RegionWeek 25th Edition

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Nigeria and South Africa set up ‘compensation committee’ over xenophobic attacks

Uganda: 13 Gov’t officials arrested over corruption On Tuesday 1, 2019, the Uganda administration launched an anti-corruption campaign with the alleged misdemeanors of corruption among the government officials.

Nigeria and South Africa have agreed to set up ‘compensation committee’ over xenophobic attacks which claimed dozens of lives in South Africa, particularly affecting the Nigerians.


OCTOBER 05th 2019

Burundi FM, Ezechiel Nibigira, reassures the UN General Assembly of ‘peaceful 2020 elections’ On the sidelines of the 74th United Nations General Assembly, Burundi Foreign Minister, Ezechiel Nibigira, reassured the UN General Assembly attendees that ‘all is set for the peaceful 2020 general elections’ in Burundi. ‘Africa is the continent of the future’, US official

The Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of African Affairs, Tibor Nagy says Africa is the “continent of the future”

with promising young people. He thus showed the US’ confidence in potential Africa in the coming days.

Burundi to benefit IT opportunities from Six-Figure Grant Six-Figure Grant, a San Diego-based nonprofit organization is set to bring information technology to children in Burundi.

Nigeria and Kenya among the World Top 20 Business Improvers in 2020

$ 3.50

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Burundi FM, Ezechiel Nibigira, reassures the UN General Assembly of ‘peaceful 2020 elections’ On the sidelines of the 74th United Nations General Assembly, Burundi Foreign Minister, Ezechiel Nibigira, reassured the UN General Assembly attendees that ‘all is set for the peaceful 2020 general elections’ in Burundi.

WHY IT MATTERS: The United Nations have sometimes been at odds with the Burundi government, assuming that the next 2020 general elections will be marred with irregularities such as unfairness, incredibility, not peaceful, not free and not open to all politicians, especially of the opposition side. ‘Burundians are opposed to all foreign interference in national affairs.’ As Nibigira told the UN General Assembly on Monday, September 30, 2019, ‘Burundi Government is wary of, and will not tolerate, any outside interference in the polls’.

“The preparations for the 2020 elections are very advanced both in terms of organization and budget. National mechanisms for the preparation of elections are already in place while appeasement acts leading to a climate conducive to the holding of free, fair and peaceful elections are steadily increasing”, Nibigira told the UN General Assembly in New York.

On this, Nibigira warned that any attempt by other countries to interfere with the elections would be an attack on Burundi’s sovereignty.

“It should be recalled that the electoral process in Burundi as elsewhere in the world is an internal affair that is exclusively a matter of national sovereignty. All support for this process must be provided at the request of the Government of Burundi in ac-

cordance with the principles of the UN Charter. No acts of interference are allowed”, Nibigira told all attendees of the 74th UN General Assembly The Foreign Minister reiterated his Government’s call for Burundi to be removed from the UN Security Council’s agenda.

“With regard to Burundi’s presence on the Security Council’s agenda, we have never stopped saying that, Burundi is on the agenda of the Security Council for political reasons and outside interests that do not have anything to do with the well-being of the Burundian people”, Nibigira said.

“The current political and security situation in the country poses no threat to international peace and security to justify its arbitrary presence on the Security Council’s agenda”, Nibigira told the UN General Assembly. Nibigira recalled Burundi’s initiative of maintaining peace and security in Africa such as Somalia and Central African republic ‘in return of gratitude for acts of help during the tragic history of Burundi’. “Burundi, which contributes some 6,000 men to peace missions, reiterates its commitment to continue its substantial contribution to peacekeeping operations throughout the world”, Nibigira said. The full statement of Burundi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nibigira Ezechiel, to the United Nations General Assembly is found here on the website of the Burundi mission to the United Nations.


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Nigeria and Kenya among the World Top 20 Business Improvers in 2020

Nigeria and Kenya have been listed among the ‘Top-20 improvers” in Doing Business for the year 2020’ by World Bank. The full report of the World top 20 reformers globally in Ease of Doing Business rankings is set to be released on October 24th. Nigeria, Kenya, Togo, Zimbabwe, and Djibouti are the only African countries included in the list. According to the World Bank, Nigeria made improvements by operationalizing a new electronic platform that integrates the tax authority and the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

“The CAC also upgraded its name reservation platform and, in Kano, there is now an electronic platform for registering business premises online, eliminating the need to appear in person.”

The World Bank report also stated that Nigeria made getting electricity easier by allowing certified engineers to conduct inspections for new connections. Initiatives also made commercial litigation of smaller cases more efficient.

The World Bank indicates that Kenya made regulatory changes concerning dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes and resolving insolvency. Here is the World top 20 Business Improvers: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Djibouti, India, Jordan, Kosovo, The Kyrgyz Republic, Kuwaiti, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Togo, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Tajikistan, Qatar, Myanmar, Pakistan. With a total of 107 reforms, Sub-Saharan Africa once again has a record number this year. Since Doing Business 2005, more than 3,500 business regulatory reforms have been implemented across the 190 economies measured by Doing Business. The majority of these reforms have been made in low- and lower-middle-income economies. Kenya, the East Africa nation, was named among the top 10 most improved economies in the world and number three in Africa after Mauritius and Rwanda in the last year report.



24-26 OCTOBER 2019


Woman of Destiny, arise, be courageous and act, for peace consolidation concerns you


First Lady of Burundi


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Burundi: Highlights of Africa Code Week, 3rd Edition, October 1st, 2019. with Africa Code Week will benefit Burundian people, Natacha Nduwimana said that every country to be successful, it has to be part of a ‘digital era’.

“If you want to enjoy the international community digitally, every country has to have a full stack of digital time and much of ICTs expertise, so Burundi will benefit fully from this innovation’, Natacha added.

Natacha Nduwimana added that they have already trained around 30 000 Burundians to be able to code using the coding software called Scratch Code Software, a software that helps every startup coder to code from scratch some animated series and cartoons. Related: Highlights of AfricaCodeWeek 2018 closure’s ceremonies by Burundi Innovation Hub(BiHub) Natacha Ndwumianmana said that their goal is to promote gender empowerment, especially female gender which is sometimes left out when it comes to ICTs skills.

The Africa Code Week is an innovation supported by multiple companies specializing in promoting Computer Information Technology skills. Africa Code Week organizes an event annually where it showcases different skills. The 2019 Africa Code Week was held on October 1st, 2019, in Burundi, Bujumbura, in Kigobe Information center. Then, BiHub, Burundi Innovation Hub, has taken this initiative in Burundi to promote Africa, particularly Burundi, through imparting computer skills in the people, particularly the young generation.

THE BIG PICTURE: Africa Code Week is an initiative supported by SAP, Google, Burundi Innovation Hub( BiHub), UNESCO, Irish Aid and others specializing in Information and Communication technologies and digital skills. The aim of Africa Code Week, as stated on their website, is: “It takes an empowered village to raise a child in the digital age”: We are building community capacity to drive sustainable learning impact across Africa, instilling digital literacy and coding skills in the young generation”. As BiHub Co-Founder and Africa Code Week Ambassador in Burundi, Natacha Nduwimana told attendees, Burundi has a great need for persons with skills in Information Communication Technology to cope with daily challenges. Thus, BiHub calls on Burundi Government to step up its efforts to help in the innovation and promotion of computer skills among Burundians, especially young people.

“Burundi,like other countries, faces some challenges such as lack of computer skills in people of the countryside. Thus, this challenge will be met by promoting the Information Communincation technology skills in the young population to spread the needed ICTs expertise throughout Burundi”, Natacha Nduwimana added.

‘Instill coding spirit and digital skills in the young generation’ In an exclusive interview with RegionWeek, the Co-founder of BiHub, Natacha Nduwimana, stressed that the goal of BiHub and Africa code Week is to ‘instill coding spirit and digital skills in the young generation’. ‘The Burundi Innovation Hub has initiated this project to help young people to get sufficient skills to get a full stack of knowledge in software development and coding to succeed in everyday life’, she added. Asked how this initiative of Bihub

“Females or Girls are not discriminated, we have noticed that a small percent of girls are represented, but now we have 20% increase, we have also created the Miss Technology initiative to help in meeting this challenge of gender disparity or discrimination in the digital field”, Natacha Nduwimana told RegionWeek when asked about gender discrimination in ICTs skills training.

‘BiHub and Africa Code Week initiative, an answer to Burundi Gov’t needs’ Natacha Nduwimana said that together with the Burundi government, the digital field will be promoted and reach every Burundian. Burundi Ministry of Education representative congratulated all who have stepped up their efforts to kickstart this initiative of Africa Code Week, saying that the Information Communication technologies will help in Burundi development, fighting against gender discrimination and so on.

“The Africa Code Weeks and Burundi Innovation Hub’s initiatiave is an answer to Burundi government to promote the ICT skills to every Burundian”, Burundi Ministry of education representative in the event told attendees.

The representative of Burundi Ministry of Education representative noted some challenges that have to be met to address the lack of sufficient computer experts in Burundi, by saying that mobilizing young people to be absorbed in the ICTs skills will help in meeting this challenge. The UNESCO(UN Agency tasked to promote the Education throughout the World) representative encouraged them for their initiative and called on the Africa Code Week and Burundi Innovation Hub to go on promoting the ICT skills in Burundi. The Burundi UNESCO representative said of Resiliency meaning that young people have to get equipped with technologies to cope with everyday challenges, conflict resolution throughout Burundi. Africa Code week helps in equipping young people with digital skills to show them the different opportunities in tech to prepare them for the future.





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‘’No force can shake china’, says President Xi Jinping

While celebrating 70 years of Communist Party rule, China President Xi Jinping declared Tuesday that “no force” can shake China as he oversaw a huge military parade shadowed by protests in seething Hong Kong. fight for the full reunification of the country.” The festivities were held under tight security, with road closures and even a ban on flying kites. Access to the Beijing parade was restricted with police turning away crowds lining up with flags in the hope of catching a glimpse of the military procession. The military show of force was followed by a pageant involving 100,000 civilians and 70 floats depicting China’s greatest achievements. Organizers will release 70,000 doves and 70,000 balloons before an evening performance and fireWearing the distinctive “Mao suit”, President Xi, delivered a speech invoking the “Chinese dream” of national rejuvenation works in Tiananmen. — his grand vision of restoring the country to perceived past “Beijing wants to highlight its military modernization, political unity, and determination to protect its interests,” Ni said. glory. “There is no force that can shake the foundation of this great The country to realize its dreams President Xi has made clear that he believes only the Comnation,” Xi said standing at the Tiananmen rostrum where munist Party can make the country realize its dream — with Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed the People’s Republic of him at the helm. China on October 1, 1949. “The Communist Party will continue to ensure that it re“No force that can stop the Chinese people and the Chinese mains the sole political authority in China,” said Drew nation forging ahead,” the country’s most powerful leader Thompson, visiting senior research fellow at Singapore’s Lee since Mao said before reviewing troops in an open-roof car. Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. In his speech, Xi said China “must adhere” to the one country, two systems policy governing Hong Kong and “maintain “It will continue to adapt to do that and it will continue to seek to provide social goods and economic goods for its peothe long-term prosperity and stability” of the city. ple, and as long as it continues to deliver those public goods, He also called for the “peaceful development” of relations then it will likely stay in power, but the manner by which it with Taiwan — the self-governed island that Beijing considers a renegade province — but said China should “continue to does I think will change over time.” President Xi Jinping and other Communist Party leaders watched around 15,000 troops alongside tanks, missiles and high-tech drones paraded down the Avenue of Eternal Peace during the celebration. As AFP reported, the event was meant to extol China’s journey from a poor nation broken by war to being the world’s second-largest economy, but Xi faces a clutch of challenges from a US trade war to months of unrest in Hong Kong.

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A Canadian tourist dies in paragliding accident at Kilimanjaro Mount, Tanzania

A Canadian tourist died on Saturday, 28th September 2019 following a paragliding accident at Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania, a top popular tourist attraction in East Africa. The news was first reported by Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) senior assistant conservation commissioner on Sunday, September 29, 2019. The man identified as Justin Kyllo passed away after his parachute failed to open, Paschal Shelutete, senior assistant conservation commissioner at the state-run TANAPA told Reuters. Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, is nearly 6,000m above sea level. Shelutete named the man as 51-year-old Justin Kyllo, adding that his next of kin and the Canadian High Commission had been informed of the death. “The accident took place on Saturday at around 9 am when the tourist’s parachute failed to open. He climbed the mountain on September 20, 2019, and tried to descend it by paragliding,” Shelutete said. Justin Kyllo the owner of Smoke and Bones BBQ, a restaurant and catering company in North Vancouver, B.C. (Justin Kyllo/ Facebook) Kyllo joined the first WOK charity adventure in 2013, an amazing endeavor to get 100 pilots to the summit and raise a million dollars for the people of Tanzania. Through these efforts, WOK has been able to build an elementary school, supply clean water wells in the Maasai

tribal lands, plant millions of trees and provide agricultural education and microloans. He made his return to climb Mount Kilimanjaro alongside his wife Cheryl Kyllo. “Together they could potentially be the first couple to fly paragliders from the roof of Africa,” said a statement on his company’s Facebook page before the accident. “This year’s charity will help to expand the school that is bursting and overcapacity. Every dollar donated on through our pages makes it to the people through Worldserve International and your donations receive a tax receipt. Please help make a difference, make change happen by helping with a donation today,” added the statement It wasn’t clear where the deceased’s next of kin have been informed. Paragliding on Mount Kilimanjaro is a popular activity, where tourists get a chance to mix wildlife safari with a paragliding expedition, and such accidents are rare. It is reported that around 50,000 tourists climb the nearly 6,000-metre mountain (Kilimanjaro), located near the northeastern frontier with Kenya, every year. Tourism is the main source of hard currency in Tanzania, generating around US$2.5 billion (£2.03 billion) a year.





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Tanzania: TCRA fines MillardAyo and Watetezi TV Shs 5m for failing to publish their policies

The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) Content Committee has banned one of the country’s online televisions known as Kwanza TV and fined Millard Ayo and Watetezi Television Shs 5 million – each after failing to publish their online content policies and user guidelines on their channels. The move was announced yesterday (Friday 27th Septem- He explained that the story was misleading ber 2019) by the TCRA vice-chairman, Mr. Joseph Main the sense that Gwajima is a well-known punda, during a press briefing in Dar-es-Salaam. name in Tanzania and hence, by not mentioning the first name, the reader could easFor Ayo and Watetezi television which operate on Youily refer to Bishop Josephat Gwajima as the Tube via their channels, the committee said the two onaccident person, which was not the case. line platforms since their establishment have never posted their online content policy, hence violating the Electronic Mr. Joseph Mapunda added that Kwanza and Postal Communication (EPOCA) law and its regula- Tv was also found guilty of not publishing tions. its policy and users guideline, thus allowing users to post contents without considering The committee also said upon summoning the owners of their impacts on the community. Ayo Television and Watetezi TV they denied violating any “Kwanza Tv officials appeared belaw saying their television outlets operate through Youfore the committee and we were satTube which provides readymade regulations for a user. isfied beyond doubt that the offense was committed intentionally,” he As Citizen reported, TCRA suspended Kwanza Tv for six said. months after being found guilty of publishing what was deemed false and misleading information, as well as failthe two online platforms, MillardAyo, and ure to follow its policy and user guidelines. Kwanza TV, have been warned to ensure According to Mr. Joseph Mapunda, Kwanza Tv was found that they post the content policy as stipulated in the regulations. guilty of posting a video clip on its Facebook page with the headline “Dr. Gwajima has been involved in an accident”.

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Kenya re-admitted to the World Rally Championship after 16 years

Kenya head of state Uhuru Kenyatta hailed a decision by the International Automobile Federation (FIA) on Friday 27th September 2019 to include the country’s fabled Safari Rally in the world championships (WRC) set to be held between July 16-19, 2019. Kenya has worked hard to get its rally back onto the world circuit after it fell off in 2002 due to concerns over safety, organization, and finances as AFP reported. The news of Kenya to be included in the 14-round World Rally Championship in 2020 was announced by FIA in a statement issued on Friday 27th September following an e-vote by the World Motor Sport Council.

“It is my pleasure today to announce to the people of Kenya and Africa that this process has been concluded and the Safari Rally has been included in the International Automobile Federation World Rally Championships after 18 years of waiting,” Kenyatta said in a statement.

According to The Citizen, President Kenyatta has lobbied hard for the return of the rally to the WRC. New Zealand will also return to the FIA world rally championship for 2020 after seven years of missing in action. Japan also has been announced to be part of the 2020 WRC after 10 years. Meanwhile, the rallies in Corsica, Australia, and Spain have been dropped.

“In order to further globalize the championship, we need to have more WRC rounds outside Europe. I am glad to see the results of our expansion strategy, with emblematic events such as Kenya and Japan coming back to the WRC calendar next year,” FIA Rally Director Yves Matton said in a

statement. “Following the integration of Chile last year, the 2020 calendar also expands our presence on both the Asian and African continents.” Considered one of the world’s toughest rallies, covering over 1,000km across rugged east African savannah the competition attracted top overseas drivers. Past winners included Britain’s Colin McRae, Spaniard Carlos Sainz, Juha Kankkunen and Ari Vatanen of Finland.

“The Safari holds iconic status across East Africa, with fans from countries like Uganda and Tanzania as enthusiastic about the rally as those from Kenya itself,” WRC Promoter managing director Oliver Ciesla said on the championship’s website. “Its heritage will be recalled by all, but at the same time, this is a modern-era Safari that sits comfortably alongside our other 13 rounds. “That doesn’t mean its challenge is diminished and we can be sure 2020’s version will test our drivers, teams, and cars to the full,” he added.




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The UK and US issue travel advisory over ‘unreported cases of Ebola’ in Tanzania The United Kingdom has issued a travel advisory for its holidaymakers traveling to Tanzania over the possible Ebola-outbreak in Tanzania. Tanzania health officials have denied so far the probable existence of the Ebola Virus in Tanzania

THE BIG PICTURE: The United Kingdom has urged travelers heading to Tanzania to remain alert to the possibility that there may be unreported cases of Ebola circulating in the country. In travel advice posted on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website, officials have highlighted a World Health Organization investigation into rumors of Ebola in Tanzania and warned travelers to “keep up to date with developments.”. “A person has died in Tanzania in September 2019. It appears probable that this is an Ebola-related death. The WHO continues to investigate and has issued a statement,” UK Foreign Office said in a statement on Tuesday.

The US State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also updated travel advice for those visiting the East African nation.

As far as the United States is concerned, the information — posted on the websites of the U.S. State Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention— relates to concerning reports that a Tanzanian doctor who had been in Uganda in August and who died after her return home may have tested positive for Ebola. The U.S. updates were posted Friday; it is unclear when the Foreign and Commonwealth Office added the warning to its webpage detailing travel advice for Tanzania. The move follows an unusual statement from the WHO last weekend, which rebuked the Tanzanian government amid suspicion that cases of the devastating hemorrhagic disease were being covered up. It should be noted that it is the same with Burundi. Canada, The United States of American and the United Kingdom have urged their citizens not to travel to Burundi for the Ebola virus reasons. On June 13, 2019, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to vast areas of Burundi, including the Cibitoke and Bubanza provinces. Additionally, UK health authorities have classified Burundi as having various health risks, such as Zika virus transmission, cholera outbreaks, and malaria is endemic throughout the country.





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Nigeria and South Africa set up ‘compensation committee’ over xenophobic attacks

Nigeria and South Africa have agreed to set up ‘compensation committee’ over xenophobic attacks which claimed dozens of lives in South Africa, particularly affecting the Nigerians. his was a conclusion of yesterday’s talks between the president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari and his counterpart of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa. Mr. Buhari has made a diplomatic visit to South Africa this week. However, it was reported by The Nation, there is ‘no agreement on the said compensation committee’ set up between Nigeria and South Africa.

THE BIG PICTURE: The xenophobic attacks have marred relations between Nigeria and South Africa as the former was obliged to repatriate around 600 of its citizens from South Africans, a decision which followed the Nigerians to retaliate by destroying assets owned by South Africans in Nigeria.

As local media reported, Cyril Ramaphosa and Muhammadu Buhari at the conclusion of a two-day visit

by the Nigerian leader said they regretted the violence and subsequent retaliation in Nigeria against South African businesses, pledging instead to deepen trade ties.

“As the government of South Africa, we have expressed our deep regret at the attacks directed at foreign nationals and our condemnation of all forms of intolerance and acts of violence,” Ramaphosa told reporters.

Ramaphosa said the two countries had sealed 32 bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding, covering trade and industry, science and technology, defense, agriculture, and energy. Mr. Buhari said beyond the economic partnership the anti-foreigner violence had to be addressed quickly. “We decided to take concrete measures to prevent the recurrence of such unacceptable incidents in the future,” Buhari said.

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Meet Dative Uwimana, a Burundian candidate at Miss University Africa Dative Uwimana, a Burundian candidate for Miss Africa University nominated at the ongoing contest that features students especially (young girls) from various Universities across Africa with the finals slated from 1th to 15th November 2019 in Nigeria.

“As I am passionate with the common good, I aspire to contribute as much as I can to all activities related to the common development,” she noted Uwimana adds that she will make sure she raises and empowers young women showing them that they play a big role in society. “I often have a lot of things to say to young girls like me, but now I just want to tell them that we have a lot of values, so let’s stop wasting our time on useless things, let’s lift up and serve our generation,” she says. Being in such competition there are many challenges that the young Burundian is facing as many people don’t really understand its importance. “Actually, I can say that I have financial challenges as the majority of Burundians don’t understand the importance of such pageant,” Uwimana states.

Who is Dative Uwimana? Born in Bujumbura precisely in Jabe, Dative Uwimana is a student at Light University of Bujumbura (Université Lumière de Bujumbura), she is doing Management and Administration in Bac 2. She did her primary studies at Ntahangwa Primary School of Jabe, and her secondary studies at Lycée Scheppers of Nyakabiga.

Having applied on the internet and got chosen, Dative Uwimana says she is very honored, humbled and very happy to represent Burundi in such competition as it is her first-ever privilege to show the world the beauty and wealth of her country. The Burundian candidate calls every people to vote for her to ensure that she takes home the crown. “I need all Burundians to vote for me because if I become the first with a lot of votes I will be allowed to be directly in the top ten of the completion,” Uwimana told RegionWeek. “I am sure that together we can make

it, the crown can come to Burundi,” she added. The 21-year old says that it’s easy to vote for her as everyone who wants to vote for her is only required to go to the Instagram page of Miss University Africa and like her Pictures, and then share them by tagging people so that to reach more people. Asked of what people can expect from her if she gets crowned 2019 Miss University Africa and the project she has to realize after. Uwimana says, “First of all I can say that I have the will and power of serving people, I put people above all in my everyday life.”

Actually, Dative Uwimana is working as a manager of one of Burundian gospel music groups known as SMS (Sons of the Morning Star). She is also a founding member of the Greater Woman Club and she is also working as a volunteer at Afro-Talents Club.

About Miss University Africa 2019 Miss University Africa 2019 is the only African non-bikini pageant that brings together girls from all over 54 African nations. The competition reserved for only young girls from different Universities across the continent advocates girls’ education and empowers women as it gives them a platform to showcase their abilities and talents. The final of the 2019 Edition is going to take place in Nigeria from 1st till 15th November.





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Despite the renewal of the UN Commission of Inquiry, Burundi will ‘not cooperate with it’, says Martin Nivyabandi

Burundi Minister Human Rights, Social Affairs and Gender, Martin Nivyabandi, held on Monday, September 30, 2019, in Bujumbura, a press conference to present the conclusions of the 42nd session of the Council of human rights held in Geneva (Switzerland) September 27, 2019.

WHY IT MATTERS: The Human Rights Council voted Friday, September 27, 2019, in Geneva, the resolution on Burundi which aims to extend the mandate of Doudou Diene, chairman of the UN commission on human rights in Burundi, said the minister in charge of human rights, saying that the same resolution was supported by the European Union (EU) countries and its allies, including an African country, Rwanda. What is interesting in doing the analysis is that the number of countries that voted against this resolution, compared to 2018, increased from 7 to 11, said Minister Nivyabandi, adding that is a sign of objectivity proving that these countries have understood that the EU is giving incorrect explanations of the situation prevailing in Burundi. After the vote on this resolution, Mr. Nivyabandi said that the Government of Burundi took this opportunity to explain to the various delegations present in Geneva the situation prevailing in Burundi, arguing that the country is calm, that it respects the human rights and is internationally recognized as a promoter and defender of human rights. According to Minister Nivyabandi, the defense of human rights is a responsibility of the authorities in the interests of the people, and the defense of human rights is

not promoted to satisfy the international community, but to satisfy the citizens. Martin Nivyabandi said that the government of Burundi will not cooperate with this commission, which he describes as illegitimate and which is established by the EU at a time when the commission led by Diene has shown the wish to perpetrate neocolonialism, which has he stressed, is impossible today. The minister in charge of human rights also said that the government of Burundi and its citizens are preparing for the general elections of 2020.

“ “

“This is the only way to consolidate democracy, renew the governing bodies, to promote and defend human rights, “Nivyabandi explained. Nivyabandi said to be satisfied with the usual behavior of politicians from different political parties in Burundi who meet regularly to discuss on different subjects, which is a sign that the elections will be fair and will contribute to the development of Burundi.

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Uganda: 13 Gov’t officials arrested over corruption

On Tuesday 1, 2019, the Uganda administration launched an anti-corruption campaign with the alleged misdemeanors of corruption among the government officials. The campaign helped in arresting 13 officials accused of corruption charges in the public health sector. As local media reported, 13 gov’t officials were arrested and put under investigation eleven district officials. The arrested officials which were paraded before the public at the Moroto district chamber hole included Dr. Philip Kakungulu of Moroto regional referral hospital, Moroto principle Administrator for Moroto regional referral hospital Mr. Goefry Mawa, Senior hospital administrator Mr. Otim Oleu, Hospital accountant Ms Joyce Falaya, hospital procurement officer Ronald Opio hospital human resource officer Mr. Denis Katinda. Other officers arrested including Moroto district planer Opio Pola, Mr. Joseph Maruk district procurement officer and Mr. Julius Ourum district

internal Auditor. The accused officials in the hospital failed to explain how they spent more than UGX300million meant for the hospital operations. They also failed to explain why they spent UGX20million to facilitate a friendly match between the Moroto hospital and Soroti yet the hospital was in darkness for two days. Hospital officials also failed to explain why they held two consecutive parties. These officials are accused of not duly performing their duties related to public health, as local media reported, “These guys especially those in the hospital has made us surfer in terms of harassment of patients and poor service delivery,” Lt. Col Nakalemas told PML Daily Media.

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FUFA refutes allegations over resignation of CEO Edgar Watson

Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) has refuted the allegations reported by Uganda local media that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Edgar Watson has resigned. The news was reported on of Thursday saying that Edgar Watson had stepped aside from his role as FUFA CEO. Other local media went ahead to speculate the appointment of Watson as the new first vice president, a position occupied by the acting FUFA president Justus Mugisha. Newly elevated FUFA Communications Director Ahmed Hussein has since “rubbished” all the allegations, reassuring the public and FUFA stakeholders of calmness.Μ “We do not know the intentions of the authors of such alarming news. We assure all our stakeholders that the house at FUFA is in order and there is tranquility. We call upon calmness from the football people and stakeholders,” he said. “We are aware that when someone is doing well, there are attempts to bring him down. we are strong. the allegations are purely lies being peddled to tarnish the name of the federation before the public. People should know that the positions of on the executive are elective and that of the ceo is advertised and a timeline is followed. Edgar Watson is the FUFA CEO. Regard the information being released as hearsay,” he added “It is our cardinal role to keep educating our stake hold-

ers of the media who are pertinent of the football development process” Hussein added. Since Moses Magogo confirmed the stepping aside for two months as FUFA President, Mugisha (first vice president) took over the office. There has been a lot of steam, tension and speculations as regards the fate at the football governing body administration. “Dear stakeholders, I have seen incorrect information circulating on social media about my position at FUFA. I wish to state that I am still doing my work as Chief Executive Officer of FUFA. Please disregard any information that is not from my or FUFA official forum. Thank you,” CEO Edgar Watson posted on Twitter. Mugisha has since witnessed the unveiling of the new Uganda Cranes head coach Johnathan McKinstry at FUFA House on Monday, 30th September 2019. The same event was also attended by Watson and some Executive Committee members. He also warmly received the national U17 girls’ team from their triumphant COSAFA U17 expedition in Mauritius. For starters, Edgar Watson is a former Uganda Cranes captain and has been FUFA CEO since 2009.





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Around 600 Burundian refugees return home from Tanzania this Thursday

Around 600 Burundian refugees have returned home from Tanzania this Thursday, October 3, 2019. These returnees decided to repatriate after a bi-partite agreement between Tanzania and Burundi was signed to repatriate in Burundi since the start of October. WHY IT MATTERS: The scheduled plan to repatriate Burundian refugees from Tanzania to Burundi was postponed for today on Thursday, as it was scheduled to kickstart on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. As a Tanzanian government official and the United Nations told Reuters, all of Thursday’s returns had been ‘voluntary’. “All refugees who had registered to return home voluntarily from all camps gathered at Nduta camp and departed from there,” said Athuman Igwe, responsible for coordinating refugees affairs in Kigoma, western Tanzania.

A UNHCR official told AFP on condition of anonymity that “590 Burundian refugees left Tanzania in a convoy of voluntary returnees this morning (Thursday)”.

“These returnees will stay in the camp until tomorrow (Friday), before being sent to their home towns with a kit of supplies to last them three months,” a Burundian official told AFP, also on condition of anonymity, and quoted by The Citizen.

As the International Organization of Migration told Reuters, the Government of Burundi and of Tanzania are urged to respect the laws governing the field of repatriating refugees, that it has to be ‘voluntary’.

“We urge the governments of Tanzania and Burundi to respect their commitments to uphold international obligations and ensure that any refugee returns remain voluntary It should be noted that this figure was confirmed by Burunand that no refugee or asylum seeker is redi Security Spokesperson, Pierre Nkurikiye, saying that ‘590 turned to Burundi against their will,” iIOM Burundian refugees made up 296 families were received said in a statement. today in Gisuru, Ruyigi province from Tanzania’. It should be noted that a Burundi official within the repatriation organization body said that the ‘forced reThe group arrived on eight buses in Gisuru, Nyabitare in eastern Burundi, where there is a transit center for return- patriation’ concerns around ’15 000 Burundian refugees living in Tanzania illegally’, that is to say, who are ing refugees. not registered legally in the UNHCR.

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Zimbabwe’s central bank eases imposed ban on mobile cash payouts

Zimbabwe’s central bank on Wednesday, 2nd October 2019 eased a ban it had imposed on Monday on cash transactions involving mobile money services. As AFP reported, many people in Zimbabwe use their cellphone to carry out electronic financial transactions – and when they need cash, they often go to the office of their mobile phone provider where they can get banknotes in exchange for a hefty commission. This follows an economic crisis that has left the country short of banknotes and commercial banks have had to ration cash withdrawals for many years. Earlier, on Monday the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe shut down cash transfers via mobile money services. It accused “some economic agents” of illegally exploiting the facility by charging exorbitant commissions – often more than 40 percent. But in a statement on Wednesday, the bank said it had boosted its monitoring mechanisms to prevent the “abuse of payment system” and had re-established the service. However, it imposed a cap on the maximum cash

withdrawal, at ZWL$100 (S$9.13). The country’s largest mobile phone operator Econet, which has 10.5 million people using the money transfer app, has challenged the directive in court. The ban had affected millions of innocent customers “instead of identifying the abusers and dealing with them on a case-by-case basis,” it said. The ruling is expected on Friday. President Emmerson Mnangagwa has promised to revive Zimbabwe’s sickly economy. But many people say they are worse off now under his government than under Robert Mugabe, whom he replaced in 2017. Inflation reached nearly 300 percent in August, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) figures, stoking fears of a return to the hyperinflation of 2009 that forced the country to ditch its own currency for the US dollar.





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‘Africa is the continent of the future’, US official

The Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of African Affairs, Tibor Nagy says Africa is the “continent of the future” with promising young people. He thus showed the US’ confidence in potential Africa in the coming days. As Sahara reporters noted, Tibvor Ngay said this on the sidelines of the 74th United Nations General Assembly held in New York. “That I have hope for Africa? Yes, okay, I can certainly elaborate on that. I have been following Africa and living in Africa since 1978. From the time I arrive in Africa, I think until the time I die, I will remain an Afro-optimist. Which is not to mean that I think that Africa is always the continent of the future. I think that Africa is a continent of the here and now”, Tibor Nagy said.

“What we need, basically, is to get out of the way of those young people, which means better governance, better rules, better environments for business so that all those businesses around the world that want to invest in Africa will come in and invest in Africa and create jobs for all of those millions of young people”.

“Because they want, as I’ve said, exactly the same things that young people in America, China, India, Europe want. Which is to have a chance at moving Related: ‘African countries should not expect new debt relief up the economic ladder, a chance to provide for their families, and a chance at that good life, which initiative’, warns senior US official. “If you look at the statistics in Africa, some people are scared modern technology offers.” by the fact that Africa’s population will double between now Related: Towards a rapprochement between China and the US on their ‘cooperation on Africa’? and 2050. I am excited about that. Because to me those Tibor Nagy said further, “So yes, I am very much an millions and millions of young people represent a tremenAfro-optimist and I’m very bullish on Africa. And dous opportunity, an opportunity for economic growth, an hopefully, during this next year, I can get around to opportunity for prosperity, an opportunity for dynamism”, visiting the countries I have not been able to visit he added. last year and again engage with the governments, Tibor Nagy stressed that the young people in Africa engage with the business community to see how we need a particular better environment, better govcan partner better.” ernement and better rules.

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Uganda: Halimah Nakaayi wins gold at World Athletics Championships in Doha

Ugandan Halimah Nakaayi won the women’s 800 meters title at the world championships in Doha on Monday, 30th September 2019 in the absence of Caster Semenya, the titleholder and three-times champion. Halimah Nakaayi won the title after knocking down the American duo of Raevyn Rogers and Ajee Wilson who left the championship with silver and bronze. Wilson, hoping to become the first American to win the world title over the distance, led for most of the race but was overtaken by Nakaayi down the final straight as the Ugandan won in a national record of 1 min 58.04 seconds. South Africa’s Caster Semenya, the titleholder and three-time champion, did not take part in the competition due to global athletics’ governing body the IAAF’s recently-introduced testosterone regulations. Rank outsider Nakaayi, who had never before run in a world championship or Olympic final, celebrated by dancing down the track with her compatriot Winnie Nanyondo who finished fourth. “It the first time that someone from central Uganda makes it to the final. So getting a medal, it means a lot to Uganda. It’s a great achievement for Uganda and even for me,” she told reporters. “It’s my traditional dance from central Uganda.” Two summers ago, Nakaayi did not even qualify for the finals in Rio, where Caster Semenya Semenya claimed gold ahead of Burundi’s Francine Niyonsaba and Margaret Wambui of

Kenya. Nakaayi finished only sixth in her semi. Her winning time last night on Monday 30th September in 1min 58.04sec was almost four seconds outside Semenya’s personal best. As a contest, the women’s 800m is now unrecognizable from the decade of Semenya’s dominance since 2009, when she first burst to global attention with gold in Berlin. Semenya lost her appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) against the rules that mean middle distance female athletes with a high natural level of testosterone must take medication to She then appealed to the Swiss Federal Tribunal which initially allowed her to continue competing while she awaited its final verdict but then reversed that decision after hearing from the IAAF ruling her out of the championships. The other athletes said her absence in the competition did not affect them. “It’s a little different but it hasn’t directly affected me because there are other great competitors still ahead of me,” said Rogers. “I just focused on the competitors out in front of me.”





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Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o to produce and direct 3-film projects on Africa

The Kenyan-born actress widely known as Lupita Nyong’o is engaged in producing and directing a fiction, documentary, and mini-series, based on African characters or stories in Africa. Born March 1, 1983, Lupita Nyong’o will be alongside Viola Davis in the film dubbed “The Woman King”, set to be released in 2020. The film is inspired by events in the kingdom of Dahomey, one of the most powerful states in Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries. “The Woman King” tells the story of Nabisco (Viola Davis), a female army general, known as the Amazons, and her daughter, Nawi (Lupita Nyong’o), who fought together the tribes French and neighboring who have violated their honor, enslaved their people and threatened to destroy everything for which they lived. Africanshapers reported, Lupita Nyong’o, the daughter of Kenyan politician Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, will be the presenter of a documentary commissioned by the Channel 4, entitled “Warrior Women with Lupita Nyong’o” which will feature the star of “Black Panther”, who went to Benin in search of the history of “Agoji” or “the Amazons” as the Europeans called them. The documentary will be broadcasted in October on Channel4. Lupita Nyongo stayed in particular Abomey, on the trail of the Amazons Kingdom of Abomey. According to Shaminder Nahal, who is Commissioning Editor, Arts & Topical Specialist Factual at Channel 4, “Lupita Nyong’o’s investigation into the true story of the All-Female Army is exciting, haunting and emotional?

“It’s amazing that the true story of these fighters is no better known – and by telling the story, the film challenges dominant stories about race, women, and power with some surprises coming,” Nahal added.

Bettany Hughes, Creative Director at SandStone Global, who produces the film, added, “It was a unique opportunity to combine Lupita Nyong’o’s passion and interest in the power and origin of the film. Stories with field research in Benin. “Agojie women were recruited by their kings for three centuries and fought in large numbers in highly-trained battalions. Women have often been left out of history and powerful women fetishized – this is a typical example. Lupita Nyong’o asks burning questions about the power play in the story and who tells the story of whom.”

addition, Lupita Nyong’o and Danai Gurira, the other star of “Black Panther”, will adapt, in television series, the novel to the success of the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Lupita Nyong’o will play the lead role and will be the Executive Producer, while Danai Gurira (The Walking Dead) will act as showrunners (person responsible for daily monitoring on a TV show or series) and will write as a bonus the first episode of this mini-series of 10 episodes which will be broadcast on HBO in 2020. It isn’t the first time for Nyong’o to be involved in telling the stories of powerful female warriors. Nyong’o joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe when she portrayed Nakia, one of Wakanda’s war dogs, in Black Panther. In the film, her character worked alongside the Dora Milaje, a trained group of female bodyguards and fighters who protect the country and the king, the Black Panther.

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Burundi to benefit IT opportunities from Six-Figure Grant Six-Figure Grant, a San Diego-based nonprofit organization is set to bring information technology to children in Burundi.

After receiving a one-time grant of $125,000 from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Burundi Friends International (BFI) is planning to create IT centers and advance STEM education in the country. Burundi Friends International has succeeded to form English clubs and provided English instruction to youth and children in each of the country’s 18 provinces during its 10-year history. The nonprofit group states that it has managed to bring in the country containers filled with books with the main aim of creating simple libraries to support that effort. With great support from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation BFI mentioned that it will open more English Clubs across the country, to train volunteer instructors and pay for basic equipment and supplies, such as cell phones and chalk. BFI works closely with Project Concern International and has received grant support from Hewlett Packard, San Diego Rotary and Del Mar Rotary. Granted by Boston-based McGovern Foundation,

four of those libraries will be retrofitted with electricity, plumbing and Internet access to create “IT Think Tanks,” where instructors can use computers to support lessons in science, technology, engineering and math, the Association noted. “Building IT Think Tanks paves the way for solutions to Burundi’s toughest challenges,” said Julie Marner, Burundi Friends’ executive director. “The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation understands that education leads to economic empowerment and self-sustaining communities. I am confident the Foundation’s investment will pay great dividends for Burundi.” “The work of Burundi Friends International is made-to-order for a partnership with the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation,” said Liz McGovern, the Foundation’s president. “Their commitment to improving lives and embracing technology aligns squarely with our culture and values.” The Association is expected to launch “Project 2020: Education, IT Think Tanks and STEM” this fall.





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Book online a car now via Wasili Burundi In early October, Wasili Burundi launched an online platform for connecting commuters with vehicle along with its driver (VTC). The platform will help commuters to book a car using their smartphones from any location. Wasili is a mobile application which can be downloaded via Android OS and iOS; Wasili rider app (for passengers) and Wasili driver app (to register his vehicle). This is thanks to an application for taxi-driving launched in Burundi by the MEDIABOX company, a company specializing in computer engineering and telecommunications. It is an innovative service that has already proved itself reliable in several countries of the world, notably by guaranteeing the qualitative service, the safety of the users and besides, the control of receipts, which constitutes an added value in the transport sector and the country’s economy. Wasili users are now able to hand-like signal a taxi from any location, for example, from their home or workplace, and get it in a short time. Above all, on the screen of the user’s smartphone, the customer can view in real time the movement of the vehicle that is coming to pick him/ her up.

Wasili, security advantage With Wasili, say goodbye to the long queues waiting for public transport buses (Hiace, Coaster, ..) which are almost everywhere in Bujumbura town; no more worries of having to run desperately after a taxi or to stay glued in a one place waiting for a taxi driver moving around. With Wasili, bid farewell to the inconvenience of having to call a local car rental service to book a car at least half an hour ahead of the time. Wasili Burundi is a solution that reassures and make comfortable passengers by offering them more security and safety: the car and the driver are both registered in the system, thus, they are both known with all their whereabout. With Wasili, no more worries of panicking when you forget your handbag or cellphone in a taxi! As far as the driver side is concerned, the application offers the advantage of security and safety because the transaction is cashless i.e no banknotes needed; a driver does not have to worry about unpaid tariffs and does not need to carry a large amount of money which could attract potential thieves. Moreover, Wasili’s partner drivers are free to log in and out of the system at any time

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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