Harrison Classifieds 7-11-12

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Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $95,000. 812-584-3522

Lender- Ordered Lake Liquidation Sale!! 2 acres with FREE boat slips only $29,900. Was $69,9000. Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 acre Kentucky Lake. All infrastructure completed. Own for pennies on the dollar. Excellent financing. House with 20 acres-Ris- Call now 1-800-704-3154. X-3766 ing Sun, 3-bedroom, appliances stay, hardwood floors. 48x72 barn, 3 horse stalls & fenced pasture, 80x100 round pen, 30x30 detached garage, 10x24 deck, hot, 2 stone foun - Building lot for sale on a tains, stone walking. dead end street in Rising Sun. 812-438-2004 $229,000 513-520-0117


JUST LISTED! Harrison; 10663 West Rd. Beautiful brick home on 1 acre, flat lot, 5 bdrms, 2.5 bath, huge rear patio that's covered, finished LL, 1st flr master & laundry. Quite spectacular. $279,900! COLDWELL BANKER WEST SHELL. Tom Deutsch, Jr. 513.347.1711, 513.460.5302



3 Bedroom/2 Bath Ranch - Totally Remodeled! ALL NEW! 318 Overlook Drive, Lawrenceburg, close to Dearborn County Hospital, on cul-de-sac. 513-702-4382 Aurora-Dollhouse cottage, 2 bedrooms, basement, C/A, new gas furnace, covered front porch, detached garage. Price reduced to $66,000, $3000. down land contract. 209 Pattison St. Call 812-926-0240 immediate possession.


1 Bdr - $445 H/W pd 2 Bdr - $545 H/W pd 2 Bdr - Deluxe $545-$585 W/only

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Call (513) 467-9475

FOR 11 HOUSES SALE Bank Acquired New Luxury Condos - Naples Florida area. Up to $285,000 OFF original prices. One Day Sale Saturday, July 21st. All will be sold! Quality construn with ultra-high-end finishes. Own for below builder cost in prestigious community walk to over 20 restau rants/100 shops! Must see. Great financing. Call 1-866-959-2825 x434. Brick ranch, 15-acres, large rooms, 3-bedroom, 2-baths, country kitchen, laundry, beautiful oak floors, 2-covered porches, scenic views, 2-car ga rage, full basement/walkout, $265,000. 812-926-3970

PARK PLACE APARTMENTS SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park. Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.

CALL 812-221-0425

Bischoff Realty Inc 513-367-2171

Harrison, Ohio 1109 Iliff - This wonderful home is like new offering all new windows, HVAC, kitchen and bath, & stainless appliances. Enjoy the beautiful landscaping from the front porch or fenced backyard. Priced Great at $134,900. B1623H. Call Todd Bischoff 513-616-0655

Remodeled home for sale, Greendale, In. Cape Cod with 3-bed, 1.5-baths, full basement, single car detached garage, new water heater, new kitchen, new bathrooms. Nice, clean home- ready to move in. Contract for deed considered with 15% down at asking price of $139,900. Call 812-584-6071. Renovated 2 story Victorian home on 11/2 acres in Milan. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, new windows, plumbing, wiring and insulation. Refinished hard wood floors and new ceramic tile flooring. 2 new gas furnaces and central air. 2 car oversized ga rage, 3 outbuildings. Mature trees, blacktop parking. All city utilities. Lots of amenities. $135,000. 812-654-2911

HOMES 12 MOBILE FOR SALE Abandoned Doublewide with land, Please Take Over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503 NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE. Turn-key ready in quiet Mobile Home Park West Harrison, Ind. Call 513-484-5153



0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 and up. (513)367-6366.

Greendale- 56 Dorman Ave., 2BR, new appliances on quiet street, off street parking. No pets. $650/month plus deposit 0 steps! Miamitown, large and references. Available 1 or 2 bedroom at Via i m m e d i a t e l y . Call Manor Apts. Private patio, 513-836-6196. lovely grounds. $395 and Harrison - 1 bedroom up. Free heat! apartment in quiet 12 unit (513)353-0398. brick building, heat fur $430/month. 1 bedroom, downtown n i s h e d . Harrison, fully equipped (513)845-4141. kitchen, A/C, 4 x-large Harrison - 2 Bedroom walk-in closets, tenant apartment For Rent. pays electric, landlord Washer/dryer connection, pays water. No pets. balcony and walk-in closet. $525/month plus deposit. 1 or 1.5 bathrooms. Call (513)845-4375. today to see your new place (513)367-4999. 2 Bedroom duplexes for rent in Aurora, $500 & Harrison - Tippecanoe $600/month. References Apts. Spacious remodrequired. C a l l eled 1BR $540, 2BR $610, dishwasher, bal812-926-0256 cony, very, very clean. A 3 bedroom, Dillsboro, re- Water & sewer included. frigerator & stove fur - No pets. 812-637-1787, nished, by grade school, 513-574-4400 sewer & water furnished. HUD applicants accepted. Harrison area. 1 bedroom, $575/month, $600 deposit, newly remodeled, apartfor rent. studio apartment ment $350/month, $400 deposit (513)260-0465. references required. Call Harrison 812-438-2640. Move-in special. Newly A1-545/547 St. Clair remodeled 1-2 bedroom Street & 216/212 Short w/patio or balcony, pool, St., W/D, stove, refrigera- wooded area $470 and up. No pets. (513)202-0715. tor, C/A, security alarm Section 8 accepted. system, plenty of parking. No p e t s . Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom 812-290-9588, apt., Leasing special, 812-290-1527. $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. LaunAurora 2 bedroom duplex dry on site. Security de$585 month + deposit. No p o s i t required. pets, W/D hook-up, base- (513)205-5555. ment. Call 812-216-8477. Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Aurora, large 1 bedroom, Paragon West Apts. PriW/D hook-up. $440 month vate patio with breathtak+ deposit, no pets. ing view of the valley. Free heat! $450 and up. No 812-216-8477 pets. Visit Aurora- Aspen Ridge 1BR, paragonwest.viviti.com newly remodeled, rear (513)845-4141. deck, water & sewer in Harrison, OH-Tippecacluded, $495/month noe Apartments, Spa 513-532-8933 cious remodeled 1BR Aurora- Aspen Ridge 3&4 $545.00, 2BR $640.00 BR apartment, 2 baths ga- dishwasher, balcony, rage, equipped kitchen, very, very clean. Water & laundry hook-up, gas FP, sewer included, no pets. rear deck, $895/month 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400 513-532-8933

Aurora-Energy efficient, 2-bedroom, 1-bath duplex. Tile, laminated wood flooring, newer appliances, basement w/garage, and w/d hookups. $650.00 monthly $650.00 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. AbsoRiverview Crossing - 3 lutely no pets. Contact bedroom, 2 bath, 2003 Jennifer 812-584-0006. Fleetwood, 1200 sq. ft. $29,000. Willing to con - Dillsboro Maple Glen sider reasonable offers. Apartments, 2 bedroom Unable to rent or lease. apartment available. Call 812-432-5697. Call (513)485-5223.

Buying or Selling?

LOGAN: Like New 100% brick ranch with 3 bd, 2 bath, open flr plan, first flr ldry, city util, deck, walkout basement, close to schools & hwy $184,900 SUNMAN: 3 bd, 1.5 bath cape cod with 1600+ sqft, city util, high eff furnace, partial bsmt, detached garage, carport $89,900 LOGAN: Occupancy Negotiable with this 2974 sq ft, 5 bd, 3.5 bath 2 story on 1.23 acres, first flr master suite with whirlpool tub, first flr & lower level ldry, pantry in kitchen, dining rm, office, LL walkout with full bath and tornado shelter, in cul-de-sac, extra driveway parking, patio, deck $274,900 ST.LEON: 4 bd, 2 bath home on 11 acres, tile, wrap around porch overlooking pond, valley views, attached 6 car heated garage, 36x74 pole bldg $274,900 HVL: One Owner custom built ranch on double lot, clean, no smoke or pets, deck off kitchen, LL includes a family rm with wet bar, full bath and leads out to large patio $149,950 BRIGHT: Immed Occupancy, 4 bd, 2 full 2 half baths, all season rm, LL with outside entry has rec rm w/wet bar, 2 car att and addit’l det 1 car garage, wrap around porch $189,900 BRIGHT: 2 story Contemporary on 5.32 private wooded acres with 4 bd, 3.5 baths, 2 WBFP, tile, decks with views, full bsmt $249,900 NEW PRICE Nr BRIGHT: 3 bd,2.5 bath home on 2.67 acres in country setting,home office could be 4th bd,large eatin kitchen,tile,cathedral ceiling,first flr ldry,3 car garage,addt’l 1+ ac bldg lot avail $299,900 YORKVILLE: A 6.3 ac tract, city water and gas available, deed restrictions, Chapel Thorne Estates SUNMAN: .87 ac building tract with city util at rd in Whitetail Run $22,000

In Harrison, efficiency and 1 bedroom apartments, starting at $395, heat paid. Laundry facilities on site. Call for move in specials. (513)515-2569.

Lawrenceburg 2 bedroom condo, new construction for sale or rent, land contract available. Rent $925 month. 513-532-8933 Lawrenceburg- Everything new, large 3BR 11/2 bath, laundry hook-up, C/A, fenced yard. $750 plus deposit. No pets. 812-584-4923 or 812-537-0013

New Haven Near Harrison. 1 bedroom apartment. Equipped kitchen with large pantry. New flooring. Central, A/C. Very nice condition. $525/month. (812)623-2524.


$6 Million Sold in 2010 $5.5 Million Sold in 2011 Let me sell yours in 2012!

FRED CLARK Ohio/Indiana


812.537.HOME • 513.519.0006


If you are looking for a convenient, comfortable and affordable place to live...

look no further Lutheran Community apartments offers many amenities, including: • Individually controlled heat/ air conditioning • 24-HR emergency maintenance • Utilities included with rent • All appliances • Laundry Facilites • Rent based on income • Controlled access to building • Small pets allowed • Great people!!

Lutheran Community provides apartments for persons 62 and older or mobility impaired with accessible units available for disables persons.

Contact: Regina Hill 812-537-1305 15 Village Drive Lawrenceburg, IN 47025




Cozy 2 bedroom, rural North Dearborn County. Minutes from I74. Equipped kitchen, mu droom, washer/dryer hookups, front deck, rear patio. $650/month, plus utilities, $600 deposit. 25 Driver Trainees (812)221-0204. Needed! Learn to drive for For Rent 2-story frame Stevens Transport! Earn house, 3/bedroom, 11/2 $800 per week! No experibath on 56 between Rising ence needed! Local 15 Sun/Aurora. Rising Sun day CDL Training at TDI!!! schools. $675. per/month WIA, VA & Carrier funding! +utilities, $675. deposit. 1-877-649-3156. References needed, no in- Attention CDL-A Drivers! door pets, no smokers. Averitt is hiring in your 438-3483 area. Great Benefits &


House-Duplex, large living room, dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, utility room with washer & dryer hook-up. Off street parking with deck on back porch. $900 a month, 1 month deposit. 859-512-3899


Hometime. 4 Months T/T experience required - apply now! 888-362-8608 Visit AVERITTcareers.com Equal Opportunity Em ployer

“Can You Dig It” We will train, certify & provide lifetime assistance landing work. Hiring in Indiana. HVL-main floor of very se- Start digging as a heavy cluded 2 bedroom on 3 e q u i p m e n t operator. wooded lots. Great room 866-362-6497 AC1213 w/beam cathedral ceiling, large master bedroom, Class-A CDL driver. All lowraparound deck over - cal deliveries, Monday-Frilooking w o o d s . day, 1st shift, 30K plus to Washer/dryer, gym and start. Call Tod at carport down. $975 month 513-738-2500 includes all utilities and ca- Construction/General Lable. Ideal for non smoking borer, must have own single or empty nesters. transportation. Starting at $800 deposit and refer $10 hour. 812-744-6870. ences. 812-537-9305 Dozer and hoe operators, Large 4 bedroom home pipelayers, laborers. Mininear Milan Elementary mum 2 years experience School $800 month. Call on mainline water and for a p p l i c a t i o n sewer. Mostly prevailing 812-438-2802. wage. Smith & Brown Contractors 513-738-0077. Okeana- Quiet, cozy, 1BR on farm. All appliances, Drivers - CDL-A Drivers screen porch, walking Needed! Up to $5,000 trails, garage, water, and Sign-On Bonus for Experilawn care. $450/month enced Drivers! New stuplus deposit. No smoking. dent pay and Lease Program now available! 513-738-1350 877-521-5775 www.USATRUCK.jobs


3 bedroom, 2 bath in country near Milton, $500 + deposit & utilities. 812-667-5818 3 units for rent $450,$475, $525/ month plus utilities on Scotts Ridge Rd. Call 812-623-4454 or 859-240-0126




Open Sun. 1-3! Bright - 23807 Mt. Meadows - Cape cod w/ 4br, 2ba, part fin LL, 2 car att gar. Must see home! $169,900. Open Sun. 1-3! Riverview Crossing - Manufactured home w/ 3br, 2ba, sunroom, carport, approx 2000 sq ft. $59,900. New Listing! W. Harrison - Brick ranch on secluded 3 acre setting! 3br, 2ba, full part fin. LL. Inground pool, prof lanscaped. 2 car att gar. $294,900. Harrison - Building lots in quality development. Minutes to I-74 at New Haven Rd. Just a few remaining! Call Fred!

Experienced Tanker/Flatbed Drivers! *Strong Freight Network *Stability *Great Pay Every Second Counts! Call Today! 1-800-277-0212 www.primeinc.com

Flat bed drivers. .50 CPM plus tarp & strap. Hogan. Class A & 6 mos. Exp. New equipment arriving daily. 800-444-6042. www.hogan1.com Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100.



Drivers: OTR 10-14 days out. $1000 Sign-on, Great Pay, Benefits! Haven't driven lately? No problem! CDL-A 1yr. exp. w/Clean MVR1(877)412-7209.


Opera House Apartments2-bed, 2-bath loft, $850/month plus deposit. All utilities included 24x30 nice garage for rent in Milan, insulated, $100 513-218-7404. per month + electric & deSizzling Summer Spe - posit. Lease required. cials at Glenn Meadows 812-374-7706 Apartments in beautiful Rising Sun, Indiana, on the Great Ohio River. No Subsidized Housing! Call today for details. 812-438-2300 o r Looking for 3 bedroom in country in South Dearborn 812-584-6266. School District. Spectacular 2,600sqft 8 5 9 - 2 4 8 - 9 7 2 1 or condo on HVL, 3 large 812-654-4228 bedrooms, 2/12 bath, many, many extras. Refer- Professional man looking ences and deposit re - to rent or rent-to-own a country home. A fixer-upquired. 812-537-0775 per would be ideal. Need by August 1st. Call 812-290-6598.

Ken Maddin


Duplex available, 2 bedroom, basement, fenced yard, quiet dead-end street, 543 W. High St. Utilities, deposit & references required. 513-276-5884 812-290-4490-Residential Cleaning, You Make The Mess Weʼll Do The Rest. Great 1 bedroom apart ments near Lawrenceburg library and pool. 1st floor, C/A, electric heat, W/D on site, high ceilings with fans. . $580/month with skylights and all utilities paid. $490/month water included with front porch. 1 month deposit + 1st month rent. 1 year lease required. References required. 513-319-8784

Mobile home for sale/rent, Moores Hill, 2/3 bedrooms, available from $495 per month, including lot rent. Also mobile home fixer for sale $1200 OBO New Build Duplex- Rising 812-785-0502 Sun, 3 bedroom, bath and a half, all wood laminate Mobile Home Lots for rent, and ceramic floors, all new spacious, and we will pay appliances including dish- to move your home. washer, washer and dryer Moores Hill. 812-785-0502 hook-up only, nice over- Trailer for rent 2 bedroom, size g a r a g e . 1 bath, total electric in Ris$800.00/month. Please ing Sun, No pets. call 812-438-3366. Leave 812-438-2176 message or e-mail for application.



Lawrenceburg, IN- Brick family home. 4BR, 2 full baths, 2 half baths, eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room, finished basement, office, storage room, laundry room, 2-car garage, deck, shed, and above ground pool, $179,900.00. For more info call Greg 812-584-2779.


Dillsboro: 2 bedroom, washer/dryer, no smoking $600/month plus security deposit. Garage available additional $50/month. Call Quality Property Management 812-432-3230 800-474- 1920.

Lawrenceburg/ AuroraDuplex, 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, laundry, $795/ month plus deposit. 513-549-3418

Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage bonus. Home weekends. Insurance & 401k. Apply @ Boydandsons.com 800-648-9915 Immediately hiring for front desk clerk, house keeping. Must have 1 year experience. Apply in person at Holiday Inn Express, Harrison. Join the Schilli Companies New Pay Package! Van and flatbed positions. Class A CDL 1 year rec. OTR exp. min. 23 years old. 1-877-261-2101 www.schilli.com Miami Savings Bank Teller position available, please apply in person at: 8008 Ferry St Miamitown OH 45041. Owner Operators Wanted Midwest Regional Class A CDL up to 1.10/mile home weekends FSC Paid All Miles $1500 sign on Frontier Transport 800-991-6227 www.DriveFor Frontier.com PART TIME MERCHENDISER NEEDED A large food Wholesaler is looking for a part time merchendiser in the Aurora In area. Duties include checking in and stocking fresh baked product in a local grocery store. Aplicants must be dependable, have good people skills, reliable transportation, be at least 18 yrs of age and be able to pass a pre-hire drug test. This is a great job 18 to 29 hrs per week at above minimum wage. Great for retirees, stay at home parents,or college students. If interested send resume to CDAWSON@LEWISBAKERIES. COM. Personal assistant needed - Description: I am looking for an energetic and diligent personal assistant. Position is fairly flexible, so students are welcome to apply matt.ollard1@gmail.com. Southwest Local SchoolsSubstitute bus drivers needed: School days, $12.90/hr. Responsible candidates with excellent moral character and good driving record should apply in person: 230 S. Elm Street, Harrison, Ohio 45030.

Drivers - New Freight lanes in your area. Annual Salary $45k to $60k. Flexible hometime. Modern Fleet of Trucks. CDL-A, 3 months current OTR expe- Stone Belt Freight Lines rience. 800-414-9569 Needs Owner Operators Now! Run 48 & Canada. www.driveknight.com Percentage Plus 100% Drivers Co & O/OPʼs Re- Fuel Surcharge. Plate Progional Home Weekly. gram & Insurance AvailTeams 7-14 days. Class A a b l e . Call Kelsey CDL 1 year exp. In last 3. 1-800-489-2332. Call 888-258-2001. Driverʼs needed! Receive PTDI certified, Class-A CDL training - Accredited school. Pell Grant/Stafford loan available. Job placement. GI Bill approved. 18+ contact Jamie 800-528-7825.

TIG Welder/Fabricator Blueprint knowledge and stainless steel experience necessary Competitive pay and benefits Conveyor Solutions, LLC. Appointment needed. (p) 513-367-4845 Drivers: Class A CDL (f) 513-367-4846 Driver Training. Ask about Attn: Nichole our Zero training cost nichole@ when you enroll in classes conveyorsolutionsllc.com the week of 07/09, with employment commitment. Experienced drivers also needed! Central Refrigerated 8 7 7 - 3 6 9 - 7 2 0 3 Tired Of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Thereʼs www.centraltruckdrivinggreat earning potential as jobs.com a Professional Truck Drivers: Home Nightly Driver! The average ProFlorence, KY Flatbed fessional Truck Driver Openings! Great Pay, earns $750+/wk*. Flexible Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. training schedules @ Req. Estenson Logistics. Roadmaster! Approved for Apply: www.goelc.com Veterans Training. Call to1-866-336-9642 day! 1-866-467-1836 AC-0205 *DOL/BLS 2010

MECHANIC Southeastern IN REMC, an equal opportunity employer, seeks an experienced mechanic for mtce/repair of our fleet vehicles/equipment. Seeking a HS/Technical graduate with training/certifications in gas, diesel and hydraulic mtce/repair. Class A CDL required. Please send resume by July 20,2012 to Human Resources/Mechanic, Southeastern IN REMC, 712 S Buckeye St, Osgood, IN 47037



Dillsboro Townhouses- 1 and 2 bedroom units available. Also accepting applications for subsidized housing. No pets. Call Quality Property Management, 432-3230 or 800-479-1920


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