////// NORTHSIDE JULY 2018
Great Yorkshire Show 160th anniversary 10-12 July 2018
Leeds-born actor Nik Goldman’s producing career lifts off
The restoration man Mark Hinchliffe’s labour of love Mark Hinchliffe’s labour of love breathes new life into The Chapel
JULY 2018
Bring bohemian indoors with these festival-inspired home picks
28 The Diary
A monthly round-up of what’s happening in the Northside region
36 Travel
56 Fashion
Whatever the occasion, make sure your outfit is the main event with the help of these local boutiques
64 Beauty
With culture, history and natural landscapes in abundance, it’s no surprise Mallorca is the most popular of the Balearic Islands
The beauty essentials to pack this festival season
44 Best in show
72 Eating Out
The Great Yorkshire Show returns 10-12 July and is celebrating a very special anniversary – 160 years. Phoebe Seymour and Hannah Sanders take a look at what’s in store
88 Home & Garden
Create a party vibe inside and out with these festival-inspired pieces
105 Home Essentials
Put the finishing touches to your home with the help of these local businesses
We dine at Thai Edge
80 Northern Nights
Have you been caught on camera?
FRONT COVER... Mark Hinchliffe talks about his stunning renovation of The Chapel in Harrogate. See page 42 for more
For all advertising enquiries please call 0114 250 6300 or contact: Amanda Roy: amanda.roy@rmcmedia.co.uk (Tel: 07843 633184) Lisa Dawson: lisa.dawson@rmcmedia.co.uk (Tel: 07733 275086) MANAGING EDITOR Chris Wilson EDITORIAL Phoebe Seymour, Rachel Martin, Hannah Sanders DIGITAL REPORTER Ashley Birch CHIEF SUB-EDITOR Richard Abbey SUB-EDITOR Richard Smith STUDIO MANAGER Chris Brierley DESIGN Dan Wray, Steve Levers, Charles Bradshaw OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Jillion Wood PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Amanda Roy SALES EXECUTIVE Lisa Dawson DIGITAL COMMERCIAL MANAGER Melanie Jackson DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Chris Clayton ACCOUNTS Paul Barrett Published by: RMC MEDIA, 6 Broadfield Court, Broadfield Business Park, Sheffield, S8 0XF Tel: 0114 250 6300. Email: northside@rmcmedia.co.uk. Website: www.northsidemagazine.co.uk Not connected with any other company or group. Printed by Buxton Press, Buxton, Derbyshire. www.buxtonpress.com The publisher takes no responsibility whatsoever for the safe keeping or return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or other material. Any submitted material should be accompanied by an SAE. All material is the copyright of the RMC Media and is not to be reproduced without permission. The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement in this publication shall amount to an acceptance of our terms and conditions, copies of which are available on request.
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Teenage kicks
Teenage T eenage e kicks kicks
We report on the specialist adolescent sports injuries service provided by Spire Leeds and how it is helping teenagers on the road to recovery.
Read R ead about a new new, w, specialist child and adolescen adolescentt spor sports ts injur injuryy ser service vice a att Sp Many teenagers participate in sports activities in and Spir Spire e LLeeds eeds Hospital is amongst the lar largest gest out ofpriv school like any in athlete at every level, they private ateand hospitals the North Nor th and has been can pick up injuries. care ed ffor or o 30 years. years. It provides provides medical care established
35 specialties andinjuries its clinics and oper operating ting lists Whilstinteen athletes sustain at a similar rateato are of more consultants. e run by a team o f mor e than 200 c ar onsultan ts. adults, the injuries affecting adolescents are different from those affecting adults, because they are still The hospital has the widest range range of of private private growing. It is important therefore that they are treated en adolescen services for f or o children childr and adolescents of ser vices ts of any any by specialists experienced in paediatrics, that is, those private te hospital in West W est Yorkshire Y ork o shir e and is priv a who are trained to treat children and adolescents up to CQC (Care (Care Quality Commission) Commission) accredited accredited by the CQC the age of 18. provide surgery gery ffor or o childr children from 10kg to pr ovide sur en fr om 10k g of of
weight upw upwards ar its dedica dedicated tedteam childr children’s ward. weigh ard. Spire Leeds isthome tods theinregion’s largest ofen’s w consultants who are experienced in treating sports vices e overseen overseen by Child and adolescen adolescent t ser services are injuries. Working in partnership with thear hospital’s f 40 c onsultan ts , man y o of consultants, many of whom a team o f own nursing, scanning and physiotherapy teams, the work orthopaedics and so ar are within qmNJXA`Xqtq WN`m pNtupc }eucVNp mAtXNctq te Su`` TtcNqq or thopaedics e highly xperienced tr easporting ting spor experienced treating sporting e ting injuries and and get them back tointheir activities. ehabilitation in childr en and yyoung oung people children people.. rrehabilitation onsultants work in par tnership with the Consultants partnership C adiology, pathology hospital’ss own nursing nursing,, rradiology, hospital’ pathology physiotherapy teams to help to return and ph ysiother return Teenage sportsapy injuries }}eucVNp mAtXNctq te Su`` TtcNqq AcL VNt tWNb eucVNp mAtXNctq te Su`` TtcNqq AcL VNt tWNb As children reach puberty and adolescence they back to their sporting spor ting activities. ac tivities. VNcNpA``} N|mNpXNcJN A qXVcXTJAct Vpe{tW qmupt¶ 3WXq
Vpe{tW Xq uquA``} ucNzNc¶ 3WN IecNq Vpe{ Tpqt AcL bA} Teenage T eenage eenag e spor sports ts injuries pull excessively on the muscles and tendons, causing mAXc AcL XcUAbbAtXec¶ 3WXq ucNzNc Vpe{tW mAttNpc children enmore rreach each puber puberty tytoand adolescence they childr makesAs teenagers susceptible muscle, tendon they VNcNpA``} N|mNpXNcJN A qXVcXTJAct Vpe{tW qmupt¶ } N | m N p X N c J N A q X V c X T J A c t V p e { t W q m V N c N p A ` ` and growth plate injuries. The main types of injury tend upt ¶ growth uneven. grow ow th is usually une ven. The bones ow gr to fallThis into two categories – acute and overuse injuries.gr
Tpqt AcL bA} mu`` N|JNqqXzN`} ec tWN buqJ`Nq AcL T pqt AcL bA} mu`` N|JNqqXzN`} ec tWN buqJ`Nq AcL
AcutettNcLecq¸ JAuqXcV mAXc AcL XcUAbbAtXec¶ 3WXq injuries ec¶ 3WXq NcLecqare ¸ JAcaused uqXcV by mAsudden Xc AcL trauma XcUAbsuch bAtXas collisions, sprains strains. uneven growth pattern makes more e une vfractures, en gr owfalls, th pa ttern and mak es teenagers mor
susceptible toto muscle, tendonover andtime growth growth plate plate Overuse injuries tend occur gradually off injur injury all a in into Thetechnique main types o y tendisto ffall to eitherinjuries. due to poor or when an activity twosoca categories tegories - acute o overuse veruse injuries. repeated often, the body doesand not have enough time to recover between sporting activity. A stress fracture is Acuteoveruse injuries ar are e in caused sudden tr trauma auma such a common injury young by athletes. as ccollisions, ollisions, fr fractures, actures, ffalls, a alls, spr sprains ains and str strains. ains.
Adolescents can also experience growth plate injuries. Growth plates are the last part of the bones to Ov Overuse eruse injuries tend to occur gr gradually adually o over ver stop developing. Situated near the ends of the long time either due to poor technique or when an bones, the growth plates are areas of cartilage which activity ac tivity is repeated r epea ted so often, o f ten, t the body does not harden into bone once growth is complete. They are have have enough time to recover recover between sporting sporting particularly vulnerable to fractures in contact or high activity. acsports. tivityy. A stress stress fracture fracture is a common common overuse overuse impact
injury oung a athletes. injury in yyoung thletes.
Prompt Medical Attention Adolescen Adolescents ts can also e experience xperience gr growth owth plate plate injuries. Gr Growth owth pla tes isare aracute e theorlast par of the Regardless of whether anplates injury duepart to t of overuse, it is important a teen. who bones to stop developing. dethat veloping Situated Situahas teddeveloped near the ends symptoms seen and examined by ath medical o off theis long bones bones, , the gr growth ow pla plates tes ar are areas off e ar eas o professional to avoid anyhar long-term damage car cartilage tilage which harden den in into to bone or once gr growth owth disability. is ccomplete. omplete. The Theyy ar are e par particularly ticularly vulner vulnerable able to fr fractures actures in ccontact ontact or high impact impact sports. sports.
Treatment Pr Prompt ompt Medical A Attention ttention The treatment required will depend on the individual
injury but typical treatment includes physiotherapy, R egardless o Regardless off whether an injur injuryy is acute or due strength and conditioning, bracing, splinting or surgery.
to o veruse, it is impor overuse, important tant tha thatt a teen who has de veloped symptoms is seen and e developed examined xamined by void an a medical pr professional ofe essional to a avoid anyy long-term damage or disability disability..
Spire Leeds’ specialist sports service for young people At Spire Leeds we offer a comprehensive service– treating everything from growth plate and knee injuries to fractures and `XVAbNct LAbAVN¶ %up mAtXNctq INcNTt Speb¿ •
ecqu`tAtXecq {XtW `NALXcV Jecqu`tAct eptWemANLXJ¸ buqJu`eq_N`NtA` AcL qmeptq bNLXJXcN qmNJXA`Xqtq
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at at Spire Spir e Leeds Leeds Roundhay pire pire Leeds Leeds Hospital inHospital Roundhay Roundhain y Roundhay 0113 218 5977
Sports injuries treated at Spire Leeds includ
Stress fractures
Shoulder and elbow
• www.spireleeds.com/private-gp-services Tendon and • Ankle, foot, heal ligament injuries and shoulder pain • Muscle tears Guide disease Private Priv ate tr treatment eatment ccosts osts • Sever’s • Sprains Out-patient appointment Out -patient appoin tment with a consultant consultant £200 • Osgood-Schlatter dis • Overuse injuries £113
X-ray X -ray
MRII •scanKnee pain MR
£541 Larsen-Johansson di
CT C T scan
Ultrasound U ltrasound scan
Private treatment costs Physiotherapy treatment Ph ysiother apy tr eatment session
Families without private medical treatment can choose to pay for th teen’s treatment themselves. Typical guide prices include: %ut¹mAtXNct AmmeXctbNct {XtW A Jecqu`tAct
"0 qJAc
3 qJAc
4`tpAqeucL qJAc
-W}qXetWNpAm} tpNAtbNct qNqqXec
Options to pay in monthly instalments are available through our me loan partner, Zebra Health Finance. Visit Wttm¿ºº{{{¶ NIpAWNA`tWTcAcJN¶Jebº for more information.
Consultants Consultants specialising in teenage sports sports injuries Consultants specialising in teenage sports injuries children 0-18 yrs unless stated stated otherwise otherwise All see children Foot Foot & ankle Hand & wrist HandC &ampbell wrist Foot & ankleNick Harris Professor Pr ofessor Mr Doug Campbell (16-18 yrs only) Mr Doug Campbell (16-18 yrs only) Professor Nick Harris Mr R Robert ober t F Farnell arnell (16-18 yrsonly) only) Mr Robert Farnell (16-18 yrs Shoulder & wrist Shoulder & wrist Mr Simon Knigh Knight t Mr Simon Knight Mr Roger Hackney Mr Rspecialises oger Hackne Hackney y groin hernia) Pr Professor ofessor Simon Kay K aKay y Professor Simon (AlsoRoger in sports Ms Grainne Bourke (Also specialises in spor sports ts gr groin oin Ms Grainne Gr ainne Bourk Bourke e Mr Charlie Talbot (16-18 yrs only) Catherine Hernon Mr Neil Pennington hernia) Ms C Catherine aMs therine Hernon Knee & soft tissue Mr Ta albot (16-18 yrs only) Hip Charlie Talbot Mr Colin Mr NeilHolton Pennington Pennington KneeMr & Ram so soft ftVenkatesh tissue Mr Steve Bollen Mr Patrick Foster Mr R Ram am V Venkatesh enk tesh Mr SanjeevaAnand Hip Mr Ste Steve v e Bollen Mr Owen Wall Mr Stephen Guy Mr Colin Colin Holton Holton Mr Sanjee Sanjeev v Anand Mr Patrick Patrick Foster Foster Mr Owen Owen W Wall all Mr Stephen Guy
All see children 0-18 yrs unless stated otherwise
Analy Analysis sis o off scans and X X-rays -rays Analysis of scans and X-rays ffor or an any y musculosk musculoskeletal eletal pr problem oblem for any musculoskeletal problem Dr Phil O’ O’Connor CDr onnor Phil O’Connor Andrew Grainger Dr Andr ewDr Gr aingerGrainger (16-18(16-18 yrs only) Andrew yrs only) Dr Richar Richard d Dr FFawcett aRichard wcett Fawcett Sports & exercise medicine DrerJon Power (16-18 yrs only) Sports exercise Spor ts & e x cise medicine Dr Jon Power Power (16-18 yrs only)
Sports Sports Psychiatry Psychiatry Dr Allan Johnston Johnston (16-18 yrs only)
For more information on Spire Leeds’ adolescent sports injuries service call 0113 218 5977 or email XcSe qmXpN`NNLq¶Jeb or visit our Medicine and Surgery section on {{{¶qmXpN`NNLq¶Jeb
Spire Spir e Leeds Leeds Hospital, Jackson Jackson Avenue, Avenue, Roundhay, Roundhay, Leeds, Leeds, LLS8 S8 1N 1NT T
Putting customers first RISE FURNITURE AND MOBILITY ARE REDEFINING THE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE FOR THE ELDERLY. ise Furniture and Mobility opened its Leeds Road showroom in 2017. Nominated in 2018 ‘National Best New Retail Business’ and ‘Best Website’, the Harrogate retailer is redefining the shopping experience for the elderly. With over 35 years’ industry experience, Carl and Angel Drake decided to start their own business after becoming frustrated by their experiences shopping for Carl’s parents.
best-selling rollators, mobility scooters, leading wide fitting footwear brands and daily living products that enable customers to stay in their homes safer and for longer. “Our philosophy when we started was to buy British or buy the best. We offer our customers a choice of products that are modern and attractive, as well as being functional and supportive, catering for all budgets,” added Carl.
Good enough for Mum and Dad…
Best in class customer service…
“We didn’t like the way my parents were treated by some companies, who lacked understanding, employed high pressure sales techniques and poor customer service,” said Carl. “When choosing our products, we put ourselves in the position of our customers, who maybe buying for the first time. Our rationale, if a product was good enough to consider for Mum and Dad, then it would be good enough to sell to our customers too.”
Carl says providing excellent customer service is at the company’s core. “We want to provide a pleasant, relaxed shopping experience with the best possible customer service, it’s something we feel very passionate about. “We’re not your typical mobility shop. We don’t specialise in specialist medical aids, instead our showroom is far more lifestylebased,” emphasised Carl.
Products picked by experience…
What the future holds…
The busy Harrogate showroom not only offers an extensive range of the world’s finest mobility equipment – including awardwinning British rise recline chairs and beds, the UK’s best selling stairlifts and world leading home lifts – but also, sells the world’s
“We’re reinventing the shopping experience for the elderly and anyone struggling with mobility, by selling products that people really want, rather than products they need. “It’s very satisfying to know that our products are changing people’s lives, helping
12 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
them maintain their independence to enjoy life at home for longer.” “We stand by the sentiments of our mission statement. In fact, we’re building our reputation upon it. “Helping one person might not change the world... ...but it could change the world for one person.” “It adorns our showroom wall and totally sums up what we are trying to achieve. It serves as a constant reminder of why we are doing, what we are doing,” concludes Carl. Rise Furniture and Mobility 34c Leeds Road, Harrogate, HG2 8BQ Tel: 01423 526737 www.risemobility.co.uk
We provide general nursing care for older people as well as more complex care requirements for those of any age living with dementia, physical disability or brain injury. We support residents in all aspects of their wellbeing and the care we provide is always built around the individual.
Our respite care service offers families an opportunity to relax, safe in the knowledge that their family member is receiving the highest quality of care. An experienced and dedicated team of specialist nurses and carers are equipped to provide the highest quality nursing care around the clock.
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At the heart of our beautiful home is a listed building complete with cinema, spa and Bistro which overlooks Seacroft Green. Our purpose-built extensions provide a variety of spacious accommodation which is both functional and homely, designed to enhance the wellbeing of our residents.
Meal times are a highlight of our days with delicious, varied and nutritionally balanced menus for our residents to enjoy. We also offer vegetarian, vegan and kosher options. Residents and their families can enjoy our friendly Bistro for a coffee, cake or sandwich.
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LOVE THE PLACE YOU LIVE Spinning Acres, Far Headingley, LS6
Wake W ake up each morning to to birdsong, birdsong, not not traffic, traffic, in this unique private priv ate rental ren tal development. de v elopmen t. AVAILABLE TO RENT
Just Just tthree hree mi miles les to to the the north north west weest of of Leeds Leeds Conservation Area, Area, widely widely regarded regarded as as one one of of Conservation the m ost ex clusive rresidential esidential aareas reas o Leeds. the most exclusive off Leeds. fashionable addr ver 200 yyears, ears, ess ffor or o A fashionable address over nservation area area has has n ow this w onderful co this wonderful conservation now em barked u ew p hase in iits ts eevolution volution pon a n embarked upon new phase private rental rental scheme. scheme. aass aan n ex qui u site £40m private exquisite occupied Locateed in a part part of of the the city cittyy formerly formerly occupied Located orkshire’s w ealthiest mi wners. by by ssome ome o off Y Yorkshire’s wealthiest millll o owners. Spinning A cres has has b een rrecently ecently aawarded wa w rded Spinning Acres been ‘Best N ew H ousing igh-V Volume H ‘Best New High-Volume Housing Development’ b he L ABC, w hich rreflects eflects tthe he Development’ byy tthe LABC, which standard o roperties aavailable va v ilable o n tthis his si te. standard off p properties on site. Phase o ne h omes aare re a sstunning tunnin u g ra nge o wo, Phase one homes range off ttwo, ffour our and and five-bedroom five-bedroom properties, properties, and and are are now now aavailable vvailable either either furnished fur u nished or or unfurnished unffu urnished rent. The pindles, a ffor or rent. The Bobbins Bobbins aand nd Th Thee SSpindles, collection of of 14 new-build, new-build, four-bedroom four-bedroom collection town h ouses, co me w ith a study study and and garden. garden. town houses, come with
family bathrooms athrooms SStylish, tyylish, ffunctional u unctional kkitchens, itchens, fa amily b with master w ith four-piece four-piece suites, suites, an an en-suite en-suitee m aster e bedroom plus o oom/WC tto bedroom p lus a ffurther u urther sshower hower e rroom/WC floor These high end ese hig h en d tthe he ssecond econd flo or aare re sstandard. tandard. Th popular particularly rrentals entals are are p opular with with families, faamilies, particularly part art of of the the tthose hose who who find find tthemselves hemselves in tthis his p world heir ccareer. areer. w orld ffollowing ollowing ttheir There no other properties Th ere aare re n oo ther p roperties like like The The Bobbins Bobbins They aand nd The pindles on on the the rental rental market. market. They The SSpindles of rental rental properties. properties. aare re a rrevolution evolution in terms teerms of Phase Cloth Halls, loth H alls, will will be be complete completee this P hase ttwo, wo, C this will yyear ear aand nd w ill consist consist of of one one and and ttwo wo bedroom bedroom Designed wide aapartments. partments. D esiggned to to cater cateer for for a wide range stages of of ra ange of of private privatee tenants tenants at at different diff ffeerent stages find off h home ome yyou’ve ou’ve ttheir heir lives, lives, you’ll you’ll fin d tthe he kkind ind o at Spinning Spinning Acres Acres – one one aalways lwaayys dreamt dreamt about about at that exactly that exac tly matches matches yyour our aaspirations spirations aand nd lifestyle the lif feestyle - sso o tthat hat yyou ou ccan an ttruly ruly love love the place p lace you you live. live.
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Email: museum@yorkshireairmuseum.org | www.yorkshireairmuseum.org | Registered Charity No 516766
Leeds city museum 26 June - 23 September Open Tuesday - Sunday
EXHIBITION FAIR Saturday 7 July - 10am to 4pm
Portrait of India ©Olivia Hemingway
Free Admission 0113 218 5550 st-gemma.co.uk/40faces
18 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Registered Charity No. 1015941
An Exhibition Of Portraits By Olivia Hemingway
YOUR HOME FROM HOME Having selected five beautiful Harrogate stone cottages the owners transformed them with strikingly modern interiors. Adorning the walls of each are original paintings from local artists, carefully chosen for each interior. Should guests wish to purchase any of the artworks they can do so directly from the artists. The tranquil ambience of the rooms creates a harmonious, relaxing atmosphere, a place where visitors can enjoy a warm Yorkshire welcome, with the tea tray laid out, fresh milk in the fridge, and logs and kindling all ready for settling down in front of the glowing log burner. Special features include Miele pyrolytic ovens, Krups coffee machines,
De Longhi kettles, toasters, NEFF induction hobs, dishwashers, vinyl record players, bluetooth speakers, SMART TV’s and al fresco dining areas. The combination of antique, upcycled and ultra-modern gives each property its individual feel, whilst providing a modern
and practical living space. As many original features as possible have been retained, while still providing a modern living environment. The buildings are beautiful, and that beauty has been replicated on the inside transforming each property into an artwork.
Discover Artists’ Cottages at artistscottages.co.uk | tel 07801 741807 | email info@artistscottages.co.uk
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 19
Family fun FLAMINGO LAND RESORT HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A FUN-PACKED DAY OUT OR HOLIDAY. lamingo Land Resort, situated between York and Scarborough, is a combined theme park, zoo and holiday resort ideal for a fun-packed family holiday. All areas of the park are open daily until 4 November 2018 (with Winter Zoo open daily during November to March).
Newest attractions Flamingo 1 – Drive two-seater family racing cars over a 380-metre circuit. Featuring a figure-of-eight format, you and your fellow competitors can enjoy side-by-side racing over three individual lanes. Spectators can watch the action from a dedicated elevated
viewing area, whilst enjoying champion fish and chips. Peter Rabbit – Hit CBeebies animated series Peter Rabbit has arrived at Flamingo Land with a Peter Rabbit Adventure playground. Explore the Secret Tree House and hop along to Jeremy Fisher’s musical pond to explore giant instruments and learn about sounds from the giant lily pads. Meet Peter Rabbit himself, located by the Mansion House and Tea Rooms at 12.30pm and 3pm. Last August, a female Sumatran tiger cub, Menya, was born, so keep an eye out for her in the award-winning animal collection.
Children’s live character events Come and see your favourite characters, for no additional cost: Catboy & Owlette from PJ Masks – Super Hero Day – 21 July The Gruffalo – 11 August Enjoy a tot’s party celebration that includes singing, dancing and face-painting.
Thrilling theme park If you are looking for white knuckle thrills, there is a sensational collection of eight extreme rides, including the latest roller coaster Hero that puts visitors in a superhero flying position before swooping them around a track. In addition there is a great choice of junior and family rides. All the attractions in Dino-Stone Park have a dinosaur theme. Soar 45 metres into the air on the Pterodactyl swing, spin on the family coaster Twistosaurus and pedal on Cyclosaur. See animatronic dinosaurs, lifesize dino skeletons and search for dinosaur bones in the Dino Dig sand.
AWARD-WINNING ZOO Flamingo Land is one of the UK’s most visited zoos. With 140 species of reptiles, mammals and birds, you can enjoy an amazing view of the animal kingdom. A variety of Keeper Talks and a sea lion and bird show are included within your admission. For unrestricted views, meander through the lemur, wallaby and rainbow lorikeet walkways. 20 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
PARTY IN THE PARK 2018 Flamingo Land will host Party in the Park concerts from 6pm across summer, with celebrity chart-topping headline acts.
S Club 3 – 90s weekend – Saturday 28 July Pixie Lott – Saturday 18 August Vengaboys – 90s weekend – Saturday 1 September
Short breaks and a campsite Flamingo Land is an ideal base for a short break or longer holiday, located at the edge of the North York Moors National Park. The Flamingo Land Holiday Village is situated right next to the theme park, and offers luxury accommodation from holiday homes to premium lodges. And for guests who want to be at the heart of the action, four self-catering cottages are available. Alternatively, you can bring your own touring caravan, motorhome or tent, or buy your own holiday home.
The Mansion House The Mansion House and Tea Rooms was renovated a couple of years ago and allows guests to step back in time and enjoy traditional English refreshments, lovingly served in elegant surroundings. Flamingo Land have been granted a licence for civil wedding ceremonies in the Mansion House, which is also situated adjacent to the local village church. Christenings and private parties are also welcome. For more information visit flamingoland.co.uk or call 0800 40 888 40. Flamingo Land Resort Kirby Misperton, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 6UX Social media: flamingolandresort @flamingolanduk & flamingoland
PETER RABBIT™ © F Warne & Co. and Silvergate PPL, 2018
THE EMMERDALE STUDIO EXPERIENCE – STEP INTO THE DRAMA! o matter how the Yorkshire weather is behaving, you’ll learn about the characters you love, and the stories that have gripped a nation at The Emmerdale Studio Experience. Located at the former ITV studio on Burley Road, Leeds. This fun and informative indoor attraction showcases the entire ‘lights, camera, action’ process of producing an explosive episode of the multi-award winning show, Emmerdale. Shining a light on the nation’s favourite soap, you will get an exclusive glimpse into how the gripping story lines and spectacular stunts are created. Plus, your friendly tour
guide will spill some behind the scenes secrets. You’ll interact with iconic replica sets and have the opportunity to take plenty of photos along the way. Then following your 90-minute tour, you’ll have the opportunity take your memories home with a souvenir photograph of you sitting on the most famous sofa in soapland in The Dingles Wishing Well Cottage, and purchase exclusive merchandise in the lovely gift shop. Of course stepping into the drama can be thirsty work, so before and after the tour, you can enjoy a refreshing brew and tasty Yorkshire food in the warm and friendly café. Plus, if you’re looking for unique venue
hire, with its themed event space and meeting room, The Emmerdale Studio Experience can also host exclusive activities and events including themed Cocktail Trail Hen Nights. www.emmerdalestudioexperience.co.uk
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 21
The Dean’s Park, York Minster
A festival of renewal
SÓL ÁST – pop-up tipi bar
Family craft activities, 14 July to 30 August
A SUMMER OF EVENTS WILL CELEBRATE THE END OF A MAMMOTH RESTORATION PROJECT AT YORK MINSTER. new pop-up festival packed with exhibitions, events and activities for all ages will run in York Minster’s Dean’s Park this summer. The Heart of Yorkshire Festival will see the space transformed for a range of events, including an international stone carving festival, open air cinema and a tipi bar with sculpture exhibition from the team behind the popular THOR’S tipi bar. Other highlights from the summer in the park programme include family music, dance and storytelling workshops, talks and activities for adults and the return of the Minster’s popular children’s craft activities. The festival is themed around sustainability, the environment and conservation, reflecting the completion of the 10-year, £11.5m project to restore the cathedral’s East End and Great East Window, and the ideas of life and restoration which sit at the heart of the Christian faith.
Stone Carving Festival, 17-19 August 24 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Festival highlights York Minster Stone Carving Festival 17 – 19 August See more than 70 stonemasons and carvers from across the UK and Europe showcasing their skills during the international three-day York Minster Stone Carving Festival. The weekend, which forms the centrepiece of the summer festival, starts with the popular annual Stoneyard Open Day, followed by two days of carving in Dean’s Park. The weekend concludes with an auction of the pieces carved during the event. SÓL ÁST – pop-up tipi bar and sculpture exhibition 4 July – 2 September Enjoy refreshments from pop-up tipi bar SÓL ÁST - from the team behind THOR’S tipi bar which will provide street food and drinks with a summery vibe throughout the two month festival, including their signature cocktail the ‘Minster Martini’. A large outdoor garden and terrace will host an exhibition of contemporary sculptures by renowned Yorkshire artist Michael Lyons, paying homage to the bar’s theme of sun and light. Open air cinema 28 – 30 August Experience a blockbuster film under the stars with the country’s leading producer of openair cinema, The Luna Cinema. Three films will be screened between the 28 and 30 August
to conclude the festival, allowing viewers to enjoy a cinema experience with the Gothic cathedral as a backdrop. The films are Pan’s Labyrinth (28 August), Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (29 August) and The Greatest Showman (30 August). Family workshops and craft activities 14 July - 30 August Get hands-on at a range of family workshops and children’s craft activity sessions. Highlights include ‘Trashbang!’, an interactive music workshop from Billy Hickling, previously performer and rehearsal director with international stage hit STOMP, and interactive theatre performance sessions with Mud Pie Arts. Children’s craft activities will also run throughout the school holidays celebrating the theme ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Great and Small’. Adult workshops 10 July – 17 August Try your hand at flower arranging and willow weaving during the adult workshop sessions, or enjoy urban beekeeping demonstrations and interactive displays with the cathedral’s broderers.
For further details or to book tickets, visit www.yorkminster.org York Minster Deangate, York, YO1 7HH Tel: 01904 557200 www.yorkminster.org
One of the finest collections of Dolls and Toys in the Country
The Ilkley Toy Museum represents a journey back to childhood. With displays of dolls, dolls houses, teddy bears, tin plate toys, a 1940’s working model fairground and toys from the 1950’s and 60’s including many popular television characters. Open Saturdays and Sundays, 12 pm to 4pm.
www.ilkleytoymuseum.co.uk Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 25
Lotherton The Edwardian Gala, complete with brass band, side shows, crafts and themed entertainment, returns to Lotherton on 14-15 July and there’s a celebration of all things local at Yorkshire Day on 1 August. Lotherton continue the vintage theme, reliving all the fun of the fifties and getting down to the swinging sixties at the Vintage Weekend on 18-19 August. Themed costumes and vintage cars are of course welcome. Whilst you’re at it, why not take a walk on the wild side? Lotherton’s latest addition – Wildlife World – is home to flamingos, penguins and Arthur the tapir amongst other very special tropical species.
Kirkstall Abbey
Leeds Art Gallery There’s plenty to keep you crafty and creative at Leeds Art Gallery, no matter what your age or skillset. Learn, explore and think creatively with sensory events for under fives or join in with the Summer Youth Programme offering exciting opportunities in zine making and photography with industry experts for those aged 13-18. There’s also a selection of family events inspired by the Natural Selection exhibition, using materials to create artwork that explores the natural environment. 26 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
If you’re after some free fun in the fresh air this summer then why not plan a daytrip to Kirkstall Abbey, one of the best preserved monasteries in Britain. There’s a whole host of family friendly activities to keep your little ones entertained including picnics with Barry the dragon every Thursday from 10am. On the last weekend of every month, March to November, the abbey also plays host to Yorkshire’s most scenic deli market with over 40 pop-ups serving dishes from around the globe. Enjoy street food feasts from Yorkshire pudding wraps to spicy enchiladas and Jamaican curry.
Step back in time and dress up as an Elizabethan at Temple Newsam
Temple Newsam With 1,500 acres of lush parkland, Temple Newsam provides the perfect backdrop for some sizzling summer fun. Animal lovers and wannabe vets best get ready as Amazing Animal Week returns from 11-19 August. Expect visits from friendly guests at Tropical World and Wildlife World including owls, snakes, mini beasts and more. If historical happenings are more your thing then don’t miss the Time Travellers weekend from 7-8 July. Step back in time, chat as a Tudor, dress-up as an Elizabethan and bake some thrifty wartime scones. Not only will there be baking but there’s something brewing at Temple Newsam too. Guests of all ages are invited to make magical mixtures, brilliants brews and colourful creations to help you feel better both inside and out.
Leeds Industrial Museum & Thwaite Mills Watermill During the school holidays there are mystery matinees every Wednesday and Saturday from 2pm in one of the smallest cinemas in the UK, located in the heart of Leeds Industrial Museum. There’s also plenty more to see inside with new exhibition Treads to Threads inspired by the Tour de Yorkshire. The display reveals the history of cycling outfits and sportswear made right here in Leeds. In August there’s more time travelling underway as you’re invited to step back in time and travel in true vintage style on one of the city’s beautifully restored buses and coaches. They’ll be whizzing their way around local attractions including Leeds Industrial Museum and Thwaite Mills Watermill totally free of charge. Don’t forget to check out the magical woodland trails at Thwaite and stop off for a picnic by the waterfront. If you’re lucky enough then you might even catch a boat ride along the canal on one of the special event days.
This summer Leeds City Museum will be exploring the continent through a range of free activities, from Europe to Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica and North and South America. The youth programme also offers backpacking and survival workshops to inspire all those inner travellers out there. Speaking of travel, the Beavers to Weavers: The Wonderful World of Animal Makers exhibition, offers a unique insight into beautiful objects made by animals from all over the globe. Come and find some animal magic in the natural world right here in the heart of Leeds.
ABBEY HOUSE MUSEUM Come and join in on the action at Abbey House Museum, step back in time and experience the wonders of the past with activities, crafts and trails inspired by historical heroines. Sail the shores with Irish Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley, make dinosaur discoveries with Mary Anning and help in the hunt for WW2 super spy Nancy Wake. Adults are of course invited to join in with summertime activities too. Study day programmes return in July and keep an eye out for talks inspired by the popular 2018 exhibition, A Woman’s Place?
LEEDS DISCOVERY CENTRE One of Yorkshire’s best kept secrets, Leeds Discovery Centre, is home to over a million objects offering behind the scenes access for visitors to come face to face with artefacts from the past and present. Free tours run every Thursday at 11am and 2pm and there’s some extra special family workshops this summer with a day dedicated to the First World War in Yorkshire on 4 August.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 27
Plan B
The y r a i D nah By Han
The Pretenders
EVENTS Summer Series 2018
Simple Minds
July & August Jazz Leeds Millennium Square Festival Calverley Street, Leeds LS1 1UR www.millsqleeds.com The annual Summer Series will once again be taking over Millennium Square in July and August 2018 with a jam-packed programme of outdoor live concerts, free community festivals and much more.
Symphonic Sounds of Back to Basics
Live Music Events
20 July: Plan B 21 July: Tony Hadley with special guests Gabrielle and Ten Millennia 27 July: The Symphonic Sounds of Back to Basics with special guests Robin S, Utah Saints. Alison Limerick and more 28 July: A Classic Summer’s Evening 29 July: Brassed off Live 3 August: Pretenders with special guests The Lightning Seeds Free Events
23 & 24 July: Jazz Leeds Festival 1 August: Sounds of Asia - music from another world
Vegan North
Party in the Park
14 July North Brewing Co. Taverners Walk Industrial Estate, Sheepscar Grove, Leeds, LS7 1AH www.welcometoleeds.co.uk/event/vegan-north/ July will mark the inaugural Vegan North – Eat North’s first ever exclusively-vegan line-up of eight street food traders, along with award-winning vegan beers on tap, courtesy of North Brewing Co., as well as vegan wines and soft drinks.
Flamingo Land Kirby Misperton, Malton YO17 6UX Tel: 0800 408 8840 www.flamingoland.co.uk Party in the Park has become a firm Flamingo Land favourite and this year has some amazing names. From S Club 3 (28 July), Pixie Lott (18 August) and Vengaboys (1 September) there’s something for the whole family.
Leeds Tattoo Expo 7 - 8 July First Direct Arena Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY Tickets from £12 www.firstdirectarena.com There will be over 170 incredible artists from the UK, Europe and beyond visiting Leeds for two days of fantastic tattoos. They’ll be live music and entertainment including fire breathers and a piercing show.
28 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Coming up at Leeds First Direct Arena Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY www.firstdirectarena.com Tickets on sale now
Culture Club 23 November From £47.50
Sean Paul 16 August From £42.20
Madness 6 December From £37.50
Early Doors 5 October From £26.40
Mariah Carey 10 December From £53.20
Florence + The Machine 15 November From £43.40
Snow Patrol 29 January 2019 From £50.70
Harrogate Convention Centre Events King's Road, Harrogate HG1 5LA www.harrogateconventioncentre.co.uk 26 July: Harrogate Festival - Emma Johnson 27 July: Harrogate Festival - Laura Mvula 29 July: Harrogate Festival – Halle Orchestra 8-28 August: International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival 31 Aug- 2 Sept: The Great Brick Adventure
MUSIC Little Big Sing 11 July Howard Assembly Room 46 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NU Tickets £6 Children, £2 Adults www.operanorth.co.uk Meet lots of interesting characters and learn some new songs, as well as singing some our Little Singers favourites.
Oh Sees 11 July O2 Academy 55 Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 3AW Tickets £23 www.academymusicgroup.com The psychedelic rock group, Oh Sees, have worked under a flurry of names, different line-ups and a multitude of rhythms to have reached this, their ultimate incarnation.
James Taylor & His All Star Band 12 July First Direct Arena , Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY Tickets from £50 www.firstdirectarena.com
Legendary singer-songwriter and multiple Grammy award winner, James Taylor & His All Star Band has teamed up with Bonnie Raitt to announce a special show.
Inspiration Choir: Another Day of Sun 22 July Victoria Hall The Headrow, Leeds LS1 3AD Tickets from £13.50 www.leedtownhall.co.uk The massed voices of Inspiration and the Orchestra of Opera North present a feel good concert for the summer.
The ELO Experience 24 July York Barbican Paragon Street,York YO10 4AH Tickets £27.43 www.yorkbarbican.co.uk The ELO Experience are the world's foremost tribute to The Electric Light Orchestra. With a sensational string section, a stunning light show and large screen projection to further enhance the experience. Enjoy this incredible show as the songs and sounds of ELO are reproduced and take you on a magical musical journey through time.
THEATRE Peter Pan 27 July Harrogate Theatre 6 Oxford Street, Harrogate HG1 1QF Tickets £12 www.harrogatetheatre.co.uk Fly high as the mischievous Peter Pan embarks on a big adventure..
Kiss Me, Kate 23 May - 7 July Leeds Grand Theatre 46 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NZ Tickets from £15 www.leedsgrandtheatre.com On the opening night of The Taming of the Shrew in 1940s Baltimore, the stage is set for a funny and farcical battle of the sexes.
COMEDY An Evening with David Sedaris 16 July York Barbican Paragon Street, York YO10 4AH Tickets £34.15 www.yorkbarbican.co.uk David Sedaris has become one of America’s preeminent humour writers. He is the master of satire and one of today’s most observant writers addressing the human condition.
MUSEUMS & GALLERIES Natural Selection Photo: Alison Bettles Until 2 September Leeds Art Gallery The Headrow, Leeds LS1 3AA www.leeds.gov.uk Natural Selection marks the culmination of a five-year collaboration between artist Andy Holden and his father, the ornithologist Peter Holden.
Ilkley Toy Museum Whitton Croft Road, Ilkley, LS29 9HR Tel: 01943 603855 www.ilkleytoymuseum.co.uk Ilkley Toy Museum represents a journey back to childhood, with each piece keeping secrets of thousands of happy hours spent playing by children and their limitless imaginations.
STAGE & SCREEN Walking with Dinosaurs 22 - 23 August First Direct Arena Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY Tickets from £26.20 www.firstdirectarena.com The dazzling £20 million production has been seen by over nine million people in more than 250 countries around the world. Watch the walk, hear them roar and see their fight for survival in almost cinematic realism.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 29
30 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
t’s already been a busy year for Leeds actor Nik Goldman, as not only has he recently starred in the upcoming historical film Squadron 303 but he’s been diving into his other passion producing. After studying drama from the age of 11, Nik went on to study TV and Radio Production with Acting at the University of Salford before attending The Northern Film School where he gained an MA in Film Production. Since this, Nik has worked for various TV companies, acted in many films - his first big film being Jack Said in 2009 starring Danny Dyer where he played a lead role - and produced both short and feature films. His most recent film Squadron 303, is a Polish production shot in Warsaw and tells the true story of the Polish Air Force Squadron in WWII being trained by the British Air Force. Nik plays Ronald Kellett, a squadron leader and acts alongside some of the biggest names in Poland including Anna Prus, Piotr Adamczyk and Maciej Zakoscielny as well as Yorkshire’s own Downton Abbey actress Cara Theobold. Here he gives us an insight into his producing career, his most memorable filming moment and offers up some advice to young actors.
Nik on the set with some of the other actors in the film
Why do you think it’s so important to tell this historical event to the public?
It’s such a unique story and WWII is such a huge part of history for the world. In Poland it’s well-known but there has never been a narrative feature film made on the event. It’s important to be able to show people the history of the Polish Air Force and what they did during the war.
Tell me about your career so far.
After university and my MA in film production, I produced and acted in a number of successful films including Jack Said, Bloodrayne 3 and Auschwitz which was a feature film documentary and probably one of the hardest things I have ever acted in. I’ve continued to develop my producing and acting career throughout the years including taking a lead role in Anarchy Parlour, a horror film in 2016. I’ve just filmed Squadron 303 and am really looking forward to what the rest of the year holds for me. How did you land the role of Ronald Kellett in Squadron 303?
I was originally asked to help produce the film but I said I would prefer to act, however at the time they didn’t know what roles they had available so I came on board to help with the casting. In the end, they came to me and said there were a few roles they thought I would be suitable for if I was still interested - of course I said yes and then took on the role of Ronald Kellett. What was your most memorable moment during filming?
Acting alongside some big Polish stars including Piotr Adamczyk was just incredible. I did a monologue scene which involved around 40 extras where I was introducing him – it was pretty daunting but very memorable.
stand out are The Wicked Within, a horror movie and the short film Brushstroke. Acting can be a difficult career path - what have you found most exciting and challenging?
It’s a very difficult game which is why I do the producing side of things as well because when you are producing you can control your own projects. Although it can be very challenging when you are up against so many other great actors for a role, and it is such an unpredictable career path. However, once you get a role and turn up to the production to deliver your lines it’s just pure excitement. That feeling of knowing your acting is going to be seen by the public is fantastic. What advice would you give to aspiring actors?
‘Once you get a role and turn up to the production to deliver your lines it’s just pure excitement.’ What can the audience expect from the film?
It’s very sad, powerful, emotional and heavy drama. They can expect a very big production that hasn’t really been exaggerated and is true to history. You’re also an established producer, what are some films you are most proud of?
I did a short film in 2004 called Briefing which had American actor, Robert Peters, in it that has stood out. I am also really proud of Jack Said, as we had some big names in there and not only did it gain commercial success at the box office. but became one of the fastest selling DVD’s. Two others that
If you’re going follow acting as your career path, I think it’s important to have another job to help fund your acting. It’s key to be flexible and open to every job that comes your way as you never know when you are going to get your next gig. Young people should go out and do as many freebies as they can. So, take a role in the theatre and short films to help develop and discover yourself as an actor. Don’t forget to build up your casting reel as directors and agents as more interested in seeing what you can do. What’s next on the cards?
In 2019 I’m producing two films; Breckenridge, a political thriller starring Brian Cox, along with The Au Pair, a psychological thriller. I’ll also be playing lead roles in both of these productions. I’ve got some other upcoming lead acting roles in US Hollywood productions including The Locksmith, Hunted, A Southern Melody and Indelible. To find out more about Nik’s filmography visit www.imbd.com or follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with his latest projects. Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 31
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aloma Faith is performing live at Market Rasen Racecourse on Saturday August 18 and we have ten pairs of tickets to give away. The multiple BRIT award winner, known for her distinctive retro style, is embarking on a big If you want to be in with a summer tour with her acclaimed number one album The Architect riding high in the charts. chance of winning, visit She will be bringing hits old and new to the www.rmcmedia.co.uk and course for a stunning headline performance. answer the following question: The Architect followed the huge success of her 2014 album A Perfect Contradiction, which What is the name of Paloma spent 29 weeks in the Top 10 Albums Chart, 66 Faith’s new album? weeks in the Top 40, and 100 weeks in the Top 200. The new album is currently on course to Closing date for entries: become her fourth double platinum album in a Friday 20 July 2018 row – which would make her the first British woman in chart history to achieve this incredible feat. Paloma said: “I can’t wait to perform at Market Rasen Racecourse this summer for the first time. I love summertime and I love outdoor shows so to be able to perform on a – hopefully – sunny evening at the course is something I’m very much looking forward to.” The Jockey Club Live are leading promoters on the UK live scene, delivering spectacular line-ups of some of the hottest chart talent and legendary household names to some of the world’s most famous racecourses. Jockey Club Live concerts at Market Rasen Racecourse are a staple in the region’s social calendar and last year hosted thousands fans of live music, with performances from artists including Olly Murs and Kaiser Chiefs. The events are renowned for combining a fun-filled day at the races with a spectacular afternoon concert in the informal and relaxed open-air setting of the hallowed turf.
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 35
Playa de Muro beach, Alcudia bay
Isle be there WITH CULTURE, HISTORY AND NATURAL LANDSCAPES IN ABUNDANCE, IT’S NO SURPRISE MALLORCA IS THE MOST POPULAR OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS. he island of Mallorca is the largest of the Balearic Islands grouped in the Mediterranean Sea. As part of Spain, it is a vibrant, fun island with an abundance
Discover Mallorca by boat
36 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
of fantastic sandy beaches, traditional towns, hillsides and parks to explore. Is it any wonder that it has become a firm favourite with so many British holiday-makers? Visitors can wander through Palma’s gothic quarter and wonder at its cathedral. Laze on golden sandy beaches or delight in the Tramuntana Mountains. Luxuriate in charming manor houses or relax in a sophisticated boutique hotel. For romance or fun, action-packed or lazy days, there’s something to suit everyone in Mallorca. The Balearic Islands comprise of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, with Mallorca the largest, the most popular, and the best known of these delightful islands. Mallorca is often likened to a continent rather than simply an island due to its variety in culture, history and natural landscapes and it is not surprising that the sheer beauty of the island captivates everyone who visits it. No other European island boasts more contrasting terrain, from the fertile plains of the centre to the almost alpine peaks of the Tramuntana Mountains in the northwest and across to the gentle hills of the Levante to the east. The island’s 500km of coastline offers a
succession of lovely coves, beautiful sandy beaches and secluded bays with some extraordinary caves to explore: notably the Caves del Drac near Porto Cristo. And together with a mild climate and a rich cultural history, it really does provide a delightful holiday destination. The highest peak in visitors is within the summer months, but there is in fact plenty to see and do all year round. Although if you are looking for a beach holiday, May to October will be the best time to visit. Temperatures during the winter months are usually quite mild and remain in double figures. For those who are looking to explore Mallorca’s cultural and historic sights, the winter season is perfect as there are fewer tourists. The city of Palma is a popular choice for city and short breaks with such a great choice of shops, restaurants, museums and galleries. Mallorca has something to suit all tastes: from designer shopping in Palma to haggling for leather souvenirs at the Inca market, from water parks to theme parks, from sailing trips to cruises and exclusive restaurants to tapas bars and evening entertainment shows.
THINGS TO DO: Amaze’n Laberintos
Palma de Mallorca International Boat Show
The maze at Playa de Muro is one of the largest in Europe, stretching for nearly 1.4km on the beach beneath the pines. It’s a great idea for family things to do in Mallorca with its water dragons, monsters, witches, clowns and magicians lurking around hidden corners. There are baffling puzzles and riddles to help or hinder your progress. Open daily.
A floating exhibition displaying more than 300 boats ranging from 6m to 35m in length, the International Boat Show is hosted in the Moll Vell port area of Palma during the last few days of April and first few of days of May. The show focuses on recreational sailing and the best of sailing as a sport. Inca Market
A fascinating network of caverns, the Arta Caves, on Mallorca’s east coast at Cap Vermell, are nearly 50 metres above the sea. The cave chambers rejoice in names such as Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. The 22m tall stalagmite known as Queen of the Pillars is the highlight. Open daily it is a great attraction to visit when looking for things to do in Majorca.
Held on a Thursday, Inca’s weekly market is one of the best ways to get a feel for the real Mallorca. Although holidaymakers do visit in large numbers, the vast majority of customers are Mallorcans keen to track down a bargain as almost everything is sold there. The leatherwork is particularly good and high quality handbags, sandals and baskets are available. It is a great place for shopping and gifts.
Palma Aquarium
Old Town Alcudia
Exhibiting an exceptional variety of flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea, Palma Aquarium boasts a very large array of species, including fish from the Australian coral reef and sharks amongst the 55 different aquariums. The aquarium is another great attraction for adults and children alike when looking for alternative things to do in Mallorca, away from the beach. The aquarium is open daily.
Located in the north-eastern area of Mallorca is Alcudia’s old town. The town is surrounded by a moat and walls which were built over the 13th and 14th centuries by order of King Jaume II in order to protect its inhabitants. Now, the walls are an artistic historical site and are protected from further damage since part of the wall collapsed. Although the town has limited shops, there are cafés and restaurants serving traditional tapas and wine.
Arta Caves
There are also historical aspects about the town that are ready to be explored such as the roman theatre. A market runs on Tuesdays and Sundays 8.30am-1.30pm. Catamaran
Exploring Mallorca on land is fantastic, however, if you fancy something a bit different, why not explore the surrounding seas with a catamaran day trip, a great way to view Mallorca from another perspective. Offering a memorable experience with food, music and beverages, the charges are approximately 50 euros per person and 25 euros per child. Private hire is also available with prices varying between the different seasons. Cycle routes
The island has some spectacular cycle routes to please all sorts of abilities. Dramatically stunning views over cliff tops accompany your ride as you make your way to the most north easterly point of the island, Cap de Formentor. At the tip is the Formentor lighthouse, when you can take some refreshment and gaze over the stunning views which make the task of cycling up those winding roads well worth it.
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CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The view from Formentor; The cathedral in Palma; Arta caves; Gran Melia Victoria terrace
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Mark Hinchliffe is an avid collector of objets d’art and has commissioned his own wallpaper (left) which he will be selling worldwide
Transformed by passion MARK HINCHLIFFE TALKS ABOUT HIS STUNNING RENOVATION OF THE CHAPEL, HARROGATE. uilt in 1896 - with its striking facade styled on a baroque Italianate church and lavish structural design of the late eighteenth century reminiscent of the architectural marvels of Rome - The Chapel, Harrogate, had the capacity to seat 1,000 worshippers, but when congregations dwindled in the early 21st century, the building fell out of use, and lay empty for a number of years. In 2009, the building was given Grade II listed status by the National Heritage (Historic
England), a move which not only influenced the designing, planning and transformation of the Wesleyan chapel, but in 2013, kick-started one man’s exacting journey to restoration. Here, owner and seasoned property renovator Mark Hinchliffe talks to Northside about the inspiration and determination behind converting a neglected sanctuary into a live/work home, and reflects on his undimming passion for antiquarian and contemporary art, and vintage curios. Tell us about The Chapel
Mark Hinchliffe has transformed The Chapel, Harrogate
42 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
The Chapel is a stunning grade II listed building located in the heart of Harrogate, which, as part of a complete two-year restoration, has been transformed to provide a distinctively historic, yet contemporary boutique bed and breakfast experience. With its eccentric and eclectic mix of eras, The Chapel is the perfect place to admire the fascinating objets d’art and interiors I have spent a lifetime collecting, and there’s also a range of en-suite bedrooms, all themed and showcasing the exotic flavours of India, China, Japan and Europe. Coupled with two living spaces one styled as a gentleman’s smoking
room and its counterpart as a ladies boudoir The Chapel is filled with all manner of ephemera, and the 50ft atrium is a beautiful open plan space, which not only serves as the perfect venue for corporate events, weddings and birthdays, but offers a stunning location for film, TV and photography shoots. The exterior boasts a private garden and large external balcony, perfect for drinks receptions and private dinners, and we have some of the country’s top chefs on hand to provide exceptional French, Spanish and Italian cuisine. What lead you to The Chapel?
Every building has its own unique set of reasons that make it worth restoring, but initially, preservation plays a pivotal role. Old buildings teach us about the history that transpired before us, and it is important to endorse respect for those who lived in different times and societies. Visitors like to experience the ‘spirit’ of The Chapel, and I believe it’s down to not only the historical structures themselves, but restorers like myself to bring character and a certain charm to the community. A decaying oldie is not an object of demolition, but rather an opportunity to contribute to local wellbeing.
The Chinese Opium Suite at The Chapel
Since converting the Chapel, I’ve met many people who have a connection, or are simply inspired by my work, and a recent guest - and member of the Ceretto family - invited me to not only visit the family vineyard, but renovate the property, having seen what I’d created here in Harrogate. The Ceretto family embrace their passion for contemporary art and modern architecture, and in the last few years, they have commissioned a multi-coloured Sol LeWitt and David Tremlett Chapel in La Morra, a transparent Cube in Castiglione Falletto, and a technological Acino and Artist’s House in Alba. Every renovator has a handful of other renovators and artists they look to for inspiration and guidance, and I have certainly stumbled upon another of mine. What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Before Italy, I had been working non-stop for six months, so it was fulfilling to come back and comprehend just what I had achieved. We also came runner-up to Soho House, Barcelona in the 2018 Vision Style Awards, which was a significant milestone. To be able to compete against a multimillion pound enterprise was particularly gratifying, and it was really rewarding to receive recognition for the ardour I put in to my work. What advice would you give to anyone thinking of taking on a similar restoration?
Prepare yourself for a hard trip. It’s cost me relationships, my wellbeing and a lot of money. You have to be slightly bonkers to take on such a demanding project, but once you stand back and really look at the finished product, the overwhelming feeling of accomplishment is unbelievable.
The Indian Suite
What did the restoration of The Chapel entail?
A lot of hard work and determination. I ran out of money, split with my partner, worked seven days a week and had two disks removed from my spine. But it was worth it. In short, the stained-glass windows have been fully restored as part of a five- month project, and on the first floor, a small balcony of tiered seating has been extended to create six bedrooms. Where the organ used to be is a formal dining area, lit by a three-metre
chandelier, commissioned by avant-garde designer Mark Brazier-Jones, who also designed the sofa, dining table and chairs in the living area below. When your sitting room and dining area are the size of an Olympic swimming pool, an Italianate marble floor is the obvious solution, right? So I purchased one from Lapicida in Knaresborough, where it was once the showroom floor. Howarth-based furniture designer Anthony Hartley also did an exceptional job of upcycling the old pews, repurposing them to create a kitchen that sits somewhere between Victorian Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Heston Blumenthal. It was a long and arduous journey, but to capture the raw beauty of The Chapel, you really do have to experience it for yourself.
What projects are you working on at the moment?
I would like to work on a documentary in Italy, about wine, art and the serendipity of meeting people. Art is erupting on to vineyards and I would love to focus on the link between creation and the earth. I love design, so I’m also in the process of having some of my personal collections made into prints and wallpaper, which I plan to retail internationally and from the Chapel. The wallpaper I have principally commissioned has already attracted some really interesting characters, and will be showcased in a property in Italy. It’s wonderful to be able to take a little piece of the Chapel worldwide. I’m also currently filming with Channel 4, for a small series coming out later this year, but that’s top secret. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I’d like to think I’ll be restoring something three times the size of The Chapel. An Italian palazzo, maybe. Do you have plans to expand further?
What is a typical working day like for you?
I wouldn’t say I have a typical working day, because I’m constantly working on or thinking up new projects, but a recent working week for me entailed a trip to Alba, Italy.
I’m always conjuring up more plans for restoration, but there’s nothing in the pipeline imminently. Subject to application, I want to snap up a sister venue in Southern Italy - so watch this space. Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 43
Dynamo Lorenzo will be a Main Ring attraction at this year’s event
GYSheifer at Imphal Barracks 44 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
All images courtesy Great Yorkshire Show
Show director Charles Mills
Rosemary Shrager
Best in show THE GREAT YORKSHIRE SHOW RETURNS 10-12 JULY AND IS CELEBRATING A VERY SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY – 160 YEARS. PHOEBE SEYMOUR AND HANNAH SANDERS TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT’S IN STORE. he Great Yorkshire Show (GYS) is celebrating its 160th annual show with a busy line-up of activities and events showcasing the very best farming, food and countryside in the region. Taking place at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate from Tuesday 10 to Thursday 12 July, and with over 130,000 visitors and 8,500 animals every year, 2018’s three-day event promises to be even more exciting than ever before. “Our 160th Great Yorkshire Show is set to be magical with some of the finest animals in the UK competing, breathtaking performances in the main ring and plenty of surprises lined up for visitors to celebrate the milestone. This is a celebration of food, countryside and agriculture with something for everyone of every age while keeping farming at its heart,” said show director, Charles Mills. As this year is an incredible milestone for the event, there will be a few surprises thrown in along the way including the
GYSheifer, which has already been on the moooove. In the 1800s the Craven Heifer became a national phenomenon, touring the country and still remains the largest cow ever shown in England. To celebrate 160 years, The Yorkshire Agricultural Society has teamed up with Yorkshire sculptor, Emma Stothard to go back to where it all began by recreating the giant beast of a cow. The one-off, life-sized sculpture has been touring Yorkshire to help promote one of England’s biggest and best agricultural shows. If you missed its appearance at the pop-up spots worry not as it will be on display at the show this year. Mason Gin, Bedale, is using apple blossom from the showground to create a limited edition gin to further make the show’s 160th anniversary, with around 100 bottles available to buy over the three days.
¸ Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 45
Show director Charles Mills with his family
Cathy Mason, who set up the business with husband Karl said: “We wanted to do something to mark this big anniversary and to tie our special distillation in with the show.” Show director, Charles Mills added: “This year is a big celebration for the show and we’re delighted that Masons are helping us toast our anniversary in true Yorkshire fashion and in a way that incorporates a real link to the showground and its beautiful landscape.” To further celebrate, show organisers have launched a new limited edition clothing which includes a range of ladies and gents rugby tops, t-shirts, polos, caps and a special 46 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
edition t-shirt. All the clothing has a stylish, embroidered crest featuring Celebrating Yorkshire, circled by Ears of Wheat along with the Yorkshire Born and Bred slogan. “This is a big year for the Great Yorkshire Show and as part of our celebrations we’ve launched a new and exciting range of merchandise. The range is already selling fast so be sure to get yours,” said Charles. There’s also 160th Great Yorkshire Show mugs made by Moorland Pottery on sale now. All the merchandise is available at www.shop.fodder.co.uk.
This year get ready to welcome back equestrian dynamo Lorenzo to the Main Ring with his daredevil bare-back display and Rosemary Shrager will be whipping up a storm in the cookery theatre. And, not forgetting the President’s Lawn which will be showcasing some very new special additions. Lizzie Jones will be not only be a calendar highlight but be making history when she becomes the first singer to perform in the Main Ring. The talented soprano will sing with The Band of the Royal Armoured Corps as well as performing after a one minute’s silence to remember one of the show’s longest serving commentators, Mike Tucker, who sadly passed away in March. Mike was a close friend of the Society and had been the Main Ring commentator at the GYS since 1973. “It’s an absolute pleasure to have Lizzie Jones taking centre stage at the 160th show. It will also be very special to see Lizzie perform before we pay tribute to Mike Tucker a very good friend of the Society and show,” said Charles. Lizzie will be performing twice a day in the heart of the showground dressed by Yorkshire designer James Steward who is known for show-stopping couture designs. Over the three days, the showground will be full of special guests to help celebrate the 160 years including The Princess Royal on 11 July who will spend the day meeting officials, competitors and exhibitors. Charles Mills said: “We are honoured by Her Royal Highness’s visit and it’s always
Strutting her stuff wonderful to welcome a visitor with such genuine interest in farming and the countryside. We’ll be able to show the Princess some of the best animals in the country as well as they very best of rural life, food and farming.” From cutting edge farming equipment and machinery to displays from big name brands, the GYS is the place where all the latest ranges are showcases. And, although the show has agriculture at its heart, there’ll also be a host of entertainment, live music, cookery demos and a professional catwalk show featuring Countryfile Presenter, Anita Rani. In the judging rings, thousands of animals from cattle to sheep and pigs to pigeons will compete for winning titles, with the show finishing with one of the most prestigious show jumping classes in the country – the Cock O’The North competition. The Great Yorkshire Show features a host of country skills, an extensive food hall showcasing regional produce, over 1,200 stands where you can treat yourself to some local produce, the Discovery Zone to keep the little ones entertained along with much more – so rest assured that visitors will be in for an unforgettable event. Further information and tickets for the Great Yorkshire Show are available at www.greatyorkshireshow.co.uk.
TV PRESENTER ANITA RANI WILL BE SWAPPING THE COUNTRYSIDE FOR THE CATWALK AT THIS YEAR’S GREAT YORKSHIRE SHOW. ountryfile presenter Anita Rani is to take to the catwalk at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show, swapping her wellies for something a little more stylish. Bradford-born Anita, who has also fronted Watchdog, This Morning and was a huge hit on Strictly Come Dancing, will be one of the celebrities in the fashion show, which will this year be named the Kuoni Catwalk, thanks to support by luxury travel company, Kuoni. It may be one of the biggest agricultural shows in England, attracting more than 100,000 visitors and 8,000 animals competing for a host of prestigious titles, but away from the judging rings is a very different event – a fashion show – which will include some of the latest country wear fashions and high-end new designs. The Kuoni Catwalk will be held each day and there will be a one-off celebrity special starring Anita Rani and a host of local television personalities at 2.30pm on Tuesday 10 July. Kuoni are in the John Lewis store in Leeds, and Anita will be dressed by the personal styling team there. Anita, who comes from Bradford, said: “As a proud Yorkshire lass, I am really looking forward to being part of the Great Yorkshire Show and swapping the wellies I often wear on Countryfile, for something a little more stylish! I loved some of the outfits on Strictly
and although I’m a little nervous about being on a catwalk, it’s feels very glamorous to be showing off some of the latest fashion trends.” Yorkshire-based tailors, Brook Taverner, will be showcasing their now famous Yorkshire Agricultural Society jackets made from Great Yorkshire tweed woven by another Yorkshire firm, Abraham Moon & Sons. Charles Mills, show director added: “We are absolutely delighted to welcome Anita Rani to the Great Yorkshire Show and to have Kuoni’s support for the fashion show. There’s so much going on all over the 250 acres of the showground throughout the three days and the Kuoni Catwalk shows it’s not just about farming life and animals, there really is something for everyone.” The show will be co-ordinated by Bernadette Gledhill of Morton Gledhill and backstage, the hair and make-up will be styled by students from the White Rose Beauty Colleges from across Yorkshire. Before going onto the Kuoni Catwalk at 2.30pm on Tuesday 10 July, Anita will be in the Great Yorkshire Show kitchen, where she will be answering questions from the audience and a celebrity chef will be cooking up her favourite dish. The Kuoni Catwalk will take place each day at The Great Yorkshire Show from 10-12 July at 11am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm and 4pm. Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 47
Turning back the clock FASHION WILL TAKE CENTRE STAGE ONCE AGAIN AT THIS YEAR’S GREAT YORKSHIRE SHOW – BUT WITH A DIFFERENCE. etro fashions are coming to the fore as the 2018 Great Yorkshire Show will be recreating what people would have worn to the very first show in 1838, which was held at the Barrack Yard of the 5th Dragoons at Fulford near York. In the following years it moved to various locations around Leeds, Northallerton and Hull before returning to York in 1842. It was cancelled from 1915 to 1919 due to the First World War, and then from 1940 to 1948, due to the Second World War. In 1950 the Yorkshire Agricultural Society bought a 200-acre site overlooking Rudding Park in Harrogate, and the Great Yorkshire Show has been held there since 1951, apart from 2001 when it had to be cancelled because of the Foot and Mouth outbreak, and in 2012 due to unprecedented rainfall. Designer Joanna Rishworth from Keighley has painstakingly researched what people would have worn to the very first Great Yorkshire Show in 1838 and has recreated the costumes especially for the 160th celebrations. Joanna, who is from a farming family and a recent fashion graduate from Harrogate College, says: “It’s not been easy as sadly there are no mobile phone photos available! In fact, there are no photographs of the first ever Great Yorkshire Show, so I’ve scoured the history books to find drawings and descriptions. There are some contradictions about what was acceptable countryside wear, but I’ve worked hard to make sure the costumes are as authentic as possible.” Joanna then had to search for suitable fabrics and found the perfect samples at Abraham Moon & Sons in Guiseley, which she describes as being like an Aladdin’s Cave of fabrics. The Egyptian-inspired designs from Barnsley College company
48 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Limited edition, 160th anniversary clothing
started in 1837, the year before Berenice recently Berenice Gilmour’s bridal designs the first show, and has been graduated with a fashion manufacturing luxury wool degree from Harrogate fabrics ever since, making it the College and was one of perfect place to find the cloth the students chosen to needed for the outfits. exhibit at last year’s Great Martin Aveyard from Abraham Yorkshire Show. Moon & Son says: “We get lots of She says: “It was unusual requests, especially from amazing to see my work brides, but we had our work cut on the catwalk for the out when Joanna came in asking very first time last year for fabrics that would have been and it helped give me the popular in the early 1800s. We confidence to set up my were delighted when she found own company. It’s early something suitable and so pleased days, but I can already see we could help mark this special there is a gap in the occasion for the Great Yorkshire Show.” market for women who want something a Although the menswear changes haven’t little bit different to the usual white wedding been quite as dramatic as the womenswear, it dress.” was still a challenge to recreate the look from This year’s student collection will be from 1838. Barnsley College who were asked to design Roger Meeke, from Brook Traverner in items with an Egyptian influence. They will Keighley, says: “As bespoke tailors we get very have the chance to see their work on the specific requests, but our company has been catwalk for the very first time. in business since 1912 so we’re always happy The show will be co-ordinated by to rise to the challenge.” Bernadette Gledhill of Morton Gledhill, and The outfits are in contrast to the limited backstage, the hair and make-up will be styled edition clothing launched this year to mark by students from the White Rose Beauty the 160th anniversary. Now on sale in Fodder Colleges across Yorkshire and the dressers will and online, the collection includes a range of be from Harrogate College. ladies and gents rugby tops, t-shirts, polos and caps. A special edition t-shirt is also available All of the action from the Great Yorkshire Show for children and all have a stylish, Kuoni Catwalk will be on Twitter embroidered crest featuring Celebrating @greatyorkshow #KuoniCatwalk #GYSfashion. Yorkshire, circled by Ears of Wheat as well as the Yorkshire Born and Bred slogan. These The 160th Great Yorkshire Show will be held from will also be modelled on the Great Yorkshire 10-12 July at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Show Kuoni Catwalk. Harrogate with the fashion shows at 11am, Audiences will also see vibrant and very 12.30pm, 2.30pm and 4pm. different wedding dresses from Drunk in Love Couture, a new bridalwear company from For more information visit designer, Berenice Gilmour from Wetherby. www.greatyorkshireshow.co.uk.
Joanna Rishworth (centre) with her designs, inspired by the first ever Great Yorkshire Show held in 1838
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 49
Sleep well, live well WAKING UP IN A HÄSTENS BED MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. hilst many bed companies just focus on your sleep patterns, Swedish brand Hästens also like to know what their customers do in their waking lives. How you perform during the day – whether it’s in business, sport or education – has a significant effect on your sleep and bed needs. Waking up in a Hästens bed makes all the difference – and if they can improve your awake time just a little, they will be doing their job. Developed over six generations of Swedish bed and mattress making tradition, Hästens
mattresses are handmade with passion from 100 per cent organic, natural, ethicallysourced sustainable and high-quality materials – without compromise. The purest flax, wool and cotton, slowgrown Swedish pine and genuine hypoallergenic horsehair, all add up to a mattress unrivalled for comfort. The brand has been trading in Sweden since 1852, and now has a total of 350 outlets worldwide, including a dedicated department inside Redbrick Mill, the interior design superstore in Batley.
Redbrick Mill is the perfect fit for Hästens, as their beds and accessories appeal to the design-led customer, who prioritises function and quality over price. You will find a wide range of models and styles of beds, including the Hästens 2000T series, which pushes the boundaries of sleep comfort even further. The model was their first three-part bed, made with a springy bottom section, a thick spring mattress, and a top mattress for even more softness. The effect is revolutionary: however you turn in this bed, you always feel like you are resting on a cushion of air. No wonder the 2000T has become a worldwide classic. Other fantastic beds in the range include the all-new Herlewing, the breathable Eala, the cosy Maranga, the minimal Classic, the sophisticated Superia and many more. Hästens works on a partnership model, very similar to a franchisee. Having someone locally, who owns each of their branches, has proved that customers receive the best level of service. Paul Allchin is the owner of the Batley branch, which is the first of many stores he’ll be opening. Next up will be their Norwich and Wilmslow stores. But for now, customers are very welcome to Redbrick Mill, where they can test the beds for themselves. Every customer who has a bed test receives a free gift for a limited time only, so get down to Hästens today. Hästens 218 Bradford Road, Batley, WF17 6JF Tel: 01924 460044 www.hastens.com
50 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
*Ask for conditions in the Natuzzi Gallery.
Natuzzi Leeds, Redbrick, 2nd Floor, 218 Bradford Road, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 6JF. • T.01924 460066 • www.redbrickmill.co.uk
Award winning chef takes the helm at the Harrogate Brasserie Timothy Taylor’s are delighted to announce the appointment of award winning chef Paul Cunliffe as the Head Chef of their recent acquisition, the Harrogate Brasserie. Paul is an extremely talented, reputable chef and achieved a coveted Michelin Bib Gourmand when running The Dunsforth country gastropub. Prior to that he headed up the Harvey Nichols kitchen in Leeds. He also reached the quarter-finals on BBC’s MasterChef: the Professionals in 2012. Paul and his team of chefs have prepared a delicious three course menu for Easter Sunday, as well as a fabulous range of fish specials available Good Friday until Easter Monday. These will work perfectly with the new special edition Taylor Made Cook Lane IPA that is currently on hand pull alongside everyone’s favourite, Landlord. For more information or to book, please visit www.harrogatebrasserie.co.uk
The Punch Bowl at Marton-cum-Grafton, North Yorkshire, has been awarded Best Pub in North Yorkshire by Pub & Bar magazine Paulo Pinto, general manager at the Punch Bowl, is pictured with Tristan O’Hana, editorial director of Pub & Bar magazine
New scholarship targets local students Giggleswick School has launched a new academic scholarship to help deserving students in the local area join its sixth form. The James Carr Scholarship takes its name and inspiration from the school’s founders, the chantry priest of St Alkelda’s Giggleswick who leased land in 1499 to build a school at his own expense to educate children. The scholarship will give talented Year 11 pupils the opportunity to join Giggleswick’s sixth form on the basis of their ability and potential, with awards available to cover all or part of the school fees. It is open to all children who live within 25 miles of the school and have predicted GCSE grades between seven and nine, and at least a grade eight in subject they intend to study.
Devonshire charity bike ride takes team building to new heights Last month a 40-strong team of amateur cyclists set off on a 75 mile ride from The Devonshire Arms Hotel to Chatsworth in aid of industry charity - Hospitality Action. The team, comprised of employees of Devonshire Hotel and Restaurants Group, supported by William Cavendish, Lord Burlington (The Duke of Devonshire’s son) trained hard in preparation for the challenge, which involved 3000m of elevated climbs, including the infamous ‘Strines’ area near Sheffield, a challenge even to the professionals. The event was sponsored by Temple Spa, Walton’s catering supplies, Barnsley Catering Solutions, Corney and Barrow and Chevin Cycles. To sponsor visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/dhrgcharitycycleride 54 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Giggleswick makes the most of the summer Mark Turnbull, headmaster of Giggleswick School is urging young people to make the most of the summer break, as the summer holiday courses are launched. The programme of activities - open to any children aged seven to 15 - includes carious sports, outdoor pursuits, arts, crafts and cookery. Details of the programme of summer course can be found at www.giggleswick.org.summer or call 01729 893000 for more information.
Belmond appoints Adam Handling as executive chef at Belmond Cadogan Hotel Belmond announces Adam Handling as executive chef at Belmond Cadogan Hotel - its new flagship London property opening winter 2018. Tipped by Caterer magazine as one of the ’30 under 30 to watch’, Handling brings his energetic passion for traditional British cuisine with a modern twist and places sustainability and zero waste at the core of his philosophy. Klaus Kabelitz, general manager, Belmond Cadogan Hotel said: “At Belmond, we are delighted to support up-and-coming talent and Adam’s culinary skill, combined with his incredible passion for curating the ultimate fine-dining experience makes him the perfect partner for our first London hotel restaurant”
BAR SOBA: REMIXED AND READY TO ROCK Just when you thought Greek Street couldn’t get any hotter, one of the city’s best-loved bars is moving in to turn up the heat. Bar Soba will be residing in the venue formerly known as Bem Brasil, which is currently undergoing a top-to-toe reinvention to become one of Leeds’ premier drinking, dining and dancing hangout spots. The move from Merrion Street marks an exciting new chapter in the Bar Soba story, who promise to deliver their guests an even better space to sip premium cocktails, dine on daring new dishes and soak up the sounds of both UK and international DJ’s.
I am everything I want to be. I am Grovian The following quotes from the latest ISI Inspection Report (2017) sum up Woodhouse Grove perfectly. “Pupils across the school are open, friendly and highly confident. They are energetic and busy, without being pressurised, because they know they are supported and encouraged by staff.” “Excellence in extra-curricular fields is a particular hallmark of the pupils who attend this school, reflecting the extensive provision, wide-ranging opportunities and excellent coaching they receive.” They ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to get involved and try new activities whether it’s debating, performing on stage or being part of a sport’s team. Having boarders on site means the school always has a buzz about it and this adds an extra dimension that many day schools simply cannot replicate. Find out more at open mornings Saturday 22 September and Saturday 17 November.
Owners Marie-Therese and George Hardy
Magic and Mystery Events this summer at Barley Hall 5 - 8 July: Mysterious Floristry
During the month of July a local floristry group will work alongside staff at Barley Hall to produce arrangements inspired by the exciting new exhibition, Magic and Mystery. Visitors during Bloom! will also be entitled to a special 20 per cent discount off the lavender range in the Courtyard Gift Shop at Barley Hall. 25 -27 August: A Flight into the Fanciful
Historic Barley Hall becomes the home of majestic winged creatures this weekend with a series of activities related to how these majestic birds of prey were tamed and utilised throughout the medieval period. For more information of the events visit www.barleyhall.co.uk
Discover Artists Cottages Artists Cottages consist of five unique properties. Solid 19th century Yorkshire stone on the outside contrasted by contemporary interior design, to bring out the warm ambience of the original building and express it in a new way, by furnishing with things that express a calmly cultured way of life. Carefully selected original artworks, Wi-fi Bluetooth speakers and retro turntables, board games, SMART TV’s and thoughtfully equipped ultra-modern kitchens, comfortable beds and luxury linens make up the rich tapestry that is the Artists’ Cottages. Discover these artistic cottages in the heart of this beautiful spa town now at artistscottages.co.uk Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 55
Sands of time earrings by Sheila Fleet. Available from Phillips of Ilkley, 23 Brook Street, Ilkley, LS29 8AA. Tel: 01943 609567
Peter Pilotto Kia multi fit dress. Available from Morgan Clare, 3 Montepellier Gardens, Harrogate, HG1 2TF. Tel: 01423 565709. 36 The Grove, Ilkley, LS29 9EE. Tel: 01943 817444
Linen chevron midi dress. Available from The White Company, Unit 4 Victoria Gate, Harewood Street, Leeds, LS2 7AR. Tel: 0113 245 3925. 8 James Street, Harrogate, HG1 1RB. Tel: 01423 527553. 26-28 Stonegate, York, North Yorkshire, YO1 8AS. Tel: 01904 409082 56 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Available from Julie Fitzmaurice, 38 Parliament Street, Harrogate, HG1 2RL. Tel: 01423 562932
Great Yorkshire Show rose charm. Available from W.Hamond, 10 Queen Victoria Street, Victoria Quarter, Leeds, LS1 6BE. Tel: 0113 234 0538. 9 Shambles, York, YO1 7LZ. Tel: 01904 632059 Intarsia check silk top, compact crepe crop trouser, Zoey tassel cork slider. Available from Jigsaw 23 King Edward Street, Victoria Quarter, Leeds, LS1 6AX. Tel: 0113 245 7967. 44-46 James Street, Harrogate, HG1 1RF. Tel: 01423 506396. Fenwick’s, Coppergate Centre, York, YO1 9WY. Tel: 01904 733759
Jovanna Stara ruffle dress. Available from Accent Clothing, 11-13 Queens Arcade, Leeds, LS1 6LF. Tel: 0113 234 6767
Gestuz Wray striped poplin midi skirt. Available from Harvey Nichols, 107111 Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6AZ. Tel: 0113 204 8888
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 57
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58 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 61
Introducing the new Cleanse, Nourish, Sleep routine from E O M
Perfect Night’s Sleep Cleansing Balm
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The 100% natural way to cleanse and prepare your skin for night time!
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Experience all these fabulous products with The Treatment Rooms ‘Perfect Night’s Sleep’ Wellbeing Facial for the Introductory price of £40 (normally £50) for this incredible 45 minute treatment!!
Energy Burst 100% Natural Eau de Parfum in Scent to boost your energy. Spritzed over the whole body, this 100% natural fragrance not only scents the skin beautifully but delivers a potent burst of energy.
The Treatment Rooms 8 Royal Parade Harrogate HG1 2SZ We are located in the Montpellier Quarter Telephone: 01423 875678 www.beauty-thetreatmentrooms.com
Benefit fake up concealer £26.50 www.benefitcosmetics.com Will cover surprise spots without any creasing or fading.
Primark pink fest body paint £3.50 www.primark.com Sparkle all day and night with Primark’s long lasting metallic body paint range.
Aussie dry shampoo from £4.49 www.aussiehair.com A quick blast from Aussie’s dry shampoo cleanses from the root for an instant boost of volume and texture (and incredible fragrance).
M&S formula restore facial cleansing wipes £5 www.marksandspencer.com Skin is nourished and hydrated with makeup and impurities swept away.
Tent-proof products THE BEAUTY ESSENTIALS TO PACK THIS FESTIVAL SEASON. BY RACHEL MARTIN. hanks to late nights and nowhere to shower, festivals don’t always lend themselves to bouncy hair and glowing skin. Instead, slumming it is all part of the experience and as such your beauty bag is bound to take a hit. Avoid a beauty breakdown with our guide to the products we rely on every festival season – and don’t forget the flower crown.
Unicorn Snot lip gloss £5.99 www.unicornsnot.com Made with a lightweight oil based formula and scented like cotton candy, Unicorn Snot lip gloss is designed to give your smile extra sparkle. Pair it with your favourite lipstick or wear it on its own for a high-gloss shine. Next mink pearl 3 in 1 shadow stick £4 www.next.co.uk An intense precision eyeliner that glides on smoothly to create a bold look.
New Look multi-coloured mermaid festival face glitter £5.99 www.newlook.com Get festival ready with this mermaid glitter kit. Votary hydrating body oil £65 www.votary.co.uk When your skin is dry or dull, Votary hydrating body oil will revitalise, refine and detox from head to toe, leaving you feeling deeply hydrated and beautifully smooth.
Sisley Super Soin Solaire milky body mist sun care SPF 30 £91.50 www.sisley-paris.com Don’t let the sun’s harmful rays affect your skin, use this Sisley product to help hydrate and shield in an effective and long lasting treatment, while camellia oil, Shea butter and mango extracts leave you with a fragrant smell and a soft feel. 64 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Oliver Bonas detox pamper pack £12 www.oliverbonas.com This detox pamper pack will surely be welcomed after a weekend of indulging. Vintage & Co Fabrics & Flowers gel perfume 15ml Fabric & Flowers is an alcohol-free gel formula that melts onto the skin in an instant, to unveil notes orange blossom, sweet birch and gardenia blended with jasmine and rose on a base of coconut, peach and amber. Enriched with Shea butter and Vitamin E, the silky formulation is easy to apply, fast drying and spill free.
NPW metallic tattoos and hair crown £4 www.npwgifts.com Make like a real festival princess with a perfectly coordinated hair crown and metallic face and neck tattoos.
White Stuff lemon tree wash bag £17.50 www.whitestuff.com Just right size to fit in all your beauty essentials and features a small lemon pom pom zipper for extra pizazz.
Croatian luxury VILLA DUBROVNIK – A JET2 DESTINATION FROM NEWCASTLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. illa Dubrovnik, the most exclusive hotel in Croatia, introduces an unprecedented level of luxury and style to one of the world’s most famous cities. Located on the cliffs above Dubrovnik’s prestigious St. Jacob precinct and just a few minutes away from the fortified beauty of cultural landmarks, the newly rebuilt Villa Dubrovnik welcomes you with luxurious accommodations and offers spectacular views of the Old City of Dubrovnik and the island of Lokrum. Soothe yourself with the personalised treatments of the Villa Spa wellness club, discover the gastronomical miracles of the chef de cuisine, or simply enjoy the privacy and comfort of your stay. The most elegant five-star, Villa Dubrovnik invites you to share its unique experience of the ‘Romance Forever’. Indulge in Mediterranean cuisine paired with a rich bouquet of selected wines at Restaurant Pjerin while enjoying the unrivalled views of the Old City. Prominently positioned on the cliffs, the hotel offers enchanting views of the fortified beauty of the Old City, the Adriatic Sea and
the island of Lokrum A peaceful escape in a luxurious ambience; yet an entirely do-able long weekend break,
flying to Dubrovnik Wednesday to Sunday with Jet2 from Newcastle International Airport.
Villa Dubrovnik Vlaha Bukovca 6, Dubrovnik 20000, Croatia Tel: (+385-23) 201100 Fax: (+385-20) 500306 www.villa-Dubrovnik.hr
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 65
Behind every great chef... Beyond With over 40 fabulous recipes from the kitchens of The Brilliant Restaurant
Inspired Indian cooking
In a
CLASS of its
OWN Inside the UK’s top school for the culinary stars of tomorrow
BY DIPNA ANAND hal Foreword by Heston Blument
’s Tony Leck ON A PLATE PAV ILI ON Flavours From Guernsey Fresh
By Gary Hunter with Adam Kay
SECRET KITCHEN Traditional Recipes from North Indian Family Kitch a en
Question: I feel breathless on doing things I could easily do before. My doctor sent me to a cardiologist who tells me my heart is normal but my breathlessness is not improving. What should I do? Dr Raashed replied:
Breathlessness is a common problem and one that increasingly limits our functional capacity with age and diminishing fitness level. There are a number of causes for this and often we are focussed on a diagnosis related to heart or lungs. Careful assessment of both heart and lung conditions to clarify their relative contribution is important. Accurate assessment of lung health by detailed history – particularly occupational history, examination, lung function test and a chest X-ray is a good start. Occasionally, a CT scan of lungs and further lung function testing is required for clarity. Breathlessness can be caused by a number of different things and changes in weight and loss of fitness and conditioning can contribute significantly towards it. Advancing age with diminishing musculoskeletal reserves does not help matters. Often losing ten per cent in weight (if you are overweight) helps greatly together by increasing level of fitness. Health and lifestyle choices we make early on in our lives maintain our functional capacity for longer. Whilst maintaining a normal body mass index (BMI) and a certain level of fitness; it is important that people report changes they experience in their lives to their doctors so that early investigation can be performed. It is important for people with lung conditions such as Asthma or COPD to take inhalers as prescribed and monitor their condition regularly to maintain optimum lung health. To find out your Body Mass Index (BMI), go to our online calculator at www.spirehealthcare.com/weight-loss-surgery/ourweight-loss-treatments/gastric-bypass/
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Get slimmer for summer ELEMENTS MEDISPA AND THE SKINNY PROGRAMME CAN HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT – AND KEEP IT OFF. re you ready to lose weight and feel great this summer? Are diet and exercise not enough to get you past a weight loss plateau? More often than not, our desire to lose weight before an upcoming holiday becomes a last-minute sprint to the finish line, and exercise alone is not enough. If you'd like to drop a few pounds before you hit the beach on your next getaway, the Skinny Programme is available exclusively at Elements MediSpa, and offers a combination of FDA approved and UK licensed prescription medication, alongside personal training sessions, dietary and nutritional advice and a total-body exercise plan, to help you reach and maintain your weight-loss goals. Together with a healthy, calorie-controlled diet, Liraglutide (also known as Saxenda®) offers effective and reliable weight loss by controlling appetite, curbing hunger and reducing cravings for sweet and fatty foods. Saxenda® is an FDA-approved prescription injectable medicine that is different from weight management products you may have taken in the past. It works like an appetite-regulating hormone, known as
glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1), that the body produces naturally. By activating areas of your brain that regulate appetite, Saxenda® makes you feel less hungry, which can lead to lower calorie intake and can help you to not only lose weight, but keep it off. Elements launched this revolutionary treatment at their recent Anti-Ageing Open Day, with a presentation from owner Sandy Green and personal trainer, Richard Buckley, who works across all the council owned gyms in Doncaster and believes that by combining Saxenda® with personal training sessions, recipients will change the way they think about food and exercise – so the results last. It’s very important to visit an experienced weight loss professional who will design a programme and prescribe the appropriate medication for you. Such professionals are available at Elements MediSpa, who are registered with the Care Quality Commission to offer services in slimming clinics. Call now to book your FREE consultation and achieve weight loss success you never thought was possible.
Elements MediSpa 81 Thorne Road, Doncaster, DN1 2ES Tel: 01302 34 34 32 www.elements.org.uk Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 67
The seal of approval QUALITY MARK AWARDED TO QUEEN ETHELBURGA’S. hapter House, the Early years, Infants and Juniors School at Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, has just been given a prestigious Primary Quality Mark Award for English and Mathematics by the national programme The Quality Mark. The Award is given in celebration of good practice and commitment to continuous improvement in these subjects, as the ‘bedrock of a good education’. Working with local authorities, schools, local communities and other organisations in using the Quality Mark process, the national body aims to develop, support and celebrate good practice in literacy, language and numeracy for children and young people. To achieve the Award, Chapter House underwent an assessment, against the 10 ‘Elements’ of the Quality Mark framework. These cover key aspects of the school’s improvement approach, including the identification and analysis of the school’s needs; strategic planning; target setting for improvement; intervention and support for pupils under-achieving or under-attaining;
68 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
provision of quality in both teaching and in resources; staff development; and active engagement with families. The award comes in swift succession to the school’s Silver Primary Science Quality Mark, earned in September 2017, which celebrates excellence in science teaching and learning, and enables schools to work together to share good practice. Karen Kilkenny, Head of Chapter House said of the achievement: “Our aim is to provide the most supportive, creative and fun learning environment for each pupil, so that their skills and knowledge can develop to reach their individual potential at each stage of their educational journey. “I’m very proud of the staff and pupils of Chapter House in achieving this Quality Mark. It is a reflection of the high standard of teaching and the delivery of inspiring lessons, as we work with our students to build a lifelong love of learning in every one of them.” To find out more about Chapter House and the wider QE community visit www.qe.org.
Proud: Karen Kilkenny
Queen Ethelburga’s
Welcoming day students from 3 months to 19 years and boarders from 6 years to 19 years Thorpe Underwood Hall, Ouseburn, York, YO26 9SS www.qe.org | admissions@qe.org | 01423 333330
Sporting goals
L-R: Eva Lockett, Naina Krishna and Jaya Krishna
A NEW VISION FOR BRADFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL SPORT. e want to nurture our pupils and give them the support and expertise they need in order to gain the confidence to try new sports and excel in their chosen fields. My name is Oliver Rogers, I am the Director of Sport at Bradford Grammar School (BGS). The following will give you an insight into the sporting experiences that build character, camaraderie and school spirit in all our pupils. A positive relationship with sport, in some form or another, is a wonderful, enriching and potentially life-changing thing. In an era of growing concern for children’s mental health, the advantages of teamship have never been more important in building emotional intelligence. Our sport provides an essential ingredient in a balanced school curriculum. We are lucky to have specialist coaches in cross country, cricket, rowing and hockey – many with county and national experience, which is fantastic for our pupils.
70 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Having the right expertise helps them aim high with their own sporting visions and is a crucial part of physical achievement. Another
Oliver Rogers, Director of Sport
factor for sporting success is having the right facilities in place, so we’re delighted to see the creation of our new multi-million-pound sports development over the next year. The investment will create new cricket lanes, netball and tennis courts, astroturfed hockey pitches and a new sports barn. The development is part of BGS’s new sporting vision, which will also see us welcoming more high calibre coaches to the BGS team. I firmly believe that, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, sport can be enjoyed by all. Its reach is unrivalled, gives real foundations in life, and promotes universal values that improve achievement and behaviour. The new vision for BGS sport will give pupils opportunities to be active and competitive which is crucial to developing well-rounded young people. Find out more by visiting www.bradfordgrammar.com/signup
BradfordGrammar.com @BradfordGrammar
Nurturing Sporting Talent Excellence Opportunity Happiness
We invite all of our pupils to participate in a wide variety of sports and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. We strive to nurture the sporting potential of every BGS pupil.
bradfordgrammar.com /signup
9,6,7 285 28767$1',1* 35( 6&+22/ )25 <($5 2/'6
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 71
Sparkling flavours THAI EDGE IS A MUST FOR DISCERNING DINERS, SAYS CHRIS WILSON. hey’ve obviously gone to some trouble to make Thai Edge stand apart from other contemporary Oriental restaurants in Leeds. While the standard statues and artefacts are present and correct, the temptation to fill every nook and cranny with ‘stuff ’ has been resisted in favour of a lighter, brighter colour scheme and a calming emphasis on space and clean crisp lines. But it’s the food that really makes this distinctive Leeds landmark overlooking Millennium Square a go-to destination for lovers of authentic Thai cuisine. All the plus points are there in abundance, from the subtle blend of herbs such as lemongrass, basil, coriander and galangal, to the sauces that are bursting with flavour and yet not too thick and gloopy. One thing Thai Edge does have in common with virtually every Thai eatery I have ever visited...the choice of soups, salads, stir-fries, specials and curries is so vast it can make the eyes swim and provoke a feeling of mild panic. My advice, stay calm, take inspiration from your surroundings, have a sip of something cold and delicious such as the very reasonably priced house white (Chilean Semillon Chardonnay, £14.50 a bottle) and focus on finding just two or three key main dishes that really appeal. Sides, noodles and sticky rice will then fall into place.
72 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
It also helps that Thai Edge has an excellent selection of sharing starter platters to get the meal under way. We eased the decision-making process by choosing the premium platter (£8.50 per person), and were rewarded with a sparkling selection of duck spring rolls, pork dumplings, chicken satay skewers, crab meat and prawn cakes and prawn tempura, the latter winning particularly high praise from my friend Jane as being the crispest and lightest batter she’d ever tasted. With three dips (sweet chilli, satay and hoisin) to complement these flavour-filled mouthfuls we were off to a fine start. Having opted to share everything (surely the only civilised way to approach a Thai meal) we selected two contrasting mains. Head chef Anon’s signature dish (£16.95) combined king prawns, pan-fired scallops and roast duck with aromatic Thai jasmine rice. Everything was cooked to perfection and the scallops were especially tender and super fresh. More sparkling seafood was on offer with a sea bass green curry (£13.95) served with accompanying aubergines, French beans and courgettes. The curry sauce was medium spicy, the fish was flaky and moist, all was good. With rice already in place we filled the gaps with a portion of noodles with bean sprouts and soya sauce (£3.50) and tofu with cashew nuts (£6.95).
We found no room for soups and salads this time, but felt we had given the menu a thorough work-out and were rewarded with a splendid compendium of tastes and textures. Service was friendly and attentive throughout. Jane, who recently discovered she was allergic to onions, shallots and spring onions in all forms, asked for a couple of the dishes to be adapted to meet her needs. No problem. There is a good selection of desserts including traditional Thai sticky puds that are just perfect for anyone with a very sweet tooth, but a refreshing tropical fruit platter (£5.95) and a double espresso (£2.35) provided a lighter, cleaner conclusion that seemed more in keeping with the surroundings. This much-loved Leeds restaurant remains at the cutting edge of Thai cuisine. Thai Edge 7 Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3DA Tel: 0113 243 6333 www.thaiedgeleeds.co.uk
AT A GLANCE... * vast menu * Splendid tastes and textures * Cutting edge cuisine
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Chef Knives
S T C U D O R P 0 0 5 , 2 R E V O IN-STORE
he Burlington’ at The Devonshire Arms is one of Yorkshire’s finest hotel restaurants. Head chef, Paul Leonard, is inspired and confident in his direction, having been at the restaurant over a year now. Paul gained a Michelin star at The Isle of Eriska, and worked under Andrew Fairley, as sous chef at Gleneagles, which having two Michelin stars/4 AA rosettes, is one of the best, so he certainly has a reputation for excellence. Quality dining, attentive, friendly service, fine wines and a relaxed elegant ambience define the award-winning dining experience at The Burlington, and the restaurant currently holds 3 AA rosette status. Modern British menus showcase Yorkshire’s finest foods; fresh, seasonal ingredients are paramount to Paul, including home-grown roots, leaves, flowers and fruits grown and harvested by the kitchen team, not forgetting
74 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
the honey, harvested twice a year from the beehives, all from the Duke’s walled kitchen gardens at The Devonshire Arms. This, along with estate-reared meats and artisan cheeses, East Coast fish and seafood, home-baked breads and delicate patisserie, ensure that diners are in for a real treat with dishes that ignite the senses. The wine cellars are legendary and awardwinning, well-stocked with some extremely fine wines as well as those that offer the best quality and value, they certainly add a certain cachet to those seeking an unforgettable dining experience. Guests benefit from attentive and personal service, which is far from stuffy, via a motivated and knowledgeable team. They share the diners’ passion for fine dining and wines, helping them with their selections, making sure their dining experience is enjoyable and seamless. Last winter, the classical country house décor and soft furnishings of The Burlington were refurbished, and new chandeliers installed, enhancing the elegance and classical style of this fine restaurant. The restaurant incorporates a traditional dining room setting, as well as a conservatory element, which is particularly wonderful on a summer’s evening, when the light evenings allow diners an outlook of the Italianate gardens with the inspiring views over the Dales as a backdrop. Dining critics from The AA recently
recognised the craftsmanship in Paul’s cuisine, describing it as ‘colourful, full of presentational artistry and precisely composed flavours’ commenting that ‘superlative nibbles and amuses punctuate the whole experience in imaginative style.’ It’s this flourish that makes the dishes sing, as inherently the key ingredients are very simple, allowing their freshness and vitality to take centre stage. Examples from the summer seasonal menu include: Heritage Carrot Smoked eel, fermented garlic, fresh curds Yorkshire Wagyu Beef Radish, yolk, mustard Yorkshire Asparagus Pheasant egg, radish Choose from a six- or a nine-course tasting menu (£70/£95) with optional wine flights. A vegetarian tasting menu is also an option. The Burlington is open Tuesday to Sunday 7-9pm. www.thedevonshirearms.co.uk
Sweet success
FRESH-TO-ORDER BROWNIES AND BLONDIES HAVE OPENED UP A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY FOR GEORGE WELTON. rom its micro beginnings, Brown and Blond has stirred up a sensation of hunger. And having outgrown not one, but two locations, the doors to the third bakery have not only opened, but you can indulge in scrumptious brownies (and blondies) across the region – from Ripon and York to Leeds and Sheffield. And even further afield. Here, owner George Welton gives Northside a glimpse into the life of a brownie baker and his formative food experiences.
Tell us about Brown and Blond.
We bake brownies and blondies, and that’s all we’ve ever done. From wholesale to retail, every bake is made to order daily, and we utilise as much local and fresh ingredients as possible. We offer around 100 different varieties, from espresso blondies to peanut butter layer and millionaire brownies. What led you to establish Brown and Blond?
I initially considered a career in fine dining, though after a brief apprenticeship – where I experienced first-hand the demanding hours, poor pay and just how long working my way up the ladder would take – it became apparent it was not the path I had envisioned. My love for baking stemmed from my mother’s bakery club, which she ran when I was a child, and having inherited my grandmother’s 1950s Kenwood Chef at the age of 18, I decided to take the plunge and establish my own bakery from our backyard – later moving to a small kitchen in Harrogate. 76 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
It was a long shot, but eight years later, we’ve moved into our third bakery.
Do you plan on trading at food festivals this year or branching out in other ways around the region?
Why brownies (and blondies)?
Yes, our diary is jam-packed, from tiny farmer’s markets right through to The Great York Show, Leeds Food Festival and Chatsworth House Christmas Fayre. You’ll also spot the Brown and Blond pop-up shop across Leeds, from Trinity to The White Rose Centre. Come and say hello. We love meeting customers old and new.
I’ve always loved brownies, as they are a true crowd pleaser, but what made me passionate about developing my own recipes was the overwhelming amount of people who rely on boxed mixes, and consider the results authentic. The ethos behind Brown and Blond is baking from scratch, using the finest ingredients to create an assortment of unique flavours. There’s no greater feeling than sharing my interpretation of the perfect brownie – or blondie. How has that experience been for you as a new vendor?
We launched our online shop in 2017 and that taught us a few things about the digital world. We adapted our varieties, among other changes, and now offer three different selections: four, ten or 20-piece boxes. We bake all our brownies fresh-to-order, and are considering taking Brown and Blond further afield, on the back of a number of enquiries from America. Brown and Blond has been great for building a customer fan base and putting my name and product out there, for which I am extremely grateful.
One of Brown and Blond’s trademarks is using the best ingredients, like dark cherry and Tonka bean. Are there other types of flavours you may be trying?
Ninety-nine per cent of our range is already gluten free, as we use ground almonds in place of traditional flour – which is what makes our brownies dense and fudgy – and we recently launched a vegan range, which includes raspberry and dark chocolate, orange and pistachio, peanut butter and banana.
Brown and Blond Unit 7, Upper Wortley Business Park, Leeds, LS12 4WE Tel: 07826 558821 www.brownandblond.co.uk
Creating new and exciting flavours to tickle the tastebuds of brownie and blondie lovers all over the UK is at the heart of Brown & Blond's success. Using only the finest ingredients coupled with an uncompromising attitude to quality drives young artisan baker, George Welton, and his team forward to deliver over fifty mouthwatering flavour combinations - from Banoffee to Black Forest, Peanut Butter to Praline and Salted Caramel to Stem Ginger! This small bakery, which started out on a small holding in North Yorkshire in 2010, is now firmly embedded in the heart of Leeds and supplies cafes, restaurants and delicatessens throughout the region and beyond. Along with pop up shops which have featured locally this year in Trinity Leeds and White Rose Shopping centre, the recent introduction of a new mail order service has added another dimension to the business making Brown & Blond brownies available to a very loyal customer base fifty two weeks of the year.
Unit 7, Upper Wortley Business Park, Leeds, LS12 4WE Tel: 07826 558821 www.brownandblond.co.uk
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 77
THE TRUE TASTE OF BRAZIL Honouring the Brazilian Gaucho’s method of cooking
8 prime cuts of meat
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Unlimited sides
Unlimited sides
Gourmet salad and hot buffet bar
Gourmet salad and hot buffet bar
| 0142 331 3710 | WWW.ESTABULO.CO.UK
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 79
Enter the Secret Garden... GUESTS WERE EAGER TO EXPERIENCE THIS MYSTERIOUS NEW ADDITION TO LEEDS’ NIGHTLIFE SCENE. he Pink Gorilla Hairy Lemon Team hosted an evening of cocktails and canapes at Issho in Leeds’ Victoria Gate, to celebrate the launch of the Secret Sakura Garden. Guests partied the night away with DJ Angel Lee playing till the early hours.
80 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR BREAKFAST LUNCH, AFTERNOON TEA & DINNER Showcasing the best seasonal Yorkshire produce
01423 524471
Ha H Harr arroga ate B Brras asserie e ie is a un unique nique and in pend independ d dent Res esta taurant, ant B Bar and Ho otell loc loc loca c ted d iin the tth he h heartt off H Har Harr ar oga gate. ga Award-winning winni winnin chef, Paul au a u Cunliffe, recently ul ent y joine jo n jo joined the Har oga Harr o ate Bras asserie e cr crea e ting g a ne ew me menu, enu burs b bu ting tin wi h crea with ativity tivity y and an fl fla avour our. Not o on only nyk kno nown ffor or it it’s sup superb per e b dining experienc x er ence, the he Bras asserie serie bo boas oasts an ext xte x ensiv ensiv s e drin drinks nks range ange iincluding clu uding ding Timoth mot moth othy Ta Taylor ylor’ lor s Champ on hip cask Championship ca c ka ales, e fi es fine ne win wines es an and nd da ar arttisan isan san gins gins. Alc All can an no an ow be enjo en njoyed ed on the new ou out uttdo doo orr ter e ac err ce, a regula l r ssuntr un rap ap a and nd th the p plac ce to be be e.. Witth h relax ell ed and e d ffriendly ien i ndlly hot hot ottel el rooms, s,, sso som some ome off which hich hic hich h have been ne ewly wly y refurbished efu isshe live music efurbished, music 7 nights ts a week and d ‘Fizz ‘ iz Frid F ay’ Frida y a all day every ery Frida F y, Harr Har ar oga gate Brassserie is a place for o every er one and and d for every r oc ry o casion. cas ca asion sion
Rese R ese erv r ations: 01423 4 50 5 50504 50 041
01423 014 4 3 505041 423 50 0 04 0 1 | info@harrogatebrasserie.co.uk info@harr @h harrrogatebrasserie.co.uk brasser bra a ser er e.co.u e o.u e.c o | ww www www.harrogatebrasserie.co.uk ww w.ha .h harrogatebrasserie.co ebrasserie.co ebr brasss rie r co co.uk 2 30 Cheltenham C nh ham Parade, P Paradee, Harrogate, H rogate Har Ha og e, North o ogate, N th Yorkshire, Nor Yorkshir orksh e, HG1 orksh G 1DB G1 1D DB B 26-30
A quaint 16th Century country village pub and restaurant with rustic charm, fine attention to detail, exquisite dishes and a warm & friendly atmosphere.
The Malt Shovel, Brearton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3BX | Telephone: 01423 862 929 Email: info@themaltshovelbrearton.co.uk | www.themaltshovelbrearton.co.uk
WILD about the SWAN A great Yorkshire pub … as it should be.
The Wild Swan Main Street | Minskip | YO51 9JF | 01423 326334 | www.wildswan.pub Just off Junction 48 A1 – 15 minutes from Harrogate
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER to get our latest recipes: Make Summer Lemon Cheesecake like a chef....
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 83
PAUL CUNLIFFE OF THE HARROGATE BRASSERIE ON HOW A HUMBLE STEAK AND ALE PIE CHANGED HIS LIFE. aul Cunliffe is head chef at Timothy Taylor’s Harrogate Brasserie. He previously ran The Dunsforth country gastropub and headed up the Harvey Nichols kitchen in Leeds.
What inspired you to become a chef?
I was working weekends at a Chinese takeway and I enjoyed the kitchen, so I thought maybe I should give it a go and got a job as a commis in a hotel. I didn’t mind the hours, found I had good skills and I haven’t looked back since… much! Who are your culinary heroes?
I look up to and follow many chefs, but we just lost such a legend in Anthony Bourdain. He shed light into the industry, showing all the ‘glamour’ and the deep dark unmentionables of my profession. He always made me think about how to go about tasks, and deal with staff. A lover of good food and friendship, he gave chefs a pat on the back when needed, and maybe a word in the ear when self-importance flares too much. “Hey, it’s only food.”
What are the strengths of Harrogate Brasserie?
The Brasserie is a great venue, we do real honest imaginative cooking backed up by the talent and skills of the staff. It’s relaxed, with live music every evening, Timothy Taylor’s great ales, wines and spirits, and large outdoor area should the British weather let us use it. With summer here, what are your favourite ingredients to cook with?
The asparagus season has just about wound up, so summer is time for colours, red fruits, heritage tomatoes, young carrots, and seafood is great and plentiful too. The dishes generally get a lot lighter this time of the year Is there one particular dish or style of cooking that best sums you up?
My Yorkshire steak and ale pie is a labour of love, it takes around two days to make. This dish was my lightbulb moment and totally
Ideally located in the heart of Chapel Allerton, 4Kitchens brings you an authentic and unique dining experience. Owners Hemant Ghosh, Tarun Bansal, Ranjit Tyagi and Sunil Sinha have designed 4kitchens to recreate typical Indian styling and ambience, allowing guests to revel in the atmosphere. Our food 4 Kitchens has carefully crafted a menu guests will love. What’s more, there is something for everyone, those who love meat dishes, vegetarians, vegans and for those who’re gluten intolerant. We use authentic flavours from four prominent states in India: Rajasthan, Delhi, Goa and Maharashtra. We pride ourselves on our small, but well-balanced food and drinks menus which change to reflect the seasonal ingredients we utilise in our dishes. Opening Times: Tues, Weds, Thurs & Sun - 5pm - 10pm Fri & Sat - 5pm - 11pm • Closed Mondays Old Police Station, 106 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4LZ
Tel: 01132 691151 www.4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk enquiries@4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk hemantghosh@4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk
84 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Also at: The
Moors Shopping Centre, Ilkley LS29 9LB Tel :01943 601840
changed the way I see food and myself as a chef. Previously I had my own place, The Dunsforth, and one day the Michelin guide came and had the pie for main course. I was frustrated that they didn’t choose something that in my eyes would showcase us better, but they awarded us a Michelin Bib Gourmande! It hit home that no matter what I cook, even a humble pie, I’m going to make sure it’s the best one you have ever eaten. Timothy Taylor’s Harrogate Brasserie 25-30 Cheltenham Parade, Harrogate, HG1 1DB 01423 505041 www.harrogatebrasserie.co.uk
ALFRESCO DINING Experience our new alfresco lunch menu Spend the afternoon on the south-facing terrace at Clocktower and enjoy the beautiful gardens
Perfect for Families Discover the Secret Garden where you will find a range of garden games, or explore and enter our Kitchen Garden Detectives children’s competition Find out more at ruddingpark.co.uk RUDDING PARK
Unique Rodízio Dining Experience Brazil is famous for its hospitality, food and drink. Here at Bodega Bar & Grill we have brought the taste of this to Harrogate.
The concept is simple… feast until you are full… Individually marinated and cooked on a specially designed grill, up to 13 different juicy cut of meat are served to you at your table by our Passadores. Fancy a drink? You’ll be spoilt for choice in our relaxing bar area. You can even try our national cocktail The Caipirinha. Lunch Menu 8 cuts of meat £14.95 Dinner Menu 13 cuts of meat £24.95 13-15 Cheltenham Parade, Harrogate HG1 1DD tel 01423 548 671 open 7 days a week bodegabarandgrill.com
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 85
46-50 Leeds Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 8DS. TEL: 01943 600571 info@waltonsfinefurnishings.co.uk www.waltonsfinefurnishings.co.uk
86 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
A detached red brick property finished to a superb standard and set in a fantastic location, less than two miles from the centre of Leeds. This unique family home provides spacious four-bedroom accommodation over three floors, as well as a good-sized garden and private parking.
Telephone 01134878787 Email LNH@prestonbaker.co.uk
COMING SOON IN 2019 Land & New Homes
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Our large showrooms cover 3 floors containing furniture for every room in your home. Disabled access is provided and FREE car parking is available for all customers. We offer FREE delivery within a 40 mile radius and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll even dispose of your old furniture at no extra cost!
OPEN Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm
35-39 Ivegate, Yeadon, LS19 7RE
T: 0113 2503716 www.kettleysfurniture.co.uk
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 87
LEFT: Add a splash of playful colour, with this ombre macrame plant pot hanger from www.etsy.com/shop/ balkybird. RIGHT: This Moroccan pendant light is perfect for a harem-styled room. £245 from www.alexanderand pearl.co.uk.
Make an impact with this Moroccan mosaic wallpaper mural. £400 from www.zazous.co.uk.
Featuring on-trend pom-poms, this blanket will add bohemian vibes to your bed or sofa. Matching cushions available for £75 each. Blanket, £145 from www.bohemiadesign.com.
Bohemian rhapsody CREATE A PARTY VIBE INSIDE AND OUT WITH THESE FESTIVAL-INSPIRED PIECES. BY PHOEBE SEYMOUR. hen it comes to festival fashion, bohemian never goes out of style. And it’s the same when it comes to summer home trends. Get the look with Moroccan, Indian and Aztec accessories. Lighting features heavily when it comes to this festival inspired theme. Middle Eastern-inspired lampshades give rooms in the home an ambient atmosphere, while an abundance of lanterns and fairy
88 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
lights create a party vibe both inside and out in the garden. Opt for throws, mats and blankets in bold colours, busy patterns and with fun fringes and pom-poms. Huge cushions with mandala designs are particularly on-trend at the moment and create great floor and lawn seating. So go on – create your own festival without even leaving the house with our pick of these statement bohemian items.
This unique, upcycled car taxi sofa is sure to be the focal point of any room. £2,400 from www.smithersofstamford.com.
This beautiful chest of drawers featuring a geometric, tribalinspired carving will suit your bohemian décor. £499 from www.atkinand thyme.co.uk.
These lunar fairy light lanterns from the Iberian Summer Collection 2018 will give your garden a festival feel. £16.99 from www.lights4fun. co.uk.
Subtle rose gold detail brings a classic Aztec design right up to date. £285 from www.iansnow.com.
This insect cushion puts an interesting twist on the mandala design. £25 from www.thecuriousdepartment.com.
This pair of Moroccan lanterns will look good inside and outside the home. From www.lights4fun.co.uk.
Give your tea flower power with this 70s Orla Kiely tea pot. £50 from www.wildandwolf.com. Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 89
View to a thrill KREATIV KITCHENS PUT QUALITY, DESIGN AND CUSTOMER SERVICE INTO THE HEART OF EVERYTHING THEY DO. he kitchen is the heart of every home, which is why choosing a new one is such a big decision… not made any easier by the fact you can’t always get exactly what you want. No matter how well-made the fittings may be or bespoke the design, it’s hard to find one an exact match to your dreams. Thankfully, family-run business Kreativ Kitchens can do just that. With over 18 years’ experience founder Matthew Grantham and his experienced team specialise in bespoke kitchens which use the very best in German design, innovation and craftsmanship to bring a touch of modern luxury to your home. Since opening, their reputation has continued to grow, thanks in no small part to excellent service, and the studio already has
the latest range of stylish, affordable kitchens, worktops and appliances on display. Adding to their growing portfolio, the company has recently partnered with developers Pickard Properties on their luxurious Spinning Acres project which are now available to rent in Far Headingley. “Since opening our door eight months ago, it’s just been a fantastic experience. We’ve worked with impressive retail projects not only in Leeds but in the surrounding areas such as York and Hebden Bridge, and partnering with Pickards and others has only added to our already extensive portfolio,” said founder Matthew Grantham. Thanks to established alliances with suppliers some of the finest appliances from Pronorm, Siemens, Quooker, Blanco and Bora
are on display. And, their extensive range includes the very latest handleless German kitchens, which create a clean, minimalist effect perfectly balancing practicality with elegance and sophistication. Kreativ Kitchens also design, supply and install kitchens for retail customers, and the team will take the time to find out exactly what you are looking for in your kitchen before designing a solution which makes the most of your space and reflects your personal style. Every aspect of the service – from the initial welcome at the luxury studio to the finished article – meets the highest standard. At Kreativ they put quality, design and customer service into the heart of everything they do, which is why you can rest assured that your new kitchen will be a stunning addition to your home. So, why not give them a call today or visit their state-of-the-art studio and see how they can turn your vision into reality. Kreativ Kitchens 7 Stainburn Parade, Harrogate Road Leeds, LS17 6NA Tel: 0113 269 2784 Email: info@kreativkitchens.co.uk www.kreativkitchens.co.uk
90 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Proudly manufacturing CD & Vinyl Jukeboxes in Yorkshire since 1978
SOUND LEISURE LIMITED. T : +44 (0) 113 232 1700 E : sales@classicjukeboxes.co.uk
facebook.com/classicjukeboxes Twitter : @classicjukebox Instagram : @classicjukeboxes
ABi launch new range of patio awnings and pergola systems The Leeds-based team here at ABi is extremely excited to announce to Northside readers that we have just launched our brand-new range of patio awnings and pergola systems. With almost 30 years’ experience in both supplying and installing Hörmann garage and entrance doors across the region, we thought now would be a great time to offer our customers the latest and most sought-after Alfresco technology. From here on in we are therefore proud to be partnering with weinor, who are market leaders for sun and rain protection on the patio, to add the following products to our offering:
Patio awnings •
Zenara/LED – Avant-garde in its design thanks to a seamless appearance
Opal Design II/LED – An awning that stands out for its classic looks and groundbreaking technology
Semina Life/LED – The all-rounder among cassette awnings, impressive due to its modern, fresh exterior
Cassita II/LED – A slim, purist design, making it the perfect complement to modern home interior trends
Topas – Being high on quality and low on budget, this is the ideal model to get you started
Pergola systems •
PergoTex Terrace – Discover the convertible feel whilst being protected against all weather elements
Plaza Viva – Alfresco living in almost any conditions, whether it is sunny, windy or raining
As a homeowner, we are sure that you know the importance of cost-effective property investments only too well, and we are certain that these patio awnings and pergola systems will add value to your house and create a real feel-good atmosphere in your outdoor area. ABi is a family-run business and we pride ourselves on our unrivalled customer service. We are a Which? Trusted Trader and fully certified members of the Door and Hardware Federation and CERTASS, so you can be completely confident in choosing us to enhance your outdoor experience. For any more information, please feel free to either call 0113 882 3723 or visit abiawnings.co.uk.
Your local awnings specialist
0113 882 3723 | abiawnings.co.uk
27West Park
Unique selection FINE ANTIQUES & HOME INTERIORS AT 27 WEST PARK. n 1 November 2017, 27 West Park opened with a mission to bring a shopping experience with a twist to Harrogate: a blend of the traditional with the contemporary; the old with the new; an antiques centre in combination with a high street interior design store. Judging by the first six months trading and the great response from locals and visitors alike, they could say “mission accomplished”. However, new and interesting examples arrive every single day, and 27 West Park have recently sold items as diverse as a five foot tall Dalek, a taxidermy peacock and a full size suit of armour. Customers tell them that one visit is never enough, and so the quest to bring more unusual and unique statement pieces must continue. Located on West Park Harrogate, the sales area spans 7,500 sq ft, promoting over 70 dealers, who bring a wealth of carefully sourced pieces from around the world. The result is a fabulous mix of antique, vintage and decorative items, displayed in combination with contemporary design. 27 West Park sells to private and trade buyers, including dealers, hotels, shops, public houses and other venues. If you need help getting things back home, they have their own courier company, offering reasonably priced delivery to all parts of the UK, Ireland and Europe, and if you have not been to see them yet... why not? There is free customer parking to the rear of the store, and they sell some of the best, freshly ground
94 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
‘barista-style’ coffee in Harrogate. Whether you are a collector, dealer, interior designer or home-maker, 27 West Park will help you find the treasure you are looking for. Here you will find unusual and unique statement pieces. Items chosen for their decorative quality, provenance, rarity, and wow factor. They have items ranging from £1 to several thousand. Why not pay them a visit and see for yourself. 27 West Park, Harrogate, HG1 1BJ www.27westpark.co.uk Tel: 01423 369615
You will find… * Furniture and decorative items * Fine art and prints * Gardenalia and statuary * Jewellery and watches * Rugs and soft furnishings * Memorabilia and collectables * Fashion and accessories * Vintage vinyl
Find inspiration FROM LUXURY CARPETS TO HAND FINISHED WOOD FLOORING , MAKE THE NEWLY EXTENDED COLDBATH FLOORING YOUR FIRST PORT OF CALL FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS. oldbath Flooring offers an unbiased and informative approach to choosing flooring for your home. Their newly extended showroom showcases a large variety of engineered hardwood flooring and carpets from the modest to the exclusive brands. Parquet herringbone with modern or classic designs and finishes have been a favourite over the last year; they have an extensive choice of blocks and matching planks available. All of their herringbone is suitable to be installed over underfloor heating. Their Home Counties Collection of antique finished oak planks are available in various widths and colours with a distressed look of years gone by, easy to maintain and refurbish if needed. Their oak floors are 95 per cent prefinished, which allows customers to have a good representation of what their floor will look like once installed. Large samples are displayed and available to borrow so you can see in your own home how they will look once installed. They find this helps customers enormously in making a final decision on colour and style.
96 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Coldbath Flooringâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s showroom has wool twist and wool loop carpets with lovely detail and design in the weave. They also have carpets made on looms using no electricity. These hand-finished carpets have a distinct, unique character some of which are luxuriously deep or silky smooth. The latest man-made carpets are super soft and hard-wearing, not the usual polypropylene, but fibres such as polymer, nylon and polyester, super soft and luxurious; the difference is a refreshing taste of what is now available to create a chic and stylish room setting.
Rest assured, Coldbath Flooring prides itself on offering the best advice and lots of help in choosing colours. Jane, one of the senior sales advisers who has been working at Coldbath Flooring for several years, has a deep knowledge of the flooring business. Customers are put at ease with her informal and helpful approach while helping to put colours together, her pleasant character and genuine helpfulness will show through within the first five minutes of chatting. The luxury vinyl tile market is ever growing and suitable for all areas of the home, their modern collections of this type of flooring are displayed and the installation easily explained. The choices are constantly changing and they have new designs arriving all the time. Please call in to see them for inspiration and an informal approach to choosing floors for your new home. Coldbath Flooring 135 Cold Bath Road, Harrogate, HG2 0NU Tel:Â 01423 313241 www.coldbathflooring.com
Coldbath Flooring Wo o d Fl o o r i n g Wo o l Ca r p e t s Si s a l V i n y l Ru g s L a m i n a t e
Newly extended showroom displaying Herringbone and plank wood flooring with original antiqued finishes or modern contemporary styles. Full fitting and advice service available Offering British and wools of New Zealand. Chunky loops and bold stripes, our smooth, dense, luxurious
heavy velvet carpets mixed with super soft yarns certainly have the wow factor. Our bespoke rugs and runners for stairs can look stylish and timeless Luxury vinyls with bold geometric designs or beautiful wood designs being versatile and hard wearing for the family environment.
135 COLD BATH ROAD • HARROGATE • HG2 0NU Tel: 0 1 4 2 3 3 1 3 2 41 • info@cold b athfloor ing.com
Time For New Curtains!
UNBEATABLE PRICES on branded curtain fabrics, made to measure curtains and ready made curtains
The Curtain Workroom & Fabric Warehouse For the LARGEST selection of curtain fabrics in the North visit our curtain fabric showroom. Open Monday–Friday 10am–5pm, Saturday 10am–4pm
91a Roseville Road, Leeds LS7 1BQ | info@curtains-fabrics.co.uk Tel: 0113 2459544 | www.curtains-fabrics.co.uk
A whole new look GIVE YOUR KITCHEN OR BEDROOM A MAKEOVER WITH THE HELP OF BUYWELL INTERIORS. ummer has arrived so it's time to brighten up your home and where better to start than with a new fitted kitchen or bedroom from Buywell Interiors, one of the leading fitted kitchen and bedroom specialists in Yorkshire. Buywell Interiors is an independent, family run business, with a reputation for providing first-rate products and customer service at an excellent and affordable price. Whether you imagine your dream kitchen to be ultra-modern with a gloss finish or more traditional with a painted finish, their Wetherby and Harrogate showrooms are both brimming with inspiration. After a total refurbishment of their new showroom in Harrogate, husband and wife team Simon and Michelle Procter feel the expansion into Harrogate will “complement their existing showroom on Thorp Arch retail estate, Wetherby, whilst offering customers more choice and options to create their dream home.” Simon and Michelle are proud to promote British products so both showrooms feature the fantastic British manufacturer Kesseler who offer a range of kitchen door styles painted in any Farrow & Ball colour. Also featured are top British ranges Gallery and Linear showcasing on trend handleless units alongside contemporary styles. As a preferred Bosch/Neff dealer you also have the reassurance of award winning appliances fitted in to your fabulous new kitchen. There are plenty of clever storage
solutions on display including sink drawers and a plethora of pull-out units, making awkward corners and hard-to-reach places a thing of the past. The theory is that if things are easily accessible then we are more likely to put them back after using them. This means a cleaner, tidier kitchen which, in turn, means more free time for enjoyment and socialising instead of doing the dreaded housework!
‘A new kitchen or bedroom purchase can be a daunting prospect, but Buywell Interiors try to make the whole process as stress-free as possible.’
The British theme continues into the bedroom as Buywell Interiors offer a range of fully made-to-measure, fitted bedroom furniture supplied by British manufacturer Birch Bedrooms. It doesn’t matter if your bedroom is small, an odd shape or has awkward angles you can create a bedroom to suit all your style and storage requirements. There are plenty of colours and styles to choose from and because everything is made to measure the ultimate dream of “organised clutter” is no longer a dream but a reality. There are no hard sell tactics making the whole process as stress free as possible. A full project management service is available including 3D planning, a comprehensive site survey and a complete installation package. As an independent business established over ten years ago, Simon and Michelle offer not only quality British products, but a warm, friendly and down-to-earth approach, putting customer service and satisfaction at the top of their priority list. Visit their showrooms today and take the first step to creating the kitchen or bedroom of your dreams. LIVE WELL. BUY WELL. Buywell Interiors Thorp Arch Retail Estate, Wetherby, LS23 7FE Tel: 01937 844288 Coppice Gate, Harrogate, HG1 2DR. Tel: 01423 208044 www.buywellinteriors.co.uk Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 99
Harrro Harrogate ogate B Branch ra anch U Claro Road, Harrogate, 4AU Clar oR oad, H arrogate, HG1 4A tel: 01423 637000
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Better by design
Unit 1, Royds Lane, Lower Wortley Ring Road, Leeds, LS12 6DU
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BATHROOM INSPIRATION From simply stylish, luxurious elegance to cool contemporary, we have beautiful collections for all styles and budgets on display and in stock.
TILES FOR ALL ROOMS Complement or enhance your rooms design with endless options from wood effect porcelain with grain texture, classic designs to the unique.
NATURAL BEAUTY OF STONE We travel the world to source from carefully selected quarries in Europe and beyond, to offer you a beautiful choice, the ďŹ nest quality and at the right price.
www.thetilecompany.co.uk LEEDS TILES & Bathrooms
18-20 Benson Street, LS7 1BL 0113 243 4756
Malton Road, YORK, YO32 9TE 01904 415527
Standard Way, DL6 2XE 01609 781166
8 51 Westborough, YO11 1TU 01723 372334
The White Company 34-36, County Arcade, Victoria Quarter, Vicar Lane, Leeds, LS1 6BH Tel: 0113 245 3925 www.thewhitecompany
Interior design, wallpaper and bespoke soft furnishings from Furnish & Fettle Wetherby and Harrogate.
Seagrass candle holder, £25.
Furnish & Fettle 10, Royal Parade, Harrogate, HG1 2SZ Tel: 01423 560757 16 High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT Tel: 01937 581451 www.furnishandfettle.co.uk
Developed over six generations of Swedish bed and mattress making tradition, Hästens mattresses are handmade with 100 percent organic, ethically-sourced and high-quality materials - without compromise.
Put the finishing touches to your home with the help of these local businesses. Hästens 218 Bradford Rd, Batley, WF17 6JF Tel: 01924 460044 www.hastens.com The Keswick Recliner in revolutionary Aquaclean fabric allows you to clean stains using only water. The protective coating also forms an elastic flexible barrier to prevent pets’ claws from fraying the fabric. Kettley’s 35/39 Ivegate, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7RE Tel: 0113 250 3716 www.kettleysfurniture.co.uk
The new DRU Global 55XTBF cavity wall fire is the perfect solution for homes without a chimney. With its slim depth and perfect log flame effect, this stunning fire can easily be installed into your home's cavity wall without losing floor space. £2,395 plus installation. Stonehouse Fireplaces Unit F Harwood Road, Northminster Business Park, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6QU Tel: 01904 790146 5 Hydro Retail Park, Ripon Rd, Harrogate, HG1 2BF Tel: 01423 503892
Sound Leisure SL45 vinyl jukebox Sound Leisure Ltd Sandleas Way, Crossgates, Leeds, LS15 8AR Tel: 0113 232 1700
Amtico Barrel Oak Dovetail in Stripwood 45° Laying Pattern. Waltons Fine Furnishings 46-50 Leeds Road, Ilkley, LS29 8DS Tel: 01943 600571 www.waltonsfinefurnishings.co.uk Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 105
Be it a conference, wedding or awards dinner, Royal Armouries and NEW DOCK Hall cater for all
Impress your guests at function rooms laced with historical artefacts
Great Yorkshire venues WHETHER YOU ARE PLANNING A CORPORATE OR A PERSONAL EVENT – BE IT BIG OR SMALL – WHY NOT CONSIDER ROYAL ARMOURIES MUSEUM OR NEW DOCK HALL? orkshire’s rich history attracts millions of visitors from all over the world each year. With everything from ancient battlefields to fascinating ruins, it’s little wonder our fair county is the destination of choice for so many. It’s also hardly surprising that those who live and work in the region take full advantage of this history when planning important events. There’s nothing quite like a sense of heritage to add an extra special touch to a special occasion. For those of you who would rather not settle for a dusty old castle, why not bring your event to life surrounded by history, all in a modern waterfront setting? The Royal Armouries Museum and adjacent NEW DOCK Hall – both operated by Royal Armouries (International) plc – occupy an enviable spot at Leeds Dock and host more than 500 events each year. Be it a conference for 20 delegates, a wedding for 800 guests, an awards dinner, an exhibition with over 180 stands or any other type of event you could dream of, we cater for them all. And not only do you have the opportunity to wow guests with this unique location, but you’ll also continue to impress them once they step inside your chosen venue. NEW DOCK Hall is renowned in the region for hosting an array of fabulous events.
106 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
From weddings and parties to conferences and exhibitions, its vast space and magical atmosphere make it one of the most unique venues around. Across the courtyard, the Royal Armouries Museum and its event spaces are laced with historical artefacts and armour to pique the interest of your guests. Imagine hosting a preevent drinks reception in one of the five themed galleries, where guests can mingle surrounded by 3,000 years of history. What’s more, the Royal Armouries International team employ an innovative marketing approach to ensure your corporate clients are as excited about the venue as you are well before the day arrives. Tools such as the drone not only show off the beautiful setting but enable you to offer your customers – some of whom may never have
ventured ‘up north’ before – a bird’s eye view of where the event will be held in relation to Leeds city centre. So whether you are planning a corporate or a personal event – be it big or small – why not consider Royal Armouries Museum or NEW DOCK Hall? The dedicated events team is ready and waiting to turn your ideas into a truly show-stopping occasion. Contact them on 0113 220 1990 or info@raievents.co.uk to see what they can do for you. Royal Armouries International plc Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LT Tel: 0113 220 1990 Email: info@rai-events.co.uk www.rai-events.co.uk Facebook: ‘Royal Armouries Int’ Twitter: @RoyalArmouries
“Welcome to our world of Fine Antiques and Home Interiors”
West Park, Harrogate, HG1 1BJ Tel: 01423 369615 | email: info@27westpark.co.uk Opening hours: Mon – Sat 9.30am – 5.30pm | Sun 10.00am – 4.00pm