SUSTAINING OUR WATER SUPPLY: WATER EFFICIENCY MASTER PLAN (2015-2025) To read the WEMP and learn more about water efficiency and conservation visit:
What is the WEMP (2015-2025)? A Plan that describes specific programs to help residents, businesses, industries, institutions, and municipalities be more efficient with how they use water.
The Plan’s Vision The Region of Waterloo Water Efficiency Program contributes to sustaining a clean and reliable drinking water supply for the future; a supply that draws primarily from our groundwater and river water sources.
Targets Indoor and Outdoor Water Use
202 litres per person per day
WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE IN 2025? 160 litres per person per day
Total System Per Capita Demand
285 litres per person per day
235 litres per person per day
Summer Peak Demands
Peaking factor (ratio of maximum day demand to average day demand) averaged 1.28 from 2006 to 2010
Peaking factor remains same or less than 1.28
Recommended Programs
Expected Benefits of the WEMP (2015-2025)
Delay the need for the Great Lakes Pipeline to 2051 and beyond. By 2025, save 3754 m3 of water per day. This is equivalent to the daily water needs of over 7000 households in the Region of Waterloo. Reduce the average water use in single family home to 168 litres per person per day Reduced water and wastewater operating costs by $2 million Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 7500 tonnes
How Resources Will be Applied to Different Programs Resources will be applied to WEMP programs using a balanced approach. The amount of money applied to each of the four categories of projects will roughly match the percentage of water used by each sector (e.g. residential, businesses, etc.) in the Region of Waterloo.
Water Use in the Region of Waterloo by Different Sectors
To read the WEMP and learn more about water efficiency and conservation visit: