RegionWeek 23rd Edition

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AMISOM commander visits Burundi troops to assess progress in operations

The ICC prosecutor calls for the reversal of the Laurent Gbagbo’s acquittal The International Criminal Court(ICC) prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda has called for the reversal of the decision to acquit the former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo.

The Deputy Force Commander in charge of Operations and Plans at the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Maj. Gen. Nakibus Lakara has said...


SEPTEMBER 21th 2019

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Twelve Burundians soldiers confirmed dead in an Al Shabaab attack South African President ‘apologized’ for xenophobic attacks during Mugabe burial

In an attack against Burundian troops in Somalia by Al Shabaab militants, twelve soldiers are confirmed to be dead when the Al Shabaab militants attacked the Burundian troops in AMISOM Somalia on Saturday, September 14, 2019.

ECONOMY Burundi Head of State receives four ambassadors with their credentials Africa: Health Minister disputes the probable existence of the Ebola virus in Tanzania


Burundi Central Bank issues new regulations on foreign currencies’ exchange

‘Burundi national team head coach never be sacked or changed’, says FFB president Reverien Ndikuriyo





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Twelve Burundians soldiers confirmed dead in an Al Shabaab attack

In an attack against Burundian troops in Somalia by Al Shabaab militants, twelve soldiers are confirmed to be dead when the Al Shabaab militants attacked the Burundian troops in AMISOM Somalia on Saturday, September 14, 2019.

However, Al Shabaab militants told local media that their attack has claimed 14 lives of Burundians troops in Somalia.

RFI reports that the convoy was ambushed by a commando group of alShabab. Witnesses, the deadly fighting lasted about twenty minutes.

According to an RFI report , apart from the twelve soldiers killed by Al Shabaab militants, there were dozens of others confirmed to be injured in an attack by al-Qaeda jihadists in Somalia, the Shebabs.

This incident happens after the recent one claimed the lives of at least 6 lives of Burundian soldiers last month. The UN-AU led plan to draw down troops in AMISOM by 2021 is having its consequences as observers note.

HOW IT ALL HAPPENED: Reports say that their

The drawdown of AMISOM troops started for Burundians; a decision which was much controversial between all parties.

convoy was attacked as they returned to their base on a strategic route that connects the capital and the Middle Shabelle region.

Burundi troops in AMISOM military convoy was returning from Mogadishu. His mission, routine, was to accompany supply trucks from Jowhar, a large town 90 km northwest, to the markets of the capital.

Burundi and Uganda argued that the drawdown of AMISOM troops would endanger the lives of the remaining soldiers on the frontline because of the Al Shabaab militants ‘could come and fill the gap left by drew down troops’.

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The AU Chairperson strongly condemns the attack against Burundian troops in Somalia Following the last weekend attack against the Burundian troops in AISOM Somalia, The African Union Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat has expressed his shock and condemned strongly the horrible attack perpetrated against the Burundian troo[ps serving in AMISOM.

THE BIG PICTURE: Reports have emerged The Chairperson salutes the courage of the Burunyesterday on Monday that the attack on Budian peacekeepers who paid the ultimate price in rundian soldiers in AMISOM Somalia occurred the line of duty to protect and support our Somali on Saturday, September 14, 2019, when their brothers and sisters and their national institutions. convoy was ambushed by Al Shabaab militants Read also: Twelve Burundians soldiers confirmed dead in and this led to a number of twelve confirmed an Al Shabaab attack dead and dozens of casualties.

It should be noted however that the AlQaeda affiliated militants, Al Shabaab, claimed the attack and said that the attack has claimed fourteen lives of the Burundian troops serving in AMISOM instead of twelve confirmed.

The Chairperson wishes to extend his most sincere condolences to the bereaved families and the Government of the Republic of Burundi and wishes a quick recovery to the injured AMISOM peacekeepers.

Read the following statement of the African Union Chairperson on the last weekend attack against Burundian troops in AMISOM:

The Chairperson reaffirms that the AU remains committed to working with the Government of Somalia to further consolidate peace and security in the country.

“The Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat strongly condemns the attack perpetrated against a contingent from Burundi of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in the Hirshabelle region on 14 September 2019 that led to a number of casualties.

The Chairperson further calls on the international community to provide appropriate support to Somalia and AMISOM to consolidate security gains in the country.





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Rwanda plans to upgrade fuelreserve strategies to fight against shortage

The Government of the Republic of Rwanda has announced its plans to upgrade and construct new strategic petroleum reserves in a bid to improve the country’s fuel security. As NewsTimes reported, the Ministry of Trade and Industry said that plans are underway to upgrade the reserves to 150 million liters, which are capable to boost the country’s fuel need for four months in case of shortage. The Ministry noted that the reserves would comprise of 112 million liters of government fuel and 38 million liters of commercial reserves. The details emerged as the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) tasked the ministry officials to explain why it was falling short of its fuel storage targets. Wednesday’s PAC hearing was a followup to the Auditor General Report for the 2017/2018 fiscal year which shows that the country had just 4.2 million liters of fuel stocks by the time the audit was carried out. Ministry officials explained that they have since added an extra 10 million liters and that the plan is to reach 26 million liters by the end of this financial year.

“The fuel in stock is little compared to what the government targeted to stock. What would happen in case of a shortage in supply?” MP Marie-Alice Kayumba Uwera told NewsTimes.

Officials explained that a new national downstream petroleum policy and strategy is in the offing. However, Robert Opirah, the DirectorGeneral of Trade and Investment at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, told the Committee that the plan to upgrade the fuel storage capacity was being slowed down by funding shortfall.

“We are planning to upgrade the storage capacity so we can stock fuel that can be used for at least four months,” he said.

The ministry has already issued a tender for the construction of 60 petroleum fuel reserves with a capacity of 60 million liters, he said. He also revealed that the draft policy, which is pending cabinet approval, is expected to address the existing challenges.

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Tanzania signed a contract with AirBus to by two new passenger planes Ladislaus Matindi, who is ATCL managing director, said, the company would soon have a total of 11 Airbus when they finalize procurement. “Currently, we have two aircrafts, and we expect to procure another Boeing in October and another Bombardier in November,” Ladislaus Matindi said. With the two Airbus and another that will soon be signed, the company will have a total of 11 aircrafts. Airbus, Vice President Sales Africa, and Indian Sub-Ocean Customers Affairs, Hadi Akoum said the company is privileged to work with ATCL and the trust it The Tanzania Government Flight Agency (TGFA) signed on Thursday, 19 September 2019, a contract with Airbus Company to buy two new passenger planes to help expand its small fleet and extend its network of destinations.

Tanzania Government Flight Agency (TGFA), CEO Dr. Benjamin Ndimila said while speaking during the signing ceremony ‘this is a great milestone for the country because ATCL will now have more planes for its operations.’ “Our President has done a great job in revamping Air Tanzania Company Ltd (ATCL) and with the new crafts the business horizon will continue to expand,” he said. According to him, the agreement is would allow the country to purchase two Airbus A220-300 aircrafts. Ndimila said the new Airbus planes would have a more luxurious interior than in the existing aircraft. “The new planes will have an improved entertainment system including screens in each seat,” he told Reuters.

“Following the signing agreement the company will embark on building the crafts but because it is complex equipment it could take up to one year or a year and a half before the planes are ready,” He said “We have a huge demand, this year we have sold at least 200 aircraft, but we promise to build the aircraft on time,” he added. According to Hadi Akoum, Airbus is recognized globally for producing Airbus and a majority of African countries with aviation companies utilize their planes. “Our products are accepted worldwide for the ability to conserve fuel consumption, comfort as well as reliability.





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5 people reportedly killed in offensive on Rwandan warlord, Sylvestre Mudacumura

A total of five people were reportedly killed in the offensive attack that eliminated a Rwandan Hutu rebel leader in DR Congo who was wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, the Congolese army said Thursday, 19 , September 2019. The DR Congo military said Sylvestre Mudacumura, who was the commander of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), was killed in DRC’s North Kivu province alongside his “secretary-general” on Tuesday night.

“The final assessment: five killed, including Mudacumura and his secretary-general, four captured and four weapons recovered,” Colonel Sylvain Ekenge, a deputy military spokesman, told AFP. “The body of the secretary-general and the captured are coming to Goma very soon,” he added.

Mudacumura, wanted for charges including rape, torture, and pillage, was killed about 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the capital of the province Goma. Neighboring Rwanda welcomed the news, saying it proved DRC President Felix Tshisekedi’s commitment to fighting “negative forces”.

“The death of Sylvestre Mudacumura is good news for peace and security in the region,” Rwandan state minister for regional affairs Olivier Nduhungirehe told AFP. “With his genocide group, the FDLR, he was destabilizing DRC, killing Congolese and Rwandans.”

The FDLR was created by Rwandan Hutu refugees in eastern DRC after the genocide against the Tutsis by majority Hutus in Rwanda in 1994. FDLR leaders are accused of taking part in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. That year, during just 100 days, ethnic Hutu extremists killed about 800,000 people as they set out to exterminate Rwanda’s minority Tutsi community and their political opponents. According to the United Nations, the force numbers between 500 and 600 active fighters. They are scattered across the mineralrich eastern Congolese provinces of North and South Kivu as well as in southern Katanga, and the group is regularly accused of committing atrocities against civilians in the zones it controls.

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African Star Tech start-up sacked hundreds of developers, Kenyans, and Ugandans among affected

Major African tech start-up known as Andela sacked hundreds of its staff including young developers this week as the majorities are from Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya.

Through a statement issued on Tuesday “Our initial strategy was to identify high-potential talent evening, the start-up, backed by hundreds on the African continent, train them in software developof millions of dollars from investors inment,” said Andela co-founder and CEO, Jeremy Johnson. cluding Facebook and tennis star Serena “It’s also become clear, however, that the majority of the Williams, laid off more than 250 junior demand is for more experienced talent,” he added. software developers in Nigeria and Uganda, with up to 170 trainees in Kenya “im- The company, which has over 1,500 engineers, trains talented developers in Africa and outsources them to some 200 tech pacted”. AFP reported companies in US tech haven Silicon Valley and around the “Today, we are announcing that we world. Yet the US, its largest market, has seen a growth of junior are closing the D0 program in Nigeweb developers, decreasing demand from Africa. The majority ria, Kenya, and Uganda. Moving forof its engineers are junior level, yet it will now focus on training ward, we will be focusing D0 training and hiring experienced staff. efforts on our pan-African hub in Andela was founded in 2014 — its name inspired by former Rwanda,” said co-founder and CEO, South African president, Nelson Mandela — to fill a shortage of Jeremy Johnson said in a blog post. skilled software developers and invest in Africa’s best minds.

“We will be letting go of approximately 250 Andelans in Nigeria and Uganda, with an additional 170 potentially impacted in Kenya, who we don’t believe we’ll be able to find meaningful work for over the next year,” he added.

The move set the company to end its entry-level training programmes for tech developers in the three countries such as Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya. Rwanda is the only country that will continue to receive training as it is one of Andela’s four-bases in Africa.

“Brilliance is evenly distributed, but the opportunity is not”, its founders have said, seeking to challenge the common perception that there is a lack of technical professionals in Africa.

Andela’s next phase of growth requires a strategic shift in how we think about talent. Please read @JeremyJ blog regarding news from Andela today pic.twitter. com/6ooUKRYjJg — Andela (@Andela

The start-up has won mass plaudits across the continent and caught the attention of high profile investors, with Mark Zuckerberg and former US Vice President Al Gore key backers. In January, Andela raised $100 million from venture capital funds, bringing its total funding to $180 million — cementing its status as one of the most highly regarded tech firms in Afric





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Burundi Head of State receives four ambassadors with their credentials

The President of the Republic of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza received on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, four ambassadors including Ms. Kgomotso Jolobe of South Africa, Mr. Dieter Reinil of Germany, Mr. Stéphane Gruemberg of France and Mr. Alain Gault of Belgium, all presenting their credentials accrediting them in Burundi. ‘South African apologizes for the xenophobic attacks’ The deputy spokesman of the President of the Republic of Burundi, Alain Diomede Nzeyimana told reporters that the new ambassador of South Africa Kgomotso Jolobe took the opportunity to apologize for her country, following the tragic events in South Africa, where foreigners were recently abused , some of them killed by South Africans, also responsible for sexual violence against foreign women. Ms. Jolobe reported that efforts are being made by the South African government to put an end these atrocities. ‘Burundi Head of State condemned the xenophobic attacks in SA’ The President of the Republic of Burundi reacted on cases of xenophobic violence in South Africa saying that these are problems that can be done away with by human beings. The head of state also recalled that the relations between Burundi and South Africa have been in good shape for a long time, explaining that the former presidents of this country, Nelson Mandela and Jacob Zuma helped Burundi to find peace. ‘Europeans to improve BurundiEu-

rope ties’ Regarding the three new ambassadors of European countries including France, Germany, and Belgium, Mr. Nzeyimana stressed that they came with new instructions that show that they regret what happened in the past with Burundi, arguing that there have been misunderstandings between Burundi and these countries.

mission (CVR) and that Belgium is ready to release the archives on Burundi, whether photos, films or other documents that can help to know the truth about what happened in Burundi. ‘President says that Burundi is ready to help other African countries’ Burundi head of State, Pierre Nkurunziza, recalled the time of the This is how they promised signing of the ceasefire agreements that they are ready to rewith the help of South African structure a good partnership, country and the restructuring of the army and the police, during the as the French ambassador 2005 election period. said. “We came for a winwin partnership and not as a He also specified that Burundi inlesson giver,” said Stéphane tends to be together with other Africans to resolve such problems. Gruenberg For these three European countries, the President of the Republic said deputy spokesman of the President of the Republic also added that these that he wants positive changes to be put forward and clear any misunambassadors have all promised that derstandings. they will do everything with their Nkurunziza put a special emphasis brothers in the European Union so on Belgium saying that the ball is in that the bilateral relations with Butheir court, to clear any misbehavior rundi reach the new milestone. The new ambassador of Belgium has against Burundi, even in the past. meanwhile affirmed that his country positively appreciates the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Com-

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Health Minister disputes the probable existence of the Ebola virus in Tanzania

The Health Minister disputes the probable existence of the Ebola virus in Tanzania . The probable existence of the Ebola existence in Tanzania has been thought to be linked to the mysterious death of a Tanzanian woman with similar signs of the Ebola disease.

THE BIG PICTURE: The World Health Organization has long warned that the deadly Ebola virus which is raging in the Democratic Republic of Congo may spill over into neighboring countries such as Burundi , Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania. All countries have been urged to act carefully and with high preparedness for the possible Ebola crossover. According to a Reuters report , Tanzania has formally told the World Health Organization (WHO) that it has no cases of Ebola after a woman died there earlier this month from an unknown illness following Ebola-like symptoms.

“This followed earlier rumors of the death of one person and illness in a few others,” the WHO said in a statement. “Tanzanian authorities did not indicate what the cause of the illnesses might have been.”

Tanzania authorities have been criticized of the reticence on the deadly virus presence in Tanzania by the World Health Officials. However, Tanzania’s health minister said on Saturday that the government had investigated two recent cases of unknown illnesses, and found out that they were not Ebola. “The two patients did not have Ebola,” Ummy Mwalimu told reporters. “There is no Ebola outbreak in Tanzania as we speak, people should not panic.” Nonetheless, Tanzania is called on to comply with international obligations to share information and allow independent verification of test results.




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24-26 OCTOBER 2019


Woman of Destiny, arise, be courageous and act, for peace consolidation concerns you


First Lady of Burundi


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European Commission announces €34 million humanitarian funding in African Great Lakes region The European Commission has announced €34.275 million in humanitarian funding to help the most vulnerable people in the Great Lakes region in Africa, the European Commission announced yesterday.

The aid will mainly help address urgent humanitarian needs in the Democratic Republic of Congo and provide continued support to Burundian refugees in the region. “Food insecurity in the Democratic Republic of Congo is worsening the humanitarian situation. We are stepping up support, including in the eastern conflict-torn part of the country, affected by the Ebola epidemic”. The aid will mainly help address urgent humanitarian needs in the Democratic Republic of Congo and provide continued support to Burundian refugees in the region. “We also maintain our solidarity with Burundian refugees in the region. Our new aid package will provide emergency healthcare, improve hygiene conditions and access to clean water, provide protection, and give education to children caught in these crises ,” said Christos Stylianides, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Manage-

ment and EU Ebola Coordinator. The bulk of the funding announced supports humanitarian measures in the Democratic Republic of Congo (€29.375 million) and refugees from Burundi in Tanzania and Rwanda (€4.3 million). The remaining €600,000 are allocated to UN agencies in Burundi and to help refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo in neighboring Republic of Congo. Africa’s Great Lakes region continues to face armed conflicts and insecurity, leading to forced displacements, food shortages and undernutrition, and recurrent outbreaks of epidemics and natural disasters. The funding announced today brings the overall amount of EU humanitarian aid in the Great Lakes region in 2019 to €69.74 million. Burundi’s political crisis, ongoing since 2015, has triggered a major socioeconomic downturn in an already poor and fragile country. The EU supports Burundian refugees in Tanzania and Rwanda, the EC added.





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Russia to help Uganda develop nuclear energy

Russia and Uganda have agreed to work together in the field of nuclear energy, the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom said on Wednesday, as Moscow seeks to strengthen its influence in Africa. Russia’s state-owned companies have been at a key part of the strategy to bolster Moscow’s presence on the continent, AFP reported. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s is seeking to use his country’s uranium deposits to develop nuclear power. The agreement was signed on Tuesday by a Rosatom representative and Ugandan Energy Minister Irene Muloni on the sidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s general conference in Vienna.

The deal “lays the foundation for specific cooperation between Russia and Uganda” in the field of nuclear energy, Rosatom said.

It also paves the way for working together in “the creation of nuclear energy infrastructure, the production of radioisotopes for industry, medicine, agriculture, as well as the training of personnel”. Rosatom said the parties had agreed to organize visits by specialists in the “near future”, the local media added. Moscow first signed a memorandum of understanding with Kampala in this area in 2017, ahead of Beijing, which signed a similar agreement in 2018.

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DR Congo army kills Rwandan FDLR militia leader

DR Congo’s army says it has killed the commander of the Rwandan Hutu militia group FDLR for whom the International Criminal Court had issued an arrest warrant. Army spokesman Gen. Richard Kasonga said Wednesday that Gen. Sylvestre Mudacumura was gunned down overnight in Rutshuru territory in North Kivu province, AP reported

including rape. As the BBC reported , FDLR leaders are accused of taking part in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. That year, during just 100 days, ethnic Hutu extremists killed about 800,000 people as they set Kasonga told the United Na- out to exterminate Rwanda’s tionsbacked Radio Okapi that minority Tutsi community Mudacumura, commander of and their political opponents. the Democratic Forces of the Liberation of Rwanda, had The ICC issued an arrest warcarried out and ordered some rant for Mr. Mudacumura in of the worst kinds of violence 2012 for nine counts of war against the Congolese people, crimes, including murder,

rape, and torture. The rebel leader had been under U.N. sanctions since 2005. The Rwandan government cited the FDLR’s presence on Congolese soil to justify repeated interventions across that border. Kasonga appealed to other rebel groups in eastern Congo to surrender or face the same fate as Mudacumura. Source: AP and BBC




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Burundi Central Bank issues new regulations on foreign currencies’ exchange

Burundi Central Bank(BRB) has issued new regulations governing the foreign currencies’ exchange. The Bank of the Republic of Burundi has revised the exchange regulations that were operational since June 2010.

Regarding Foreign Exchange Bureaus, Jean $ 10,000 or equivalent in another currency Ciza, the governor of BRB, said that the and 200,000 BIF. Forex bureaus have to be known by the Burundi Central Bank. The minimum capital to open a foreign exchange bureau has been revised upwards Jean Ciza said that foreign exchange offices from 50,000 .000 BIF to 100,000,00 BIF. must create a professional association to which they must all adhere. The exchange The people who want to go outside the without a voucher is revised downward country for a business transaction will have from $ 3,000 to $ 500 per day and per to go with 5000 $ instead of 40 000 $. transaction, not to exceed $ 3,000 per See the full statement issued by Burundi month. Central Bank: According to the Governor of the BRB, travelers must declare cash held in excess of





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The ICC prosecutor calls for the reversal of the Laurent Gbagbo’s acquittal The International Criminal Court(ICC) prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda has called for the reversal of the decision to acquit the former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo.

Reuters report that the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court office would appeal the acquittal of former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo. The court acquitted Gbagbo on crimes against humanity charges on January 15, saying prosecutors had failed to prove any case against him. He was then conditionally released from detention after more than 7 years in custody.

Related: ICC acquits Ex-Ivorian leader,

Laurent Gbagbo, of war crimes.

Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said on Monday she would ask appeals judges to reverse the acquittal and declare a mistrial, resetting Gbagbo’s legal process, Reuters added.

Flashback: The International Criminal Court

had acquitted former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo over postelectoral violence in the West African nation in a stunning blow to the war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

Judges ordered the immediate release of the 73-year-old deposed strongman,Laurent Gbabo, the first head of state to stand trial at the troubled ICC, and his right-hand man Charles Ble Goude.

Laurent Gbagbo was facing the charges of war crimes during his tenure as a president in Ivory Coast and was among the first to appear before the famous International Justice to answer for his crimes.

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China sends 110 peacekeepers to DR Congo

China has sent around one hundred peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo for a period of one year.

As Xinhua reported it, a team of 110 Chinese peacekeepers Tuesday departed Chengdu, capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province, for the Democratic Republic of Congo for a one-year peacekeeping mission.

They are the first group of the 23rd batch of peacekeepers that China has dispatched to the central African nation. With 218 members in total, the battalion consists of a sapper team of 175 and a medical unit of 43. They will be sent to the mission area in two batches.

The sapper team will be tasked with engineering support, repairing roads, constructing airports and barracks and de-

stroying unexploded ammunition in mission areas. The medical unit will carry out tasks including treating the wounded, medical evacuation and epidemic prevention. Besides undergoing special training, the peacekeepers have also studied UN peacekeeping regulations, diplomatic protocols and local customs to better fulfill the mission, Xinhua added. Among the officers and soldiers, 56 have conducted peacekeeping missions previously.






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Rwanda denies permission to Burundian singer to perform in Kigali

The famous singer, Jean Pierre Kidumu, alias Kibido, has seen barred from performing his music performances in Kigali, Rwanda for an ‘unknown reasons’ as the artist says.

THE BIG PICTURE: Kidumu is seeing denied to perform in Kigali after the same action happened to a Rwandan Artist named Meddy, who, for ‘unclarified reasons’, dropped his long-planned music performance in Burundi last year. The Rwandan artist said of ‘ security reasons’ to be behind the ditching of the planned music performance in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Burundian artist said in a Facebook post that he was ‘sorry that he would not perform in Kigali Jazz Junction’.

After this denial from the part of rwanda, Burundian artist took to social media to announce that he ‘will never again perform in both Burundi and Rwanda’.

In a post which is widely shared on social media, Kidumu says that he risks his own life whenever he performs music concerts either in Burundi or Rwanda.

“If it is not poisoning me, there is always attempts to kill me”, Kidumu said in a blog post.

On the other side of Rwanda, Kigali administration says that it has not denied permission to a Burundian artist, Jean Pierre Kidumu from performing in Rwanda. Kigali mayor wrote on Twitter to clarify by saying that he has ‘not seen the request for permission from Jean Pierre Kidumu’ to perform in Kigali.

Ntago @CityofKigali yigeze yanga ko umuhanzi #Kidumu aza gucurangira muri Kigali kuko ntabwo yigeze anabisaba. Niba hari gahunda afite yo kuza gucuranga, hari inzira bicamo akabisaba. Kugeza uyu munsi nta busabe bwe turabona. @UmutoniNadine

Some have asked if Kidumu is being affected by the current standoff between Kigali and Gitega, but Kidumu himself said that even this case, ‘he is not a politician and he is not planning to be one and is not a threat to anyone either in Burundi or Rwanda’, as he said. Jean Pierre Kidumu is a Burundian artist living in Kenya since 1995. He has been busy with music performances in the region and has participated in many collaborations with other artists of the region in various songs.

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‘Burundi national team head coach never be sacked or changed’, says FFB president Reverien Ndikuriyo The president of the Football Federation of Burundi (FFB) Reverien Ndikuriyo announced on Sunday, 15 September 2019 that the pressure towards the dismissal of Burundi senior national team (Swallows ) head Coach Olivier Niyungeko nicknamed Mutombora will not work anymore.

In a press conference held in the morning of Sunday, September 15, 2019, at the headquarters of the Football Federation of Burundi, Révérien Ndikuriyo told the media and the Burundian sports community that the Federation will have no reason to change or replace him as wanted by many people including the national team bloodfans. He thanks and encourages the Swallows, who de-

“Despite the wishes expressed by some people to change the national head coach, the Swallows coach Olivier Niyungeko will stay and he won’t be sacked,” said FFB president, Reverien Ndikuriyo during the press conference on Sunday.

The press conference on whether coach Olivier Niyungeko would be changed or stay comes after various words that have been spread on social networks all reflecting on bad performance ahead of the national team Intamba mu Rugamba claimed by some fans, a bad result that would be attributed to the alleged “bad coaching” of Olivier Niyungeko.

“The national team is doing well, from the point of view of development and professionalism. There are only some imperfections and irregularities to readjust,” said Reverien Ndikuriyo, FFB President.

spite small incentives and insufficient bonus continue to defend the national flag of the country (Burundi).

According to the FFB president, Olivier Niyungego will only take care of the senior team and will be supported by two former national team members, including Juma Mossi and Aime Kitenge. He added that three new coaches including Joslin Bipfubusa, Jimy Ndayizeye and Omar Ntakagero will take care of other teams like CHAN.

“This strengthening of the technical staff and the separation of teams will allow coaches and the technical staff to monitor teams closely,” he said. “Players to have enough time and proper training,” said the president of the federation,” he added.

Olivier Niyungeko managed to take Burundi national team to the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations played in Cairo, Egypt for the first time. But the Swallows were edged out without any goal scored.





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AMISOM commander visits Burundi troops to assess progress in operations

The Deputy Force Commander in charge of Operations and Plans at the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Maj. Gen. Nakibus Lakara has said AMISOM troops are forging ahead with clearing and securing various main supply routes, mentoring Somali Security Forces, and conducting joint offensives with the Somali National Army as dictated by the Somali Transition Plan. On Thursday, Maj. Gen. Lakara was in Jowhar, the headquarters of the AMISOM Sector 5, controlled by Burundi troops, where he assessed progress made in implementing the mission’s Concept of Operations (CONOPs). He also inspected a Forward Operating Base in Gololey and interacted with the troops on issues relating to their welfare. WHY IT MATTERS: Burundi is among the other troop-contributing countries such as Uganda and others in the UN&AU-led coalition of forces grouped in AMISOM(African Mission in Somalia) to maintain peace ad security and ward off the regular Al Shabaab attacks on Somali civilians.

“Opening and securing the Mogadishu-JowharMahaday-Tayagley main supply route is a priority, and I am happy to note that you have been able to persist in this,” Gen. Lakara stated. Burundi is one of the five countries contributing troops under AMISOM. Other troop-contributing countries are Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. Maj. Gen. Lakara also urged the Burundian troops to conduct offensive operations, and counter Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), which target AMISOM convoys and civilians along the main supply routes. “To deal with Al-Shabaab, you must pursue them,” Gen. Lakara noted, before adding, “You The CONOPs outlines the activities AMISOM must adopt measures to end the use of IEDs has to implement under the Somali Transition Plan up to 2021 when AMISOM will along the main supply routes.” hand over security responsibilities to the Earlier, Burundi’s contingent commander, Brig. Gen. Somali Security Forces. Richard Banyakimbona, said his troops would work Among those accompanying Maj Gen. Lakara were on strategies to counter IEDs and, together with the Chief Plans Officer, Col. Ben Gah and the Chief Oper- Somali National Army, engage in civil-military activiations Officer Col. John Patrick Otongo. ties to enhance relations with communities in liberated Maj Gen. Lakara also instructed the commanders to areas. Brig. Gen. Banyakimbona urged his troops to be forge ahead implementing the tasks outlined in the steadfast, saying, “We will achieve a lot given that since Concept of Operations, which include; clearing and we first deployed on the mission, we have scored victosecuring main supply routes, intensifying mentoring of Somali Security Forces, and conducting joint offen- ries against the extremists.” Source: AMISOM sives with the Somali National Army (SNA).

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South African President ‘apologized’ for xenophobic attacks during Mugabe burial The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, was obliged to present his apology over the last xenophobic attacks against foreigners which have hit hard the foreign nationals, especially the Nigerians. Ramaphosa presented his apology during the burial of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe last weekend.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said his apology to Zimbabweans over the weekend was necessary after xenophobic attacks over the last two weeks tarnished South Africa’s international reputation, reported local media in South Africa.

“Our image, our standing and our integrity were negatively affected. We will have to work very hard as South Africans to regain our stature, our position and in this regard, it was best to stand up and say we are sorry for what happened,” Cyril Ramaophosa said on Monday.

Media reported that Ramaphosa was booed while delivering a speech at a memorial for former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe in Harare.

“The people of Zimbabwe, almost in unison, expressed their disappointment, unhappiness, and anger at us as South Africans. They saw me as representing all of us in South Africa. Their reaction was against us as the whole stadium full of 40 000 people booed me,” he told more than 1 000 delegates in South Africa.

He said Zimbabweans only accepted him after he offered an apology. “It was only when I said I regret what is happening in our country and offered an apology on behalf of all of us as South Africa – that is when they responded positively in accepting that apology. I have apologized on your behalf and I hope that will sink into our consciousness.” The South African xenophobic attacks have had numerous retaliatory measures in the countries where their nationals were hardhit by these local angry mobs looting their goods. Nigerians retaliated and looted, destroyed and burned some of the businesses owned by the South African nationals in Nigeria. Nigeria later repatriated more than six hundreds of its nationals from South Africa in order to protect them from further retaliatory attacks from South Africa.

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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