adaptation in coastal areas.

Rising sea levels and strong storms are threatening coastal areas – not least the areas along the Wadden Sea. The initiative focuses on ensuring clay for maintenance and on the design of the dikes, which form a central safety barrier for people and assets along the Wadden Sea coast. The initiative is implemented in collaboration with the Wadden Sea municipalities.

Sub-objective Protect nature, the environment, and residents of Southern Denmark against the negative effects of climate change and at the same time create development in the cities, rural districts and remote areas. Climate adaptation is to a greater extent part of an interdisciplinary initiative to develop the attractiveness of cities and rural areas.


Climate adaptation

Southern Denmark's initiative on climate adaptation aims to improve water management by minimizing the effect of sea level rise, groundwater rise, and increased surface water. Controlling the water will lead to fewer nuisances for citizens and businesses as well as public savings.



When the water comes


A clean environment increases attractiveness The Green Framework must be more robust so that it is able to protect groundwater and the health of the residents of Southern Denmark in the future.

Environment Access to clean drinking water and the absence of pollution in the environment is not just of great significance for Southern Denmark's health and well-being. A strong environmental profile contributes to promoting the area's attractiveness to people and businesses.

The infrastructure , the cities and rural areas must adapt for the future. There are increased requirements for the protection of the environment and the management of high amounts of pollution. Access to clean drinking water must be safeguarded for future generations in Southern Denmark. There is increasing demand for green solutions, and the scarcity of global resources highlights the need for supporting a more circular mindset. The region has strong expertise in the environmental area that must be put into play in new ways. The environmental initiatives of the future must therefore be to a greater extent considered together with the general development of the city and the rural areas. The natural and environmental conditions are important for citizens' lives and their development opportunities, and thereby also for the attractiveness of Southern Denmark's cities and other areas. Initiatives in the area of the environment wil be focused on the development and application of knowledge, also on thinking about the environmental initiative in a broader context in city development, the development of remote areas, etc.

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Strategy for soil pollution The region is responsible for the management of soil pollution. The Regional Council is about to prepare a new strategy for initiatives on soil pollution, in which clear principles for how the initiative is to be prioritized are clearly defined. The new strategy will focus on the pollution containing chemicals that are most harmful to the groundwater, including pesticides, and pollution that threatens the long term supply of good drinking water.

Initiatives The development of new

knowledge and new methods through, among other things, a partnership on protecting drinking water. The region has entered into a partnership with the municipality of Odense and VCS Denmark water services to streamline the partners' overall initiative to protect Odense's drinking water supply in the longterm, that includes close work on the initiatives that are to be implemented. The environment and city

development. Combined initiatives in which the environment is considered together with city development and attractiveness. An example is Fredericia C, a pilot project in which the Region of Southern Denmark is collaborating with the municipality of Fredericia and Realdania By to convert a polluted former industrial area to an attractive residence and urban area.

Sub-objective Creating a robust green framework that can protect Southern Denmark's health and access to clean groundwater. That the environmental initiative contributes actively to promote development in the city and rural areas in Southern Denmark.

The supply of raw materials for construction, dikes, and infrastructure installations is of basic importance for continued development and prosperity in the region. However, future growth will also depend on whether resource scarcity can be disconnected from growth.

In Southern Denmark, the bulk of supplies of sand, gravel and stone comes from land extractions. A smaller portion of these raw materials comes from the sea. Initiatives in the raw materials area are multi-faceted, as effective initiatives must both be aimed at supplying all parts of the region with raw materials and utilizing and reusing the resources we have below ground and in the sea as best as possible. At the same time, there is a focus on mapping clay used for the maintenance and expansion of dikes. Initiatives related to ensuring a supply of raw materials include mapping and general planning for the future extraction of raw materials in order to ensure an enduring supply for all sub-areas in the region. Raw materials can not be restored, and so another focus of the initiatives will be to promote the circular mindset. This partially means the re-use of raw materials, road surfaces, and building waste, and partially attention to restoring the catchment areas after excavating work is carried out so that they can acquire new functions that can contribute to development in the local area.

The raw material plan The raw material plan includes an overall plan for the future extraction and supply of raw materials in Southern Denmark. The planning of the future supply structure is determined on the basis of a desire for sustainable development, including the minimization of transportation work and consideration of nature and landscape.


Utilizing the opportunities the

extraction of raw materials provides for the development of new natural areas, new building areas, etc., in an interaction between the municipalities and the Region of Southern Denmark. To assist the recovery of raw

materials at sea and on land, and overall, to utilize them as best as possible.

Sub-objective That the extraction of raw materials ensures a supply horizon of 24 years in the digging areas in each of the four sub-objectives: Southern Jutland, the Triangle Region, Southwest Jutland and Fyn. That the initiative for recovering raw materials is proactively considered in the development in city and rural areas in Southern Denmark. To set focus on the circular mindset about resource efficiency and increased re-usage.


Raw materials

The future demand for raw materials is expected to rise locally and globally. This can lead to a scarcity of resources. The result will be rising energy and raw material prices which in turn will mean rising costs for the businesses and individual residents of Southern Denmark. Access to raw materials is of enormous importance for the construction industry and infrastructure projects, and thereby for growth in Southern Denmark.



Valuable raw materials


Vibrant urban regions Cities play an increasingly important role in growth. Cities and rural areas are connected in large urban regions in which functions and strengths can be played together and create strong coherent growth areas. Cities and rural areas must offer an attractive setting to people. Cultural provisions that combine the local areas' distinctive characteristics, and strengths are an important part of creating a vibrant region.


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The cities must attract more Cities and urban regions There is a strong co-dependency between the large cities and their neighbouring rural areas. The large cities are dependent on the citizens, resources, functions and characteristics of other nearby cities and rural areas – and vice versa. It is therefore important that initiatives are seen in a large urban region context.

There are about 400 cities in Southern Denmark – small, medium, large, and two of the country's five largest cities. The cities play a special role. Their functions and provisions help to provide a framework for citizens' and businesses' everyday lives. The location and development of the cities forms an urban pattern with urban regions and development corridors. It also shows that there are differing prerequisites, e.g., how many jobs to which citizens in the different parts of the region have access. Urbanization is contributing to moving resources from rural areas to the cities and from Southern Denmark to the largest Danish cities. This trend must be reversed so that the cities in Southern Denmark no longer lose ground to other Danish cities but contribute to stopping this development. The cities of Southern Denmark must be strengthened and made more attractive so that they can contribute to a greater extent to creating growth and development in the region and in each area.

Sub-objective The cities and urban regions of Southern Denmark must be made more attractive and competitive also from an international perspective. The development of cities and urban regions must be proactively thought of in the development initiatives in Southern Denmark.

Regional city patterns The map shows: Southern Denmark's cities with over 2,000 residents. The growth and development strategy's four urban region's areas of collaboration The east-west development corridor. The north-south development corridor. Access to jobs (including jobs in Germany) within a 30 minute drive by car: 180,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0


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One region and four areas with city-wide regional collaboration The growth and development strategy pays particular attention to the four areas in Southern Denmark: Southwest Jutland, the Triangle Region, Fyn and Southern Jutland. The common regional challenges are not equally large in all the areas, just as the potential for growth and development varies among them. In all the areas, there is formal city-wide regional collaboration that can serve as the focal point for the area's development. The growth and development strategy prioritises strategic initiatives with the urban regions to achieve the objective on attractive and strong areas. The initiatives may fall within the whole growth and development strategy, e.g., education, infrastructure, city development, etc. These initiatives may consist of collaboration on the geography adapted to the theme. The geography is thereby not fixed and can be agreed upon across the four areas, for a whole area or for a portion of the areas.

What is an urban region? A geographic area that, based on frequent movement patterns, performs the functions of a Danish metropolis.


Collaboration on strategic development projects The region will enter into municipal and city-wide regional collaboration and strategic development projects for the cities in Southern Denmark. This may consist of strategic or analytical support for new development projects, or strategies in which new perspectives are adopted. The work is coordinated by the municipalities and the urban regions. Examples of specific initiatives: •

Urban analyses: Knowledge products on the cities of Southern Denmark that contribute to qualify and facilitate development initiatives. e.g., Tæt på ["Close by"] and Byanalyse 2 [Urban Analysis 2] containing key figures about the cities and benchmarks for the cities in the region. Interdisciplinary initiative in city development projects: In special innovative development projects, the region will collaborate in an interdisciplinary initiative in which several elements are linked to create development that is suitable and impactful. E.g., the region will collaborate with the municipality of Fredericia and the city development company on the Fredericia C project and contribute with, among other things, analyses and environmental management of a former industrial area.

City-wide regional initiative Urban regional development There is a need to look at the special city-wide regional challenges and opportunities and through political dialogue find a platform for collaboration on joint city-wide regional development initiatives. At the forefront of knowledge on urban regions Development of knowledge on the functional urban regions, their internal and external coherence, and development opportunities so that a joint basis for the debate on the urban regions is created. The most current knowledge on the cities and urban regions will be collated at byregioner.dk. International collaboration on new perspectives The region will enter into international collaborations that can contribute to an understanding of the urban regions of Southern Denmark and their development. •

The NORDREGIO project: Functional City-Regions is a Nordic case study project that implements the attractiveness and accessibility analyses of urban regions in the Nordic countries. In this project, the Region of Southern Denmark is the Danish partner, and Fyn is the case.

The OECD project: Measuring wellbeing in Danish City Regions. The Region of Southern Denmark and the OECD are working together on a pilot project that will measure different aspects of quality of life (wellbeing) in the large Danish urban regional centres and their surrounding rural areas. It will provide insight into the differences and similarities, and interdependence between the centre and the surrounding rural areas in the urban regions across administrative borders.


Municipal or regional borders are seldom critical to people's choice of job or education, or for businesses' decisions regarding location, investments, etc. It is therefore necessary to consider cities and surrounding rural areas on a larger scale – urban regions – without being restricted by administrative borders. Functional urban regions are based on and embrace the whole network of people and places where there is interaction on a daily basis. The functional urban region has gained increasing recognition as an important ingredient in in successful strategies, development plans and planning initiatives. For example, the OECD, Nordregio and the EU work with all the functional urban regions.

Initiatives in the cities


Functional urban regions


SOUTHWEST JUTLAND The Southwestern municipalities, Esbjerg, Fanø, Tønder and Varde are developing a collaborative initiative in the urban region of Esbjerg. The area has a strong offshore sector and tourism, and with Esbjerg harbour it is Denmark's western port. Esbjerg is South Jutland's largest city and functions as an energy hub, attracting growth in the whole region and in Southern Denmark. The area covers a geographically large land area, withe major differences between the areas, from Denmark's fifth largest city to smaller villages and remote areas. The region and the municipalities of Southwest Jutland have a number of common areas of focus in which collaboration can contribute to creating new growth and development: The municipalities are working to stimulate settlement in the area. The region and the Southwest Jutland coastal municipalities have collaborated on strategy development and analyses on the roles and functions of cities as well as on people's moving patterns. Challenges, strengths and potentials in cities of various sizes have been identified and it is clear that relationships among people are of vital significance for attracting and retaining citizens and a labour force in the urban region. Continued economic growth in Esbjerg requires a qualified labour force. The challenge in attracting the right people with the right qualifications must be resolved through a health-oriented common regional and municipal initiative that incorporates education, settlement and business policies. Several joint initiatives have been started and must be developed further. Among other things, the regional association work-live-stay has focused on attracting highly qualified individuals.. The West Coast and the Wadden Sea, which are named as UNESCO World Heritage sites, attract thousands of Danish and foreign tourists every year. This landmark is an asset to the entire urban region and already now has a great value for the area. More than 4 out of 10 overnight stays in Southern Denmark are in Southwest Jutland. Southern Denmark and Southwest Jutland will gain great advantage from a continued focus and development of the tourism initiative in Southwest Jutland.. Continued development of the offshore sector will contribute to creating growth and development in Southwest Jutland and in the whole region. This is supported through, among others, the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark.


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THE TRIANGLE REGION The six municipalities in the Triangle Region - Billund, Fredericia, Kolding, Middelfart, Vejen and Vejle are part of a regional collaboration in the Triangle Region of Denmark. This is a strong growth area in Denmark, with a significant number of jobs, and people, and the UNESCO World Heritage sites of the Jelling Monuments and Christiansfeld. It is a traffic hub in Denmark, with among other things, Denmark's second largest airport and a share of the East Jutland urban belt, from Haderslev in the South to Randers in the North. The Triangle Region has many industrial jobs and is working to safeguard production in the future. In order to compete on the global market, there is a focus, among other things, on adding value through design and functionality. This is a design initiative supported by the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark. The municipalities in the Triangle Region have founded their collaboration on a joint plan strategy that, among other things, shall develop the Triangle Region in terms of production, entrepreneurship, and culture. The region and the municipalities in the Triangle Region have a number of common focus areas in which collaboration can contribute to creating new growth and development: The Jutland Corridor, through Jutland to Hamburg is an increasingly important development corridor for Southern Denmark. The Triangle Region is centrally located and can benefit from the great potential in international collaboration with Hamburg and Germany. The Triangle Region is also marked by urbanisation and growing competition with the larger Danish cities and growth areas. The municipalities and the region will therefore continue collaborating on several knowledge products on urban development and the relationships between smaller towns and rural areas. Attractiveness must continue to be enhanced in the Triangle Region through, e.g., city development in Fredericia C where the region collaborates with the municipality of Fredericia and the urban development company. A prerequisite for growth in Southern Denmark and in the Triangle Region is that residents of Southern Denmark possess some of the strong expertise that matches the growing qualification requirements demanded by companies in order to be able to compete on the international market. Education and skills upgrading are keywords that the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark is supporting. The Triangle Region is a traffic hub for both public transportation and road traffic. Common municipal and regional priorities and a common regional rail strategy will contribute to an optimised infrastructure in the whole region.

With large investments in, i.a., light railways, a new Odense University Hospital, and its development from a large Danish city to a Danish metropolis, there is also a prospect that in the coming years, Odense will be a growth driver in Southern Denmark. The initiative on health and welfare technologies is very important and is supported by the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark. In Fyn and the South Fyn Archipelago, there are many attractive market towns, safe local communities, and unique nature that contribute to attracting residents and tourists. The common cultural identity and cohesion in Fyn and the islands are contributing to the creation of a strong urban region. The municipalities in Fyn (excluding Middelfart) are collaborating in Byregion Fyn [The Fyn Urban Region] in which work is anchored on the common development strategy called Strategy Fyn. The region and the municipalities in Fyn and the islands have a number of focus areas in which the initiative will benefit the urban region and Southern Denmark: Fyn's attractiveness shall be strengthened through, among other things, enhancing the cities and remote areas. The region has investigated relocation patterns and the significance of job opportunities, relationships and culture when citizens are choosing where to live. In this, Odense is an important attraction factor in Fyn. A strong Fyn will contribute to a strong Southern Denmark. In collaboration with Nordregio, the region, through the "Functional city-regions" project will focus on attractiveness and accessibility in Fyn. Analyses of smaller cities, city roles and city functions will also contribute to supporting city development projects. Good physical and digital infrastructures are important factors for growth and development in an area. There must be good interconnected infrastructure in Fyn; however, Fyn is also South Denmark's opening towards Zealand and the Oresund Region. Therefore, optimal utilisation of large investments in railway connections with the implementation of the "one hour" model and interconnected regional railway connections is important.


The municipalities of Southern Jutland of Haderslev, Sønderborg, Tønder and Aabenraa, with their common cultural histories and identity, have a strong natural cohesion. This contributes, along with, among other things, the Wadden Sea (a UNESCO World Heritage site) to attract tourists to the area. The Southern Jutland area is the gateway to the largest Danish export market of Germany, making border collaboration a key issue. There is collaboration on the development of border relations in, among others, the Region of Southern Jutland-Schleswig. The municipalities of Aabenraa and Sønderborg have a city-regional collaboration with Flensborg in the Border Triangle. The municipalities have a common coordinating committee for Southern Jutland, and also have organized collaboration with the business community and educational institutions at the Southern Jutland Development Council. The region and the municipalities can contribute to strong new growth and development through their collaboration in a number of common focus areas: Trans-border collaboration must be strengthened both in the eastern and western areas, and the border region's visibility must be increased. The proximity to Flensborg and the growth area of Hamburg must be exploited through, e.g., tourism development, business collaboration, and improvements to infrastructure. Political, administrative and cultural barriers must be reduced through among other things the Jutland Corridor Project, the partnership agreement and the Interreg program. Demographic developments in Southern Jutland are challenging and must be tackled by stimulating, among other things, activities in the cities, rural areas and remote areas. Strengthened settlement has been the starting point in the region's and municipalities' collaboration on supporting relocation patterns that feature the Southern Jutland identity and relationships as important building blocks. In addition, the region and the municipalities will collaborate on analyses of the smaller cities and city-wide regional coherence. Improved railway connections can contribute to creating better coherence in Southern Denmark, but there also is a need to focus on the need for good mobility and infrastructure across the border. This is an infrastructure-related priority in Southern Denmark, and options for establishing a border station as part of the Jutland corridor are being studied. At the same time, collaboration supports the infrastructure vision of Southern Jutland, as it focuses on the northbound and southbound roads and railway connections. The businesses of Southern Jutland are seeking a qualified labour force. Therefore, there must be an initiative on skills upgrading, and the collaboration between Southern Denmark University in Sønderborg and businesses must be strengthened. Skills upgrading and development of Southern Jutland's particularly strong position in the field of energy efficiency are supported by the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark.


Fyn and the islands consists of ten municipalities (Assens, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Kerteminde, Langeland, Middelfart, Nordfyns, Nyborg, Odense, Svendborg and Ærø), with almost 500,000 residents. As the region's largest city and Denmark's third largest city, Odense is Southern Denmark's growth engine. The city has some very key institutions of great regional significance, such as Odense University Hospital and The University of Southern Denmark.





Life in the whole of Southern Denmark In the public debate, the designations of remote areas or outskirts are often used for all the areas that are located outside of the country's largest urban areas and their surrounding rural areas.

Rural districts and remote areas Many areas in Southern Denmark face challenges. This applies both to officially designated remote areas and a large number of other areas outside of the largest cities. But all these areas also have potential that can be better utilized. The initiatives for developing these areas will be most successful when initiatives for the entire urban region are integrated. There is a need for a 360 degree perspective on the opportunities for reversing the trend.

Many of these areas face challenges from urbanisation, through emigration and draining of skills. In Denmark, there is growing demand for a welleducated Danish labour force; however, many young people move to the cities to get an education and do not return. Citizens and companies settle in areas with good access to jobs, careers, experiences and education. The chain of movement goes from rural areas to smaller cities to big cities, etc. During the last few years, the large cities' share of the population of Southern Denmark has grown, as has the share of private sector employment. This development must be arrested, with an initiative based on the resources located in each area. Southern Denmark will strengthen growth and development in all parts of the region.

Population figures are falling in the six municipalities located in remote areas 257,300


d During the perio of 2008-2013, the number or jobs of private sect the six fell by 17% in municipalities s in in remote area ark. nm De rn he Sout

Where the earned income per resident in the municipality is below 90% of the national average (over the last three years). There is a drive of over half an hour to larger cities (> 45,000 inhabitants).



1% annual growth in private sector employment in the remote areas. 2015

Source: The Region of Southern Denmark and Danmarks Statistik [Statistics Denmark]

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The Danish Business Authority's definition of a Danish remote area is:

The opportunities for The Good Life in rural districts and remote areas must be strengthened.



Southern Denmark's municipalities in remote areas


New development must build upon the success and potentials found in the areas and neighbouring areas. The areas faced with challenges must develop their existing and new strengths in their urban region and as a whole be suitable. The development initiative must be designed with a 360 degree perspective on the citizens' and companies' opportunities. All the areas' qualities, resources, framework conditions, and location must be linked up. It can be special nature or cultural resources, or perhaps a special common interests of citizens, for example, that can contribute to increasing the level of activity in and attractiveness of the area. The areas' roles and resources in terms of neighbouring areas, particularly in the urban region, is crucial for the development perspectives.

Long-term initiative with a focus on rural districts and remote areas Collaboration on strategic development projects In conjunction with the initiative for creating attractive and competitive cities and urban regions, the Region of Southern Denmark, the municipalities, and the urban regions' other parties will collaborate on specific analyses and strategic development, such as, e.g., providing for citizens' resources, education, and digital and physical infrastructure so that all areas of the region are covered. Attention to sectoral planning When prioritizing national, regional and municipal sectoral initiatives such as initiatives on, e.g., education, culture, infrastructure and mobility, the relationship with the conditions of the areas and their potentials should be considered. National awareness of the areas' conditions Southern Denmark will collaborate on developing the potential of the remote areas, including policy initiatives that can create national political awareness about the remote areas' conditions.

Business development The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark's initiatives in the six defined remote area municipalities, see page 44. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark supports initiatives in the remote areas where bridges can be built towards the region's business strengths and potentials – the Growth Forum's three business areas – see pages 18-19. The Growth Forum of Southern Denmark supports initiatives in the remote areas based on growth potentials, with the foundation of these initiatives being health-oriented access to growth and development so that:  The initiative is based on local growth potentials based on analyses of framework conditions and growth drivers. The initiative requires that local operators begin activities that support the initiative and thereby affect the framework and conditions they themselves can influence (e.g., infrastructure or organisation).



Location, nature, professional specializations and cultural traditions vary in Southern Denmark. Southern Jutland can, for example, utilize locations close to the border, while the Fyn area has other options at its centre near the large city of Odense.

There is a need for a development initiative that also lifts the areas outside of the growth areas. The disadvantaged areas' human resources must be maintained and preferably enhanced; however, there is also a need for an initiative to create more jobs. In these areas, there are businesses with growth opportunities and potentials. It is important that special opportunities and resources are utilized and at there is an emphasis on having relevant operators contribute in supporting the initiatives o that they are sustainable.


Initiatives must match the area



An exciting region Culture Culture, art and experiences contribute to developing regions, cities, coast and rural areas. This gives an area its identity and character. Culture must be developed so that so that residents of Southern Denmark have varied experiences, and Southern Denmark can continue to attract new residents and national and international guests.

The number of visitors to art, al rical, and nation cultural-histo k uthern Denmar museums in So by nearly 12% has increased 13. from 2008 to 20


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Southern Denmark should be an exciting region to live in and visit. The region has special cultural, historical and natural strengths. Across the region, there are large amusement parks, unique nature and historical cities and monuments. This is an important prerequisite for giving people the opportunity to live a good life and to create awareness of local areas, municipalities, urban regions, and the greater region. It contributes to the attraction of the region. However, in an ever-changing world in which the number of opportunities and provisions is rising explosively, the competition for visibility is huge. Therefore, Southern Denmark must continue to develop and collaborate in the cultural area so that it continues to be exciting to live in the region and it is an attractive place to visit for both Danes and international guests. Through cultural and natural provisions, both the young and the old will be inspired to live a healthy, active and social life. An attractive framework is created, by among other things, through cultural provisions in music, film, theatre, arts, sports, history and nature, not least based on the special strengths and characteristics of Southern Denmark.

Sub-objective Greater knowledge of Southern Denmark's cultural experiences, on the part of residents, visitors and potential migrants. Several significant cultural events of an international nature.

Culture creates life – also student life Young peoples' expectations for a good student life are related to a great extent to the culture a student town can offer. CafÊs, parks, concerts and sports facilities contribute to creating the life that is expected by young people and is that on which they judge an area's attractiveness.

Cultural agreements In Southern Denmark, there are four cultural agreements on the cultural region of Southern Jutland-Schleswig, cultural region of Fyn, the Triangle Region, and the cultural region of the Wadden Sea. The cultural agreements function as a unified platform from which collaboration between the cultural bodies can unfold and are an example of interdisciplinary collaboration in the cultural area.

The character of Southern Denmark


The character of Southern Denmark should act to create awareness of the region. Historical cities and monuments with a proud cultural heritage, including the Ribe and Jelling Monuments and Christiansfeld, which have been named as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Southern Denmark's cultural character in relation to experience-based cultural provisions, including theatre, literature and culinary experiences. Distinctive and diverse nature, including the South Fyn Archipelago and the Wadden Sea, that have been named as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The border region has a unique wartime cultural history and an ongoing fellowship with Germany. Internationally renowned cultural activities covering both modern and historical cultural events including those in connection with H.C. Andersen.

There must be regional collaboration between local and regional authorities and operators on further developing a strong cultural life in Southern Denmark. The cultural initiatives shall strengthen experience opportunities and contribute to the area's attractiveness in conjunction with the municipal planning strategies and the city-wide regional development strategies. In order to optimise existing provisions and create some new ones of a high quality, the initiative is focusing on the following: The development of high quality diverse cultural provision and the creation of synergies in conjunction with other provisions. The prioritization of prominent initiatives of international quality that are based on Southern Denmark's character. Involving and energizing initiatives. Strengthening collaboration between cultural operators to create more inspiration and coordination across provisions. Supporting identity and character – both in the cities and in the rural areas

10 2

22 3





The Regional Council's cultural resources The region supports annual cultural activities in Southern Denmark that contribute to making the region exciting within the strategy's framework. The right geographical boundaries must match the initiatives, and the effect of the initiatives must extend beyond the individual municipalities and can, for example, include an urban region. The Regional Council will implement the cultural strategy in the cultural management plan that will elaborate on the criteria, etc.









12 6

21 15 14 9


1. Wadden Sea National Park 2. The West Coast 3. Varde River Valley 4. Sneum River Valley 5. Ribe, Gels and Gram River Valley 6. Hønning-Draved-Brede River Valley 7. Konge River Valley 8. Mid Jutland low-lying open natural area 9. The Vidå system 10. Vejle River Valley 11. K olding River Valley 12. H aderslev subglacial valley 13. Little Belt area 14. F jord and lakes near Aabenraa 15. Fjord landscapes in Alssund 16. Fjord landscapes Flensborg Fjord 17. Brende River Valley 18. Odense River Valley 19. O dense Fjord - Kertinge Cove area 20. Fyn Alps 21. South Fyn Sea 22. Gyldensteen beach and Æbelø area


The cultural initiative and the initiative on experience businesses support each other to a large extent. See pages 24-25 under "Business in development" for a description of initiatives in the "experiences industries" business area.


Examples of Southern Denmark's natural strengths


Strong connections The transportation infrastructure and digital infrastructure ensure that the residents of Southern Denmark and its businesses can engage in daily activities and have a connection with the outside world. A well-functioning transportation infrastructure with good connections to the outside world is of enormous importance for Danish development and productivity. Growth and development are closely linked to relationships, communication and transportation. International connections are expanding everywhere; however, when it comes to Southern Denmark its strong connections to Germany are particularly interesting.


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Perspective In a world in which everything goes faster, there is a need for strong connections that provide coherence in the region, with the rest of Denmark and the world at large. The physical infrastructure remains crucial for getting people, cities, and the rural areas to be connected together, but technological development has made the digital infrastructure more important than it was in the past. The development has also made the world smaller, and it has increased the importance of collaboration across physical borders. The national investments in infrastructure are comprehensive and still growing. Nevertheless, the investments are not able to keep up with need.

In many remote areas and rural areas, there is the opposite challenge: there is space for roads and railways; however, the public transportation system has problems in providing good solutions, and car dependency is high. At the same time, there are gaps in the digital infrastructure.

Southern Denmark will be at the forefront with futuristic infrastructure and mobility solutions. There must be an awareness of the opportunities for real time tests and pilot projects that can improve accessibility and development in all types of areas for the benefit of both businesses and citizens.

In the near future, smart cars, smart technologies and systems will reduce travel time and open new opportunities such as remote monitoring of medical treatment and 3D printing of products. This will change localisation patterns, cities, and the behaviour of businesses and citizens. By utilising our resources and infrastructure optimally, we will contribute to fighting significant challenges such as climate change, urbanisation, and the need for greater mobility.

New technologies – new opportunities Technological development is moving fast. Today there are cars that can perform a number of functions such as driving on large roads and parking without the intervention of the driver. At the start of 2015, the UK Department for Transport published a plan for extensive automation and fully automated cars. Legislation to allow self-driving cars will be in place in 2017. In 2020, highly automated cars are expected (cars that "by themselves" can drive on motorways and in urban areas) to be mass produced. And here in Denmark, the Ministry of Transport reported in 2015 that Denmark must be made ready for self-driving cars. If these technological advances materialize, capacity problems will disappear in relation to a very high portion of the road network.


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High speed society Everything is going faster. And expectations of what one can do rise at almost the same pace. Stronger connections must ensure that development does not go over our heads in Southern Denmark's areas, businesses and people Only thus can Southern Denmark continue to be attractive.

Good infrastructure reduces the transportation costs of Southern Denmark's businesses, improves access to a qualified labour force, and increases the customer base. Transportation options affect where the residents of Southern Denmark choose to reside, where they go in their free time, and where they work and study. Mobility must be increased via the expansion of the infrastructure, effecting transportation patterns, and more effective utilization of the existing infrastructure.

We use road networks, railway connections and public transportation in our everyday life. However, infrastructure is not only about connecting our daily puzzle together, along with efficient goods and freight transport. The big infrastructure connections such as accessibility to Copenhagen and Hamburg, the east-west and north-south-bound transport boxes, sea ports and airports, especially Billund Airport, which is Denmark's second largest airport, also contribute to shaping our economic development and our visibility at the international level. Southern Denmark will therefore work towards ensuring the visibility of Southern Denmark's interests in large national and international infrastructure contexts. There are plans for a number of projects that have been agreed upon but not yet implemented. They are on the expansion of the E20 highway over Fyn, the expansion of the E20 between Fredericia and Kolding, a bypass road west of Ribe, a new station in Jerne, double tracks between Tinglev and Padborg, and finally, Train Fund projects – including new tracks at Vestfyn, the bridge over Vejle Fjord and a railway to Billund. Southern Denmark will work on implementing these agreed upon projects.

The map shows the existing physical infrastructure in Southern Denmark: Road network, railway connections, stations, ports and airports (the light railway in Odense is expected to be ready in 2020). Train stations Ports Airport


Motorway Railway station

Three joint priorities in Southern Denmark: The joint agenda for Southern Denmark must continue to be developed on the basis of the three priorities for Southern Denmark which the region and the municipalities have agreed upon since 2011: A strengthening of the "one hour" model on large motorway H with one stop in the Triangle Region and continuation to Esbjerg and the border. A new mid-Jutland motorway to the border that can relieve the E45 highway and link to Billund airport. The final location will be determined after further analysis. A parallel connection over the Little Belt. Improved railway connections: There must be a greater focus on a good infrastructure and mobility in the Jutland corridor. Better railway connections: The railway strategy of Southern Denmark involves: Three new "one hour" model connections: Copenhagen-Odense towards Herning Copenhagen-Odense towards Sønderborg Aarhus-Flensborg-Hamburg. ”Two trains an hour” at all stations in Southern Denmark. At the same time, the railway strategy of Southern Denmark will contribute to increasing the yield of the Train Fund and also improve traffic spending. It is assumed that the "one hour" model will be implemented as described in the Train Fund; however, there is a need for extra capacity through Grejsdalen in order to run trains towards Billund and Herning.


Infrastructure and mobility

Infrastructure is a part of the everyday life of all people and businesses and has a great influence on the areas' attractiveness, activity level, and productivity. Therefore we are all affected by infrastructure. Mobility is generally high in Southern Denmark, however, there are certain areas in which transportation options are limited. In rural areas, car dependency is high, while in and near cities there are more transportation options, but at the same time also more congestion. Southern Denmark will work for all areas to achieve the best possible accessibility according to their needs, development potential, and what is economically possible. At the same time, Southern Denmark will work for improving regional mobility by getting the most out of the resources that are available.



Lines to the future


Southern Denmark on the map The overall infrastructure is a national project. Denmark has many wishes for more infrastructure projects, and so special prioritization is necessary. The decision on which projects will be encouraged will be of great importance to Southern Denmark's options. When the national prioritization of analysed projects is to be done, Southern Denmark can not miss the opportunity to put forward its arguments. The interests of Southern Denmark are best safeguarded when the region and the municipalities are engaged, with knowledge building and arguments, ensuring coherence with regional and local strategies. The Region of Southern Denmark will therefore continue to provide for knowledge in the infrastructure area and provide support with specific analyses and activities. If Southern Denmark functions as one unit, it will be stronger in the national discussion on the prioritization of infrastructure projects. The overall goal for Southern Denmark's initiatives is to safeguard the progress of the three agreed upon priorities for Southern Denmark, but the joint initiatives must also include the goals of improved railway connections and infrastructure in the Jutland corridor. In addition, there are other possible long-term projects that will benefit the region and access to the outside world.

Initiatives Continue to provide knowledge in the infrastructure area and provide support with specific analyses and activities. A strong knowledge foundation can support the ongoing political and professional dialogue in, e.g., the Municipal Contact Committee and the Mobility Council of Southern Denmark. Broad visibility of arguments on behalf of Southern Denmark, on prioritizations and goals via a joint political initiative in, i.a., government and parliament. Work for a well-functioning regional mobility with awareness of new solutions and technologies: interaction between city development/city densification, stations and changes of transportation methods must be improved.


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The map shows which existing and planned rail lines have been designated ad the most important by the TransEuropean Network for transport (TEN-T). TEN-T works on establishing well-functioning, border transcending transportation networks. The North Sea Commission has ensured the expansion of the network with, among others, lines from north to south towards Aarhus to Frederikshavn and Hirtshals. Existing networks Vision for 2030

Public transportation South Denmark's public transportation system is a part of the total mobility solution. The common vision for FynBus, Sydtrafik, the 22 municipalities and the Region of Southern Denmark states, among other things, that public transportation must be simple, coherent and competitive. It must contribute to people's accessibility between their residence, education, services and leisure activities, and hit must support residence settlements in the whole region. It must have an annual growth in the number of passengers and support the national objective on 50% growth up to 2030.

The Mobility Council of Southern Denmark The Council is working on creating better conditions for mobility in the Region of Southern Denmark by taking infrastructure and traffic control across sectors into consideration. The Mobility Council of Southern Denmark consists of: Representatives from the Regional Council, including the Regional Council chairman Representatives from Southern Denmark's municipalities Bus and train transport companies Transport and logistics branch The ports Billund Airport The Danish Road Directorate The construction industry The University of Southern Denmark Green networks Interest groups

A good and well-utilized digital infrastructure is the foundation for a modern welfare state and growth and development. The digital infrastructure changes our way of working, the way we spend our free time, and how we spend our time together. Society must be adapted to the digital world, and it must also continue to utilize opportunities created by technology.


Surveys show that accessibility to broadband and mobile telephones is reasonable in South Jutland but poor in Fyn. Under the law, the roll-out of broadband must be market-based, but development has shown that it will take more if full coverage is to be achieved in all areas. While digital infrastructure is of great importance to both residence settlements and businesses, there may also be local and regional political considerations in favour of an expansion. It can enhance service provision and expand business opportunities. As an example, telemedicine has the potential to provide citizens and hospitals savings on waiting time and time-consuming transportation. Digital infrastructure can also contribute to making rural districts and remote areas more attractive for both residents and businesses.

Through political and knowledge-based collaboration, Southern Denmark will pursue two main paths to strengthen Southern Denmark's residents' access to and utilization of broadband: Â Neither the municipalities nor the region may roll out or support the rolling out of broadband for others. Southern Denmark will instead, together with the municipalities, work to improve broadband and mobile coverage through dialogue with the state. Southern Denmark will draw political focus on the possible solution models for geographical areas with special challenges related to broadband and mobile coverage. Uncovering new opportunities for the use of digital infrastructure for the growth and development of rural districts and remote areas.

Sub-objective Access in all of Southern Denmark to at least 100 Mbit/s download in 2020 and at least 30 Mbit/s upload in 2020. New knowledge on the application of digital solutions in rural districts and remote areas.


Digital infrastructure

The need for a strong digital infrastructure is growing. There has been a digitalization of our everyday lives, both at work and in our free time, and the digital infrastructure has today become a premise for growth and development.However, technology still holds great potential for improving peoples' everyday lives and creating development in all parts of Southern Denmark.



From local to global everyday life


Collaboration will provide added value Danish-German collaboration and international connections

Southern Denmark has a special opportunity as a border region. The businesses of Southern Denmark have an international outlook. Proximity to the large growth centre of Hamburg holds clear growth potential, and political collaboration strengthens Southern Denmark's international visibility. While Denmark stops at the border, this is not the case for Southern Denmark's interests and collaboration. Collaboration has developed over many

years, and they form the basis for a broad spectrum of development projects ranging from close daily collaboration to long-term collaboration in the areas of, e.g., research and education. Southern Denmark is also a part of theme-based trans-European and global collaboration. Southern Denmark will further develop and make visible the potentials for growth and development that are located on the border and port to the south. The trans-boundary and international

collaboration must be activated in all areas in which it can contribute to the fulfilment of Southern Denmark's goals for growth and development. A number of specific activities are disclosed in the strategy's various sections. A prerequisite for success in this area is that Southern Denmark's expertise and solutions aim towards a high international level and contribute to the interest in collaborating with Southern Denmark.

The world's metropolitan areas are quickly growing and attracting resourceful citizens and businesses. The cities of Southern Denmark are small, but can benefit from strategic collaboration between regions, urban regions, and across the borders to build competitive, strong positions and ensure a basis for growth and attractiveness in the future.

Southern D en is the region mark with the greate st of export bu share sinesses.

Sub-objective Region Sjælland

In the period 2014-2020, the EU allocated 672 million kroner to the Danish-German Interreg 5A program.

mar Region Syddan


Flensborg Nordfrisland


rg Kiel

rnførde Rendsborg-Ege Neumünster

Plön Ostholstein



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Border collaboration and international collaboration must clearly contribute to the fulfilment of the growth and development strategy's goals. The border collaboration and the international collaboration must increase international visibility and demand for Southern Denmark's expertise and solutions.

Going forward, there is more work being done in the following initiative tracks: The partnership agreement and associated annual plans between the Region of Southern Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein. The Interreg 5A Germany-Denmark 2014-2020 program.

Collaboration near the border on, e.g., advisory services on border commuters, including the Region of Southern Jutland-Schleswig. Trilateral Wadden Sea collaboration. Collaboration in the Jutland corridor from southern Norway along the E45 highway, through Jutland to Hamburg. Danish-German Transport Commission. The North Sea Commission and parallel use of the Interreg 5B program for the North Sea. Agreement on collaboration with the Guangdong province in China, which is to support Southern Denmark's businesses' opportunities on the Chinese market with a special focus on experience businesses, health and welfare innovation, and sustainable energy.

The development of the Danish-German region should also be seen in a greater international context. This applies to connections through the Jutland corridor from southern Norway to Kiel and Hamburg as well as collaboration on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

Important themes in the trans-border initiative Remove barriers for trans-border collaboration and promote mobility across the border. Business development and the labour market, including collaboration on clusters, development of common, strong positions and strengthening the trans-border labour market. Research and education, including university, educational, and traineeship collaboration.

The Jutland corridor

Trans-border infrastructure, including coordination across the border in order to ensure a strong and coherent infrastructure. Strategic cultural collaboration across the border. Improve the knowledge base across the border through, e.g., collaboration on data exchange.


Here there is ground to be gained in distinguishing oneself and showing the critical mass, making a difference in international competitiveness. It is only through collaboration that Western Denmark can position itself in the Northern European growth initiative. The collaboration is developed through common knowledge and strategy development. Parallel to this, there is ongoing work on several current projects, among others in the infrastructure area, with the establishment of a border train station.


Southern Denmark is subject to a number of transborder and international collaborative initiatives, agreements, and programs. The Region of Southern Denmark is the main contractor, and many municipalities, businesses, educational and cultural institutions, etc., are project partners.




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