April 17,2012 9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Fresent: Jeff l-lughes, shane McHenry, Tom orschell. Gayle pennington, Gounty A,uditor, Andrew l3audendistel, County Attorney, Terri Randall, County Adrninistrator.
8:30 a.m.
Pending t_itigation
Agreement with HVL Officers, Sheriff's Office and HVL POA - Mike Kreinhop would like to have documentation of an agreement in place. This agreement will lay out who has what liabilities.
shane McL-lenry made a motion to rneet with HV[- and have Andy Eaudendistel cornpose an agre,ement. Seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, motion canried.
Resolution Regardinq Transfer of Propertv to the To\{n of Mloores Hill - Andy Ba udend
istel read Resol ulion #201 2-002 nto the necord. i
Moved by Shane lMcl-lenry, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion to accept and sign Resolution # 2012-0a2 "Resolution Regarding Transfer of Property to the Town of Moores Hill." All in favor, motion carried.
Indiana Reqion I - Bart Brown presented. $15,000.00 of Boand funds will be offered up by the Board to secure restructuring of Work One instead of a Bond. The Agreement will insure that every County and City in the Region will have a representative on the Board. The Board of Commissioners would like to have Jeff Hughes continue out the year as their representative. Shane is concerned with funding down the road as the Govenor is not on board. Bart stated that the State has to follow a submitted formula.
Motion by Tom Orschellto approve and sign the Local Elected Officials Agreement as wnitten. Seconded by Shane MclHenry' All in favor, motion carried. 1{HW BUSIf'IESS:
Planning and Zoning - Mark McCormack
Zone Change frorn Agriculture and General Business Districts to a Manufacturing Two District (M-2) on Old U.S. 52 in Section 13 of Harrison Township. The Planning & Zoning Board fonvarded a favorable recommendation to approve. Redevelopment is neady to move forvrard on the 1't piece of property, Mark Rosenberger - Bayer Becker spoke. He developed the hard uses for the business plan. lndliana Dept of Natural Resources has issued the permit. Todd - Tech review committee may require a future traffic study once business is up and running. They rnay need left turn lanes.
Motion to open Public Hearing, Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane [UlcHenry. All in favor, motion carnied. No public comment
Motion to close Fublic Hearing, Moved by Tonr orschell, seconded by shane McHenry. Al[ in favor, motion carried. Andy Baudendistel read Ord. #2012-009 into the recond. Motilon to approve and sign Ordinance #2012-0}g,Zone Change fronr Agriculture and General Business Districts to a Manufacturing Two Distriit (M-2) o; old u.s. 52 in section 13 of Flarrison Township, was moved by shane Mci{enry, Seconded by Tonl Orschell. All In favor, motion carried. FavnolN
SctedqlqfrSl$ -
is reviewed by Courncil.
Andy Baudendistel asked to remove this item untit after it
Motion to Table lMoved by shane McHenry, seconded by Tom favon, motion canried.
Lawrenceburq Township Trustee Advisory Board vagancv made. For informallion only.
orschell. All in
No decision to be
urG!-rwAY DEPAETTMENT Highway Superintendent
Tim Greive - Updates
Highway Engineer - Todd Listerman asked permission to approach Council for annual line striping at a cost of $100,000.00.
A rnotion to approve Mr. Listenman's request to approach Council for $'100,000.00 for line striping moved by Shane lVlcHenry. This motion was seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, motion carried. Todd presented the Annual highway report of revenue 2011 for signatures.
Motion to sign moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. All in
favon, motlon canried.
Updates on the North Dearborn Rd project given. Todd will open bids on May 2. ADMINISTRATOR - Teresa Randall updates. Fire and EMS Study Update - The next step is Public opinion survey to be held on May 3,2012. Six RFQ's for a Construction Manager were opened on Friday lntenviews will be lVonday April 23 from 9-1 in the Commissioners Meeting room. Hoosier square is complete. Saturday April '14th will be move in. A!,rD|TOR - Gayle Pennington Vehicle Sale - Gayle Pennington presented the agreement to sell a 2008 Dodge Durango to the St. Leon Fire Department for the sum of $1.00.The titie was presented for signatune. Motfion to approve moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. All in favor, motion carnied"
Auditor Pennington presented four Fire & EN/S contracts to the Board for signatures. Miller York Fire & EMS $20,000.00. Tom Orschell marde a motion to sign the contract for one life squad. Shane McHenry seconded" All in favor, motion carried. Sunrnan Ares Life Squad
Shane McFlenry made a motion to sign the contract for two life squads. Tom Orscfrel[seconded. All in favor, rnotion carried. Dillsboro Life Squad - $40,000.00
Torn orschell marde a motion to sign the contract for two life squads. shane Mcl'lenry seconded. All in favor, motion carried. City of Lawrenceburg
Tom onschell marde a motion to sign the contract for two life squads. shan'e McFNenry seconcled. All in favor, motion carried. supplemental to the Dearborn county code of ordinances was presented for signature.
Tom orsctrell made a motion to accept the supplemental to the code of @rdinances. shane McHenry seconded. All in favor, motion canried. Minutes from the April 3'd meeting were presented.
shane Mcl'lenry made a rnotion to accept with the revision of the name Ron Barnhart. Tom Orschell seconded. All in favon, motion carried. AP claims were pnesented. Shane McFlenry ntade a motion to approve and sign with the stipulation that Jeff will review and sign before he leaves for the day. Conrmissioners Dockets were presented for signature.
Shane Mcl'lenry rnade a rnotion to approve ancl sigll with the stipulation that Jeff will review and sign them before he leaves fon the day. Payroll Claims were presented for signature.
Torr orschelN rnade a motion to accept the payroll Glaims. shane McHenry seconded. ANI in favor, motion carried. ATTOENEY
- Andy Baudendistel, updates. There are 3 parcels to go to court involved with the state Line Rd. project. Beam Lonrgest and Neff hrave had standing offers on table for a year. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS:
- He spoke with Don Albert about trash clean up and the use of the Road Crew. Because of the heavy traffic on Jamison he feels that it would be better to work with Highway Department and coordinate with the two departments to work at the same time during the road closure for culvert repair. Shane McFlenry
Shane would also like to review the County vehicle maintenance dollars spent to look for ways to reduce costs. Tom though it might be an option to have the highway maintenance mechanics perform routine tasks.
&trSgghes_- Nothing Tonr Orschell
- He asked that everyone remember the two citizens that were very active on county boards that passed away this week. They are Earl Dawson & Rodney Dennerline. Terri Randall will send a letter to the families from the Commissioners. LAT'E ARRIVAL llilFORMATloN - None
With no further bus;iness before the board, Shane McHenry made a motion to adjourn at 10:20 a.m. Tonn Orschell seconded.
Shane [VlcHenry
U./*,n^* Tonr Orschell
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