County Council 2-21-12 minutes

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DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 21, 2OI2 6:30 p.m., Cornmissioners Room County Administration Building 2,[b B West F{igh Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana


Present: Dennis Kraus, Maynard Barrett, Liz N/orris, Bill Ullrich, Bryan Messmore, Dan Lansing, Jim Hughes, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor. NEW BUSINESiS;





White, and Red" program for this summer.

Laura priebe presented the,,Black,

Bill ullrich marde a motion to approve only {81,000.00 out of Gouncil Benevolent, Youth Services. Dan Lansing seconded. Motion passed unanimously. SHERIFF


Mike Kreinhop

Road Sergeant


additional for salary correction.

Liz Morris made a Motion to correct the Road sergeant salary by granting an additional appnopriation from Riverboat in the arnount of 91,4g7.00. Maynard Barrett seconded. Bill abstained. lMotion carried. Patrol K-9- tabled

Motion to approve hiring a replacement civil process server and a full time jail officer made hy l-iz Morris, Seconded hy Maynard Barrett. Motion passedl unanimously. Bill Ullrich abstained. Motilon carried.


Baer, Tabled

COMMISSIONlr-B - Tom Orschell presented the Jail Expansion Project. $50,000.00 to be used to hire a construction manager. Open Public disicussion: No public comment.

A Motion to approve an additional out of River Boat Savings in the amount of $72,000.00 was nnade by Maynard Barrett. $econded by Liz Morris. Dan Lansing and Jiim Hughes voted NAY. Motion carried. PARKS AND RECREATION Timber Salvager - Park Board will cut their own timber at the County Farm and use those boards to build needed structures for the parks.

Motlon to approve request for $2,200.00 moved by Bryan Messmore, Seconded by llan Lansing. Motion passed unanimously. Mowing


YES l-lome and Animal Control location on County Farm Rd.

Brian Messrnore made a motion to defer this request until the end of the meeting to obtain a quote to mow the YES Honne only. Dan Lansflng seconded. tMotion to approve $6,200.00 for YES Home only Moved by Liz Morris, $econded by Eill Ullrich. Motion passed unanimously.

Flood Damage Repair at Guilford park

Motion to approve an additional appropriatf,on in the amount of $g,000.00 moved by Bill LJllrich, Seconded by Dan Lansing. Motion passed unanimously.

AtlDlTOl - Gayle Pennington Budget cuts by the DLGF: Assessor - $25,500.00 PTABOA - tabted Superior Court 2 .- $3,179.00 Computer Maintenance and repair - tabled Clerk - $13,500.00 CSI Support Contract - tabted

l-iz Monris made a motion to table for clarification. Brian Messmore seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Commissiclners budget will need an increased amount of $ for 2012 Workman's Compensation lnsurance and a transfer of $10,000.00 fror-n the balance of the Liability insurance account. All Liability lnsurance has been paid for 2012.

Bill Llllrich made a motion to approve the transfer and tkre additional. Brian Messmore seconded. Motion passed unanirnously. lVeeting minutes for the December 22,2011 and January 24,2012 presented.

Bill Ulf nich moved to approve the December 22,2011and January 24,2012 minutes. Brian Messmore seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Presentation of the Administrative Contract beitween the Dearborn County Convention, Visitors and Tourism Commission, the Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission, the Dearborn County Chamber of Commerce, and Dearborn County.

Liz Monris macle a motion to approve and sign. Maynard Barrett seconded. Motion passed unanimously" Budget Hearing;s set for the week of September 4,2012 thru September 7,2012. HIOHWAY


Todd Listerman / Tim Greive


Budget cut by DLGF.

tltlotion to transfer funds fronr the MVHA Account(l176) and adding them to the MVHA Substitute Account(4916): Equipment lnsurance $60,000, Equipment Repair $30,000, Equipment Rental $20,000 and moving $23,000 from Utilities rnade by Liz Morris. Maynard Barrett seconded. Motion passed unanimously. $UBVEYQE - Dennis Kraus, Jr. asked for signatures in support of a Grant for Record Restoration. Old Auditor plat books and old Surveyor books. Motion to appnove, Moved by Dan Lansing, Seconded by Liz Morris. Motion passed unan!mously.

Renarks: Dan Lansing remarks- he would like to ask for members to think by the next meeting about waiting to use the Savings. He brought up that there could be 30% loss of revenue when the casino opens in Cincinnati. He also pointed out that Kentucky wants gambling at the track. Could Council look at the lost revenue predictions and what our budget will look like in three to five years. Do we need to wait to expand the jail.

Dennis Kraus would like to have an Ordinance stating what the River Boat Savings can be spent for. Example: only for Capital Projects or lnfrastructure and not ever used for day to day expenses.

[-iz Morris noted that an Ordinance is not set in stone and a future Council could pass another Ordinance to change it.

Maynard Barrett is of the opinion that council is spending the River Boat money at every meeting but when it.comes to a larger amount theyihoxe up. where do tlrey make the cut off? What size of project? Dan Lansing nnade a motion to change the vote to spend the River Boat $avings Account back to 7 Aye votes. Dan Lansing and Jim Flughes voted Aye' Ljz Morris, Maynard Barrett, Bill [Jllrich, and Bryan Messmore voted Nay. Motion failred.

with no furthen business to discuss, a motion was made by Bill ullrich to adjourn at7:4li p.m. seconded by Liz Morris. Motion passed unanimously.

7q^-* tdt*.* g" Dennis Kraus, Sr. President

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