2021-2022 President's Report

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OUR MISSION Regis Jesuit High School —a Catholic educational community— engages the gifts of young men and women in a single-gender environment, fosters faith in Jesus Christ and promotes justice and mercy, develops critical minds and nurtures compassionate hearts to serve others – all for the greater glory of God.

Pictured on front cover: Oliver Howe '24 operates RJ Robotics' Digbot as it lifts its big brother at the Science & Innovation Center groundbreaking.



Each year, I am humbled by the support this community shows for Regis Jesuit and its mission. This report is a testament to the impressive involvement of every segment of our RJ family, from diehard Raider alumni to excited new families. Together, we live our shared mission as we promote justice and mercy, develop critical minds and nurture compassionate hearts to serve others. We have marked many milestones over our 145year history. We moved to this beautiful campus, we expanded our mission to offer our Catholic, Jesuit education to young women, and we added programming that engages and challenges students to be thoughtful leaders committed to doing justice in our world with Jesus Christ as their model and guide. We have reached these goals only because of this community that accompanies us and shares our mission to educate Men and Women with and for Others. Ever since I was a student at Regis Jesuit, I have understood something powerful about this school. We do not wait for other schools to guide us toward what is next. Together with our mission partners, we discern how we can better fulfill our mission and we create what is next. We move boldly forward with gratitude for the past and a vision for the future, leading the charge and igniting a path for others to follow. Today, we leap toward Inspire & Ignite 2025, our vision for access, innovation and excellence. Our three funding initiatives in this strategic plan are

critical to the continued strength and relevance of Regis Jesuit. The Access & Affordability initiative will ensure we can meet the needs of our families, growing our economic diversity and increasing our financial aid awards. The Academic Enhancements initiative will fund the construction of the 65,000 square-foot Science & Innovation Center, a collegiate-level facility that will give our students hands-on experience and STEAM resources to collaborate as creators and problem-solvers. Finally, the Athletic Needs initiative will upgrade and relocate our tennis facilities as well as add two new artificial turf fields to give our athletes the space to grow as a team and hone their God-given talents. We have already broken ground on the Science & Innovation Center thanks to the early generosity of many of our mission partners, but this project is a big lift and is still in need of significant support along with the other initiatives. I am humbled and proud to tell you that we have raised over $26 million to date and have entered into the community

phase of Inspire & Ignite 2025, where we welcome every member of our extended family of alumni, current and former parents, faculty, staff, friends and others to join us in this noble pursuit. While we move forward as a school toward these new milestones, we remain rooted in our essential purpose. In all our endeavors, we strive to form students of faith committed to serving the common good and in doing so, give greater glory to God. I am truly grateful for your investment in this mission, and I thank you for your commitment to Regis Jesuit. Sincerely,

David Card '87 President

2021-22 Giving Highlights


Inspire & Ignite 2025 has received $1M+ commitments from 9 mission partners to date, the highest number in school history.

joined the St. John Francis Regis Legacy Society, committing more than $2,000,000 in bequests to the school.

94 The Rudy Cup Golf Tournament raised

$88,500 in support of the Rudy Brada Scholarship.

NEARLY $73,000

LARK Cannonball, Regis Jesuit’s 49th annual dinner and auction, raised more than

was donated to support Student Mental Health & Wellness efforts which enhanced staffing, programs and resources for our students.


$588,000 of these funds were directed to the Ignatian Scholarship for financial aid in honor of our Jesuit community.





The Raider Opportunity Fund provided 309 awards to 189 students, totaling $195,723, which assisted them with school-related costs beyond tuition. AREAS OF IMPACT: meal plans; school transportation; uniforms; iPad and school supplies; and sport, club or service fees/travel.

310 donors gave a total of $288,890 in 24 hours on Colorado Gives Day.

*See page 18 (Men and Women with and for Others) or 31 (Raiders Club) for a full list of group members.

2021-22 Giving Highlights

FOSTERING A CULTURE OF COMMUNITY AND PHILANTHROPY AMONG OUR STUDENTS A core part of a Jesuit education is teaching our students the importance of giving back to the community and supporting worthwhile causes. Last year, our students came together to support our community in many ways and raised more than $120,000 for local nonprofits. Here are some of the highlights:

36,000+ DIAPERS WERE COLLECTED last October by RJ Students for Life Club in support of young families in need. The diapers were donated to Catholic Charities of Denver.

The Servant Leadership Class raised and donated nearly $10,000 to Metro Caring, Special Olympics and Children's Hospital Colorado as a part of Mission SZN.



in the Polar Plunge on April 2, 2022, raising more than $39,000 for Special Olympics Colorado. This was the second consecutive year Regis Jesuit was the top fundraising team for this event.


STUDENTS networked with more than 100 alumni through RJ Connect programming.



joined our network of more than 13,000 alumni who distinguish themselves in their communities by leading as Men and Women with and for Others.

Regis Jesuit's second annual Global 5K brought together



to walk/run and raise funds for International Samaritan. Students raised $31,906, which will be used to help feed 26 families living in poverty in Jamaica, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras.

In partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Servant Leadership Class hosted a Walt Disney-themed celebration during Wish Week that helped raise more than

$37,000 for Pippa, a fouryear-old girl who is fighting cancer. 2021-22 PRESIDENT'S REPORT


Annual Operating Support


Capital Projects


IN GRATITUDE FOR YOUR GENEROSITY It is through the generosity of our mission partners – parents, alumni, grandparents, students, faculty, staff and friends – that Regis Jesuit High School continues to thrive in our commitment to forming Men and Women with and for Others. We are grateful for the 2057 donors who, during the 2021-22 school year, gave more than $5.7 million to enrich the lives of our students, enhance our programs and campus and advance the school’s strategic vision.

Annual Financial Aid



Strategic Initiatives Fund



FUNDING AREAS OF SUPPORT 2021-22 Total Cash Gifts


New Pledge Commitments

Gifts In-Kind





REGIS JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL’S GIVING SOCIETIES LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETIES Honoring donors with cumulative lifetime giving totals of: Magis Society $1,000,000 or more Jubilee Society $500,000-$999,999 First Companions Society $200,000-$499,999 Ignatian Society $50,000-$199,999

ST. JOHN FRANCIS REGIS LEGACY SOCIETY Honoring donors who have included Regis Jesuit in their will or estate plans.

PRESIDENT’S CLUB ANNUAL GIVING SOCIETIES Honoring donors with fiscal year giving totals of: Sacred Heart Society $50,000 and above Manresa Society $25,000-$49,999 St. Ignatius of Loyola Society $15,000-$24,999 St. Francis Xavier Society $10,000-$14,999 AMDG Society $5000-$9999 1877 Society $1877-$4999

LOYALTY GIVING SOCIETIES Men and Women with and for Others Society Honoring families from the most recent graduating class (2022) who financially contributed any amount each of the four years their student attended Regis Jesuit. Raider Club Honoring alumni who are loyal to their alma mater by making a gift of any amount for two or more consecutive fiscal years. Learn more » regisjesuit.com/DonorRecognition 2021-22 PRESIDENT'S REPORT


Donor Recognition

MAGIS SOCIETY Honoring donors who have made lifetime gifts totaling $1,000,000 or more.


Leadership Alliance International, Inc

Honoring donors who have made lifetime gifts totaling $200,000-$499,999.

Geoffrey G. and Martha Lord


Edward J. May and Irene D. McPhail May Daniel J. '67 and Eileen McCallin

Terry and Betsy Considine


McDonald Automotive Group

Stephen A. Finn

Harry G. and Kendra L. Alcock

Michael S. and Jane F. McDonald

The Jarx Foundation, Inc.

Scott C. and Susan L. Brown

Jesuit Community of Regis Jesuit High School

Campbell Killin Brittan & Ray, LLC

Charles† A. '50 and Mary† P. McFadden

The Jesuits of the Central and Southern Province

Jason and Jennifer Cherveny

James P. '84 and Debra A. Campbell

Thomas† J. Mahon '42

Citywide Banks

John M. and Angela M. Schmidt

Robert J. and Susan B. Clark

Michael A. '74 and Nancy A. Zoellner

George† E. and Barbara Coleman Katherine Coleman

JUBILEE SOCIETY Honoring donors who have made lifetime gifts totaling $500,000-$999,999.

Colorado Rockies Charity Fund, a fund of the McCormick Tribune Foundation

Timothy J. and Therese A. Miller Monaghan Foundation Gerald† A. Mornin '65 J.K. Mullen Foundation Wayne and Diana Murdy Debbi R. Murray Patrick W. Murray Eugene A. '80 and Lori M. Naes C. Robert and Kathleen Nicolls

Considine Family Foundation

Lee J. '78 and Olga L. Payne

George† F.'56 and Mildred W. Coughlin

Dean and Colleen Pisciotta David A. and Dinah Powers



Marshall† C. '62 and Jane Crouch

ACE Scholarships

George B. and Marion G. Curtis

Edwin J. and Kathleen Bernau

Vincent† N. '44 and Marilyn† Schmitz

Daniels Fund

Regis Jesuit values its loyal benefactors who have made significant lifetime cumulative gifts to the school. Membership is based on financial, matching and in-kind gifts realized as of June 30, 2022. The Lifetime Giving Societies celebrate the generosity of alumni, parents, faculty, staff and companions whose lifelong commitments help secure Regis Jesuit's bright future.

Richard O. '54 and Dorothy† M. Campbell

Florence Schneider Trust

James M. and Jackie Davis

Lawrence† E. Schneider

Anthony and Amy De Simone

Bernard W. and Nancy F. Schotters

David L. and Hannelore H. Doty

Susan C. Sheridan

Charles† A. Haskell II '55

Michael J. and Elizabeth A. Gallagher

Staley Family Foundation

Violet M. Johnson Family Foundation

Allan R. and Diana E. Heinle

Paul† J. and Dolores† L. Fry Gates Family Foundation

Kent P. Stevinson Terence J. and Linda A. Stevinson

Dave and Gail Liniger

Michael L. '67 and Maureen M. Hendricks

Fr. Edward Maguire, SJ & Br. Joseph Gockel, SJ Scholarship

The Virginia Hill Charitable Foundation

Trust Company of America

Richard and Mary Pat McCormick

Msgr. Edward M. Hoffmann

David and Karen Miller

William E. '62 and Marge Wagner

John A. and Margaret M. Kelly

Samuel F. Saracino '69 and M. Victoria Ries

Gerald J. and Alice L. Laber

Eleanore Mullen Weckbaugh Foundation

Larson Incitti Architects

Michael† J. Werito '65

Schmitz Family Foundation John F. Sheridan '76

John D. Strohm and Mary Pat Link Unique Litho

Bruce A. and Patricia M. Larson

Walter† T. and Mary Jane† Sidney



TKM Foundation

† Deceased

Donor Recognition


Michael C. '73 and Vicki Byrne

Honoring donors who have made lifetime gifts totaling $50,000-$199,999.

John F. and Jennifer Callahan John A. Carroll

Laurie Galbreath

John and Judith M. Case

Paul J. and Jennifer M. Gale


George and Mary Kay Cavanaugh

Donald E. '51 and Cheri Gallegos

John P. and Emily R. Albright

Kenneth J. and Eileen C. Cavanaugh

Kenneth and Aimée D. Alley

Coca-Cola Company Matching Gifts Program

Christopher Q. and Michelle K. Gayle

Archdiocese of Denver Michael F. '82 and Kathleen M. Armistead

Robert L. and Molly J. Cohen The Colorado Health Foundation

Gregory and Karyll Armstrong

Community First Foundation

Anthony J. and Christine A. Arnese

Scott J. and Ann M. Cromie

Nitu and Kelly Arora

Albert D. and Jennifer C. DaCosta

Thomas J. Balestrieri

Thomas J. '96 and Kristen Davis

Emily S. Ballinger

James and Katherine DeFranco

BOK Financial

Leo H. and Ingrid M. DeGreef

Steven D. and Christianne L. Barney

Robert E. '48 and Annabelle Deline

Andrew and Karla Bauman

Robert H. '73 and Barbara Deline

Logan Bauman Memorial Fund

Thomas C. '76 and Margaret M. Deline

Geoffrey T. and Shannon M. Gervasini Louis C. Hampers Brent L. and Kirsten B. Handler Edward† F. and Iris† Hanifen Sheldon and Karen Hardy Byron and Lisa Haselden Ed J. and Jennifer L. Haselden James M. and Carleen V. Haselden Richard W. and Laura K. Healey Heider Family Foundation Joseph '70 and Barbara Heit

Ellen L. Kiniry Mark R. Kiniry Bill and Lauren Klopfenstein KM Concessions Services Systems Associates

Stanley P. and Linda J. Massey

Stephen C. and Larissa L. Herda

Christopher J. Koenigs and Jeanne F. Collopy

Denver Nuggets Community Fund

David G. and Judith Hicks

V. Michael and Gloria Komppa

Conor '98 and Heather McCallin

Russell J. '66 and Debbie Dispense

Kevin P. and Dianne M. Higgins

Gerry Kratz

James P. '76 and Beth J. McConaty

Fred J. '79 and Annette M. Diss

Philip A. and Barbara B. Holmes

William '66 and Sandra Lamberton

John R. McCormick

Donahue Foundation

Richard W. and Cynthia Horrigan

David and Marcia Lanoha

Melissa A. McCormick

Gary Doppes and Margaret J. Bradley-Doppes

James R. Hoy and Kelly M. Condon

Chuck B. Latham

McDonald Management, LLC

Blair Family Foundation

Kathy N. Latham

Sean '92 and Audra McNicholas

Donna Blair

John B. and Charlotte B. Jackson

DWK Charitable Lead Trust Jim A. and Margaret O. Escobedo

Jeremy K. Law and Ana G. Cajade-Law

Alexander M. and Nancy G. McVie

Ronald and Lisa Blair

Andrew D. and Anne T. Jacob

Robert S. and Elizabeth K. Lazzeri

John E. and Cheri Meyer

Thomas J. and Pamela A. Kammer

Jacqueline Marie Leaffer Foundation

Donalyn Mikulich

Jeffrey R. and Heidi Kassal

Steven Leaffer

Gary M. and Bridget C. Keating

William R. and Brooke B. Leer

Monarch Investment & Management Group

The Kelley Family Foundation

Mark S. and Polly B. Lestikow

Daniel J. and Michelle K. Murphy

Margaret Kelley

Byron J. '97 and Courtney Levkulich

Daniel P. '74 and Denise Murray

Mark G. and Melanie Kelley

Lawrence and Beverly Luchini

My Choice

Richard C. '64 and Robin Kelly

Charles D. and Susan K. Maguire

Drayton and Fairfax Nabers

Michael N. '92 and Jamie A. Kennedy

Rodney R. and Margaret M. Marchand

Ralph Nagel

Colleen B. Kessenich

The Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus

Don A. '80 and Cara Bechter Franck A. and Suzanne Belibi Stephen D. and Marnie M. Bell Burton and Carol M. Bennett LaFawn Biddle

Boettcher Foundation Luke D. and Nancy S. Boland

Matthew L. Esson and Kimberly C. Mugler

Tony and Amy R. Bolazina

David R. and Jodi L. Faley

Bert R. Bondi

Farrell-Roeh Capital, LLLP

John P. '64 and Vicki Box

Todd W. and Lindsay E. Filsinger

Curtis and Suzan Boyd

Lawrence P. '74 and Lori D. Finch

Gregory and Diane Braden

Jeff and Eileen B. Finn

Timothy and Alison Brantley

John P. Fitzgerald

John and Lisa Brasher

William R. and Paula J. Fitzgerald

Bernita Buncher

William J. Fortune '65

Jack A. Buncher Trust

Paul J. '59 and Marilyn Foster

Brian and Julie Bunsness

V and Jan Gaines

† Deceased

David P. and Annette Jewell Robert M. and Sonia A. Jotte

Dorothy† W. King

J. Barry† and Rita† H. McCallan

Daniel J. and Carol M. Mendlik

Daniel J. and Ann Marie Milinazzo

Andrew J. '82 and Dawn E. Nemechek



Donor Recognition Matt and Kelly Stava

Weckbaugh Family Fund

John L. Schmidt '14

David J. Steiner '71 and Ann Hinkins-Steiner

Walter† S. '62 and Janice Weckbaugh

Barry W. and Ann L. Schmitt

Paul and Michelle L. Stevinson

John R. and Katherine A. Weigand

David A. and Mary Jo Schmitz

Michael and Miranda C. Stokes

Walter W. and Terri M. Weiss

Jeffrey and Marcie Schmitz

Patrick and Aja Stokes

Wells Fargo Bank

Martin J. '75 and Megan Schmitz

Strohm Link Family Foundation

Richard V. '81 and Susan Schmitz

Suburban Toppers, Inc.

Robert M. and Stephanie S. Whittelsey

Mark J. Schuler

Mary Sullivan

The Schuler Family Foundation

Maureen Tarrant-Fitzgerald

John G. '79 and Theresa M. Schuster

Richard M. and Joan L. Todd

Jeffrey L. '80 and Heather A. Nemechek

The Edmund T. and Eleanor Quick Foundation, Inc.

Joseph L. '75 and Rebecca M. Schmid

Steven A. and Lynn L. Nichols

Kevin G. and Elizabeth F. Quinn

Robert† J. and Dixie Niichel

Regis Jesuit High School Student Campaign

James and Jane Normile Edward R. and Susan M. O'Donnell Richard G. and Deirdre O'Neill Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. Fred Pattridge Betty Peterson Robert N. and Camille A. Pinkerton Planet Automotive Jack T. and Judith E. Pottle Drake R. and Caren G. Powell Gary W. '58 and Judy Powell Pamela Purcell

Regis University George E. '58 and Maureen Reid Resource Land Holdings, LLC Darrell† G. and Mary Elaine† Reum Terrence E. '56 and Jacqueline† Reynolds Andrew F. Rogers '67 James J. and Maureen C. Rose John J. and Mary L. Rossi Barry L. and Linda M. Rowan

John S. and Valerie Sepple Patricia† A. Shepherd

John and Carol Saeman

Hays Shoop and Nancy Zupan Shoop

William† J. and Bernice† Sanko

David and Mary Sidney

Carol Ann Sass

Jason S. and Christine M. Simon

John F. '69 and Catharine T. Sauer

Robert† E. Simons

Stephen P. and Elizabeth A. Scannell

James C. and Jodi M. Smallwood

Karen Schauble

Jerrold F. and Kristen A. Spaeth John N. and Tina M. Spiliotis Warren and Mary L. Staley

Paul and Cindy Trollinger The Harry Trueblood Foundation Peter J. Tynan '71 UBS Financial Services, Inc. Jan Urban Michael J. Urban Andrew P. Vander Ploeg Marion Visser

Michael and Victoria P. Winterscheidt Maureen R. Witt Thomas V. and Mary Ellen Wittman Robert E. and Carla Wright Xavier Jesuit Center Wayne F. and Nona M. Yakes Mark D. and Nancy L. Yaron John W. and Mary Zimmerman Craig J. '75 and Beth Zoellner Zoellner Foundation

Richard G. and Karen L. Walker William G. and Patricia Wall Randall L. and Patricia B. Wambsganss

† Deceased



Donor Recognition



Donor Recognition Laurence† M. '28 and Zena† Guilford

Robert and Terri Monahan

Don and Julie Alcorn Tony and Christine Arnese

Rich Hamilton '53 Edward† F. '44 and Iris† Hanifen

Daniel P. '74 & Denise Murray

Emily S. Ballinger Tyler Ballinger '16

David† L. Harris '69

Vince and Mary Bartholomew

James M. and Carleen V. Haselden

Stephen D. & Marnie M. Bell

Charles† A. Haskell II '55

Randy and Karen Blach

Russell K. '57 and Susan Haskell

Leo J. Boyle '64

Thomas† V. '30 and June† Healy

Keven A. and Lisha B. Burnett

William† F. Hoover '47

James P. '84 and Debra A. Campbell

John B. and Charlotte B. Jackson

Stephen '88 and Kendall Carbone

Rev. Walter† R. Jaeger '40

Dave A. Card '87 and Janalee Chmel

David P. and Annette Jewell

Rev. Ronald W. Cattany '71

Charles L. '58 and Debra† Johnson

Kenneth J. and Eileen C. Cavanaugh

Thomas J. and Pamela A. Kammer

Patrick J. and Mary K. Chandler

David J. Kasik '66 and Jan Levine

Samuel F. Saracino '69 and M. Victoria Ries

Glenn G. Churchill '69

Joseph† D. Keating

Richard A. '66 & Linda F. Schierburg

Robert J. and Susan B. Clark

Diane Keller

Martin J. '75 and Megan Schmitz

Robert L. and Molly J. Cohen

Margaret Kelley (DWK Foundation)

Donald R. '57 and Sally Cunningham

Frank Kelly '67

Vincent† N. '44 and Marilyn† Schmitz

Mary V. Dancs

Richard J. '48 and Mary Kemme

Lawrence† E. Schneider

James M. Davis

Gretchen M. Kessler


Frank† C. Davis, Jr. '42

Dorothy† W. King

Daniel Sheehan '70 and Cecilia Prinster

James M. '59 and Cynthia DeFrancia

Ellen L. Kiniry

Martha Diss Sundby

Gerald J. and Alice L. Laber

John Donnellon

William '66 and Sandra Lamberton

William V. '73 and Donna A. Dunn

Robert S. & Elizabeth K. Lazzeri

Honoring donors who have made the ultimate gift by recognizing Regis Jesuit in their wills or estate plans. Those listed here have indicated in writing that they have made provisions for Regis Jesuit in their estate plans.

Richard M. '57 & Patricia W. Dutton

Robert Lovelace '84

Joseph E. Esposito '69

Lori R. Mahan

Robert† L. Ezkorn '56

Thomas† J. Mahon '42

James D. and Diane S. Evans

David A. '78 and Michelle Maybury

Katherine Fay

Daniel J. '67 and Eileen McCallin

Lawrence P. '74 & Lori D. Finch

Conor '98 & Heather McCallin

Stephen A. Finn

Anne McConnell

Steven R. Forness '57

Christopher A. '78 and Collette M. McConnell


During the 2021-22 fiscal year, five individuals joined the St. John Francis Regis Legacy Society. These new donors join the existing members of the Society, helping ensure the long-term viability of the school. If you have included Regis Jesuit in your will/estate plans, but have not previously informed the school, please let us know. Per your wishes and intentions, we would like to recognize you!

Thomas† A. Fortune '28 Paul† J. and Delores†L. Fry V and Jan Gaines

William P. '45 and Jeanne M. McDonald

Gerald† A. Mornin '65 Warren J. Olsen '74 Lee J. '78 and Olga L. Payne Robert N. and Camille A. Pinkerton David A. and Dinah Powers Dennis K. '59 and Linda Primavera Pamela Purcell George '58 & Maureen Reid Michael L. '72 and Jean F. Reidy Rev. James ReVello '65 Andrew F. Rogers '67 Lon V. Saavedra '72

Patricia† A. Shepherd John F. Sheridan '76 Kevin H. and Katherine E.Sherrard Walter† T. and Mary Jane† Sidney Kenneth P. and Katherine I. Simmons Robert† E. Simons Helen M. Simonson Frank R. Smith '83 Kathryn L. Smith Elsie† Stucka Rick P. and Donna T. Sullivan Rev. Robert† M. Syrianey '38 Michael and Betsy Tapp Richard M. and Joan L. Todd William† J. Webster

Donald E. '51 and Cheri Gallegos

Charles† A. '50 and Mary† P. McFadden

Guy H. '47 & Joan Gibbs

Rob R. McGregor '87

Michael† J. Werito '65

Anna E. Gough '07

Dr. Brian M.'63 and Patricia McGuire

Timothy J. and Carmen Willard

John† T. Grace '52

Terry '63 & Kay McManus

John W. and Mary T. Zimmerman

Donal and Lindsey E. Grogan

John E. and Cheri Meyer

Michael A. '74 and Nancy A. Zoellner

Rick and Linda Werbylo

Paul L. '04 and Abbey Miller † Deceased



Donor Recognition

SACRED HEART SOCIETY Honoring donors who made gifts in the 2021-22 fiscal year totaling $50,000 and above.

MANRESA SOCIETY Honoring donors who made gifts in the 2021-22 fiscal year totaling $25,000-$49,999.

ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA SOCIETY Honoring donors who made gifts in the 2021-22 fiscal year totaling $15,000-$24,999.

Blair Family Foundation

PRESIDENT’S CLUB ANNUAL GIVING SOCIETIES Members of our President’s Club Annual Giving Societies stand behind our students each year, providing them the opportunity for an education in the Jesuit tradition that is second to none. Membership is based on financial, matching and in-kind gifts realized within a fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.


Donna Blair


ACE Scholarships

Ronald and Lisa Blair

Harry G. and Kendra L. Alcock

John P. and Emily R. Albright

Campbell Killin Brittan & Ray, LLC

Franck A. and Suzanne Belibi

John P. '64 and Vicki Box

Richard O. Campbell '54

Mac and Sissy Blount

Jason and Jennifer Cherveny

George B. and Marion G. Curtis

BOK Financial

Albert D. and Jennifer C. DaCosta

Steve and Ardie Evans

Sureel A. and Bijal Choksi

Daniels Fund

Todd W. and Lindsay E. Filsinger

Community First Foundation

Anthony and Amy De Simone

Lawrence P. '74 and Lori D. Finch

Donahue Foundation

Gary Doppes and Margaret J. Bradley-Doppes

The Virginia Hill Charitable Foundation

Roland Eckenhausen

Stephen A. Finn

Bric A. '90 and Linda L. Houlihan

Gerry Kratz

Michael L. '67 and Maureen M. Hendricks

Jacqueline Marie Leaffer Foundation

John R. McCormick

Jesuit Community of Regis Jesuit High School

Katherine Leaffer '22

Colleen B. Kessenich William '66 and Sandra Lamberton

Steven Leaffer Byron J. '97 and Courtney Levkulich

Geoffrey G. and Martha Lord

Rodney R. and Margaret M. Marchand

Sean '92 and Audra McNicholas

Daniel P. '74 and Denise Murray

Jack T. and Judith E. Pottle

Eugene A. '80 and Lori M. Naes

Drake R. and Caren G. Powell

Robert† J. and Dixie Niichel

Gary W. '58 and Judy Powell

Pamela Purcell

John L. Schmidt '14

Resource Land Holdings, LLC

John M. and Angela M. Schmidt

Karen Schauble

Schmitz Family Foundation

Erik and Wendy Skaalerud

John F. Sheridan '76

Michael and Miranda C. Stokes

Staley Family Foundation Warren and Mary L. Staley Matt and Kelly Stava

Scott J. and Krissa B. Fernandes

Daniel J. and Ann Marie Milinazzo Drayton and Fairfax Nabers David A. and Dinah Powers Terence J. and Linda A. Stevinson Unique Litho Andrew P. Vander Ploeg

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SOCIETY Honoring donors who made gifts in the 2021-22 fiscal year totaling $10,000-$14,999. Anonymous Gregory and Karyll Armstrong Anthony J. and Christine A. Arnese Michael A. and Shannon R. Bell Hugh and Jeannine Bernardi Scott C. and Susan L. Brown John Brownlee Michael C. '73 and Vicki Byrne



† Deceased

Donor Recognition John F. and Jennifer Callahan

Betty Peterson

Andrew and Karla Bauman

Gary M. and Bridget C. Keating

The Harry Trueblood Foundation

Patrick J. '85 and Beth A. Casey

William K. and Mia I. Powell

Logan Bauman Memorial Fund

Diane C. Keller

Adam L. and Kathryn H. Truitt

Citywide Banks

Kevin G. and Elizabeth F. Quinn

Stephen and Kathryn Bentfield

Michael N. ’92 and Jamie Kennedy

William E. '62 and Marge Wagner

Robert E. '48 and Annabelle Deline

Samuel T. and Robyn A. Rasure

Breakthru Beverage Colorado

Therese Klassen

Richard and Linda Werbylo

Robert H. '73 and Barbara Deline

James A. and Stacy M. Rechtin

Keven A. and Lisha B. Burnett

Kramer Portraits

Todd and Tara Wiebe

Thomas C. '76 and Margaret M. Deline

Mark M. and Ann L. Ryan

Michael D. and Jennifer V. Cain

Thomas C. and Carron R. Loftus

John and Michele Schweer

Stacey A. and Michelle D. Campbell

Silent Partner Grants

David and Carol Cise

Martin W. '88 and Jacqueline Maxfield

Michael A. '74 and Nancy A. Zoellner

James C. and Jodi M. Smallwood

Robert J. and Susan B. Clark

Franklin R. Smith '83

Marshall† C. '62 and Jane Crouch

Eric and Elizabeth Staton

Peter C. and Mary Frances Davis

Joseph P. and Lynn B. Tartell

Leo H. and Ingrid M. DeGreef

Rich and Kristin Wilson

Scott and Nicole Delmoro

Robert J. '68 and Patricia M. Zarlengo

Mark and Keri Doolittle

Katherine and Ron Fay John and Florence Fortune Foundation William J. Fortune '65 Nick and Heidi Ghiselli Gugliotta Family Foundation Heider Family Foundation James R. Hoy and Kelly M. Condon Larry G. and Rebecca L. Hudson Bryan and Kathleen Jarman David and Carol Johnson The Kelley Family Foundation Mark G. and Melanie Kelley

AMDG SOCIETY Honoring donors who made gifts in the 2021-22 fiscal year totaling $5000-$9999.

Donalyn Mikulich

Stephen J. and Sheila Dreiling Donald M. Elliman and Laura L. Simon

Thomas P. and Ashley E. May Brian M. '63 and Patricia McGuire Curtis '97 and Lauryn Meyer Seth and Lynn Meyer Trevor '85 and Teresa Mihalik Paul and Sandy Montville Michael and Christina Morley J.K. Mullen Foundation Russell and Kirsten Nordstrom

Fitness Gallery

Mr. Brian M. '66 and Mrs. Bonnie O'Meara

Floyd and Alicia E. G. Hernandez

Monaghan Foundation

Stephan J. and Kelly L. Aguirre

Joel and Erika Hernandez

Scott and Melissa Page

Keith P. Anderson

Olivia M. Hernandez '19

Andrew and Theresa A. Aye

Dave and Margie Hunter

Timothy J. and Mary Beth Baer

Jeffrey '97 and Kerry Hutcheson Jason and Janib Ihaia

Andres and Ivonne Osuna Marty and Linda Pinné Jay P. '88 and Diana R. Rael Lesa K. Ragains-Oyler Regis Jesuit High School Raider Parent Association

Andrew D. and Anne T. Jacob

Terrence E. '56 and Jacqueline† Reynolds

Thomas J. and Pamela A. Kammer

Stephen O. and Brigid O. Roe Donald G. and Melissa A. Salum David A. and Mary Jo Schmitz Jeffrey and Marcie Schmitz Shellie Scott Mike and Shari Shula Bernard N. and Kimberly R. Siegel

† Deceased

Honoring donors who made gifts in the 2021-22 fiscal year totaling $1877-$4999.


Michael Fales Allan R. and Diana E. Heinle


5280 Oral Surgery & Dental Implants Anonymous Brian J. and Nancy E. Able Edward L. '87 and Renee Adams Agency Choice Luke and Heather Anderson Timothy M. and Shannon Aquino Archdiocese of Denver Jarrett '93 and Sloan Armstrong Leigh and Lisa Augustine Kevin T. Bain and Barbara L. Burck Steven D. and Christianne L. Barney Kevin Batt '99 Don A. '80 and Cara Bechter Burton and Carol M. Bennett Jeremy '99 and Shannon Bielski Big Blue Swim School Bissette Family Fund Scott J. and Tricia Blechman Jonathan D. and Daryn L. J. Bridwell

Anne F. Sinks

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

Karl N. '97 and Jen Smith

Matthew and Stephanie Bryant

Jerrold F. and Kristen A. Spaeth

Matthew P. Burkley '89

Suburban Toppers, Inc.

C. Richard '59 and Karen Byrne

Jeremy J. and Holly A. Tostrup

Nicolas J. '88 and Kelli A. Capra 2021-22 PRESIDENT'S REPORT


Donor Recognition William P. '45 and Jeanne M. McDonald

Derek and Lisa Scarth

Dennis and Sarah McGill David M. and Susan L. McKee

John G. '79 and Theresa M. Schuster

Patrick F. McPherson

Sempra Energy

Ryan J. '03 and Eva J. Menachof

William J. and Melody M. Simmons

John E. and Cheri Meyer

James A. and Cari E. Smith

Andrew J. Hyatt '01

Mark '97 and Kate Michalek

Maureen A. Snelling

Janus Henderson Foundation

Timothy J. and Therese A. Miller

Stephen K. and Doreen A. Jokerst

Robert and Terri S. Monahan

Randall J. Spierings and Carol A. Tynan-Spierings

Gerry and Amy P. Jones

Ron K. and LaRise P. Morley

Donald and Laurie Hicks John Hoover Mary T. Hoover W. David and Lori A. Hoover Andrew Hottovy '99 Jefferson B. and Jeannette M. Hubbard

John D. and Karen M. Keith

Eugene A. '06 and Ally Naes

Michael and Michele M. Ebedes

Matthew R. and Sara Kellogg

John T. and Jennifer M. Osgood

Ryan Eiseman and Abigail I. Foss

Michael M. '61 and Paula Kendrick

David Card '87 and Janalee Chmel

Empower Retirement LLC

Rich and Michele Kohl

Michael M. and Lara D. O'Shaughnessy

Justin '98 and Meaghan Carter

Roxane England and Robert Clark

Gerald J. and Alice L. Laber

Caruso Kitchens

EOG Resources, Inc

Mark '98 and Erin Laber

Gerard J. '70 and Karen A. Caruso

Kenton L. and Emilie R. Epard

Frank Laden

Kenneth J. and Eileen C. Cavanaugh

Nathan Faris

Brian J. and Robyn A. Larkin

Charles Schwab Foundation

Daniel J. and Megan N. Fearnow

Robert J. Lauvetz '60


Dan and Kim M. Filler

Theodore Lin and Deirdre Baggot

Colorado Oral Surgery

Don J. and Dawn G. Fitzmartin

Little Law Office, LLC

Community Outreach Foundation of the Inland Empire, Inc

Brian F. and Catherine Y. Fleischmann

Patrick E. and Carla D. Little

Peter J. '95 and Meredith Coors

Steven R. Forness '57

Bradford J. and Robyn L. Cornell Joe and Kim Crova

David W. and Jacqueline B. Fredericks

Danneil Law, P.C.

Jasper R. and Jennifer A. Frontz

Rob and Shannon Mackenzie

Marcus '92 and Amy Danneil

Henry L. and Amy W. Galan

Magnify Signs

Cathy D'Attilo

Paul J. and Jennifer M. Gale

Thomas and Brenda Mahoney

Rees F. and Barbara A. Davis

Michael L. and Michelle Garnsey

Mark and Melissa M. Manassee

Frank A. and Deborah J. DeLuca

Gary and Lindsey L. Ghiselli

John Mann

Joseph E. Dennison '05

Scott and Laurie Gough

Thomas E. and Linda J. Manoogian

Fred J. '79 and Annette M. Diss

Dan P. '88 and Linda Haley

Brian and Janee S. Mauney

James S. '60 and Karen Doyle

Brian and Cheryl M. Hall

Michael L. and Peggy McArdle

Curt Henderson and Deanna Drury

Gregory R. and Karen M. Hall

Conor '98 and Heather McCallin

David G. and Ann B. Durham

Ramy G. and Julie A. Hanna

Ted and Lisa McCausland

Richard and Maria S. Dutmer

Dolores Harr

McDonald Automotive Group

Robert M. Dwyer '82 and Michelle Vogt

Steven and Linda N. Heiss

Brian T. and Mayme L. McDonald

Kelsey Herbert

Michael S. and Jane F. McDonald



Andrei and Margo Livadariu Jason H. and Jennifer R. Luce Travis '95 and Veronica Lutz

Scott W. and Elizabeth L. O'Sullivan Christian and Jennifer Otteson Peter K. and Angela H. Pak Girish and Celeste Paranjape James F. and Kingsley H. Parsley Ian Patel and Lauren Bloomquist John M. Pavlakovich '73 Anthony A. and Maria Del Pilar Pelz Allan M. and Nancy L. Pinné Dennis K. '59 and Linda Primavera M Bridgid Rawley Robert J. '88 and Denise S. Reich Rodeno Family Foundation Thomas and Mary Jo Rodeno Mark '93 and Julie Rome Timothy and Kelly Root Scott and Nicolle Rose Steve and Lindsay Ryan Saeman Family Foundation John and Carol Saeman William and Cathe Sander Glenn R. and Trina L. Sandler

Barry W. and Ann L. Schmitt

Nicholas Steiner '96 and Melissa Tronquet Brett and Tani Stone Douglas W. '94 and Misty Stout Breandan L. and Sarah H. Sullivan Andrea L. Taylor and Michael Berger Jimmy L. and Stacy R. Terry Allen B. Thach '76 Charles and Roseanne Thenell Mark C. and Polly Ann Thrush Jimmy and Jacquelyn A. Tricco Eamon J. and Jessica P. Twomey Peter J. Tynan '71 Value Engineered Products, Inc Andrew C. and Jennifer L. Villier Steven J. '89 and Kendra Ward Weckbaugh Foundation James B. and Cindy L. Whitmore William O. '61 and Katie Wieder Clint M. and Courtney E. Will Jeffrey D. and Tracy B. Willis William and Katherine Wilson Thomas V. and Mary Ellen Wittman David and Dawn Wolf Richard and Jacquelin Woodward Scott and Linea Woody John W. and Mary Zimmerman

Stephen and Moiria Sangalis Carol Ann Sass † Deceased



BARRIERS FOR OUR STUDENTS Every student who desires a Catholic, Jesuit education should have access. Having a strong, sustainable and equitable financial aid program ensures that all qualified students can afford the Regis Jesuit experience. Enrolling an economically-diverse student body enhances the experience of every Regis Jesuit student, creating a learning environment that is more reflective of the world in which our graduates will live, work and serve. We are grateful to our mission partners who help the school continue to pursue its strategic priority of ensuring a Regis


164 STUDENTS, 30% with Family Income $75,000 and less (Avg. Award $16,171)

52 STUDENTS, 9% with Family Income more than $200,000 (Avg. Award $5,625)

95 STUDENTS, 17% with Family Income $150,000 to $200,000 (Avg. Award $8,631)

81 STUDENTS, 15% with Family Income $75,000 to $100,000 (Avg. Award $14,472)

Jesuit education remains accessible and affordable.

WAYS RJ MISSION PARTNERS ARE MAKING AN IMPACT » Annual Financial Aid » Raider Opportunity Fund » Four-Year Sponsor-a-Student Scholarships » Endowed Financial Aid Scholarships

152 STUDENTS, 29% with Family Income $100,000 to $150,000 (Avg. Award $11,703)


1 IN 3


average award for 2022-23

students served by financial aid

awarded in financial aid for 2022-23



Donor Recognition

MEN & WOMEN WITH & FOR OTHERS SOCIETY Honoring families from the most recent graduating class (2022) who financially contributed any amount each of the four years their student attended Regis Jesuit.

Michael Ficco and Rica Pargas-Ficco

Blanca E. Quintanilla

Jeffrey T. and Yvette K. Fonda

James A. and Stacy M. Rechtin

Sylvester and Theodora Osei-Fordwuo

Scott A. and Pamela T. Romero

Thomas M. Anderson and Marla A. Garrett

Robert and Melanie Schraeder

Samuel T. and Robyn A. Rasure

Glenn R. and Trina L. Sandler

Jay L. and Angelena S. Gleason

Peter M. and Kirsten M. Schultze

Joseph and Kristen Guerriero

Mark and Tia Schumacher

Stephan J. and Kelly L. Aguirre

Ryan F. and Tiffany L. Hanson

John and Michele Schweer

Aaron and Megan Alpert

Steven and Linda N. Heiss

Derek and Jennifer M. Severns

Richard K. and Kristen J. Anselmi

Jason S. and Christine M. Simon

Timothy M. and Shannon Aquino

Clayton W. and Deborah K. Holloway

Christopher and Judy Bachmann

Matthew A. '96 and Mary Houtsma

Donald M. Elliman and Laura L. Simon

Jere K. and Jessica Bachus

Tim and Julie Johnson

Erik and Wendy Skaalerud

Sonia Bacon

Timothy J. and Pamela G. Jones

James A. and Cari E. Smith

Ronald and Denise M. Balatbat

Gary M. and Bridget C. Keating

Jerrold F. and Kristen A. Spaeth

Michael Wisneski and Michelle Bauer

Mark G. and Melanie Kelley

Brian J. and Angela C. Storey

Colleen B. Kessenich

Montgomery and Andrea Sykora


Daniel L. and Julie A. Bechtel

Kevin and Bridget Lanoha

Chad and Kathleen Tanner

Franck A. and Suzanne Belibi

Jeffrey R. and Heidi Lewis

Eric '87 and Nicole Telgenhoff

Keven A. and Lisha B. Burnett

Thomas C. and Carron R. Loftus

Mark C. and Polly Ann Thrush

Loyal donors are the cornerstone of Regis Jesuit High School’s success, providing the means by which we can carry out our mission of educating our students as Men and Women with and for Others year after year. Membership is based on consecutive fiscal year giving.

Patricia A. Ford and James L. Caler

Eugene M. and Meggan M. Macias

Patrick W. and Sarah L. Tierney

Fabian Sanchez and Ashley Cicero

Troy A. and Amy L. Marsh

Christopher M. and Jennifer Tinsley

Stephanie M. Clouatre

Brian and Janee S. Mauney

Michael A. and Natalie K. Tognetti

James R. Hoy and Kelly M. Condon

Brian T. and Mayme L. McDonald

John and Lisa Vanderberg

Jonathan K. and Jennifer Crowell

Seth and Lynn Meyer

Chad D. '90 and Lisa D. L. Williams

Jason and Sara Dembeck

Jim Armatas and Janine Meza

John and Kirsten Wood

George and Kelly S. Denlinger

Ron K. and LaRise P. Morley

Richard and Jacquelin Woodward

Neal D. and Keri Dermer

William and Amy Munro

Eric A. and Rosemarie K. Wrede

Matthew G. and Elizabeth K. Dickinson

Andrew J. '96 and Brooke M. Neff

David A. and Brandi A. Wright

Gary Doppes and Margaret J. Bradley-Doppes

Douglas C. and Margarita L. Nelson

Ben and Dora Yost

Xuong H. and Ngocdiep T. Ngo

Anthony J. and Lisa A. Zinno

Thomas E. and Julia K. Downey

Russell E. Bartt and Joanna Y. Ortiz

D. Laird L. Blue and Stephanie Dunn

Michael M. and Lara D. O'Shaughnessy

Jim Zerefos and Rebecca Duray Michael and Michele M. Ebedes Matthew L. Esson and Kimberly C. Mugler Robert A. and Marie A. Fago



Andres and Ivonne Osuna Peter K. and Angela H. Pak Matthew J. and Stephanie Paolucci Kevin G. and Elizabeth F. Quinn

† Deceased

Donor Recognition

RAIDER CLUB MILESTONES Honoring our loyal alumni donors who support Regis Jesuit with financial or in-kind gifts for two or more consecutive fiscal years. Special recognition is given to alumni who reach five years of consecutive giving and every fiveyear milestone thereafter. All Raider Club members are noted with tin the alumni participation list beginning on page 31.

25 Years of Consecutive Giving

Michael Gallardo '68

Mark R. Groshek '78

George A. Hovorka '49

James R. Guthrie '72

Walter J. Seaman '45

Melissa A. (Ripper) Ingrum '07

John P. Harrington '69

20 Years of Consecutive Giving John M. Chavez '67 Mark Laber '98 Albert E. Seep, Jr. '58 Brian J. Trembath '86 Steve Watson '64

15 Years of Consecutive Giving Eugene A. Blish '59 James W. Broderick King '87 John F. Ferraro '82 Lawrence P. Finch '74 Daniel P. Murray, Sr. '74 Larry T. O'Hayre '57 Joseph L. Schmid '75 John F. Sheridan '76 Dennis J. Tangney '59

10 Years of Consecutive Giving Shaun Bell '95 Anthony S. Bertollt '74 Justin Carter '98 J. Daniel Casey '60 James J. Clawson '85

John S. Jackson '08 Eric J. Jackson '10 David J. Kasik '66 William Lamberton '66 Christopher Levkulich '99 Travis Lutz '95

Daniel Harrison '99 Patrick M. Heffernan '17 J. Michael Jagger '83

Lou Kellogg Stadium Enhancements

Rachel A. Jenkins '09

• Next time you're at a football game at Lou Kellogg Stadium, make sure to look up! Our stadium lights have been upgraded to LED. This enhancement eliminates the annual replacement of the old mercury vapor lamps, provides more direct lighting on the field, minimizes the brightness to the adjacent neighborhoods and can be turned on with no wait time. Best of all, the new LED lights reduce our energy consumption by 60%.

Evan K. Kirk '02 Megan D. (Dempsey) Langfield '10

Joseph D. Nickerson '97

Seth Morgan '97

Douglas E. Nielsen '51

Thomas~ M. O'Dorisio '61

David A. Nowicki '08

Jay P. Rael '88

Steven G. Rotello '88

Richard M. Scherer '62

Richard P. Smith '76

Victoria E. (Scheid) Scherer '08

Steve Tomasek '98 John Wessling '70 Alfred J. Zarlengo II '86

5 Years of Consecutive Giving Fred A. Albi '58 Haylee M. Blach '16 C. Richard Byrne '59 Ryan W. Candee '07 David Ciancio '72 Gabriel Dance '99 Michael J. Gerken '79

We were busy this summer! While our students and faculty were away on summer break, our Facilities team was hard at work as part of our ongoing deferred maintenance efforts and yearly campus enhancements. Here's what’s new:

Joseph P. Huggins '73

Donald E. Mergen '61

J. Michael Thornton '69

Campus Improvements

Matthew Schmitz '96 Kendra L. Schraeder '14 John G. Schuster '79 Ronald T. Shannon '52 Douglas W. Stout '94 William B. Swigert II '69 Andrea G. Tagtow '08 Timothy G. Tarr '05 Thomas B. Walmsley '61 Luke B. Wiedel '01

• We added an additional 800 seats with matching aluminum bleachers permanently to the Lou Kellogg Stadium. Now even more fans can cheer on our Raiders! • Out with the old, in with the new! The student section in the south endzone just got an upgrade. We replaced the old temporary wooden bleachers with new aluminum bleachers able to seat 855 Raiders!

Girls Division Enhancements

Boys Division Enhancements

• The Girls Division cafeteria tile was upgraded to vinyl flooring.

• All Boys Division classrooms received new carpet.

• A new sidewalk was installed along the east side of the Girls Division gym. This now creates a continuous path between the three buildings (Girls Division, Boys Division and the Steele Center).

• The Guy Gibbs ’47 Gymnasium floor was resurfaced and repainted - just in time for our largest Homecoming dance yet.

PARENT GIVING Brian J. and Nancy E. Able

Charles Q. '91 and Sarah A. Beatty

Davis S. and Holly H. Butler

Andrew P. and Mary M. Abramowicz

Kevin '93 and Angie F. Beatty

Fred and Amy E. Adams

Daniel L. and Julie A. Bechtel

Tom Cabibi and Esther Berdion-Cabibi

Timothy Aex and Bridget Beatty

Kevin L. and Kammi Beck

Dario and Olivia Aguirre

Adam and Cynthia E. Bedard

Stephan J. and Kelly L. Aguirre

David A. and Maluwa U. Behringer

David L. and Julie C. Allen

Franck A. and Suzanne Belibi

Dan and Camilla Almuti

Michael A. and Shannon R. Bell

Aaron and Megan Alpert

Julie A. Bendon

Alexandra Neira and Ivan H. Camacho

Brian and Burce Anderson

David S. '89 and Tricia Bennett

Nicolas J. '88 and Kelli A. Capra

Luke and Heather Anderson

Stephen and Kathryn Bentfield

John and Kara K. Carey

Matt and Kyle Anderson

Peter M. and Stacey E. Berg

Cary S. and Christina R. Carlson

Thomas M. Anderson and Marla A. Garrett

Hugh and Jeannine Bernardi

Jason and Caroline T. Carolan

Salvatore B. and Molly Bertolone William and Lauren W. Bertsch

Christopher W. '94 and Michelle R. Carr

Raymond and Kathryn Bikulcius

Malcolm W. and Mariela E. Carr

Donald J. and Christine E. Billings

Ethan P. Carter

Michael S. and Denise L. Bilyeu

Patrick J. '85 and Beth A. Casey

Louis and Erica H. Bissette

Jeremy and Erin Cassidy-Cernanec

Scott J. and Tricia Blechman

Susan Cattand

Mac and Sissy Blount

Julio C. Chabarria and Yolanda C. Garza

Elizabeth E. Anderson-Stein Richard K. and Kristen J. Anselmi Timothy M. and Shannon Aquino Jim Armatas and Janine Meza


Anthony J. and Christine A. Arnese

The partnership and generosity of our current parents is essential in the success of Regis Jesuit’s fundraising efforts. Thank you to all families who attended, volunteered and donated this last year.

Scott and Michelle Auerbach

A special thank you to the 573 families who made philanthropic contributions to Regis Jesuit. Donors listed made tax-deductible and in-kind gifts within the fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.

Andrew and Kelly Ash Shelly K. F. and Amy L. Au Leigh and Lisa Augustine Andrew and Theresa A. Aye Christopher and Judy Bachmann Jere K. and Jessica Bachus Sonia Bacon Jason W. Baker and Risa M. Lyon Ronald and Denise M. Balatbat Brad G. and Pamela M. Baptiste Mathew J. and Pamela S. Barr Christopher and Jennifer Barrett Daniel and Eileen Barry Michael S. and Wendy M. Barry Russell E. Bartt and Joanna Y. Ortiz Stephen G. Batuello and Kristy M. Suda-Batuello Timothy S. '88 and Deborah Bauer Steven M. and Jennifer P. Beam



D. Laird L. Blue and Stephanie Dunn

Michael D. and Jennifer V. Cain David W. Calabrese and Julia A. Pauly Calabrese Peter W. and Cristen Calamari John F. and Jennifer Callahan

Raphael E. and Loreen S. Bonita

Michael K. '84 and Lydia A. Champeau

David and Rochelle Brackney

James and Julie Chan

Vincent P. and Charlotte O. Brady

Gursharan and Mandeep Chatha

M. Colin and Mary D. Bresee

Kyle F. and Maria J. Chernoff

Rick and Lynn Bridges

Jason and Jennifer Cherveny

Jonathan D. and Daryn L. J. Bridwell

Sureel A. and Bijal Choksi

Scott and Michelle Brinner

Joseph F. and Elena N. Cleary

Travis and Patricia Broxton

Stephanie M. Clouatre

Marc E. and Ghislaine G. Bruner

Stacey J. and Helen Coderre

Matthew and Stephanie Bryant

Kimberly Collins

Brian and Virginia Buege

Eric E. Colsman and Marina Heusch

Friedrich J. and Marianne Buehler

Christian and Magda E. Contos

Philip and Lauren Burgess Brendan E. and Tiffany A. M. Burke

Wayne R. Conwell and Keiko Hasado

Robert and Jessica Burke

Bradford J. and Robyn L. Cornell

Keven A. and Lisha B. Burnett

Jeffrey S. and Kristen S. Corporon

Chauncey J. and Ashley L. Busacker † Deceased

PARENT GIVING Thomas and Julie Dobbins

Gregory and Cynthia Farrell

Luis B. and Heather R. Dogue

Daniel J. and Megan N. Fearnow

Ann Margaret Donnelly

Scott J. and Krissa B. Fernandes

Michael '88 and Tracy Donovan

John F. '82 and Sandra L. Ferraro

Mark and Keri Doolittle

Timothy J. and Kristen M. Fete

Michael and Katie M. Crawford

Gary Doppes and Margaret J. Bradley-Doppes

Michael Ficco and Rica Pargas-Ficco

Stephen M. and Stacy R. Crouch

Brad J. and Katherine M. Dorais

Daniel and Caitlin Filleman

Jonathan K. and Jennifer Crowell

Timothy and Kelly Dore

Dan and Kim M. Filler

Michael P. and Wendee N. Crowley

Patrick and Amanda Dougherty

Paul and Liz Fischer

Kevin R. and Bridget F. Cunningham

Michael P. Dowling

Don J. and Dawn G. Fitzmartin

Jason Curran and Romy Mason

Thomas E. and Julia K. Downey

Thomas W. and Insley P. Flaig

Steven J. and Christina J. Curtis

Kevin P. '92 and Sherri E. Doyle

Kevin and C Foltz

Albert D. and Jennifer C. DaCosta

Stephen J. and Sheila Dreiling

Jeffrey T. and Yvette K. Fonda

Ryan Graber

Colin G. '87 and Amy E. Daly

Curt Henderson and Deanna Drury

Michael E. Ford

Jeff M. and Teresa Grammatke

William and Tammy Damrath

Ryan and Dawn Dunn

Patricia A. Ford and James L. Caler

Kenneth S. and Susan W. Granader

Edward J. and Elizabeth O. Hepworth

David H. and Lavonne M. Daniels

Christopher V. and Danielle L. Dunne

Steven P. and Tiffany L. Franzluebbers

Shalisha Gray

Ishmael I. and Angela M. Hernandez

Tisha Gregory

Joel and Erika Hernandez

Carlos Duque and Mari Tadano

Nolan D. and Linda Frederick

Mark and Jennifer Gremmert

William J. and Nicolle E. Davies

Richard and Maria S. Dutmer

Joseph and Kristen Guerriero

Jose A. Herrera and Ivelise Zambrano-Herrera

Peter C. and Mary Frances Davis

Robert M. Dwyer '82 and Michelle Vogt

David W. and Jacqueline B. Fredericks

Andrea L. Guntren

Scott P. Higgins and Susan G. Cahill

William Gurdin and Lisa Forman

Wendy W. Hoffer Doug Hoffman

Francis X. Jedlicka and Danielle M. Corriveau Shelley Coughlin Vicki L. Council Amie G. Cox Henry H. and Gretchen T. Cox

Michael G. Danzer and Jane T. H. Tran

Brian T. '94 and Stacy Davisson William and Aimee Day Anthony and Amy De Simone Dennis A. and Stephanie DeBobes Frederic W. Deleyiannis and Anna M. Zapata Michael E. and Shelley Dell'Orfano Scott and Nicole Delmoro Jason and Sara Dembeck George and Kelly S. Denlinger Leo D. Denslow Neal D. and Keri Dermer Don and Kristianna Desfosses John and Kate Devlin Thomas and Heather Dewey Jeff and Beth Di Tanna Matthew G. and Elizabeth K. Dickinson Warren S. and Karen A. Dickinson

George R. Fries and Molly O. McGill

Michael and Michele M. Ebedes

Jasper R. and Jennifer A. Frontz

Casey and Kristin Ebner

Brian K. and Shannon S. Furgason

Bryan Hagedon and Melissa Crimmins

Innocent Ebong and Dorothy Namongo

Henry L. and Amy W. Galan

Brian and Cheryl M. Hall

Clayton W. and Deborah K. Holloway

Jon and Mary L. Gambrill

Gregory R. and Karen M. Hall

Martin and Joanne Holt

Brent L. and Kirsten B. Handler

Tim and Gail Hommertzheim

Melissa Edison Barnes

Alexander R. Gamueda '89 and Sheila R. Doligosa-Gamueda Mark P. and Tara Garcia

Ramy G. and Julie A. Hanna

John and Amy Honney

Jason and Cecilia Edwards

Michael L. and Michelle Garnsey

Ryan F. and Tiffany L. Hanson

Michael and Erin L. Horstmann

Ryan Eiseman and Abigail I. Foss

Robert J. and Callae Gedrose

Chris P. and Heidi V. Hanzel

JD Horton and Aimee Desantis

Nicolas and Katherine Eliason

Brad and Dana E. Genson

Philip Harding and Sarah Knight

Jon and Stephanie House

Kevin T. and Martina D. Ellmann

Jason and Kellee Gerig

John and Elizabeth C. Harlan

Matthew A. '96 and Mary Houtsma

Russell S. and Jeanie M. Engelbert

Hilary Gerlach

Greg S. and Beckie A. Harman

James R. Hoy and Kelly M. Condon

Kenton L. and Emilie R. Epard Matthew L. Esson and Kimberly C. Mugler

Gary and Lindsey L. Ghiselli

Michael T. and Megan E. Harry

Jefferson B. and Jeannette M. Hubbard

Roland Eckenhausen

John and Jill Eure Robert A. and Marie A. Fago Michael Fales Nathan Faris

Nick and Heidi Ghiselli

Armodios M. and Melissa M. Hatzidakis

Gregory A. and Lenore M. Giardina

Mark Heidenry and Carolyn O'Shea

Brad and Tracey Gifford

Steven and Linda N. Heiss

Jay L. and Angelena S. Gleason

Michael '87 and Kristin J. Henninger

Blair and Kelly W. Goering

Larry G. and Rebecca L. Hudson Mark C. Hughes and Courtney D. Hughes Mark I. and Christie Hughes Matthew A. and Tracy R. Hughes



PARENT GIVING Michael E. Hull and Erin Matis

Kevin and Bridget Lanoha

Michael P. and Jeanne D. Manion

Douglas S. and Amy E. Mohr

Kevin and Erin B. O'Rourke

Martin and Karen Hummel

David and Frances Lanty

Marcus L. and Laura B. Mann

Casey Montoya

Matthew and Kelsy Hustead

Cory and Aspen Large

Tyrone D. and Mary Ellen Mann

Paul and Sandy Montville

Sylvester and Theodora Osei-Fordwuo

Jason and Janib Ihaia

Brian J. and Robyn A. Larkin

Thomas E. and Linda J. Manoogian

Justin and Dawn Moore

Jason and Gwyn Inglis

Kevin and Dawn Larson

James E. and Jennifer A. Manville

Christine Moritz

Steve and Lori J. Irvine

Steven Leaffer

Robert Morland

James M. and Young S. Jewell

Spencer L. Zakry and Cecilia M. Lebermann

Joshua B. Marks and Peggy Brady Marks

Tim and Julie Johnson Stephen K. and Doreen A. Jokerst Max and Ashley Jones Timothy J. and Pamela G. Jones Robert J. and Victoria A. Jump Sajit U. and Heidi T. Kabadi Rohit K. and Rene C. Katial Gary M. and Bridget C. Keating John D. and Karen M. Keith Mark G. and Melanie Kelley

Andrew S. Zeikowitz and Jennifer A. Leon Cecil and Stephanie Lepard Jeffrey R. and Heidi Lewis Joseph J. and Laura D. Lico Theodore Lin and Deirdre Baggot Jason O. and Kimberly A. Lind Matthew and Monica Linnell Patrick E. and Carla D. Little

Matthew R. and Sara Kellogg

James L. H. Liu and Eunsun Changliu

Paul and Alejandra Kemp

Andrei and Margo Livadariu

Gregory and Shannon Kennealey

Thomas C. and Carron R. Loftus

Michael N. '92 and Jamie A. Kennedy

Paul J. Lopach and Victoria Catenacci

Bruce and Maria Keogh

Craig and Kimberly Lopez

Colleen B. Kessenich

Bryan and Amy Lore

Michael P. and Elizabeth S. Kevil

Daniel and Courtney A. Lorenzo

Shawn S. and Michele C. Kirk

Timothy C. and Rachel H. Lucas

Aaron Kirkpatrick and Heidi Becker

Jason H. and Jennifer R. Luce

Johnny and Karen P. Klein

Erik Lugenbill and Megan Rogers

Karl and Carrie Klein

Steven A. and Karen D. Lukanic

Nathanael A. and Rachel L. Koch

William J. '66 and Kim Lundell

Rich and Michele Kohl

Charles Lutz

Stephen P. and Nikki M. Kohler

James and Megan Lynch

Michael and Kama Kreutzer

Eugene M. and Meggan M. Macias

Anthony A. and Lisa M. Kriz Jeffrey A. '95 and Jennifer L. Kummer Frank Laden Kane S. and Mailah T. Lai Loren M. Landow and Michelle L. Nevin-Landow



Troy A. and Amy L. Marsh Christopher J. and Melissa J. Martin Jeff and Donatella P. Martin Jeremy and Anthea Martin Drew W. and Jennifer R. Massie

Michael and Christina Morley Ron K. and LaRise P. Morley Todd and Christa Morris Ross G. and Mandy D. Moscatelli Kimberly A. Mourani

Brian and Janee S. Mauney

Joseph D. Mullen and Kimberly J. Evans

Robert Maurer and Rachel Kopfle

Donald and Kimberly Mulligan

Thomas P. and Ashley E. May

William and Amy Munro

Gregory J. '80 and Lisa K. Mayers

Richard D. and Jennifer L. Muntean

Phil and Sarah McCarthy

Dilovar and Lyubov Muratov

Ted and Lisa McCausland

Stu and Monica B. Myhill

Dustin McCollough and Danielle Cruz-McCollough

Andrew J. '96 and Brooke M. Neff

Brian T. and Mayme L. McDonald David M. and Sara K. McDonnell Edward S. and Nancy M. McFadden Annmarie E. McGuinness Jason and Natalie McLaren Sharon Z. McMeel Keith McNeill Patrick F. McPherson Geff Starlin and Shannon McPherson Joseph E. and Cheryl F. Metzger Seth and Lynn Meyer Steve and Julie Michalek

Rob and Shannon Mackenzie

Thomas S. Michalik and Sandra Ambida

Andrea Madkin

Marcus A. and Britta Miles

Robert C. and April R. Maestas

Brian M. and LuCinda S. Miller

Richard J. and Kimberly K. Maez

Dan Miller and Rene Ramsey

Zarina R. Magdessian

Paul and Olivia L. Millradt

Mark and Melissa M. Manassee

George Mitsuoka and Lisa Park

Rogelio and Leofel Negrete Kevin S. and Jenae A. Neiman Douglas C. and Margarita L. Nelson Grant P. and Kaia M. Nesbitt Christopher J. and Sara K. Neumann Andrew '96 and Lori Newland Derris C. and Marla Newman Xuong H. and Ngocdiep T. Ngo Minh Nguyen and Nicole Diep Thom and Debbie Niedergerke Robert† J. Niichel Nikolay Nikolaev and Adrienne M. Schieffer-Nikolaev

John T. and Jennifer M. Osgood Michael M. and Lara D. O'Shaughnessy Scott W. and Elizabeth L. O'Sullivan Andres and Ivonne Osuna Christian and Jennifer Otteson Michael and Amy Owens Brandon A. and Jaimee R. Pacheco Scott and Melissa Page Andrew and Roslyn Paine Peter K. and Angela H. Pak Tony and Tracy Pallotta Matthew J. and Stephanie Paolucci Girish and Celeste Paranjape Michael E. '89 and Taylor C. Pardun James F. and Kingsley H. Parsley Blake and Jennifer Parsons Amy Parsons-Morland Matt and Kristin Passaglia Ian Patel and Lauren Bloomquist Timothy J. and Nina L. Pater Seth C. and Patricia M. Patterson Anthony A. and Maria Del Pilar Pelz Hector F. and Margarita Peralta Christian and Holly Phillips Anthony S. and Katrina L. Plank David E. Porter and Eva Vyas William K. and Mia I. Powell Michael and Michele Preiss

Russell and Kirsten Nordstrom

James S. Proctor and Eloise Rich

Michael and Jamie M. Occhipinti

Ryan and Kelly Proctor

Jessica L. O'Dwyer

Kevin G. and Elizabeth F. Quinn

Daniel L. and Kimberly S. Ohlson

Blanca E. Quintanilla

Scott and Leah Oliver

Ryan and Christina Rachfalski

Chris O'Reilly

Lesa K. Ragains-Oyler

Cindy O'Reilly

Kenneth H. and Paula M. Ramos

† Deceased

PARENT GIVING John and Jordan Ramsey

Karen Schauble

Harry Sorensen

Mike and Courtney Ranson

Craig R. and Laura A. Schick

Jerrold F. and Kristen A. Spaeth

Samuel T. and Robyn A. Rasure

Christopher D. and Melissa S. Schilling

Thomas J. and Jill A. Spaulding

M Bridgid Rawley Santo Realmuto and Linda Michow Lawrence A. and Shelly S. Reasbeck James A. and Stacy M. Rechtin Jeffrey L. and Gina M. Redden Vincent and Gretchen Reece Scott Regan and Jennifer S. Torrance

Ryan and Jennifer Schimmer Robert and Melanie Schraeder Robert L. and Mary E. Schroeder Kyle and Rachel C. Schultz Peter M. and Kirsten M. Schultze Mark and Tia Schumacher John and Michele Schweer

Thomas C. and Kimberly H. Renner

Michael and Holly Scott

Brian and Jennifer Rettig

Dale J. and Maureen D. Seier

Rafael Rico-Gonzalez and Rosalva Rodriguez-Dominguez

Robert L. and Elva L. Serna

Terry R. and Katherine E. Rinehart John and Louisa Ritsick Anthony E. Rivera Cassandra D. Rivera Stephen and Sandra Robertson Gustavo and Judy A. Rodriguez Stephen O. and Brigid O. Roe Darrow and Kristina Rogers Scott A. and Pamela T. Romero Scott and Nicolle Rose Ellis Rosenzweig Mark M. and Ann L. Ryan Steve and Lindsay Ryan Steven and Laura Saba

Derek and Jennifer M. Severns David M. Seyboldt and Heidi J. Majerik George L. Sharpe and Johnna A. Meysman

Scott Speil and Svetlana Kolesnikova Brian and Sarah Stanga Eric and Elizabeth Staton Matt and Kelly Stava James Stein Nicholas V. and Laura Stence Earl and Dana M. Stephens Michael and Miranda C. Stokes Brett and Tani Stone Martin and Christine Stone Brian J. and Angela C. Storey Michael D. and Melissa R. Strathman David J. and Lisa A. Stratman Stuart J. and Danute S. Strepman Breandan L. and Sarah H. Sullivan

Michael C. and Jane A. Thompson Mark C. and Polly Ann Thrush John F. '97 and Karlie S. Tierney Patrick W. and Sarah L. Tierney Samir L. and Ghada S. Timani Bryan and Sydney Timme Christopher M. and Jennifer Tinsley Javier Tochimani Tecuapetla and Susana A. Tochimani Michael A. and Natalie K. Tognetti Christopher H. and Julia J. Toll Ronald J. and Meredith G. Tomassi Jeremy J. and Holly A. Tostrup Adam L. and Kathryn H. Truitt Eamon J. and Jessica P. Twomey Peter A. and Lucy C. Van Dusen John and Lisa Vanderberg

Heath E. and Jennifer H. Weddle Paul D. and Victoria A. Wember Christopher M. and Kyle D. West Stephen D. and Michelle T. White James B. and Cindy L. Whitmore Todd and Tara Wiebe Robert and Cynthia Wiley Clint M. and Courtney E. Will Chad D. '90 and Lisa D. L. Williams Aaron J. and Sophia N. Wilson Jeff and Cathie Wilson Rich and Kristin Wilson William and Katherine Wilson Michael Wisneski and Michelle Bauer Larice D. Wojewski David and Dawn Wolf Matthew and Meredith Wolf John and Kirsten Wood

Dae Shin and Young Kim

Jason M. and Kimberly A. Sullivan

John B. and Maricela K. Shukie

John and Casey Sullivan

Mike and Shari Shula

Shawn P. and Cheri G. Sullivan

Bernard N. and Kimberly R. Siegel

William J. and Patricia J. Sullivan

Bennett T. C. and Shala M. Siew

Magnus and Sarah Svard

Teodoro S. Victorio and Vilma G. Espinoza

William J. and Melody M. Simmons

Mike and Maggie Swanger

David E. and Susan V. Viereck

Eric A. Simoes and Maria M. Rodriguez

Montgomery and Andrea Sykora

Juan Pablo and Yoshino Vizcarra

Trent and Janet Talbot

Long D. and Christen C. Vu

Jason S. and Christine M. Simon

Chad and Kathleen Tanner

Erik C. and Mitra Wagner

Gebremariam Yesho and Shigwazua Kassa

Donald M. Elliman and Laura L. Simon

Joseph P. and Lynn B. Tartell

Todd and Amanda Wahlstrom

Ben and Dora Yost

Andrea L. Taylor and Michael Berger

Cynthia M. and Mark Young

Brian S. and Teresa L. Taylor

Christopher D. and Heather A. Walker

Ryan and Michelle N. Taylor

Brett and Jennifer Wallen

Eric '87 and Nicole Telgenhoff

Michael P. and Christina U. Walljasper

Donald G. and Melissa A. Salum

James Simpson and Natalie Neaton

Louis A. '88 and Traci A. Samaras

Erik and Wendy Skaalerud

Fabian Sanchez and Ashley Cicero

James C. and Jodi M. Smallwood

William and Cathe Sander

Dennis Smith and Ellen Ribes-Smith

Glenn R. and Trina L. Sandler

James A. and Cari E. Smith

Stephen and Moiria Sangalis

Matthew J. and Holly M. Smith

Dean and Heather A. Savoca

Roger P. and Elizabeth J. Smith

Derek and Lisa Scarth

Dennis and Keidre B. Smythe

Heywot Tesfaye and Meg Hilletework-Tesfaye

Trevor L. and Robin R. Schaefer

Maureen A. Snelling

Alex and Madelyn Thomas

Michelle A. Schaper

Alexander and Rebecca Sobolevsky

† Deceased

Lowell Thomas and Michelle M. Pratt

Matthew and Kristen Tenney Jimmy L. and Stacy R. Terry Fikre S. and Waynie W. Tesfaye

Daniel F. '91 and Sara Vanek Carlos and Valentina Vannoni Victor M. and Iryna Vazquez

Kevin D. and Marlene P. Warr Mark and Marni P. Warren Clay and Kathryn Watson

Michael D. and Aimee A. Woodard Richard and Jacquelin Woodward Scott and Linea Woody Eric A. and Rosemarie K. Wrede David A. and Brandi A. Wright Jason S. Wright and Elizabeth M. Sapp

James K. Younger and Jessica L. Mason DJ and Kate Zehnacker Jim Zerefos and Rebecca Duray Michael E. and Anne D. Zilvitis Anthony J. and Lisa A. Zinno Jonathan D. and Michelle Zonca

Allan D. and Janet Watters Christopher and Kerry W. Watts Megan Webber




SEAN MCNICHOLAS ’92: A FAMILY WITH AND FOR OTHERS Kevin McNicholas taught his children to treat everyone with dignity, to give each person the attention and care that they would want for themselves. Mary McNicholas showed their children the importance of manners and creating a warm social environment for anyone who came to their door. The family built their Denver-based business on these values, forging deep connections with the people they employed and the people they partnered with, giving everyone the opportunity to create a better future for themselves. It's no surprise that the McNicholas family marked Regis Jesuit as an institution aligned with their values and worthy of their investment. Kevin served as Chair of the Board of Trustees from 1992-98, shepherding the school through significant change with the move to the current campus in Aurora. Mary and Kevin sent their two sons, Sean ’92 and Brendan ’96, to attend the school. Kevin passed away in 2020, but not before he and Mary began a legacy of giving to Regis Jesuit—a legacy marked by a favorite spot for boys and girls at the heart of our campus today: McNicholas Green. Today, the McNicholas family tradition of peopleforward business and philanthropy is thriving. Now Sean leads the family business, SSA Group, and gives back to Regis Jesuit so that more young men and women will have opportunities to shape themselves into caring, thoughtful leaders. “I want to create an environment where the school can have the biggest impact on its students. As a member of the Regis Jesuit community, my job is to leave things better than they were,” says Sean. Sean and his wife, Audra, have given a transformative gift to Inspire & Ignite 2025, Regis Jesuit’s vision for access, innovation and excellence. They believe in the 24


entrepreneurial spirit that Regis Jesuit instills in our students, guiding them to create and share opportunity with their communities. Inspired to continue the family legacy, they chose to give the name McNicholas Plaza to the new gathering space on the east side of the Science & Innovation Center. “We have been fortunate in our life, and our job now is to create opportunities for those who wouldn’t have them otherwise and let them carve their own path in life.” Inspire & Ignite 2025 is creating these opportunities through its three priority funding initiatives: Access & Affordability, Academic Enhancements and Athletic Needs. Currently under construction and in the community phase of fundraising, the future Science & Innovation Center will be a hub for Regis Jesuit students, alumni and faculty to gather and collaborate in an interactive, hands-on space where they can form big ideas to solve real-world problems, informed by a conscientious, compassionate mind. The building will also be a front door to Regis Jesuit and house our alumni and industry engagement center, a space for alumni to network with one another and mentor current students. Sean is a strong proponent of our RJ Connect programming that partners alumni with students, saying “If you have the chance to impact one person, and they go on to solve a problem facing our world, I would bet that student comes from Regis Jesuit.” With this new facility, increased financial aid resources and athletic upgrades, Regis Jesuit will serve boys and girls in a way that honors the McNicholas family values and their legacy of philanthropy. Together, the McNicholas family and all the Inspire & Ignite 2025 current and future donors are working to fulfill the mission of Regis Jesuit: create Men and Women with and for Others. It takes a community of

supporters and believers to keep this mission moving forward. The McNicholases are truly a family with and for others, proud to support Regis Jesuit as we move boldly forward. Sean and his family are honored to support such a transformative organization, saying, “what we do has to serve a bigger purpose. That is the key part of the RJ community. I wouldn’t have come to that understanding without Regis Jesuit being a part of my life.”

Pictured below: Back Row: Shannon Fitzgerald, Brendan McNicholas '96, Bryan Fitzgerald '01, Mary McNicholas, Sean McNicholas '92, Eimear McNicholas and Audra McNicholas. Front Row: Caoimhin McNicholas, Ivy Fitzgerald, Seamus McNicholas, Avalynn McNicholas, Mabel Fitzgerald, Fiadh McNicholas and Aralilia McNicholas.

Moving Boldly Forward


Moving Boldly Forward

Regis Jesuit is moving boldly forward by constructing a Science & Innovation Center, increasing Access & Affordability and Enhancing Athletics. The impact of the ongoing generosity of the Regis Jesuit philanthropic community is immediately recognizable on campus. The buzz of construction on campus and the excitement of 1700 students from all backgrounds is a welcome reminder of the progress we’ve made towards Inspire & Ignite 2025, our vision for access, innovation and excellence.

GROUNDED IN GRATITUDE Thank you to our many mission partners who have helped advance the vision early on. Alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends alike have made leadership investments in the quiet phase to ensure the growth and success of Regis Jesuit's mission and vision. This is a true demonstration of what we can achieve when we come together to work towards a common goal. The deep faith, commitment and generosity of the Regis Jesuit community has created tremendous momentum towards our shared vision of giving students more opportunities to create solutions for problems that serve the common good.

MILESTONE ACHIEVEMENTS While we move boldly forward, it is also important to stop, reflect and celebrate what we have collectively achieved so far: Access: Every qualified student who desires a Jesuit education should have access to Regis Jesuit. Thanks to continued donor generosity and the school's commitment to endowment growth, together we are able to provide students the opportunity for a Regis Jesuit education that might otherwise be beyond their families' means. For the past four years, we've elevated to serve one in three students with financial aid, with the average award being almost 60% of tuition. Innovation: We’ve broken ground (and then some) on the 65,000 square-foot Science & Innovation Center. This state-of-the-art facility, that will also serve as a front door to campus, will enable our students to utilize hands-on learning to build the skills they need to become leaders in current and emerging STEAM fields. With sustained generosity from our donor community, we aim to have this building fully funded and constructed for use during the 2023-24 school year. Athletics: As part of an ongoing campus master plan for athletics, we are addressing the first of many athletic initiatives to resolve space deficits while elevating overall excellence. In phase one, we are focused on relocating and enhancing our tennis facility, adding two new artificial turf athletic fields and increasing campus parking. These plans are in place, and with the continued generosity of our spirited RJ community, we aim to first break ground on the tennis facility this spring and fully fund and finish the project by the start of the 2023-24 school year.



Moving Boldly Forward

TOGETHER AND FOREVER FORWARD While we celebrate the progress toward fulfilling our funding initiatives, the momentum we have realized is only part of the whole journey. As we embark on the community fundraising phase, we welcome and need the support of our entire RJ family. Our next milestone goal this school year is to raise $8 million, and our students are counting on us to deliver. There are still so many opportunities for mission partners to make their mark and leave a lasting legacy for current and future generations at Regis Jesuit. Every gift is essential to realizing this vision for our students, and we welcome your support! Just imagine, in 2025, even more families will have the financial aid they need to send their children to Regis Jesuit. Young men and women will discover their gifts and talents through hands-on learning and collaboration in the Science & Innovation Center. Athletes will practice, compete and lead in better-equipped facilities. Join us and be the reason our students become Men and Women with and for Others.

With our philanthropy, our goal is to foster transformative and meaningful experiences for all students within the Regis Jesuit mission."

Pictured above at the Science & Innovation Center groundbreaking are the the RJ community members who created the initial momentum for Inspire & Ignite 2025, from the first donation to historic leadership gifts: Jim and Kathy Jo Toole, Rodney and Molly Marchand, Neal and Keri Dermer, Dick and Mary Pat McCormick, Sean McNicholas '92, Mary McNicholas, Tony and Amy De Simone, Mike '67 and Maureen Hendricks, John and Angela Schmidt (not pictured), along with Regis Jesuit students, administration and board leadership.

– Anthony & Amy DeSimone –



Moving Boldly Forward

JOIN US IN BUILDING A BRIGHTER FUTURE Regis Jesuit is moving boldly forward toward a future with more opportunities, more access and more Raiders serving our world, all for the greater glory of God.

I feel my gift to Regis Jesuit will live for the next 150 years, whether it be in bricks and mortar or in scholarships that inspire students to make the world a better place." – John Sheridan '76 – 28


Learn more about our strategic vision and make your gift in support of Inspire & Ignite 2025 »



FACULTY & STAFF GIVING Regis Jesuit values the philanthropic support of our faculty and staff, in addition to the sharing of their time and talents with the Regis Jesuit community. Thank you to the 130 employees who contributed $183,082. Participation is based on tax-deductible gifts and in-kind donations made within a fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.


Dustin Dvorak

Jennifer Meyerrose

Scott Alcorn '99

Annie Etling

Paul Miller '04

Shannon Aquino

Katherine Fay

George Mitsuoka

Susan Atwell

Merideth Feik

Chris Mixon

Kristen Batcho

Sandra Ferraro

Mary Muldoon

Dana Bauer

Daniel Filleman

Paul Muller

Tim Bauer '88

Shayla Frederick '14

Sean O'Dea

Jason Beyer

James Goeke, SJ

Dee O'Neill

Bob Bowers

Anna Gough '07

LaRae Onorato

Chris Boyle

Kelsey Greiner

Kelly Pearson

Charisse Broderick King

Laura Hall

Jon Powell '95

Jim Broderick King '87

Diana Haney

Eric Ramirez, SJ

Ginger Brown

Mark Heidenry

Kenny Ramos

Kirstyn Brown '08

Tami Hogan

Bruce Raymond

Bryan Bruno

Trevor Jackson

Bridget Rector

Marianne Buehler

Skip Jensen

Peter Reiser

John Buxton

Laura Jones

Kristin Repaci

Bob Capstick

Jordan Jones, SJ

Molly Roberge '10

David Card '87

Alivian Jorgensen

Sandy Robertson

Amalia Cardenas Cano

Regine A. Joulie-Kuttner

Tom Rochford, SJ '64

Bethany Carmellini

Saj Kabadi

Kevin Russell

Lindsay Casas

Heidi Kabadi

Mindae Russell

Erin Cassidy-Cernanec

Melanie Kelley

Trina Sandler

Liane Cattelino

Alejandra Kemp

Sarah Sherwood

Michelle R. Clock

Gretchen Kessler

Celeste Siade

Catherine Cole

Matt Klassen '98

Ryan Taylor

Chris Cook

Elisa Krapcha

Ben Teeples

Will Cropper '98

Megan Langfield '10

Bryan Timme

Lindsay Cummings

Joey Lechuga '03

Syd Timme

Brian Davenport '04

Jian Lin

Jimmy Tricco

Adam Dawkins '98

Adam Lomas '10

Cameron Turner '04

Jamie Dawkins

Jenny Lynch

Rick Werbylo

Kristi Dindinger

Paul Malsam '83

Ryan Williamson

Tom Dobbins

Molly Marchand

Billy Willson

Mike Doherty

Kelli Mattacchione

Kathleen Willson

Kelly Doherty

Anthony Mattacchione

Sophia Wilson

Elvira Dominguez-Stebbins

Jackie Maxfield

Dan Woodley

Brad Dorais

Patty McCulloch

Karen Wuertz

Kati Dorais

Pat McIntosh

Mary Zimmerman

† Deceased





GENEROUSLY CONNECTING FAITH, CHARITY & COMMUNITY For Mike ’67 and Maureen Hendricks, all roads lead to Catholic connection and community—and especially to Regis Jesuit High School, which, they say, epitomizes Ignatian spirituality and the Catholic moral approach. That’s why the couple has supported the vision for Inspire & Ignite 2025 and its future Science & Innovation Center with a transformative gift. In honor of their generosity, the school's new main entrance to campus will be named Hendricks Way. “For us, Catholic threads connect everywhere, over and over,” said Mike, who was raised in Denver as the second oldest of nine children, and to this day has a wide circle of Catholic friends and business associates, including many alumni of Regis Jesuit. Mike followed his older brother to Regis Jesuit, and nearly 35 years later, his son Mike, Jr. graduated in 2001, and he’s sure his granddaughters and grandsons will attend one day too. “The Jesuits know how to build community,” said Maureen, whose father attended Regis High School in New York City. Maureen met Mike while she was teaching at a parochial school in the Denver area and later, she became involved with RJ—working in the lunchroom and making homemade cookies. She also volunteered for various Catholic and social organizations.



“Kairos taught our son to speak up and be a leader,” says Maureen, “and those values have stayed with him to this day.” She regrets that they couldn’t send their daughters to Regis Jesuit because the Girls Division didn’t yet exist. Mike added: “Our daughters had community at their schools, and they’re also very good people, but they missed out on the kind of Catholic community our son got at Regis. We really appreciate the school’s Catholic-centered approach to the world, which is so necessary today.”

join me and Maureen in supporting educational experiences at Regis Jesuit where students can grow in their faith and their relationship with God.” More than 20 years ago, Mike started the First Friday Choir at Regis Jesuit, to bring fathers and sons together for liturgy. Today, the monthly morning Mass, which celebrates the Jesuits long-held dedication to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, draws parents, students, coaches and their teams, faculty, alumni and even nearby parishioners. And Mike still plays guitar with the choir.

Mike’s commitment to Catholic education also is deeply personal. He attended St. Thomas Seminary for two years and worked in religious education for Catholic parishes in the Denver area. He taught Theology at Regis Jesuit for three years. Through lunchtime conversations with science teacher Bob Guptil, he rediscovered his love of earth science, which manifested first in Guptil's classroom during his senior year. In search of a deeper understanding of the natural world, Mike next earned master’s and doctorate degrees at the Colorado School of Mines. He became an oil and gas geologist and today continues to work prospecting in the western states.

Of their support for the Science & Innovation Center, Mike says, “I encourage others to join in supporting the Science & Innovation Center. First of all, they need space that is dedicated to science and technology. Those are big needs of society and also needs of the school. The fact that the building will be centered between the boys and girls buildings will help the students feel like they are all part of the Regis community." Maureen adds: “I have total faith in the leadership of the school. They’ll do the science building very well. Nothing they do isn’t done well.”

“We’ve been really fortunate, and it’s our pleasure to give back to the school,” says Mike. “Regis has done a lot for me and my family and continues to do a lot for people throughout the Denver area. I hope others will

Pictured above at the Science & Innovation Center Groundbreaking Celebration: Back row: Brayden Boyd, Megan Boyd, Michael Hendricks ’67, Maureen Hendricks, Molly King, Kevin King, Michael Hendricks Jr. ’01, and Katy Hendricks. Front Row: Raegan Hendricks and Tripp Hendricks.


Class of 1945 Participation -12.5%

Class of 1954 Participation - 11.9%

George E. Reid t 8

William P. McDonald t 13

Richard O. Campbell t 24

Larry B. Vifquain t 8

Walter J. Seaman t

James C. Fattor


Richard E. Nemechek t 4

William† F. Hoover, USAF (Ret.)

James C. Verretta t 2

Class of 1948 Participation - 8.57%

Class of 1955 Participation - 2.13%

James M. DeFrancia t 3

Robert E. Deline t

James P. Ryan t 2

Michael P. Gallagher

Class of 1956 Participation - 8.95%

Dennis K. Primavera t 18

Class of 1949 Participation - 14.29%

John A. Geraghty t

William J. Uebelher t 19

Daniel J. Cronin t 7

Robert R. Olson

Class of 1960 Participation - 11.27%

William D. Hardigan t 6

Terrence E. Reynolds

J. Daniel Casey t 10

George A. Hovorka t

T. Michael Walsh t 4

James S. Doyle III t 6

T.J. Rademaker t 24

Michael A. Yoksh t 7

Mark V. Earley t 8

Class of 1950 Participation - 10%

Class of 1957 Participation - 22.58%

Fred W. Gibson t 11

Raymond Johnson t 4

John D. Bell t

Ernest Marine

Fred T. Kottenstette

Michael R. Boian t 2

George Marron, Jr. t 6

Thomas F. Brennan t 9


Joseph E. Waters t 13

Regis Jesuit values the philanthropic support of our alumni. Thank you to the 762 alums who contributed $1,443,986. Donors are recognized for tax-deductible gifts and in-kind donations made within a fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30. Participation percentages are listed for each class and based on living alumni. Alumni who have supported Regis Jesuit for two or more consecutive years are part of the Raider Club (noted with t).

762 alums contributed


607 Raider Club members

Class of 1959 Participation - 13.11%

John A. Kintzele t 4

Class of 1947 Participation - 2.13%

John W. Tallon


Albert E. Seep, Jr. t 20


Eugene A. Blish t 15 C. Richard Byrne t 5 Dennis R. Floyd t 4


Paul Kirley t 6


Dennis J. Tangney t 15

Robert J. Lauvetz t 4 Frank M. Messenger t 4 Thomas J. Wegs t 2

Donald R. Cunningham t


Richard M. Dutton t 13

Class of 1961 Participation - 43.66%

Steven R. Forness t 26

Ray M. Amolsch

Russell K. Haskell t 16

Rodney A. Card t 8

Craig A. Hibbison t 17

E. George Cavalieri

Michael Ludwig t 7

Regis J. Colasanti

Class of 1952 Participation - 6.25%

Charles B. McCormick, Jr. t 13

Colin V. Conway t 11

Larry T. O'Hayre t

Thomas J. Deats

Joseph L. Chase t 7

Mark Reinecke t 7

Benedict A. Domenico

Ronald T. Shannon t 5

Dennis J. Seitz t 12

Brian F. Dompierre

Paul† E. Tauer t 8

Dennis E. Starbuck t 2

Thomas G. Elliott

Class of 1953 Participation - 12.5%

Class of 1958 Participation - 9.46%

Daniel J. Buckley t

Fred A. Albi t 5

Class of 1951 Participation - 7.89% Charles A. Atler t 17 Eugene A. Dell t 9 Douglas E. Nielsen t 10



James M. Coughlin

Joseph P. Chirichigno t

William R. Earley t 7

Charles L. Johnson t 22

Rich Hamilton t

Gary W. Powell t 11

† Deceased



William E. Gahr t 2 Frederick M. Hamel James A. Heiney Michael M. Kendrick t 13 Patrick A. Lyness t 8 Perry F. Lynn, Jr. t 3 2021-22 PRESIDENT'S REPORT


ALUMNI GIVING Steve McNichols, Jr.

David J. Kasik t 10

Harold V. Nothhaft, Jr. t 3

Stephen L. Clapham t 17

Donald E. Mergen t 10

Class of 1964 Participation - 11.38%

Thomas E. Keenan

Mark E. Prose t 6

Gerhard T. Schwark t 8

Stephen F. Mueller

John P. Box t

William Lamberton t

David T. Murray

Francis X. Byrne, Jr. t

Thomas† M. O'Dorisio t 5

John R. Etzkorn t 14

Martin J. Mooney t 17

Robert H. Pollock t 8

Class of 1969 Participation - 20.69%

Frank W. Gold, Jr.

Brian M. O'Meara

Joseph R. Simsick

John F. Abegg t 4

Alan Huber t 7

Robert P. Sedar t 9

Richard L. Stein

William F. Burns t 8

John M. Hughes, Jr. t

Scott S. Spinney t 3

H. Michael Tramutt t 2

Glenn G. Churchill, Jr. t

Stephen A. Klein t 9

Stephen E. Valente

Daniel A. Kullas t 12

Dennis J. Johanningmeier t 2

John E. Vos

John P. Harrington t

Loren L. Losh t 2

Class of 1967 Participation - 12.59%

Kenneth W. Galasso t 3

V. Maxim Lucero t 23

Thomas B. Walmsley t 5

Glenn J. Amorosia

Patrick J. Kelly t

Timothy J. McGuire

Richard H. Wander

John E. Morrison, Jr. t 3

James B. Wanebo

Thomas Rochford, SJ t 7

William O. Wieder

James C. Schmidt t 8

Robert A. Wolz

John A. Caruso

Steve Watson t 20

John M. Chavez t 20

John F. Sauer t 3

Class of 1962 Participation - 11.11%

Class of 1965 Participation - 10.48%

Michael J. Doyle t

Michael W. Schulte

Louis R. Gerken t 14

Gerald T. Sullivan t 3

Daniel P. Archer

Gerald A. Baer, Jr. t 22

John C. Giardino t 7

Stephen S. Swanson t 6

Robert E. Armstrong

David F. Carr t 26

Michael J. Gordon t 6

William B. Swigert II t 5

Robert H. Bell, Jr.

William J. Fortune

Michael L. Hendricks t 7

Theodore M. Beringer t 7

J. Michael Thornton t 10

John C. Hawley

Terry J. Jameson

Marshall† C. Crouch III t 23

Ewald J. Tuchscherer t 3

Michael A. LaConte

Frank Kelly t 4

John J. Dobel II t 12

Donald S. Ziska t 3

Richard N. Lyons II t 13

Robert A. Pasquariello t 2

M. David Maloney t 7

Robert M. Malone t

Herschel A. Potts t

Robert M. Pacheco t 3

Thomas F. Messenger t 12

Andrew F. Rogers t 14

Richard M. Scherer t 5

Karl W. Sauer

William E. Straw t 2

Daniel W. Carr t 24

Class of 1968 Participation - 12.15%

Gerard J. Caruso t 9

Thomas Brennan

Joseph B. Feiten

William Durlin t 12

Class of 1966 Participation - 14.68%

John P. Brovsky

Bruce A. Kaup t 4

Michael F. Grace t 9

John A. Blixt t 4

Michael Gallardo t 10

Stephen L. Matt t 2

Michael J. Kellogg t 26

Joseph T. Botinelly t 4

Robert M. Hurley t 4

Daniel V. Sheehan

James E. Kurtzman t 6

Lawrence P. Brookman t 4

James A. Jacobs t 7

Ronald J. Snow

Brian M. McGuire

Daniel C. Davis t 2

John J. Kammerer t 2

John Wessling t 10

Gerald A. Wall t 4

James Duggan t 4

Thomas M. Kennedy

John F. Ezell t 2

Gregory J. Mangan t 4

Stephen P. Hall t 6

Francis X. McGrath t 4

Leslie J. Huber

Daniel T. Morris t 12

William E. Wagner II t


Class of 1963 Participation - 8.22%



2 4


William J. Lundell t

Robert J. Zarlengo t



Thomas K. Angerer t 2


Richard L. Schraeder t 26 Joseph F. Stucka t 13

John† L. Archambault t Eric J. Boden t


Peter J. Tynan t 9



Class of 1972 Participation - 6.19% James R. Guthrie t 5

Michael L. Reidy t 26

Patrick D. Mariano t 9

Martin E. Schuster, Jr. t 3

Terry J. McMaster t

Warren D. Thach t 8



Michael L. Raisch t 2 7

Martin T. Waters

David Ciancio t 5 11


Carlton S. Pearse t



Class of 1973 Participation - 5.56% Michael C. Byrne t 7

Class of 1970 Participation - 9.35% Patrick Argall t 3

Timothy J. Clifford t 6 Robert H. Deline t 3 Joseph P. Huggins t 5 John M. Pavlakovich t 3 Patrick J. Wolke t 7 Charles A. Zeman

Class of 1974 Participation - 13.33% Anthony S. Bertollt t 10 William P. Crossen t 3 Stephen H. Davenport t 26

Edward J. DeFrancia t 8

William C. Diss t 2 William D. Fanning t 6 Lawrence P. Finch t 15 Gerald J. Guida t 9 Eugene R. Lucero t 2 Leonard H. McIlvennan Daniel P. Murray, Sr. t 15 Daniel E. Piro t 12

Class of 1971 Participation - 4.92%

Steven P. Rusley t 3

Brian J. Brada t 3

Mark A. St. Peter t 3

Christopher Cella t

Theodore C. Sillstrop t 11


† Deceased


Class of 1978 Participation - 6.03%

Class of 1980 Participation - 5.38%

Michael A. Huckeby t 17 Andrew J. Nemechek t 3

Class of 1985 Participation - 7.09%

Rex D. Wiederspahn t 3

Sean E. Bendel t 3

Mark Armistead t 3

David J. Sanko t 22

Patrick J. Casey t 4

Michael A. Zoellner, Sr. t 22

Joseph P. Cherry t

Tyrone T. Throop t 13 John Valenta, Jr. t


Class of 1975 Participation - 5.38% Thomas J. Carroll t 2 Stephen J. DiCroce t 12 James P. Driver t 7

David H. Arnold t


Daniel J. Gillis t 19 Mark R. Groshek t

Don A. Bechter t

Christopher A. McConnell t



Timothy B. Donohoue

William J. Novitsky t 17

Gregory J. Mayers t

Calvin J. Okey t 7

Eugene A. Naes, Jr. t 24

Timothy J. Huss t 23 Kevin J. Jarigese Joseph L. Schmid t 15

Class of 1976 Participation - 5.97%

Class of 1983 Participation - 5.41%

Amos Baca t 3 5

Class of 1979 Participation - 10.78%

Brian J. Hines t 9


James W. Rogers t



Matthew G. Brady t 6 Kevin G. Cernich t 3 J. Michael Jagger t 5 Paul Malsam t 4 T. Sean Riley t 7 Jeff Schmieder

E. Michael Bernhart t 6

Class of 1981 Participation - 2.26%

Lawrence M. Devereux t 4

Keith Champeau t 7

John P. Trogonoski

Fred J. Diss t

William Fleckenstein


Franklin R. Smith t 2

Class of 1984 Participation - 4.63%

James J. Clawson t 10 Toby Martwinez t 3 John W. McWilliams t 4 Michael E. Meis t 8 Trevor Mihalik Christopher J. Moon Rick Persichitte t 3 Matthew D. Rivera t 26 Fred A. Ziel t 13

Class of 1986 Participation - 3.2%

Michael J. Gerken t 5

Matthew F. Zeman t 3

Thomas P. Gleason

Class of 1982 Participation - 6.61%

Craig K. Campbell

Eric J. Nemechek t 9

Michael K. Champeau t 2

Brian J. Trembath t 20

Michael F. Armistead t 2

Edward A. Haley t 6

Alfred J. Zarlengo II t 10

Michael Przekwas t 3

Christian B. Barlock t 12

Matthew Maher t 2

John F. Sheridan t


Stephen A. Robertson t 6

Michael J. Dino t 8

James Riesenman

Richard P. Smith t


John G. Schuster t 5

Robert M. Dwyer t

John J. Smith t 6

John F. Ferraro t 15

Daniel T. DeFrancia t 2 Thomas C. Deline t 16 Michael G. Keeley Ernest P. Sanelli t 13

Marc D. St. John t 2 Allen B. Thach t 26

Class of 1977 Participation - 3.13% Thomas L. Coxhead t 2 Gregory J. Kerwin t 22 Michael G. Malsam t 4 Dennis M. Smith t 11

Mark J. Martinez Daniel M. Mondragon t



Michael J. Laber t 2


Class of 1987 Participation - 7.75% Edward L. Adams t 8 James W. Broderick King t


David Card t 7 Colin G. Daly t


Michael Henninger t


Monroe R. Henninger 21

David W. Occhionero t

Class of 1997 Participation - 9.33%

Class of 1999 Participation - 12.56%

Timothy M. Burke t 7

Mark D. Callahan t 4

David M. Barlow t 7

Scott Alcorn t 6

Bric A. Houlihan

Christopher W. Carr t

Frederick W. Long, Jr. t 4

Brian T. Davisson t 2

Eugene D. Sisneros t 3 Chad D. Williams t


Bryan J. Archer t 6 8

Thomas Simonson Eric Telgenhoff t

Class of 1994 Participation - 4.92%

Class of 1991 Participation - 4.8%

Christopher Lehr t 8 Rob R. McGregor t

Class of 1990 Participation - 4.76%


Charles Q. Beatty t 2 Joshua H. Maxfield t 7 John T. Pardun t 3


Nicholas Ereckson t

Cory Allington


Bryan Armstrong

Matthew Faiman t 2

Kevin Batt t 2

Matthew J. Dunker t


Jeffrey Hutcheson

Livingston Keithley t


Byron J. Levkulich t

Douglas W. Stout t 5

Class of 1995 Participation - 6.62% Shaun Bell t 10 Peter J. Coors, Jr. t 3 James M. Duran, Jr. t 6

Jeremy Bielski t 7


Christopher A. Matterson

Brian P. Bruchez

Curtis Meyer

Nolan Cella t 3

Mark Michalek t Seth Morgan t

Patrick Cole t 16


Gabriel Dance t 5


Joseph D. Nickerson t


Karl N. Smith t

Eric Feierstein Phillip Foster II

Kevin Ryan t 6

Anthony Giarratano t 4


Daniel F. Vanek

Daniel Howard Jeffrey A. Kummer t 2

Timothy S. Bauer t 16

Class of 1992 Participation - 11.83%

Nicolas J. Capra t 7

David Coffey t 13

John J. Mastro t 4

Michael Donovan t 3

Marcus Danneil t 4

Jon A. Powell t 4

Class of 1998 Participation - 11.76%

Nicholas J. Doran t 2

Kevin P. Doyle

Marcus Rausch

Brian E. Anzur

Andrew Hottovy t 13

Dan P. Haley t 12

Darren A. Jacoby t 7

Stephen Sweeney t 6

Michael Beatty t 11

Raymond R. Kuehl

Brian L. Johnson t 2

Joshua Kelley t 3

Harold L. Bruchez

Mark Larson t 9

Martin W. Maxfield t 14

Michael N. Kennedy t 11

Class of 1996 Participation - 10.29%

Justin Carter t 10

Christopher Levkulich t 10

Jay P. Rael t 5

Sean M. Kevelighan t 7

Kerry M. Cavanaugh t 3

Neil Cella t 7

Michael Nix t 7

Robert J. Reich t 24

Michael B. Lay t 2

Nathan Clark t 13

William Cropper t 4

Zachary Schmitz t 3

Steven G. Rotello t 10

Sean McNicholas t 12

Padraic J. Downey t 2

Adam Dawkins t 12

Eric Strassburger t 7

Louis A. Samaras t 2

Thomas Nagle t 2

Adrian J. Feijoo t 7

Benjamin W. Deal t 2

Ronald Sulewski t 2

Timothy Woods

Ronald J. Hottovy t 12

Timothy R. Gradoville t 8

Bradley Weinig t 8

Class of 1989 Participation - 6.98%

Matthew A. Houtsma t 14

Matthew Groves t 7

David S. Bennett

Class of 1993 Participation - 10.87%

Thomas P. Haffey t 2

Class of 2000 Participation - 7.85%

Matthew P. Burkley t 7

Jarrett Armstrong

James A. Lobato

James Houtsma t 11

Grant Borer

Alexander R. Gamueda

Kevin Beatty t 3

Daniel Luzietti t 13

Christopher Jensen t 2

Zachary Davis t 4

Michael Buhler t 4

Andrew J. Neff t 7

Matthew Klassen t

Brian Fagan t 8

Thomas M. Lotz t 2

Michael Landauer t 7

Andrew Newland t 13

Lloyd C. Loveland t 6

Brian S. Martorella t 2

David Orr

Michael E. Pardun t 3

Matthew M. Meredith t 7

Matthew Schmitz t 5

Michael J. Meyers, Jr. t 6

Nicholas Steiner t 13

Class of 1988 Participation - 7.64%

Aaron K. Lechner t 4

Kevin M. Potter Steven J. Ward t 2

Mark Rome Victor P. Valks t 6 J. David Warren t 7



Travis Lutz t 10

Joshua Lau

Gregory Spitzer

Ryan Gilmartin t 4

John F. Tierney, Jr. t 7

Aaron Greeno

Mark Laber t


Daniel Harrison t 5 Richard Hill, Jr. t 7

David Forsberg t 9


Conor McCallin t 8

Christopher Goldsmith t 4

Brandon Mencini

Nicholas Hassman t 6

Dan Miller t

Patrick Hutchinson t 4


Daniel W. Murphy t


Garrett Johnson

Andrew M. Schneebeck, Sr. t 7

Dale McDonald t 11

RJ Smith t

Ryan T. Meisheid t 8


Steve Tomasek t


ALUMNI GIVING Timothy Miller t 4

William M. Foy t 7

Cameron Turner t 11

Luke Mullen t

Evan K. Kirk t

Robert C. White, Jr. t 6


Paul A. Williams III t


John P. Krause t


Henry C. Wright IV t 2


Daniel J. Winter

Charles C. O'Brien III t 13

Matthew D. Zimmer

Russel E. Santillanes t 2

Class of 2005 Participation - 6.19%

Class of 2001 Participation - 11.05%

Kevin P. Savory t 2

Jeffrey M. Brandt

Class of 2003 Participation - 5.26%

Robert R. Burrell t 4

David R. Blakeman t 2

Brian P. Diss t

Joseph E. Dennison

Tyler W. Breuer t

Michael P. Eisnach

Ryan S. Armijo t



William C. Cryer t


Anthony J. Floro t 7

Jordan H. Hueseman t


Ryan D. Carr t 6

Chad M. Lomas t 2


Sener H. Degirmenci t 2

Joseph M. Lechuga t 8

John F. Odenheimer t 3

Collin D. Donohoue t

Trevor D. Mallo t

Timothy M. Reidy t 6


Michael L. Hendricks t



Ryan P. McGrath t

Kenneth Stable t 6


John M. Houtsma t 11

Ryan J. Menachof t 11

Andrew J. Hyatt t 12

John N. Pavlakovich II t

Jay L. Johnson t

Robert M. Stone t


Edward R. Kamicar t


Christopher E. Marion Gregory K. Mohrman Daniel J. Murray, Jr. t 6 Cyril P. Nigg t 2 Nathan S. Osborne t 2 Eric W. Robbins t 6

Class of 2004 Participation - 10.66%

Luke B. Wiedel t 5 Nicholas F. Woodward

Anonymous Matthew J. Dietz

Kyle A. Beard t 6

Alexander J. Kirk t 16 Ian D. Mahan t 7


Thomas B. Neumeyer II 7


Christopher T. Jewett t 6

John B. Queen t 7 Anthony W. Zarlengo-Reyther t 7

Class of 2002 Participation - 8.05%

Bradley F. Karr

Class of 2007 Participation - 4.7%

Roy O. Kopp t 7

Jessica D. (Gentry) Bates t 7

Matthew E. Anzur t

Douglas S. Lestikow t 7

Ryan W. Candee t 5

Alexander P. Aragon t 3

Kevin P. McAtee t 6

Zachary T. Fenoglio t 8

John R. Babcook t

Paul Miller t

Garrett B. Fugier t 2




Alexander F. Baum t 2

John M. Newland t 11

Tomas J. Gallegos t 6

Benjamin J. Brotzman t 7

Christian S. O'Dwyer t 8

Nicholas C. Geraci

Caleb M. Dance t 6

John J. Schafer III

Anna Gough t 8

Matthew C. DeAngelis t 3

Kyle A. Taggart t 7

Melissa A. (Ripper) Ingrum t 10

Steve M. Ereckson t 7

Raider Club members are noted with t along with their number of consecutive years of giving.

Eugene A. Naes III t 7


Christopher J. Hauber t Ryan E. Hulick t

Join the Raider Club!

Eric M. Lomas t 4

Tyler D. Borg t 2

Ryan W. Fitzgerald t 3

Robert J. Tuchscherer t 12

Class of 2006 Participation - 4.02%

Robert J. Armijo t 7

Christopher J. Doyle t

John A. Topolski t 6

Bryan K. Zerr t 11 Michael A. Zoellner, Jr. t 7


Michael P. Wilson

Brian Davenport t

Colin F. St John t 11

Timothy G. Tarr t 5 4

Membership in the Raider Club is extended to our loyal alumni donors who support Regis Jesuit for two or more consecutive years (fiscal year July 1-June 30). Gifts of any tax-deductible or in-kind amount are counted toward participation in the Raider Club. Special recognition is given to alumni who reach five years of consecutive giving and every five-year giving milestone thereafter. See page 17. Learn more »


Charles H. Kay t 7 35



ALUMNI GIVING Amy E. (Schuster) Kubik t 8

Catherine M. (Reidy) Kress t 8

Paul J. Marcely t 6

Adam C. Schmitz t 7

Tyler M. Martin t

Claire E. (Morlock) Smith t

Class of 2012 Participation - 1.23%

John K. O'Hagan t 3

Michael R. Schmidt t 4

Anthony M. Pidanick

Nathan R. Schraeder t 3

Nnaoma O. Agwu

Andrew J. Quirk

Sydney M. Swisher

Hope E. (Rupel) Roberts t 4

Hannah E. Stone

Evan J. Batten

Joseph C. Robertson t 4

Grant M. Whittelsey t 4

Madeline W. (Crawford) Roden

Patrick M. Sutherland t 2

Courtney D. Cochran

Andres B. Robles

Michael J. Harpole t 6

Kelly A. Schmitt t 7

Class of 2019 Participation - 1%

Ryan J. Tauer t




Class of 2010 Participation - 5.57%

Class of 2008 Participation - 5.07%

Richard M. Hess III

Class of 2013 Participation - 1.42%

Zachary L. Cornell t 7

Ruth M. (Case) Bartlett t 6

Shane R. Fisher

Kirstyn (Dutton) Brown t

Thomas P. Harpole t



Class of 2016 Participation - 3.91%

Brody W. Elliott t 2 William A. Goodwin t 3

Donovan L. Adrian t 2

Olivia M. Hernandez

Emma L. Bohn t 2

Tyler J. Ballinger

Sarah M. (Countway) Eby t 2

Eric J. Jackson t 10

Liren Chen t 6

Haylee M. Blach t 5

Brittany L. (Raab) Haugen

Surf S. Jones

Joseph P. Fasone t 8

Class of 2020 Participation - 1.32%

Abigail G. Braun t 2

Olivia G. Catalano t 2

Matthew D. High t

Logan J. Knox

Ashlyn B. Kammer t 2

Frances J. Butsch t 4

Sydney J. Cross-Watts t 2

John S. Jackson t 10

Megan D. (Dempsey) Langfield t 5

Erin F. Schilmoeller t 2

Jonah E. Cohen t 4

Lily R. Haugan t 2

Daniel J. Kellogg

Jonathan R. Law t 2

Ryan P. Tierney t 2

Sean M. McGrath

Evan W. Lloyd

Class of 2014 Participation - 3.71%

Timothy J. Daly

Geoffrey A. McVie t 3

Adam F. Lomas t 4

Uchechukwu O. Agwu t 4

Jaylem L. Durousseau t 2

Gregory McVie t 3

Charles D. Maguire III t 7

Brooke E. Barlock t 8

Thomas R. Gaessler t 3

Brian S. Nichols

Olivia Marks

Jennifer G. Biernat

Davis L. Handler

David A. Nowicki t 10

Molly Roberge t 4

Raymond M. Boyd t

Alaina E. (Rouse) Santos t 3

Paul J. Stanford t 4

Gabrielle F. Butsch t 2

Victoria E. (Scheid) Scherer t 5

Tyler E. Thomas t 3

Brian T. Cromie t 2

Andrea G. Tagtow t 5

Ryan P. Van Portfliet t 7

William R. Deines

Maria M. Nelson t 7

Michael A. Tilghman

Andrew E. Wax t 2

Sarah C. DeLuca t 6

Katie R. Schilmoeller t 2

John Michael Tomczak

Keegan C. Young

Shayla K. Frederick

Eric R. Williams t 7

Class of 2011 Participation - 3.5%

Rachel E. Gustafson t 2

Class of 2017 Participation - 1.93%

Samantha J. Kramig t 7


Andrew J. Bell t

Ryley J. Llorente

Patrick M. Heffernan t 5


Class of 2009 Participation - 4.29% Jordan A. Aguilar t


John M. Buretz t


Ashley N. (Craven) Beall t


Tyson M. Blach t 13

John L. Schmidt t


Chase A. Hoover t Mark X. Miller t 7

Christine M. Broski Theodore F. Chavez t


William S. Cobb III t 7 James J. Cunningham t

Ryan T. Maxfield Taylor K. (Bottom) Moore t 6

Hunter E. Loy t 6

7 5

Kathleen K. Maxfield Kristina A. Osredker t 6

Molly A. (Reidy) Montijo t 2

Class of 2015 Participation - 3.52%

Michael C. Moran t

John P. Brock t 3

Katherine S. Whittelsey t 6

Lydia K. Davidson t 3 Sydney E. Gillespie t 7

Class of 2018 Participation - 1.98%


Erin W. Root 2

Kassidy M. Maher


Kendra L. Schraeder t


Lucas B. Davis

Christopher A. Smith t


Alexander Strepman t 6

Erin K. Flynn t 8

Nate L. Sturges

Kyle S. Goodwin t 6

Lillian R. Butsch t 4

Anthony C. Hyatt t 7

Ashlyn K. (Frederick) Talamor t 4

Alec N. Jotte t


Ty A. Coen t 4

Rachel A. Jenkins t 5

Katherine E. Wierman t 3

Jack C. Maly t


Grace H. Marchand t 2

Jonathan M. Kent t

John W. Zimmerman, Jr. t





John B. Miller t 3

Kelli M. Maroney t 4

Davis E. Wetzel t 2

Class of 2021 Participation - 1% Zachary T. Cook John D. Fredericks Palmer C. Mahoney

GIVING IMPACT: Endowed Schol arships

Jake Jarman '12 Memorial Scholarship On June 20, 2022, 124 golfers, consisting of alumni, RJ teachers and past parents, along with 20 volunteers and friends joined in the Jake Jarman Barefoot Classic Golf Tournament at Meridian Golf Club. They honored Jake, the original barefoot golfer, on a beautiful day as they golfed and celebrated while raising funds for the Jake Jarman '12 Memorial Scholarship at Regis Jesuit High School. Michael Harpole ’12 and Wes Hackemer ’12 spent countless hours with Bryan and Kathleen Jarman planning and organizing this great RJ community event. Their committee consisted of other 2012 classmates: Do Jones, Brian DeLine, Matt Alley, Dylan Barnes, Cooper Cohen, Connor DeLine, Nick Willenbrock, Ryan Schmitz, Matt Boselli, Eric Heringer and Jake’s brother, Joe Jarman, from the Class of 2016. All of this for their love of their Regis Jesuit brother, Jake, who passed away in 2013. This amazing group came up with the idea to keep Jake’s legacy alive with an endowed scholarship at Regis Jesuit that will live forever in Jake’s name. These young alumni stayed committed to the task and raised well over the $100,000 threshold to endow this fund. This community of young men, their friendships, brotherhood and commitment to one another is truly an example of Men with and for Others. The first recipient of the Jake Jarman '12 Memorial Scholarship was selected from the current freshmen Class of 2026. We are blessed beyond measure by this community of friends and families at Regis Jesuit.

CONFIDENCE FOR THE FUTURE A strong endowment safeguards a vibrant future for Regis Jesuit and ensures that our school remains accessible and affordable. The primary goal of our endowment is to ensure financial aid for families who could not otherwise attend Regis Jesuit. It also helps us recruit and retain top faculty and fund missioncritical programming. Our goal is to grow the size of our endowment balance to $35M by 2025. With support from our generous donors—and wise management—our endowment will continue to grow steadily ensuring we can stay true to our mission for generations to come.

2021-22 IMPACT

Endowment Payout


Total Gifts Directed to the Endowment

Number of Endowed Scholarships



Who Is Stewarding Your Philanthropic Support? The Investment Committee, a subcommittee of the Audit & Finance Committee, is responsible for the overall management of Regis Jesuit High School’s investments, including the endowment that provides financial aid scholarships every school year through a 4% payout. As the annual payout from our endowment grows, so does the financial aid available to ensure a Catholic, Jesuit education remains accessible and affordable. The Investment Committee, chaired by Justin Carter ’98, is made up of 11 additional members, including Bryan Armstrong ‘99, David Card ’87, Thomas Dobbins, Jordan Harshman ‘11, Christopher Milinazzo ‘09, Jeffrey Nemechek ‘80, Nicholas Pavlakovich ‘82, Robert Reich ‘88, Steve Rotello ’88, John M. Schmidt and John L. Schmidt ‘14.



Endowed Schol arships

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Endowed scholarships at Regis Jesuit High School help provide financial aid to talented students with qualified need. The donors of these scholarships have made a significant investment to ensure future generations of Raiders can attend and benefit from a Regis Jesuit education. A named endowed scholarship requires a minimum contribution of $100,000 over five years, with an initial gift of $20,000. Once the fund is established, Regis Jesuit takes out 4% of the twelve-quarter rolling average of the fund to award each year. To learn more or make a gift to an Endowed Scholarship, visit regisjesuit.com/endowment. Jim Dunn '75 & Mike Dunn '78 Scholarship

Tony Mangus '88 Memorial Scholarship

Charlie Saulino Scholarship

Alumni Class Scholarships

Brian Massey '97 Memorial Scholarship

Schuler Family Foundation Scholarship

Armijo Family Scholarship

Karyn Errington Memorial Scholarship

Blessed Rupert Mayer, SJ Scholarship

Rev. Walter Sidney, SJ Scholarship

Armistead Family Scholarship

Clyde J. Fava Scholarship

Belibi Family Scholarship

Paul & Dolores Fry Family Scholarship

Charles '50 & Mary McFadden Scholarship

Walter T. & Mary Jane Sidney Scholarship

Vincent J. Boryla Scholarship

Paul & Helen Gargaro Scholarship

Jane McLaughlin Davis Scholarship

Smallwood Family Scholarship

Dan Campbell '54 Scholarship

Edward Hanifen '44 Scholarship

Kevin & Mary McNicholas Scholarship

Colette Smith Scholarship

Chairmen's Scholarship

Charles A. Haskell '55 Scholarship

Peter Chapman '98 Raider Scholarship

Milinazzo Family Opportunity Scholarship

St. Michael's Scholarship

Barbara May Hoffmann Scholarship

Clark Family Scholarship

Fr. Ralph Houlihan, SJ Scholarship

J.K. Mullen Scholarship

Pat & Aja Stokes Scholarship

George '56 & Mildred Coughlin Scholarship

Ignatian Scholarship

Murray Family Scholarship

Margaret J. Susac Sofia Scholarship

Jake Jarman '12 Memorial Scholarship

Fr. Chris Pinné, SJ Scholarship

Three Presidents Scholarship

Marshall '62 & Jane Crouch Family Scholarship

Jesuits of the Central & Southern Province Scholarship

Hayley '14 and Kat '17 Purcell Scholarship

Geneva Walbrach Trust Scholarship

Robert '48 and Annabelle Deline Scholarship

Gretchen Kessler Family Scholarship

Reidy Family Scholarship

Richard G. & Karen L. Walker Scholarship

Bill '66 and Sandy Lamberton Scholarship

Reinert Brothers Scholarship

Rev. Dave Wayne, SJ Scholarship

R.J. Demps '09 Memorial Scholarship

Melvin H. Levy '40 Memorial Scholarship

Mary Elaine Reum Scholarship Tom Robinson '64 Scholarship

Parker Bailey Witt '09 Memorial Scholarship

Fr. Edward Maguire, SJ & Br. Joseph Gockel, SJ Memorial Scholarship

William J. & Bernice T. Sanko Memorial Scholarship

Cale Woodley '16, Love in Action Scholarship

Thomas J. Mahon '42 Scholarship

Saracino Family Scholarship

Agape Scholarship

Ernie DeNapoli Scholarship Michael Doherty Scholarship Doty Family Scholarship

Fr. Steele Hope-Challenge Scholarship

RJ MOMENTUM MATCH RETURNS The RJ Momentum Match, which originally launched in 2019, is back by popular demand! Regis Jesuit’s Board of Trustees has made available another $500,000 that will provide a 1:1 match for gifts to endowed scholarships. The matching funds can be used to establish a new endowed scholarship with a commitment of $50,000 over five years, or for a gift of $10,000 or more to an existing endowed scholarship. Matching funds are available now through June 30, 2023 or until the matching funds are exhausted. To learn more about this program that is inspiring donors, visit regisjesuit.com/momentummatch.



The entire Regis Jesuit community benefits from the leadership and volunteer opportunities provided by our Raider Parent Association (RPA). We thank them for their generous service and commitment to the school.

Larry '74 & Lori Finch

RAIDER PARENT ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shannon R. Bell, Co-VP of Fundraising Jeannine Bernardi, Co-VP of Fundraising Nicolle E. Davies, VP of Communications Christa Golding, VP of School Activities Cheryl M. Hall, President Ashley Newton, VP of School Activities M. Bridgid Rawley, VP of Spirituality/Service Nicolle Rose, Mom's Club Liaison Melissa R. Strathman, Treasurer Mary Fran Tharp, Boys Hope/Girls Hope Mikhail S. Vafeades, Parent Diversity Liaison Christina U. Walljasper, VP of Social James P. Weyrauch, Men's Club Liaison

Pictured: Larry '74 and Lorri Finch (pictured left) and Conor McCallin '98 (pictured right) were awarded the SJFR Outstanding Service Award at the 2021 President's Reception.

Larry and Lori Finch are long standing supporters of Regis Jesuit High School. Larry’s involvement with Regis Jesuit dates to the North Denver campus where he graduated in 1974. Larry and Lori reconnected fully in the life of the school when their own children began attending in 2006. Larry became a member of the Board’s Audit & Finance Committee in 2007. In 2014, he was elected to the Board of Trustees and served as its treasurer. He then was elected to serve as chair of the Board in 2018 leading the development and adoption of the Inspire & Ignite 2025 strategic vision. In his role as chair, he was extraordinarily patient and graceful, bringing many different skills to the project during very demanding times. Thankfully, he agreed to continue his service to Regis Jesuit on the Council of Regents. Lori Finch served Regis Jesuit in her own right, especially while her children attended. She served on the School Advisory Council, including as chair – a role for which her background and expertise in education were well-suited. Lori and Larry are also passionate supporters of the Children's Diabetes Foundation and together, they truly represent what it means to be Men and Women with and for Others.

Conor McCallin '98 Conor McCallin began distinguishing himself even before he graduated from Regis Jesuit as a member of the Class of 1998. Conor was involved in the Drama Club, served as editor of the Raider Review newspaper and was named a Raider Man. For the past 17 years, Conor has generously shared his business acumen and expertise in the finance and banking industry by serving on the school’s Investment Committee. He served three years as its chair, shepherding the phenomenal growth of the school’s endowment from $15 million to $27 million during that time. Nominated for the Denver Business Journal’s “40 under 40” in 2013, Conor has served as a guest speaker for RJ finance classes, donated his skills as a pilot for private flights auctioned at LARK, and has been a stalwart supporter of scholarships ensuring the access and affordability to deserving students. Moreover, Conor has committed himself to inspiring his classmates to get involved and give back to their alma mater, particularly through LARK. When he was elected in 2015, Conor became the third McCallin in a row—after his father, Dan, and his mother, Eileen—to serve as a member of the school’s Board of Trustees. Though Conor has completed his term as a Trustee, we know that his commitment to ensuring Regis Jesuit’s success is enduring. The St. John Francis Regis Award for Outstanding Service is bestowed annually at the President's Reception in commemoration of the namesake of Regis Jesuit High School. 2021-22 2021-22 PRESIDENT'S PRESIDENT'S REPORT REPORT

39 39

Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteer Excellence Drives RJ Success Volunteerism is alive and well at Regis Jesuit High School. The support of parents, alumni and friends through volunteer assistance at Regis Jesuit is at the heart of what the Raider community is all about – serving our communities by acting as Men and Women with and for Others. Their support is seen across campus in many different departments and myriad ways. We thank those who have dedicated their time, treasure and talent to supporting our students and mission!

Volunteers are an integral part of what we do to support our students. Many of our fundraising events would not be possible without volunteer support. Their efforts for these events help us to raise funds and provide tuition assistance for students. Thank you to our volunteers who make a Regis Jesuit education possible for so many students!"

The Raider Parent Association (RPA) volunteers shower our faculty with appreciation and love in so many way! The faculty and staff cannot express how grateful we are for Pie Day in November, Cookie Day in December, meals during conferences, and the special events during Teacher Appreciation week in May. We are so thankful for our parent volunteers!" –Michelle Clock–

– Kelsey Greiner–

Assistant to the Principal

Director of Donor Engagement and Events

I feel so blessed to be able to volunteer and give back. I give back because of all that I have been given. I volunteer at Regis Jesuit because it gives me the opportunity to meet wonderful families who are in a community of similar values and beliefs." – Cheryl Hall– RPA President and LARK Chair



HONOR & MEMORIAL GIVING This list represents gifts made to Regis Jesuit in memory of deceased members of the community or in honor of individuals who continue to advance the mission of the school. We pray for those who have departed our world and for those whose lives we continue to share. John† L. Archambault '67

Jeffrey Harrison, SJ

Michael R. Ryan '23

Megan Bain

Ronald† J. Hottovy

William† J. & Bernice† T. Sanko

Amanda† Carlson Baskay

Ralph D. Houlihan, SJ

Daniel† G. Sarlo

Thomas† J. Beatty

Jacob† S. Jarman '12

Charles Saulino

Kenneth† Bostdorff

Gretchen Kessler

Olivia† C. Shipp '16

Christine† E. Bramson

Nicholas† LeBois '00

Walter T. Sidney, SJ

Ben† Brownlee

Frank† Lucas

Connor† E. Sinks '15

Dorothy† O. Campbell

Edward† Maguire, SJ '43

Philip G. Steele, SJ '66

Peter† Chapman '98

Tony† Mangus '88

Nick Steiner '96

Kenneth† L. Chodil '04

Brian† P. Massey '97

Brian Strassburger, SJ '02

Class of 2020

Louis J. McCabe, SJ '58

Robert L. Sullivan, SJ '54

George† F. Coughlin '56

Andrew '16 & William '19 McCormick

Ryan† P. Sullivan '03

Marshall† C. Crouch, III '62

Rex and Christian Meirink

Ralph†, Theresa†, and Kurt† Vogt

Edward† '54 and Pauline† Curran

Margaret Myers

Joyce† Ward

Coleman† L. Dell '48

Rick† O'Dorisio '70

David† A. Wayne, SJ

Ernest† DeNapoli

Eugene† P. (Pete) O'Meara '70

Bret† J. Weller '89

Michael Doherty

Chris '08, Emily '09, David '16, and Annie '17 O'Neill

Rich, Kristin and Kate '25 Wilson

Allan M. and Nancy L. Pinné

Maureen Reidy Witt

Karyn† Errington Regina† M. Fales Anthony Genella '14 Todd Gervasini Emily Gerwick Joseph† Gockel, SJ

Christopher P. Pinné, SJ Carmen Quintanilla Mary† Elaine Reum Thomas† E. Robinson '64

Frank† Wisneski Earyle & Nancy Woodard Cale† D. Woodley '16 † = Deceased




Amos Baca '80

Burton and Carol M. Bennett

5280 Oral Surgery & Dental Implants

Christopher and Judy Bachmann

Jack and Cynthia Benson

Back East Home

Peter M. and Stacey E. Berg

Backyard Soda Co

Berkeley Homes

Timothy J. and Mary Beth Baer

Salvatore B. and Molly Bertolone

Kevin T. Bain and Barbara L. Burck

Big Bill's New York Pizza

Baker Seed Company

Big Blue Swim School

Ronald and Denise M. Balatbat

Big Kitchen Papers

Emily S. Ballinger

Donald J. and Christine E. Billings

Bandimere Speedway

Richard A. and Marsha N. Birney

Brad G. and Pamela M. Baptiste

Randy P. and Karen M. Blach

Christian B. '82 and Amy S. Barlock


Steven D. and Christianne L. Barney

Blair Family Foundation

Mathew J. and Pamela S. Barr

Donna Blair

Daniel and Eileen Barry

Ronald and Lisa Blair

Michael S. and Wendy M. Barry

Blue Sky Promotions

Vincent and Mary Bartholomew

D. Laird L. Blue and Stephanie Dunn

Russell E. Bartt and Joanna Y. Ortiz


Stephen G. Batuello and Kristy M. Suda-Batuello

Mark S. and Karen L. Blumhardt

Brian J. and Nancy E. Able Academy Roofing ACE Scholarships Jason and Kim Addlesperger Kenneth J. and Betty M. Adrian Agency Choice Agency of Credit Control, Inc Harry G. and Kendra L. Alcock Allana's Academy of Dance Guillermo and Annette M. Alvarez AmazonSmile Foundation Amos Associates in Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery Michael D. and Hoa Anastasio Keith P. Anderson Richard K. and Kristen J. Anselmi Apricot Lane Boutique Denise F. Archambault

COMPANIONS PARTICIPATION Regis Jesuit values the philanthropic support of our companions which include parents of alumni, grandparents and other friends of Regis Jesuit. Donors are recognized for tax-deductible gifts and in-kind donations made within a fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.



Archdiocese of Denver

Richard A. and Fanny Baum

Gregory and Karyll Armstrong

Andrew and Karla Bauman

Anthony J. and Christine A. Arnese Arthur Murray Dance Studio Arvada Center Michael Asarch Russell E. and Carol H. Atha Susan M. Atwell Audacy Denver Leigh and Lisa Augustine Andrew and Theresa A. Aye

Michael R. '57 and Ann C. Boian

Francis and Agatha Bauer

Bearded Man Coffee

BOK Financial Paul and Ronda Bollwahn Chad Boltz Daniel and Dorothy Bonnel

Charles Q. '91 and Sarah A. Beatty Daniel L. and Julie A. Bechtel Don A. '80 and Cara Bechter Sean and Mary Beirne

Boondocks Food & Fun Robert and Ann Bowers Richard Bowles John P. '64 and Vicki Box

Robert and Anne Beletic

Curtis and Suzan Boyd

Franck A. and Suzanne Belibi John D. '57 and Linda Bell

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado David and Rochelle Brackney

Robert H. '62 and Kathleen Bell

228 parents of alumni contributed

52 grandparents contributed

42 foundations contributed

169 corporations contributed





COMPANION GIVING Braincode Centers

Richard O. Campbell '54


Stacey A. and Michelle D. Campbell

Ruth Bramson

Nicolas J. '88 and Kelli A. Capra

Donald H. and Patricia O. Brandes

Robert and Carla Capstick

Michael and Ann M. Braun

Card My Yard

Breakthru Beverage Colorado

David Card '87 and Janalee Chmel

Breen Juice Laurie Breetz

Rodney A. '61 and Joan Card Cary S. and Christina R. Carlson

Kerry E. Brega

Eric J. Carlson and Celeste M. Siade

James N. and Pamela Brendel

Carpet Mill Outlet Stores

William J. and Lisbeth A. Breuer

Daniel W. '70 and Patricia A. Carr

Brinkerhoff Hospitality

Malcolm W. and Mariela E. Carr

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

Ethan P. Carter

Michael A. and Julie M. Britti James W. '87 and Charisse Broderick King Brooklyn's Sports Bar Barbara Brooks Scott C. and Susan L. Brown John Brownlee Arthur and Roberta Bruchez Dianne Bruhn Marc E. and Ghislaine G. Bruner Buckeye Vision Care Brian and Virginia Buege Friedrich J. and Marianne Buehler Brendan E. and Tiffany A. M. Burke Chris and Carol Burt Edgar W. and Caroline M. Butsch Butsch's Field Service For Heavy Equipment C. Richard '59 and Karen Byrne Francis X. Byrne '64 and Julia Coll-Byrne

Caruso Kitchens John and Judith M. Case Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception Liane Cattelino Kenneth J. and Eileen C. Cavanaugh Christopher '71 and Sharon Cella Donald and Rosemarie Champeau Charles Schwab Foundation Joseph L. Chase '52 Chef Zorba's Restaurant Jason and Jennifer Cherveny Fr. Elbert V. Chilson Joseph P. '58 and Linda Chirichigno Joel T. and Penelope A. Christman David and Carol Cise Citywide Banks Craig Clark Robert J. and Susan B. Clark James J. '85 and Jane F. Clawson Michelle R. Clock

Michael D. and Jennifer V. Cain

Stephanie M. Clouatre

Cake Crumbs

Clyfford Still Museum

John F. and Jennifer Callahan


Valerie Cameron

Coca-Cola Company Matching Gifts Program

Campbell Killin Brittan & Ray, LLC † Deceased

Christopher G. Coen and Jennifer R. Scholz-Coen Katherine Coleman Coloradical Colorado Oral Surgery Colorado Railroad Museum Colorado Spice Company Colorado Symphony Orchestra The Colorado Trust Eric E. Colsman and Marina Heusch Come Sit Stay Comedy Works Vincent Comisky Community First Foundation Community Outreach Foundation of the Inland Empire, Inc Concord Energy LLC Christopher and Ellen P. Cook Ann W. Cope Laura Cordier Jeffrey S. and Kristen S. Corporon Thomas J. and Brenda M. Coughlin James M. '53 and Mary L. Coughlin Shelley Coughlin Stephen E. and Gail T. Coury Jeremy Couture Creighton University Marshall† C. '62 and Jane Crouch Stephen M. and Stacy R. Crouch

Shane Daly

Ditch Witch of the Rockies

Dennis and Judy Danaher

Divine Design, LLC

Frank Dance and Carol Zak-Dance

Michael and Barbara Doherty

Daniels Fund

Dale C. Stebbins and Elvira Dominguez-Stebbins

Danneil Law, P.C. Cathy D'Attilo Stephen H. Davenport '74 Charles W. and Maryann J. Davis Kelly D. and Kathryn Davis Peter C. and Mary Frances Davis Rees F. and Barbara A. Davis Brian T. '94 and Stacy Davisson Rufino and Alejandra de Dios Dennis A. and Stephanie DeBobes Leo H. and Ingrid M. DeGreef Dave Dehart Lilian A. Del Barco Robert E. '48 and Annabelle Deline Robert H. '73 and Barbara Deline Thomas C. '76 and Margaret M. Deline Dell Technologies Martha Dell Frank A. and Deborah J. DeLuca George and Kelly S. Denlinger Denver Art Museum Denver Broncos Football Club Denver DBA Limousine Services

Deana Domsten Donahue Foundation Ann Margaret Donnelly Michael '88 and Tracy Donovan Brad J. and Katherine M. Dorais Barton and Anne Doubet James S. '60 and Karen Doyle Dream Dinners Stephen J. and Sheila Dreiling James P. '75 and Michelle Driver DriveSafe Driving Schools Mike J. and Susana E. Dugas Dick and Tam Duncombe Nathalie Duran David G. and Ann B. Durham Richard M. '57 and Patricia W. Dutton Michael and Michele M. Ebedes Eddie Merlot's Eddy Hotel Golden, LLC Dana L. and Nancy Eismeier Elixir Mind Body Massage James S. and Kathleen O. Eller Curt D. and Tami D. Elliott

Joe and Kim Crova

Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Michael P. and Wendee N. Crowley

Denver Zoological Foundation

Margie Ello

Dennis S. and Michelle Cullen

Neal D. and Keri Dermer

Empower Retirement LLC

Donald R. '57 and Sally Cunningham

David L. and Shelley J. Devening

Russell S. and Jeanie M. Engelbert

Kevin R. and Bridget F. Cunningham

Thomas and Heather Dewey

Roxane England and Robert Clark

Stephen D. Curran

Warren S. and Karen A. Dickinson

EOG Resources, Inc

Mike and Audrey Curry

Dietmeier Orthodontics

Terrance L. and Marianne Erbert

George B. and Marion G. Curtis

Marie Dimelow

Eric T. Rysner, DDS Family Dentistry

DA Davidson & Co

Martha Diss Sundby

Paul A. and Denise P. Erwin

Colin G. '87 and Amy E. Daly

Fred J. '79 and Annette M. Diss

William E. and Denise L. Estep

Kevin T. and Martina D. Ellmann



COMPANION GIVING Angela and Jon A. Evangelista

Richard G. and Jeanne H. Gaessler

John H. and Diana Haney

Michael and Erin L. Horstmann

David and Carol Johnson

James D. and Diane S. Evans

Henry L. and Amy W. Galan

Ramy G. and Julie A. Hanna

Peter and Kathleen Houtsma

Alana Jones

Steve and Ardie Evans

Paul J. and Jennifer M. Gale

William A. and Joan Harpole

James R. Hoy and Kelly M. Condon

Andrea Jones

John and Rebecca Fagan

Tomas J. Gallegos '07

Dolores Harr

G.L. and Linda Huffman

Carlo A. F. and Deanna M. F. Jones

Michael Fales

Brian E. and Katherine Gappa

Haselden Construction, Inc.

John M. '64 and Patricia M. Hughes

Gerry and Amy P. Jones

Farmers Insurance

Gargaro's Italian Bakery

Byron and Lisa Haselden

Timothy J. and Pamela G. Jones

Gregory and Cynthia Farrell

Frederick G. and Mary Lynn Garger

Ed J. and Jennifer L. Haselden

Andrew L. and Mary Frances S. Hummel

Zachary T. '07 and Alyssa L. '08 Fenoglio

Michael L. and Michelle Garnsey

Anne Hazelton

Robert J. and Callae Gedrose

HCA Healthcare Foundation

Charles and Linda Ferrari John F. '82 and Sandra L. Ferraro Timothy J. and Kristen M. Fete Art and Virginia Ficco William Ficke Todd W. and Lindsay E. Filsinger Lawrence P. '74 and Lori D. Finch Stephen A. Finn FIT Wealth Management Fitness Gallery Rev. John P. Fitzgibbons, SJ Don J. and Dawn G. Fitzmartin Stephen Flannery Brian F. and Catherine Y. Fleischmann Daniel Floro Kevin and C Foltz Michael E. Ford William J. Fortune '65 Frame de Art Jim and Kathy Franek Nolan D. and Linda Frederick David W. and Jacqueline B. Fredericks Ingrid Fretheim Damian and Wendy Friend Friends of Dinosaur Ridge Jasper R. and Jennifer A. Frontz Rev. Marcus Fryer, SJ Full Passage



Thomas P. and Dina J. Genella

Michael Hearley


Christopher L. and Laura A. Heath

Salvatore and Eileen Gentile

Heider Family Foundation

William A. and Barbara Gentry

Allan R. and Diana E. Heinle

Gerken Church Supply

Peter Heitman

Michael J. '79 and Susan Gerken

Henderson Insurance Agency Inc

John C. '67 and Erin Giardino

Michael L. '67 and Maureen M. Hendricks

Give Well Foundation Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park Goat Management Company Going Strong, LLC Gold Crown Foundation Goldman Sachs & Co Matching Gifts Program Steven L. and Lisa D. Goodwin Scott and Laurie Gough

Martin and Karen Hummel Dave and Margie Hunter Robert M. '68 and Sallie Hurley John and Mary C. Huycke Jason and Gwyn Inglis InSync Photography Intel Foundation Interwest J.K. Mullen Foundation Andrew D. and Anne T. Jacob

Robert J. and Victoria A. Jump Sajit U. and Heidi T. Kabadi Udaya M. and Mary U. Kabadi Mark and Diana Kachmer Scott and Joanne Kadous Kaiser Permanente Thomas J. and Pamela A. Kammer Patrick Kanouff Rohit K. and Rene C. Katial Gary M. and Bridget C. Keating Diane C. Keller

Michael '87 and Kristin J. Henninger

Bobbii Jacobs

Monroe R. '87 and Kelly C. Henninger

James A. Jacobs '68 and Michelle P. Fulcher

Mark G. and Melanie Kelley

Lawrence Henze

Jacqueline Marie Leaffer Foundation

Bob Kelly

Kelsey Herbert Hercules Industries Floyd and Alicia E. G. Hernandez Jose A. Herrera and Ivelise Zambrano-Herrera

The Kelley Family Foundation Walter D. and Cecilia M. Kelley

Robert G. Janda

Timothy A. and Susan Kerr

Jim and Tina Janelle

T. Timothy and Teresa G. Kershisnik

Janus Henderson Foundation

Michael P. and Elizabeth S. Kevil

Alessandra Jara Del Castillo

Alanna O. Kimmel

Richard M. and Alison Hess

Bryan and Kathleen Jarman

Kevin D. and Carol L. Kirk

Donald and Laurie Hicks

Corrine Jaster

Therese Klassen

Kimberley K. Higgins

Mary Jeffcoat

Andrew F. and Kathleen Kline

Andrew M. and Rene M. Jenkins

John W. and Juliet M. Knox

Bryan Gruley

The Virginia Hill Charitable Foundation

Greg and Sheila Jenkins

Mark Komoto

Michael J. and Teresa A. Gruley

Edward J. and Julia W. Ho

Thomas L. and Lindsay Konkel

Gugliotta Family Foundation

James M. and Michelle D. Jensen

Ross and Kristin Hoffmeyer Rick and Gay L. Hollar

The Jesuit Community at Regis University

Judith Kopperman

Rayfard J. and Mary B. Guillory Dennis R. and Bette R. Haase

Philip A. and Barbara B. Holmes

Joseph T. and Eileen S. Kottenstette

Roxanne Haight

Martin and Joanne Holt

Jesuit Community of Regis Jesuit High School

Jennifer B. Hallam

John Hoover

Joseph Hamilton

Mary T. Hoover

Brent L. and Kirsten B. Handler

W. David and Lori A. Hoover

Michael and Renee Haneghan

Dennis B. and Kelly M. Hopper

Kenneth S. and Susan W. Granader Craig and Joyce Grant Mark and Jennifer Gremmert Hank Grey

James M. and Young S. Jewell John and Florence Fortune Foundation Johnson Financial Group

John and Sarah Koslosky Dimitrios Koukoulomatis Kramer Portraits Tom E. and Jacqueline P. Kramig Gerry Kratz Jon R. and Kristen P. Kraus † Deceased

COMPANION GIVING Erik W. and Susan B. Kreutzer

Eugene M. and Meggan M. Macias

Richard and Mary Pat McCormick

Miyo Cafe

Anthony A. and Lisa M. Kriz

Richard J. and Kimberly K. Maez

Krystal McCoy

Molly Brown House Museum

Margaret Kruse

Magnify Signs

Rod McCoy

Monaghan Foundation

Dan and Monica Krygowski

Jeanne Maher

McDonald Automotive Group

Robert and Terri S. Monahan

Otto F. Kuttner and Regine A. Joulie-Kuttner

Thomas and Brenda Mahoney

Brian T. and Mayme L. McDonald

Rosemary Monark

Paul '83 and Donna M. Malsam

Michael S. and Jane F. McDonald

Casey Montoya

Mark and Melissa M. Manassee

George M. and Melissa J. McDonough

Monty Nuss Photography

Gerald J. and Alice L. Laber Joan Ladd Frank Laden William '66 and Sandra Lamberton Landow Performance Loren M. Landow and Michelle L. Nevin-Landow Martin J. and Allison E. Langenderfer Cory and Aspen Large Lauren Amble Designs Laws Whiskey House Alan and Marianne Laws Laxgear Le French Bakery Cafe David and Diane Y. Lennert Jeffrey R. and Heidi Lewis LexisNexis Risk Solutions Joseph J. and Laura D. Lico Jean Lindsey

Nancy L. Mangus John Mann Marcus L. and Laura B. Mann Thomas E. and Linda J. Manoogian Marathon Petroleum Company Rodney R. and Margaret M. Marchand Peter A. Marczyk and Barbara M. Macfarlane Daniel R. and Coleen A. Marin

Edward S. and Nancy M. McFadden Dennis and Sarah McGill Francis X. '68 and Christine McGrath Rob R. McGregor '87 J. Patrick and Kanna S. McGuire David M. and Susan L. McKee Mia McLaughlin Michael and Laine McLaughlin

Mark Stevens Photography

Michael A. McManus and Christine M. Rossi

Andrew D. and Pamela T. Marsh

McNeil Designer Portraits

Christopher J. and Melissa J. Martin

TKM Foundation

George G. and Tamera Martin

Robert and Pamela McPhee

Jeff and Donatella P. Martin

John W. '85 and Theresa M. McWilliams

Marianne and Ed Marvez Stanley P. and Linda J. Massey Stephen L. Matt '70

Michael and Sharon Meagher MedAesthetics Thomas and Suzanne Meirink

Terry and Cynthia Oakes Oaktree-Our Communities Matter

James O. and Dorothy J. Morrison

Joe O'Callaghan

Walter F. and Luette S. Morton Kimberly A. Mourani

David W. '87 and Karen D. Occhionero

Craig Mowers

M. Sue O'Dorisio

Michael M. and Mary D. Moyer

Michael J. and Mary Beth S. O'Hagan

Stephen F. '61 and Mary Mueller Joseph D. Mullen and Kimberly J. Evans William and Amy Munro Marty Murad John T. and Joan F. Murphy Daniel P. '74 and Denise Murray Drayton and Fairfax Nabers Eugene A. '80 and Lori M. Naes Nails & Co.

Gregory J. '80 and Lisa K. Mayers

Joseph E. and Cheryl F. Metzger

MBS Direct, LLC

John E. and Cheri Meyer

James A. '96 and Angela Lobato

Michael L. and Peggy McArdle

Jennifer Meyerrose

Barry Hansen and Frances Neff Hansen

Logan Bauman Memorial Fund

Brian E. and Debra A. McCallin

Michael J. Meyers '93

Andrew J. '96 and Brooke M. Neff

Grant and Maureen A. Lomas

Conor '98 and Heather McCallin

Steve and Julie Michalek

Rob and Diane Neirynck

Geoffrey G. and Martha Lord

Michael and Teresa McClaran


Nelnet Business Solutions Inc

Loren L. '64 and Susan L. Losh

Tiffany McClure

Lee and Amy Middlekauff

Douglas C. and Margarita L. Nelson

Lloyd C. Loveland '89

Christopher A. '78 and Collette M. McConnell

Donalyn Mikulich

Nancy C. Nelson

Tim and Karen Milanov

Andrew J. '82 and Dawn E. Nemechek

David A. and Anne M. Lynch Richard N. '65 and Jody Lyons M.A. Acupuncture † Deceased

John R. McCormick Matthew D. and Vanessa M. McCormick

Mile High Performance Golf Daniel J. and Ann Marie Milinazzo Timothy J. and Therese A. Miller George Mitsuoka and Lisa Park

Norris Design

Ron K. and LaRise P. Morley

Patrick E. and Carla D. Little

Nancy McConnell

Joseph D. '97 and Charity L. Nickerson

Stephen A. and Kelly P. Moran

Little Man Ice Cream Company

William J. '66 and Kim Lundell

Brian and Sarah Neylon

David A. '08 and Katherine D. '08 Nowicki

Martin W. '88 and Jacqueline Maxfield

David C. and Donna S. Loy

Sarah T. Newman

Troy Moody

Little Law Office, LLC

Meridian Golf Club

New England Cheese Making Supply Company

National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum Maribeth Naughton

Old Blinking Light Kitchen & Cocktails One Hope Wine OneHope Foundation Richard G. and Deirdre O'Neill Kenneth L. and LaRae Onorato Onyx & Blush Chris O'Reilly Cindy O'Reilly Mark M. and Melissa C. Osborn Sylvester and Theodora Osei-Fordwuo Lucille O'Shaughnessy Michael M. and Lara D. O'Shaughnessy OTG Athlete Christian and Jennifer Otteson Thomas J. and Jeanine C. Padilla Painted Lantern Candles Peter K. and Angela H. Pak Michael E. '89 and Taylor C. Pardun

Eric J. '86 and Katherine Nemechek

The Pardun Family

Richard E. '54 and Margaret Nemechek

Parker Music Academy James and Helen Paroline




THANK YOU CORPORATE PARTNERS! Corporate partnerships are instrumental in helping Regis Jesuit carry out our mission of forming Men and Women with and for Others. A special thank you to those companies that made taxdeductible gifts more than $1000, either in-kind or cash, within the 2021-22 fiscal year (July 1-June 30).

Timothy J. and Nina L. Pater

Kenny Ramos

Stephen and Moiria Sangalis

Patrick W. Sola Photography

Michael and Sarah Rappe

David J. '82 and Jan R. Sanko

John M. Pavlakovich '73

Robert L. and Patricia A. Rasmussen

Carol Ann Sass

Paw School

Samuel T. and Robyn A. Rasure

John F. '69 and Catharine T. Sauer

Pearl by Lela Rose

M Bridgid Rawley

Charlie Saulino

Peju Winery

Bruce and Michelle Raymond

Saunders Construction

Hector F. and Margarita Peralta

James D. and Helen Reed

Dean and Heather A. Savoca

Performance Now Theatre Company

Regis Jesuit High School Boys Division Lacrosse Team

Derek and Lisa Scarth

John Perkins

Regis Jesuit High School Men's Club

Betty Peterson Matthew J. and Denise M. Petty Alfred A. and Abigail T. Pfeiffer

Anonymous 5280 Oral Surgery & Dental Implants Academy Roofing Agency Choice Agency of Credit Control, Inc Archdiocese of Denver Berkeley Homes Big Blue Swim School BlackRock Brainspire Butsch's Field Service For Heavy Equipment Carpet Mill Outlet Stores Caruso Kitchens Chef Zorba's Restaurant Citywide Banks CoBank Colorado Oral Surgery Community Outreach Foundation of the Inland Empire, Inc Concord Energy LLC DA Davidson & Co Danneil Law, P.C. Ditch Witch of the Rockies Empower Retirement LLC EOG Resources, Inc

Farmers Insurance Full Passage Goat Management Company Haselden Construction, Inc. Henderson Insurance Agency Inc Janus Henderson Foundation Kaiser Permanente Landow Performance Little Law Office, LLC Magnify Signs McDonald Automotive Group McNeil Designer Portraits Monty Nuss Photography Nelnet Business Solutions Inc Norris Design Patrick W. Sola Photography Power Motive Corporation Saunders Construction Sempra Energy Shepherd's Stone LLC Spotify Tap A Keg Liquors Inc. Texas de Brazil Thrivent Financial Value Engineered Products, Inc

Those listed with logos made gifts of $5000 and above.



Regis Jesuit High School Raider Parent Association

Dennis Schaeffer Patricia Schafer Terence J. and Janet M. Schilmoeller Joseph L. '75 and Rebecca M. Schmid

William and Susan Piche

Regis Jesuit High School Swim & Dive Team

Anne Pierce

Robert J. '88 and Denise S. Reich

Allan M. and Nancy L. Pinné

Michael L. '72 and Jean F. Reidy

Marty and Linda Pinné

Peter R. and Kimberly R. Reiser

Daniel E. '74 and Pamela J. Piro

Thomas C. and Kimberly H. Renner

Jeanine Piskurich

Robert Resnick and Gail Fisher

Anthony S. and Katrina L. Plank

Resource Land Holdings, LLC

Martin L. and Connie H. Plumleigh

Stephen Reynolds

Pop! Arts

Stephanie Riggs

Jack T. and Judith E. Pottle

Stephen and Sandra Robertson

Drake R. and Caren G. Powell Jon A. '95 and Elizabeth A. Powell

Stephen A. '79 and Elizabeth A. Robertson

Power Motive Corporation

Rodeno Family Foundation

David A. and Dinah Powers

Thomas and Mary Jo Rodeno

Prayed by Hand

Stephen O. and Brigid O. Roe

John G. '79 and Theresa M. Schuster

PreFare Meals

Timothy and Kelly Root

Scileppi's at the Old Stone Church

Michael and Michele Preiss

John Ross

Shellie Scott

James S. Proctor and Eloise Rich

Rush Cycle

Dale J. and Maureen D. Seier

Dean E. and Susanne Pulver

James P. '55 and Rita Ryan

Sempra Energy

Pamela Purcell

Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House

Mark Shaffer

Pure Barre - Southlands

Saeman Family Foundation

William E. and Ann M. Shanley

Pure Dermatology Denver

John and Carol Saeman

Christopher Shaver

Kevin G. and Elizabeth F. Quinn

Darel and Joan Saindon

Shepherd's Stone LLC

Desireé Quintelier

The Salah Foundation

John F. Sheridan '76

Jay P. '88 and Diana R. Rael

Glenn R. and Trina L. Sandler

Matt and Sarah Sherwood

Michael L. '69 and Leslie Raisch

Mario R. and Rebecca O. Sandoval

Hays Shoop and Nancy Zupan Shoop

Schmidt & Associates LLC John M. and Angela M. Schmidt Barry W. and Ann L. Schmitt Schmitz Family Foundation David A. and Mary Jo Schmitz Jeffrey and Marcie Schmitz Andrew M. '98 and Amanda D. Schneebeck Richard L. '65 and Patricia A. Schraeder Robert and Melanie Schraeder Robert L. and Mary E. Schroeder Peter M. and Kirsten M. Schultze

† Deceased


Mark J. and Valerie Strawbridge

Joseph and Jerilyn Tierney

Darren A. and Julia G. Walsh

Eric A. and Rosemarie K. Wrede

Sign Gypsies

Stuart J. and Danute S. Strepman

Patrick W. and Sarah L. Tierney

Amy Wang

Henry C. and Jane E. Wright

Silent Partner Grants

Kirk A. and Cheryl M. Stuart

Bryan and Sydney Timme

Donald J. and Amy W. Wardynski

Thomas M. and Karen Wuertz

Silicon Valley Bank

Peter and Liz Stulz

Scott Timmester

Guy C. and Sarah R. Warren

Garrett Wynne

Silver Spoons

Suburban Toppers, Inc.

Ronald E. Timmons

Wash Fox, LLC

XCEL Energy Foundation

Harry Simon and Audrey Boxwell

Suerte Tequila

Barbara Tinucci

John Weaver

Jason S. and Christine M. Simon

Ronald J. and Marjorie R. Sulewski

Christopher H. and Julia J. Toll

Weckbaugh Foundation

Gebremariam Yesho and Shigwazua Kassa

Burt N. and Mary P. Singleton

Rick and Donna T. Sullivan

Jeremy J. and Holly A. Tostrup

Telly Weddon

Anne F. Sinks

William B. '69 and Dieanna M. Swigert

James and Kimo Trask

Thomas V. Weis and Mary Muldoon


Dennis M. and Margaret M. Weisbrod

Skin Essentials Medical Spa & Boutique

Thomas R. and Shelley R. Swisher

Ann Slocomb


James C. and Jodi M. Smallwood

Montgomery and Andrea Sykora

Dennis M. '77 and Adriance A. Smith

Michael N. and Paula J. Tagtow

Jeffrey A. Smith

Philip J. and Shelley R. Tamminga

Kathryn L. Smith

Chad and Kathleen Tanner

Matthew J. and Holly M. Smith

Tap A Keg Liquors Inc.

Roger M. Smith

Joseph P. and Lynn B. Tartell

Joseph Snyder

Paul E. '52 and Katherine A. Tauer

John I. and Dawn Song

Andrea L. Taylor and Michael Berger

Jim J. and Maureen Soran

Donald Taylor

Jerrold F. and Kristen A. Spaeth

Ryan and Michelle N. Taylor


Benjamin and Nancy Teeples

Randall J. Spierings and Carol A. Tynan-Spierings


Spotify Colin F. St John '01 Kenneth Stable '05 Lisa Stacy Staley Family Foundation Warren and Mary L. Staley Matt and Kelly Stava Patricia Steiner Earl and Dana M. Stephens Terence J. and Linda A. Stevinson Brian J. and Angela C. Storey Kyle Storjohann Monica Stoupa Chris H. and Marianne P. Strassburger † Deceased

Jimmy L. and Stacy R. Terry Fikre S. and Waynie W. Tesfaye Texas de Brazil Mary Fran and Tony Tharp The Ballet Physique The Links Golf Course The Perfect Polish The Shape of Wood Charles and Roseanne Thenell Kelly Thomas Richard and Karen Thomas Michael C. and Jane A. Thompson Thrivent Financial Gavin and Karin Throckmorton David and Maya Tidaback

Jeff Tricco The Harry Trueblood Foundation Adam L. and Kathryn H. Truitt Ewald J. '69 and Mary Tuchscherer Robert J. Tuchscherer '01 Eric L. and Barbara J. Tupler James M. Twombly Eamon J. and Jessica P. Twomey Ubergrippen Indoor Climbing Crag UBS Financial Services, Inc. Darin W. and Jil F. Underwood Unique Litho United Airlines Urban Air Adventure Park US Bank Foundation Robert D. and Beth Valdez Valley Country Club Value Engineered Products, Inc Peter A. and Lucy C. Van Dusen

Jon E. and Judy A. Weisiger Carl and Elizabeth Weller Christopher M. and Kyle D. West Thomas and Grace-Ann Westergren Western Union Elizabeth A. Whitenight

Cynthia M. and Mark Young James K. Younger and Jessica L. Mason Charles A. '73 and Lisa Zeman Michael E. and Anne D. Zilvitis John W. and Mary Zimmerman Anthony J. and Lisa A. Zinno Michael A. '74 and Nancy A. Zoellner Zotec Partners

James B. and Cindy L. Whitmore Robert M. and Stephanie S. Whittelsey Whole Health Center Rex D. '74 and Diane Wiederspahn Margaret Wierman Clint M. and Courtney E. Will Willamette Valley Bed and Breakfast David and Ella Mae Williams Jeffrey D. and Tracy B. Willis Aaron J. and Sophia N. Wilson Tom and Caroline Wilten

Vander Jacket LLC

Michael and Victoria P. Winterscheidt

Andrew P. Vander Ploeg

Pat and Cate Wisneski

Melvin and Eileen M. Vanek

Maureen R. Witt

Victor M. and Iryna Vazquez

Thomas V. and Mary Ellen Wittman

David E. and Susan V. Viereck

Michael Wojczuk

Vineyard Vines

David and Dawn Wolf

Madonna Vogt

William L. and Margaret A. Wood

William E. '62 and Marge Wagner

Michael D. and Aimee A. Woodard

Walking With Purpose

Daniel and Faye M. Woodley




REALIZING A VISION On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am honored to share that Regis Jesuit remains firm in its mission and commitment to the students and community it serves. I look at Regis Jesuit today and I see the fulfillment of potential, but I also see a deep well of possibility. I see the Inspire & Ignite 2025 vision taking shape, made real by the early supporters who created the groundbreaking momentum we needed to build an even greater student experience for every young man and woman that we have the privilege to educate. I know personally the power of Regis Jesuit – our two sons, John ’14 and Michael ’18, were formed into faithful, loving and successful men by the incredible faculty and staff on campus. My wife Angela and I agree that they are, without a doubt, our greatest achievements. We continue to support the school so that more Regis Jesuit students can grow into such excellent alumni and make a positive impact on our world. As Board Chair, I have the privilege to serve the school in a capacity that grants me the opportunity to speak directly to our most dedicated and loyal supporters. I’d like to thank every person listed in this report for believing in the eternal mission of Regis Jesuit. You are essential in guiding generations of young men and women toward lives filled with faith and purpose. I’d also like to thank the parents who choose to send their children to this outstanding school. Every student who attends is a vote of confidence in the work we are doing, and I offer you my deepest gratitude.



The Inspire & Ignite 2025 vision has been in the works for years, and witnessing it become reality is as awe-inspiring as it is motivating. While we have made significant progress toward our goals and experienced profound generosity from our community, we are not done yet. I invite the Regis Jesuit community to join us in creating a future where every student has the financial support, the academic resources, the faith formation and the cocurricular activities to become true Men and Women with and for Others. This year has been a monumental one for Regis Jesuit, and I look forward to embracing even more of our community members in philanthropy as we move boldly forward into 2023 and beyond, all for the greater glory of God. Sincerely,

John M. Schmidt Chair, Board of Trustees


93% Operational Revenues Tuition and Fees

FY21-22 $

Auxiliary Support Services TOTAL REVENUES


33,503,103 2,639,578



Total Revenues

Operational Expenses Student Programming Instruction and Operations

$36,142,681 $


Athletics, Clubs and Activities


Financial Aid


Total Student Programming


Management and Administrative


School Operating Expenses Subtotal







1,245,799 $


Total Expenses

CLOSING THE OPERATIONAL BUDGET GAP Philanthropic gifts were used to help fund the FY21-22 operating budget as well as advance the strategic vision of the school. See page 6 for total fundraising revenues including cash gifts, pledges commitments and in-kind support. The payout of $786,556 from the school's endowment for the FY2122 went toward helping to offset financial aid and other operational costs. See page 37 for more information on the endowment. The Regis Jesuit Board of Trustees, Audit & Finance Committee and Administration continue to focus on effective and efficient financial management in order to best support our mission and minimize increases in tuition.




93 cents of every $1 spent directly benefits student programming.



2022-23 ADVISORY COMMITTEES To help facilitate the decision-making process of the Board of Trustees, these subcommittees advise the Board on various focus areas identified from the priorities of the school’s Strategic Plan. Regis Jesuit is grateful to these individuals for their time, dedication and expertise.

2022-23 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Peg J. Bradley-Doppes

Irene McPhail May

Michelle D. Campbell

Kelly Millen

David Card '87

Diana R. Rael

Kristin R. Cully

Robert J. Reich '88

Kevin Dyer, SJ

Thomas Rochford, SJ '64

Marcus Fryer, SJ

John M. Schmidt*

James Goeke, SJ



Peg J. Bradley-Doppes* Lisha B. Burnett David Card '87 Justin Carter '98 Nicolle E. Davies Zachary T. Fenoglio '07 Jon R. Kraus Carla D. Little Kelly Millen Diana R. Rael Mindae Russell John M. Schmidt John F. Sheridan '76

Peg J. Bradley-Doppes Michelle D. Campbell David Card '87 James Goeke, SJ Diana R. Rael Robert J. Reich '88 Thomas Rochford, SJ '64


Irene McPhail May

Shannon Aquino

Mindae Russell

John M. Schmidt*

GOVERNANCE Michelle D. Campbell* David Card '87 Kristin R. Cully

John M. Schmidt

2022-23 COUNCIL OF REGENTS Gregory Armstrong

Guy H. Gibbs '47

Edwin J. Bernau

Ralph D. Houlihan, SJ

Kathleen Bernau

Gerald J. Laber

Julie Bunsness

Daniel J. McCallin '67

Richard O. Campbell '54

Eileen McCallin

Stacey A. Campbell

Caleb Meyer '93

Kenneth J. Cavanaugh

John E. Meyer

Susan B. Clark

Daniel P. Murray, Sr. '74

Molly J. Cohen

Eugene A. Naes, Jr. '80*

AUDIT & FINANCE Bryan Armstrong '99 David Card '87 Justin Carter '98 Neal D. Dermer Thomas Dobbins John C. Donaldson Lawrence P. Finch '74 Eileen Gentile Charles H. Kay '07 Jeffrey L. Nemechek '80 Ashley C. Nuss '12 Christian S. O’Dwyer ’04 Robert J. Reich '88* John M. Schmidt

INVESTMENT (Subcommitee of Audit & Finance) Bryan Armstrong '99 David Card '87 Justin Carter '98* Thomas Dobbins Jordan M. Harshman '11 Christopher D. Milinazzo '09

MISSION & IGNATIAN STEWARDSHIP David Card '87 Marcus Fryer, SJ James Goeke, SJ Thomas Rochford, SJ '64* John M. Schmidt ADVISORY STAFF Timothy S. Bauer '88 Sajit U. Kabadi Jacqueline Maxfield Jimmy Tricco Mary Zimmerman

PLANNING & MAJOR PROJECTS David Card '87 Anthony De Simone Thomas Dobbins Lawrence P. Finch '74 Kevin Foltz Cynthia P. Martinez Drake R. Powell Diana R. Rael* John M. Schmidt Jeffrey D. Willis

Jeffrey L. Nemechek '80


Nicholas J. Pavlakovich '82

George Mitsuoka

Robert J. Reich '88

Christopher Nehls

Steven G. Rotello '88

Mindae Russell

John M. Schmidt

Todd P. Schuler

Marion G. Curtis

Margaret Nemechek

James M. Davis

Michael L. Reidy '72

Annabelle Deline

John F. Sheridan '76

Lawrence P. Finch '74

Walter T. Sidney, SJ


Donald E. Gallegos '51

Philip G. Steele, SJ '66

Stacey Fania


Patrick F. Gartland '65

Philip F. Vottiero

Mindae Russell

Stacey Fania

John L. Schmidt '14

Paul Miller '04 * denotes Chair



SCHOOL LEADERSHIP & ADVANCEMENT TEAM PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP TEAM David Card ’87, President Jimmy Tricco, Principal Thomas Dobbins, Chief Financial Officer Mindae Russell, Vice President of Advancement Charisse Broderick King, Director of Communications Katherine Fay, Director of Human Resources Sajit Kabadi, Assistant Principal for Mission, Ministry & Diversity Paul Muller, Director of Admissions Liane Cattelino, Executive Assistant to the President

ADVANCEMENT TEAM Shannon Aquino, Advancement & Gift Processing Coordinator Bethany Carmellini, Director of Annual Giving & Scholarships Kelsey Greiner, Director of Donor Engagement & Events Gretchen Kessler, Alumnae Relations Liaison Paul Miller '04, Director of Alumni Relations Malone O'Connor, Associate Director of Philanthropy Kelly Pearson, Director of Donor Management & Strategy Carolyn Ristow, Advancement Events Manager Mindae Russell, Vice President of Advancement Trina Sandler, Data & Information Engagement Manager Mary Zimmerman, Director of Philanthropy & Legacy Giving

This report honors those individuals and organizations who made gifts to Regis Jesuit High School between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. If your gift was omitted or improperly recognized, please accept our sincere apology. If you do notice such an oversight, please contact the Advancement Office at 303.269.8022 so that we may correct our records.

Copyright 2022 Regis Jesuit High School Regis Jesuit High School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.


6300 S. Lewiston Way Aurora, CO 80016

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