1 minute read
from Northside July 2023
by RMC Media
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What’s Going On, Leeds?
pinks haavve keen the world b stor m er the last y ov yeear and show no signs of stopping as we enter the summer season
Home Essentials denarefr our home and gar y Give yo rd e e eshwith these local businesses elcome to our July issue.
WEvery year at this time we turnoutattentiontotheGreat turn out attention to the Great , Yorkshir Yo reeShow which once again returns to the Harrogate Showground. Fromf ro faashionandar t to food and sinstor livestock, , we look at what’ reefor this yeear’s event.

On the food front we visit two much-looved restaurants and speak to , The Gentleman Fishmonger who is a ofDoncasterMark stalwart keetandhad now branched out into the restaurant y industr y. .

Elsewhere we look at what’s going T ea, on in y yoourar , preview Trramlines Festival and enjoy a city break in Oxford.

See you next month.
Richard Abbey Executive Editor
Uili V The Spor ts Utility Veehicle has evolved
ACCOUNTS asdenT Steve W Teel:07503154498
Email: steve.wasden@rmcmedia.co.uk
Published by: RMC Media, Office 1 Enterprise eld Court, Shef House, 1 Broadfi ffield, S8 0XF
Tel: 0114 250 6300 Email: info@rmcmedia.co.uk
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T Teel:07989358215 richard.abbey@rmcmedia.co.uk
Dan Wray dan.wray@rmcmedia.co.uk
SOCIALMEDIA&DIGITTAAL MANAGER Sam Pegg sam.pegg@rmcmedia.co.uk
Chris Clayton
T Teel:07843633188 chris.clayton@rmcmedia.co.uk
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