Eastide February 2022

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Purple reign

22 things for 2022

Pantone’s colour of the year

Keep yourself entertained this year

Top destination Take a short break in Edinburgh

Discover Roche Abbey

Enjoy this little-known gem – right on your doorstep See page 20





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We spoke to The Stranglers about their new album and tour

elcome to the February edition of Eastside. With a new year comes new inspiration and if you’re looking for things to do in 2022, we’ve got you covered. From exotic car shows to live music and more, there’s something for everyone. Roche Abbey, just outside Maltby, is one of the area’s hidden gems and is one of the finest examples of a Cistercian monastery – it’s well worth a visit. If you’re looking for something further afield we recommend a trip to Edinburgh, which is great for the whole family. We also look at Valentine’s beauty and have your usual mix of fashion, homes and motoring.


Richard Abbey Executive Editor



The Diary

Our monthly round-up of what’s happening in your area, plus we speak to The Stranglers




With history, top attractions and beautiful architecture, Edinburgh is hard to beat


Little-known gem




Home & Garden

22 things for 2022

Browse our exciting mix of music, theatre, films, sports, comedy, exhibitions, festivals and events to keep you entertained in 2022

For all advertising enquiries please contact publishing director Amanda Roy: Tel: 07843 633184 amanda.roy@rmcmedia.co.uk EXECUTIVE EDITOR Richard Abbey richard.abbey@rmcmedia.co.uk DESIGN Dan Wray DIGITAL MARKETING ASSISTANT Sam Pegg DISTRIBUTION Chris Clayton ACCOUNTS Paul Barrett

FRONT COVER: Discover Roche Abbey. See page 20 for more

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Bringing more neutral and earthy tones into your house, to help you relax and unwind this new year





This Valentines treat your loved one, or yourself, to a mood-boosting beauty product

Step out in style this winter

Whether it’s bright colours or striking prints, make a statement this winter

Don’t miss out on the quality magazine for Doncaster, Rotherham and North Notts. Eastside is also available to collect at the following drop-off points: * Sunnybank Gardens, Hatfield Woodhouse * The Old Butchers, Fishlake * Da Vinci Boutique, Barnby Dun * The Sun Inn at Everton and Retford * The Cadeby Inn, Cadeby * Houseproud, Retford


Often overlooked, Roche Abbey is an English Heritage site and dates back to the 12th century





Did you know you can create your own Ferrari? Richard Abbey looks at the latest addition to their ‘one-off ’ range and more

Published by: RMC Media, Second Floor, Number 40, Little London Road, Sheffield, S8 0UH Email: info@rmcmedia.co.uk Website: www.rmcmedia.co.uk Not connected with any other company or group. Printed by Buxton Press, Buxton, Derbyshire. www.buxtonpress.com The publisher takes no responsibility whatsoever for the safe keeping or return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or other material. Any submitted material should be accompanied by an SAE. All material is the copyright of the RMC Media and is not to be reproduced without permission. The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement in this publication shall amount to an acceptance of our terms and conditions, copies of which are available on request.


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010 ESide Feb22 24/01/2022 15:11 Page 1




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013 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:45 Page 1

t’s not often a band produces one of the finest albums of their career 44 years after their first hit, but The Stranglers have always been a unique proposition. Rising from the UK punk scene of the mid-70s, the band quickly established themselves as their own thing, due in no small part to the melodic basslines conjured by founding member Jean-Jaques Burnell as well as Dave Greenfield’s singular and baroque keyboard sound. Now, nearly five full decades after their formation, the band - Jean-Jacques Burnel, Baz Warne and Jim Macaulay are heading back on the road to support Dark Matter, their 18th studio album that saw them achieve one of the highest chart placings ever, proving that even after all this time, they’re still as relevant and essential as ever. That success has been bittersweet though, with the tragic passing of Greenfield during the recording of the record last year. They very nearly finally called it a day as a result, but instead pushed on to finish what has become both a tribute and an epitaph to their fallen brother.


This is the first Stranglers album made remotely, how did that work?

How much of the album does Dave feature on?

Baz: We had worked on eight of the tracks in various stages with Dave, but it soon became apparent we hadn’t got everything out of him that we needed, so the keyboards were augmented, as everybody knows, but the essence of what you hear, especially the very strong lead lines, that’s all Dave. It took a good two or three months before we could contemplate doing anything though, to be quite honest. It was an awful time, but once we started listening back to what we had already done though, it was quite obvious that it had to see the light of day. He played some fantastic stuff on those tracks and it’s also both a testament to him and an epitaph too. A lot of people have said and it’s something we agree with, that the album is also a really strong collection of songs in their own right as well. That’s another thing to be proud of for us. We came out the other side and yeah, there are a few little sentimental bits on there, but so what? F*cking shoot us. We had to express it and get it out somehow. We have this hard men reputation for whatever reason, but that’s how we expressed our emotions and we’re very pleased with it. It’s a very bittersweet thing, though. A lot of people have suffered great loss during the pandemic, so that was just our own way of dealing with it.” JJ: When you’ve been involved with someone for over 45 years, it’s a huge loss, not only as a working colleague, but as a member of the family. The f*cker even actually lived in my house for over nine months at one point, until I told him he could find his own place. He honestly hadn’t thought of that, so was like ‘yeah, okay.’


Baz: We had started off with ten days in a studio together back in early 2019 but spent the rest of that year touring around the world, so never had the time to continue it. Then of course, Covid hit and horrifically we lost our beloved compadre and keyboard player, Dave Greenfield. We really didn’t know what we were going to do, but it became apparent that we should finish the album at the very least. That threw up a lot of questions on the technicalities of how we would do it, but we all have studios in our houses, so the engineer coached us through it and of course we had the luxury of time, with no constraints or deadlines. We worked diligently on it, but it wasn’t easy not being in the same place as each other, so that it came out as well as it did is a testament to how much of a team effort it was. We were united in our

grief, but there was a freedom there with the lack of deadlines.”

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Dave was on the autistic spectrum, which some people really struggle with, and others thrive on. He was one of the latter, but he also didn’t have any filters, so he wouldn’t realise that you were falling asleep when he was taking an hour to answer a simple question! Baz: Dave looms large over the whole album, as he always did. He was a huge part of what people would class as The Stranglers’ trademark sound, both him and JJ, so to lose one half of that was very difficult, but his presence very much looms large still. I’ve got pictures of him down in the basement where my studio is and I see him and hear him every day, one way or another. We’ve all agreed that he would have been very proud of it, too. We know he would, as we knew him extremely well. Can you tell us more about the tracks that were written after Dave’s passing? Was it a cathartic experience for you to pay tribute to him in that way?

Baz: Well there’s And If You Should See Dave… obviously, but there’s also the one after it, If Something’s Gonna Kill Me (It Might As Well Be Love), which starts with the line ‘Innocence has left this house’, which is a direct reference to him. It’s no secret that Dave had Asperger’s, which made him a true English eccentric in every sense of the word, but it also gave him a wide-eyed, innocent view of a lot of things. There’s references to him peppered all over the album actually, but those two in particular are very specifically about him. It was a very cathartic experience, but it didn’t feel like that at the start. It was more like ‘oh no, I don’t know how I can even face this, never mind do it’, which was really hard to get past. There are a couple of tracks that were quite close to completion when we lost him, so when I first listened to them after that, particularly The Last Men On The Moon, it was really difficult for me to listen to. I got myself all geared up for it and I just couldn’t do it. I had to go back to it a few weeks later. A loss like that could only be devastating for everyone, was there any thought to calling it a day at any point? JJ: There’s been lots of times over the years I thought we had reached the end of The Stranglers, where I never had a thought to carry on, like when Hugh left or when Jet’s health was starting to fail. Both of those times, it was Jet who said ‘no, we carry on’ and when he couldn’t 14 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

play drums anymore, he was the one who said ‘I’ve got just the bloke for you.’ When Dave broke on through to the other side, after the initial shock, all we wanted to do was finish the project, but with no plans for touring it or anything more.That was our only priority. But then our agent called to say that we were selling more tickets, so we realised that a lot of people still wanted to see us. Dave being Dave, had inspired so many musicians to study him and I had actually played with one of those disciples in the studio about 20 years ago, so we auditioned him over Zoom and then he met up with the rest of the band in person. His playing wasn’t in question, but he had to fit with the band and get on with everyone too, which I’m pleased to say he did brilliantly. Dave has left the biggest shoes to fill, but we know now that we have the guy to step in.We can never replace him and wouldn’t want to, but he’s left a legacy which can now be followed.

yourselves to create new music?

The Stranglers could easily settle for being a heritage act, but instead you have a top five album. How important is it for you to keep challenging

The Stranglers play O2 Academy, Leeds on 12 February and Sheffield City Hall on 24 February. For full tour details and more information visit www.thestranglers.co.uk

Baz: The one thing we are adamant about is that we’ll never become a heritage act. I’m not knocking anyone who does it as people have a living to make and if there’s a market for it, f*cking go for it, but we write new material and we still have something to say. I think people want that too, as Dark Matter went Top 5, which is the first time a Stranglers album has done that in nearly 40 years. There were a few champagne corks going off in my house the night we got that news. We are still very much in contact with Pam Greenfield, Dave’s widow too of course, so there were some emotional phone calls too. It’s a cliche, but The Stranglers are a family. We fight, we argue but there’s a deep bond and love there, so no matter what, we get through it, because that’s what families do.

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Steptoe & Son

No Limits

3-5 February Doncaster Little Theatre doncasterlittletheatre.co.uk The British sitcom about father-son rag and bone business, shows the intergenerational divide between the miserly Steptoe and his ambitious son. Classic comedy, drama and tragedy is presented by Doncaster Little Theatre with three entirely new episodes. The end of season production is one for the calendar, a good night of laughs by the bucket load.

6 February / Cast / castindoncaster.com Local, talented, vibrant and professional dance school, All That Jazz, returns for their fourth annual show. Performing an exciting and wide aery of styles, including Street Dance, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical and Acrobatics and many many more, No Limits has something for everyone, an exceptional showcase of skill and a Cast hosted evening not to be missed!

Anna Karenina

Crooners 2022

5-26 February / Crucible www.sheffieldtheatres.co.uk Based on the book by Leo Tolstoy, this Sheffield Theatres production, directed by Anthony Lau, kicks off the Crucible’s 2022 season in what is their 50th anniversary year. Admired but unfulfilled, Russian socialite Anna is faced with a choice - remain with her husband to keep her beloved child, or risk ruin in the pursuit of passion. How do we choose to live the one life we have? This bold new production of the epic masterpiece is about desire, duty and defiance.

11 February / Cast / castindoncaster.com Full of humour, tap dance, quintessential songs and outstanding performances, Crooners has been wowing audiences with its witty and exhilarating show. 9-piece The Mini Big Band alongside musical numbers and comedy gold is what brings to life hits from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, Matt Monro and all the rest of the best.

Film Ahead of the Curve 10 February / Cast / castindoncaster.com Ahead of the Curve is a powerful and insightful film exploring and showcasing underrepresented scenes in the 90’s.With a lucky run at the horse track, and chutzpah for days, Franco Stevens launched Curve, the best-selling lesbian magazine ever published.Watch the 2020 American biographical documentary film headlining as a creative and intelligent retelling.

Death on the Nile 11 February Kenneth Branagh (finally) follows up Murder on the Orient Express with this latest Hercule Poirot adventure that sees the sleuth entrusted with the important task of identifying which one of the passengers on board the S.S. Karnak is the killer before they strike again. Also stars Gal Gadot and Armie Hammer.

Events Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour 2022 1 & 2 February / Utilita Arena Sheffield www.utilitaarenasheffield.co.uk You’ve seen the TV show, now see the dancers live. Joining brand new host Janette Manrara and the Live Tour Judges, Shirley Ballas, Craig Revel Horwood and Bruno Tonioli will be Rose AylingEllis and Giovanni Pernice, Sara Davies and Aljaž Skorjanec, Max George and Katya Jones, Maisie Smith and Kai Widdrington,Tilly Ramsay and Nikita Kuzmin, Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu, and John Whaite and Johannes Radebe. To complete the line-up professional dancers Amy Dowden, Neil Jones, Jake Leigh, Cameron Lombard, Luba Mushtuk and Jowita Przystal will be bringing even more wow to this super-sized dance extravaganza, which features live music from the Strictly singers and band.

Music South Yorkshire’s Folk Showcase 15 February / Cast / castindoncaster.com Enjoy an evening celebrating the best of South Yorkshire’s folk talent. From the UK to Americana, banjo to vocals, it promises to be an eclectic evening filled with music and dancing. Held on 15 February, join locals, enthusiasts and visitors alike to see an impressive line up and exceptional talent.

Exhibition Double Take Until 17 April / Danum Gallery www.dglam.org.uk Double Take is an impressive exhibition with a simple idea, to make connections between artworks from the collections of the Arts Council and Heritage Doncaster. The exhibition includes exceptional works by among others talented Henry Moore, Gwen and Augustus John and Paul and John Nash.

Comedy Jason Manford 2 February / Sheffield City Hall www.sheffieldcityhall.co.uk It’s been a busy few years for Jason since his last smash-hit stand up show but fans of his Absolute Radio show will know this nationally acclaimed comedian hasn’t changed a bit. ‘Like Me’ is Jason’s latest comic offering set to hit road, and is sure to be “expert observational comedy” (The Guardian) mixed with “comic gold” (Mail on Sunday).

Rob Brydon 5 February / Sheffield City Hall www.sheffieldcityhall.co.uk The Welsh actor and comedian arrives in Sheffield for a ‘Night of Songs and Laughter’, which tells his personal musical journey from South Wales to Hollywood and back. With a hugely entertaining and sometimes brilliantly unexpected selection of songs from Tom Jones to Tom Waits and his famed impressions. Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk 15

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Bouncing back WITH TRAVEL BACK ON THE AGENDA, CHOOSE A SMALL, INDEPENDENT TRAVEL AGENT THAT PRIDES ITSELF ON PERSONAL SERVICE AND PEACE OF MIND. s 2022 the year that travel bounces back in a big way? Small World Travel thinks so and are on hand to help you book that dream holiday, whether that’s in a far-flung destination or much closer to home. Established in 1985, Small World Travel is a Tickhill-based family business that specialises in luxury holidays and bespoke itineraries, as well as everything in between. The last two years has thrown up all sorts of challenges for the travel agency, but is something they have risen to commendably. They pride themselves on their personal service and the relationships they have with their customers. As an ABTA-bonded travel agent, Small World Travel offers complete peace of mind too so you can rest assured that you will be completely looked after whatever may occur. Indeed, whilst the UK may be ahead in coming out of the pandemic, many countries still lag behind and Paul and his team can make sure you’re completely up to date before you book and travel. “The constantly shifting sands has meant we have had to learn quickly – we’re experts on foreign office policy now!” laughed Paul Rhodes. “We’ve tried to take the hassle out of it, making


16 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

it easier and more stress-free for our customers. “But whilst this latest news [about the lifting of restrictions] is what we’ve been waiting for, there are still many challenges ahead.” Flexibility has been the key to keeping customers happy, whether that’s been by getting them home, moving bookings or cancelling them altogether. “They’re at the heart of everything we do,” said Paul. “We want our customers to have the best experience possible so make sure they have all the relevant information before they travel and remain on call 24/7 should any problems occur whilst they’re out of country.” Paul has seen a shift towards more short-term planning in recent months, with travellers only looking two or three months ahead, sometimes even less, before travelling. But with a more

positive outlook, he expects customers to start planning further into the future and taking advantage of the attractive offers that are out there. So where should Small World Travel’s customers be looking to book for? “I’m of the opinion that it may be best to play it safe in the spring, maybe look at countries around Europe, but come the summer and autumn you should be able to focus further afield,” offered Paul. One continent that Paul is eager to return to is Africa, although it looks like he may have to wait a little longer. “Pre-Covid I was fortunate enough to go gorilla trekking in Uganda, which was just amazing,” he said. “I love holidays that offer an immersive experience and Africa offers this in spades.” Whatever your plans for travel this year, choose a small, independent travel agent that prides itself on personal service and peace of mind.With a track record of expertise, knowledge and flexibility, Small World Travel takes some beating. Small World Travel 9 Saint Mary’s Court, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9LX Tel: 01302 742139 www.smallworldtravel.co.uk Facebook: smallworldtravel.co.uk Instagram: small_world_travel

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The only way to travel… With global expertise and over 30 years’ experience, we have an unrivalled reputation for providing bespoke holidays of the highest quality.

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hilst the temptation to visit farflung shores has returned, the UK still holds plenty of charm for the casual traveller, particularly if you’re looking for a short break to entertain friends or family. With an abundance of history, top quality attractions and beautiful architecture, Edinburgh takes some beating. I took the whole family north of the border for a few days and loved every minute of it. I’d visited the Scottish capital before but purely for work purposes so was intrigued as to what the city had to offer from a leisure perspective. In short, it had everything.


18 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

If you’ve never visited before, Edinburgh is essentially a city of two halves (and much more besides). On one side you’ve got the medieval old town, which is characterised by its centuriesold buildings and narrow alleyways. At its heart, perched on an extinct volcano, is Edinburgh Castle. In the elegant New Town, Georgian townhouses line the broad avenues and open squares whilst shoppers hit chain stores on Princes Street and upscale boutiques on and around George Street. We’d picked the perfect base for our two-night stay. The Adagio Aparthotel Edinburgh Royal Mile was located in the

old town part of the city and just a tenminute walk from Waverley train station. The Royal Mile is one of the main thoroughfares in the city and connects the castle with the Palace of Holyroodhouse, which rests in the shadow of Arthur’s Seat. It is overlooked by impressive, towering tenement buildings and is home to many of the city’s main attractions as well as an abundance of souvenir shops, pubs and restaurants. The Adagio sits at the lower end of the Royal Mile and is a four-star residence offering 146 furnished apartments and studios fitted with a

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fully-equipped kitchen. The rooms are perfect for those looking for a bit more space and flexibility, particularly if you’re staying for a much longer period. The aparthotel’s services includes access to a fitness room and private car park and breakfast is served in the cafeteria every morning (supplementary charge). We stayed in a one-bedroom

ABOVE: The Royal Mile LEFT & BELOW: See the giant pandas and Sumatran tigers at Edinburgh Zoo

apartment for four people which had a bedroom with a double bed and a twin sofa bed which gave us more than enough space to relax. We didn’t take advantage of the kitchen during our short stay but can see the attraction for those staying longer - whilst there are plenty of food options close by, eating out can get expensive. We started our exploring on the old town side, heading up to the castle before turning down through the Grassmarket and up to the National Museum of Scotland. This free-to-enter museum is the UK’s most popular attraction outside of London and is worth visiting for the light-filled atrium of the Grand Gallery alone. Exhibitions cover Art, Design and Fashion, Natural World, Science and Technology, and Scottish History and Archaeology, the latter of which is housed in a modern extension to the building. Here there’s also a fabulous roof terrace with fantastic views of the city. Top of the agenda for my children was a visit to Edinburgh Zoo, which we travelled to by bus. It took about 20 minutes and an all-day family ticket (£9.50) offered great value for money. The zoo is set in over 82 acres of wooded hillside and is home to over 2,500 animals including the giant pandas Yang Guang and Tian Tian - the only ones in the UK. Both are housed in their own enclosures with large outdoor areas that have lots of trees, large wooden climbing frames and pond for them to explore. Unfortunately they were both sleeping during our visit but they were impressive all the same. Also at Edinburgh Zoo you’ll find

Tiger Tracks, a new enclosure which houses their Sumatran tigers and gives you the perfect opportunity to get up close to these magnificent beasts. The koalas Goonaroo, Tanami, Kalari, Inala and Dameeli are also housed in their own space and were hugely popular with my two children too. We also loved the penguins, pygmy hippos and giraffes. The zoo is easy to navigate and there are plenty of food options at the Grasslands Restaurant or Jungle Cafe. Plentiful picnic areas mean you can take in your own snacks too. Getting the bus back into the centre of Edinburgh gave us the opportunity to explore the new town’s shopping areas which has recently been enhanced by the addition of the St James Quarter, home

to 80 retailers and 30 restaurants. Food-wise we stumbled across a couple of independent gems that we enjoyed so much we actually visited twice. Civerinos has three ‘slice’ venues in the city as well as a main restaurant and serves New York-style pizza that was some of the best we have tasted. We visited one of their slice restaurants on Forrest Road, close to the National Museum of Scotland, for huge slices (starting from £4) of pepperoni and margherita pizza washed down with ice cold cans of San Pellegrino. It was simple but tasty. Just down the road from Civerinos is Alandas Gelato which opened in the autumn and use Scottish cream and milk to make their Italian-style ice cream. Served in a cup or a cone, it was delicious. There was so much we didn’t do – and would have loved to have done – in Edinburgh but felt like we’d packed plenty into our three days there. The Adagio Aparthotel was a great location from which to explore and we wouldn’t hesitate to stay there again should we wish to venture further. For a short break, it had everything – even giant pandas.

Factbox: The Adagio Aparthotel Edinburgh Royal Mile is located at 231 Canongate. To find out more, call 0131 322 8299 or visit www.adagio-city.com Tickets for Edinburgh Zoo start from £21.95 for adults and £12.80 for children. Visit www.edinburghzoo.org.uk to find out more.

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Little-known gem OFTEN OVERLOOKED, ROCHE ABBEY IS AN ENGLISH HERITAGE SITE AND DATES BACK TO THE 12TH CENTURY. ometimes it’s easy to overlook the things that are right on your doorstep. If there are any positives to take from the last two pandemic-dominated years, it’s that it it forced us to explore the world around us, often presenting us with opportunities to discover things that we may have driven past without ever actually stopping. Take Roche Abbey for example. Situated just off the Blyth Road, it is one of the finest examples of a Cistercian monastery remaining today and is a great place to spend a few hours exploring and learning about its fascinating history. It re-opens officially on 1 April, just in time for the Easter holidays. Roche Abbey is beautifully set in a


Photography ©English Heritage 20 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

valley landscaped by renowned landscape designer Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and has one of the most complete ground plans of any English Cistercian monastery, laid out as excavated foundations. It’s origins can be traced back to 1147, where it was founded as a monastery of the Cistercian order, but it is perhaps best known for the remains of its early Gothic church and for its early 13thcentury great gatehouse. At its peak, about 1175, Roche had about 50 monks and 100 lay brothers and servants.

Origins of Roche The procedures established by the Cistercian order decreed that a new monastery had to be founded from an

existing one. Accordingly, in 1147 an abbot and 12 monks, accompanied by about 20 lay brothers (who were responsible for most of the manual work in Cistercian monasteries), walked from Newminster Abbey in Northumberland to settle in wooden buildings constructed for them in a narrow valley 14 miles east of present-day Sheffield. The name of the new abbey, Sancta Maria de Rupe (from the Latin rupes, ‘rock’ or ‘cliff ’), came from the distinctive limestone outcrops framing three sides of the valley. Two powerful local landowners, Richard de Bully, Lord of Tickhill, and Richard, son of Turgis, gifted the site and served as the new monastery’s patrons and protectors. The community’s early years were

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preoccupied with establishing a selfsufficient economy. Arable land was needed to grow food, as well as pasture to sustain the sheep and horses that provided wool and power for the daily work of the monastery. As the community grew, it generated the income needed to construct larger, permanent stone buildings. Most were for the community’s own use but others provided visitors and travellers with hospitality, an obligation of all monasteries based on Christ’s words in the Gospels.

The Supression of Roche

‘Capability’ Brown Two-hundred years after the suppression of the monastery, the remains of the former abbey buildings and the valley in which they lay underwent a


England’s monasteries were suppressed by Henry VIII in the late 1530s, and Roche’s monks surrendered the monastery to the king’s commissioners on 23 June 1538. In a brief ceremony in the chapter house they handed over the keys to their buildings and received pensions, and watched the clerks inventory all the monastery’s possessions. Moveable items such as furniture were sold, some at auction.

What began, however, as an orderly process degenerated into pillage. Men from the locality descended on the abandoned buildings, carrying away what they could. The process of destruction was vividly described by Michael Sherbrook, a clergyman at nearby Wickersley.

transformation. The 4th Earl of Scarbrough (1725-82) contracted England’s most famous landscape designer, Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, to bring ‘order’ to the valley by remodelling it to contemporary tastes. Brown engineered a lake and islands over Roche’s southern buildings, substituted a river for the medieval water channels, contrived a waterfall to cascade from the Laughton Pond, and composed irregular tree groupings in surrounding fields. He also levelled the ruins’ irregular walls to provide a uniform grassed foreground for a banqueting lodge. In the 19th century later Earls of Scarbrough began undoing Brown’s work, which continued well into the 20th century. English Heritage assumed responsibility for the site in 1984 and has since recovered some of Roche’s medieval identity.

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022 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:51 Page 1


The great gatehouse of about 1300 was a two-storey building of which only the lower storey remains. From the westfacing porch the monks dispensed food to the destitute, and from the east-facing gate hall they admitted guests and monitored entries and exits. Between the two were gates, the larger for carts, the smaller for pedestrians. Roche is full of little exciting corners to explore; you can view the remaining section of the gatehouse, the magnificent surviving transept walls and the ruined hall of the lay brothers’ infirmary. If the weather’s kind you can also enjoy a picnic in the ruins by the stream (and maybe even let the children have a paddle). And even better, it’s right on your doorstep. Entry prices start from £5 for adults and £3 for children.To find out more, visit www.english-heritage.org.uk

Architecture The church of Roche Abbey is an outstanding example of early Gothic architecture in England, and the gatehouse is one of the earliest to survive from a Cistercian monastery. The Gothic style, introduced in the area around Paris in the mid-1140s, united single structural features (such as pointed arches or rib vaults), sought increased light from larger windows, enlarged spatial volumes and displayed more unified decoration. The first Cistercian buildings in England to use the early Gothic style, in the late 1160s and 1170s, are at Kirkstead in Lincolnshire and Newminster in Northumberland. The precisely cut stone and elaborate decoration at Roche, which is slightly later in date, also suggest contact with Cistercian centres in eastern France, notably Clairvaux (Aube) and Cherlieu (Franche-Comté), and with the abbeys of related orders in north-east France such as the Premonstratensian priory of Dommartin (Nord Pas-de-Calais). The Gothic form of Roche contrasts with the architecture of the Cistercians’ earlier English monasteries, such as Rievaulx, Fountains, Kirkstall and Sawley, which employed Romanesque architecture. 22 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

“Roche Abbey is beautifully set in a valley landscaped by renowned landscape designer Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and has one of the most complete ground plans of any English Cistercian monastery.”

023 ESide Feb22 24/01/2022 11:01 Page 1

024 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:52 Page 1


With our eclectic round up some of the most exciting events happening locally this year, you’ll be busy right up until Christmas! Browse our exciting mix of music, theatre, films, sports, comedy, exhibitions, festivals and events to keep you entertained in 2022.

025 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:54 Page 1


Strictly Come Dancing: The Live Tour

1-2 February / Utilita Arena / www.utilitaarenasheffield.co.uk 2022 will see the return of the magnificent Strictly Come Dancing Live Arena Tour. Kicking off in Birmingham on 20 January 2022, a host of the celebs and professional dancers from the BBC One TV series will waltz around the country performing 33 shows in some of the UK’s biggest arenas.


Katherine Ryan: Missus

25 February / Doncaster Dome www.dclt.co.uk Creator and star of Netflix smash hit The Duchess, along with two global Netflix comedy specials, comedian and TV’s: Katherine Ryan. Making a hugely welcomed return to the stage, she brings her brand-new live show, Missus. Join a lively audience at Doncaster Dome to laugh at Katherine Ryan’s hilarious new perspectives on life, love, and what it means to be ‘Missus’.


I Do, Wedding Exhibition

March 2022 / Doncaster Racecourse www.ido-weddingexhibitions.co.uk For the eighth year running, the exhibition will be located within Doncaster Racecourse’s impressive Lazarus Hall exhibition space. Hosting over 140 of your finest local wedding suppliers, all eager to help organise your special day. The day will feature everything needed for a perfect wedding day, all under one roof for true bridal bliss.


That’ll Be The Day 35th Anniversary

2-3 February / Cast / castindoncaster.com From humble beginnings, the spectacular That’ll Be The Day show has grown into a “must see” attraction all over the UK. Join a rollercoaster ride through the ‘golden’ age of Rock‘n’Roll and Pop; promising an extravagant show celebrating its 35th anniversary! Enjoy mixes of brilliant vocals and superb musicianship with impersonations and hilarious comedy, for an unashamedly nostalgic time.


The Festival of British Railway Modelling

12 February / Doncaster Racecourse www.world-of-railways.co.uk The Festival of British Railway Modelling will return in 2022 for a spectacular show, proudly titled the biggest show in the area, attracting 6,000 visitors across two days. Expect 30 British layouts showcased and over 80 stands made up of traders, clubs, societies and demonstrators, to complete your experience as a truly great day out.


Josh Widdicombe: Bit Much

13 April / Cast / castindoncaster.com Josh Widdicombe’s brand-new stand-up tour is on the road, reaching Doncaster for a hilarious performance on the 13th of April. A show that will change your life and how you perceive your place in the world, expect a very funny evening of grumbles and jokes. Join multi award winning comedian, actor, host, guest, presenter, sitcom creator and star, for a hilarious night at Cast.


Footloose - The Musical

26 April / Cast / castindoncaster.com Based on the 1980s screen sensation which took the world by storm, Footloose sizzles with spirit, fun and the best in UK musical talent. With cutting edge modern choreography, you’ll enjoy classic 80s hits such as Holding Out for a Hero, Almost Paradise and of course the unforgettable title track Footloose.

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Doncaster Fake Festival

30 April / Sandall Park / www.fakefestivals.co.uk Party into the evening with Doncaster’s Fake Festival, an amazing tribute-based event brought back to Doncaster after two years! With professional tribute acts looking and moving just like real rock stars, you can enjoy the evening with family and friends whilst signing along to classic anthems. Join in on 30 April for a fun packed day out, supporting live musical and local fun.


The Killers

24 May / Doncaster Keepmoat Stadium www.ticketmaster.co.uk After the easing of Covid restrictions, we can again enjoy amazing shows, so look on the Brightside, you can see The Killers! The early 2000’s American rock band are more than ready for the ‘Imploding The Mirage’ tour, named after their 2020 album. This year long world tour will reach the UK in May, coming straight to Doncaster’s Keepomat Stadium for a special performance on 24 May.


Exotic Car Show

1 May / Owston Hall / www.visitdoncaster.com Doncaster’s very own Exotic Car Show is coming to Owston Hall on 1 May! With all nature of cars, from modern super cars through to iconic classics and everything in-between. Gates open at 10am and entrance is free, so why not join the locals with food, drink and cars, for a family friendly day out.


Unibet Premier League Darts


Art As a Response

12 May / Utilita Arena / www.utilitaarenasheffield.co.uk Unibet’s Premier League Darts competition is once again taking place around the UK and Ireland’s top arenas! Reaching Flydsa Arena on the 12th of May for a talented competition of skill, to find the league champion. Starting here and moving onto Leeds, the game will tour big arenas, holding exceptional shows and an impressive finale.

15 May onwards Doncaster Art Fair www.doncasterartfair.com Log on to the third exceptional edition of Art As a Response to Mental Health. Appreciated by over 140,000 people around the world every year, 2022 expects big things from aspiring, emerging and established artists worldwide.This insightful online exhibition bursting with talent, will showcase all visual arts styles and media, from 15 May! 26 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk


Live After Racing

May-June / Doncaster Racecourse www.doncaster-racecourse.co.uk An unforgettable day out for all the family, Doncaster Racecourse is bringing back Live After Racing! Combining exceptional big musical names with racing fixtures for a magical experience.This year expect favourites: Shed Seven, Kaiser Chiefs, McFly and Paloma Faith, to perform with big hit performances. If you’re looking for things to do in Doncaster in summer 2022, this should be top of your list. Paloma Faith

027 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:55 Page 1


Jurassic World: Dominion

10 June Jurassic World 3 is set to be one of 2022’s biggest blockbusters when it lands in cinemas. The threequel, Jurassic World: Dominion, is excitingly finished ahead of the release date. Expect a sci-fi action starring Bryce Dallas Howard, Claire Dearing, Chris Pratt and DeWanda Wise, alongside many more big names.


Askern Music Festival


WildLive Safari Nights

August / Yorkshire Wildlife Park / www.yorkshirewildlifepark.com Summer Safari Nights are back for 2022! Bringing together an incredible day out, plus an evening of live headline music! Expect live entertainment starting in the early evening, with local bands, acoustic acts and other family entertainment, before the headliners hit the concert arena, concluding with a spectacular bang-less Firework finale to remember!

9 July / Askern Miners Welfare Club www.askernmusicfestival.co.uk This amazing music festival has been announced to return on Saturday 9 July 2022. Get ready to see performances from: Feeder, Bang Bang Romeo, Lightning Seeds, The Coral and Republica. Askern’s very own live music festival has not only top quality bands, but local talent and an all-round unforgettable experience.


Bullet Train

15 July Coming to cinemas in 2022 the film centres in on a gang of hit men taking a ride on one of Japan’s lightning-fast shinkansen. Bullet Train is currently 2022’s most anticipated thriller / action, starring Brad Pitt, Lady Gaga, Sandra Bullock and dozens more talented big names, this film is based on an action-packed Japanese novel and is set to impress.



16-17 July / Don Valley Bowl / bassfest.co.uk Bassfest Summer Festival is an electronic music festival, bringing together a line-up for the biggest names in bass music across a weekend for high-octane party. Held in the famous Don Valley Bowl, the open-air event boasts a heavy-hitting array of DJ and live acts from the worlds of drum and bass, house, bassline, and beyond.



Leger Legends Day

7 September / Doncaster Racecourse www.doncaster-racecourse.co.uk Join Doncaster races for the famous Cazoo St Leger Festival, Leger Legends Day! With the first day kicking off as one of the best things to do in 2022! Expect the Leger Legends charity race for ex-professional jockeys, stunning pageantry, flair and spectacle… and that’s just from the jockeys.

90’s Fest

6 August / Magna / www.skiddle.com Expect seven massive arenas, over 75 headline acts, 90’s retro drinks, street food stalls, fairground games and more, all at the 90’s Fest extravaganza! This indoor and outdoor spring festival is a 90’s jam packed day of fun, with all ages dressed in glitter, furry boots and neon; join in 2022, at Magna, Sheffield.


Thorne Waterside Music Festival

12 August / Barge Inn / www.facebook.com Expected to bring another spectacular show, Thorne’s Music Festival hosted Kelly Llorenna, Dario G, Baby D and many more, bringing a packed and dancing crowd in 2021. With new stars performing alongside previous, 2022’s festival is proving bigger and better than ever. Expect a wide mix of genres, food and entertainment; there’s fun for all the family.


Wentworth Festival

Wentworth Woodhouse / 17 September www.wentworthmusicfestival.co.uk A fantastic family day out in the grounds of Wentworth Woodhouse, celebrating being allowed to once again socialise! Join festival-goers at: the Comedy Tent, New Music Stage, Kids Tent or Main Stage. Hosting exciting acts such as Bang Bang Romeo, Space,The Feeling and Lightning Seeds, 2022’s Wentworth Festival has you in for a special treat! Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk 27

028 ESide Feb22 24/01/2022 10:52 Page 1

TICKLED PINK Bridalwear Bridesmaids Mother of the bride Marc Darcy & Cavani Menswear 2-4 Manor Rd, Hatfield, Doncaster South Yorkshire, DN7 6SB T: 01302 842234 E: shop@tickledpinkbridal.co.uk BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Monday to Friday 9:30am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 5pm

LADIES GIVE US YOUR SUPPORT BRING YOUR USED BRAS INTO LACE AND RECEIVE £10 OFF YOUR NEW BRA All USED BRAS WILL BE DONATED TO THE AFGAN REFUGEES Tues - Sat 9.30am - 4pm Tel: 01629 814933 www.lacebakewell.co.uk Orme Court, Granby Road, Bakewell DE45 1ES

28 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

029 ESide Feb22_Layout 1 21/01/2022 15:21 Page 1

Etc…Etc…Etc… Jewellery, gifts and home accessories

Open 7 days a week


www.etchomeandgifts.co.uk Market Place, Bawtry 01302 714550

030 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:58 Page 1


Be bold WHETHER IT’S BRIGHT COLOURS OR STRIKING PRINTS, MAKE A STATEMENT THIS WINTER. Find Joseph Ribkoff at Tiffany, 10 Cleveland Street, Doncaster, DN1 3EF. Tel: 01302 340662. www.tiffanyfashion.co.uk

Fred Perry Dark Caramel Classic Crew Neck Jumper, now £90. Revolver, 30 South Parade, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6JH. Tel: 01302 710710. www.revolver menswear.co.uk Day Birger et Mikkelsen Helena classic leopard dress. Harpers Fashion. harpersfashion.com New for 2022… Bill chocolate handpainted Derby shoe from Barker £275. The Shoe Room 8 Priory Walk, Doncaster, DN1 1TS Tel: 01302 360985 www.theshoeroomdoncaster.com

Tie neck jumper with cashmere £110. The White Company. www.thewhitecompany.com

30 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

031 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:00 Page 1


Pure bridesmaid dresses by Romantica of Devon available at Tickled Pink, 2-4 Manor Road, Hatfield, Doncaster, DN7 6SB. Tel: 01302 842234. www.tickledpinkbridal.co.uk

Bettina Vermilion X Emili Sindlev 105 green leather slingback pumps £395. www.harveynichols.com Gucci G-Frame watch with a 21mm stainless steel case and a red and green nylon strap, £850. HL Brown, 18 St Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster, DN1 1TB. Tel: 01302 342589. www.hl-brown.co.uk

Go bright at Etc, Market Place, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6JW. Tel: 01302 714550

Check out new season fashions at Angi Lou Boutique, 19 Market Place, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9LX. Tel: 07905 175867. www.angilouboutique.co.uk Knitwear in bold colours is all the rage this winter. Chique, 40 Mill Street, Armthorpe, Doncaster, DN3 3DL. Tel: 01302 30002

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032 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 11:59 Page 1


Monsoon Adena maxi dress purple £170

ay your farewells to the neutral tones bringing comfort to your home and wardrobe. 2022 brings colour, attention and celebration, breathing life back into your styling. Pantone was one of the earliest to announce their colour of the year,Very Peri. This beautiful purple reminds us of a similar colour spotted everywhere in 2020/21: lilac, now toned darker, this shade brings less subtlety and more vibrancy. Matching with the escapism trend, attributable to the pandemic, this exciting purple matches the necessary positivity and happy creativity that we need to move forwards from this depressive era. Striving for contrast with our familiar neutral tones, dark blues are here to make a statement. WGSN sees 2022 bringing about a decidedly blue period, expecting to see these dark yet lively colours in your dining room and to the grander rooms in your home, but also as a statement colour in wardrobes. Complementing our ties to nature, easy being green is here for the new year. Helping us transition from our neutrals, the mid-tone green brings light and breezy outdoor hues, inside for a calm pop of colour. The simplicity of this tone, makes it almost too easy to incorporate into our homes, whether it accentuates a bedroom wall or adds a new layer to your winter wardrobe.


New year, new colours WITH THE NEW YEAR COMES NEW COLOURS, AND THEY’RE BOLDER THAN EVER. BY MARIA ILIFFE. With these exciting colours, and the other vibrant tones expected this year, a simple feature could help change your styling game. Adding an oversized purple scarf or a combining your current greens to make a mixed tone, coordinated outfit; using these colours in your wardrobe is the way to be fashionable and on trend, in 2022. LEFT: STAR by Julien Macdonald Purple sequin dress £79 from Freemans RIGHT: Cocoove Isla Satin maxi dress in Magenta £122

32 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

033 ESide Feb22 24/01/2022 10:47 Page 1


Putting the hands back into physio CHAPMAN PHYSIOTHERAPY TALKS ABOUT THE CHANGES BROUGHT ABOUT BY COVID. lmost two years on from the lockdown, what has happened to our profession? The line 'I've tried physio - they don't do anything' is frustrating and unfair. But alas the gulf between the hands-on assessment and treatment and the telephone advice service has widened exponentially. At Chapman Physiotherapy, we have first-hand experience of delivering face to face, telephone and video assessments. Given the choice, we still recommend face to face. Why? We believe that most people have 'googled' what their condition may be before they present to us or their doctor. Some patients may have even tried some exercises. Whilst these may not be the same as we would prescribe, the biggest complaint we hear is 'I waited months for an appointment and just got a phone call and an exercise sheet'. What happens at Chapman Physio? We WANT to see you. We want to assess you in person, we want to understand how the condition is affecting you and how it started. We want to review


your range of movement and we want to clear our clinical tests (tests that point us in the direction of specific injuries). We want you to leave feeling that we have a plan of treatment and know what you can expect and also trust that if you need a scan or orthopaedic consultation, then we will totally recommend that. That doesn't mean that we are just going to offer hands-on treatment. We recognise fully the importance of exercise to promote healthy movement patterns, effectively self-manage and understand the condition and restore strength. And we have our on-site gym to do this. But we also recognise that sometimes, joints just become very 'stiff'. And that they will always take the path of least resistance. So, for example, if you have a chronically stiff hip and we give you exercises to get it moving, there's a chance a lot of that movement will come from the lumbar spine and strain that instead. Because sometimes, manual therapy is needed to just 'get it moving' in the first place. It's only by assessing you face to face and reviewing you

and your movement that we can address this. So as our motto says – 'keepingyoumoving' – we want to do exactly that. Get you moving and keep you moving. If you've not tried physio with us… maybe give it a go in 2022? We are hands-on, proactive, research led physios who still believe in manual therapy. We don't ask you to commit to a course, but we are willing to see you as much as you want whilst you find physio beneficial. We want to help you reach your goals and have a pain-free year. Find us on Facebook, call 01302 321245 or visit us at www.chapmanphysiotherapy.com where you can book online. #keepingyoumoving is our aim.

Present this page to receive 10% OFF at Bawtry

Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk 33

201 NLS Jan22 17/12/2021 13:09 Page 1

follow us on social As well as our print magazines, you can catch up with us on social media and on our website, www.rmcmedia.co.uk

about us Established in 1986, RMC Media publishes five monthly print magazine titles – Westside, Southside, Eastside, Northside and Sixer – as well as online magazine, Vibe Sheffield. You can find them all online at www.rmcmedia.co.uk or on social media (see details below). SOCIAL MEDIA PACKAGES Did you know you can reach an extra 266,000* people by also promoting your business across our social media pages? We have a range of packages incoporating posts, pictures and videos as well as our weekly email newsletter, all starting from just £25 (+VAT). Contact our Digital Marketing Assistant Sam Pegg at sam.pegg@rmcmedia.co.uk to find out more. *Figures correct as of December 2021

Scan these QR codes to access all of our social media pages and website:








097 NLS Jan22 16/12/2021 13:54 Page 1

036 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:02 Page 1


Charlotte Tilbury Limitless Lucky Lips, £25 For flawless looking kissable lips this valentines, look no further than Charlotte Tilbury’s Limitless Lucky Lips in this stunning red wishes colour with a super matte finish.

Chanel Le Vernis Longwear Nail Colour, £29 A beautiful red longwear nail polish with lasting shine designed to make vibrant colours dazzle the eyes of your love this valentines.


Charlotte Tilbury Unisex Healthy Glow 40ml, £35 Whatever your gender, age or skin tone, Charlotte Tilbury’s Unisex Healthy Glow delivers a natural tan, leaving the skin radiant and nourished- ideal for date night.

Dior J’adore Huile Divine Body Oil 150ml, £49 Create a massage experience at home with this sensorial and airy Dior body oil. Its exquisite formula penetrates quickly and generously moisturises the skin, leaving it soft as silk. Luminous, it enhances and gently soothes tanned skin Espa Gents Timeless Treasures Set, £55 ESPA’s unique men’s grooming products are specially formulated for clear, youthful skin and a smooth comfortable shave. Hand-picked and placed within an opulent keepsake washbag, perfect to use when getting ready for a special date. 36 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

037 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:03 Page 1


Initio Addictive Vibration Eau De Parfum 90ml, £190 Containing a fiery blend of musk and honey, Initio’s Addictive Vibration Eau De Parfum captivates with its heart of orange blossom and vanilla orchid. The fragrance arouses attraction and leaves a trail of sexual dependence. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit - Universe, £79 This is a limited-edition five-pan palette featuring four brandnew Ambient Lighting Powder shades to create the perfect light wherever you go.

Love Sleep Love Sleep Pillow Spray 50ml, £30 Reclaim the bedroom for sleep and intimacy with This Works Love Sleep Pillow Spray, an 100% natural super blend, with ylang ylang and patchouli to help you switch off and turn on. This nightly ritual encourages relaxation and a sense of wellbeing, paving the way for pleasure togetherness and sleep. KNC Beauty Lip Mask 5 Pack, £20 Pucker up, because your lips are about to get a treat. Your KNC lip mask will give you the plump, hydrated, soft, smooth, moisturised, kissable lips you’ve always wanted.

Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Gift Set, £390 Baccarat Rouge 540 Eau de Parfum was born from the encounter between Maison Francis Kurkdjian and Baccarat, as a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the iconic crystal house. Luminous and sophisticated, Baccarat Rouge 540 lays on the skin like an amber floral and woody breeze.

Tom Ford Lost Cherry Candle, £98 Create a romantic setting with this luscious, tempting, and insatiable candle. Innocence intersects indulgence in Tom Ford’s Lost Cherry fragrance. Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk 37

038 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:02 Page 1



Hit reset - Rewire your brain

MUSTI believe in the power of the mind.Your thoughts can make you feel ill, HAVE which means they can also make you feel healthy. A lot of us are dealing with post-lockdown anxiety or depression. Talking from experience here, when you take care of your mental health the rest normally falls into place. We know that it is easier for women than men to talk about their mental health; it all starts with the conversation we have with ourselves, that is why you should work on your mindset every day. This Manifestation Journal has been created especially to help with tackling depression and anxiety and to stop you from procrastinating and to re-build your healthy mindset again. This isn’t just an ordinary journal, inside you will find specially-designed exercises which will help you achieve a healthier mindset and your physical goals. The journal is great for both men and women. Don’t worry, it’s not too feminine! It is classic and straightforward and you can have a hard copy presented in a beautiful gift box or a digital copy and have it on your phone for whenever you need it. It’s great as a Christmas gift. Get your copy from www.satya-and-ro.com/journal

A faster way to get your glow back I wish I had known about this treatment a long time ago, it would have saved me money on skincare that didn’t actually help my skin. I had stubborn pigmentation and, no doubt, here the pigmentation made my skin look worse than it was and made me look older than I am (nobody wants that).The pigmentation I had would shine through any foundation, nothing would cover my dark patches. In my career I am surrounded by extremely talented aestheticians and skin doctors. I was invited to Skin Doctor Clinics to try Lumecca IPL treatment, which uses photothermolysis, a method of applying intense pulsed lights to target pigmented skin and vascular lesions.The treatment improves the complexion and clarity of your skin whilst also improving the appearance of sun damage and redness on the skin. MUSTY Lumecca is ideal for: age spots, pigmentation, freckles, scarring - this treatment R T improves the overall quality of the skin. After only one treatment my pigmentation was gone. Plus, my skin is truly glowing. To learn more about this treatment go to skindoctorclinics.com

We love… In recent months I noticed my hair became dry and I was losing a lot of it. I turned to Amla Oil, a natural oil used for health that contains extracts from the Indian gooseberry. It is traditionally made by drying the fruit and immersing it in a base oil for a duration after which the oil is filtered and purified. Amla Oil is said to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss and premature greying. When used as a hair treatment, Amla OIl is applied to the scalp or face. My hair is now nourished and I have noticed substantial decrease in my hair and I think you should try it. 38 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

Dare you wing it? Ladies, finally we have the perfect eyeliner we were all waiting for.You can rock your perfect winged eyeliner and your fake eyelashes and look immaculate. This stick-around adhesive eyeliner from Candidbeaute.com is the answer to your prayers. No more smudged, grim-looking eyelashes girls.This eyeliner will make your eye makeup look instantly flawless.

002 WSide Feb22 14/01/2022 09:53 Page 1

Don’t miss the whisper of sweet nothings this Valentine’s Day, with Phonak Lyric™

• The world’s only 100% invisible hearing aid • Clear, natural sound • 24/7 hearing • 1R ð GGO\ EDWWHULHV WR FKDQJH • Relief from tinnitus symptoms Lyric is a convenient hearing solution which sits deep inside your ear canal. Unlike traditional hearing aids it can be worn 24/7, even when showering. There are no batteries to change and it Vќ LYZ JSLHY UH[\YHS ZV\UK >OH[»Z TVYL P[ OHZ ILLU WYV]LU [V YLSPL]L [PUUP[\Z symptoms faster and by a greater degree compared to a KHPS` ^LHY OLHYPUN HPK HUK PTWYV]LZ ZSLLW X\HSP[` [OHURZ [V JVUZPZ[LU[ HTWSPÄ JH[PVU 1

Try Lyric risk free for 30 days at Peter Byrom Audiology

Call now to book your appointment 0114 233 1800 Peter Byrom Audiology Thornbury Hospital, 312 Fulwood Road 6KHτ HOG 6 %5 3RZHU ' ,V /\ULF DQ Hσ HFWLYH RSWLRQ IRU WLQQLWXV" ,QYHVWLJDWLQJ WKH EHQHð WV RI D KHDULQJ DLG WKDW FDQ EH ZRUQ 24/7 (submitted for peer review publication.

040 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:04 Page 1


These boots are made for walking

Dune London AW21 Spice green boot £195. www.dunelondon.com


ABOVE: V.GAN Hummus women’s slouch boot £115. www.vgan-life.com RIGHT: Office Kunshan knee boot £89. www.office.co.uk

Hotter Rapid II boots - black - £99. www.hotter.com

ABOVE: Regatta fur-lined boots £105. www.regatta.com RIGHT: Dune London Tawn boot £250. www.dunelondon.com

40 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

Oliver Bonas biker boot with shearling and studding £125. www.oliverbonas.com

041 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:05 Page 1


Marks & Spencer M&S Collection waterproof walking boots £59. www.marksandspencer.com

LEFT: ASDA hiker snow boot £25 from George. direct.asda.com BELOW: M&Co tan side zip boots £39.99. www.mandco.com

TK Maxx black ankle boots £39.99. www.tkmaxx.com

RIGHT: Marks & Spencer Per Una boots £125. www.marksandspencer.com BELOW: Shoe Zone Softlites womens black faux fur lined calf boot £19.99. www.shoezone.com

New Look black metal trim buckle chunky boots, £36.99. www.newlook.com

Oliver Bonas The Bear Magda rubber track boot £99.95. www.oliverbonas.com

Primark borg hiker boot £18. www.primark.com

Dune London mens khaki boot £130. www.dunelondon.com Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk 41

0242 ESide Feb22 21/01/2022 12:06 Page 1


Organically tanned and hand-stitched by artisans in Morocco, this Bohemia leather pouffe is a must-have home accessory £100. www.bohemiadesign.com

Classic Desenio white leaf graphic illustration on a mint green poster, exceptionally contemporary £12.95. desenio.com

Bella dining chair, brushed woven, sage green; creating a simple yet classic look £89. www.cultfurniture.com



reen is in! With our plants and greenery yearning for matching décor, we have come to embrace

green. Shades within the colour, like sage, are inspired by green, but come with more neutral and relaxing tones, making the perfect colours to feature in your home. This gentle botanical hue effortlessly creates a calming atmosphere within a space, making it the perfect colour to usher in the new year. We’ve gathered some of our favourite products to help you incorporate this delicate shade into your home - check them out below.

Influenced by ‘Ikebana’ the Japanese art of flower arrangement: the Fritz Hansen Ikeru vases £100. www.nest.co.uk 42 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

The zingy mint green wool rug is a fabulously minty green that will bring a fresh new look to any floor, available in three sizes £138. www.audenza.com

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Brass tuffet for two in sage £399. www.baastool.co.uk

Mint oval organic jute rugs by the Braided Rug Company £36. www.braided-rug.co.uk

Oliver Bonas Bue bedside table sage £235. www.oliverbonas.com

The Viv modular sofa, three-seater, cut from cotton velvet and constructed into a three-seater with wrap-around back £3,295. www.sohohome.com

FY sage green bubble candle, handmade from 100 per cent natural soy wax and natural dyes £20, matching elegantly with the FY floral pillar candle £17. www.iamfy

Personalised fork and spoon utensils, sage green £7.99. www.frostybabyboutique.com

Tolly Mcrae hammam towel, perfect as either a beach towel or a bath towel £22. https://tollymcrae.co.uk

Selona set of four lofty zero twist towels, sage green £39. www.made.com

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Venizian candle holder, green, £26. www.day-home.dk

Zuiver Albert garden armchairs £520. www.cuckooland.com

Mustard made lowdown sage storage locker, built from steel, brings an urban industrial vibe to your living space £129. www.oliverbonas.com Linen lumbar cushion with green leaves panel and a pin tuck detail £48. www.nutmegandsage.co.uk This set of three Helen Round reusable sage green linen bowl covers keeps food fresh and looks beautiful in your kitchen £20. http://helenround.com

Botanical tiger art print by Abstract House £28. www.abstracthouse.com

This Verdi square planter from Norfolk Leisure is a charming way to show off your awardwinning blooms £59, paired well with the Everdi three-seat wooden garden bench and designed with comfort in mind £349. www.cuckooland.com Bourbon vintage compact desk, a fresh take on a classic, inspired by French neoclassical designs £299. www.made.com Ligne Roset armchair pukka, mint green velvet portrait £1,985. www.ligneroset.com/uk

44 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

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Sand & Frog, golden nutmeg scented candle £6. www.tkmaxx.com

Dolly chair poly velvet sage £495. www.sohohome.com

Reflecting a tranquil meadow is the Parterre sage curtains from the Laura Ashley Collection. www.blinds-2go.co.uk

Zuiver OMG upholstered dining chair in green £302. www.cuckooland.com The Alaska faux fur collection features a beautifully soft ribbed faux fur £45. www.juliancharles.co.uk

Delightful Emma Bridgewater buttercup scattered set of round tin herb pots £19.95. www.daisypark.co.uk

Sage green wellingtons plant pot £12. www.dibor.co.uk

Porcelain Superstore grace mist ceramic tiles are well suited both to modern interiors or more traditional settings, £69 per square metre. porcelainsuperstore.co.uk

Piglet in Bed’s green linen set £212. https://www.pigletinbed.com

This Roman Aztec patterned rug creates a striking contemporary statement piece for any home £119. www.cultfurniture.com

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One of a kind The Ferrari BR20, the latest addition to the Prancing Horse’s One-Off series, has been unveiled and joins the most exclusive group in Maranello’s range: unique, absolutely bespoke cars crafted to the specifications of a client and designed as a clear expression of their own unique requirements. The BR20 is a two-seater V12 coupé developed on the GTC4Lusso platform, which in terms of its philosophy and styling approach, cleverly references the magnificent Ferrari coupés of the 1950s and 60s, without the slightest hint of nostalgia. Instead, it pulls off the challenging feat of marrying timeless elegance with muscular sportiness, effortlessly incorporating styling themes typical of some of the most iconic 12cylinders in Ferrari history, including the 410 SA and 500 Superfast. Designed for a longstanding client who was deeply involved in every step of its creation, the Ferrari BR20 represents a true interpretation of the traditional coachbuilder’s art, successfully transforming an existing model in a masterful and unique way taking inspiration from and paying homage to the company’s core values of innovation and passion.


Electrified estate Following the world premiere of the next-generation Astra hatchback in September,Vauxhall has unveiled the estate model – the All-new Astra Sports Tourer. The newcomer will be available with a plug-in hybrid powertrain right from launch, making it the British carmaker’s first electrified estate. In addition to plug-in hybrid versions, the Astra Sports Tourer will be available with highly efficient petrol and diesel engines. Power ranges from 110PS to 130PS across the petrol and diesel variants. A six-speed gearbox is standard on the petrol and diesel power units, while plugin hybrid variants come standard with Vauxhall’s smooth eight-speed automatic. 46 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

Sustainable Skoda

Sleek and compact The Volkswagen Taigo, now open for order, is Volkswagen’s first SUV-coupé, bringing sleek looks, charisma and flexibility to the compact SUV segment. The model starts at £21,960 OTR for the model in Life specification, allied to a 1.0-litre, 95 PS TSI engine and five-speed manual gearbox. The newcomer features the higher seating position and ground clearance of an SUV, while also offering comfort and style. Personalisation is provided via a wide and vibrant range of paint colours, while further customisation is available optionally across various aspects of the interior. Customer demand for high levels of technology and connectivity are met, with wireless App-Connect and wireless smartphone charging, as well as streaming and internet services, all included from Life trim upwards. The Taigo range features four engine and gearbox configurations, with the combination depending on specification.

Four years after its launch, the ŠKODA Karoq has received an update. The update brings sustainable materials, new technology and more efficient engines, from the current EVO generation to the compact SUV. The wider, now hexagonal ŠKODA grille, slimmer headlights as well as tail lights, and aerodynamically optimised alloy wheels with black plastic Aero trim create fresh visual highlights. The new wheels, rear window finlets and a new rear spoiler all improve the car’s aerodynamics while lowering its CO2 emissions. The interior features new upholstery which, as an option, can be made from sustainable materials. New technology – such as full-LED Matrix headlights and an expanded range of assistance systems – also debuts in the range. Five efficient engines from Volkswagen Group’s EVO generation round off the Karoq’s update. Two diesels and three petrol engines deliver power outputs ranging from 110 PS to 190 PS.

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Fostering a love of learning from the very start CHAPTER HOUSE IS HOME TO QUEEN ETHELBURGA’S EARLY YEARS, INFANT AND JUNIOR PROVISION. pplying for a child’s primary school place is one of the biggest decisions parents have to make for their children, laying the foundation stone for their journey into formal education and a love of learning for years to come. Nestled in the North Yorkshire countryside on the outskirts of York, Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate (QE) welcomes children from as young as 3 months into its Kindergarten, and all the way through until 19 years old. Chapter House is home to QE’s Early Years, infant and junior provision. It is a vibrant and engaging school with a warm, family atmosphere. As part of QE’s unique four school model, children stay in Chapter House until Year 5, when they make the transition to QE’s Middle School King’s Magna in Year 6. In February 2019, the Independent Schools Inspectorate judged the Chapter House Early Years provision as ‘Outstanding’ across all areas, praising the ‘excellent care and learning experiences that the setting provides’. Chapter House has also achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt, the Quality Mark for its Early Years provision and the Quality Mark for Primary Provision. Chapter House offers a purposebuilt, friendly setting, with the opportunity of free flow from room to room.This ensures children are familiar with all staff and environments easing the transition as the children grow. All the mealtimes take place in a dedicated Early Years dining room, specifically provided for by a dedicated EYFS chef which enables catering for all nutritional requirements in a safe, homely atmosphere.


48 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

Chapter House also provides excellent opportunities for children to develop above and beyond the standard curriculum with opportunities to begin learning a modern foreign language, to undertake expert music teaching and to access our superb sporting facilities for regular swimming, dance and multi-skills sessions. All our extra learning opportunities are carried out by specialist qualified professionals. Children leave Chapter House and move into King’s Magna as independent and happy learners with a strong grounding in key subjects and ready for the exciting challenges ahead of them.

Find out more about why QE could be the school for your child, visit qe.org and book onto our next Open Day on Saturday 12 March.

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Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate An Excellent rated (ISI) school welcoming children aged 3 months to 19 years. Find out how we can help support your child to achieve their aspirations in our unique prep, middle and senior four-school model. Call to arrange a private tour or join us at our next open day on 12 March 2022. www.qe.org

“To be the best that I can, with the gifts that I have.” www.qe.org | admissions@qe.org | 01423 333330 | York YO26 9SS

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Lakeside Village set to support mental health charity Doncaster mental health charity, Doncaster Mind, has been named as charity of the year for Lakeside Village Outlet Shopping for 2022. The local charity will benefit from fundraising at the centre throughout the year and support from the management team who work closely with the Doncaster Mind team to help them to reach more people who need their services. Doncaster Mind is a mental health charity that offers services to people of Doncaster who are experiencing mental health difficulties. The charity delivers a wider range of services for people aged 16 upwards these services include personal development courses, peer support activities, befriending, mentoring, art therapy, counselling, and support for people who have been bereaved by suicide. Di Rogers, centre manager at Lakeside Village, said: “We are thrilled to be working with Doncaster Mind in 2022. This is a local charity that makes a real difference to people’s lives. “Doncaster Mind works with individuals and families who need mental ill-health support and emotional well-being. “The services are a vital lifeline to people who really need them and we are looking forward to working with our stores and shoppers to help to raise money throughout the year.”

Dog lovers unite More than 20 bags of towels, sheets and bedding have been donated by generous customers of Lakeside Village Outlet Shopping to support the Doncaster RSPCA branch this winter. Over the past couple of months, shoppers had been asked to drop off cosy donations to the popular retail outlet to ensure any spare bedding and towels did not go to waste and could be passed to the RSPCA centre to benefit their dogs while they are awaiting a new home. Di Rodgers, center manager at Lakeside Village, said: “We know that many of our shoppers are dog lovers and often bring their four-legged friends with them to the centre and we haven’t been disappointed by their generosity. “After launching our appeal, we have had bag-loads of much needed donations which also included dog beds, treats and leads which will all help. “We’re so pleased to be working with the local Doncaster RSPCA branch once again to support them to make sure that the dogs they look after get a warm and comfortable night’s sleep.” Staff from Doncaster’s RSPCA centre visited Lakeside Village to collect the donations and brought along two furry friends who are currently looking for a new home together Angel who is a lurcher and Roxy, an akita. Added Di: “We were over the moon to meet Angel and Roxy who are desperate for a new home together as it would be a real shame if they had to be split up.They are beautiful dogs and if anyone is interested in them, please contact the Doncaster RSPCA Centre on 01302 719790 so you can find out more.” For further information about Lakeside Village visit www.lakeside-village.co.uk. 50 Eastside | www.eastsidemag.co.uk

New arrival at YWP Yorkshire Wildlife Park is celebrating a precious arrival - the birth of an endangered Roloway monkey. Proud Kayla and Rafiki became parents for the second time on the 3 December. The special delivery is another huge triumph to Yorkshire Wildlife Park - their first baby and now protective big brother, Kumasi, was born in 2020 at the park. At the time it was the first birth of its kind in the UK and a major success as only three babies were born worldwide that year The new-born Roloway Monkey is a boy and has been named Dassioko after Dassioko Sud and Port Gauthier Forest Reserves on the Ivory Coast of West Africa, an area of exceptional importance to the critically endangered Roloway monkeys. Primates Team Leader Greg Clifton said: “This is a very exciting birth for us here at YWP as the Roloway monkeys are on the verge of extinction and are likely to become extinct in the wild over the coming few years, so breeding them here at YWP is major triumph for the European breeding programme and the species.”

McFly at the races One of the best loved British bands of the 21st century McFLY - will be coming to Doncaster for a huge outdoor show this summer. Taking over the prestigious grounds of the Doncaster Racecourse on Saturday 13 August 2022, this special ‘Live After Racing’ fixture will offer fans a full day at the races, capped-off by a headline set by Tom, Danny, Dougie and Harry as they blitz through the hits at the height of summer. With seven UK number-one singles, six top-ten albums, seven arena tours and ten million records sold worldwide, McFly are without question one of the most significant British pop acts this millennium. Since hitting the big time as the youngest band ever to have a debut album go straight to number one — beating The Beatles’ long-standing record the prodigiously talented four-piece have become one of the nation’s best-loved bands and major stars in their own right. For ticket information visit www.ticketmaster.co.uk

Christmas Quiz Answers MUSIC 1.Tom Jones 2. Snake 3. Justin Bieber 4.Wham 5. An oil refinery 6.The Weekend 7. Drake 8. Lil Nas X 9. Black Eyed Peas 10. Adele FILM &TV: 11. Gunther 12. Sex Education 13. Venom 14. A Promising Young Woman 15. Minari 16. Millie & Liam 17. Maid 18. Get Out 19. Lady Gaga 20. Jamaica SPORT 21. Peter Wright 22. Raymond James Stadium,Tampa, Florida 23. Mark Selby 24. Cycling – Women’s omnium 25. Australia 26. Bukayo Saka, Marcus Rashford & Jadon Sancho 27. Miroslav Klose 28. Casey Stoney 29. Hockey 30. Skateboarding, Karate, Sport Climbing, Surfing, Baseball/Softball LOCAL KNOWLEDGE 31. Jeremy Clarkson 32. Lions 33.Worksop 34. Thomas Crapper 35. Rentford 36.Tickhill Castle 37. 500 appearances, the most in Doncaster Rover’s history 38. September 39.Wath Upon Dearne 40.True CURRENT AFFAIRS 41. Debenhams 42. 100 43. 3% 44. January 2020 45. Covid restrictions lifted 46. Piers Morgan 47. Sarah Everard 48. 99 49. Chelsea 50. A fire CHRISTMAS 51. Germany 52.The Polar Express 53. Silver coins 54.White Christmas (Bing Crosby) 55. 3pm 56.Tan or green 57. Macy’s 58. Justin Trudeau 59. Norway 60. Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

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052 ESide Feb22 24/01/2022 17:27 Page 1



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