Harrison Classifieds 6-20-12

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6872 Bittner Rd, Sunman. Beautiful, secluded property. Several nice pond sites. 36 tillable acres could be rented as well as 9 acres of pasture. Acreage subject to survey. C1230 $342,000. 12503 N. Hogan Rd, Aurora. Hunters Para dise!! Nice 2 BR, 1 BA home situated on almost 10 acres. Pole barn with 100 AMP electric service and running water. Could be subdivided. C1175 $128,000. Please contact Countryside Realty at 888-825-7614 for more details. Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $99,900. 812-584-3522

Locally Owned Established Business

FOR SALE 2011 Net $150,000

Fixtures & Inventory 2.5 x 2011 net income. Cash only or will take partial payment in real property. Please reply to: MR. J PO BOX 4128 Lawrenceburg, IN

WE’RE IN YOUR CORNER. 812.637.2220 CSTONEREALTY.COM BRIGHT/LOGAN: Hard To Find custom built 3 bd ranch home on 21 acres, hardwood flrs, sunroom, full bsmt, great hunting, on dead end road $339,900 GUILFORD: Instead of renting, check out this home that has been totally remodeled in 2006, city water, partial bsmt, new septic system $59,900 BRIGHT: 2 bd, 3 bath ranch condo ready for you to move into with fresh paint and new carpet, first flr ldry, tiered decking, walkout bsmt $139,500 Nr DOVER: 4 bd Ranch on 31 acres, hrdwd flrs, walkin closets, deck, outbldgs, 4 car heated garage, pasture ideal for horses, pond site $299,900 COLERAIN TWP: First Time Home Buyers, check out this 2 bd home on 1 acre with woods and creek, 2 car garage, full basement, lots of updates $79,900 GUILFORD: Conveniently located private 8.3 ac of recreational & hunting land $39,500

House for sale by owner. Greendale- 4-bedroom cape cod , finished basement, 2-bath, newer roof, new windows, 1-car garage. $127,800 firm. 812-584-0196 Naples Florida Area! Bank acquired luxury condo only $169,900. Same unit sold for $428,895 Own your brand new condo for pennies on the dollar. Granite counters, tile floors, stainless appliances, more. Enjoy the pool, clubhouse, fitness center. Walk to over 20 resturants/100 shops! Must see. Hurry - 90% sold out! Call 1-866-2825, x431 Rising Sun- 3BR, 1BA, fenced yard, newer 24x36 Pole Barn, acre lot, owe $70K, sell $70K/ 812-290-3758-leave message


Abandoned Doublewide with land, Please Take Over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503


3 acres, 3 bedroom doublewide home. 2 out buildings, storm shelter, located in Okeana, Ohio. $68,000. Call for details. (513)907-5944. Lender- Ordered Lake Liquidation Sale!! 2 acres with FREE boat slips only $29,900. Was $69,9000. Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 acre Kentucky Lake. All infrastructure completed. Own for pennies on the dollar. Excellent financing. Call now 1-800-704-3154. X-3766 Logan, IN: 1 level acre on Sawdon Ridge be tween Rt. 1 & N. Dear born Rod. (Sunman Dearborn Schools). $39,000obo. 513-518-7189

FRED CLARK Ohio/Indiana


Building lot sale, good neighborhood. 169x141-1/2 acre+. All utilities & cable on Sherman Dr., Aurora. 812-926-0100



0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 and up. (513)367-6366. 0 steps! Miamitown, large 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free heat! (513)353-0398. 2 Bedroom duplexes for rent in Aurora, $500 & $600/month. References required. Call 812-926-0256 2-1/2 room basement apartment, fully furnished, recently remodeled. No pets, no smoking. $300/month, all utilities furnished. References re quired, 812-926-1028. Aurora - 1 bdrm, newer carpet, open/lg. living rm., kitchen, & dining rm. Utilities separate. Very clean. No pets. $400.00 per month. Call 744-5675. Aurora 1BR, furnished, 2nd floor. No pets/smoking. Utilities paid by tenant. Free laundry room short/long term. Prime location office retail space also. Leave message (812)926-1083 Aurora, large 1 bedroom, 1st floor furnished apt., with washer/dryer, fenced in yard. No pets, No smoking. Plus deposit. 812-537-1936 Aurora- 1BR, not pets, washer/ dryer hook-up, utilities not included. Also, upstairs room available, $440/month. 812-216-8477 Aurora- Aspen Ridge 1BR, newly remodeled, rear deck, water & sewer in cluded, $495/month 513-532-8933 Aurora- Aspen Ridge 3&4 BR apartment, 2 baths garage, equipped kitchen, laundry hook-up, gas FP, rear deck, $895/month 513-532-8933 AURORA-1 BR APT. LEASE-221 SECOND ST. AURORA. GROUND FLOOR. STOVE & FRIDGE. UTILITIES INCLUDED! $550/ MONTH. $525 DEPOSIT. NO PETS. 584-1616, 9A-6P. MAYBERRYPROPERTIES@EMBARQMAIL.CO M Aurora-Energy efficient, 2-bedroom, 1-bath duplex. Tile, laminated wood flooring, newer appliances, basement w/garage, and w/d hookups. $650.00 monthly $650.00 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. Absolutely no pets. Contact Jennifer 812-584-0006. Dillsboro Maple Glen Apartments, 2 bedroom apartment available. Call 812-432-5697.




Open Sun. 1-3! 1888 South Pointe - Bright - Townhouse style condo w/ 2BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 car att gar. Completely redone! $128,500. Open Sun. 1-3! 53 Wamsley Ave - Cleves- Ranch home w/ 4BR, 2BA, fresh paint, some new flooring, det 2 car gar. $77,500. Elkhorn Estates- W.Harrison - Building lots in quality development. Call Fred Open Sat, June 23, 12-2pm. 27090 Valley Vista Dr, West Harrison. MLS #274871. Great Location! Very well maintained 2 story on 1 ac. City water & sewer! Eat-in kitchen, w-in clst, wbfp, hdwd flrs. W-out bsmt, alarm system. Nicely lndscpd, invisible fencing, AG pool, 16x18 patio. HMS Warranty. Cinti phones. $179,900. 24 Pebble Beach Ln, Lawrenceburg. MLS #275194. Beautiful 3 bedroom condo! Great Location! Cathedral ceilings, fireplace, 2 car garage, cherry kitchen cabinets w/butler pantry. Custom window treatments, ceiling fans, garden room. Lots of storage! $210,000.

Rachel Mergenthal 513.518.3477 rmergenthal@sibcycline.com

Buying or Selling?

Ken Maddin $6 Million Sold in 2010 $5.5 Million Sold in 2011 Let me sell yours in 2012!

812.537.HOME • 513.519.0006



Dillsboro- 2BR, laundry room, garage, $550/month, $500 deposit. You pay all utilities. No indoor pets, no indoor smoking. Call 812-432-5410

$650 month, Aurora West Conwell, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, LV, DN, kitchenw/appliances, new upgrades, double lot, utilities & deposit required. Call 926-4735 or For Rent: Efficiencies 513-310-7588. $160.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. 1BR, 1800 sq.ft. wrap Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in around deck close to main Lawrenceburg. Deposit lake, $725.00/month in cluding utilities. required. 859-512-3899 513-403-3790 Glenn Meadows Apart- catnel@gmail.com ments. Rising Sun Indiana on the Majestic Ohio 2 bedroom basement River. Golf Cart friendly apartment in St. Leon. 0 community, park like set- steps, no pets, no smokting with all the conven- ing, washer/dryer hook-up. iences. No subsidized 2-car detached garage. housing. Call for more $800 month - all utilities included. 812-212-8007 information 812-438-2300. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath Duplex. New tile. SR 48, Greendale - 1 bedroom Manchester, $700 month, apartment, 2nd floor, 1 year lease. No pets. equipped kitchen, Cell (513)593-3191. washer/dryer hook-up, carpeted, $450 + deposit & Aurora, quiet, family neighutilities. Call evenings borhood, 3bd, LR/DR, 1ba, hardwood floors, FP, ga812-623-4130. rage, laundry hook-up, Harrison - One bedroom gas/CA, double glazed apartment. Heat/water in- windows, refrig/stove. Refcluded. $410 per month, erences required. $800 plus deposit. Very quiet +deposit. 812-926-4204 home like atmosphere. 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Aurora- Two bedroom Cape Cod style home, 1 Call (513)984-0035. acre, central air, oak Harrison - Tippecanoe floors, full basement, cover Apts. Spacious remod- porch, some appliances, eled 1BR $540, 2BR storage shed. $785 $610, dishwasher, bal- Call812-926-3202 cony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included. Farmhouse 3 bedroom, No pets. 812-637-1787, Dillsboro area, Milan Schools, $650 month + 513-574-4400 electric. Deposit required 812-432-5793 No appliHarrison Move-in special. Newly ances furnished, no pets. remodeled 1-2 bedroom House-Duplex, large living w/patio or balcony, pool, room, dining room and wooded area $470 and up. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 No pets. (513)202-0715. bath, utility room with Section 8 accepted. washer & dryer hook-up. Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom Off street parking with apt., Leasing special, deck on back porch. $900 $495, $595/month incl. wa- a month, 1 month deposit. ter, sewer, garbage. Laun- 859-512-3899

dry on site. Security de- Ranch with 2 master posit r e q u i r e d . suites, gourmet kitchen, (513)205-5555. cherry floors, stone FP, 2-car garage, large porch Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. a n d d e c k , Paragon West Apts. Pri- $1125.00/month. vate patio with breathtak- 513-403-3790 ing view of the valley. Free catnel@gmail.com heat! $450 and up. No pets. V i s i t Whitewater Township - 3 bedroom house with small paragonwest.viviti.com yard. Stove and fridge, (513)845-4141. washer/dryer hook-up, full Harrison, OH-Tippeca- basement. $675 plus denoe Apartments, Spa - posit. (513)515-0707. cious remodeled 1BR $545.00, 2BR $640.00 dishwasher, balcony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included, no pets. 812-637-1787, Trailer for rent 2 bedroom, 513-574-4400 1 bath, total electric in Rising Sun, No pets. Harrison, Ohio apartment 812-438-2176 for rent. 2 bedroom, washer/dryer connections, business and fitness centers, pool. Great location! Call Brittany for more information. (513)367-4999. Garage space for rent In Harrison, 1 bedroom apartments, starting at small medium and large $275 and up $450, heat paid. Laundry 220 electric facilities on site. Call for business or storage move in specials. Call Tom (513)515-2569. (513)477-8848 Large 1 bedroom apt., in Office / warehouse / retail Harrison, $435/month plus space for lease in Law electric. (513)479-5155. renceburg, 1500 sqft to Lawrenceburg 2 bedroom 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. condo, new construction for sale or rent, land contract available. Rent $925 month. 513-532-8933




Lawrenceburg/ AuroraDuplex, 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, laundry, $795/ month plus deposit. 513-549-3418 Milan- Nicer 11/2 bedroom with W/D hook-up, stove/fridge, AC, fur nished. No smoking. Service animals only, $440/month plus deposit and utilities, available July 1st. 812-374-7706

Baldwin Cleaning Service Residential cleaners needed. Location: Bright, Ind. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. M-F Part-time $7.50 per hour. Call Leesa Baldwin (812)637-5861.

Drivers: Company/Owner OP's. Local & Long Haul. Dedicated Runs. Pd Loaded/Unloaded. Good Home time. CO.-Excellent Benefits. O/OP's-100% FSC, Fuel Cards. CDL-A: 2yrs OTR exp. Tank & “Can You Dig It” We will H a z . end a + train, certify & provide life- www.slay.com time assistance landing work. Hiring in Indiana. Start digging as a heavy equipment o p e r a t o r . Drivers: NO Experience? 866-362-6497 AC1213 Class A CDL Driver Training. We train and employ! Dedicated D r i v e r s New pay increases coming Needed! Exceptional Pay soon. Experienced drivers and Benefits package. also needed! Central ReRun regionally, be home frigerated 877-369-7203. weekly! New Trucks in www.centraltruckdriving2012! Call T o d a y jobs.com 888-409-6033 or visit online www.DRIVEJTC.com Drivers: OTR 10-14 days Driver Wanted- Dump out. $1000 Sign-on, Great truck/ trailer. Preferred Pay, Benefits! Haven't Class-A CDL, good driving driven lately? No problem! record, Tri-state deliveries. CDL-A 1yr. exp. w/Clean Send resume to Paul & MVR1(877)412-7209. Sons Trucking, 7748 Hart- ford Ridge/ Aurora, IN 47001. Drivers: Owner Ops: Drivers - CDL-A Drivers Round Trips & Dedicated Needed! Up to $5,000 Lanes Available. $1000 Sign-On Bonus for Experi- Sign-On Bonus! Frequent, enced Drivers! New stu- Planned Hometime Cimardent pay and Lease Pro- ron Express 800-866-7713 gram now available! x123 877-521-5775 www.USA- TRUCK.jobs Drivers - CDL-A OTR DRIVERS Premium Pay Package! Start up to .46 cpm Home Most Week ends! Call today! 800-441-4271 IN-100 HornadyTransportation.com

Established company is looking for drivers in the Lawrenceburg area. If you have a good driving re cord, like to help people, and would like to supplement your income, please call 812-663-9990 to Drivers - Great pay, quarterly safety bonus. Home- schedule an interview. time choices. Steady freight, full or part-time. Safe, clean, modern trucks. CDL-A , 3 months current OTR experience. 800-414-9569 www.drivek- Experienced Tanker/Flatbed Drivers! *Strong night.com Freight Network *Stability DRIVERS! Stone Belt *Great Pay Every Second Freight puts drivers first! Counts! Call Today! Competitive pay! Home 1-800-277-0212 www.priweekends! Excellent bene- meinc.com fits! Pre-loaded trailers. Call Kelsy, 888-272-0961. Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Drivers-CDL-A TEAM with Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. TOTAL! MILES*EQUIP- Up to .04cpm Mileage bonus. Home weekends. InMENT*BENEFITS .50cents/mile for Hazmat surance & 401k. Apply @ Teams. Solo drivers also Boydandsons.com needed! 800-942-2104 800-648-9915 EXT.7307 or 7308 www.drive4total.com Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Drivers-OTR 10-14 days Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. out. Great pay, benefits! Up to .04cpm Mileage boHavenʼt driven lately? No nus. Home weekends. Inproblem! CDL-A 1 year surance & 401k. Apply @ e x p . w / c l e a n M V R . Boydandsons.com 1-877-412-7209. 800-648-9915

Register Publications is seeking a part time creative graphic artist. Applicants must have excellent computer skills and working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Must be able to work well under pressure and meet specific deadlines. Applicants must also be willing to learn and perform other composition department tasks, such as editing photos,class flow and legal preparation. Please send resume and desired compensation to photos@registerpublications.com


25 Driver Trainees Needed! Learn to drive for Stevens Transport! Earn $800 per week! No experience needed! Local 15 day CDL Training at TDI!!! WIA, VA & Carrier funding! 1-877-649-3156.

ATTENTION FLATBED DRIVERS: Great Starting Pay & Benefits. Fuel, Safety & Referral Bo nuses. Home Weekends. Call & apply for a new caw i t h Second floor 2BR apart- r e e r ment for rent, C/A, electric Gypsumexpress.com heat, on-site W/D, recently 866-317-6556. ext. 7 remodeled, $550/month Averitt is looking for plus d e p o s i t . CDL-A Drivers! Great, 513-319-8784 low-cost benefits package Small 2 bedroom apart - and weekly hometime. 4 ment in West Harrison, months T/T experience reInd. $595 per month. All quired - apply now! utilities included. No pets. 888-362-8608 Visit AVERFirst months rent plus de- ITTcareers.com Equal Opportunity Employer posit. (513)235-0869.

Opera House Apartments2-bed, 2-bath loft, $850/month plus deposit. All utilities included 513-218-7404.




Hollywood Casino in Lawrenceburg is seeking proposals for a restaurant and bar tenant-operator for an exclusive location within the new Lawrenceburg Event Center and Hotel in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. Interested parties should contact Tim Jensen of the Veridus Group at 317-598-6647 for a copy of the RFP and to register for future updates. An optional, pre-proposal meeting will be held on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 2pm EDT in the Back Lot Meeting Room at Hollywood Casino, 777 Hollywood Blvd., Lawrenceburg, IN with final proposals due at 5pm EDT on July 11, 2012.

Addyston, OH

SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month

1 Bdr - $445 H/W pd 2 Bdr - $545 H/W pd 2 Bdr - Deluxe $545-$585 W/only

Must be 21. Gambling problem? In Indiana, call 1-800-9-WITH-IT

Monthly Move-In Specials

Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park.

(in addition)

Clip this coupon for $100 off 1st month rent!

Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.

Call (513) 467-9475

CALL 812-221-0425


Call for an appointment * Foreclosure Special * Equipped kitchens * Laundry facilities * Heat included * 24 hour emergency maintenance * Minutes from I-275

* Ask about Deposit Special * Lots of closet space * Children play area * Walk to Ludlow City Park * Extra Storage * Pets Welcome

NOW LEASING 1 & 2 bedroom apartments

ResCare/CASC is a company that helps individuals with disabilities. We are looking for good people (Support Associates) in the Lawrenceburg and surrounding area to provide assistance to individuals. Visit www.ResCare.com and follow these simple steps to apply: Select: “Careers” “Candidates New to ResCare-External Application” “Put Seymour, IN for the city and state” “Apply” (next to the position you are applying for) ResCare, Inc. offers a great benefit package!!! Valid driver’s license, clean driving record, clear background check and auto insurance required. Must have high school diploma or GED. 1-866-601-1863 Equal Opportunity Employer F/M/D/V

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