001 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 2:40 pm Page 1
Mind makeover M Women in Business
Ta ales fr f om the kitchen
www.so www.southsidemagazine.co.uk outhsidemagazine.co.uk
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004 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:36 pm Page 1
Meeet the Cheff
A selection off loca l all cooks k share h their h kitchen
elcome to our March edition. With International Wo Women’s Day taking place this month (8 March), we’re celebrating those ladies who lead from the front and meet one local l l girl i l who h has h hit the th very top t - andd continues to help others to do so. Sharrow Lowe is a motivational speaker, success coach and author and has worked with some of the world’s biggest beauty brands as well as charities and entrepreneurial networks. Find out how she can give you a ‘mind makeover’. Elsewhere we launch our 2024 Restaurant & Bar Aw Awards and meet some local chefs who share their kitchen secrets. There’s also your usual mix of fashion, beauty, homes, motoring and more. See you next month.
Richard Abbey Executive Editor
The changing season is upon us and brings big changes to our wardrobe
Wonder women
secret to their sucess
This March, reset andd revive i your routine with the help of Harvey Nichols, Leeds. Explore ttheir carefully curated edit of revitalising beauty, hydrating skincare and glow-giving makeup products to add to your routine
A reminder to all restaurants
The nominations for the 2024 We Westside & Southside Restaurant & Bar Aw Awards are now this year’s event
Eatingg Out
Homee & Garden
Inspired by the naatural elements, this serene blue with hints off grey adds a soothing and sophisticated style to any space, making it the perfect shade to creaate a cosy and inviting retreat t busy world from the
Anythin y ng is possible p
er of the beauty industry and motivational speaker has been describedd as the ‘success coach who ns to your business’ adds millions
Meett the Head
We get to know ourr local schools a little better hose who know best - the by speaking to those eadteachers headteachers
Th he Diaryy
Our monthly round dd-up off what’s h ’ happening in your area
Motoringg M
We dine at Eyre E Arms, A H Hyde d P Park Inn and Cubana
If you’re in the marrket k ffor ddriving i excitement, Richard Abbey ey has just the thing...
For all advertising enquiries please contact: PUBLISHING MANAGER Sally-Anne Sharp: 07712 660800 sallyanne.sharp@rmcmedia.co.uk SALES EXECUTIVES Sam Warsop: 07772 0 627320 sam.warsop@rmcmedia.co.uk Mandy Ogle: 0 07702 176988 mandy y.ogle@rmcmedia.co.uk PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Amanda Roy: 0 07843 633184 amanda.roy@rmcmedia.co.uk
Published by: Tel: 0114 250 6300 Email: info@rmcmed info@rmcmedia.co.uk Website: www www.rmcmedia.co.uk
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Richard Abbey Tel: 07989 358215 richard.abbey@rmcmedia.co.uk DESIGN Dan Wray dan.wray@rmcmedia.co.uk DISTRIBUTION Chris Clayton Tel: 07843 633188 chris.clayton@rmcmedia.co.uk ACCOUNTS Steve Wasden Te Tel: 07503 154498 Email: steve.wasden@rmcmedia.co.uk
Not connected with any ot other company or group. Printed by Buxton Press, Buxton, Derbyshire. www. buxtonpr tonpress.com The publisher takes no o rresponsibility whatsoever for the safe keeping or return turn of unsol unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or other material. Any submitted material should be e accompanied by an SAE. All material is the copyright of tthe RMC Media and is not to be repr produced without permission. The placing of an or order for the insertion of an advertisement in this publ publication shall amount to an acceptance of our terms erms and cond conditions, copies of which are available on rrequest.
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006 - 007 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:00 am Page 1
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006 - 007 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:01 am Page 2
Watch the Vid deo To Tour
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008 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 11:21 am Page 1
Silver sycamor and chain by L /.-,+*)+('.&%% . )$ . ./ /.
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Stepping pp g int into to SPRING The changing season is upon us and brings big changes to our wardrobe.
8 www.sheffieldvibe.com
Check out new season collections in store e at a b. biscuit#. . % % . %, #. )+'.-,+# +#."!) )$ #." . . )$ . ./ . // . www.bbiscuit.co.ukk
009 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 11:22 am Page 1
Empreinte underwear available at Lace of Bakewell, Orme Court, 10/.-,+*)/('+&/%$#$""'+ ! + + $" + + + www.lacebakewell.co.uk
) $ +* -%) +) $.+ stitch top. New Image, + (("$#))(+*)/('+ $ $"('+ + 1 + $" + + + + www.new-image.co.uk
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/0 + / .+ )""$ ). +) +# $+-") $+# + ) . $ + +Izzi of Baslow'+*/( " $+ ) $'+ ) %+ ""'+&/ ")#+! + * + $" + + +www.izziofbaslow.com
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010 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 11:23 am Page 1
Wonder WOMEN
Katy Robinson On Broadway Dance Fitness
Katy is the creator and director of ‘On Broadway’® Dance Fitness and believes every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10 www.sheffieldvibe.com
011 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:49 pm Page 1
Dotique C H E S T E R F I E L D P E A K V I L L A G E
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Hats, shoes and bags to compliment your look 277 Middlewood Rd, Middlewood S6 1TG (Leppings Lane Tram Stop) Email: info@new-image.co.uk | www.new-image.co.uk OPEN Mon - Sat: 10am - 5pm Late Night Tues: 10am - 7pm
www.sheffieldvibe.com 11
012 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:07 am Page 1
Bamford Geranium Hand & Body Lotion, £27 Created in an ethical and sustainable way, the lotion features a pure essential oil blend to soften, envelop and uplift the mood whilst hydrating and enriching the
Byredo Animalique Eau De Parfum 100ml, £200 Animalique is Byredo’s ode to the authentic self. Fresh top notes of lemon into an atmosphere of suede, amber and
La Mer The Energizing Gel Cleanser, £90 Achieve an energised, fresh and vibrant complexion with La Mer’s gently foaming cleanser, drawing out impurities, excess oil and pollutants with a refreshingly light touch.
SPRING reset
This March, reset and revive your routine with the help of Harvey Nichols, Leeds. Explore their carefully curated edit of revitalising beauty, hydrating skincare and glow-giving makeup products to add to your routine. Plus, discover a number of great events coming up instore including The Beauty Social on Wednesday 13 March and as always, we have various treatments available including facial treatments, that are completely redeemable with purchases*. For more information visit www.harveynichols.com/store/leeds/events/
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection £81 The foundation had a medium to full buildable coverage with a luminous matte
12 www.sheffieldvibe.com
Hourglass Vanish™ Airbrush Concealer, £35 Viral for a reason! This weightless liquid concealer instantly delivers full undetectable coverage with an with minimal product, leaving skin
MDLONDON STRAIT Straightening Iron - Blush, £109 Short on time? The new mdlondon straightening irons feature faultless performance with longer plates, leaving you with smooth and shiny
013 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:08 am Page 1
Charlotte Tilbury K.I.S.S.I.N.G Lipstick, £27 The fail-safe recipe for perfect lips. Enriched with a breakthrough secret ingredient, this anti-oxidant naturally protects lips from UV damage and external pollution leaving them cashmere soft and irresistible, with light-diffusing pigments.
N°1 DE CHANEL revitalising mask, £78 Concentrated with red camellia extract, !%) ( ) )$+* ) ) ) mask gently exfoliates skin, leaving it visibly energised, smoother and more $%*)'!$+) ) ! ($) $+ %) % '
Slip Pure Silk Large Scrunchies - Petal, £39 Step up your hair tie game and switch to a large slip scrunchie this Spring. They are gentle on your delicate hair and fashionable at the same time.
Sol De Janeiro Cheirosa 59 perfume mist 90ml £22 With delicious notes of velvet plum, sugared violet and whipped amber, this sunshine-scented must-haves instantly transport you to the sandy shores of Copacabana and beyond.
Sol de Janeiro Delicia Drench Body Butter, £48 and Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa 59 Perfume Mist, £22 ,+*)(*')&*%&*$#"(! +) *%! ! ) *( +) Body Butter from Sol de Janeiro locks in long-lasting moisture, relieving dry skin and repairing the moisture barrier. Pair '!$+)$+*)(*') +*! ) ) * *) ! $) for a longer lasting woody gourmand fragrance, deeply hydrated skin, and the ultimate mood-boosting vibe.
Fenty Skin Lux Balm Ultra-Hydrating Cherry Lip Balm, £16 Fenty Skin’s juicy, Barbados Cherrypowered lip balm brings dry, chapped lips back to life with instant hydration. Sleek and discreet, it’s mess-free and %! )* $%* % )!($ ) ( ) *$
Or try something different...
DIOR Sauvage The Serum £70 ,+*)" $) & *) * ) *&*% * ) ) the needs of men’s skin. The Serum +*% ) !() $ )+ $* ) ) )$ ) + ) strengthens skin to retain hydration and * * )$+*)" $)&! ! !%*) ! ( ) ) !( ))
LOEWE Marihuana Body Lotion 360ml £66 This Body Lotion features the LOEWE Home Scents Scent of Marihuana fragrance – a herbal, woody scent that evokes the soothing aroma of the Sativa Herb. Incorporating natural ingredients, this lotion perfumes the body with nature-inspired scent.
ChloBo limited edition candle in collaboration with To The Moon. £35 Inspired by the allure of the night sky and the mystique of lunar exploration, ChloBo X To The Moon is more than just a candle; it’s an experience. It is meticulously crafted with precision and passion, combining premium ingredients to deliver an array of scents that captures the precious phases of the moon.
www.sheffieldvibe.com 13
014 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:09 am Page 1
A year of LIGHT & COLOUR
The Heights of Abraham, Derbyshire’s oldest visitor attraction, celebrates two milestone anniversaries in 2024. year of celebration is now underway as Derbyshire’s oldest visitor attraction, The Heights of Abraham, marks two ‘milestone’ anniversaries in the same year of its 237year history. This May it celebrates the ‘Golden Anniversary’, 50 years since the Pugh family arrived at the run-down, hilltop estate, and started to restore and completely transform it to become the thriving and unique visitor attraction that it is today. In April it will be 40 years since the launch of the alpine-style cable cars, marking their ‘Ruby Anniversary’. The part of the visitor experience, making the short, steep ascent to the summit of Masson Hill, where a different world caverns awaits, which has been enchanting visitors to the Peak District since 1787. Nowadays the family-friendly attraction welcomes visitors to enjoy the two illuminated show caverns, breath-taking views from the estate’s vantage points, living history exhibitions, woodland trails and adventure playgrounds. It’s an educational and inspiring day out which encourages visitors of all ages to appreciate the area’s natural beauty from a
different perspective, from the mountainlike Peaks to the depths of the mineral-rich show caverns, a fascinating insight into the area’s geology and social history. The estate’s evolution is a constant journey, and this year the Great Masson cavern boasts an enhanced illumination experience, bringing an array of rainbow colour to its dramatic interiors, whereas the Rutland cavern has a characterful tour guide in full period costume, bringing to life tales from the Victorian era of tourism in the area to amuse guests. Recently added in 2022, is a willow sculpture trail, featuring heritage-inspired aspects such as miners and local wildlife, with installations by the sculptor, Caroline Gregson. A popular spot is the ‘Vista’ restaurant with its balcony area, perched almost 1,000 feet/554 metres above sea level. Its
vantage point offers diners a meal with a view, and the unique venue can also be hired for private events, such as birthdays and anniversaries. The Terrace café specialises in locally made cakes and hot beverages, and The Tavern holds the oldest beer license in the Matlocks’, homage to the 18th century when hard-working lead miners socialised there after their shift. Visitors browse the gift and ‘Rock shop’, selling souvenirs and speciality items such as gemstones, fossils, and jewellery, some pieces featuring the local ‘Blue John’. Several multi-media exhibitions explore the social and cultural history, geology and reveal the white-knuckle inducing installation project of the cable cars. There are adventure playgrounds, woodland walks and pathways to enjoy, along with several garden vistas, mindfully created to complement the views and natural wildlife of the Derbyshire Peaks. For more about the anniversary events, see www.heightsofabraham.com/2024 Heights of Abraham Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, DE4 3PD Tel: 01629 582365 www.heightsofabraham.com
Seasonal events:
• Derbyshire Half Term – 17-25 February 321Easter Holidays101/.1-,+1*)(1'(1&%$1,1#$"! 1%$1#$"! 1,! 1 , ( $1 1 )!(1 01 1 ,$ 1. $" 1 • Cable Cars 40th anniversary party day101 1. $" 1 • Victorian Weekend1 "( 1 " "! 1, (%$ 1,! 1 " 1 ) " ",! 101 1 ,+1 • May Live Music Weekend101 1 ,+1 • Punch & Judy Show101 ) $1 % " ,+ 1 1 ) + 1 ( $ • Halloween Fun101* (% $1 , &1( $ 1 1 1 1 1,! 1 1 (, "! 1"!(%1 , %)!(1 "&& $ !(1$ "%! 1 %% 1 % " ,+ • Divali Celebration of Light101 1 % $1
14 www.sheffieldvibe.com
015 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:12 am Page 1
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016 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:15 am Page 1
56 Snape Hill Lane Dronfield S18 2LG
Call us on 01246 413205 day or night Based in Dronfield, Alfred Dunham & Son Funeral Directors is a family run funeral directors who have been proudly serving the local population for over 100 years. Alfred Dunham & Son is a member of the National Association of Funeral Directors, upholding their code of practice and offering the highest standard of service.
• All types of funerals catered for including woodland burials, religious and non-religious • Private chapel of rest 24 hours service • Pre-payment funerals • Mercedes fleet, or alternative if requested
Private, personal and dignified local family business that cares
Enjoy An Antiques Buying Or Selling Experience Antiques Valuation & Discovery Days We hold regular valuation days across the region where our specialists will advise free of charge. Items may also be left to be included in a specialist auction. DENBY Denby Pottery Visitor Centre First Saturday of each month 10am - 12pm SWADLINCOTE Sharpes Pottery First Wednesday of each month 2pm - 4pm WIRKSWORTH Heritage Centre Second Tuesday of each month 2pm - 4pm ILKESTON Armstrong Antiques Centre First Saturday of each month 2pm - 4pm MANSFIELD Mansfield Museum First Thursday of each month 1pm - 3pm ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH Ashby Museum First Monday of each month 2pm - 4pm
Based in two very different Derbyshire locations our salerooms offer one thing in common, a great service and a fun antiques buying or selling experience. - Auctions held every week throughout the year alternating between Spondon, Derby and Peak Village, Rowsley - Prices from £20 to £100,000’s means A interesting finds for every pocket centu 17th r figura y boxwood - Viewing on Tuesday prior to the l leveraction nutcra auction and also the morning of ck stylise er, as a the auction inscrib d knight, ed T R - Bid live on the internet from the dated ow and 169 comfort of your home or office Sold fo 2 r - Bid in person or leave absentee bids £2,700 - Regular specialist auctions erby Our D has m o o r le Sa 46 ted to reloca am Road, h g Nottin ndon, Spo , Derby 7NL DE21
Our team of valuers are also available at both our Derby and Bakewell offices to assist in all areas. *Dates are subject to change
For further information please telephone or visit our website www.bamfords-auctions.co.uk Bamfords Auctioneers & Valuers | 46 Nottingham Road | Spondon | Derby | DE21 7NL | 01332 210000 | sales@bamfords-auctions.co.uk The Bakewell Auction House | Peak Shopping Village | Rowsley | Bakewell | DE4 2JE | 01629 730920 | bakewell@bamfords-auctions.co.uk
16 www.sheffieldvibe.com
017 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 9:18 am Page 1
.-,+*,)(,%$ 1940s m market
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018 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:33 pm Page 1
A reminder to all RESTAURANTS...
The nominations for the 2024 Westside & Southside Restaurant & Bar Awards are
2023 proved to be a great year for West 10 Bar & Kitchen who won our ‘Restaurant of the Year’ award and say Charlie Downham crowned ‘Young Chef’ Image courtesy Mark Rodgers
18 www.sheffieldvibe.com
019 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:34 pm Page 1
Last year’s young chef, Charlie Downham
Young Chef of the Year
fter three successful consecutive years, the Westside & Southside Bar & Restaurant Awards has settled comfortably into its new location at the OEC – Owlerton Events & Conferencing. This year’s event, which takes place on Monday 28 October, will be the fourth time we have held the event here and if the previous years are anything to go by, 2024’s ceremony is going to be another fantastic affair. Rewinding back to last year, over 200 people packed out the Hillsborough venue, which opened in late 2019 and hosts a range of impressive multi-purpose suites with catering for up to 500 guests, a perfect setting for weddings, dinners, balls, conferences, live events and more. %$#"! #$ # $# $# # # $ # extremely well organised, the service was faultless throughout the evening ensuring that the awards ran smoothly and without a hitch. The kitchen served a wonderful fourcourse meal which consisted of a lightly spiced parsnip and coconut velouté to $! $ # " # #!# # # # ! # ! # ! #! # # # main course we tucked into roasted chicken breast with a chicken and sage wellington and for dessert polished off chocolate parfait with sour cherry
compote and caramelised white chocolate gel. When it came to the 2023 Westside & Southside Restaurant & Bar Awards, competition was keen of course, and we were delighted at how many local restaurants, bars and cafes entered into the festivities. It was fantastic to see all of the nominees together in one room, celebrating the superb quality of independent eateries found in our region and beyond. One of our most popular awards on the night is the Readers’ Choice Award, voted for by yourselves of course. We ! #!# # # $ #! #! $ #!# # call between The Maynard, The George and The Wortley Arms, it was the north # #$ !$# #$ # # # the second year in a row, winning by a ! $# ! # # # # $ # Each of our 22 winners received an engraved plaque, which were presented on the night by publishing managers Mandy Ogle and Sally-Anne Sharp and publishing director Amanda Roy. Here’s a reminder to all restaurant, hotel, café and pub owners: to make sure your establishment is under consideration for the 2023 Westside Restaurant & Bar Awards, contact publishing manager Sam Warsop at sam.warsop@rmcmedia.co.uk
Calling all head chefs and restaurateurs... do you have a bright spark working in your kitchen who is shaping up to be an outstanding chef of the future? If you do, now’s the time to shout about it, because Westside & Southside is staging !# ! $! $ # $ $ #$ # #$ # Young Chef of the Year 2024. The competition is open to all $! ! $ # #$ # #! # $ # Derbyshire region and all entries must be under the age of 25 on 1 August 2024. All entrants will be invited to join us for a MasterChef-style cooking competition at a date to be arranged later this year. Last year we hosted $ # $ $ #!$# # # renowned catering department and " #" " # # # $# !$ # inventive virtuoso cooking. The Westside Young Chef of the Year competition is a great opportunity to shine a light on the next generation of kitchen superstars. We’re looking forward to seeing what the best young talent out there has $ # #! # #! # # ! $ # a boost by placing them in the spotlight. The results will be announced at the 2024 Westside & Southside Restaurant and Bar Awards at The OEC – Owlerton Events & Conferencing – on Monday 30 October. We’ll be contacting restaurants across the region in the next few months, reminding head chefs and restaurateurs to get involved. But don’t wait to be invited. If you employ a bright young chef with the talent and drive to reach the top, let us know.
www.sheffieldvibe.com 19
020 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:51 pm Page 1
OPENING 9th MARCH! Book for Mothers Day Sunday 10th March Book now via our website theashfordarms.com 1 Church Street, Ashford in the Water, Bakewell DE45 1QB
Local Ales, Draught Lagers and a fantastic range of Hattersley Wines Full food menu now being served Sports bar with two 75” TVs, Sky Sports, TNT Sports and dart board Newley refurbished, dog friendly, car charging points, function room with private bar for up to 80 guests
Calver Crossroads • Hope Valley • S32 3XH • 01433 627 677
20 www.sheffieldvibe.com
021 SSide Mar24.qxp 09/02/2024 3:18 pm Page 1
Sports lover’s !
Pete Thompson visits the refurbished Eyre Arms in Calver. fter a long trek on a cold morning in the glorious Peak District, my eyes light up at the sight of a >=<>;:987>68546:838<>>;268<1814680/>68.>-,+ *46856)(=-683'-89;26:8&/81468%>;6:$)/8 ,1<%%8;,8<,85<>-8<,81468)=9#&">:6>8;:81468 4=-6)/8>6%">&;,46$8!"&8;:8 <)26>+ ",18"!81468>=<$8%>=-81468&6<"1;%")8 4<1,5=>148 =",68<:$8)=26)/81=5:8=%8 < 656)) 814680/>68.>-,8;,86<,/81=87:$8 >;9418=:81468(>=,,>=<$,+ 318<),=8-6<:,8)=(<),8$=:'184<2681=81><26)8 <,8%<>8<,8 46%76)$8%=>8<8,!=>1,8&<>8 8<,8146/8 :=584<268=:68=:8146;>8$==>,16!+ There are pictures of George Best on the 5<))8<)=:985;148,;9:6$8(>;( 618-6-=><&;);<8 <:$8%==1&<))8,4;>1,8;:81468,!<(;=",8-<;:8&<>+ "968* 8,(>66:,8,4=581468);268<(1;=:8 54;)68/="84<268<8&;1681=86<18<:$8<81;!!)68=>8 15=+ >8;%8/="'$8!>6%6>81=89618;:2=)26$8 /=">,6)% 8/="8(<:8!)</8$<>1,8=:8<8&=<>$8 1"( 6$8<5</8;:81468(=>:6>+ .,838(<,18-/86/68=:8,=-6816::;,8;:8 .&"8 4<&; 8<8-6-&6>8=%8,1<%%8;,84<2;:98<8 practice ahead of a competition that has $><5:8;:8 86:1><:1,8=:81468626:;:98=%8-/8 2;,;1+ "183'-846>68%=>81468%==$8><146>814<:8 1468<>>=5,8<:$8384;181468&")),6/685;148-/8 ,6)6(1;=:,8%>=-8<8-6:"85;148!)6:1/8=%8
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022 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 11:24 am Page 1
Meet the CHEF A selection of local cooks share their kitchen secrets, Adrian Gagea - Longbow Restaurants
Originally from Romania, Adrian joined Longbow four years ago and oversees all three of their sites - The Maynard, Grindleford; The George, Hathersage; and The Ashford Arms, Ashford in the Water. In his youth, Adrian played volleyball at the highest level but realised "! " " " " ! " ! " cooking and started studying how to become a professional chef. He started his cooking journey in his native country then worked in London for Raymond Blanc for two years as a chef de partie, before moving up to sous chef. He then went back to Romania for a head chef position, before returning to England in September 2018. “My inspiration came from my grandmother, great-grandmother and of course my mother,” said Adrian. “All of these lovely ladies cooked for my "! ! ! " " using simple ingredients, great techniques and delivered delicious food all the time.” He advises any would-be chefs to ‘keep your head down and work hard. Listen and absorb as much knowledge as you can by asking questions. Choose to be part of a healthy, growing team’.
Chris Parker - The Ashford Arms
Chris joined Longbow Restaurants, the team behind The Ashford Arms, 18 months ago, starting out as sous chef at The George in Hathersage. From March he will be taking on the role of head chef at Longbow’s newest venue. “We work using French techniques and create English gastro food with European fusions,” he said of the menu. A typical day for Chris revolves around teamwork and making sure everyone is ready to deliver top quality and inspiring dishes. “I enjoy bringing pleasure to our diners and making sure they enjoy an experience with us that we can all be proud of,” said Chris. “My signature dish is pan-roasted lamb cannon with pea purée, mini fondant potatoes, seasonal vegetables and mint jus.” Chris advises other chefs to ‘follow your passion, every day is a learning day’.
Erkland Xhaja - Cubana
Born in Albania, Erkland Xhaja moved to Italy as a child before settling ! " ! ! " "! Cubana family for over 22 years, tells us “it’s “all about the prep”. After a decade of second in command to former head chef, Chilean Fabian Cruz, Erkland was the natural choice to take the helm, a responsibility he has embraced for just over seven years. “We have a substantial and varied menu and are lucky enough to have a high turnover of customers,” said Erkland. “This means arriving early and getting on top of things.” "! ! ! ! ! and skill to prepare, which is why he takes such great pride in his reliable kitchen team.
22 www.sheffieldvibe.com
023 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 12:33 pm Page 1
Spoilt for CHOICE
he Hyde Park Inn is situated on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024 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 10:27 am Page 1
30% off food Monday to Friday - until February 29th Book now for Mothers Day - Sunday 10th March
Main Road, Grindleford, S32 2HE Tel: 01433 424 110 enjoymore@the-maynard.com
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025 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 12:35 pm Page 1
Hannah Smith revels in this city favourite.
nstitution’ is probably one of those terms which is banded around too liberally. But stay with me, for anyone who’s spent enough time in 8765463210/3313/.63-17,+61,1*)('-1)(1)6331 5'(&1%$#,",1),!,*1#,' 1("61(51876546321 /)-1 6")'6 *1&(*)1'6 ( "/*,#361+6"$6*1 )$ .621,0,-1/"1 6(!(3218 $,'6 17/+61(516"6' - 1 ,+($'1,"21,30,-*1)761 best music, the night I went for dinner was no exception. As Saturdays at the end of ,"$,'-1,'6" )1."(0"15('1)76*61 $,3/)/6* 1 1 0,*1'63/6+621)(1#61063 (&621#-1,1 '/*!1 3,**1 (51)76/'1%7/36,"1*,$+/ "("1#3," 1 1 &3 1,"21)761$*$,313/+63-1,)&(*!76'6 61,''/+6217$" '- 1*(1!$)1/"1,1 6"6'($*1 order. Testament to Cubana’s enduring popularity is surely their appetite for '6/"+6")/("1,"21.66!/" 1)7/" *15'6*7 1 76'61,'61*(&61/&!'6**/+61"601,22/)/("*1 to the menu which we couldn’t resist – we focused on seafood, starting with the ( )(!$*1 pulpo a la gallega 1 1,"21 (215'/))6'*1 buñuelos de bacalao 1 The octopus, tender and delicious and !6'56 )3-1*6,*("6210/)71!,!'/., 10,*1)761
star of the show. I ate it alongside patatas #',+,*1 1,"21,13/5)/" 1/&!(**/#3-1 creamy burrata y tomate1 1 761 5'/))6'*106'610,'&/" 1,"21&('6/*7 1*6'+621 with a refreshing, zingy lime and coriander mayonnaise. *1/*1)7617,#/)1(51),!,* 1)761"6 )10,+61 (512/*76*1,''/+621,"21061)$ .621/"10/)71 ,#,"2(" 1 76'6106'61+,'/($*15,"),*)/ 1 *($"2/" 1*)6,.12/*76*1("1)761&6"$ 1061 )((.1,1 7," 61("1)761pincho de ternera 1 1'/# 6-61,"21!6!!6'*1&,'/",)621/"1 garlic and lime – no regrets. In the spirit of surf and turf, delicious tiger prawns with ,1'6,31./ .1 gambas pil pil 1 1,''/+621 and were another of the meal’s highlights. '($"21)7/*1)/&6 1)7613/+61&$*/ 1*),')621 – the perfect accompaniment to our 4",312/*76* 1,12$(1(51 3('/($*3-1)6"26' 1 !/"./*713,&#1 $)36)*1 chuletas de cordero, 1),*)-1'(,*)621+6 6),#36*1 asado de verduras 1 1,"21,1 3,**/ 1croquetas de jamon1 ) *1)'/ .-1 6))/" 1)761263/ ,)61,')1(51 ‘dinner and a show’ right, but Cubana has always nailed it. As the guitarist’s songs
3/+6"621$! 1*(12/21)761,)&(*!76'6 1 601 5, 6*1,"21*6,*("621'6 $3,'*1,3/.6106'61 7,+/" 1,1 '6,)1)/&61 1,*10,*1)7/*1'6+/606' 1 ,"21)761*),55 107(1'$"1,"1654 /6")1,"21 relentlessly cheery ship. 61.6!)1)761 $3/",'-1!,')-1 (/" 10/)71,"1 /"2$3 6")1 7( (3,)61#'(0"/61 107/ 71 0,*1+6 ,"1,"21 3$)6"15'66 1*6'+621,3(" */261 a delicious coconut ice cream. Dinner was polished with a perfect espresso martini 1,"21,1!/"6,!!361 $/ 61 15('1 &-1&('61+/')$($*12/"/" 1 (&!,"/(" 87/&&-/" 1($'10,-1($)1(51)761!, .621 restaurant, we descended the stairs into )761#,'1 12," 61 (('1!, .6210/)71'6+6336'*1 2," /" 1)(1 ,)/"1&$*/ 1)76"1/")(1)761 (321 876546321,/' 1076'61($'1%$#,"1#$##3610,*1 promptly popped. )136,*)10617,+61&('61*)('/6*1)(1)6331 1 ,"210/331#61#, .1+6'-1*((" Cubana Unit 4, Leopold Square, www.cubanatapasbar.co.uk
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026 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 12:36 pm Page 1
Stormy skies Capture the beauty and tranquillity of a cloudy day. Inspired by the natural elements, this serene blue with hints of grey adds a soothing and sophisticated style to any space, making it the perfect shade to create a cosy and inviting retreat from the busy world.
! !
26 www.sheffieldvibe.com
027 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 12:39 pm Page 1
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028 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 12:37 pm Page 1
9 :98765843287610//.-6,876/,+6200*60)686(+'28.4+&602&6%$8#.7,6"00(!6/,+670(/60)6&+7. #6 0 6 0 2&6 #&6.#6/,+6,.7/0(.'6,04+760)6 8('+20#8!6 6 38*+&/.2+7 '0 * 10 %'8(848# 86$87/+2632 +6 .#/8 +64+/826)02&.# 6',8.(7 6 7'8(848# 87,0$ '0 * 11 +()+'/6)0(686$+(70#82.7+&6 .)/!6 /,+7+6,8#&'(8)/+&6$+(70#82.7+&60.26$0 (+(76 .226200*6)83 20 76.#68# 6,04+!6 6 ,83 20 7 '0 * 12 ,+6' ( 8'+0 76 (.+263+&6'043.#+76#8/ (82!6 (/6 0 +8 .#7$.(+&6)0(47!6 ./,6/,+6'2+8#62.#+768#&6/8$+(+&62+ 76/ $.'8260)64.& '+#/ ( 6&+7. #!6 ! 6 7 ++/$+88#& .220 '04 13 (/+(.0(76 ,8 #'+ 6 87+6 6 8(/+(.0(7,04+ '04 14 '0#6*.&763+(3+(68(4',8.(63+8#638 6.#6)(0 +#632 +6 6 3+8#38 38 88( '0 * 15 )0(&6 4+&. 46&(+77+(6 ./,60$+#67,+2 +768#&6/,(++6&(8 +(7!6 ! 6 $8.#/+&) (#./ (+'0 '0 * 16 0(#"0 +(632 +6$87/8630 26 6 ,83 20 7 '0 * 17 86 28776$+#&8#/6284$6 '4!67.2 +(6 #.7,!6/0$8 632 +6 6 $+$$+(7 '04
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058 Sixer Oct18 27/09/2018 15:05 Page 1
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033 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 12:54 pm Page 1
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034 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 4:02 pm Page 1
Anything is POSSIBLE
! !
‘ I
mpossible’ is not a word in Sharron Lowe’s vocabulary. The success coach, speaker, and author has spent her entire career proving the opposite and has inspired thousands of people all over the world to be the best they can be and focus on the positive. Working predominantly in the retail beauty industry, Sharron has partnered with the world’s leading cosmetic and perfumery brands helping them to grow their brands by growing their biggest resource, people. Her client list is impressive: Chanel, Estee Lauder, Clinique, Lancôme, Christian Dior and L’Oreal amongst many others. She has coached thousands of people in over 50 countries, for some of these brands, and also partners with charities, business and entrepreneurs networks. Sharron, grew up in Crosspool and attended High Storrs School. She’s been asked to do a presentation to the school’s sixth form this year saying she’s thrilled
34 www.sheffieldvibe.com
and cannot wait. Leaving school at 16, she says that she didn’t have an exact plan but always had a feeling that if she followed her passion an exciting career and life would follow. She got a taste for business from a young age; alongside her sister Anne, she grew up in a family business where her parents had a manufacturing silversmith business and were considered entrepreneurial long before you called people that, certainly by Sharron who was enthralled by her Dad’s amazing passion and Mum’s talent of making it all work around the family unit. “When we’re young we pull energy from the people we’re around,” she says. “When mum and dad went into the warehouse on weekends we used to go with them and I loved the buzz of the workplace. I had a feeling I was destined to go into business.” But Sharron had another love and that was beauty and so she went to Granville College to study her favourite subjects.
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036 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 4:03 pm Page 1
INTERVIEW It was the business lessons that really captured her imagination, though, and she quickly made up her mind that she didn’t want to go down the therapist route so opted for retail, accepting a job at Debenhams on The Moor. Sharron worked for the Fabergé as a beauty consultant – makers of Brut – and quickly excelled, impressing not just her #"!! ! # "! " London. “I put every ounce of my passion into that role,” she recalls. “I found sales opportunities that other people didn’t. I was open to doing it ‘differently with outside talks to drive in sales and my account became number two for sales in the UK.” Sharron’s results created opportunity and she was encouraged to share her success, which led to her becoming the youngest ever area manager for Fabergé. A few years later she was headhunted to join Nina Ricci as UK director for training. From there, followed a role as training director at the platinum guild & De Beers Diamonds, a time when she found herself bodily insured to wear £1million of jewellery when presenting on stage and with her own personal bodyguard. Barely in her thirties, Sharron decided to set up her own coaching and speaking consultancy with a focus on the beauty industry. The aim was to help her clients grow their brands by growing their people, which she did to great success. She has worked with the Estee Lauder group, Chanel, Parfums Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton over 25 years. “The UK press named me ‘the success coach and speaker who adds millions to businesses’, that was my tagline,” beams Sharron, who is so grateful for that press. ! # !" " " that you’ve impacted thousands and thousands of peoples’ performance, it is the greatest gift in my life.” Through her work, Sharron became UK ambassador for the Cosmetics and Perfumery Retail Association (COPRA), the highlight of which is a yearly event at The Savoy in London where she addresses 700 of the UK’s top retailers, including Harrods, Harvey Nichols, retailers, and beauty directors. As well as speaking at the prestigious event, Sharron also gifts the winners of the ‘Beauty Consultant of the Year’ awards a ‘Mind Makeover’ book masterclass, which leads us nicely into her book. The Mind Makeover, The Answers to the Best YOU Yet! is a self-growth book to show you to take control of your life by taking control of the greatest thing you own, your mind, and get the success
36 www.sheffieldvibe.com
you deserve. It does this with easy-tofollow strategies and chapters deal with motivation, myths, the power of the mind, laws of attraction, imagination, and your inner voice. " ! " ! ! ! " " " "# home, garden, relationships, career… but what about showing us how to makeover our minds,” says Sharron. “The book shows you how to move from where you are now to where you want to be, it gives you a toolkit.” The overriding feeling of the book is that of living in the moment, in the now, focusing on the positive – if you can do this, then everything else will fall into place. Writing the book seemed like a natural progression for Sharron who is keen to share her experiences and is passionate about helping people to grow. Her overriding motivation through the 18-month process was a desire to launch her book in the
Mail on Sunday’s YOU magazine, with a readership of over three million. “I had a burning vision, although I was the only person in the UK who had that vision,” she laughs. “I sat in a boardroom with 17 people from the publishers, Piatkus, and was basically told it was impossible and why. “So I created a positive mindset by ! " " " covers of YOU magazine with a picture of my book’s front cover on top and then found an opportunity to be at a function where the editor-in-chief was. I had so # ! " " a conversation, got the ball rolling and eventually had an exclusive YOU magazine four-page book launch followed by HELLO and many other top publications.” Sue Peart, editor-in-chief of YOU magazine, also wrote a testimonial for the book, saying: “Sharron is the most dynamic and inspiring person you could ever meet.
037 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 4:05 pm Page 1
Speaking at The Savoy for COPRA
International Women’s Day 2024
International Women’s Day takes place every year on 8 March and celebrates the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women all over the world. This year’s theme is #inspireinclusion and aims to collectively forge a more inclusive world for women. +*)('&(%$#%"!' ( % ' *$' * % %' !'+ "% ' !' *)(% ( ' ( % ' *$' * % %' ""' %' ' attendance at Wentworth Woodhouse on International Women’s Day for a panel of guest speakers, which " !% '& (' %*!' ' of Wentworth Woodhouse) and "% ' * %* " ' ) "' "% iekos). Making up the guest panel will be Sarah Gaunt (group HR manager at SBD), % % ' * % ' '*$' Iprosurv) and Jamie Noble % !'*$' * ) ' )' ' * ) '& * ) ' )' ' ( ' )' *)(% ( ' )%!' * % ' ' Tickets are priced £45. *'# !'* )' * % ' )' scci.org.uk or www.brchamber. co.uk
For Sharron, anything is possible; and this book will empower you to achieve anything.” The Mind Makeover dominates a lot of Sharron’s current talks and presentations with UK and global empowerment conferences and women entrepreneur conferences and events. over a year ago, it was for BAWE (British Women Entrepreneurs) that she was asked to be keynote speaker at an event at Chatsworth House in July, which raised money for the then Master Cutler – Dame Julie Kenny’s – Challenge. “I believe, none of us achieve alone and we all need what I call my wisdom circle, great friends, businesswomen and entrepreneurs. Together we can share ideas, inspire, empower, motivate, and grow together, adds Sharron. “When you’re an entrepreneur and you start your business you can feel isolated like you’re at the new
school gates and don’t know anybody. Sharron cites a particular group as being a great example of how to network need it. “Mums and dads of school age children, network really well and form communities and support groups,” she says. “We need to do the same, to have people around us who can listen, guide us, nurture, learn from, share, support, laugh, enjoy – there’s no point doing it if it’s not fun and we’re not sharing.” I chatted with Sharron over coffee and having spent well over an hour in her charming company, found her warm, engaging, and full of energy. She’s hugely passionate about what she does and what she coaches, and the proof is in the scores of endorsements she receives from across the world.
any regrets. This encourages some long deliberation, after which she says: “No, in short. I think there’s things I did that didn’t work but they got me to what did work. I’ve always lived out of my comfort zone, I don’t believe in failure, I believe we either learn not to do it that way again or we succeed.” With such a positive outlook, it’s no surprise that she believes that anything is possible. She certainly has the tools and experience to prove it. "! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! " ! ! ! "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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038 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 2:57 pm Page 1
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ALL OUR COMPOSITE DOORS ARE MULTILOCKING AND HAVE ANTI-SNAP BARRELS. Superb quality, craftsmanship and installation service. Call and see us soon. We remove your old units and leave your house clean and tidy when we leave. NuLife Window Company was formed in 1974 and in 1975 Mike Knott joined as Sales Director. Today Mike is the Managing Director of NuLife and the company is wholly owned by the Knott family. Also installing: Conservatories, uPVC Doors, Windows, Sealed Units, Roofline We offer: Free no obligation quotation. 10 year manufacturers guarantee on composite doors, uPVC windows, doors. No Deposit: We are so confident in our quality and service, you pay nothing until the day of installation.
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039 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:53 pm Page 1
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040 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 2:51 pm Page 1
A warm welcome to MYLNHURST
hoosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Mylnhurst Preparatory School and Nursery is a top independent school for boys and girls aged three to eleven and actively encourages prospective parents to come and see them and the amazing campus for themselves. You don’t have to wait for an open day, simply contact the school and they will arrange to show you around. The outstanding facilities include a cookery room, outdoor classroom, 25m swimming pool, Apple iMac suite, music rooms, a dance studio, and a sports hall.
40 www.sheffieldvibe.com
buildings provide the perfect metaphor for the school itself: proud of our traditional values but always looking towards the future,” said Headteacher Michael Hibbert. “Since its founding by the Sisters of Mercy in 1933, generations of children have received an exceptional education and formed a lifelong bond with our school.” Although a Catholic school, Mylnhurst is open to all children, irrespective of faith. School life is based on values which include inspiring young children to learn, to develop them socially and academically to have vital life chances. The Mylnhurst journey starts at the
nursery, where three-year-olds are educated in a gentle and child-friendly way to ensure they are 100 per cent school-ready when they leave. In the nursery, children will encounter phonics, numbers, Spanish, sports, swimming, and music and have lots of time to play. From age four, children join the wider school where learning is as intellectually stimulating as it is fun. The latest in digital technology is embedded within lessons and the curriculum is enriched by the knowledge and passion of subject specialists. Small class sizes never exceed 24 pupils. “For the past number of years, we have
041 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 2:52 pm Page 1
consistently featured in The Times list of the best 25 primary schools in the country and and Derbyshire,” added Mr Hibbert, who has been in post for just over a year. Mr Hibbert has brought a wealth of experience to Mylnhurst, having been head of a similar school for four years. He has been in leadership roles in several settings, both state and independent, and worked as an environmental engineer in the South African gold mines. “Mylnhurst is a very special place, it is much more than just a school.,” he said. “Even though we are not academically selective, we achieve outstanding results. On the sporting front, we win both local and national competitions and in terms of the arts, children have the opportunity to shine in every aspect, including music, dance, and drama.”
Mylnhurst doesn’t feed to any one school – they prepare children for the school that is best for them and their families. Over the past few years, they have sent children to a wide variety of secondary schools, both state and independent. Almost every school within driving distance of Mylnhurst will have had children move on there and do well. “Results are only a small part of the picture at Mylnhurst,” commented Mr children thrive. Our emphasis is as much on exceptional pastoral care and emotional well-being as it is on academic excellence. “The individual spirit of our pupils is cherished; we are here to enable them to become who they want to be, prepared for future happiness and success and ready to make a positive contribution to the world.” To complement the school day, and
in recognition of the pressures of facing working families, Mylnhurst offers full wraparound care every day from 7.30 am to 6 pm. They also run Camp Merlins every holiday to ensure that children can still access all that is wonderful about the school and that their parents can continue working knowing that their children are engaged, happy and nurtured. The best way to experience all these wonderful things is to see the school for yourself. Contact them and make an appointment now. Mylnhurst Preparatory School and Nursery Button Hill, Ecclesall Email: enquiries@mylnhurst.co.uk www.mylnhurst.co.uk
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042 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 1:12 pm Page 1
Meet the HEAD We get to know our local schools a little better by speaking to those who know best - the headteachers.
Mrs Gaynor Jones Hope Valley College
Having been in post since September 2019, Mrs Jones is headteacher at Hope Valley College, which is part of the Chorus Trust. Her working involves meeting with the Senior Leadership Team, and with children, parents and carers, colleagues, and outside agencies so that all stakeholders are part of the continued school improvement. She also might lead an assembly, teach English lessons, and mentor some of the Year 11 students as they approach their exams. “I am a visible part of school life through joining other staff in ‘duties’, where we supervise lunch and the end of the day,” said Mrs Jones. “I love working with children and young people, that’s the main reason that I do this job. I enjoy seeing them grow and improve, both in their academic work and in their hobbies and interests. “The same can be said for the pleasure I feel when seeing colleagues progress in their careers and improving their teaching practice and leadership skills. It is a privilege to be a headteacher and especially to be the Principal of Hope Valley College.”
42 www.sheffieldvibe.com
043 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 1:34 pm Page 1
Marathon Challenge – complete
1940s Market set to return
IHGFEDECBA@F?>=<;F:A@9G8F7;F;G8F8DF@G8C@6F8DF5HG;8G@4GB3F8H7;F spring – bringing a range of free entertainment to the town centre for the whole family to enjoy. IHGFA287D61EA29G3F0A@9G8F/7BBF.GF@G8C@676-FD6FIHC@;3A,F??F April 2024, transporting the town centre back to the 1940s with a +A@7G8,FD*F0C;72)F;8@GG8FEG@*D@0A62GFA63F*A62,F3@G;;(F '7;78D@;F2A6FAB;DFG&EG28F8DF;GGF8HGF@G8C@6FD*F8HGF@GEB72AF;E784@GF%F a popular attraction at previous events. $@-A67;G3F.,F5HG;8G@4GB3F#D@DC-HF5DC627B)F8HGFG+G68F/7BBF HAEEG6FABD6-;73GF8HGFEDECBA@F/GG9B,FIHC@;3A,F"GAF0A@9G8(F IHGF3A8GFHA;F.GG6F.@DC-H8F*D@/A@3F*@D0F8HGFAC8C06F8DFABBD/F for the start of town centre regeneration work later in the year, A;FEA@8FD*F8HGF0CB87107BB7D6FEDC63F!G-G6G@A876-F8HGF GA@8FD*F 5HG;8G@4GB3FE@D G28( :D@GF76*D@0A87D6FA.DC8F8HGFG+G68FEBA6;FA63FG68G@8A760G68F/7BBF .GF;HA@G3F2BD;G@F8DF8HGF870G(F GGEF2HG2976-F8HGF2DC627B ;F/G.;78GF A63F;D27ABF0G37AF2HA66GB;F*D@F3G8A7B;(F 5DC627BBD@F A8GF A@+G68)F2A.76G8F0G0.G@F*D@F8D/6F2G68@G;F A63F+7;78D@FG2D6D0,)F;A73 F IHGF?>=<;F:A@9G8FF7;FG6 D,G3F.,F @G;73G68;FA63F+7;78D@;FAB79G(FIHG@GFA@GF6D8F8DDF0A6,FEBA2G;F,DC can go to see a range of free street entertainment like we have on offer here. !G;73G68;FA63F+7;78D@;FG6 D,G3F8HGF?>=<;F:A@9G8F8HA8F8DD9F EBA2GF76F D+G0.G@FBA;8F,GA@)F;DF/G @GF@GABB,FEBGA;G3F8HA8F/GF3D6 8F have to wait long for its return. GFG62DC@A-GF,DCF8DFEC8F8HGF3A8GF76F,DC@F37A@,FGA@B,F;DF,DCF 3D6 8F07;;FDC8(
Step into spring fashion
DD3;GA8;F:C;72ABF Theatre Company will ;8GEFD**F8HGF;8A-GFA63FD68DF the catwalk as they host AF;EG27ABF A37G; F A;H7D6F HD/FA63F DEF EF HDE( IHGFD6G1D**F*A;H7D6FG+G68F/7BBF.GFHGB3FA8F5@DD9G;F D27ABF5BC.F 76F:CBGHDC;GF!DA3)F5@DD9G;)FD6F A8C@3A,F F:A@2HFA8F?E0( IHGFG+G68F/7BBF*GA8C@GF;D0GF*A+DC@78GFH7-HF;8@GG8F.@A63;FA8F 37;2DC68;FD*FCEF8DF <FEG@F2G68FD@F0D@G( I729G8;F2D;8F FGA2HFD@F8H@GGF*D@F ? FA63FA@GFA+A7BA.BGF6D/FD6F <??=F =F= < FD@F+7AFG0A7BFA8 F8729G8; /DD3;GA8;082(2D(C9 please leave a contact phone number. The company will be back on stage at the Montgomery IHGA8@GF*@D0F?<1? F CB,F/78HFAF6G/FE@D3C287D6FD*F!D3-G@;FA63F A00G@;8G76F2BA;;72F$9BAHD0A(
G;8;73G ;FG378D@)F!72HA@3F ..G,)FC63G@8DD9FAF marathon challenge in A6CA@,F%F C78GFB78G@ABB,)F completing 26.2 miles to raise money for the @D;8A8GF5A62G@F2HA@78,F A63F@A7;76-FD+G@F <<F76F the process. 3FB79GF8DF8HA69F G+G@,D6GF/HDF3D6A8G3F*D@F /HA8F7;FAF*A68A;872F2AC;G) F ;A73F!72HA@3(F :,F3A3F /A;F@G2G68B,F37A-6D;G3F /78HF8HGFB7*G18H@GA8G676-F37;GA;G(F @D;8A8GF 2A62G@FA**G28;FD6GF76FG7-H8F0G6F76F8HGF F A63FA6FGA@B,F37A-6D;7;F2A6F;A+GF,DC@FB7*G( DCF2A6F;87BBF3D6A8GF8DF8HGF/D@8H/H7BGF 2AC;GF.,F;2A6676-F8HGF !F2D3GF/78HF your smartphone or by visiting H88E; @C68HG0D68H0G(E@D;8A8G2A62G@C9(D@- *C63@A7;76- @72HA@3;1@C618HG10D68H12HABBG6-G < =
Final stage
IHGF46ABF;8A-GFD*F0A D@F improvement works at 5@,;8ABF GA9;F;HDEE76-F centre is set to begin. D@9F8DF@GEBA2GF8HGF A/A@31/76676-F HG*4GB3F ;HDEE76-F0ABB ;F-BA 76-F ;,;8G0FA63FA;;D27A8G3F 0G2HA672ABFA63FGBG28@72ABFG C7E0G68F1FABBFEA@8FD*FAF3@7+GF8D/A@3;F -@GA8G@FG6G@-,FG*427G62,F1F;8A@8G3FBA;8F;C00G@( IHGF-BA 76-F76F.D8HF8HGFGA;8FA63F/G;8F0ABB;F7;FE@D2GG376-FD6F ;2HG3CBGFA63F6D/F/D@9FHA;F@G2G68B,F.G-C6FD6F8HGF0D;8F2D0EBG&F ;G287D6FD*F8HGFE@D G28F1F8HGF5@,;8ABF GA9;F2G68@ABFA8@7C0( IH7;FHA;F.GG6FAF;7-6742A68FE@D G28F8HA8F/A;F76F8HGFEBA6676-F ;8A-G;F*D@FAF2D6;73G@A.BGF870GF.G*D@GFBAC62HF8DFG6;C@GF8HA8F8HG /D@9;FA@GF2D0EBG8G3F;A*GB,) F;A73F5@,;8ABF GA9;F2G68@GF0A6A-G@F GGF @GG6/DD3( IHGF/D@9FHA;F762BC3GF@GEBA276-F-BA;;FA63F8HGFC63G@B,76-F;C.1 *@A0GF8HA8F;CEED@8;F8HGF-BA;;)F@GEBA276-F78F/78HFAF6G/)F70E@D+G3F A63F0D@GF8HG@0ABB,FG*427G68F-BA 76-F;,;8G0(FIHGFA70F7;F8DF G6HA62GF;A*G8,)FE@G+G6876-F/A8G@F76-@G;;FA63FA;;7;8F/78HF0D@GF G6G@-,FG*427G68F768G@6ABF2B70A8GF2D68@DBFA63FG6;C@GF8HGF2G68@GF7;F 48F*D@FEC@ED;GF*D@F*C8C@GF3G2A3G;( GGFA33G3F8HA8F/D@9FD6F8HGF2G68@ABFA8@7C0F/DCB3)FA;F/78HF 8HGF@G;8FD*F8HGFE@D G28)F.GF2A@@7G3FDC8F/78HF8HGF07670C0F 762D6+G67G62GF8DF.D8HF.C;76G;;G;FA63F2C;8D0G@;)F/78HF2D68@A28D@;F ;2HG3CBG3F8DFHA+GF467;HG3FABBF/D@9;FA63F.GFD**F;78GF.,FGA@B,F summer. IHGF/D@9F0A@9;FD6GFD*F8HGF.7--G;8F76+G;80G68;F5@,;8ABF GA9;F HA;F;GG6F*D@F0A6,F,GA@;FA63F@G"G28;F8HGF2G68@G ;F2D6876CG3F*A78HF in the future of the complex. 5@,;8ABF GA9;F7;FAF2HA0E7D6FD*FG6+7@D60G68ABF7;;CG;)F especially in its approach to on site waste management, energy G*427G62,FA63F2A@.D6F*DD8E@768F@G3C287D6) F;A73F GG(
www.sheffieldvibe.com 43
044 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:11 pm Page 1
01246 540833 183 SHEFFIELD RD, STONEGRAVELS, CHESTERFIELD, S41 7JQ www.unicolocksmiths.co.uk
All types of security keys cut to code including car keys
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15 %
016 SSide Aug22_Layout 1 06/07/2022 15:54 Page 1
Your one stop showroom for all your tiling needs Free measuring service Supply and fit services available Trade and public welcome
Please visit our newly extended showroom with a great range of tiles Unit 10, Callywhite Business Park, Callywhite Lane, Dronfield, S18 2XP 01246 768696 | www.thetileplace.net
046 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 2:33 pm Page 1
Theatre The Crucible
Comedy Sophie McCartney is Tired and Tested
9 March # +$ -*& $#, # +$ $ -*&.$#,-%$* %#" Join the award-winning comedian as she ventures into the perilous world of parenthood. Hold onto your stomachs as you follow Sophie on a high evolution from non-maternal “noughties” wild child to the highs and lows of being with child, starting with mating and birthing and ending with still being unable to handle booze on a night out. Her performances always leave people crying from laughter and the inability to breathe due to its relatability for not only women, but men as well.
Ed Gamble: Hot Diggity Dog
21 March # +$ -*& $#, # +$ $ -*&.$#,-%$* %#" Ed Gamble has minced a lot of meat (thoughts), piped it into a casing (show) and its coming to a bun (venue) near you! Tuck into the hilarious stories of the comedian and podcast host as he recalls a life lived through food, and celebrates his memoir telling the tale. This show will consist of your classic Gamble ranting, raving and spluttering Promise.
46 www.sheffieldvibe.com
! &*/. *#/ (- %,.- )-('+.-&+*-,%/$%#" Follow Abigail and her friends as they get accused of witchcraft after one of the girls falls into a coma-like state; it unravels from there. The girls are dragged into world of self-preservation with a focus on lies and manipulation. This is a timeless masterpiece by Arthur Miller that details the infamous Salem witch trials. The only question is: Will they survive or get executed for the crimes?
Peppa Pig’s Fun Day Out
&*/. # +$ -*& $#, # +$ $ -*&.$#,-%$* %#" Join Peppa along with her family and friends as they go to the zoo and the beach for a very special party and a fun packed day. You will help Peppa feed the penguins, build sandcastles and swim in the sea with as well as singing and dancing with colourful, friendly scarecrows. This show guarantees giggles and enjoyment for all, especially those who are big fans of Peppa, making it the perfect family day trip.
The Haunting
&*/. & ( $ *+, - +* # +$ $ -*&.$#,-%$* %#" When book dealer, David Filde, is employed by Lord Gray to catalogue an array of rare books. However, as a series of strange and unexpected events start to happen that stop Filde from doing his job, he realises that if he is to convince his employer that what is happening is real, they then have to embark on the journey together to discover the source of the terrifying visitations. A thrilling adaptation of Charles Dickens’ spinetingling tales that has the audience on the edge of their seats.
Jazz Peak Music Society
! &*/. % & - ' ,. &(( '- ,$* -* ,. *- % -&" #, /,$/ -+ %$* %#" James Pearson Trio: James is one of the country’s leading pianists. He has long been artistic director at the world-famous Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club in London, where his trio is also the house band. This concert will feature a tribute to much-loved comedian and jazz pianist, the late Dudley Moore. Tickets £30, including wine and canapes. (£10 for those in full-time education).
Event An Audience With Sir Bradley Wiggins
3 March Winding Wheel Theatre /.-,+-*)-('+.-&+*-,%/$%#" Join the Tour De France and Olympic medallist as he discusses his fantastic career, what brought him to cycling and everything in-between. The cyclist talks about being the only rider to have won both World and Olympic championships on both the track and the road, as well as winning the Tour De France and his other achievements. The show is then followed by a live auction and a Q&A. There is also the opportunity to get a photo with him and even get a drink!
095 WSide Feb24.qxp 15/01/2024 3:57 pm Page 1
048 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 3:45 pm Page 1
Are you fed up paying main dealer prices? Or just not happy entrusting your pride and joy to an untried garage? We feel we are the solution to this problem, and pride ourselves on giving main dealer service at non-main dealer prices.
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Ex Main Dealer Trained Technicians 25 Years Experience • ATA Accredited Master Technicians • Fixed Priced Servicing • Loan Car Available • AirConditioning Service and Repair • •
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Everything you’d get from a big name dealership. Except the price tag.
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Dealer trained technicians State of the art equipment Free collection & delivery service Big savings on dealer prices
48 www.sheffieldvibe.com
Engine re-mapping Warranty compliant Engine diagnostics MOT centre
Vehicle servicing Online digital servicing updates Clutch and gearbox repairs Brake service
049 SSide Mar24.qxp 08/02/2024 2:37 pm Page 1
If you’re in the market for driving excitement, Richard Abbey has just the thing...
Dynamic excellence
The new GTS joins the McLaren line-up as a replacement for the GT. The superlightweight vehicle is engineered to delight drivers who demand the dynamic excellence and driving excitement of a /.-,+*)(,)'(&%*(+$'*(.#"!#+& (+* )*"*)&( and luggage space suited to routine drives and extended journeys. Retaining the core McLaren attractions of beautiful yet functional design, classleading power-to-weight ratio – enabled ( $ %& *$ %&(.,+ #)( +*(.#) &+ .&$#)( centred on a unique monocoque chassis – and unmatched driving dynamics, the new GTS is also visually even more powerful and offers increased choice of exterior and $)&*+$#+( *.$ .,&$#) The power of the V8 M840TE 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged engine has been elevated to 635PS at 7,500rpm, the additional 15PS coming from increased crankshaft torque enabled by more aggressive combustion phasing and revised ignition timing.
Top model
The new Mercedes-AMG GT 63 4MATIC+ Coupé is now available to order. The top model in the Mercedes-AMG range combines highly dynamic driving characteristics with increased suitability for everyday use. Components such as the AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL suspension with semi-active roll stabilisation, rear-axle steering and active aerodynamics enhance its dynamic character, while the more spacious interior, available two-plus-two seating layout and improved all-round visibility make the new Mercedes-AMG GT even more versatile. %*()* (/*+.*'* / ( ( # ( &&*'( $&%(&%*( / ( $&+*( ( $& + #(*) $)* ($ ( $)$&$, (, ,$ , *($)( +*"$ "( ( *+!#+",).*(,)'(-, ).%( '$&$#)( *.$ .,&$#) ( +$.* ( start from £164,765 OTR.
Iconic design
The all-electric MINI Cooper combines a passion for iconic design, legendary performance and sustainable mobility. The Sport trim adds John Cooper Works (JCW) styling; the logo stands out particularly well with its traditional red, white and black colour .%*"*(,)'(&%*( " # $ *'(.%* *+*'( , (#)(&%*(#.&, #), (!+#)&( +$ * The powerful appearance is achieved, among other things, by 18-inch wheels in Lap Spoke 2-tone design with ten spokes each and JCW brake callipers in eye-catching red. Bonnet stripes on the body emphasise its sporty character. As standard, the MINI Cooper Electric in Sport Trim includes striking diffusers at &%*(!+#)&(,)'(+*,+ ( %*(+,'$,&#+( +$ *( ++# )'(,)'( # #(,+*( )$ %*'($)(%$ % # ( ,. ( Visual highlights include the contrasting roof and the mirror caps in Chilli Red.
Impressive upgrade
The new Passat – Volkswagen’s most aerodynamic estate car to date – comes with $" +* $ *(*! .$*). (.+*'*)&$, (&%,&(,+*( +*(&#(, *, (&#(!,"$ $* (,)'( **&(",), *+ ( (,( revised interior with a new cockpit, large displays and a new infotainment menu structure. More than 34 million Volkswagen Passats have been sold worldwide since the covers came #!!(&%*( + &( *)*+,&$#)($)( (,)'(&%*()$)&% *)*+,&$#)("#'* ($ ( *&(&#(.#)&$) *(&%$ ( ..* The completely redesigned digital cockpit incorporates the latest-generation (MIB4) infotainment matrix. Many system settings can be controlled using the new IDA voice control, and the large display in front of the driver has a new surface coating to reduce +* *.&$#) (,)'( ,+* (+*"# $) (&%*()**'(!#+(,)(# *+%,) (!#+( +# $'$) ( %,'* Prices start from £38,400.
www.sheffieldvibe.com 49
048 - 049 Vibe Feb24.qxp_Layout 1 31/01/2024 3:07 pm Page 2
SHOUTING ABOUT SHEFFIELD VIBE Sheffield is a website dedicated to Sheffield’s dynamic social scene. With popular features and articles split up into the sections below:
At VIBE, our main focus is to shout about Sheffield and we make sure to surround that with as much positivity as possible. After all, if you’re from Sheffield, you’re proud to live in such a great city!
VIBE DIRECTORY Have you checked out our brand new Sheffield based directory that is now live on our website with the likes of Heritage Lifestyle Store, Chakra Lounge, Boom Battle Bar, Glass Onion and many more? We're still in the building process so if you are interested in your business being displayed proudly on there, email sam.pegg@rmcmedia.co.uk to find out more.
Scan the QR code below with your smartphone to access the directory
099 WSide Feb24.qxp 16/01/2024 10:30 am Page 1
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052 SSide Nov22 06/10/2022 17:03 Page 1
We now do design quotations remotely. please email: sales@nankivells.com
Unit 4 & 5, Station Lane Ind Est, Old Whittington, Chesterfield S41 9QX Tel: 01246 456026 • Fax: 01246 453434 • www.nankivells.com Also at Atkinsons 78 - 82 The Moor, Sheffield, S1 3LT Tel: 0114 2768811 Ext 351 • www.atkinsonsofsheffield.co.uk