Commish April 17 2012 minutes

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April 17,2012 9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

Fresent: Jeff l-lughes, shane McHenry, Tom orschell. Gayle pennington, Gounty A,uditor, Andrew l3audendistel, County Attorney, Terri Randall, County Adrninistrator.



8:30 a.m.


Pending t_itigation


Agreement with HVL Officers, Sheriff's Office and HVL POA - Mike Kreinhop would like to have documentation of an agreement in place. This agreement will lay out who has what liabilities.

shane McL-lenry made a motion to rneet with HV[- and have Andy Eaudendistel cornpose an agre,ement. Seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, motion canried.

Resolution Regardinq Transfer of Propertv to the To\{n of Mloores Hill - Andy Ba udend

istel read Resol ulion #201 2-002 nto the necord. i

Moved by Shane lMcl-lenry, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion to accept and sign Resolution # 2012-0a2 "Resolution Regarding Transfer of Property to the Town of Moores Hill." All in favor, motion carried.


Indiana Reqion I - Bart Brown presented. $15,000.00 of Boand funds will be offered up by the Board to secure restructuring of Work One instead of a Bond. The Agreement will insure that every County and City in the Region will have a representative on the Board. The Board of Commissioners would like to have Jeff Hughes continue out the year as their representative. Shane is concerned with funding down the road as the Govenor is not on board. Bart stated that the State has to follow a submitted formula.

Motion by Tom Orschellto approve and sign the Local Elected Officials Agreement as wnitten. Seconded by Shane MclHenry' All in favor, motion carried. 1{HW BUSIf'IESS:

Planning and Zoning - Mark McCormack

Zone Change frorn Agriculture and General Business Districts to a Manufacturing Two District (M-2) on Old U.S. 52 in Section 13 of Harrison Township. The Planning & Zoning Board fonvarded a favorable recommendation to approve. Redevelopment is neady to move forvrard on the 1't piece of property, Mark Rosenberger - Bayer Becker spoke. He developed the hard uses for the business plan. lndliana Dept of Natural Resources has issued the permit. Todd - Tech review committee may require a future traffic study once business is up and running. They rnay need left turn lanes.

Motion to open Public Hearing, Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane [UlcHenry. All in favor, motion carnied. No public comment

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