Candidate profiles

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Please fill out the following candidate profile. Note: it does not have to be completed on this sheet, however, all information should be filled out and re-turned to us no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 17. Photos also are encouraged, and a high resolution jpeg file attached to the email below is preferred. Do NOT put photos in word documents. A hard copy of photo can be dropped off at Register Publications' Lawrenceburg office, 126 W. High St. Profiles can be emailed to, and if not e-mailed as a Word attachment, must be typed. Handwritten profiles will not be accepted. Name: Age: Address: Political Party: Office Sought: Incumbent: Yes or No Employment: Education: Family Status: Public Office Experience: Public Service Experience: Awards/Achievements: Interests/Hobbies: Comments: 1Why are you running for office?

2Why are you the best person for the office?

3What are the most important issues facing the office you are seeking?

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