FFB August 2016

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South Yorkshire’s EU legacy

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AGENDA 6 With the Brexit referendum behind us Andy Waple looks at some of the legacies left by South Yorkshire’s membership of the EU

DREAM TEAM 10 Targets are being missed and a personal relationship is at risk. Our Dream Team advises on the right course of action

EXPANDING HORIZONS 13 Focus on education, training, recruitment and apprenticeships

TRAVEL 30 Saddle up and hit the pedals – that’s the best way to see one of Europe’s most bicycle-friendly cities


COMPETITION 32 It’s a competition like no other – to celebrate 30 years RMC Media is giving away 30 prizes. And one person will walk away with everything

IS YOUR WEBSITE A TURN-OFF? 37 An effective website is crucial for business. Here’s how to create one

BREXIT BOOSTER 42 ‘Staycations’ on the rise as visitor numbers up in the Sheffield City Region after EU referendum


WORK & PLAY 48 A monthly round-up of news, achievements, celebrations and new faces


Editor Chris Wilson chris.wilson@rmcmedia.co.uk Consultant Editor Andy Waple Chief Feature Writer Clare Parkin Chief Sub Editor Richard Abbey Sub Editor Richard Smith Operations Director Jillion Wood Publishing Manager Mandy Ogle mandy.ogle@rmcmedia.co.uk Studio Manager Chris Brierley Design Dan Wray, Steve Levers RMC Media 6 Broadfield Court Broadfield Business Park Sheffield, S8 OXF Tel: 0114 250 6300 Email: ffb@rmcmedia.co.uk www.firstforbusinessmagazine.co.uk


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PREVIEW elcome to our August issue, which arrives at a time of year when business traditionally takes a holiday and the next generation of apprentices anxiously awaits the exam results that can have a large bearing on their future prospects.


Whether you are looking for some stimulating in-flight reading as you take that well-earned break, or are still hard at work, First For Business is on hand to tackle the big issues affecting Sheffield City Region. Our Expanding Horizons supplement is firmly focussed on the future and particularly the many ways in which apprenticeships, training, recruitment and education will shape our working environment in the months and years ahead. The importance of apprenticeships giving young people the opportunity to earn while they learn is vital as they can allow businesses to plug vital skills gaps. Latest government figures show there are apprenticeships available in 1,500 occupations across 170 industries today, and these can be in anything from advanced manufacturing to business administration, IT to accountancy and more traditional trades like plumbing, plastering and electrical. We look at some of the region’s best

businesses for offering youngsters a chance to learn at work, including some inspiring case studies. Meanwhile, as the business community holds its breath and waits to see what a post-Brexit world will really be like, consultant editor Andy Waple looks back at some of the key developments in Sheffield City Region that were made possible by our membership of the European Union. In terms of cash aid the largest single source of hand-outs was Objective One, and while it was sobering to learn that South Yorkshire qualified for support aimed to help the poorest regions of Europe when major industries collapsed, those who benefitted from the aid that led to 1,300 new businesses starting or relocating to South Yorkshire, with 29,000 jobs created and a further 24,000 safeguarded, were not complaining. The EU was also responsible for funding several elements of prestigious, cutting edge projects such as the Advanced Manufacturing Park and Factory 2050. Without these kinds of cash injections how will we get the next generation of forward-thinking starts up and running? At the moment, we just don’t know. However it has been predicted that the tourism trade could be one of the

CHRIS WILSON, EDITOR industries to benefit from Brexit. The weakened pound has made holidays abroad more expensive and with safety fears making a number of traditional locations overseas off limits, a holiday at home seems to be a good option. Is Yorkshire ready to make the most of a 2016 boom in UK holidays? Chief feature writer Clare Parkin investigates, and she also asks some major players where they will be holidaying this year and how they will be relaxing. There is a tricky problem facing our Dream Team this month... how to tackle an under-achieving staff member who also happens to be a close personal friend. There are no easy answers but the solutions offered up here may just help you out of your own awkward business predicament. I hope you enjoy this edition of First For Business. Let us know what you think by tweeting us @ffbmagRMC.

@ Facebook: Regional Magazine Company Twitter: @FFBmagRMC LinkedIn: First For Business magazine Email: ffb@regionalmagazine.co.uk First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 5

The final phase of the Heart of the City project, St Paul’s Place, received £7million of ERDF cash




First For Business



azing into a crystal ball will not reveal the future for business and life in general when the UK negotiates its way out of the European Union.


As before the issue was put to the vote, there appears to be two sides to the argument and it is impossible to forecast with any confidence what will happen. Similarly, it is difficult to say whether the region has had value for money from membership, with some arguing the £1billion coming our way from Brussels since 1990 was simply a return of some of the cash we gave the EU in the first place. There also remains a huge question mark surrounding what will take the place of EU funding in the future, with concerns already raised that the UK government will not stump up the £661million Europe was due to hand out to Yorkshire & The Humber between 2014-2020, including the £345million set aside to support small businesses. But we can look back and see what the marriage between Britain and the rest of Europe brought in terms of infrastructure. This is not a definitive list but a highlight of some of the key developments. EU money came in the form of grants, either from the European Social Fund (ESF) or European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). The purpose of the European Social Fund (ESF) is to promote employment and to try to level the playing field for children from more disadvantaged regions when it comes to education and access to work. Under the ESF, the EU contributes money towards projects that are matched by a co-funding organisation. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is geared towards improving the economy of specifically targeted regions and seeks to redress regional imbalances by pumping grants into sustainable development projects and infrastructures in places where traditional industries have declined causing them to lag behind. Over the years, Yorkshire has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of EU regional funding creating opportunities for young unemployed people and providing investment for infrastructure projects and supporting rural communities.

The much applauded gateway to Sheffield saw an ERDF contribution towards the £23million cost

From 2007-2013 the region received £320million of ESF to provide training and apprenticeships for unemployed people and £462million from the ERDF, creating 12,505 jobs.

Objective One assisted in economic growth but there doesn’t appear to be an independent evaluation of its performance, which was of course blurred by the global downturn.

Those sums ensured that the region was Britain’s largest benefactor of EU funding after the North East, receiving £53 per head of population from the ESF and £86 from the ERDF.

Data does show however that 11,024 small enterprises were assisted, 1,312 new businesses set up or relocated into South Yorkshire, 29,912 gross new jobs created and 24,557 safeguarded.

OBJECTIVE ONE: The largest single hand out was Objective One funding, designed to help the poorest regions of Europe, and it was sobering to discover that South Yorkshire met the criteria for such support following the collapse of the major industries – coal mining and steel production. Objective 1 was launched in July 2000 to transform the South Yorkshire economy, foster greater prosperity and increase opportunity for businesses, people and communities. It was also used to roll out the failed high-speed broadband project, Digital Region Ltd, that received £44million of EU cash. The programme invested £820million from Europe in more than 250 organisations and over 650 projects that supported business innovation, competitiveness, enterprise and developed some high quality premises. It also backed education, skills and training and encouraged grassroots, neighbourhood activities to boost economic development and ensure that all communities could benefit. Programme managers believed

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn visited Dearne Valley College on his halfhearted ‘In For Britain EU’ campaign. The college benefited from over £14million in European funding and is just one example of EU-funded regeneration across the Dearne Valley, which has been transformed with hundreds of millions of pounds from the European Union spent there on business parks, managed workspace, town centre renewal, community centres, training and access programmes, leisure and cultural investments. The Dearne Valley Parkway remains a classic example of kick-start regeneration at work.

ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PARK: Perhaps the most striking physical developments from the EU fund are those on the Advanced Manufacturing Park at Waverley, just off the Parkway linking Sheffield with the M1 motorway. At its hub, the AMP has some of the world’s leading materials and First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 7

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manufacturing technologies organisations: the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre with Boeing (AMRC), RollsRoyce, Castings Technology International (CTi), TWI Technology Centre (Yorkshire) and the Nuclear AMRC. These organisations provide manufacturers, of all size and sectors, with the ability to take advantage of advanced technologies and new market opportunities so they are better able to create sustainable employment and export the region’s expertise in manufacturing design, technology, skills and innovation around the world. The funding for the AMP came via a joint venture between public and private sector organisations, including land owners Harworth Estates. The EU was responsible for funding several elements of the key properties.

The Advanced Manufacturing Park at Waverley

These include the AMRC itself that was established in 2001 as a £15million collaboration between the University of Sheffield and aerospace giant Boeing, with support from Yorkshire Forward and the ERDF.

excellence. The glass-walled “reconfigurable factory” is home to the Integrated Manufacturing Group, which is installing the cutting edge manufacturing and assembly technologies, advanced robotics, flexible automation, next generation man-machine interfaces and new programming and training tools that will drive its research.

Across the Parkway on the Sheffield Business Park the AMRC’s cutting edge Factory 2050 advanced manufacturing research facility is a beacon of design

Initial projects include a programme to take aerospace manufacturing technology into the construction industry, explore future digital factory

technologies for building commercial aircraft and investigate digitally assisted assembly technologies which could help to fill a looming skills gap in the aerospace sector. Factory 2050 is a £43million development, part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Research Partnership Investment Fund managed by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), each of which have contributed £10million to the project.

OTHER PROJECTS IN SHEFFIELD CITY REGION SUPPORTED BY EU FUNDING HAVE BEEN: THE HEART OF THE CITY: The bulk of the Sheffield city centre scheme was funded by lottery money and the private sector but ERDF pumped in £4million from the outset and recently the final phase of the scheme, office block Number 1: 3 St Paul’s Place – received £7million of ERDF cash towards the total cost of £27million.

SHEAF SQUARE: The much applauded gateway to Sheffield from the station forecourt rising up Howard Street to the city centre saw an ERDF contribution towards the £23million cost.

TUDOR SQUARE: £4million from the ERDF enabled the transformation of Sheffield’s Tudor Square and also helped with the refurbishment of the Crucible Theatre.

GREY TO GREEN: The first stage of a project to brighten up main roads around West Bar in the city centre with wildflowers, grasses, trees and art the redevelopment– has had EU funding. The scheme aims to make 1.2km of roads from West Bar to Castlegate more attractive to workers, developers, pedestrians and cyclists. As well as perennial meadows, a new drainage

SHEFFIELD CITY HALL: The grand old lady of Sheffield entertainment received £5.4million for refurbishment.

8 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

FOX VALLEY, STOCKSBRIDGE: Retail and business space opened here with up to £8million ERDF.

system, street furniture and better-quality paving, five four-metre-high ‘modern totem poles’ have been installed. BUS RAPID TRANSPORT NORTH: A high-speed bus route and service between Sheffield and Rotherham including the new Tinsley Link Road has received £7.5million from ERDF. The scheme provided a limited stop service and should help ease congestion on the busy Tinsley junction of the M1. PENISTONE ROAD TRANSPORT CORRIDOR: Sheffield’s second busiest road – used by almost 60,000 people a day – is getting new bus lanes and traffic measures to speed up movement and lessen congestion. The £5million scheme is part funded by ERDF.

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Kevin Kerley

Rob Moore

WHEN FRIENDS FAIL TARGETS ARE BEING MISSED AND A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP IS AT RISK. OUR DREAM TEAM ADVISES ON THE RIGHT COURSE OF ACTION. KEVIN KERLEY CHAIRMAN, ACADEMY OF CHIEF EXECUTIVES I can fully understand why you would find this a dilemma. If I were in your shoes in the first instance I would have an offsite informal meeting with your colleague and let him know your concerns and try to establish why there has been a fall in his performance and establish if there is anything the company can do to help him in his role to get back to where he had previously been performing well. Often you find that there is a personal reason, possibly something going on at home that is effecting him, and you may be able to help him overcome the issue. If this line of enquiry does not throw up any obvious reason, I would explain that the business is heavily reliant on new business and the fall in new sales is having a negative effect on the business performance and that you cannot 10 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

DEAR DREAM TEAM, My sales director who has been with the business for 11 years and is also a 20 per cent shareholder, has failed to perform and hit his targets over the past 12 months and we are very reliant on new business income. He has also been a personal friend of mine since we were at school.What should I do?

continue to ignore this, you do not want your long standing friendship to be affected by this matter, however if sales do not increase over the next month that you will need to put in place a performance improve programme for him that ultimately could end in him

being dismissed from the company if he does not get back to hitting targets. Though this does not necessarily mean that will be the outcome, very often the programme will jolt the employee back into performing once again and the issue is resolved. Business leaders often believe the myth that shareholders cannot be fired, however you need to separate the two, if you have an employee who is a shareholder, they can remain a shareholder even once they are no longer employed. In terms of their employment status you must treat them the same as any other employee, though if their employment were to end you may wish to consider buying their shares back. You may be concerned that you will lose a friendship as an outcome of this matter, however whilst a difficult situation, if your colleague is a true friend and you do all that you can to help him through it, he should understand and appreciate that you have to do what is


right to protect the business long term success.

do to ensure that you can keep on top of your game in a commercial sense:

If you are unfamiliar with a performance improvement programme, then you should contact your HR advisors who will be able to talk you through how to manage the process.

/ !&(% ' ' ,"( %% ! "!' , "% quarterly meeting to alleviate any problems as soon as they arise and consider performance management procedures if issues continue or worsen.

I wish the best outcome in this matter, and that ultimately your sales growth returns to healthy levels.

/ ' ) , "! '"% ! % ) * ! * business coming through your staff.


/ '" ,"(% &' . ' "( & ,"(% personal friend, he still has a place within your business and requirements to perform to the best of his ability. / ! #%" && "! ' ' & . ) ! though the sales director is your friend, he is still an employee and should be treated as such.

As a business owner, you need to keep on top of all your staff, including any friend who may work for you. One of the reasons businesses fail is because of a lack of clear direction from the management team.

/ ) * "' % #"&& ) !'& ' ' could be having an adverse impact on ' "(!' " ! * (& ! && . & ! * player moved in to the market recently? Maybe there is a developing business need for alternative products and it’s time to move your business forward?

As you are heavily reliant on new business, here are a few things I would

/ ' % "('& '"%& &( & changing demographic could also play a

major part in lost business. Given the personal relationship and his seniority, an informal chat about the business generally, the drop in new business and whether he is having any problems might help identify and/or resolve the problem. It is also advisable to make a “next steps plan� with him whereby new short and long term targets are set which you will be able to monitor and discuss with him at regular intervals. Unfortunately if the situation doesn’t improve at that point formal performance management procedures are likely to be necessary although you might wish to consider negotiating an exit package under a Settlement Agreement. Being honest about the situation and trying to resolve it professionally and with care is likely to give you the best chance of developing your business without too much impact on your friendship. However, you should be mindful of the legal issues that could arise if proper procedures are not followed.

‘Given the personal relationship and his seniority, an informal chat about the business generally, the drop in new business and whether he is having any problems might help identify and/or resolve the problem.’

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First For Business






urrounded by plush leather chairs, dark wood furniture and glamorous full length mirrors you almost forget you are arriving for an eye test when you step into Bawtry Eye Academy’s new ground floor premises at Dower House Square. The boutique optician has expanded into a more comfortable, accessible space in the heart of Bawtry, with more room to stock their high quality eyewear. For owner Sarah White, who has been qualified for more than 25 years and has been a dispensing and contact lens optician for 20 of those, the new premises allows her to offer an even more personalised service to her customers. At Bawtry Eye Academy eye tests take half an hour, twice as long as a high street optician, allowing optometrist Sanjiv Sethi to gain as much information as he can about the customer’s eyesight. That way the customer receives a tailored service and the best glasses or contact lenses for them.

premises everyone is made to feel at home; customers are offered a coffee, and are encouraged to browse the extensive collection at their own pace, taking as long as they need to find the perfect glasses for them. As well as many boutique and limited edition designer frames, Bawtry Eye Academy also offers more affordable ranges so they can cater for all budgets. The no-pressure environment makes choosing new glasses a pleasure, not a chore. A glasses wearer herself, Sarah has addressed the problems she usually comes across when buying a new pair of specs for her, her children or her family. To help customers choose the perfect style frames for them, the Bawtry Eye Academy uses an app that shows the difference between lenses so customers can visualise how the lenses they choose will look in their chosen frames.

Sanjiv has 30 years of experience and is incredibly knowledgeable about eye health, specialising in dry eye conditions, children’s eyesight and visual dyslexia testing.

They also take pictures of their customers in each different pair of glasses which allows them to see their new look with their glasses on, so customers aren’t solely relying on the opinions of others when it comes to deciding what suits them best.

At the new Dower House Square

With holiday season in full flow, Bawtry

12 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

Eye Academy is stocking some of the world’s best sunglasses brands including Ray-Ban and Oakley, a brand which is new to the new store. Luxury brands available include Germanengineered Starck glasses, timeless glamour from Tiffany & Co and frames by Lindberg, the same brand worn by the Queen. Bawtry Eye Academy also fit contact lenses from a number of manufacturers including Johnson & Johnson, Alcon (Cibavision), Sauflon, Coopervision and Bausch & Lomb. They offer customers an Academy Plan which allows them to benefit from a regular supply of contact lenses and includes all visits to help maintain the continuing health and comfort of their eyes. With more space to display their beautiful frames, comfortable furniture to relax into during your shopping and a warm welcome for all, Dower House Square has already become a homely haven for glasses and contact lens wearers in Bawtry.

CONTACT: Bawtry Eye Academy 7 Dower House Square, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6LS Tel: 01302 711282



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Play your part

Learning new skills can help drive the Sheffield City Region’s economy forward. pprenticeships give young people the opportunity to earn while they learn and can allow businesses to plug vital skills gaps. And with latest Government figures showing (source getingofar.gov.uk) there are apprenticeships available in 1,500 occupations across 170 industries to businesses of all shapes and sizes it just shows what a popular option apprenticeships are for today’s employers. The Sheffield City Region is no different with apprenticeships being offered in everything from advanced manufacturing to business administration, IT to accountancy and more traditional trades likes plumbing, plastering and electrical. An apprenticeship is not only a job but it gives a person the chance to train


and continue to learn and develop in their chosen career. And with some higher apprentices going right up to degree level and beyond it can mean a university education without the student debt which often accompanies it. For businesses it offers employers the chance to enhance and diversify their workforce and strengthen their business. Apprentices can be trained up to be tailor-made to suit certain roles, providing the talent of the future. Apprentices can bring new ideas and enthusiasm to a business this is supported by Government statistics which show a huge 89 per cent of employers say apprentices make their business more productive. And there are grants and funding available to businesses to help them employ an apprentice. 3

Meanwhile training and upskilling existing staff can also lead to the similar benefits for employers. Providing training opportunities can show an employee that the business is investing in them and new skills can lead to more confident and productive staff members. In the Sheffield City region there are a number of training providers which can offer work-based training to businesses. While colleges can offer workers the chance to study and gain new qualifications, helping them to climb the career ladder. Whether it’s training for apprentices or existing staff, learning new skills creates the workforce of the future and arms people with the skills needed to drive the Sheffield City Region’s economy forward.

Expanding Horizons

Showcase success

With work set to start on the new retail quarter, we reflect on the project that Showcased shopping – and created retail futures. t was an innovative solution to ease the blight caused to Sheffield city centre when its long-heralded retail development went on ice. For seven years, while the city held its breath over the on-off plans to vamp its retail offering to the glamorous level of other northern cities, one small project helped keep the inner heart beating. Since 2009 the Sheffield Showcase has transformed the site of the long-stalled Sevenstones scheme from potential eyesore to vibrant shop front gallery. It turned streets of boarded up shops into an ever-changing display cabinet of the crafts, artists and retail start-ups the city still had to offer. In the process, it also ran a charity shop which raised £13,500 for local good causes, boosted trade for over 800 businesses, artists and designers – and


has so far given 56 young people a stepping stone to flourishing retail careers. Not so much a triple whammy, as a quadruple. Last month the window displays which brightened the retail units under the former Grosvenor Hotel were dismantled and buildings will be demolished to make way for phase one of the new £480million Sheffield Retail Quarter. Ann Cadman, managing director of The Source Skills Academy, who coordinated the council-funded project with the Council’s Creative Sheffield and Education Service, said: “Many positives have come out of what could have been a negative situation for the city.” Every year, eight new apprenticeships were created for The Showcase. They


curated over 1,000 window displays which helped them land work placements at stores including John Lewis, Dorothy Perkins, BHS, TJ Hughes and Burtons and over 90 per cent are now in full-time employment. Meanwhile 800 businesses featured reported a 65 per cent increase in profits and saw a 100 per cent increase in their website profiles. And Sheffield Showcase has been so successful funding has been secured from Sheffield City Council to allow the project to run in other areas of the city centre in need of a similar short-term creative injection.

Expanding Horizons

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Increasing demand

Act now to hire an apprentice and grow your business. or the first time since opening in the autumn of 2013, the number of employed-status apprentices training at the AMRC Training Centre is set to reach 600 during the 2016/17 academic year. Starting with just 140 apprentices, the Training Centre has grown rapidly into an award-winning centre of excellence offering advanced, higher and foundation degree apprenticeships within engineering and manufacturing pathways. This year the AMRC Training Centre witnessed a meteoric rise in the number of regional, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) wanting to hire an apprentice, with business from new employers up 35 per cent. There are many reasons a company


would choose to hire an apprentice, said Dan Swift, programme manager at the AMRC Training Centre: “Apprentices bring new skills into a company, which in turn, contributes to the development of the workforce skills base. “Training apprentices also plays a crucial role in addressing the looming engineering skills gap. Qualified apprentices are in high demand, they bring new ideas, techniques and ways of working into a company that allow it to grow and remain competitive in a global economy,” said Dan. There has also been increasing demand from school-leavers, interested in finding a real alternative to a traditional university education which comes with the added burden of


student debt. This led to the Training Centre holding more apprentice ‘assessment days’, to evaluate the suitability of new apprentices. “We have been working hard to accommodate the increasing demand from across the sector, because of this we still have availability for potential employers to hire an apprentice before the September 2016 start dates,” added Dan. The September 2016 intake of apprentices may be the last opportunity companies have to recruit apprentices under the current apprenticeship funding arrangements, before the new apprenticeship levy is introduced in April 2017. The new levy will be discussed at a business breakfast event held at the AMRC Training Centre on Tuesday 13 September 2016, for potential employers looking to recruit apprentices throughout the year. The event will be the opportunity for SMEs to find out about AMRC Training Centre’s apprenticeship programmes, including its new foundation degree in Manufacturing Technology and provide the chance to network with other SMEs, speak to AMRC Training Centre staff and Trainers to find out how they will be supported and to speak to the apprentices themselves. For confirmed details please check http://www.amrctraining.co.uk/what-s-on To discuss hiring an apprentice, please call the AMRC Training Centre Business Development Team on 0114 222 4446.


AMRC APPRENTICE CASE STUDY – ELOISE SHAW Eloise Shaw wanted to be an engineer from a young age and after completing her GCSEs in Sheffield the talented 16-year-old secured a place as a Mechanical Manufacturing apprentice at the AMRC Training Centre. Like all AMRC apprentices, Eloise sat through an assessment centre – ensuring only the right candidates go through - before being offered interviews with local engineering companies. She impressed bosses enough at Sheffield-based cutting tool specialists Technicut for them to offer her an apprenticeship. “I was so happy when Technicut offered me a job and I’m really enjoying what I’m doing,” said Eloise. “I’ll be at the AMRC training centre for six months on the shop floor, followed by an three months on the CNC machines before I go back to Technicut to start as a trainee CNC machinist. “My employer asked in my interview if I would want to further develop and do the foundation degree, I want to go as far as I can. I like to do design so I might look at CAD,” she added. “For me an apprenticeship is the best pathway, I get to learn while earning money. My friends go to college in the week and then have Saturday jobs. They wonder why I’ve got so much money!”

Eloise Shaw

Case studies From teaching to engineering, from catering to retail... when it comes to training at work and apprenticeship courses there is a vast array of opportunity out there. Here we look at how some of the region’s youngsters are getting along on their chosen courses. DEARNE VALLEY COLLEGE CASE STUDY – JACK HOPKINSON

L-R: Councillor Eve Rose Keenan (Deputy Mayor of Rotherham) and Consort, Jack Hopkinson (Dearne Valley College Apprentice), Ian Goodhall of Aadvark Swift (Awards Judge)

Teaching assistant apprentice, Jack Hopkinson is celebrating an outstanding year of recognition for his hard work and dedication to his employer, demonstrating that apprenticeships are a fantastic option for both employers and young people to achieve their goals. Jack, who is on a Supporting Teaching and Learning Apprenticeship at Jump Primary School in Barnsley, delivered by Dearne Valley College, has demonstrated remarkable success from the very beginning of his journey. After sourcing his own apprenticeship, he has worked hard to contribute positively to the school by creating links with local professional sports clubs to benefit the children, and supporting his school network to recruit further apprentices whilst performing above and beyond in his role. Following a glowing nomination from his employers, Jack was awarded with the prestigious ‘Apprentice of the Year’ award at the 2016 Dearne Valley College Apprenticeship Awards, before also impressing judges from local businesses and the Rotherham Advertiser to receive ‘runner-up’ at the recent Rotherham Apprentice of the Year awards; an accolade that was only given after Jack narrowly missed out on the winner’s title. Jack’s enthusiasm for his apprenticeship has paid off, and he has realised his career aspirations, having secured himself a full-time, permanent teaching assistant role with his apprenticeship employer.



LEARNING UNLIMITED CASE STUDY – SCOTT LEVERS Scott Levers, a student on the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy course at Chesterfield College, has made quite an impression at the Peter Jones Foundation and with the British Council. They were so impressed with the 18-year-old’s work in a local business and his approach to developing his entrepreneurial skills that they invited him to speak to delegates in Thailand about the importance of entrepreneurship in vocational education. Earlier this year Scott, from Dronfield, along with a student from Leicester presented to 150 directors and senior practitioners, teachers and students from Thai vocational colleges in Bangkok as part of a seminar organised jointly by the British Council Thailand and the Office of Vocational Education designed to help share best practice about developing, encouraging and enabling entrepreneurial attitudes, skills and knowledge. On his course at Chesterfield College Scott has gained experience in working in a developing wholesale jewellery business where he has helped to create a sales and marketing database. Speaking about his course, Scott said: “Doing a vocational course like the one the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy offers allows you to test your own ideas and gives you the ability to try out the theory in a practical situation. Learning in this way helps you to develop logic and reasoning which is so important in business. Scott said it had been a huge honour to be invited to Thailand where he had learnt more about doing business in different cultures. “I hope that this experience will help me during the rest of my course and in my business career,” he added.

Martin Cope, Business Enterprise Manager at Chesterfield College (right) and Scott Levers, Peter Jones Academy student (left)


Matt Webster

Katie Hodgson and Matt Webster saw their futures reflected in a shop window. They signed up to the Showcase as visual merchandising apprentices – and found retail careers. Matt, 24, became the manager of the Makers’ Emporium on Rotherham’s award-winning High Street in 2014 and Katie, 20, now has a full-time job at John Lewis. Each flourished after periods of uncertainty. Katie had quit A Levels and prematurely ended a course at Leeds College of Art. Matt had quit a graphic design course at Rotherham College after a year and at 17 could only find part-time work in catering and hospitality. Signing up to Showcase apprenticeships gave them hands-on training and work placements. Said Katie: “I spent a year designing eye-catching displays using everything from fashions to silk bridal bouquets. My placement at John Lewis led to a part-time role and I now have a full-time visual merchandising job there. I wouldn’t have found this opportunity without the Showcase.” During his Showcase year, Matt got the chance to work in Marks & Spencer’s London HQ and won two awards, including Yorkshire Training Partnership’s Learner of the Year 2013. He landed a job at Sports Direct’s Mansfield HQ, then was asked to head up Rotherham’s Makers’ Emporium, a retail venture featuring local artists, crafters and makers, managed by The Source. Now studying for a Level 4 retail management qualification, he says: “The Showcase developed my skills, gave me great opportunities and really good friends, most of whom are also doing well in retail careers.” 9

Expanding Horizons

Supporting a brighter future Combining work placements with academic studies is proving to be winning formula for business students at Chesterfield College. here are a handful of businesses in Derbyshire giving the next generation of entrepreneurs a chance to cut their business teeth at the same time as studying. This mutually beneficial relationship leads to success for both parties. For students on the range of business enterprise courses at Chesterfield College, including the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy (PJEA), the most important aspect of developing the skills they need to succeed is to work in a real business environment on a live project that can help to grow the organisation they are working in. The PJEA programme is designed to provide students with an ideal opportunity to develop a range of crucial skills that will enhance their entrepreneurial flair and ability. It also gives them the opportunity to run projects within established businesses. Martin Cope, Business Enterprise Manager at Chesterfield College said: “The businesses we work with tell us time and time again how the students bring something extra to their organisation. We hear how students with this entrepreneurial flair inject creativity and innovation to tackle something that might be a stumbling block for their business.� Lynn Rodgers, director of an international wholesale company based in Chesterfield, has worked with students on many elements of her business including developing a database that has helped to increase sales and improve their marketing activities. “When students have a real desire to succeed in the world of business and are given



Expanding Horizons

an opportunity to get first-hand experience we find that they are highly motivated. It’s a win-win. The students we have worked with have the ability, maturity and confidence to discuss issues with and solve problems for customers many of which are from leading UK companies. We can tap into the knowledge of the lecturers and college resources to help grow our business.” Student, Scott Levers, used his experience at the wholesale company to make quite an impression at the Peter Jones Foundation and with the British Council. They invited him to speak to delegates in Thailand about the importance of entrepreneurship in vocational education earlier this year. PJEA Students will soon be helping British Bike Hire, the UK’s largest bike hire company who provide bikes for some of the largest cycling events in the country, to establish their business in Derbyshire. James Akerman, chief executive of British Bike Hire said: “Working with the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy students from Chesterfield College will help me to develop the franchising side of my business. We have recently moved the business to the area so being able to tap into local knowledge and utilise the enterprising brains of the students is a real bonus.” Chesterfield College work with a range of businesses, from large national companies to small local businesses, helping employers build successful and sustainable workforces through high quality training, education and their apprenticeship provision, Learning Unlimited.

To find out more about how you can help the next generation of entrepreneurs to get the best start to their career call Martin Cope on 01246 500500 ext. 1790 or contact Learning Unlimited on 0345 850 1055 for more information about apprenticeships.



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First For Business




BERLIN BY BIKE n Berlin, lunch comes with panoramic views of the Brandenburg Gate, the TV tower, the rolling acres of Tiergarten Park and the historical hub of Museum Island.


From its vantage point on top of one of the most important buildings in the city, the Käfer Dachgarten serves Berlin classics alongside delicious vegan and vegetarian options; and is the perfect starting point for a weekend break in Berlin. After an aerial view, the best way to see the city is on two wheels, with a Berliner leading the way. With a population so passionate about remembering the past, whilst forging a forward-thinking future, choosing a tour without a native at the helm would be a waste. Praised as one of Europe’s most bikefriendly cities, cyclists in Berlin have their own lane on the pavement, special traffic lights and a much higher level of respect from drivers compared the UK. Berliners however, are not fans of the helmet, and it seems only children and cowards protect their heads when powering the pedals.

30 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

Our tour of the Berlin Wall with Berlin on Bike saw us peddling, albeit with a wobble at times, around the city with our tour guide, Sascha, who was in his teens when the wall came down. He told us about his own family and their stories of prison time and smuggling lovers across the divide, a reminder that for Berliners the wall has an ongoing impact on their lives, and is not

just an attraction for tourists. Our ride took us to the Berlin Wall Memorial, home to the only remaining section of both sides of the wall, including the death strip and watch tower. The true horror of the wall is not revealed until you climb the stairs to the memorial museum’s viewing platform. From there you can see the terrifying measures taken to keep the city apart, from the rounded tops of the two walls to the watch tower spotlights. To lighten the mood, Sascha told some of his favourite wall crossing success stories, including one of the three Bethke brothers, who each successfully crossed the wall into the West in an impressive show of one-upmanship. Their escapes involved air mattresses, bow and arrows and ziplines, culminating in the last remaining brother being picked up by his siblings in a small plane, which they had painted in Soviet colours and simply flown over into the East. By the time they were uncovered as fakes, all three brothers were safely landed in the West. Ravenous from hours of biking, we


GETTING THERE FlyBe began flights to Berlin from Doncaster Sheffield airport in March. The Meet and Greet car parking service allows you to drive close to the terminal building, drop off your keys and your car will be parked safely for the duration of your time away. On your return your car will be ready for you to drive away, as close to the terminal building as is possible. Doncaster Sheffield’s Premium Lounge provides a range of complimentary drinks, snacks and unlimited superfast WiFi. With the new Great Yorkshire Way opening earlier in the year, flyers from Doncaster Sheffield can now access the airport from the new link road, reducing travel time from Sheffield, Leeds, Rotherham and Barnsley.

is also the amazing design and artwork throughout. The hotel’s stairwell was taken over one evening by The Paint Club, a globally unique international network of illustrators, graphic designers, comic and street artists, and now each floor acts as its own art gallery, all visible from the hotel’s glass lift.

stopped for a traditional Berlin snack of currywurst from the unassuming Konnopke Imbiss stall, which still stands in the same spot from which the family sold their first sausage 86 years ago. Local lore has it that the Konnopke family were the first to bring currywurst to Berlin more than 50 years ago. For those who prefer their feet to the saddle, the city is easy to navigate on foot, the terrain is flat and efficient transport links make hopping on and off at popular tourist spots a breeze.

The rooms are also decked out in artwork by artists from Berlin and beyond, so guests can soak up the vision of the city from the moment they wake until they rest their heads after a day soaking up the history of the city.

A good starting point for a walking tour is The Gate, which is just 50m from Berlin’s most famous landmark, the Brandenburg Gate. Emotive and enthralling, The Gate takes visitors on a 20 minute time travel through 300 years of Berlin history using old film clips, soundscapes from the city’s streets and news footage shown on 71sq meters of HD screens using a 36 channel sound system. From the Brandenburg Gate exploring the central district of Mitte, which is home to many of Berlin’s most popular tourist

attractions, is a breeze. Its central location means the Mitte district is also a great place to stay in Berlin, with plenty of hotels and hostels there’s something to suit all budgets. The Weinmeister Hotel is just a couple of minutes from the famous Alexanderplatz square, but it’s not only the hotel’s central location that makes it so appealing, but it

In Berlin, creativity and culture is never far. Steeped in turbulent history, Germany’s capital has had to continually adapt, change and reinvent its image to overcome destructive, divisive events. Today the city is a hotspot for young, progressive, creatives, who learn from the city’s divided and fractured past to create a united, liberal future.

First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 31

First For Business




IT’S A COMPETITION LIKE NO OTHER – TO CELEBRATE 30 YEARS RMC MEDIA IS GIVING AWAY 30 PRIZES. AND ONE PERSON WILL WALK AWAY WITH EVERYTHING. e launched Westside, our first magazine, in 1986 and competitions have been at the heart of all our publications ever since. Over the years we have been able to give away some fabulous prizes. This is different. In fact, this will be our most exciting competition yet. To celebrate our 30th year we have put together a fabulous package of 30 gifts, all generously contributed by some of the region’s finest businesses.


1. Raymond Weil watch Made from stainless steel with rose gold PVD plated detail, this simple and original timepiece is perfect for any occasion (choose from a lady’s or gent’s size, RRP £850). PA Jewellery, www.pajewellery.com.

4. Half case of prosecco The Austin’s Group has selected this Prosecco Spumante Brut, Azienda Abbazia, Piemonte Italy for its light silver colour, fresh aromas and bouncy, medium dry flavours (RRP £11 per bottle). www.theaustinsgroup.com

7. Cinema tickets for The Showroom, Sheffield Enjoy four trips to the cinema or take three family members/friends with you. Showroom & Workstation, www.showroomworkstation.org.uk.

10. Selection of RMC books Discover new recipes and expand your culinary knowledge with a selection of cookery books published by RMC Media.

32 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

Our competition is available to readers of all our monthly printed titles – nine in total – and one very lucky winner will be collecting this sensational array of gifts including jewellery, hotel stays, holiday flights, fine wines, champagne and much more besides. The only way to be a part of this once-in-alifetime competition is via RMC Media’s new website – www.rmcmedia.co.uk – so take a closer look at the amazing prizes on offer and enter online now.

How to enter: Enter our competition online at www.rmcmedia.co.uk. The closing date is Monday 31 October 2016. Question: What year was RMC Media’s first magazine, Westside, launched? For full terms and conditions, visit our website.


BROOKS Est 1972

2. £50 voucher for gentlemen’s shoes Select a pair of gentlemen’s shoes from Charles Brooks including Loake, Barker and Tricker’s and get £50 off. Charles Brooks, 241 Fulwood Road, Broomhill, Sheffield, S10 3BA.

3. Hotel stay at Brocco on the Park, Sheffield Spend a blissful night in The Dovecote, Brocco on the Park’s penthouse room overlooking Endcliffe Park, Porter Brook and Hunters Bar. Enjoy an overnight stay for two with a glass of fizz on arrival. www.brocco.co.uk.

5. Luxury dining at Napoleons, Sheffield You and three friends can dine in style with a bottle of champagne for the table, a three-course meal, and a £5 betting chip each for the casino (redeemable at the Ecclesall Road or Owlerton branch). Napoleons, www.napoleons-casinos.co.uk.

6. 30 bottles of ale Enjoy 30 bottles of our refreshing Thirty Something celebration ale, lovingly brewed by Bradfield Brewery, www.bradfieldbrewery.com.

8. Race day experience Spend your race day for two in style with a glass of champagne on arrival, followed by a three-course lunch in The Old Weighing Room and a race day programme (dress code applies. Age 18+ only). Doncaster Racecourse, www.doncaster-racecourse.co.uk.

11. Ray-Ban sunglasses Keep cool with these blueframed Ray-Ban sunglasses. Visit Bawtry Eye Academy at their new premises at 7 Dower House Square. www.bawtryeyeacademy.com.

9. Dine, stay and breakfast at The Crown Hotel, Bawtry After a three-course dinner for two, you and your partner can enjoy a bottle of proseccco in your room and wake up to a full English breakfast the following day. The Crown Hotel, www.crownhotelbawtry.com.

12. Two flights to Guernsey Aurigny Air Services are pleased to offer two return flights to the beautiful island of Guernsey, well known for its stunning coastlines, wealth of outdoor activities and French culture. Leeds Bradford Airport, www.leedbradfordairport.co.uk.


13. Tickets to a Sheffield Wednesday game Enjoy two tickets for a home game at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, www.swfc.co.uk.

15. Chiminea Staying warm is easy and stylish with this Floral Chiminea (RRP £90). Ferndale Garden Centre, www.ferndalegardencentre.co.uk.

14. Set of pans This Schulte-Ufer four-pan set worth £130 is suitable for induction, gas, ceramic or electric hobs. Grid Thirteen, www.gridthirteen.co.uk.

16. Tickets to see Diversity See dance titans Diversity at Leeds First Direct Arena. You and three family members/friends will also have access to the Premier Lounge with a restaurant, bar and window overlooking the Arena plaza. First Direct Arena, www.firstdirectarena.com.

17. Triple activity package Experience 4x4 off-roading, clay pigeon shooting and quad-biking at Yorkshire Outdoors, www.yorkshire-outdoors.co.uk. 19. Silver daisy pendant A delightful daisy cut-out pendant with dot detailing. In polished silver with a silver chain, it is charming and easy to wear. Green+Benz. www.greenandbenz.com.

18. Domino luxury rug This brown Domino shag pile rug is made from quality polypropyline fibre, suitable for all areas of the home. Dronfield Carpets & Floors, www.dronfieldcarpets andfloors.co.uk.

20. £100 Sandersons gift card Have a shopping spree at Sandersons, a new boutique department store opening soon at Fox Valley. Sandersons, www.sandersonsdeptstore.co.uk.

21. Lunch and a shopping spree Enjoy lunch for two and a complimentary drink at Ponti’s Italian Kitchen, followed by a £100 shopping spree at Fox Valley, www.foxvalleysheffield.co.uk. Ponti’s Italian Kitchen, www.pontisitaliankitchen.co.uk, 24. ghd curve This soft curl tong gives you effortless waves. Selected by Posh FX, 46 Middlewood Road, Sheffield S6 4HA.

22. The Schoolrooms hamper This hamper of treats includes a bottle of wine, parkin, biscuits, and Schoolrooms branded coffee and jarred goods. The Schoolrooms, www.theschoolrooms.co.uk.

23. Hair and shaving set Get that fresh-from-the-barbershop feeling with Savills’ selection of hair and shaving products. Savills, www.savillsbarbers.com. 26. 24-carat gold Balmain hairbrush Add some glamour to your hair care routine with this 24-carat gold hairbrush worth £129. The Vanilla Rooms, www.the-vanilla-rooms.com.

27. Family Feast Hamper The hamper includes five chicken breast fillets, five gammon steaks, five sirloin steaks, 2lb beef mince and 2lb diced beef worth £19.99. Underwood Meat Company, www.underwoodmeat.co.uk.

25. Tickets to a Sheffield United game Enjoy four tickets for a home game at Sheffield United Football Club, www.sufc.co.uk.

28. Bailey of Sheffield CABLE bracelet Bailey of Sheffield has created the CABLE bracelet for men – jewellery manufactured to last a lifetime (prices from £179.99). Bailey of Sheffield, www.baileyofsheffield.com.

29. Bottle of champagne Selected by Mitchells Wine Merchants, this Montaudon Champagne has a distinctive flavour, a deep gold colour and a doughy and nutty aroma. www.mitchellswine.co.uk.

30. Bottle of Slingsby Gin Gin specialists Spirit of Harrogate are offering a bottle of Slingsby Gin, made with the finest natural and locally sourced botanicals, Harrogate aquifer water and pure single grain spirit. www.wslingsby.co.uk. First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 33


BROOKS Est 1972

For quality craftsmanship, visit Charles Brooks for the finest hand made shoes and branded footwear. We also stock and repair Barker, Loakes, Trickers and Padders to the highest standards.

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GET THE VIBE and check out RMC Media’s NEW online magazine –

www.sheffieldvibe.com Vibe is our 10th title and shouts about all that’s great about Sheffield. Where to eat, dance, shop, it’s all on our new site. What’s happening where and when – we give you the complete lowdown on life in the city. Updated daily, there’s no more comprehensive, thorough and current site than Vibe. Make it your first port of call every day and join our hashtag #shoutaboutsheffield.

Want more information about RMC Media – one of the north’s largest independent publishers? Then visit www.rmcmedia.co.uk. You’ll find details of all of our nine monthly titles plus up-to-date features, videos and articles about what’s happening in all the regions where we publish our lifestyle and business titles. You’ll also find advertising and editorial contact details.

#SHOUTABOUTSHEFF @VIBE_Sheffield facebook.com/VIBE-Sheffield Instagram.com/vibesheffield

Don’t miss our fantastic competition section either. We offer a range of prizes including wonderful holidays, top tickets and luxury meals. The mega prize currently on offer is our very own 30th anniversary competition. We’re offering 30 stunning prizes to one lucky winner. Enter now at www.rmcmedia.co.uk/competitions

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Stephanie Burns is our dedicated web editor. Contact her on stephanie.burns@rmcmedia.co.uk with all your news, views and gossip!

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First for Business





rom multi-million pound organisations to the local butcher’s shop, it seems every businesses has a website these days. But if your website is static and out of date, hard to navigate or just plain ugly to look at can, it do more harm to your business than good. Sheffield digital agency Hydra Creative has created a new website for First for Business publishers RMC Media and Hydra’s head of marketing believes it is crucial for businesses to be online with a website that’s easy for customers to use and navigate. “A poorly designed site can have a huge impact on your success or failure online,” she said. “Think about it this way – you are looking for a pair of black shoes, so you look on Google and pull up the top three websites. The first one hurts your eyes, the photographs of the shoes look cheap and you just can’t seem to find the ‘add to basket’ button. “Would you stay on the website and persevere, or would you go onto website number two? You can throw all the money in the world at your website, SEO and pay-per-click advertising, but if your website doesn’t work for your users, it may all be for nothing.” Amy recommends a website with a strong clear message, relevant page content and prominent calls to action, to help keep website visitors engaged and interacting with the site once they’ve logged onto it. “The most important aspect of the website is the call to action - whether it’s a contact form, a phone number or an ‘add to basket’ button, you need to tell your users what you want them to do and how,” she said. But, with the internet being so crowded these days, businesses still run the risk of

investing in a good quality website but then not being visible to potential customers and not benefiting from it. To climb search engine results, Amy advises posting regular relevant content, which demonstrates to the search engines and website visitors that your website is active. “Put content on your website that makes your users think ‘wow!’ and carry on reading – the longer users interact with your website, the higher the search engines will rank them, as they will be deemed as higher value,” she said. To ensure your website is as interactive as possible and to make sure you don’t don’t miss out on potential customers out of normal trading hours, Amy advises having a live chat function.

With the sharp increase in people heading to the internet when they want shop, look for a service or source information, it is crucial businesses get their website right. And it is not just the predictable millennials and Generation Z, but also increasingly the Baby Boomers and Generation X who are heading online. Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the proportion of adults aged 75 years and over who had never used the internet decreased from 76 per cent in 2011 to 56.5 per cent in 2016. Meanwhile, 87.9 per cent of adults in the UK (45.9 million) said they had used the internet in the last three months.

“I would recommend the live chat function regardless of the size of a business,” said Amy. “It breaks down the barrier of getting in touch. Most people initially visit websites on a quest for information. If they are busy, they don’t have time to ring you up or send an email, they just want the answer now.

“Your website literally is your 24/7 sales tool,” said Amy. “If you meet a potential client and they get a great impression of you, the next thing they will do is search for you online. Even a simple brochure website can have tools added to it to generate more leads, build relationships with your current customers and even start generating revenue.

“The best thing about live chat is that when you aren’t online, you can set up a script so that a ‘customer service agent’ can chat in your place and you will capture the details of your prospect.”

“If you want your business to grow digitally, you need to be willing to make an investment into a decent, fully-functional website that is true to your brand and is aimed at your target audience.”

AMY’S TOP TIPS FOR SUCCESS ONLINE 1 Make sure your website is easy to use for customers with a clear ‘call to action’ ie. a contact button or ‘add to basket’ function. 2 Post regular relevant content to demonstrate to the search engines and website visitors that your website is active. 3 Install a ‘live chat’ function so that a virtual customer service agent can take details for you and you never miss out on a potential customer. 4 Embrace your website – it’s your 24/7 sales too!

First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 37






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Year/Reg: 2011 (11) Engine size: 2.0L Fuel type: Diesel Gearbox: Manual Body style: Saloon Colour: Met Black

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61 Reg Alfa Romeo Giulietta 2.0 JTDM-2 Veloce 5dr . . . . .£6,495 61 Reg Audi A1 1.6 TDI SE 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,995 12 Reg Audi A3 1.6 TDI Sportback 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,995 61 Reg Audi A4 2.0 TDIe SE 4dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,995 10 Reg Audi A4 3.0 TDI S Line Tiptronic Quattro 4dr . . . .£13,995 61 Reg Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDIe Technik 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .£9,995 11 Reg Audi A5 1.8 TFSI 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£10,495 62 Reg BMW 1 Series 1.6 116D Sports Hatch 5dr . . . . . .£10,495 61 Reg BMW 1 Series 2.0 118d Sport 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,985 11 Reg BMW 3 Series 2.0 318d Exclusive Touring 5dr . . .£6,995 10 Reg BMW 3 Series 2.0 320d EfficientDynamics 4dr . . .£8,485 60 Reg BMW 3 Series 2.0 320d SE Business Edition 4dr .£9,985 61 Reg BMW 5 Series 2.0 520d SE Touring 5dr . . . . . . . .£13,995 03 Reg BMW Z3 1.9 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£2,485 15 Reg BMW i8 1.5 eDrive 2dr (start/stop) . . . . . . . . . . . . .£94,995 61 Reg Citroen C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi VTR+ 5dr . . . . . . . . . . .£6,985 11 Reg Citroen DS3 1.6 THP DSport 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,985 12 Reg Citroen DS3 1.6e-HDi Airdream DStyle Plus 3dr .£7,495 11 Reg Fiat Doblo 1.3JTD Panel Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£4,495 08 Reg Fiat Grande Punto 1.2 8v Active 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . .£1,995 54 Reg Fiat Punto 1.2 8v Dynamic 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£995 61 Reg Ford Focus 1.6 TDCi Edge 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6,485 13 Reg Ford Focus 2.0 TD Titanium X Powershift 5dr . . . .£9,485 11 Reg Ford Grand C-Max 2.0 TDCi Zetec 5dr (7 seat) . . .£8,985 60 Reg Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCi Titanium 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£9,985 61 Reg Ford Mondeo 1.6 TDCi ECO Titanium 5dr . . . . . . . .£7,485 62 Reg Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCi Zetec Business 5dr . . . . . .£8,495 04 Reg Ford Transit Connect 1.8TDCi T220 SWB LX . . . . .£1,795 56 Reg Honda Civic 2.2 i CTDi Type S GT 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . .£3,995 04 Reg Honda ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5,995 61 Reg Hyundai i800 2.5 CRDi Style 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£11,995 62 Reg Kia Sportage 2.0 CRDi KX-2 AWD 5dr . . . . . . . . . .£12,485 55 Reg MINI Hatch One 1.6 One 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£3,495 62 Reg Mazda CX-5 2.2 D Sport 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£12,995 11 Reg Mercedes E Class 2.1 E250 CDI Sport 2dr . . . . . .£16,495 62 Reg Nissan Juke 1.6 16v Tekna 5dr (start/stop) . . . . .£10,995 10 Reg Nissan Note 1.6 16v N-TEC 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£3,495 61 Reg Nissan Qashqai 1.6 Visia 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,485 62 Reg Nissan Qashqai+2 1.6 dCi Tekna 5dr (start/stop) £11,495 13 Reg Peugeot 107 1.0 12v Active 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£4,985 05 Reg Peugeot 206 CC 1.6 16v Allure 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .£1,995 62 Reg Peugeot 3008 2.0e-HDi Hybrid4 5dr 4WD . . . . . . .£9,995 55 Reg Peugeot 307 CC 2.0HDi SE 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£2,995 61 Reg Peugeot 508 SW 1.6TD Access 5dr EGC . . . . . . . . .£7,485 11 Reg Peugeot Bipper 1.4HDi S Class II Panel Van . . . . .£3,985 02 Reg Peugeot Expert 2.0TD 110 Panel Van . . . . . . . . . . .£1,995 10 Reg Peugeot Expert Tepee 1.6HDi Tepee Comfort . . . .£4,995 07 Reg Renault Kangoo 1.2 16v Expression 5dr . . . . . . . . .£4,995 61 Reg Renault Kangoo Maxi 1.5TD LL21 dCi 85+ Maxi . .£4,995 14 Reg Renault Zoe Dynamique Intens 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6,995 11 Reg Saab 9-3 1.9 TTiD Vector Sport 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,985 06 Reg Saab 9-3 2.0 T Aero 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£2,995


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First For Business





hile plenty of businesses are still unclear about how the referendum result will impact on them, it has been predicted that the tourism trade could be one of the industries to benefit from Brexit. The weakened pound has made jetting off overseas more expensive and coupled with a rise in the number of foreign locations now off limits to tourists many are seeing a holiday at home as a more attractive option this summer. Former holiday hotspots like Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia used to welcome waves of Brits every year seeking a cheap sunshine break, but the threat of terrorism has seen numbers dip rapidly and in Tunisia the British Foreign Office has warned against all but essential travel to the country after a gun attack on the beach last year. The changing landscape could see holidaymakers choosing to make the most of attractions on British shores this summer including those in the Sheffield City Region (SCR). Visitor numbers and bookings at hotels and attractions in the area could also see a further boost with a rise in overseas visitors making the most of the favourable exchange rate. Welcome to Yorkshire is one of the

42 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

tourism agencies predicting a potential boom in holidaying at home in 2016 following the vote to leave. It has also sent out a message to international visitors that they are welcome in the county. Sir Gary Verity, Chief Executive of Welcome to Yorkshire said: “No one knows for certain what a post EU UK would look like but it is likely to be a lot more expensive for domestic travellers to fly abroad. “Perhaps this means there will be a boom in “staycations” with more and more people looking to stay within the UK and looking at Yorkshire as somewhere to spend their break." Sir Gary added: “A decline in the value of sterling will act as a further incentive for international visitors to holiday here as the Dollar and the Euro will go much further. “International visitors are important to us and we are working hard to ensure

Yorkshire is marketed globally.” And any rise in visitor numbers would build on the area’s increasing popularity as a place to visit. Latest figures from the Great Britain Tourism Survey show domestic overnight trips to Yorkshire grew by 20 per cent in 2015, one of the largest increases among regions in England. The county also experienced an 11 per cent increase in spending. Sheffield’s growing reputation as the The Outdoor City can only help attract more to the SCR. The outdoor recreational market is worth £1.4bn nationally, and studies show Sheffield has the highest household spend on outdoor equipment in the country, and more than 200 outdoor equipment businesses. Visitors are keen to take advantage of the city’s proximity to the Peak District and countryside, its seven hills, parks and green spaces and excellent climbing venues. Meanwhile in Derbyshire, tourism bosses said numbers were already up on last year even prior to the referendum but said they too expected to benefit from a plunging pound. “Anecdotal evidence from accommodation providers is that they are seeing bookings post-referendum from


domestic visitors who have decided to stay in the UK due to the increased cost of holidaying abroad as a result of the weakened pound and international visitors who are increasingly paying the full cost of accommodation up front instead of just the required deposit,” said Jo Dilley, managing director, Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire. She added: “The Peak District and Derbyshire has always been renowned for its warm and friendly welcome and we look forward to welcoming both international and domestic visitors to the area to experience our hospitality, breath-taking scenery and the wealth of experiences and great food and drink that we have to offer.” Janet Bailey, manager of Bakewell Show, one the most popular events on the region’s tourism calendar, said: "I don't know if people are staying in the UK for holidays more often now, but our advance ticket sales for Bakewell Show are up on the same period last year, which could be an indicator that this is the case." The British Hospitality Association – which represents members in the SCR – has also predicted a short-term bump from Brexit. Chairman Nick Varney – who is also CEO of Alton Towers owner Merlin Entertainments – said: “Tourism and leisure can continue to grow under Brexit. Initially a weaker pound will encourage visitors and also exports will flourish.” He said that once uncertainty had died down British tourists would feel encouraged to spend more in this country and visitors from Europe would be more likely to visit the UK. Meanwhile VisitBritain, which is closely monitoring the international tourism markets, is already reporting a ten per cent increase in flights booked from the USA since June 24. And with many flights booked sometimes up to a year in advance it is anticipated that the benefits of the favourable exchange rate will continue into 2017 as well. This could mean that while the uncertainty of Brexit continues for many businesses the tourism industry’s good fortunes good continue well into next year.

From sunbathing to sightseeing, surfing to shopping, walking to whitewater rafting or trying the local cuisine; we all have different ideas of what ingredients make up the perfect holiday. First For Business spoke to some of the Sheffield City Region’s business community to see just how they will be enjoying their summer holiday this year. Jillian Mitchel is Managing Director of Project Logistics Architecture, in Chesterfield “In August, I am off to Tuscany for a week-long tour with my husband and my choir, called The Derbyshire Singers, where we will be performing in some wonderful churches in Florence, Assisi and Siena.” Jemma Beagrie runs Beagrie Leisure Ltd with her husband Nick.Their business portfolio includes the Old Original Bakewell Pudding Shop, the Bakewell Bakery and a number of Peak District pubs. “I'm off to Tenerife and Majorca with my husband Nick and daughter Darci in July and August. We've been really lucky this year and also done a Caribbean cruise and visited Mexico; Darci starts school in September so we've squeezed extra in while we can!” Michael Heath is Director of Start Financial Planning, Chesterfield “In May I went to the fabulous Ikos Oceana hotel in Halkidiki (Greece) – just before the pound crashed against the Euro! Normally on holiday I like to see the local sights and do some swimming but this holiday there was a fabulous kids’ club, which I took full advantage of and spent the best of two weeks relaxing on the sun lounger!” Karl Housley, Director of PK education, with an office in Sheffield “This year I shall be fulfilling a dream I have had for the last six years and will be taking my 1968 Mustang, which I have restored, around the UK’s version of route 66, North Coast 500.The route runs to and from Inverness, venturing round the capital of the Highlands, up the West Coast and back via the rugged north coast. “

James Pogson, Director of northern Tea Merchants, Chesterfield “I’ve been all over the place travelling this year for both work and pleasure. In Kenya I was visiting tea and coffee plantations. In Barcelona it was city sightseeing and then sunbathing and partying in Sitges and in Slindon, it was camping, barbecuing and visiting Goodwood Festival of Speed. All great experiences.” Matt Brailsford, Director, Custom Solar, Chesterfield “My wife and I love Las Vegas. We have been for the last five years and last visited five months ago. Every year is the same. We try and see a different show every night and it could be anything from magicians, musicals, Cirque de Soleil and singers. We mix it up with helicopter flights and, of course, gambling in the casinos. ” Andy Sheppard, Chief Executive, NLT Training Services in Brimington, Chesterfield “My family and I believe that no holiday destination in the world comes close to the beautiful scenery of Cornwall (weather permitting) and this year’s summer school holidays will be spent at our favourite place in Cornwall, Padstow. My 12-year-old son and I spend pretty much all of our holiday either surfing or kayaking.”” Janet Bailey is the manager of Bakewell Show “I haven't been away yet this year as we've been planning and organising Bakewell Show. I'm hoping to get away with my husband, Keith, after this year's show in August. We really want to go back to the Channel Islands - we've done Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney and want to try Sark next. I love the climate, food and duty free!”

First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 43

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xpanding art gallery Limited 2 Art is celebrating a move to new and larger premises.

The Bawtry business has recently moved from The Courtyard, its home since 2004, to the iconic Market Place in the town. The gallery’s new home is more than four times the size of its predecessor and with the move, Limited 2 Art has become one of the biggest, independent art galleries in the North. Limited 2 Art has come a long way since it moved into The Courtyard in 2004. After spending their first few years trading in a building site, the recession hit in 2008, leaving the business bruised but fighting. With the help of its loyal customers the gallery survived, and business has been booming ever since. The old Town Hall building was built in different businesses including a car showroom and a working men’s club. Most recently it had been Bawtry Flowers and Plants, and in 2016 gallery owner Ruth Worsman finally got the keys and the transformation in to Limited 2 Art began. And thanks to the work of Ruth and her designer David Bowling, the inside of the Old Town Hall is unrecognisable. “David took all my ideas and creativity

44 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

and made it possible, he added the finishing touches and gave it the wow factor.,” said Ruth. “We have taken an old building and put a new one inside, everything inside is new.” Together the pair have created a stunning space to display Limited 2 Art’s collections, including a private viewing room, bespoke framing room and a mezzanine level to create more space for displaying artwork. Ruth has already received huge acclaim from both the art world and her loyal customers who have visited the gallery. She said: “An art publisher who has been in the business 30 years was overwhelmed by the beauty of the place, he said he would place it in the top 20 independent art galleries in the country.” Although she says the extra space has taken some getting used to, Ruth has settled into her new gallery well: “It’s perfect for a gallery, the Courtyard gallery was more bijoux and small, we had outgrown our space there, this is the perfect space for us,” she said. And more space means room for a viewing room, a lifelong ambition for Ruth, she said: “I’ve always dreamed of having a viewing room to show off art in a private setting.”

The new Limited 2 Art gallery.Volunteers helped move the art to its new home (top)


The room has specialist lighting which showcases the art at its very best and can be adjusted so the art can be interpreted and appreciated in a different light. The extra space also allows for Limited 2 Art to expand its bespoke framing service, which now has its own dedicated room, and the addition of a stock room means customers have even more choice available to them. It’s not only customers that will benefit from the gallery’s upgrade. With more space to entertain Limited 2 Art will host more visiting artists, and Ruth plans to host a bi-annual competition for the region’s amateur artists, starting in 2017.

The gallery’s inaugural show on Saturday 3 September 2016 will be by Kerry Darlington, who has previously shown work at The Courtyard, but is yet to see the new premises. For Ruth, the aim is to have a new visiting artist every four to six weeks, transforming Limited 2Art into a destination gallery for artists and artlovers alike, and putting Bawtry on the art world’s map. There are still some finishing touches to be added to the gallery, its regular artists are helping to decorate the stairs with original pieces of art. Each has been sent a board to paint, and once installed, customers will be able to see a new piece of art with every

step up to the mezzanine level. Sophisticated new premises and future plans aside, Ruth’s ethos for Limited 2 Art remains simple, she said: “This new gallery is about providing more beautiful art for people’s beautiful homes.” It may be Limited by name, but not by nature, and the gallery is set to flourish in its fabulous new setting. CONTACT:

Limited 2 Art 17 Market Place, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6JL Tel: 01302 711189 info@limited2art.com www.limited2art.com

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First For Business




said he was “delighted” to take over the head office, which has a team of 20. Notable schemes Peter has been involved with include Victoria Quays/Canal Basin and the redevelopment of the former Whitbread Brewery Site, known now as Riverside Exchange.

Commercial property agent Knight Frank is celebrating a double promotion. Peter Whiteley has been appointed as head of the Sheffield office while Ben White has been promoted to associate in the South Yorkshire team. Partner Peter, who has been with Knight Frank since 1990, takes over running the Sheffield office from Stephen Hodgson who retired earlier this year after 28 years in charge in the city and as group regional commercial head.

Knight Frank’s Peter Whiteley (right) and Ben White are celebrating promotions

Peter, who started as a graduate surveyor moving up the ranks to partner in 2000,

Meanwhile Ben joined Knight Frank in July 2014 as a senior surveyor to work alongside clients and developers across the Sheffield City Region. His involvement has secured major deals in the region including Tommy Tucker’s 42,000 sq ft occupation at Target Park, Dinnington.





Bar owner Ted Finley has pursued his love of pork scratchings and beer to open the first micro-pub in Sheffield’s Broomhill.

Doncaster Sheffield Airport has been celebrating record passenger numbers.

Ted, a former joiner from Kent, was given permission by Sheffield City Council to turn the former Knowle’s Emporium gift shop on Glossop Road into a small pub offering craft ales, bar snacks and pub games. Having sought legal advice from Sheffield solicitors Wake Smith on leasing the building, the micro-pub, called The Itchy Pig Alehouse after Ted’s passion for pork scratchings, opened on July 30.

Tom Weightman, commercial property solicitor at Wake Smith, said: “We were appointed to advise on the lease and delighted to help Ted achieve his ambition. Broomhill is a thriving suburb of Sheffield popular with students and young people. We wish Ted all the best with his new venture.”

ROBSON’S CHOICE IS NEW CEO JEFF HUDSON Robson, the award-winning Sheffield based handling technology company has further strengthened its board and executive leadership team with the appointment of Jeff Hudson as chief executive officer. Jeff ’s appointment is the fourth new senior appointment with the others including Bill Speirs as chairman, Julian Bestwick as finance director, and Abby Young as company secretary. Jeff brings with him a wealth of experience in the international B2B capital projects environments having previously held senior leadership roles as European director with Clyde Bergemann Power Group and latterly President EMEA and Global Strategy for the NASDAQ-quoted company, CECO Environmental Corporation.

48 First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com

Latest figures show the busiest April and May in the airport’s history, an achievement airport bosses have put down to a mix of the eight new Flybe routes, which started earlier this year, growth with incumbent airlines and the opening of Great Yorkshire Way link road, which has made the airport even more accessible. Steve Gill, managing director of Doncaster Sheffield Airport said: “We are on track for record growth and this is fantastic news for the Sheffield City Region. A thriving region needs a thriving airport and as the latest figures show, we are beginning to achieve this. “In terms of leisure, people have really started to embrace Doncaster Sheffield Airport as their local airport and are showing their support by travelling from here whenever possible.” More than 200,000 passengers travelled from Doncaster Sheffield Airport over the two-month period. “Flights to Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin have been welcomed by the business community who are now beginning to use the airport as a gateway to the world,” added Steve.




Two Yorkshire lawyers will swap the office for the stage this October when they perform a stand-up comedy routine in front of a live audience.

Sheffield’s world-class aquatics venue has been chosen to host the two biggest events in the domestic swimming calendar next year.

Harvey Harding and Nigel Taylor of Sheffield firm Proddow Mackay, are taking part in Weston Park Hospital’s Funny Business event to raise funds for the specialist cancer hospital. This will be the fifth year that the hospital charity has invited successful Sheffield business people to tackle this daunting challenge and a total of ten brave souls have put themselves forward. The contestants will have coaching from professional comedian Alfie Moore. Money raised will go towards funding a wide variety of projects for Weston Park Hospital including the expansion of research studies, improving the way cancer treatments are delivered and supporting the ongoing care provisions of patients and their families affected by cancer. Last year’s event raised over £15,000 and the target this year is £20,000. The event will take place at Sheffield City Hall in front of an audience of 450.

Ponds Forge International Sports Centre’s Olympic-size 50m pool will stage the 2017 British Swimming Championships and British Para-Swimming International Meet. Britain’s best swimmers and para-swimmers with ambitions of competing at their respective World Championships in 2017 will converge on Sheffield for ten days of competition next April. The British Championships, taking place from 18 to 23 April, will be used as the British selection trials for the World and European Junior Championships, and the European Youth Olympic Festival.

Yorkshire training and education charity ITS Group has acquired SmartStyle Technology Training Ltd to extend its reach across the region.

The British Para-Swimming International Meet, from 27 to 30 April, will be the sole selection event for para-swimmers to qualify for the 2017 IPC Swimming World Championships in Mexico.

The commercial training firm was purchased for an undisclosed sum by Barnsley-based charity, ITS Group. The group already holds established college sites in Barnsley, Doncaster and Huddersfield.

Ponds Forge, which is celebrating its 25th birthday this year, is run by SIV – part of the not-for-profit Sheffield City Trust (SCT).

Although the group acknowledges the acquisition of a commercial organization is an unusual move for a charity, it is part of a wider strategic plan to grow nationally and offer a range of opportunities to clients whilst remaining committed to its charitable objectives.

Dominic Stokes, general manager of SIV Events – the events arm of SIV, said:


Bradford business SmartStyle will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary, complementing the group’s apprenticeship training offer and expanding its client base.

WIZZ AIR LAUNCHES ROMANIA ROUTE FROM DONCASTER SHEFFIELD AIRPORT YORKSHIRE passengers have taken off to Cluj in Romania, thanks to a new service with WIzz Air. Passengers can now enjoy a trip to the city in North West Romania, which is considered to be the unofficial capital of the historical province of Transylvania with links to the fictional character Count Dracula. The grand city is full of baroque buildings, a majestic cathedral and a stately national opera house. It is also a vibrant university town and nightlife centre with plenty of cocktail bars and dancefloors. It is also a fantastic ski destination from early December to late April. Romania has great tradition in wintersports and great places to enjoy them. Cluj opens up access to a number of top resorts and is on many must-visit lists for 2016. WIzz Air operate flights to Cluj, twice a week on Fridays and Mondays departing at 7.35am making the route perfect for a long weekend or midweek break.

“The economic impact of staging these highprofile events will be significant for the city in terms of bed nights and athletes, coaches, families and spectators visiting Sheffield over the ten days of competition. We look forward to welcoming British Swimming to Ponds Forge in 2017.”

ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Robert Hanney, director of corporate finance for Knowles Warwick Chartered Accountants, celebrated thirty years with the firm on July 1st. Established in 1985, Knowles Warwick has been in business for thirty one years, making Robert the longest serving employee, after Steve Knowles, founder and managing director, himself. To commemorate his milestone, Robert was presented with an engraved plaque and tickets to the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, where he and Steve celebrated three decades of working together and building Knowles Warwick into a successful business.

First For Business | www.sheffieldvibe.com 49

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