County Administration Building 21SWest High Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana CALL
ORDER at 6:00 p.m.
Fresent: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell. Gayle Pennington, county Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, county Attorney, and rerri Randall, County Administrator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OLD BUSINESS: DEARBORN couf{TY REGIONAL SEWER appoint Dennis Folke.
Board recommendation to
Mo-tion: Moved by shane McHenry, seconded by Tom orschell to appoint Dennis Folke to the DCR$D Board. Motf,
on passed unanimously.
Votinq LQqations
- Phil Weaver presenter Proposed Changes for Miller 1, Logan 1, Harrison 3 Of 45 voting precincts 42 precincts will stay the same. Harrison 3 vote at Dearborn Hills Methodisi church (Harrison 2 & 3 will vote there) Logan 1 vote at the Bright Fire Station #3 Miller 1 vote at ranner Valley Methodist church in the lower level fellowship hall, on lnd. #1
Motion to accept the changes Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane Mcl'ilenry. Motion passed unanimously. Tanner Valley Methodist church requires Dearborn county to sign a User Agreement. [Uotion: to approve signing the user agreernent Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. Deanborn Hills Methodist church -connie Riegel and lrene Estes requested to have atnoon on Thursday May3,2012
Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell to approve tlre request. Seconded by Shane Mcl'{enry and passed unanimously. Bonnie Bhodes - Citizen Concern Regarding a Residential Structure al15377 Spangler Road. A double wide mobile home with multiple partially finished additions. Bill Shelton, Building lnspector, visited and issued a building permit to move things
forward. Checked safety concerns and all was o,k. He feels that they are trying to move forward and become compliant.
Ron Barnhart, Planning and Zoning noted that he will continue to monltor monthly from the Planning and Zoning Dept. perspective. Recommendation by all three Commissioners is that Bill and Ron keep moving forward to get things cleaned up.
Fark Board - Steve Walker Discuss about Park Board interest in the Old Animal Shelter Property on County Farm Road.
Park Board received the resignation of Shawn Simonson Park Board is to appoint Dave Mattlin Jr.
Recommendation of the
Motion: ivloved by shane McHenry to appoint Dave Matflin Jr. seconded by Tom
Orschell. Motion passed unanirnously hNrG!-[wAY DEPARTMENT
Flighway Superintendent
Tim Greive presented updates,
Tim presented the necessary equipment needs: one tandem dump truck, one mowing tractor, and a single axel dump truck for a total cost of $420,000.00. Tim would like to have permission to buy a MACK tandem and quote the single axel.
Motion: Moved by Tom orschell, seconcled by shane McHenry to allow Tim to aiel dump tru,ck. lVlotion passed unanimously. pr.rrchase a MACK tandem dump truck and quote the single
Motion: Moved by Tom orschell, seconded by shane McHenry to allow Tim to appnoach Council and make a request for an additional appropriation of $420,000.00 to purchase needed equiprnent. Motion passed unanirnously. The County attorney is working with the Sunman Dearborn School Corporation attorney to have the Resolution drafted for the transfer of the Lawrenceville property" Highway Engineer
Todd Listerman was absent but had nothing to present.
Teresa Randall
signature of Letter and ritle - sale of Vehicle, 2007 Dodge Durango, VIN # to Bright Fire Department for one dollar. (91.00)
Motion: Moved by Torn orschell to sell the 2007 Dodge Durango to the Bright Fire Departrnent for the surn of $1.00. Seconded by Shane McHenry the Motion passed unanimously. Terri is seeking approval to submit a Grant application to the city of Lawrenceburg for $130,000.00 for paving of a parking lot where the High Street building will be demolished. She is asking for ratification of Jeff Hughes's signature.
Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry to approve and ratify Jeff Hughes signature. Seconded by Tonn Orschell the Motion passed unanimously. Return date of 4113 has been set for RFP on construction manager for demolition of High St. property. Moving forward RQAW will prepare and RFP for Hoosier Square storm drains.
Gayle Pennington presented Claims and Minutes
Torn Onschell made a motion to accept and sign Accounts Payable Claims. Shane MclHenry seconded, motion pass unaninrorlsly. Shane Mchlenry rnade a motion to sign the Commissioners Dockets. llom Orsclrell seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Torn Orsclhell made a motion to accept and sign Payroll Claims. Shane McHenry
seconded, motion pass unanimously. Dearborn County Ordinance No. 2012-008 An Ordinance Amending the County of Dearborn, lndiana Personnel Policies Handbook was read into the record. Paragraph 1 .9 E-Verify and paragraph 'l .'1 0 Eligibility for Local Public Benefits.
Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry to amend the County Of Dearborn, lndiana Fersonnel Policies Handbook and sign Ordinance #2012-008. Seconded by Tom OrschelI tfr'le Motion passed unanimously. ATTORNEY
Andy Baudendistel
After meeting with all parties, Attorney Baudendistel recommends tabling the Agreement between HVL and Dearborn County Sheriff.
Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry to table this business. Seconded by Torn OrschelI the Motion passed unanimously. Andy will have the resolution concerning Moores Hill at the next meeting.
Resolution #2012-001 , Resolution Regarding county Equipment Being Held in a Personal Residence was read into the record.
Motion: Moved by shane McHenry to sign Resolution #2012-oo1as presented. Seconded by Tom Orschell and the Motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS - None LATF ARRIVAL INFORMATTON - None PUBLIC COMMENT - None
with no further business before the Board, Tom orschell made a motion to
adjourn at7:32 p.m. shane McHenry seconded, the motion passed unanirnously.
Gayle Pennington, Auditor
Shane McHenry, Memb