2012 June 19 Dearborn Council meeting minutes

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DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, June 19, 2012 6:30 p.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER Present: Dennis Kraus, Maynard Barrett, Liz Morris, Bill Ullrich, Bryan Messmore, Dan Lansing, Jim Hughes, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor. NEW BUSINES: Prosecutor – Judge Humphrey/Steve Bradley Judge would like to let Council know that he has $25,100.00 in his budget for juvenile placement liability and since there has been new legislation there is not a need for the funds. He will use these funds to pay for the metal detector. Bill Ullrich made a motion to make the transfer of $25,100.00 to the Maintenance and Repair line. Liz Morris seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Steve Bradley has a need for furniture and drug testing expenses. He proposes to pay $6,531.00 out of probation administration funds and the Judges budget for furniture to cover the furniture costs. The drug testing will paid out of juvenile services in the Judges circuit court budget. Council Discussion of Jail funding: They are not discussing dollar amounts tonight, just having a discussion of how to fund this project. Denny - Why borrow when we have money. We would have to pay interest on a bond option. We are getting less than 1% interest on this money now. Bill agrees, fund from savings. It will cost taxpayers money to have this put on a ballot. Use of our own jail will be more efficient vs. the alternate option. We would have to transport prisoners then that just escalates the cost. Liz agrees with Collette from Umbaugh - 1.3 million in interest and the costs to bond at $175,000.00 would be 1.5 million dollars roughly to do a 3 million dollar bond and with the little interest that we are receiving that does not make sense. I agree with Dennis and think we should fund from River Boat Savings. Dan – Are we going to put some ceiling to it? We have to pay operational costs. We spend $130,000.00 to house out of our facility. Cost effective to address it ourself. Commissioners and Council have worked together to come to a solution. Jim - Will it be an official decision? If we don’t vote to use tax money it takes it out of the hands of the voter. He does not like this idea at all. We have a lot of roads and bridges to spend that money on. Maynard was a part of the team interviewing the architects and reminded Council that

$292,000 for the doors that they already replaced will be a part of this total. Bryan is for the cash option. Public Hearing: Judy Howard – County resident spoke in favor of the jail project but asked that it go to referendum if the costs are going to go over the cap set by Council at the last meeting. Bill Ullrich made a motion to fund the whole project within the perimeters that have already been established out of Riverboat Savings. Maynard Barrett seconded, Jim Hughes and Dan Lansing voted NAY. Motion carried. Clerk of Courts – Phil Weaver did not come, County Council reviewed the written proposals. A document server and virtual Server is needed to replace three failing servers. He is requesting an additional of $5,500.00 out of Cum Courthouse. The initial phase of scanning the Clerk’s record books is begun and he would like for Council to approve the appropriation of $25,000.00 out of the Clerk’s Perpetuation Fund. Bill Ullrich made a motion to approve and seconded by Liz Morris. Motion carried. Redevelopment Commission – Mike Rozow Paul Kunkel requested $500,000.00 for land purchase. This is a re direction of funds from Growth and Development. There was originally an appropriation of funds in the Redevelopment Commission budget but when not expended those funds reverted back into Growth and Development.

A motion was made by Liz Morris to approve, and seconded by Maynard Barrett. Motion passed unanimously. Park Board – James Red Elk presented on behalf of the Board. They would like to purchase signage for Rullman and Gladys Russell parks. The cost is $5,625.00 from #1179 “Capital Improvement”. They would also like to purchase a bronze plaque for a citizen donated bench at Guilford Park at a cost of $185.00 out of the same Fund. A motion was made by Bill Ullrich to transfer the funds from Capital Improvements. The motion was seconded by Bryan Messmore. Motion passed unanimously. Question of process of appropriation – Do they have to come to every meeting to move money?– Dennis suggested that he request that Council appropriate $10,000.00 out of the Capital Improvement Fund as a contingency fund in the budget for 2013. Land purchase - $32,283.00 out of Land Acquisition for 13 acres on Lattire Rd. Dennis stated that there is no suitable access to the property. The County cannot afford to put so much money into the road and a new bridge. Bryan also stated that it has serious access issues. A motion was moved by Bill Ullrich to table the acquisition and to pursue the other property. The motion was seconded by Dan Lansing. Motion passed unanimously. SOLID WASTE DISTRICT – BJ Ault Gary Steinmetz and Jeff Hughes gave the Council some information to consider at the next meeting with the understanding that there was not an advertised additional. $408,000.00 to pave Wessler and Bittner Roads Liz would like to see the countywide priority list. She would like to have a team/system put in place. Jeff assured her that there is a list in place. Council will review it. County Administrator – Terri Randall presented for Andy Bauendistle a Nepotism Law Amendment. The law allows for the exception of Jail Matrons and Coroner and as a Council they have the option to leave those exceptions in place. Council Resolution # 2012-003 amended #2012-001 and #2012-002 to allow the exceptions of Matron and Coroner and exclude them from the Nepotism Law. Motion moved by Bryan Messmore to approve, seconded by Bill Ullrich. Dan Lansing voted NAY. Motion carried. Terri Jail update – Construction manager and architect have been chosen. Jim Hughes would like to see a 2 1/2% reduction in the budget of the offices. Auditor Meeting minutes were presented from the May 22, 2012 meeting. Motion made by Liz Morris to approve the minutes, seconded by Dan Lansing. Motion passed unanimously.

With no further business to discuss, Bill Ullrich made a motion at 9:04 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. Maynard Barrett seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

ATTEST: ______________________________ Gayle L. Pennington, Auditor

___________________________________ Dennis Kraus, Sr., County Council President

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