Rising Sun- 3BR, 1BA, fenced yard, newer 24x36 Pole Barn, acre lot, owe $70K, sell $70K/ 812-290-3758-leave message
Abandoned Doublewide with land, Please Take Over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503
West Harrison, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, recently remod eled, Mill End Estates, lot D, $116,000. 513-488-2941
Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $99,900. 812-584-3522
House for sale by owner. Greendale- 4-bedroom cape cod , finished basement, 2-bath, newer roof, new windows, 1-car garage. $127,800 firm. 812-584-0196
Buying or Selling?
Ken Maddin $6 Million Sold in 2010 $5.5 Million Sold in 2011 Let me sell yours in 2012!
812.537.HOME • 513.519.0006
WE’RE IN YOUR CORNER. 812.637.2220 CSTONEREALTY.COM ST. LEON: 4 bd, 2 bath home on 11 acres, tile, wrap around porch overlooking pond, valley views, attached 6 car heated garage, 36x74 pole bldg $274,900 HVL: One Owner custom built ranch on double lot, clean, no smoke or pets, deck off kitchen, LL includes a family rm with wet bar, full bath and leads out to large patio $149,950 BRIGHT: Immed Occupancy, 4 bd, 2 full 2 half baths, all season rm, LL with outside entry has rec rm w/wet bar, 2 car att and addit’l det 1 car garage, wrap around porch $189,900 BRIGHT: 2 story Contemporary on 5.32 private wooded acres with 4 bd, 3.5 baths, 2 WBFP, tile, decks with views, full bsmt $249,900 NEW PRICE Nr BRIGHT: 3 bd, 2.5 bath home on 2.67 acres in country setting, home office could be 4th bd, large eatin kitchen, tile, cathedral ceiling, first flr ldry, 3 car garage, addt’l 1+ ac bldg lot avail $299,900 YORKVILLE: A 6.3 ac tract, city water and gas available, deed restrictions, Chapel Thorne Estates SUNMAN: .87 ac building tract with city util at rd in Whitetail Run $22,000
2 acres, cul-de-sac, custom homes. 23 Gray Street, West Harrison. Johnson Fork Road to Strohmier Estates. (513)266-1330. 3 acres, 3 bedroom doublewide home. 2 out buildings, storm shelter, located in Okeana, Ohio. $68,000. Call for details. (513)907-5944. Lender- Ordered Lake Liquidation Sale!! 2 acres with FREE boat slips only $29,900. Was $69,9000. Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 acre Kentucky Lake. All infrastructure completed. Own for pennies on the dollar. Excellent financing. Call now 1-800-704-3154. X-3766 Logan, IN: 1 level acre on Sawdon Ridge be tween Rt. 1 & N. Dear born Rod. (Sunman Dearborn Schools). $39,000obo. 513-518-7189
Building lot sale, good neighborhood. 169x141-1/2 acre+. All utilities & cable on Sherman Dr., Aurora. 812-926-0100
FRED CLARK Ohio/Indiana
Driver: CDL-A Aurora- Beautiful, 2BR We know times are tough.. Townhouse, 2 balconies thatʼs why Smith Transport overlooking scenic Ohio is announcing River, 11/2 baths, garage, a NEW PAY Package! refrigerator, range. No or pets. $750/month plus de(888)247-4037. posit and references. Drivers - CDL-A Drivers 812-432-5305 Needed! Up to $5,000 Farmhouse 3 bedroom, Sign-On Bonus for ExperiDillsboro area, Milan enced Drivers! New stuSchools, $650 month + dent pay and Lease Proelectric. Deposit required gram now available! 812-432-5793 No appli- 877-521-5775 www.USAances furnished, no pets. Harrison - Beautiful 2.5 Drivers - New Freight bedroom, 1 bath, family room with fireplace, 2 car lanes in your area. Annual detached garage. Asking Salary $45k to $60k. Flexi$980/month plus deposit. ble hometime. Modern Fleet of Trucks. CDL-A, 3 (513)673-1093. months current OTR expeHidden Valley area-3 br, 2 rience. 800-414-9569 ba, duplex, 1-car garage, w/opener. Laundry room, all appliances. Pets O.K. Drivers-CDL-A TEAM with $800/month. Sunman TOTAL! MILES*EQUIPDearborn S c h o o l s . MENT*BENEFITS (513)652-9921. Available .50cents/mile for Hazmat Teams. Solo drivers also now. needed! 800-942-2104 House-Duplex, large living E X T . 7 3 0 7 or 7308 room, dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, utility room with Drivers-OTR 10-14 days washer & dryer hook-up. out. Great pay, benefits! Off street parking with Havenʼt driven lately? No Glenn Meadows Apart- deck on back porch. $900 problem! CDL-A 1 year ments. Rising Sun Indi- a month, 1 month deposit. e x p . w / c l e a n M V R . 1-877-412-7209. ana on the Majestic Ohio 859-512-3899 River. Golf Cart friendly Drivers: Company/Owner community, park like setOP's. Local & Long Haul. ting with all the convenDedicated Runs. Pd iences. No subsidized Loaded/Unloaded. Good housing. Call for more information Economic location(s) in Home time. CO.-Excellent 812-438-2300. area qualifying for grant Benefits. O/OP's-100% FSC, Fuel Cards. CDL-A: Greendale - 1 bedroom assistance. Two-small ad- 2yrs OTR exp. Tank & joining easy-access locaapartment, 2nd floor, end a + tions, Walnut Street. H a z . equipped k i t c h e n , Lease one/both @ $450 washer/dryer hook-up, car- each 812-584-4853. Availpeted, $450 + deposit & able July 1 or sooner. utilities. Call evenings Drivers: NO Experience? 812-623-4130. Class A CDL Driver TrainGarage space ing. We train and employ! for rent Greendale - 2 bedroom New pay increases coming small medium and large apartment, near park, soon. Experienced drivers $275 and up pool, etc., 901 Diana also needed! Central Re220 electric Drive. Hardwood floors, frigerated 877-369-7203. business or storage appliances furnished. $595 www.centraltruckdrivingCall Tom Call 812-577-3093 leave (513)477-8848 message. Will consider HUD. Office / warehouse / retail Drivers: Owner Op's. Midspace for lease in Law - west Regional Dedicated. Harrison - One bedroom renceburg, 1500 sqft to No upfront costs.100% apartment. Heat/water in- 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. FSC, pay all tolls/permits. cluded. $410 per month, Sign on Bonus. No-Touch. plus deposit. Very quiet Pd Loaded/Unloaded home like atmosphere. 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Mike: 800-241-2415 Call (513)984-0035.
Aurora-Energy efficient, 2-bedroom, 1-bath duplex. Tile, laminated wood flooring, newer appliances, basement w/garage, and w/d hookups. $650.00 monthly $650.00 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. Absolutely no pets. Contact 0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bed- Jennifer 812-584-0006. room at Village Square Country Hill Apartments. Apartments in downtown Studio $380, no steps carHarrison. Free heat! $425 ports, laundry on site. and up. (513)367-6366. Across from Ludlow Hill 0 steps! Miamitown, large Park. 812-539-4339 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Dillsboro Maple Glen Manor Apts. Private patio, Apartments, 2 bedroom lovely grounds. $395 and apartment available. Call up. Free h e a t ! 812-432-5697. (513)353-0398. For rent when available, 1 bedroom in Rising Sun 2 and 3 room furnished or Dillsboro, upstairs unit. apartments, utilities in812-584-3537 cluded, AC, no pets. Derequired. Call 1st floor apartment, 1BR posit (812)537-5796, equipped kitchen, water (812)432-9605, or and sewer included, down- (812)584-3822. town Harrison, $330/month plus deposit. For Rent: Efficiencies 513-367-9236. $160.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. 3 and 4 bedroom in Law- Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in renceburg, $900/month. Lawrenceburg. Deposit Call 926-0468 required. 859-512-3899
HOUSES FOR APARTMENTS FOR RENT 11 21 SALE Naples Florida Area! Bank acquired luxury condo only $169,900. Same unit sold for $428,895 Own your brand new condo for pennies on the dollar. Granite counters, tile floors, stainless appliances, more. Enjoy the pool, clubhouse, fitness center. Walk to over 20 resturants/100 shops! Must see. Hurry - 90% sold out! Call 1-866-2825, x431
3BR 1 bath utility in Dillsboro, $650 plus utilities, deposit required. No pets. Call 812-290-7036
A1-545/547 St. Clair Street & 216/212 Short St., W/D, stove, refrigerator, C/A, security alarm system, plenty of parking. No pets. 812-290-9588, 812-290-1527. Aurora 1BR, furnished, 2nd floor. No pets/smoking. Utilities paid by tenant. Free laundry room short/long term. Prime location office retail space also. Leave message (812)926-1083 Aurora, large 1 bedroom, 1st floor furnished apt., with washer/dryer, fenced in yard. No pets, No smoking. Plus deposit. 812-537-1936 Aurora- 1BR, not pets, washer/ dryer hook-up, utilities not included. Also, upstairs room available, $440/month. 812-216-8477 Aurora- 2 bedroom duplex, balcony, w/d hookup, equipped kitchen, A/C at 160 Conwell St, $550.00 plus utilities. Call 812-438-3217 or 812-290-3936 Aurora- Aspen Ridge 1BR, newly remodeled, rear deck, water & sewer in cluded, $495/month 513-532-8933 Aurora- Aspen Ridge 3&4 BR apartment, 2 baths garage, equipped kitchen, laundry hook-up, gas FP, rear deck, $895/month 513-532-8933 AURORA-1 BR APT. LEASE-221 SECOND ST. AURORA. GROUND FLOOR. STOVE & FRIDGE. UTILITIES INCLUDED! $550/ MONTH. $525 DEPOSIT. NO PETS. 584-1616, 9A-6P. MAYBERRYPROPERTIES@EMBARQMAIL.CO M
New Listing - Cleves - Ranch home w/ 4BR, 2BA, fresh paint, some new flooring, det. 2 car gar. $77,500. Bright - Townhouse style condo w/ 2BR, 2 1/2BA, 2 car att gar. Completely redone! $128,500. Riverview Crossing - Manufactured home w/ 3BR, 2BA, sunroom, carport. approx. 2000 sq ft! $59,900. Elkhorn Estates - W. Harrison -Building lots in quality development. Call Fred
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171 NEW LISTINGS IN MILAN, INDIANA
864 N. Washington St, Milan Just like New! Adorable brick ranch w/spacious rooms, cathedral ceilings, custom wood blinds, and solid surface counter tops. All nestled on a level lot with private backyard on a cul de sac. Priced to Sell at $129,500. Call Angel Beck 812-621-2855 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY JUNE 16 12-2 3236 N Cty Rd 600 E, Milan Hwy 101 to Ellis Street to Rt on 600 This one won’t last! 2002 home offering a full basement, open floor plan with split bdrm design, new flooring and thru out all sitting on 5 level acres just on the edge of town. $99,900 Call Angel Beck 812-621-2855
Harrison - Tippecanoe Apts. Spacious remodeled 1BR $540, 2BR $610, dishwasher, balcony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included. 2 5 Driver Trainees No pets. 812-637-1787, Needed! Learn to drive for 513-574-4400 Stevens Transport! Earn $800 per week! No experiHarrison ence needed! Local 15 Move-in special. Newly day CDL Training at TDI!!! remodeled 1-2 bedroom WIA, VA & Carrier funding! w/patio or balcony, pool, 1-877-649-3156. wooded area $470 and up. No pets. (513)202-0715. ATTENTION FLATBED Section 8 accepted. DRIVERS: Great Starting Pay & Benefits. Fuel, Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom Safety & Referral Bo apt., Leasing special, nuses. Home Weekends. $495, $595/month incl. wa- Call & apply for a new cater, sewer, garbage. Laun- r e e r w i t h dry on site. Security de- posit r e q u i r e d . 866-317-6556. ext. 7 (513)205-5555. Averitt is looking for Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. CDL-A Drivers! Great, Paragon West Apts. Pri- low-cost benefits package vate patio with breathtak- and weekly hometime. 4 ing view of the valley. Free months T/T experience reheat! $450 and up. No quired - apply now! pets. V i s i t 888-362-8608 Visit Equal Op(513)845-4141. portunity Employer Harrison, Ohio apartment Baldwin Cleaning Service for rent. 2 bedroom, R e s i d e n t i a l cleaners washer/dryer connections, needed. Location: Bright, business and fitness cen- Ind. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 ters, pool. Great location! p.m. M-F Part-time $7.50 Call Brittany for more infor- per hour. Call Leesa Baldmation. (513)367-4999. win (812)637-5861.
Large 1 bedroom apt., in “Can You Dig It” We will Harrison, $435/month plus train, certify & provide lifeelectric. (513)479-5155. time assistance landing Lawrenceburg 2 bedroom work. Hiring in Indiana. Start digging as a heavy condo, new construction e quipment operator. for sale or rent, land con- 866-362-6497 AC1213 tract available. Rent $925 month. 513-532-8933 CLASS A CDL DRIVERS NEEDED 3 Years of VerifiLawrenceburg clean, able Experience. Home newly painted apartment, weekends/Canada a plus. all utilities paid. Walk to Local/Regional/$1,000wkly schools, stores, etc. $500. Flat/Step deck/van. Call Could be used as a busi- 8 8 8 - 5 4 4 - 4 2 8 5 x2125 ness. 812-926-0739 Lawrenceburg/ Aurora- m Duplex, 3 BR, 2 bath, ga- D e d i c a t e d Drivers rage, laundry, $795/ month Needed! Exceptional Pay plus d e p o s i t . and Benefits package. 513-549-3418 Run regionally, be home
weekly! New Trucks in 2012! Call Today 888-409-6033 or visit online
PARK PLACE APARTMENTS SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month
2 bedroom basement apartment in St. Leon. 0 steps, no pets, no smoking, washer/dryer hook-up. 2-car detached garage. $800 month - all utilities included. 812-212-8007
Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park.
2 bedroom house - C/A, renovated, fenced front and back yard. Close to great schools. $700 per month. (513)485-0815. Aurora, quiet, family neighborhood, 3bd, LR/DR, 1ba, hardwood floors, FP, garage, laundry hook-up, gas/CA, double glazed windows, refrig/stove. References required. $800 +deposit. 812-926-4204
Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.
CALL 812-221-0425
Call for an appointment * Foreclosure Special * Equipped kitchens * Laundry facilities * Heat included * 24 hour emergency maintenance * Minutes from I-275
Experienced Tanker/Flatbed Drivers! *Strong Freight Network *Stability *Great Pay Every Second Counts! Call Today! 1-800-277-0212 Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage bonus. Home weekends. Insurance & 401k. Apply @ 800-648-9915 Immediately hiring for front desk clerk, house keeping. Must have 1 year experience. Apply in person at Holiday Inn Express, Harrison.
Small 2 bedroom apart ment in West Harrison, Ind. $595 per month. All utilities included. No pets. First months rent plus deposit. (513)235-0869.
Experienced Tanker/Flatbed Drivers! *Strong Freight Network *Stability *Great Pay Every Second Counts! Call Today! 1-800-277-0212
* Ask about Deposit Special * Lots of closet space * Children play area * Walk to Ludlow City Park * Extra Storage * Pets Welcome
NOW LEASING 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
Substitute bus drivers needed on school days for Southwest Local Schools. $12.90 per hour. Responsible candidates with excellent moral character and good driving record should apply in person: 230 S. Elm St, Harrison, OH 45030.
Stop Stick, the world’s leading manufacturer of law enforcement products to stop high-speed pursuits seeks a motivated individual to join our production team. Based at our headquarters in Harrison, Ohio, this position will be responsible for manufacturing both sub-assemblies and fully assembled Stop Sticks, as well as our other law enforcement products. Requirements include high school diploma, two years production experience, and a team player. Electro-mechanical experience a plus. This position is temporary to permanent. Please send your resume and a letter of introduction to: Stop Stick, Ltd. 365 Industrial Drive • Harrison, OH 45030 Attn: Director of Operations Email: •
NOW HIRING All Positions
Full & Part Time Apply in person: 615 Ring Rd Harrison, Ohio
MAINTENANCE The QUIKRETE Companies, the leading manufacturer of consumer construction products has an opening for an off-shift maintenance mechanic. The right candidate must possess strong work ethics and knowledge in the following areas: electric, welding, pneumatics, hydraulics, AC and DC drives and conveying systems. Experience with PLC, dust collection systems, and parts inventory/purchasing a plus. We offer an attractive salary with: paid vacations, 401K program, medical and dental benefits. Stop by or send resume and salary history to:
The QUIKRETE Companies 5425 Kilby Rd. Harrison, OH 45030 (513) 367-1920 (Fax)
Register Publications is seeking a part time creative graphic artist. Applicants must have excellent computer skills and working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Must be able to work well under pressure and meet specific deadlines. Applicants must also be willing to learn and perform other composition department tasks, such as editing photos,class flow and legal preparation. Please send resume and desired compensation to