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UNDREDS gathered at the War Memorial on Bexhill seafront over the weekend of November 11 and November 12 to pay tribute to those who lost their lives during the First and Second World Wars and subsequent conflicts. Two-minute silences were held on both days which were immaculately observed while touching tributes were paid to the Fallen with all those in attendance wearing their poppies with pride. Veterans wore their medals and berets and there was a profusion of Union flags on display as well which added considerably to the significance of this annual remembrance and
gave everyone a chance to reflect on the huge losses of life suffered in the two World Wars and subsequent conflicts. It was extremely touching but also uplifting to see such an impressive turnout by both young and old. After a welcome on the Sunday by the chairman of the Bexhill branch of the Royal British Legion, the poem “A Poppy For Your Thoughts” was recited followed by the hymn “How Great Though Art” with its refrain of “Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee, how great though art!” Subsequently, there were addresses by Councillor Nuala Geary and the Reverend David Lockwood, the chaplain to Bexhill Town Council.
Everyone then stood, heads bowed as the Last Post was sounded to mark the two-minute silence during which you could have heard a pin drop. Wreaths were then laid at the foot of the War Memorial and that was followed by a touching rendition of that magnificent hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country” which was truly spinetingling. The Kohima Epitaph was then read out which summed up everything perfectly about those who lost their lives or were seriously injured in conflict… “When You Go Home, Tell Them of Us and Say For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today”. The National Anthem brought proceedings to a close with Bexhill once again doing itself proud.