AURORA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (AHPC) Minutes January 15, 2013 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cynthia Bean opened the meeting and noted the presence of all Commissioners. ROLL CALL Present: Cynthia Bean Kevin Bean Brett Fehrman Chris Powell Cindy Rottinghaus Jo Ann Ruehl Seth Elder – Staff Absent: Rick Grubbs - Code Enforcement Officer Press was represented by Chandra Mattingly Upon motion by Ruehl, seconded by Fehrman, the December 19, 2012 minutes were approved as revised. COA REVIEW: There were COAs for review. Elder advised that Wayne House had called him and would like to put a metal roof on the house. They are looking into standing seam (or a look-alike) metal roof. HEARING OF VISITORS: There were no visitors. OLD BUSINESS: There was no Old Business NEW BUSINESS: There was no New Business. OTHER BUSINESS C. Bean advised that the handicap ramp at the rear of the City of Spires Museum needs to go through the Code Enforcement Officer to make sure they can go into the nonvacated alley. The front porch of a house on 4th Street is being used for “unlimited storage’ …the Code Enforcement Officer needs to move on this. Elder will send out a reminder of the need for resumes by February. 1
ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no Announcements The Open COA list was reviewed. The building at 218 Bridgeway was discussed. All agreed that the re-hab looks very good. However the multi-light windows and the 6 over 6 windows (that we had specifically requested be saved/retained) are missing. It was decided to go forward with non-compliance process. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the December 19, 2012, meeting of the Aurora Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned. The next meeting will be February 19, 2013. Minutes respectfully prepared and submitted by Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary