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A Note From Karsen Driver

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Class of 2023,

I stood where you are standing only a year ago. In the past twelve months we have experienced many new things. You have had many “lasts”, while I have had many “firsts”. You experienced your last first day of high school, your last sports game, and your last prom. I have welcomed my first day of college, my first time meeting new friends, and my first experience with living in a close capacity with a stranger. All of the “lasts” I experienced while in high school prepared me for my time in college. Leaving high school is terrifying, but the next steps in your life will be exhilarating. Whether you are leaving home for college, entering the workforce, or joining the military, you are leaving the comfort of familiarity behind and jumping head first into something new.

The most important thing I have learned in my year on my own is the importance of a support system. There will be many, many times when you fail, but having someone to help you get back up makes the failure worth it. It can be hard to face life on your own, but you will always have a family at Winnsboro High School. The faculty and staff will always be there to help you get on your feet, and they will always root for your success. Many times in the last year, I have looked back on my time in high school and missed the reliability of the friendly faces of Winnsboro High School, but I know that they are only a phone call away.

If I could give you only one piece of advice it would be to live in the moment. Being on your own is stressful, and there is tremendous value in having a plan and utilizing time management skills, but there are some times when you need to just live in the moment and experience your new phase of life. I wish you the best Class of 2023, and I can not wait to see what you do with your new opportunities.

Class of 2022 Valedictorian, Karsen Driver

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