Fit for the King Sheffield Assay Office’s royal tribute
Something to remember
Stunning souvenirs
Secrets to success
How will you be celebrating King Charles III’s coronation?
Fit for the King Sheffield Assay Office’s royal tribute
Something to remember
Stunning souvenirs
Secrets to success
How will you be celebrating King Charles III’s coronation?
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Every summer, Goldsmiths North brings together specially selected contemporary jewellers and silversmiths from all over the UK for a 3-day selling fair in the magnificent Cutlers’ Hall in the heart of Sheffield.
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Whether your idea of a treat is silver stud earrings to bring a touch of luxury to your everyday, beautiful gemset jewellery for that special occasion, a handmade silver dipper for your breakfast honey or a gilded tumbler for your after-dinner whiskey – at Goldsmiths North you’ll find everything you need to get serious about treating yourself.
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Whatever the shape and size of your existing conservatory roof, we can replace it with a custom-made, lightweight tiled roof. This type of roof consists of an aluminium structural frame (see image top right) with integrated insulation
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Bramley House, Chapel Lane, Apperknowle, Dronfield, Derbyshire, S18 4AZ
Offers in the region of: £850,000
Standing on a plot of approximately half an acre with delightful south-facing, tiered gardens is Bramley House, a wonderful four-bedroomed detached residence with fabulous far-reaching views. This superb home is set in a tranquil location and offers an ideal family home with character features and generously proportioned accommodation. Ground floor: three reception rooms, a dining kitchen and a sizeable utility room with a WC. All of the bedrooms are doubles and are positioned at the front of the property, taking advantage of the open views.
54 Langsett Avenue, Sheffield S6 4AA
Guide Price £275,000 to £285,000
Situated within this popular area is this spacious four bedroomed elevated bay windowed mid terraced property that offers ideal living space over four floors. The property offers gas central heating, double glazing with no upward chain. Ground floor: entrance lobby, hallway with access to storage cellar, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, conservatory with access to the rear garden. First floor: three bedrooms, bathroom and access up to attic bedroom four with rear facing dormer window and ample storage spaces. Outside courtyard style front garden, enclosed rear garden with patio overlooking woodland. Early viewing strongly advised.
heCoronationofHis Majesty
TheKing and Her Majesty
TheQueenConsor t will take place at WestminsterAbbey on Saturday6 May.To celebratethe coronationofKingCharles III, a commemorative hallmarkhasbeen approvedby theBritish Hallmarking Counciland thefour UK Assay
Offices,oneof whichisright here in Sheffield
Based on amedalby IanRankBroadleyFRBSandusing ar twork suppliedby ThomasFattorini,the mark depicts theKing’sheadagainst anoval backg round.It can be applied togold, silver,platinum or palladiumitemsby request.
The hallmarkcame ‘live ’ on1March andwillbe available until theend of December 2024.It can beplaced anywhere viableonthe itembeing hallmarkedandcan differin sizefrom the compulsorycomponent marks
“We’ve alreadyseen ahuge amount of interest,thingslikethiscan really boost business,” saidAshley Carson, Assay Masterat SheffieldAssay Office.
“We’reproud of it, we reallywantto promote it andwillbeputting iton all our products.”
Ashleyis nowin his 46thyearat SheffieldAssay Office,30of whichhe’s servedasAssay Master – he’llcelebrate hisanniversarylater thisyear.
The Assay Office isresponsiblefor testingthepurity ofpreciousmetalsit isimpossibletotell theprecious metalcontentof an item just by looking at it.Gold, silver,platinumand palladiumaretoo softto use alonefor makingjewellery, cutleryand other goodsand need to be alloyedwith othermetals formanufacturing.To protectthe consumer,the Assay Office will test ar ticles to make surethattoo muchbase metalhas not been used, at the sametimeensuringthe manufacturer’s peaceof mindby providing an independent assessment ofqualityandcontent.
The SheffieldAssay Office dates
back to1773 when an Actof Parliamentthepreviousyearappointed 30 localmen as‘Guardians ofthe Standard of WroughtPlate intheTown of Sheffield’ to supervisethe work of theoffice andassayandhallmarksilver. Thisworkcontinues tothisdayand, as the13thAssay Master, Ashleyhasbeen instrumentalinthe developmentofthe business, which nowhasaworldwide reputation.
AshleyisaSheffieldman bor n and bredwho holds the distinctionof beingthe youngest Assay Master ever appointed.Hejoined theoffice in 1977, continuedhis education at Chesterfield College where he studied silversmithing and then workedhisway through theorganisation–from sampler, marker, computermanager and generalmanager, before being appointedAssay Master 1993 atthe ageofonly 32.
Oneof hisbiggest achievementsin his tenure was the relocatingoftheir offices from Por tobello Streettonew pur posebuiltpremises onBeulah RoadinHillsborough
“Basedonamedalby IanRank-Broadley FRBSandusing artworksuppliedby ThomasFattorini,the markdepictstheKing’s headagainstanoval background.”
“We’d essentially outg rownthe building,” Ashleysaid ofthe decisionto move.“We star ted off withahouse thenput anextensionon it,then a g ranny flat,then anotherstoreyand you endup withabuildingthat’s just a total nightmaretoget workround.It wasn ’tproductive.
“I reckon itneededabout£1million justtogetthingsupto speedso,on the back of quite abigproper tyboominthe city centre in2005/6, we sold the whole one-acre sitefor £4million, bought this pieceof land for £800,000 and for justover £3millionputthisin. We’ve neverlookedback, it’s perfectforus.”
Fur therwork to improvethe building hasincluded the installationof solar panelsand LED lighting throughout.
Ashley oversees65staff atthe SheffieldAssay Office, many of which almost rival the Assay Master for longevity of service.
“Outofthe 65 I’vegot12 staff who have been hereover 25years,” he said. “OutofthatI’vegotthreethat’sbeen over 30 years,one who’s nearly 40… so we’vegot areally good team.”
Goodcustomerrelationsareessential tothe servicethe Assay Officeprovides andAshleyis proud ofthe consistently highstandardshisstaff set.
“Outofthe last month, wephoned 12 customersandall ofthembar one gave us tenoutoften,” he commented “Theonethat didn ’t isacustomerin Leicesterandhe said‘I’m only g iving you nineoutoften.I would g ive you ten if you open an Assay office in Leicester nextto myshop!’We’vegot sucha goodrappor t withcustomers andit’sdowntoourstaff.”
UnderAshley’sleadership, Sheffield Assay Office has g rown itsreputation as oneofthe leading,proactive and efficientoffices.He hasalso been responsibleforbroadeningthe scopeof the Assay Office work, having identified theoppor tunities for g rowth in analyticalservices
In additionto hallmarking,thisservice notonly providesmetalsanalysisand cer tification but alsooperatesin areas asdiverse assmelting andassay of bullion, mineralanalysisandland contamination investigations, mercury screening andmedicalresearch,plating thicknessmeasurement and nickel testing.
Clients for these servicesare drawn fromadiverse rangeof businessand industrybuttheyshare acommon need- forabsolute integ rity of service and evaluation.
SheffieldAssay Office was oneof thefirst laboratories to beg iven UKASaccreditation andis proud to have retained that accreditation continuously for 40 years,eachyear satisfyingthe stringent demands ofthe standard
Hallmarking remains the coreof theirbusinessandaswellworking with jewellery, silverware and the like
CLOCKWISEFROMTOPLEFT: AlistofAssayMastersat SheffieldAssayOffice;The workshopsatBeulahRoad;The SheffieldAssayOfficecelebrates its250thanniversarylaterthisyear; Thehallmarkdesign,whichis availableuntilDecember2024
theydoget requests that can be deemed‘outoftheordinary’
“Weonce hadasilverbed quite a fewyearsago -we had totakethe
window outtoget itthrough,” said Ashley.“We also hada 42-levelcake stand forSultanof somethingor other We requested to actuallysee it made and theonly place it couldbe done wasaschoolspor tshall because it went so high.”
Back tothe coronation andaswell being instrumentalinthe developmentofthenewhallmark, the SheffieldAssay Office hasalso made averyspecial g iftfor King Charles III, whichwillbepresented after the coronation has takenplace.
“To commemoratethePlatinum
Jubilee we sentHer Majestya g iftof asolidsilversardinetin, whichwas made by Rebecca Jocelyn,” added Ashley.“I didsome researchand found [His Majesty] likes gardening soI’mhaving asilverwatering can made.It’sasmall one witha nice big hallmarkdown it.”
The roleof Assay Masterstill remainsverymuchhands-onfor Ashleybut afteralmostfive decades of service, hashethought about winding down?
“InOctobermychairman here [Charles Tur ner] becomes Master
Cutler,” commentedAshley.“He said to me, ‘you’regoingnowhere’sothat
takesmetoOctober 2024 and I’m
thinking by thetimeIgetthere,I’ll
benearly64, ifI can do something
here in arolethattakes twoor three
days,that’smyideal plangoing
No doubt it willbe welldeserved
but inthe meantimethere’s the small matter of his 30thanniversaryas
Assay Master to consideraswellas
theoffice’s 250thanniversary.It’s
tur ning intoquite ayear of
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Seven of the world’s finest Latin musicians are being flown in from Barcelona at the end of April for what’s billed as “the most ambitious Salsa In The Square in the event’s ten-year history” .
Leopold Square-based Cubana have been in negotiation with El Negrito Xulas, one of the most sought after bands of their style in the Europe, for months. The seven native Cubans are renowned for their weekly residency at top Barcelona nightclub BarSamba but later next month they’ve been persuaded to entertain the crowds in Sheffield.
The first Salsa In The Square of 2023 is set to take place outdoors in Sheffield city centre’s Leopold Square on Bank Holiday Sunday 30 April. The free outdoor salsa spectacular is being organised by Cubana and co-promoter RC Dance in association with Havana Club. The event also offers Latin dance displays, DJs and more.
Latin tunes will be supplied by ever popular DJs Anna De Orte from Barcelona and Roly Caballero (Havana, Cuba).
Adrian Bagnoli, co-owner of Cubana, said: “Being able to fly El Negrito Xulas over from Spain will give Sheffield audiences one of the very best Cuban live bands they will ever witness. We’re really looking forward for the most exciting Salsa In he Square.”
Cubana Tapas Bar is situated at Unit 4 Leopold Square, Sheffield S1 2JG. Bookings can be made on
More info from
Join Sheffield City at Ponds Forge International Sports Centre on Friday
30 June for what promises to be a fantastic night of football chat.
Ex-Sheffield Wednesday manager ‘Big’ Ron Atkinson and ex-Sheffield United manager Dave ‘Harry’ Bassett will be in attendance for a sportsman’s dinner event known as, ‘Two Teams in One City’.
Hear from two legendary figures in the game in what promises to be a great night.
Prices are £30 per ticket, of which there is food included, or £250 per table for a group of 12. Call 07788 695368 for more information.
Wentworth Woodhouse has launched a schools design challenge to celebrate the 300th anniversary of John Carr, the north’s greatest 18th century architect.
Grade I listed Wentworth Woodhouse in Rotherham owes much of its grandeur to Carr. To celebrate his achievements and encourage future talent, it has teamed with nationwide conservation architects Donald Insall Associates and nine other John Carr sites across the north to launch the John Carr 300 Challenge.
Donald Insalls’ architects have recreated drawings of each beautiful building - from the oldest surviving stone racecourse grandstand in the world to the iconic Crescent in Buxtonand deliberately left out one important element.
The owners of these landmark buildings are each encouraging schools in their area to study Carr’s life - and task their students with completely redesigning the missing feature.
Carr carried out numerous projects at Wentworth Woodhouse. He redesigned parts of the 606-feet long East Front, created its grand staircase, the estate’s Keppel’s Column, Needle’s Eye and Rockingham Mausoleum and the huge Stable Block.
Schools will be tasked with redesigning Stable Block’s imposing central archway and clock tower.
Each site will work with Donald Insalls’ architects to choose winners from educational Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 at the end of June. The best designs will go on show at each site during the national Heritage Open Days festival in September.
Simon Slater of Slaters Aerial Services has a different ‘office view’ to most of us –a rooftop vista of Sheffield. But can you guess where exactly he was when he took this photograph?
Follow @SlatersAerials on Twitter – the answer will be revealed at the end of each month. Last time, did you spot that Simon was on Glossop Road looking towards West Street.
hen Linda Bloomfield moved to Sheffield four years ago, she had ambitions of working in a community arts centre, something she had spent much of her career doing previously. Only there was no such arts centre here so, in February 2021, she decided to start her own. That’s how RivelinCo was born.
RivelinCo is a neighbourhood arts centre ‘without walls’. This means that their creative programme take place in parks, supermarkets, community centres, high streets, car parks, empty shops, libraries, schools and care homestemporarily transforming them into theatres, cinemas, galleries, workshops, classrooms and forums.
This month the arts centre will also be opening a permanent HQ in a formerly empty shop front on Middlewood Road, while continuing their work with Gathering Ground: the collective name for some of the buildings in Hillsborough Park recently renovated by Age UK Sheffield, which is where they host their weekly sessions.
“We believe access to culture is a human right, and our definition of culture is broad: our remit includes gardening, cooking, crafts, cinema, languages and sports as often as it includes theatre, dance, music and visual arts,” said Linda. “Our approach is inclusive and intergenerational. We prioritise respect, kindness and care: for our community, for our team, for our collaborators, and for the planet.”
Weekly activities for adults are held at either The Pavilion or The Bradbury Makers’ Shed in Hillsborough Park and include Andy’s Man Club (Mondays), Creative Writing (Tuesdays and Wednesdays), Singing (Wednesdays), Drama in the Park (Thursdays) and Crafternoons (Fridays).
Retiree Valerie Harley has been attending classes organised by RivelinCo from the beginning and particularly enjoys choir on Wednesdays as well as the craft group on Fridays. She has also dipped her toe into drama and art and
enjoys the craft markets occasionally held on weekends. The groups have been a real tonic for Valerie who moved into the area in 2017 and has found them a great way to make friends but above all loves their fun, friendly and supportive nature.
“They’ve been a joy, ” she said. “The classes are nicely structured and always offer something positive and creative. They’re a wonderful opportunity to get out and about - they can really lift your mood.”
Valerie confessed to being ‘not overly creative’ before but has been open-minded to the different classes she has tried.
“Everyone seems to go with the same attitude and are really supportive,” she added. “The paid staff and volunteers are fantastic and create a lovely environment. The daytime classes are perfect for someone of my age and prices are very competitive too.”
Upcoming special classes include a Fermentation and Pickling Workshop (13 May), Ugandan Bark Cloth: Stitch and Stick (27 May), Woodwork for Wellbeing (24 June), and Printmaking in the Park (8 July), as well as the ongoing weekly programme.
RivelinCo will also be hosting a series of shows and events throughout the year which includes a Midsummer Festival (18 June) and an outdoor performance of Peter Pan (17 August).
To find out more, call 0114 327 1670, email or visit can find them on social media too –@RivelinCo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
A relaxed community choir for anyone who wants to sing!
Wednesdays 12pm - 1.30pm
The Pavilion, Hillsborough Park. £6 per session
Try different forms of creative writing in a relaxed environment!
Tuesdays 2pm - 3.30pm and
Wednesdays 6.30pm - 8pm, alternating weeks
The Bradbury Makers’ Shed, Hillsborough Park. £6 per session
w . £6 per session ark ough P eeks
Dram ra
ama P o ha e t e spac tiv elop theatr v e, and de
e suppor A saf onfidenc our c y sThursday ay
ark ama, build e dr v av e-making skills! theatre-making
A safe and supportive space to have a go at drama, build your confidence, and develop theatre-making skills!
Thursdays 6pm - 8pm
The Pavilion, Hillsborough Park. £4 per session
To check dates and book visit: or call us on 0114 327 1670
Bursaries are available. Please email for more information
A relaxed and creative get-together. Bring your own crafty projects or try something new with others!
Cra ra elaxe xe A r afty pr cr sriday ay F
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Fridays 1.30pm - 3pm
ark ough P ood and w aft, f v als and e estiv 16 ailable.v e a av cess@rivelinco.or
The Pavilion, Hillsborough Park. Free, or a donation
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Check out the rest of our programme, which includes craft, food and woodwork workshops, festivals and events, community repair shops, makers’ markets, and activities for children and families!
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hen Laura Helliwell left her position as manager of The Plough in Low Bradfield to take up an equivalent role at The Schoolrooms, she probably didn’t envision having to wear a hard hat and hi-vis vest on her first day of work. She’d joined at the time the Victorian venue was undergoing its biggest refurbishment since opening in 2011 and Laura wanted to be there every step of the way; she’s not afraid of getting her hands dirty.
“I’ve learned so much throughout the whole process and have had to deal with plumbers, electricians, joiners you name it,” she said.
Low Bradfield School closed its doors to pupils in 1985 and after standing derelict for a number years, was bought by the Hague family almost 30 years ago. They slowly and lovingly restored the Victorian building, finally opening it as The Schoolrooms in 2011, a farm shop and cafe with an adjoining house next door.
It quickly became a popular spot for locals and visitors to the area, particularly when you could take full advantage of the extensive indoor and outdoor seating and indulge in a range of breakfast and lunch dishes as well as tasty coffee and cakes. In summer months, the playground and bouncy castle have always been popular with younger visitors too.
This latest transformation, which took
three months, has seen the two-storey building completely overhauled with an additional kitchen built on the ground floor to double its capability. The biggest change, though, is in the neighbouring house which has been converted into a bar and bistro, now called Assembly.
Rachel Woodhouse-Hague was charged with project management and interior design of the venue and has created a modern, welcoming space with a colour palette of cream and duck egg blue. Tan leather seating complements aged wooden tables and industrial-style lighting adds further contemporary touches throughout the cafe. Assembly is split over multiple levels with two distinct dining areas; The Library and Caretaker’s as well as a spacious bar, mezzanine and tap room and has more distinct design elements to create an exciting atmosphere for the evening crowd.
It’s been an incredible turnaround, and our hard-working team managed to keep the cafe open throughout the whole of the renovations,” said Charlotte Hague. “Everyone has been amazing and we’d like to say a big thank you to our contractors MHH Contracting, Mark Bowen Joinery, New Phase Electricals, Upholstery by Richard Hardy, Broadfield Signs, MGP Jerrico Works, Elite Sprayers, ProTec, Ambi-Heat, Ancor Ventilation, Natural Granite and Layers for making all this possible.”
New staff have been recruited to complement the existing team; Debbie Congreave will continue to work in the cafe side of the operation, aided by chef Alison Tarn, whilst a new chef teambrothers Todd and Luke Shakespearehave been recruited to run the new bar and bistro. Laura Helliwell will oversee both sides of the business.
“After all the renovations it feels strange to be now starting my ‘proper’ job,” laughed Laura. “But we’re now fully open and are keen to welcome everyone into the cafe and bistro. We’re now dogfriendly downstairs too should you wish to bring your four-legged friends.”
Assembly is the jewel in the Mill Lee Road venue’s crown and turns The Schoolrooms into an all-day venue. The Cafe and Kitchen opens daily until 5pm while the Bistro opens Wednesday to Saturday from 4pm-11 30pm, although the Bar is open for drinks on Sundays too. Together the team have devised an ever-changing à la carte menu that puts a modern twist on traditional British dining and uses seasonal ingredients, many of which are sourced from local suppliers.
Stand-out dishes on the current bistro menu include Black Pudding with poached egg, dressed mixed leaves, red onion marmalade and hollandaise; PanFried Seabass with chorizo, red onion, blistered cherry tomatoes, sautéed
potatoes and lemon caper beurre blanc and Sticky Toffee Pudding with salted caramel sauce, pecans and vanilla ice cream.
In the cafe you’ll find familiar breakfast and lunch dishes, including sandwiches, salads and ‘hot dinners’ and a new brunch menu will be launching soon. Afternoon tea, starting from £18 per person, is also available but must be pre-booked.
The new venue can also be booked for
your special events, from small, intimate private dining experiences to birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations of life and even weddings.
“We can pretty much cater for every eventuality and occasion,” added Laura.
“Our aim is to turn The Schoolrooms and Assembly into a destination venue. We want people to come to Bradfield specifically to visit us but of course you can't forget the glorious north Sheffield
countryside we have on our doorstep. Whatever time of day you’re visiting, make sure you stop by and say hello.”
The Schoolrooms Café & Kitchen & Assembly Bar & Bistro
Mill Lee Road, Low Bradfield, Sheffield, S6 6LB
Tel: 0114 285 1920
Assembly is our late night, neighbourhood Bar & Bistro, now open next door to The Schoolrooms! Providing a superb dining experience for all occasions, putting a modern twist on traditional British dining.
Treat yourself to a delicious cocktail to start the evening, followed by Oak Smoked Salmon, Sirloin Steak or Chicken Supreme, then finish it off with a mouth-watering Molten Chocolate or Sticky Toffee Pudding. Full menu available online.
Open Wednesday to Saturday evenings, 4pm til late. Reservations now available via our website!
Mill Lee Road, Low Bradfield, Sheffield, S6 6LB 0114 2851 920
This month sees the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort, which will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May. Conducted by Archbishop of Canterbury, the service will reflect the Monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry.
Following the service, on Sunday 7 May, a special Coronation Concert will be staged and broadcast live at Windsor Castle by the BBC. There will also be a Coronation Big Lunch, at which neighbours and communities are invited to share food and fun together, will take place across the country on the same date.
On Monday 8 May, members of the public will be invited to take part in The Big Help Out, which will encourage people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas.
Here we look at the specifics of the big day as well as events happening locally, in case you can’t make it to London or Windsor for the pomp and ceremony.
Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort will arrive at Westminster Abbey in procession from Buckingham Palace, known as ‘The King’s Procession’.
After the Service, Their Majesties will return to Buckingham Palace in a larger ceremonial procession, known as ‘The Coronation Procession’. Their Majesties will be joined in this procession by other Members of the Royal Family.
At Buckingham Palace, The King and The Queen Consort, accompanied by Members of the Royal Family, will appear on the balcony to conclude the day’s ceremonial events.
The Coronation Concert will bring global music icons and contemporary stars together in celebration of the historic occasion. Rumoured performers include Lionel Richie, Sir Paul McCartney and Take That.
Attended by a public audience including volunteers from The King and The Queen Consort’s many charity affiliations, the concert will see a worldclass orchestra play interpretations of musical favourites fronted by some of the world’s biggest entertainers, alongside performers from the world of dance. The performances will be supported by staging and effects located on the Castle’s East Lawn and will also feature a selection of
spoken word sequences delivered by stars of stage and screen.
Alongside the stars of the concert, the show will also see an exclusive appearance from The Coronation Choir. This diverse group will be created from the nation’s keenest community choirs and amateur singers from across the United Kingdom, such as Refugee choirs, NHS choirs, LGBTQ+ singing groups and deaf signing choirs.
The centrepiece of the Coronation Concert, ‘Lighting up the Nation’, will see the country join together in celebration as iconic locations across the United Kingdom are lit up using projections, lasers, drone displays and illuminations.
In Sheffield, plans around the Coronation of King Charles III will see people from all over come and enjoy celebrations with live music, acts and a big screen to watch all the action over the Bank Holiday weekend.
‘The Lord Mayor’s Coronation Party’ will take place in the Peace Gardens on Saturday 6 May, with The King’s Concert taking place on Sunday 7 May, where the whole of the gardens will be decorated red, white and blue for a series of events.
A staged area will be the focal point for live musical performances such as brass bands, swing bands and more, playing music from a range of genres to appeal to all ages. These performances will take place before and after the live broadcast of the Coronation.
On Sunday 7 May, The King’s Concert will be broadcast live from Windsor. The centrepiece of the Coronation Concert, ‘Lighting up the Nation’, will see the country join together in celebration as locations across the United Kingdom are lit up using projections, lasers, drone displays and illuminations.
Residents and visitors in Chesterfield are invited to a special tea dance to help celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.
The Ashby “Little” Big Band with six musicians and a singer will be on hand play a mix of ballroom and sequence at the special event that will be held in the auditorium at the Winding Wheel Theatre
on Tuesday 2 May 2023. Hosted by Chesterfield Borough Council, the event will help to mark the first Coronation of a UK monarch for nearly 70 years.
Tickets are priced at £7.50 and can be purchased at or by calling the box office on 01246 345222.
6 May
The Shoulder of Mutton Feel proud to be British and join
Take That - will they be making a royal appearance?
The dance will take place from 2.30pm to 5.30pm. Afternoon tea refreshments will also be available to purchase on the day.
Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The Coronation of King Charles III will be a huge event in our history, and we know that many local residents will be looking for different ways to mark this special occasion.
“We held a tea dance for the Platinum Jubilee last year which proved to be really popular, so we ‘re hoping to see as plenty of people joining us again this time.”
More information on the Coronation, including details of national events can be found at
The Shoulder of Mutton in celebrating as the King’s Coronation takes place. You will get to experience live music after the Kings Coronation is broadcasted live for all to see. There will also be bouncy castles to keep the kids entertained whilst you sit back and relax in the sun. This is perfect for people looking to get out the house and have fun whilst having a relaxing weekend.
Cubana is an independently-owned tapas restaurant and Cuban bar that started from humble beginnings, situated on Trippet Lane in November 2000 offering a burst of joyous Havana sunshine from our base on a sleepy city centre back street.
In the summer of 2014, co-owners Adrian Bagnoli and Brad Charlesworth decided the time was right for an exciting new chapter in Cubana’s story - a move to an amazing new home just a couple of hundred yards away in the beautiful surroundings of Leopold Square.
Asked if he still had personal career ambitions, Adrian said: “To create a venue that becomes part of Sheffield folklore spanning over three decades (we’ve only got seven more years to go!). We are not looking to open multiple sites (and never have been really) – we just want to run the one venue well and make it unique and special.”
Through their various companies, Blenheim offer bespoke architecture, design, construction and property sales – turning dreams into reality. Paul oversees the full operation of all three businesses.
Paul has fond memories of a mentor who helped him to shape his career. “I had the fortune to spend my late teens with a man called David Wosskow from Sheffield, an amazing marketer, salesman and business leader from the textile industry,” he said. “I think of him often with great admiration.”
Asked if he had any advice for other men in business, he added: “Dare to dream, aim higher than you can possibly imagine, never ever give in and hold the truth close.”
Over recent years, many vets do not have the spare time to visit peoples homes at a convenient time to help people say goodbye to their much loved pets. Rob set up Pets at Rest Vets to help guide people through this difficult time and when the time is right, come out to their homes so pets can pass peacefully in familiar surroundings.
“It is amazing how many people don’t know about the option of having a pet put to sleep at home and so my current plans are to just continue marketing the business,” said Rob. “I am seeing good growth with the business and it won’t be too long before I may need to look at growing the team.”
Rob qualified as a vet 20 years ago and had not considered doing anything more than just being a vet. Since then he’s run a large charity hospital as well as being an area manager for a group of hospitals.
Nonnas Sheffield Ltd has been a staple of Sheffield’s culinary/bar scene since opening way back in 1996. It was Maurizio’s dream to bring the culture of his hometown – Montecatini in Tuscany, Italy – to the streets of the city. Nonnas enjoyed its 25th anniversary a couple of years ago and is now looking forward to the next 25 years. Maurizio said that it has been a true honour to serve the lovely people of Sheffield for so long and thanks his amazing staff for their service over the years.
“The development of Nonnas has more than fulfilled my career ambitions,” said Maurizio. “My early years were spent honing my craft in various hotels around Europe and that gave me the confidence and opportunity to launch Nonnas. It was originally launched and run with co-owner Gian Bohan. In 2015 I went solo. It has been an incredible journey and a particular high point was definitely a visit from Sylvester Stallone!”
Established 21 years ago, Best Solicitors is a local and regional law firm offering a range of legal solutions to both individuals and businesses.
As a Director of the firm, and Head of the Litigation and Personal Injury Department, Thomas is responsible to both the stakeholders and employees. His role is to ensure that the firm is structured and run efficiently to deliver excellent client service and to support business growth. As departmental head, Thomas leads a team representing clients in professional negligence claims, commercial litigation, trust disputes and personal injury.
“My main inspiration does not come from the legal sector, but from the world of fitness,” said Thomas. “In some ways, the qualities of both business and fitness are the samededication, commitment, sacrifice and determination.”
We are here to support you every step of the way. When you call or visit we can help with:
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All our support is free, confidential and available Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm
The Steel City Concert Band welcomes all players of Brass, Woodwind and Percussion instruments who are over 18 years old. We would particularly like more saxophone and horn players. No auditions are held but it is necessary to be able to read music.
The music played by the band is from shows and film scores, classical and jazz arrangements for wind bands plus music and carols for Christmas concerts.
The practice sessions are held at the Scout Headquarters, Trippet Lane Sheffield S1 4EL on Tuesday evenings from 7.15 to 9.15pm.
If you are interested in joining us please contact us through our website
For more information contact Anne 07884 327214
Thank you for doing my lovely buffet for my 18th Birthday Party. Love and Best Wishes – the birthday girl!
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First Class catering service for your WEDDING DAY
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Thinking of your ideal setting for that special occasion? Look no further than our beautiful rooftop garden, available for private hire. With breathtaking views of the city skyline. Perhaps you are considering entertaining your guests outdoors? or even organise a birthday party, anniversary or simply a fun get together. If it rains? Then we have the Garrison room attached on the same 1st floor to retreat back to.
Indulge in a delicious Sunday roast in the stunning surroundings of our historic dining room at the Garrison. With a menu carefully crafted by our chefs to showcase the best ingredients, our roast lunch is the perfect way to round off your weekend. Savour the mouth watering flavours of perfectly cooked sirloin of beef, crispy roast potatoes, and seasonal vegetables, all served with rich gravy. Enjoy a glass of fine wine or a refreshing local Sheffield cask ale as you soak up the grandeur of our beautifully restored dining room. Treat yourself to a sumptuous Sunday lunch in one of the most historic restaurants in town.
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We're excited to announce that we have moved into larger premises in Orchard Square! You can now find us in workshop 7 - upstairs in the craft workshops, just next door to our old premises.
Our spacious new showroom is fully stocked with a wide range silver, gold, platinum and more, to suit all tastes and budgets. Feel free to come in and browse - we'd love to show you around!
This year the beautiful British Hallmark is even more special. To celebrate the coronation of King Charles lll we are providing a special hallmarking service to create distinctive commemorative pieces for you to treasure forever. Call us or come into the workshop to find out more.
Last year we celebrated 50 years in business, so it's safe to say we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you and we continue to pride ourselves on our personal, friendly service.
Our renowned high-quality repair and restoration services ensure that your jewellery looks as good as new for as long as possible.
We look forward to welcoming you to workshop 7!
Thisgoldcolour coinwasdesigned tocommemorate theCoronationof KingCharlesIII. £4.95.
Thissilvercrown broochisanunusual motif,andmakesa quirkyadditiontoany jewellerycollection £
Thisunique,limitededitionteatowel celebratestheCoronationofKingCharles III,£
Thiscollector’ssetofminiatureCrownsand RegaliaishandcastintheUKby craftsmen,issetwithSwarovskiElements, andishandenamelled.Thesetcontains12 ofthemainpiecesusedintheCoronation ofaBritishMonarch:theSt.Edward’s Crown,theImperialStateCrown,the Sovereign’sSceptrewiththecross,the Sovereign’sOrb,theCommonwealth Bracelets,theCoronationRing,theAmpulla andAnointingSpoon,theGeorgeIV Diadem,theSceptrewiththedove,the JewelledSwordandtheSwordofState. £
KingCharlesIIICoronationCrystalDecanter andWhiskyGlassesSet,£320.
Celebratethe coronationofKing CharlesIIIwiththis commemorative deepwelltray designedbyEmma Bridgewater,£9.95. www.annabeljames.
TocommemoratetheCoronation, WestminsterAbbeyhasdesigneda distinguishedcollectionofhandcutcrystal. Eachglassishandcutandengravedwitha designincorporatingthetheRoyalCypher. £
CentresPrice& KensingtonTea forone£16.99.
ThisRoyalcollectionof partylanternsincludes threestarsinred,white andblueandtwoLimited EditionUnionJackStars, boldlyfeaturingtheflagof theUnitedKingdom,£65.
TheKingCharlesIIICoronationmugbearsthe nationalflowersfromtheUKalongwithoak,a symbolofstrengthandstability,andivy,the symbolofcommitment,whichtrails throughoutthisintricatelyhand-drawndesign, £
or the manof business, it is crucial togetthe detailsright and this extends to his accessories too.Browsingon watchsales sitesyouwillsee manyadver ts for preowned Rolex watches proudlydeclaring “Orig inal Box and Papers”, but does this reallymatter?
The ‘box’refers totheorig inal branded packag ing.Thepaperwork mainlyrefers totheorig inal manufacturer’s guarantee with the individualserial numbers ofthe watch.It cantaketheform of a plasticcard or papercer tificate.This guarantee is individual tothe watchandcan ’t be replacedif lost.
Shouldit make adifference?Intheory it shouldn ’t -mostpeople don ’t keep theirwatchesintheorig inalbox if they’re wor n regularlyandyoucan buya beautiful presentation box ifthe watchis a g ift.Theguarantee cardis justthatwhilethe watchisunder guarantee it willbe required to make awarranty claimbutoutsideofthat it shouldbe useless
However, in realityit isimpor tant due to market demands. When looking at nearly newwatchesamajority of buyers prefer to seetheorig inalbox and papers andare willingtopaya premium for them.Their presence addsan air of authenticityand suggestsit hasbeen well cared for, although that is notguaranteed!
There are several reasonswhywatches come without box and papers.It’s possiblethat theyhavejustgone
missing; throughhouse movesand inheritances things get separated.They couldhave been damaged;we sometimes seeolderwatcheswith thepackag ing in avery poorstate.Inthiscase it’s not sur prisingthattheyhave beenthrown away!
box and papers?That is personal preference.Inour opinion it’s fineto buy awatchwithoutthemaslong asit is pricedappropriately.The difference in priceon a newerwatchwillbeg reater than anolder one as there isahigher expectationofthembeingpresent.On recent, sought-aftermodels thepremium couldrun intofour figureswhileon a 20-year-oldwatchyoucanexpect£300400extra.
Remember that box and paperworkis no assuranceofquality orcondition.It also doesn ’ttellyouifthe watchhasa badhistory orreplacementpar ts that may not begenuine. We’ve seen heavily modifiedwatcheswithbox and papers that are sofarremoved from theorig inal thatRolex wouldrefuseto work on them Forus, condition andhowwell prepared the watchisare more impor tant. All ofour Rolex watcheshaveeither been serviced orinspectedand tested for accuracybya Rolex specialist repairer usingonly Rolexpar ts andare suppliedwitha two-year guarantee.
Costco Wholesale is a membership warehouse club, dedicated to bringing our members quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. We provide a wide selection of merchandise, plus the convenience of speciality departments and exclusive member services, all designed to make your shopping experience a pleasurable one. We are confident in the quality and value of our products, and we stand behind them with our guarantee of satisfaction.
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To join Costco and start saving please provide your employee ID card or current pay slip to prove your employment.
With 40 years experience, it’s no wonder Loxley Car Sales has grown a fantastic reputation for its individually sourced used cars. We’ve dedicated our efforts to guiding and advising our clients about the best vehicles on the market. We offer a wide range of options and a professional service for your every need.
Since our grand opening in 2023, Loxley Car Sales has provided our customers with quality vehicles and high end services to suit their needs. With a diverse assortment of vehicles in stock, we’re guaranteed to have something for everyone to enjoy. Loxley Car Sales also prides ourselves on offering the most reasonable prices in town, with options that fall within everyone’s budget.
The Ferrari RomaSpider,the latest model from theMaranello marque, was unveiledat anexclusiveevent atthe El
Badi Palace inMarrakesh
This timelessly elegant, highperformance carisacontemporary takeon the chic,pleasure-seekingItalian lifestyleof the1950sand60s.Thisspidercarries over theproportions, volumesandspecifications ofthe Ferrari Roma’shugelysuccessfulV8 2+concept, but what makesit so striking is the adoptionof asofttop, asolution making awelcome retur ntothePrancing Horse rangeon a front-enginedcar54 yearsafter the1969365 GTS4.
The Ferrari RomaSpiderretains the Ferrari Roma’s excellent dynamic characteristics: it boastsabest-in-class weight/powerratiothanks notonly to its softtop, but alsoto itsall-aluminium chassisand620hp V8from theeng ine family that washeraldedas the Inter nationalEng ineoftheYear onfour consecutiveoccasions.Theeng ine is coupledwithFerrari’suniversallyacclaimed eight-speed DCT knownfor itsincredibly fast shifttimesaswellas excellent standards of comfor t and mechanical efficiency.
Withmanyinnovationsandan expandedrangeof standard features, Mercedes-AMG compact SUVsare embarkingonthenext modelcycle.
Thenew GLAand GLB modelswill featurethenewlystyled front apron withAMG logo andlight signaturesat thefront andrear to make astrong visualstatement.
Ontheeng ine side,theGLA 35 4MATIC and GLB35 4MATIC will nowbe fittedwith the belt-driven star ter generator(RSG)andan additional 48 voltonboard powersupplyasstandard.The second-generationRSGfunctionsasamild hybrid
Thetechnologyalso improvescomfor t, with thetransitions ofthe star t/stop and coastingfunction barely noticeable.The225kW(306hp) outputofthe ag ile, high-torque2.0 litrefour-cylinder turboeng ine isdistributed to all fourwheels via the AMG SPEEDSHIFTDCT8Gtransmission and the AMGPerformance 4MATIC all-wheeldrive.The spor tydrivingperformance iscombinedwitha wide rangeof drivingexperience modes,fromhighlydynamic to smooth touring.
Electriccarsareexpensive, right? Well, Volkswagen isbuckingthetrendby providing a firstglimpseof an all-electric Volkswagen costing less than25,000 euroswith theID.2allconcept vehicle.
ThomasSchäfer,CEOof Volkswagen Passenger Cars:“We aretransformingthe companyrapidlyand fundamentally – with the clear objectiveof making Volkswagen a genuineLoveBrand.TheID.2allshows where we wanttotakethe brand: closeto the customer,toptechnolog iesanda fantasticdesign. We are implementingthe transformation atpaceto bringelectric mobility tothe masses.”
Volkswagen will presentthe production versionoftheID.2all for the European market in2025
In1969,thefirstMini Clubman rewrote the rule book.It wasan instant hit, dominatingthe1970sautomotive market asastation wagon withitslong wheelbase,extendedshooting-brake body, andcharacteristicsplit doorsatthe rear Reimag inedin2007,thefirst moder n MINIClubman deliveredacontemporary inter pretation.
Today,theMINIClubman remains oneofthe most versatileMINI modelsin the range, andis foreversynonymouswithitssignature rearsplit doors.TheMINI
Clubman FinalEdition isalimitedrunof1,969 units- paying homagetothe launchyear oftheorig inalvehicle -with just100 models for theUK.
Poweredbya four-cylinder petrol eng ine with MINITwinPower Turbo Technology,theMINIClubman FinalEdition is offeredwitha CooperS eng ine that delivers 178hp.
Availabletoorder fromretailers now,pricedat£37,000OTR.
If you want to get your funeral wishes recorded so that your family know what you want, and so that you can be sure that money is available, why don’t you take out a Peace Funerals Plan?
With Direct Funeral plans costing from £1713* and Standard Bespoke plans from £2799* Plans can be purchased over 12 monthly installments, interest free.
If you want to find out more, or would like to begin the process of making your own plan, please get in touch. You can ring us on 0114 233 0563 email us at or call in to our premises –appointments recommended.
intons Car pets Ltdisa thirdgenerationfamily-run business that hasbeenoperating inthe city for over 90 years.Itestablishedasa wholesale businessin1932 selling beds, bedlinen, upholsteryandrugsas no broadloomcar petswere made atthis time.
The companywasbought by George and MargaretLittlewoodin1958from William(Billy) Minton. Eight yearslater theirsonChris joined thefirmand over the years the companyhasdig ressed from trade distributionto contract and retailsales.Covid eventuallybrought aboutChris’retirement andhischildren, Edwardand Nicola,nowrunthe Broadfield Road firmandcontinuetheir g randfather’slegacy ofprovidingquality flooring services to homeownersand businessesacross the reg ion.
Withbeg inningsin ScotlandStreet,
theirspaciousshowroomandwarehouse now occupies par tofTheOld Dairy on Broadfield Road, inthe hear tofthe city’sAntiques Quar ter.The showroom has over 400 rolls of car petto choose from, includingthosefromleading brands Brintons,Cormar,Crucial Trading andAlter native Flooring aswellasmany oftheir own.The warehouse also has roll-endsatg reatprices
"Weendeavour tooffera fulland variedrangeofquality flooring atprices thatpeople can affordandcreditthisand ourwonderful team for oursuccess," said Nicola.“Aswe dealdirectlywith the manufacturers, we are abletooffer excellent deals for ourcustomers.”
To complementthe car pets onoffer, Mintons Car petsalso stockanenviable rangeofLVTflooring, whichis extremelyhard-wearing and easy to clean, making itthe idealsurfacefor bathrooms, kitchensandhallways,from companiessuchasAmtico,Invictusand Moduleo.
Aswellasdomesticcustomers Mintons Car petsalso workwith commercialclientsandhave supplied flooring solutions to restaurants,pubs, hospitals, schools,offices,nursing homes andmore.“Fromvinyl floors to wood floorsandcar pettiles, weofferversatile flooringoptions,” said Nicola.“We can advise you onthe rightflooringoption foryour premises,taking your needsand preferencesinto account.Youcantrust us toprovide youwitha prompt and efficient service.”With freeestimatesand a flexiblefitting schedule, a tripto
Mintons Car petscouldbethefinishing touchyou’re lookingfor
Unit1TheOldDairyBroadfieldRoad, Sheffield,S80XQ