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Dear Mr. Miller,

I have been blessed the last two years to have you as a teacher. I had always had a plan with how I wanted my life to be (at least through college). I wanted to go to Texas A&M and get a business degree. Then this year came around, and I was split between going to business school and engineering school. You helped me realize that engineering was the way to go for me. There have been plenty of times where I have not done as well on a test as I should have, and you always stop me after class and tell me not to give up on my dreams because of one bad grade. I have no idea how you do it, but somehow you always manage to understand the questions that I ask during class, no matter how bizarre or badly worded they are. I have always had the utmost respect for you, and you have always shown respect for me and my classmates. I have always felt that you care about me and want what is best for me, which is not a feeling that all teachers give off. The last two years have been a pleasure. I could not have asked for a better algebra or calculus teacher. Thank you, Mr. Miller.


Lane Lewis

Dear Mrs. Rogers,

When I first stepped into your Physics class last year, I had no idea what to expect. I had heard from other students that the subject was difficult and that the coursework would be challenging. I was afraid that I would struggle to keep up and that I might not succeed. However, your enthusiasm and passion for the subject were infectious, and you made the class come alive.

Through Mrs. Rogers’ class, I discovered the fascinating details that come with being an engineer. I was able to see how physics is applied in the real world and how engineering plays a vital role in creating solutions to everyday problems. Your guidance and mentorship have helped me to realize my passion for this field, and I am now pursuing a degree in engineering.

Thank you Mrs. Rogers. I will always remember the arguments we had, and continue to have, for years to come.


Karsten Nittmo

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