3 minute read
Exxeercise a
from Eastside August 2023
by RMC Media
Howto Stayactive Despite Bad Onsul By Mr
, nmy my practice I see a lot of patients
Iekeentoleadanactiv who ar ke ive ied a lifestyle but are worr abbout its long-term impact on the health of their I’lldiscussho , knee joints Inthisarticle owwto umbenefitofexer get the maxim xerccise r atinganwithoutaggraav v nyycurreentkneeissues repetitiivve atanny y age children w times a deevelopin theexces olderpers ess injur str joint itis thr sonswithar Sim ve r sive epetiti load. ead ng and is often not r eleton e en ’ Childr week. s sk who train for their spor eb t milarly, e dy to tak ty dshoeswhichsuppor ear e causing joint pain W et the same heal ed to g er doing a lesser distanc estressonth auses mor wn and do n or ets w ng g sons with ar , ating an without agg y cur ent knee issues older pers cushioni loading c Consid more spee without cushioned shoes which suppor t y arches, reduces impact on your j est da also important to add r ayys t eco your body to r over.
W Woorld Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults engage in at least 150 to 300min/week of moderateobic acti intensity aer ivvity or at least 75 to 150min/week of vigorous-intensity y ouha Unless y aerobicactivity i y. . yo avve an injur y, , the benefits of exercise in improving your ell-being f general health and mental w faar eigh an outw ny y r isks from exercise.
withrunning on s treadmill.Think ab exercises like cross actiivvities like swim
adually build up y y, If you get an overuse injur a pe rest followed by a gradual introd e actiivvities can help prevvent your i become a long-term problem. ourfoot ell- ing w r th benefit e with hebone r oints. Itis to allow eriod of ductionof
A Adddstrength training to y ex exxeercise programme
greater endurance.
yoour activities oints ma J ay y hur t as you exercise. Sometimes this maay y be due to the overloading of a Thisma worn-out joint. ay y not necessar ily damage the joint but can put you off from our acti exercising.As you increase y ivvities, , muscles get stronger and bones adapt to y tak ocessma the load.This pr ay ke e longer as you get older.As your body gets used to a vity, el of acti ticular le par ev v i y, you can increase the load in small increments leading to td hev Manage t voolume
, e , Excessiivve exercise how ver can lead to uscles ar Strreengthening the m roound y educe the load tak help r re keen b a jo in turn helps the pain.This is espe important as we get older It is im uscles ar not just strengthen m roound ji b lhhidb prim,ygersur e Hip and knee r visioer jo m c y duction of injury to y yoour d a joint oint, , which ecially mportant to d the knee uttock cess a gym, improvrove e roundora softerg unning sessions un ou r rain y
, , ut also the cor oint, , re e hip and bu ouarenota If y uscles yo re abble to acc consider doing Pilates or y yooga to i yoour strength and balance.
Exercising differen diffd e differentdaayys pr reduces the risk of Modifying y yoour all the benefits of ex significant discomfor e if y maay y chang yoou ed joint mo injur oves differ compared to a nor be better off returning ex after treatment of y the supervision of easesthe epetitive softer g out adding low-impact -trainers in the gym or ming and cycling. t group of muscles on usclef vents m faatigue and y f injur y. cises can let y exer yoou get erex rccise without causing e ho , Thisad fort. dvvice ow w ver, y u haavve had an injur y. . An es in a different manner ouma mal joint and y r yo ay y ning back to exercises your injury and under a specialist.
About t
hor he aut
Anand is a Leeds v ev Mr Sanjee T
Teeaching ate Hospital consultant and does pr evveloping voolv He has been inv ed in de e Hospital. re practice at Nuffield and Spir
, iesCL injurA national guidelines on lems in adults and y prroob oung childr and kneecap , rggeryy, ro arthroscopic knee sur r y ticle is en in this ar mation g ynotbeapplica elb y not be applica ay eneral ad g vice and ma l or their knee condition. y c ny ve ou haIf y an please seek ,joint vice. specialist ad our knee y ns a concer bout y d Joseph A y oposcthrar paediatric knees a t ementplac erinto nd hip s injuries, and and hip r
The infor reen.
Ana Sanjeev ns pelvic ost oposcthrar onditions includin c ouny Specialist in olin Holton C ents e g hip g hip knee clinic. vidua y indi ry v ev to e er d e questions in his ed six most ask the twansoers see his ode opposi QR c an use the ou c Yo Y www.jointmotion.co.uk