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RJ Connect and the Vision for Alumni Engagement at Regis Jesuit
Current Programming
» RJ Connect Online Platform
Nearly 1500 alumni have registered on our online platform which features a full opt-in directory, online mentorship program, job board and more
» Alumni Career & Networking Fair
Annual event hosted in virtual and in-person formats serving hundreds of attendees and dozens of industry partners
» Alumni Mentorship Series 20 alumni mentors representing various industries speak to current junior and senior students twice a school year
» Agape Mentorship Program
Year-long mentorship program that offers intentional engagement and guidance from alumni mentors, allowing students to explore career paths, post-graduation options and more
» Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Partnership
Mentors assist and provide mentorship to more than 125 students who are tasked with creating a business plan
» Masterclass Series
An ongoing series of video classes that are created by students who interview and engage with alumni who are thought leaders and industry professionals in their field
» Mentorship Mini-Series
This accelerated format offers students intimate exposure to an industry and/or career path they’re interested in
Networking Platform for the Regis Jesuit Community
Alumni Engagement Vision
The objective of RJ Connect is to educate, cultivate and leverage the Regis Jesuit community network to inspire students and alumni to find, form and fuel a passion as global citizens to serve the betterment of humanity and the natural world.
The vision is built on:
• Helping students and alumni to network, discover their passions and secure their futures
• Supporting RJ’s project-based learning initiative to help form creative, compassionate and complex problem solvers
• Facilitating relationships between our industry partners and our academic departments
• Connecting alumni with Regis Jesuit and our students with industry professionals as a means of discerning their passions
Join the 1500 Regis Jesuit alumni
by signing up at www.regisjesuit.com/ RJConnect
"Going into this experience, I had never really considered engineering as a career for me, but I want to keep an open mind. Christina Canino Troksa '14 and the other alumnae allowed me to realize how valuable women in engineering are and how my academic strengths fi t into this career. After this mentorship, I have decided I want to be an engineering major in college. I feel incredibly blessed to have been off ered this opportunity in high school.”
Students Visit Cadaver Lab as Part of Alumni Mentoring Mini-Series
On April 5, 2021, a group of eight Regis Jesuit students learned fi rst-hand what it is like to be a physician assistant as part of our RJ Connect: Alumni Mentoring Mini-Series. Led by Great Raiders Marielle Renehan '13 and Drew Miller '13, and chaperoned by RJ science teacher, Kevin Russell, the group took part in the Cadaver Outreach Program at Red Rocks Community College, visiting a cadaver lab and learning more about human anatomy. Designed to help current high schoolers learn more about this career path, the group met on four occasions to discuss various topics including paths to becoming a physician assistant, the education and experience needed for this fi eld, diff erent PA specialties and how to best prepare oneself during high school and college. Read more at www.regisjesuit.com/news
Future Programming and Opportunities
» RJ Hire
Connect graduating seniors and college-aged alumni to opportunities ranging from summer jobs and paid internships to professional career positions at every level
» Job Shadow Days
Opportunity for current students to observe and gain insight into a particular business, industry and/or position they’re interested in
» Entrepreneurship Course
Students would be tasked with creating their own small business centered around solving a problem that would better humanity and/or the natural world
» 1:1 Mentoring/Coaching
A strategic partnership with College
Counseling to connect the more than 900 alumni to date we've identifi ed who are willing to be mentors to current students
Alumni Relations 303.269.8047 www.regisjesuit.com/RJConnect alumnioffi ce@regisjesuit.com