Dearborn Council Minutes NOV 20 2012

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DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:30 p.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

Present: Dennis Kraus, Maynard Barrett, Liz Morris, Bill Ullrich, Bryan Messmore, Dan Lansing, Jim Hughes, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Tim Greive presented information and requested to purchase a mower. Since the mower is the same as the one purchased recently it is just good business to stay consistent with equipment. Motion by Bryan Messmore to approve $114,410.00 to purchase the mower from Smith Implements. Seconded by Dan Lansing. Motion passed unanimously. Todd Listerman He is seeking permission from Council to encumber Bridge Funds for Bridge # 102,

North Dearborn Road just east of Creekside Road (Old Happy Hollow). To limit the impact on school buses, it was determined to construct project starting next May and completing project before school restarts next August. To insure best prices for contract, we are going to let project late February/Early March 2013 instead of this year. Account Balance to Encumber is $442,210.11. Motion by Bill Ullrich and seconded by Bryan Messmore to allow the encumbrance. All in favor, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS/911 – Charles Ashley presented the declination from the insurance company and a quote from Motorola to replace 2 VHF antennas that received water damage. The property was not on the insurance inventory. Dan Lansing made a motion to approve the request for $13,250.00 for damaged equipment. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes. Motion passed unanimously. VETERANS SERVICES – Mike Burgess asked Council to transfer funds to DC Veterans Transportation Fund from the General Fund for vehicles sold that were purchased out of donated veteran’s funds. Motion to approve transfer of General Funds to Veterans Transportation Fund moved by Bryan Messmore, Seconded by Liz Morris. Motion passed unanimously. JUVENILE CENTER – Traci Agner requested additional Part-Time Wages and Holiday Wages. Those funds are in the red and need to be replenished. Council approved but asked that they keep a closer eye on their funds. Liz Morris made a motion to approve both additionals. Seconded by Bryan Messmore. Motion passed unanimously. HEALTH DEPARTMENT – Dr. Scudder opened discussion about a wage discrepancy between two of his food services employees. Dennis Kraus would like to have this turned over to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Dan Lansing to have a Personnel Advisory meeting scheduled. Seconded by Jim Hughes. Motion passed unanimously. PARK BOARD – Steve Walker is scheduled to discuss fencing at Gladys Russell Park. There was no one from the Park Board present. Dan Lansing made a motion to table Park Board discussion. Liz Morris seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

With no further business before the Board Bryan Messmore made a motion to adjourn with Bill Ullrich seconding that motion.

Attest: ___________________________________ Gayle L. Pennington, Auditor Dearborn County

_______________________________ Dennis Kraus Sr., President Dearborn County Council

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