Distributed by the Orange County Department of Education, Regional Center of Orange County, and Comfort Connection Family Resource Center
www.ocde.us www.rcocdd.com www.rcocdd.com/frc/ccfrc Revised October 2012
At age 2 years, 3-9 months:
At age 2 years, 3-9 months:
• Need for specialized services, materials, and equipment • Assistive Technology
• If your child does not qualify for specialized services after age 3, the final IFSP will identify other community services after exit from the early intervention system.
During the transition planning process, your school district must follow certain timelines and procedures in assessing your child, determining eligibility, writing a plan (IEP), and beginning services. This chart gives a detailed summary of the process.
2.3 to 2.9
Notification of Transition Planning Conference/IFSP
• Service Coordinator initiates the referral • Transition team meetings with Regional Center, school district staff, and parents
Between ages 2.9 and 2.11
• Parents receive Notice of Rights • Parents grant permission to test • Parents grant permission for exchange of information, and review of prior recent assessments
2.9 to 2.11
2.11 to 3 years old
No later than child’s 3rd birthday and... At least every 12 months
In addition to services through your local school district and/or Regional Center of Orange County, you may also want to access resources available within the community. The team can assist you in identifying those resources. You may also contact Comfort Connection Family Resource Center for support and information at (714) 558-5400.
The Transition Planning Conference/IFSP has been held and a Transition Plan developed.
Completing The Transition Process
There are different ways to deliver services to children. School programs focus on the whole child and provide services and support that promote social as well as educational development.
Are there opportunities for your child to be with typically developing children?
What is the size of the class or type of service?
How does the teacher keep in touch with the family? (notebook, phone call, home visits, email, text, etc.)
Important Information Regional Center of Orange County (714) 796-5100 Comfort Connection Family Resource Center (714) 558-5400