AURORA PARK BOARD A meeting of The Aurora Park Board took place Monday, November 19th in the meeting room of the City Building. Present: Donnie Hastings, Mayor Mike Crider Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary Benny Turner Randy Turner, Clerk Treasurer Steven Turner, Park Caretaker Also present: Debbie Peters Jeff Stratman Press was represented by Chandra Mattingly In the absence of President Mike Peters Mayor Donnie Hastings opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon motion by Crider, seconded by B. Turner, the minutes of the October 15 th meeting were approved as presented. VISITORS Paul Kunkel, new President of Little League Baseball was present to give his BIG ideas for Little League Baseball in Aurora: if, in the next 5 years, we could have a District Little League Tournament, it would have a huge impact on Aurora, with lots of media coverage. He reviewed proposed changes for Field 2: Extend the existing field fencing by 120 feet Install a hard fence in the outfield Grass the infield Add a sprinkler system Add a waterline for Field 2 AND for Field 3. Upon motion by Crider, seconded by B. Turner, the Park Board approved the proposal for permanent fencing, and sprinkler system in the infield area, grassing Field 2 and agreed to assist with the water line. Representatives of River City Classics Car Club, Wayne Schroder, Dave Hanes, Gerald Vonheater and John Vonheater were present to discuss their summer car show. They would like to have the show in mid-June rather than July 4, and they would like to have it at Waterways Park. 12/7/2012
Mike Peters will take care of fixing any ruts in the grass Schroder will ask the Lions to cook The Amish from Holton may come and make homemade ice cream There will be vendors, possibly a swap meet, etc. The Car Club will possibly get some Port-a-lets The Car Club will also avoid conflicting with Relay for Life Schroder will let the Park Board know the date as soon as he can. Upon motion by B. Turner, seconded by Crider, the Park Board accepted this proposal. OLD BUSINESS R. Turner advised that People’s Community Foundation has given us $3,000 towards the device to lower handicapped kids into the pool, which costs approximately $6,500. He reported that Karla Schmeltzer, Director of Main Street Aurora, had written a grant application to Dearborn Community Foundation/Lawrenceburg Youth Fund for the remainder of the cost. We should hear from them sometime in the near future. If that grant is rejected, he suggests taking the remaining needed funds out of gaming/salaries for the lift. OTHER BUSINESS Hastings and Stratman advised that sometime in February we will have either a Utility Board meeting or a City Council meeting at South Dearborn High School. This will be in an effort to get the kids more involved in Aurora, especially about recycling. And at that time we might get the kids involved in Park Board plans. As a result, Stratman will consider their input when he is working on the 5-Year Plan. Related to the Dog Park, Hastings advised that the proposed multi-year easement exchange between Continental Grain and the City of Aurora will be presented to Council this evening. Rottinghaus reported that if a copy of the multi-year easement is not in the hands of Rising Sun Regional Foundation by their next meeting, they will not consider the Park Board’s grant request for fencing. S. Turner asked if the bathrooms at Lesko Park will remain open during the winter; he is concerned about water lines freezing. R. Turner reported that he will have electric bill for the bathrooms at the December Park Board meeting. At that meeting we will decide whether to close them or not. Hastings advised that since Bestway Waste will provide a waste container at the city dump, he will ask if they will provide a Port-a-let for Lesko Park. Stratman will check with Phil Weaver to see if a phone line is a requirement in the Park Pavilion (for elections); if not it can be removed. Motion by Crider, seconded
by B. Turner to remove the phone line, based on the discussion with Weaver, was approved. Upon motion by Crider, seconded by B. Turner, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be December 17th at 5 p.m. in the City Building conference room. Minutes submitted by Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary.