THE HARRISON PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2012, 11 Harrison - Nice large, 2 bedroom apt. in 3-family house. Electric/heat not included. $550/month. 515 Park Ave., Do Not Disturb Tenants, call owner @ (513)845-4141.
ACREAGE FOR 14 SALE 3 acres, 3 bedroom doublewide home. 2 out buildings, storm shelter, located in Okeana, Ohio. $68,000. Call for details. (513)907-5944.
0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 and up. (513)367-6366.
HOUSES FOR 11 SALE Abandoned DW W/land, please take over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503. Brick ranch, 15-acres, large rooms, 3-bedroom, 2-baths, country kitchen, laundry, beautiful oak floors, 2-covered porches, scenic views, 2-car ga rage, full basement/walkout, $265,000. 812-926-3970 Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $99,999. 812-584-3522
0 steps! Miamitown, large 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free heat! (513)353-0398.
1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Aurora. $650 and $750, 16x80 trailer for sale or all utilities paid. Call lease option to buy, 3 812-926-0468 bedroom, 2 bath, available in G r e e n d a l e . 1 bedroom, large LR, kitchen, bath, big closets, 812-577-0781 upstairs apartment. RefrigHoliday Homes - 10642 erator/stove furnished. No Eddy Dr. 3 bedroom, 2 full pets. $485 rent, $200 debaths, fireplace, shed, posit. 407 1/2 Poplar St., deck, carport. Asking Rising Sun, 926-2258. $28,000. (513-706-4677 2 Bedroom duplexes for Owner Financing - 2 bed- rent in Aurora, $500 & room, 1 full bath, $9,500, $600/month. No utilities in$1,500 down, $200/month. cluded. References re Hazelhurst MHP lot #45. quired. Call 812-926-0256 Mt. Healthy, Ohio. 2 bedroom, 1 bath & base(513)678-3360 ment in country, no pets, Owner Financing - 2 bed- central air & heat. Appliroom. $9,500, $1,500 ances furnished, we mow, down, $200/month. Hazel- utilities, unfurnished, hurst MHP 8001 Hamilton Aurora area, Route 50. Ave., lot #71. Mt. Healthy, References a must $600 per month + $600.00 deOhio. (513)678-3360. posit. Call 812-584-5631.
Buying or Selling?
Ken Maddin $6 Million Sold in 2010 $5.5 Million Sold in 2011 Let me sell yours in 2012!
2BR, 1bath, lg eat-in kitchen, covered front porch, $550/ month. Call 812-584-1498 A 3 bedroom, Dillsboro, refrigerator & stove fur nished, by grade school, sewer & water furnished. HUD applicants accepted. $575/month, $600 deposit, studio apartment $350/month, $400 deposit references required. Call 812-438-2640.
Harrison Move-in special. Newly remodeled 1-2 bedroom Aurora 1BR, furnished, 2nd floor. No pets/smok- w/patio or balcony, pool, ing. Utilities paid by tenant. wooded area $470 and up. No pets. (513)202-0715. Free laundry room short/long term. Prime lo- Section 8 accepted. cation office retail space Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom also. Leave message apt., Leasing special, (812)926-1083 $495, $595/month incl. waAURORA-1 BR APT. ter, sewer, garbage. LaunLEASE-221 SECOND ST. dry on site. Security derequired. AURORA. GROUND p o s i t FLOOR. STOVE & (513)205-5555. FRIDGE. UTILITIES IN- Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. CLUDED! $575/ MONTH. Paragon West Apts. Pri$600 DEPOSIT. NO vate patio with breathtakPETS. 584-1616, 9A-6P. ing view of the valley. Free MAYBERRYPROPERheat! $450 and up. No TIES@EMBARQMAIL.CO p e t s . Visit M Country Hill Apartments. (513)845-4141. Studio $380, no steps car- Harrison, OH-Tippecaports, laundry on site. noe Apartments, Spa Across from Ludlow Hill cious remodeled 1BR Park. 812-539-4339 $545.00, 2BR $640.00 Downtown Harrison - dishwasher, balcony, Apartments starting at very, very clean. Water & $350 washer/dryer on site. sewer included, no pets. 812-637-1787, Call (513)386-4616. 513-574-4400 Efficiencies in Aurora, all utilities included, + satellite In Harrison, efficiency, and phone, furnished. $85 $395/month heat and wato $100 weekly + deposit. ter paid. Laundry facilities on site. Call for move in 812-926-3641 specials. (513)515-2569. Efficiency - 1 bedroom Large 1 bedroom apt., in apartment. Utilities paid. Harrison, $435/month plus Lawrenceburg area. Deelectric. (513)479-5155. posit required. Call (812)438-4883. Large 2 bedroom apartFor rent when available, ment duplex Lawrence 2 and 3 room furnished burg, just remodeled $550. apartments, utilities in- + $500 deposit + utilities. + small yards. No cluded, AC, no pets. De- Storage pets. 513-265-3033 posit required. Call (812)537-5796, Large 2 bedroom apart(812)432-9605, or ment, Dillsboro, A/C, heat, (812)584-3822. water. Appliances fur nished. Call For Rent: Efficiencies (812)438-3519. Shown by $160.00 per week utilities appointment and for an apincluded. Deposit required. plication. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Lawrenceburg. Deposit Miamitown, 2 bedroom, 1 required. 859-512-3899 bath, $520.00 per month + deposit, 8418 Harrison Glenn Meadows Apart- Avenue. 513-549-3418 ments. Rising Sun Indiana on the Majestic Ohio Small 2 bedroom apart River. Golf Cart friendly ment in West Harrison, community, park like set- Ind. $650 per month. All ting with all the conven- utilities included. No pets. iences. No subsidized First and last months rent housing. Call for more required. (513)235-0869. information St. Leon, 2nd floor apart812-438-2300. ment, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, Greendale - 1 bedroom $ 4 3 0 a month. apartment, 2nd floor, (513)616-8701. equipped kitchen, washer/dryer hook-up, car- West Harrison / Bright, peted, $450 + deposit & Ind. Attached apartment at utilities. Call evenings private residence, nice 4 room, 1 bath, fridge, 812-623-41130. range, washer & dryer, gaHarrison - 1 bedroom rage. Must have refer apartment in quiet 12 unit ences. You pay electric. brick building, heat fur - $600 a month, deposit the nished. $ 4 3 0 / m o n t h . same. (513)200-0058. (513)845-4141.
OPEN SUNDAY 812.537.HOME • 513.519.0006
WE’RE IN YOUR CORNER. 812.637.2220 CSTONEREALTY.COM BRIGHT: Immed Occupancy, 4 bd, 2 full 2 half baths, all season rm, LL with outside entry has rec rm w/wet bar, 2 car att and addit’l det 1 car garage, wrap around porch $189,900 BRIGHT: 2 story Contemporary on 5.32 private wooded acres with 4 bd, 3.5 baths, 2 WBFP, tile, decks with views, full bsmt $249,900 NEW PRICE Nr BRIGHT: 3 bd, 2.5 bath home on 2.67 acres in country setting, home office could be 4th bd, large eatin kitchen, tile, cathedral ceiling, first flr ldry, 3 car garage, addt’l 1+ ac bldg lot avail $299,900 HVL: One Owner custom built ranch on double lot, clean, no smoke or pets,deck off kitchen, LL includes a family rm with wet bar, full bath and leads out to large patio $154,900 YORKVILLE: A 5.8 ac tract and a 6.3 ac tract, city water and gas available, deed restrictions,Chapel Thorne Estates SUNMAN: .87 ac building tract with city utility at rd in Whitetail Run $22,000.
1-3 PM
Beautiful Condo! Huge open great rm w/ cath ceil. Gorgeous Kit w/cherry cab/gran counters. 2 BR + den, 2 c gar, full LL ready to finish. Harrison to Lyness, right to 10807 Stone Ridge Way. End Unit. $184,900.
FRED CLARK Ohio/Indiana
Dotty Paeltz 513-289-3646
HVL (L274478) 19061 HAMPTON DR-3br, 2.5bath ranch of
#7 green of HVL Golf Course. Hdwd flrs, Sun rm, LL Family Rm & wkshp. $194,900 Sandy Hirsch Manchester (L272671) Cedar-sided 3BR ranch w/2bths, WBFP, full w/o bsmt, cvr’d frt porch, deck, 2 car det gar/wkshp, on 7.7+acs. $194,900 Patrick Martini Bright (L272792) 3BR, 2bth ranch on 3+ac. Lots of family space, beautiful wooded lot, pole barn w/ wkshp. $164,900 Patrick Schwing Aurora (L272872) 14+ acs 10 1/2 miles from I-275 w/approx 1100 ft of rd frontage. Pole barn & pond! $499,900 Patrick Martini Dillsboro (L274873) 4br, 1bath Cape Cod in town but country setting. Lots of Potential. $113,000 Patrick Schwing Aurora (L274894) 4br, 3.5 bath home on 32 acres. Stone FP, Granite & the best Stainless appls. $329,900 Debi Hornsby Milan (L274905) 3br, 1bath ranch home on 3/4 acre. Needs TLC. $ 85,000 Patrick Schwing Moores Hill (L274918) 2br, 2bath home on 1 acre. Very Clean & Move-in Ready! Newer Roof. $ 79,000 Ken Greive
9878 HARRISON AVE, 3 BED, 1 NEW BATH, 2 CAR ATTACH GARAGE, CENTRAL AIR COND, FULL BASEMENT, LARGE FENCED YARD, NEW KITCHEN, $975.00MTH CALL (513)617-7845 Harrison - 3 bedroom, 1bath, ranch, fenced yard, a/c, w/d. $850/month, $850/deposit. (513)403-7829.
Open Sun. 1-3! Harrison- 147 Campbell Rd- Ranch home w/ 3BR, 1BA, newer appls, heat/air, and roof. Imm. occupancy. $93,000. Open Sun. 1-3! Harrison - 10785 Stone Ridge WayImmediate Occupancy! Ranch style condo w/ 3BR, 3BA, full fin LL. 2 car att gar. $185,000. Harrison- Building lots in quality development. Mins to 1-74. New Haven Rd. Just a few remaining! Call Fred
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171
Harrison-Wow, What a beautiful 3 bdrm home located on a cul de sac street! This home offers 3 bdrms, a full basement, and a fenced backyard adorned with mature trees all within walking distance of downtown. All this for $109,900. Call Dennis Bischoff 812-569-5819. B1609H
HVL - main floor of very secluded 2 bedroom on 3 wooded lots, great room w/beam cathedral ceiling, large master bedroom and carport, wraparound deck overlooking woods. Washer/dryer and gym down. $975 includes all utilities, cable, lawn maintenance, snow removal and trash pick-up. No smoking, ideal for professional or empty nester. No short term renters or co-habitators. $800 de posit and references. 812-537-9305.
PARK PLACE APARTMENTS SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park. Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.
CALL 812-221-0425
Manchester, 3 bedroom country farmhouse, 1 bath, kitchen with stove, fridge, w/d hook-up, central HVAC, large yard, $700. 513-604-7983/513-2557032
Bartender/Pro-shop attendant, some weeknights, all weekend nights and some weekend days. Bartending, cleaning, pro-shop duties, and some cooking required. Apply at Country View Gof Course. Rising Sun 4 bedroom, 2 812-576-5000 bath home close to schools and community “Can You Dig It” We will pool. $850/month + de - train, certify & provide lifeposit = to 1st months rent. time assistance landing Call 438-3886. work. Hiring in Indiana. Start digging as a heavy equipment operator. 866-362-6497 AC1213
Class A Drivers needed. Midwest Regional 38 to 40 CPM Paid Orientaion. Paid from 1st Dispatch. Full benefits $1,500 Sign-on. ONLINE TRANSPORT (877)997-8999. wwwDriveWest Harrison, IN 2 bed- room on 2 acres, $600 Dedicated Drivers plus deposit. No pets. Needed! Exceptional Pay 812-637-1773 and Benefits package. Run regionally, be home weekly! New Trucks in 2012! Call Today 888-409-6033 or visit online Economic location(s) in area qualifying for grant Driver needed, CDL Class assistance. Two-small ad- A. Van leased to Landstar. joining easy-access loca- 1 year experirence. tions, Walnut Street. (513)315-2213. Lease one/both @ $450 each 812-584-4853. AvailDrivers - CDL-A Drivers able July 1 or sooner. Needed! Up to $3,000 Sign-On Bonus for qualiGarage space fied drivers! 6mo. OTR for rent exp. reqʼd. Call or Apply small medium and large Online 877-521-5775 $275 and up 220 electric business or storage Drivers - Solos & Teams 1 Call Tom year OTR. High Pay & (513)477-8848 Benefits. Sign On Bonus Lawrenceburg currently 877-628-3748 rents as a barbershop. Great business location, or can be 1-bedroom apart- Drivers Co & O/OPʼs Rement all utilities included. gional Home Weekly. $500 month. C a l l Teams 7-14 days. Class A 926-0739. Available May CDL 1 year exp. In last 3. Call 888-258-2001. 8, 2012. 2 bedroom $475 + utilities, 3 bedroom $525 + utilities. Switzerland County, HUD accepted. Country living year lease. 812-623-4454 or 859-240-0126
Lawrenceburg nr. - Randall Ave off Route 50 150acres, 8,000sqft. bldg+720sqft office under construction next to Dearborn Co bldgs & South eastern Beverages bld to suit, financing available, sale or lease I-74 & N.Bend-6 ofc bldgs, land avail, 7 locs. Realtors welcome V & G Rack 513-574-7661.
Drivers- Flexible home time, Full or Part-time. Modern trucks. Local orientation. Quarterly safety bonus. Single source dispatch. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569
LifeTime Resourcesʼ Case Management Program is expanding and we have several Case Manager positions available in Dillsboro. Duties: in-depth assessments of aged and disabled clients, care plan development. Needed skills: written, verbal, computer, listening, reasoning, problem solving, and working in a team. Bachelorʼs Degree in Sociology, Psychology, Counseling, Gerontology, Social Work or RN with one year experience in human services, or a Bachelorʼs Degree in any filed with two years experience with the elderly or disabled. Provide resume to Lifetime Resources, 13091 Benedict Drive, Dillsboro, IN 47018. EOE NEW TO TRUCKING? Your new career starts now! *$0 Tuition Cost *No Credit Check *Great Pay & Benefits Short employ ment commitment required call: 866-660-8684. Part time pool attendant needed at local community. Will train the right candidate. Weekends required. To apply call (513)367-9824 ask for Meg. RG Transport is Hiring Class A-CDL. Full time, Part time and owner operators, *Great Pay & Benefits *Weekend Home Time *No Touch Freight *Paid Holidays & Vaca tions *Let Your Great CSA Score Earn You a $0.03 CPM. Call us!!! 866-275-1454 or apply onl i n e a t : Rising Sun Senior Nutrition Center Director needed. Energetic, outgoing, creative, organized individual with management skills who can help build the program. Valid driverʼs license required. $9.00/hour, M-F, 8:45 am-12:15pm. Send re sume to LifeTime Re sources 13091 Benedict Drive, Dillsboro, IN 47018, or complete an application on line at EOE.
Drivers: Getting Home is Easier. Chromed out trucks w/APU's. Chromed out pay package! 90% Drop & Hook CDL-A, Seeking front desk and 6mos Exp. (888) 247-4037 housekeeping person. Full Office / warehouse / retail Drivers: NO Experience? and part time. Experience space for lease in Law - Class A CDL Driver Train- needed. Apply in person: renceburg, 1500 sqft to ing. We train and employ! 391 Comfort Dr., Harrison. 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. New pay increases coming Services To Adults and soon. Experienced drivers Youth, Inc. has a PT openalso needed! Central Re- ing for Home Visitor. We frigerated 877-369-7203. visit first-time mothers in www.centraltruckdrivingtheir homes, focus on child development and develop Greendale, 30x40 Garage goals using an established For Rent, 12x12 garage Experienced Tanker/Flatcurriculum. door, heat, water, bath - bed Drivers! *Strong Applicants must have room, $550.00/month. Call Freight Network *Stability Bachelorʼs degree in reTom 513-460-2660. *Great Pay Every Second l a t e d f i e l d – v i s i t Pasture for rent. Call Counts! Call Today! for more infor1-800-277-0212 www.pri- mation. Prior training with 812-744-5536 Every Child Succeeds Program a plus. Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Email resumes using MS Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. w o r d t o : Up to .04cpm Mileage bo- by Housing needed for 8 nus. Home weekends. In- May 30, 2012. adult professionals for surance & 401k. Apply @ June and July in HVL, Stone Belt Freight Lines 800-648-9915 Lawrenceburg, or GreenNeeds Owner Operators dale. Furnished or unfur- FULL TIME DAY WORK Now! Run 48 & Canada. nished. 513-284-9021 AVAILABLE MALE/FE - Percentage Plus 100% MALE WORKERS WHITE- Fuel Surcharge. Plate ProWATER PROCESSING gram & Insurance Available. Call Kelsey 513-367-4133 1-800-489-2332. Hair Stylist wanted, hourly wage or commission. Must TECHNICAL SERVICE be upbeat, with a good atREPRESENTATIVE titude, experience necessary. Heads Up Hair Salon Campbell Hausfeld, a Dearborn P l a z a . manufacturer of air com25 Driver T r a i n e e s 812-537-0752 pressors and power tools Needed! Learn to drive for located in Harrison, Ohio, Stevens Transport! Earn Lease purchase & O/Oʼs. is seeking an entry level $800 per week! No experi- $1,000 Sign On Bonus. Technical Service Repreence needed! Local CDL Soloʼs and Teams. 70% of sentative to answer technitraining job ready in 15 gross revenue + generous cal, warranty and other days! 1-877-649-3156. fuel surcharge. Zero down customer service inquiries. payment + m o r e . The candidate must posAVERITT has great oppor- 800-767-6918. sess strong technical and tunity for CDL-A drivers! mechanical aptitude, ex42.5 cpm w/1+ yearʼs experience (depends on lo- Live-Work-Party-Play! Play cellent phone skills and cation). W e e k l y in Vegas, Hang in LA, jet strong computer skills, eshometime/full benefits! to New York! Hiring 18-24 pecially in Word and ExPaid refresher course girls/guys. $400-$800- cel. available. 888-362-8608 wkly. Paid expenses. Sign- Interested and qualified candidates should respond EOE ing b o n u s . with a resume, cover letter 1-866-251-0768 and salary expectations to Baldwin Cleaning Service Residential c l e a n e r s N o w h i r i n g b u s e r s , RMESSER@campbellneeded. Location: Bright, part-time at Woodlands, or mail to Ind. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 9680 Cilley Rd., Cleves, Randy Messer, 100 Prop.m. M-F Part-time $7.50 Ohio 45002. Call for ap- duction Dr. Harrison, OH per hour. Call Leesa Bald- pointment, (513)353-2593. 45030. Supplement your income. win (812)637-5861. Telemarketer needed in East Enterprise. Experience with computers a must. Excellent phone Call for an appointment skills. Call 812-534-3822.
* Foreclosure Special * Equipped kitchens * Laundry facilities * Heat included * 24 hour emergency maintenance * Minutes from I-275
* Ask about Deposit Special * Lots of closet space * Children play area * Walk to Ludlow City Park * Extra Storage * Pets Welcome
NOW LEASING 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
Tired Of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Thereʼs great earning potential as a Professional Truck Driver! The average Professional Truck Driver earns $750+/wk*. Flexible training schedules @ Roadmaster! Approved for Veterans Training. Call today! 1-866-467-1836 AC-0205 *DOL/BLS 2010 Tool and Die Designer w/5-10 yrs. Experience in Stamping Die Design Solidworks Preferred or Any 3D Design Package. Also a CNC Mill Programmer and CNC Wire Programmer w/experience. 1st Shift Excellent Benefits and Pay. Please call only if y o u h a v e experience.765-647-3451 or 765-265-7768. “You got the drive, We have the Direction” OTR Drivers - APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass. Pets/passenger policy. Newer equipment. 100% N o T o u c h . 1-800-528-7825.
Aurora- own your own restaurant! Gas and water/sewer paid, $900/ month. Serious inquires only. 812-216-8477