County Council 2-21-12 minutes

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DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 21, 2OI2 6:30 p.m., Cornmissioners Room County Administration Building 2,[b B West F{igh Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana


Present: Dennis Kraus, Maynard Barrett, Liz N/orris, Bill Ullrich, Bryan Messmore, Dan Lansing, Jim Hughes, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor. NEW BUSINESiS;





White, and Red" program for this summer.

Laura priebe presented the,,Black,

Bill ullrich marde a motion to approve only {81,000.00 out of Gouncil Benevolent, Youth Services. Dan Lansing seconded. Motion passed unanimously. SHERIFF


Mike Kreinhop

Road Sergeant


additional for salary correction.

Liz Morris made a Motion to correct the Road sergeant salary by granting an additional appnopriation from Riverboat in the arnount of 91,4g7.00. Maynard Barrett seconded. Bill abstained. lMotion carried. Patrol K-9- tabled

Motion to approve hiring a replacement civil process server and a full time jail officer made hy l-iz Morris, Seconded hy Maynard Barrett. Motion passedl unanimously. Bill Ullrich abstained. Motilon carried.


Baer, Tabled

COMMISSIONlr-B - Tom Orschell presented the Jail Expansion Project. $50,000.00 to be used to hire a construction manager. Open Public disicussion: No public comment.

A Motion to approve an additional out of River Boat Savings in the amount of $72,000.00 was nnade by Maynard Barrett. $econded by Liz Morris. Dan Lansing and Jiim Hughes voted NAY. Motion carried. PARKS AND RECREATION Timber Salvager - Park Board will cut their own timber at the County Farm and use those boards to build needed structures for the parks.

Motlon to approve request for $2,200.00 moved by Bryan Messmore, Seconded by llan Lansing. Motion passed unanimously. Mowing


YES l-lome and Animal Control location on County Farm Rd.

Brian Messrnore made a motion to defer this request until the end of the meeting to obtain a quote to mow the YES Honne only. Dan Lansflng seconded. tMotion to approve $6,200.00 for YES Home only Moved by Liz Morris, $econded by Eill Ullrich. Motion passed unanimously.

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