Aurora-Dollhouse cottage, 2 bedrooms, basement, C/A, new gas furnace, covered front porch, detached garage. Price reduced to $66,000, $3000. down land contract. 209 Pattison St. Call 812-926-0240 immediate possession. Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $99,900. 812-584-3522 Greendale 3 bedroom, 11/2 bath, 2-car garage, full basement. Asking $129,900 owner will pay closing cost. Please Call 513-505-2837.
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171 Harrison, OH
11005 Carolina Trace, Harrison-New Listing! Beautiful custom 3brm 2.5 ba ranch home on 2 private acres offering a gourmet kitchen, 1st flr laundry, and 2 car att. garage. Asking $269,900. Call Todd Bischoff 513-616-0655. B1622H 7491 Creek Knoll, Okeana-New Price! Sitting on 5 private acres this ranch home offers 3 bdrm 2 ba, geo thermal, 1st flr laundry and finished Lower level with walk out! Listed at $249,900. Call Dennis Bischoff 812-569-5819. B1619H
WE’RE IN YOUR CORNER. 812.637.2220 CSTONEREALTY.COM LOGAN: LARGE ROOMS with this 5 bd, 3.5 bath 2 story on 1.23 acres, first flr master suite with Jacuzzi tub, first flr & lower level ldry, pantry in kitchen, dining rm, office, LL walkout with full bath and tornado shelter, in cul-de-sac, extra driveway parking, paver and cement patio, deck $274,900 ST. LEON: 4 bd, 2 bath home on 11 acres, tile, wrap around porch overlooking pond,valley views, attached 6 car heated garage, 36x74 pole bldg $274,900 HVL: One Owner custom built ranch on double lot, clean, no smoke or pets, deck off kitchen, LL includes a family rm with wet bar, full bath and leads out to large patio $149,950 BRIGHT: Immed Occupancy, 4 bd, 2 full 2 half baths, all season rm, LL with outside entry has rec rm w/wet bar, 2 car att and addit’l det 1 car garage, wrap around porch $189,900 BRIGHT: 2 story Contemporary on 5.32 private wooded acres with 4 bd, 3.5 baths, 2 WBFP, tile, decks with views, full bsmt $249,900 NEW PRICENr BRIGHT: 3 bd, 2.5 bath home on 2.67 acres in country setting, home office could be 4th bd, large eatin kitchen, tile, cathedral ceiling, first flr ldry, 3 car garage, addt’l 1+ ac bldg lot avail $299,900 YORKVILLE: A 6.3 ac tract, city water and gas available, deed restrictions, Chapel Thorne Estates SUNMAN: .87 ac building tract with city util at rd in Whitetail Run $22,000
Lender- Ordered Lake Liquidation Sale!! 2 acres with FREE boat slips only $29,900. Was $69,9000. Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 acre Kentucky Lake. All infrastructure completed. Own for pennies on the dollar. Excellent financing. Call now 1-800-704-3154. X-3766
0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 and up. (513)367-6366. 0 steps! Miamitown, large 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free heat! (513)353-0398.
House for sale by owner. Greendale- 4-bedroom cape cod , finished basement, 2-bath, newer roof, new windows, 1-car garage. $124,800 firm. 2 Bedroom duplexes for 812-584-0196 rent in Aurora, $500 & $600/month. References required. Call House with 20 acres-Ris- 812-926-0256 ing Sun, 3-bedroom, appliances stay, hardwood 2-1/2 room basement floors. 48x72 barn, 3 horse apartment, fully furnished, stalls & fenced pasture, recently remodeled. No no smoking. 80x100 round pen, 30x30 p e t s , detached garage, 10x24 $300/month, all utilities furdeck, hot, 2 stone foun - nished. References re tains, stone walking. quired, 812-926-1028. $229,000 513-520-0117 Aurora - 1 bdrm, newer carpet, open/lg. living rm., kitchen, & dining rm. UtiliNaples Florida Area! Bank ties separate. Very clean. acquired luxury condo only No pets. $400.00 per $169,900. Same unit sold month. Call 744-5675. for $428,895 Own your Aurora 1BR, furnished, brand new condo for pennies on the dollar. Granite 2nd floor. No pets/smokcounters, tile floors, stain- ing. Utilities paid by tenant. Free laundry room less appliances, more. Enjoy the pool, clubhouse, fit- short/long term. Prime loness center. Walk to over cation office retail space also. Leave message 20 resturants/100 shops! (812)926-1083 Must see. Hurry - 90% sold out! Call 1-866-2825, Aurora- Aspen Ridge 1BR, x431 newly remodeled, rear deck, water & sewer in cluded, $495/month Renovated 2 story Victo- 513-532-8933 rian home on 11/2 acres in Aurora- Aspen Ridge 3&4 Milan. 4 bedrooms, 2 full BR apartment, 2 baths gabaths, new windows, rage, equipped kitchen, plumbing, wiring and insulation. Refinished hard - laundry hook-up, gas FP, deck, $895/month wood floors and new ce- rear 513-532-8933 ramic tile flooring. 2 new gas furnaces and central AURORA-1 BR APT. air. 2 car oversized ga - LEASE-221 SECOND ST. GROUND rage, 3 outbuildings. Ma- A U R O R A . STOVE & ture trees, blacktop park- F L O O R . ing. All city utilities. Lots of FRIDGE. UTILITIES INamenities. $135,000. CLUDED! $550/ MONTH. $525 DEPOSIT. NO 812-654-2911 PETS. 584-1616, 9A-6P. MAYBERRYPROPERTIES@EMBARQMAIL.CO M
Abandoned Doublewide with land, Please Take Over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503 West Harrison- 3BR, 2 bath in Mill End Estates, $16,000.00. Recently remodeled. Possible lease option with $5000.00 down and $400/month for 3 years. 812-655-9439
FRED CLARK Ohio/Indiana
Aurora-Energy efficient, 2-bedroom, 1-bath duplex. Tile, laminated wood flooring, newer appliances, basement w/garage, and w/d hookups. $650.00 monthly $650.00 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. Absolutely no pets. Contact Jennifer 812-584-0006. Dillsboro Maple Glen Apartments, 2 bedroom apartment available. Call 812-432-5697.
Open Sun. 1-3! Harrison-147 Campbell Rd.- Ranch home w/3BR, 1BA, newer appls, heat/air, and roof. Imm. occupancy. Price Reduced! $89,500. Open Sun. 1-3! 5073 US 52 Cedar Grove- 3BR, 1 1/2 BA ranch home on 5 ac. Det 24X30 garage. All new flooring. $109,900. Harrison- Building lots in quality development. Minutes to 1-74 at New Haven Rd. Just a few remaining! Call Fred
Buying or Selling?
Ken Maddin $6 Million Sold in 2010 $5.5 Million Sold in 2011 Let me sell yours in 2012!
812.537.HOME • 513.519.0006
Dillsboro Townhouses- 1 and 2 bedroom units available. Also accepting applications for subsidized housing. No pets. Call Quality Property Management, 432-3230 or 800-479-1920 Dillsboro- 2BR, laundry room, garage, $550/month, $500 deposit. You pay all utilities. No indoor pets, no indoor smoking. Call 812-432-5410 Duplex available, 2 bedroom, basement, fenced yard, quiet dead-end street, 543 W. High St. Utilities, deposit & references required. 513-276-5884 812-290-4490-Residential Cleaning, You Make The Mess Weʼll Do The Rest. For Rent: Efficiencies $160.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Lawrenceburg. Deposit required. 859-512-3899 Glenn Meadows Apartments. Rising Sun Indiana on the Majestic Ohio River. Golf Cart friendly community, park like setting with all the conveniences. No subsidized housing. Call for more information 812-438-2300. Greendale - 1 bedroom apartment, 2nd floor, equipped kitchen, washer/dryer hook-up, carpeted, $450 + deposit & utilities. Call evenings 812-623-4130. Harrison - One bedroom apartment. Heat/water included. $410 per month, plus deposit. Very quiet home like atmosphere. 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Call (513)984-0035. Harrison - Tippecanoe Apts. Spacious remodeled 1BR $540, 2BR $610, dishwasher, balcony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included. No pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400 Harrison area. 1 bedroom, newly remodeled, apartment for rent. (513)260-0465. Harrison Move-in special. Newly remodeled 1-2 bedroom w/patio or balcony, pool, wooded area $470 and up. No pets. (513)202-0715. Section 8 accepted. Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom apt., Leasing special, $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555. Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free heat! $450 and up. No pets. Visit (513)845-4141. Harrison, OH-Tippecanoe Apartments, Spa cious remodeled 1BR $545.00, 2BR $640.00 dishwasher, balcony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included, no pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400 Harrison, Ohio apartment for rent. 2 bedroom, washer/dryer connections, business and fitness centers, pool. Great location! Call Brittany for more information. (513)367-4999. In Harrison, 1 bedroom apartments, starting at $450, heat paid. Laundry facilities on site. Call for move in specials. (513)515-2569. Lawrenceburg 2 bedroom condo, new construction for sale or rent, land contract available. Rent $925 month. 513-532-8933 Lawrenceburg 3 bedroom, 1 bath, utilities included, $800. month. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $600 month. Please call 812-537-5371. Lawrenceburg- Everything new, large 3BR 11/2 bath, laundry hook-up, C/A, fenced yard. $750 plus deposit. No pets. 812-584-4923 or 812-537-0013 Lawrenceburg/ AuroraDuplex, 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, laundry, $795/ month plus deposit. 513-549-3418
Milan- Nicer 11/2 bedroom Lawrenceburg nr. - Randall Ave off Route 50 with W/D hook-up, 150acres, 8,000sqft. stove/fridge, AC, fur nished. No smoking. Serv- bldg+720sqft office under ice animals o n l y , construction next to Dearborn Co bldgs & South$440/month plus deposit and utilities, available July eastern Beverages bld to suit, financing available, 1st. 812-374-7706 sale or lease I-74 & New Build Duplex- Rising N.Bend-6 ofc bldgs, land Sun, 2 bedroom, bath and avail, 7 locs. Realtors wela half, all wood laminate come and ceramic floors, all new websiteappliances including dish- V & G washer, washer and dryer Rack 513-574-7661. hook-up only, nice oversize garage. $800.00/month. Please call 812-438-3366. Leave message or e-mail for application.
Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100.
New Haven - Near Harrison. Efficiency apartment. Living room/bedroom. Equipped kitchenette. Full bath. Large private deck. Laundry facilities. Very nice condition. $375/month. (812)623-2524. Opera House Apartments2-bed, 2-bath loft, $850/month plus deposit. All utilities included 513-218-7404.
Second floor 2BR apartment for rent, C/A, electric heat, on-site W/D, recently remodeled, $550/month plus deposit. 513-319-8784
$650 month, Aurora West Conwell, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, LV, DN, kitchenw/appliances, new upgrades, double lot, utilities & deposit required. Call 926-4735 or 513-310-7588. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath Duplex. New tile. SR 48, Manchester, $700 month, 1 year lease. No pets. Cell (513)593-3191.
Aurora- 4BR, 2 bath, 150 Lincoln St. Has refrigerator, dishwasher, range, and W/D hook-ups, $800/month. 812-655-9439 Farmhouse 3 bedroom, Dillsboro area, Milan Schools, $650 month + electric. Deposit required 812-432-5793 No appliances furnished, no pets. House-Duplex, large living room, dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, utility room with washer & dryer hook-up. Off street parking with deck on back porch. $900 a month, 1 month deposit. 859-512-3899 HVL-main floor of very secluded 2 bedroom on 3 wooded lots. Great room w/beam cathedral ceiling, large master bedroom, wraparound deck over looking woods. Washer/dryer, gym and carport down. $975 month includes all utilities and cable. Ideal for non smoking single or empty nesters. $800 deposit and refer ences. 812-537-9305 Older 2 bedroom house in Guilford, fenced yard, stove, refrigerator included $575.00 month. 513-515-7356
Whitewater Township - 3 bedroom house with small yard. Stove and fridge, washer/dryer hook-up, full basement. $675 plus deposit. (513)515-0707.
3 units for rent $450,$475, $525/ month plus utilities on Scotts Ridge Rd. Call 812-623-4454 or 859-240-0126
Trailer for rent 2 bedroom, 1 bath, total electric in Rising Sun, No pets. 812-438-2176
Garage space for rent small medium and large $275 and up 220 electric business or storage Call Tom (513)477-8848
SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month
1 Bdr - $445 H/W pd 2 Bdr - $545 H/W pd 2 Bdr - Deluxe $545-$585 W/only
Monthly Move-In Specials
Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park.
(in addition)
Clip this coupon for $100 off 1st month rent!
Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.
Call (513) 467-9475
CALL 812-221-0425
Call for an appointment * Foreclosure Special * Equipped kitchens * Laundry facilities * Heat included * 24 hour emergency maintenance * Minutes from I-275
* Ask about Deposit Special * Lots of closet space * Children play area * Walk to Ludlow City Park * Extra Storage * Pets Welcome
NOW LEASING 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
PCM is looking for RN’s and LPN’s for in-home care in Lawrenceburg, IN. Min 1+ years exp. RN-$32/hr, LPN-$25/hr. Varied shifts and flexible scheduling. Apply online at www.www. or call 866-902-7187. EOE
State Farm Agency Intern looking for self-motivated, customer service oriented individual to sell, market, and build the agency This is salary plus commission position. Entry level and experienced candidates are encouraged to apply. Send resume to danette.volpenhein. or fax 888-510-5564
Applications are being accepted at FCN Bank for a full time position as Human Resources Generalist at the main bank in Brookville. The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with three to five years experience in Human Resources. Skills necessary include good interpersonal skills to communicate with co-workers, numeric and detail aptitude, and basic computer experience. The successful candidate will administer bi-weekly payroll for 95 employees, prepare tax and government related reports. In addition the individual will assist with the implementation of all benefits and compensation policies, equal employment practices, medical, life and disability insurance, and recruiting. Applications are available at the Main Bank at 501 Main Street and all branches during banking hours 8:30am-4:00pm. Interested candidates should submit an application, or cover letter, resume, and salary history to: FCN Bank, Arthur K. Hildebrand, President/CEO, P.O. Box 37, Brookville, IN 47012, or fax #765-647-2680.
Maintenance Manager/Technician Looking for a self-motivated, detail-oriented person with good organizational skills to perform and track machine repair & building maintenance. Skills/Experience in building maintenance, industrial electrical wiring, and PLC programming and repair strongly preferred but not required. REQUIREMENTS: Must be willing to work overtime when needed even when unexpected breakdowns occur, must not care to get hands dirty, and must work hard consistently and have a positive attitude. Company offers many benefits including health insurance and 401K. Will pay depending on skill level of applicant. Please send résumé to: Mr. Kris Fugate 6965 US 50 West • Aurora, IN 47001 FAX: 812-926-6201 No Phone Calls!
Register Publications is seeking a part time creative graphic artist. Applicants must have excellent computer skills and working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Must be able to work well under pressure and meet specific deadlines. Applicants must also be willing to learn and perform other composition department tasks, such as editing photos,class flow and legal preparation. Please send resume and desired compensation to
Aurora Casket Company is accepting applications for an over-the-road truck driver. Candidates will be required to drive and deliver products across the US and into Canada, including trips to the West Coast. Qualified individuals should possess a current Class A CDL, a current DOT physical card, an excellent attendance record, a clean driving record, pass a background check and have the ability to work in a team atmosphere. We offer a competitive benefit package including: .498 per mile, medical, life, retirement, vacation, holiday pay and assigned equipment. Please send a resume and salary history to:
Aurora Casket Company Labor Relations 10944 Marsh Road Aurora, IN 47001 Fax: 812-926-4441