1 minute read
The Sheffield Firth Almshouses
from Sixer August 2023
by RMC Media
Sheltered Accommodation Offered

Firth Homes is a charitable Almshouse Trust located in Nethergreen. We have 4 bungalows and 28 flats in total which are all self-contained and unfurnished with a double bedroom. The homes are suitable for single people or couples who are able to live independently. We have a communal social lounge and kitchen for a range of activities, special parties and interest groups.
• You must be over 60 years of age.
• Priority will be given to Sheffield residents (or those returning to Sheffield).
• You must be in housing need.
• You must have sufficient health & mobility to live independently.
Personal care
Firth Homes is not a residential home. Personal care is not provided. The Warden is not trained (or permitted) to provide personal support including cleaning; shopping; cooking or to administer medication. Residents who need help of any kind have to organise this for themselves or rely on relatives, friends or professional carers. An ensuite guest room is available at a small charge to facilitate care for a short time.
Health & Safety
Residents must maintain a landline phone connection. Through this phone line the Trustees connect your home to a monitored ‘social alarm’ company. When the pendant is pressed at any time, day or night, they will assess the emergency and they can contact the emergency services and your relatives or the warden. The homes have fire detectors which are also monitored remotely. The front doors to the flats are fire doors and they are fitted with an overhead door closer which makes the door stiffer to open. Fire Regulations prevent residents from remaining at Firth Homes if they become unable to exit and enter their home safely and without assistance. There are no lifts. The layout of the homes makes them unsuitable for wheelchairs and scooters.
If you would like to find out more or arrange to come and look around please get in contact. e-mail: info.firthhomes@gmail.com website: www.thesheffieldfirthalmshouses-firthhomes.co.uk Tel: 0114 2301252