JP 09-18-12 Legals

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LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF TAX LEVIES Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Lawrenceburg Community School Corp., Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of said School Corporation at 200 Tiger Blvd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 on October 8, 2012 at 6:00 pm will conduct a public hearing on the budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of the political subdivision within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, the political subdivision shall adopt with its budget a written finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the School Board will meet at 300 Tiger Blvd., Law renceburg, IN 47025 on October 22, 2012 at 5:30 pm to adopt the following budget: BUDGET ESTIMATE Complete details of budget estimates by fund may be seen at the School Administration Offices. Fund Name Budget Estimate Max. Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised Appeal included Tax Levy (Including appeals) in column 3 General 14,244,123 Referendum-Exempt Operating Debt Service 1,678,963 1,580,731 1,688,053 Exempt Debt Service Retirement/Services Bond Debt Service Exempt Retirement/Services Bond Debt Service Referendum Exempt/Severance Bond Debt Service Capital Projects 4,913,975 4,403,591 2,214,758 School Transportation 700,628 650,803 615,977 School Bus Replacement 300,000 349,942 295,409 Rainy Day 900,000 TOTAL 22,737,689 6,985,067 4,814,197 Net Assessed Valuation of taxable property for the year 2012 payable 2013: $689,829,210 Taxpayers appearing at the hearing shall have an opportunity to be heard. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF TAXES COLLECTED AND TO BE COLLECTED: (Property tax to be collected in current year and actual collections for the previous three (3) years) Fund Name Collected 2009 Collected 2010 Collected 2011 To Be Collected 2012 General 1,194,301 Referendum - Exempt Operating Debt Service 1,963,582 1,503,323 1,603,150 1,688,053 Exempt Debt Service Retirement/Severance Bond Debt Service Exempt Retirement/Severance Bond Debt Service Capital Projects 2,235,567 2,084,411 2,118,855 2,214,758 School Transportation 709,428 621,768 501,086 615,977 School Bus Replacement 187,368 156,712 252,573 295,409 Spec. Ed. Preschool TOTAL 6,290,246 4,366,214 4,475,664 4,814,197 NOTICE In addition to the annual budget the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Community School Corp, will meet at 200 Tiger Blvd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, October 8, 2012 at 6:00 PM to consider the establishment of a Capital Projects Plan. The following is a general outline of the plan: Account No. 2013 2014 2015 CURRENT EXPENDITURES: (1) Land Acquisition Development 41000 (2) Professional Services 43000 60,000 100,000 50,000 (3) Education Specifications Development 44000 30,000 80,000 20,000 (4) Building Acquisition, Construction, Improvement 45100 3,267,800 2,484,500 2,370,500 (includes 45200 and 45300) (5) Rental of Buildings, Facilities and Equipment 45500 59,000 61,000 62,000 (6) Purchase of Mobile or Fixed Equipment 47000 425,500 210,000 200,000 (7) Emergency Allocation (Other Facilities 49000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Acquisition and Construction) (8) Utilities (Maintenance of Buildings) 26200 210,145 210,145 210,145 (9) Maintenance of Equipment 26400 167,000 167,000 167,000 (10) Sports Facility 45400 100,000 100,000 100,000 (11) Property or casualty insurance 26700 135,000 135,000 135,000 (12) Other Operation and Maintenance of Plant 26800 (13) Technology Instruction - Related Technology 22300 209,365 300,000 236,000 Admin Tech Services 25800 190,165 200,000 210,000 SUBTOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES 4,913,975 4,107,645 3,820,645 (14) Allocation for Future Projects (Cumulative Totals) (15) Transfer From One Fund to Another 60100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ALLOCATIONS 4,913,975 4,107,645 3,820,645 SOURCES AND ESTIMATES OF REVENUE (1) January 1, 2011 Cash Balance 530,328 (2) Less Encumbrance Carried Forward from Previous Year 150,000 (3) Estimated Cash Balance Available for Plan (Line 1 minus Line 2) 380,328 (4) Property Tax Revenue 4,403,591 4,005,589 3,718,589 (5) Auto Excise, CVET and FIT receipts 102,056 102,056 102,056 (6) Other Revenue (interest income) 28,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN (add lines 3,4,5,6) 4,913,975 4,107,645 3,820,645 ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX RATE TO FUND PLAN 0.6384 0.5722 0.5237 BASED UPON AN ASSESSED VALUATION OF: 689,829,210 700,000,000 710,000,000 TAXPAYERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MEETING FOR A MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION OF THE PLAN AND TO BE HEARD ON THE PROPOSED PLAN. This notice includes Future Allocations which have not previously been subjected to taxpayer objections. Allocation Allocation Allocation Project - Location Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Asphalt Parking Area - LPS $57,500 Band Equipment - LHS & GMS $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Building Renovation - LHS $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Roof Replacement - CES $200,000 Classroom Furniture / Technology Upgrades $436,000 * Future Allocations as specified above will be subject to objections during the period stated in the Notice of Adoption to be published at a later date. TO BE PUBLISHED IN YEARS AFTER THE FIRST YEAR This notice includes Future Allocations which have previously been subject to taxpayer objections Allocation Allocation Allocation Project - Location Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Building Renovation - LHS $2,000,000 Classroom Furniture Replacement $425,500 $210,000 Athletic Facilities $100,000 $100,000 Technology Upgrades - All Schools $169,000 $250,000 Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposal. If the proposal is adopted by resolution, such proposal will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance for approval. Dated this 22nd day of August 2012 Kelly Mollaun, President Patrick Myers, Vice President Shirley Seitz, Secretary H. Bryan Johnson, Member Mark Knigga, Member Greg McAdams, Member Kevin Mollaun, Member NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT PLAN FOR THE YEARS 2013-2024 In addition to the annual budget the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Community School Corp.,, will meet at 200 Tiger Blvd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 on October 8, 2012 at 6:00 pm to consider the School Bus/Vehicle Replacement Plan as summarized below for the twelve (12) year period between 2013 and 2024. The levy required to fund this plan will be raised as indicated in the Notice to Taxpayers of Budgets and Levies to be collected in 2013. Detail of the proposed plan is on file in the office of the Superintendent for inspection from the date of this notice. Taxpayers shall have the right to be heard on the plan summary as listed below at the public hearing. I. SUMMARY OF PLANNED REPLACEMENTS AND ACCUMULATION FOR FUTURE YEARS. A B C D E No. of buses No. of buses Year Total of *Amount to be Accumulated owned to be replaced Replacement Cost in 2013 for future purchases 19 3 2013 $320,000 $70,000 21 3 2014 $180,000 21 4 2015 $240,000 21 4 2016 $120,000 21 2017 21 2018 $80,000 21 2019 $125,000 21 2020 $165,000 21 2021 $225,000 21 4 2022 $305,000 21 2 2023 $203,000 21 2 2024 $270,000 *The above only reflects allocations to be raised in 2013. Such amount will be added to Accumulation raised from prior years. Total Accumulations are reflected on line 11 of the Budget Form 4B, available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent. II. ADDITIONAL BUS NEEDS FOR YEAR 2013 (INCLUDING CONTRACTUAL COSTS PER IC 20-40-7-7) Number Bus Capacity Year Type of Bus/ Veh. To be Owned Year 2013 per DOE “TN” or Leased Cost of Additional Buses (including Bus Contracts be IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ing shifted to the Bus GENERAL TERM, 2012 Replacement Fund) CAUSE NO. 15C01-1208-GU-41 3 84 2014 D Owned $100,000 STATE OF INDIANA ) SS. 5 84 2014 D Owned $100,000 COUNTY OF Dearborn) BUS CONTRACTS PER IC 20-40-7-7 IN RE: THE GUARDIANSHIP OF: C-9-11-JP-2t KYRA N. CLIFT, C-9-13-R-2t Child, Minor Person, by Rosie Bevis and Jim Bevis , NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to Respondent, Gianna D. Getts, and any other person who may be con IN THE CIRCUIT COURT cerned; GENERAL TERM, 2012 You are notified that a Verified Emergency Petition CAUSE NO. 15C01-1208-GU-41 for Appointment of Guardians has been filed in the STATE OF INDIANA ) SS. Court named above. COUNTY OF Dearborn) The nature of the Petition is the appointment of a IN RE: THE GUARDIANSHIP OF: Guardian for Kyra N. Clift, born August 6, 2005. KYRA N. CLIFT, You must answer the Petition in writing, by you or Child, Minor Person, your attorney, on or before the 25th day of Septemby Rosie Bevis and ber 2012, at 10:00 A.M. and if you fail to do so, an Jim Bevis , Order will be entered on the Petition. NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to Respondent, Gianna D. If you have a Cross Petition arising from the same Getts, and any other person who may be con - transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. cerned; Thomas R. Blondell (23292-15) You are notified that a Verified Emergency Petition


NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Lawrenceburg Township, Indiana that the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Township at 7:00 pm, on Monday, October 08, 2012 at Ridgewood Health Campus will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Township within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, Lawrenceburg Township shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, Lawrenceburg Township will meet at 7:00 PM, on Monday, October 22, 2012 at Ridgewood Health Campus to adopt the following budget: Date and Time of Public Hearing Date: Monday, October 08 2012 Time 7:00 PM Date and Time of Adoption Mtg. Date: Monday, October 22 2012 Time 7:00 PM Net Assessed Valuation $ 689,830,000 Estimated Max Levy $ 39,707 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) 0101-GENERAL 22,200 24,000 8,116 0840-TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 45,200 34,000 27,593 1111-FIRE 46,500 32,000 27,700 TOTAL 113,900 90,000 63,409 C-9-13-R-2t C-9-18-JP-2t NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of GREENDALE CIVIL TOWN, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of GREENDALE CIVIL TOWN at 6:00 pm on October 10, 2012 at Greendale Utilities will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of GREENDALE CIVIL TOWN within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to, If a petition is filed, GREENDALE CIVIL TOWN shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the GREENDALE CIVIL TOWN will meet at 6:00 pm on October 23, 2012 at Greendale Utilities to adopt the following budget: Net Assessed Valuation 157,098,000 Estimated Max Levy 2,370,732 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 4,215,500 2,310,000 1,938,400 LOCAL ROAD & STREET 150,000 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 467,812 165,000 193,507 CUMMULATIVE CAPITAL IMP (CIG TAX) 3,000 CUMMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT 510,000 31,420 31,420 TIF 2,500,000 RIVERBOAT 5,689,000 TOTAL 13,535,312 2,506,420 2,163,327 C-9-11-JP-2t C-9-13-R-2t NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen at the Clerk Treasurerʼs Office. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Lawrenceburg Civil City, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana at City Hall 230 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg on Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 05:00 PM will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the City of Lawrence burg, Indiana will meet at City Hall 230 Walnut Street on Monday, October 15, 2012 at 06:00 PM to adopt the following budget: Public Hearing Date 09/27/2012 Adoption Meeting Date 10/15/2012 Public Hearing Time 05:00 PM Adoption Meeting Time 06:00 PM Net Assessed Valuation $427,342,047 INEstimated THE CIRCUIT COURT Max Levy 5,900,000 GENERAL TERM, 2012 Estimate Fund Name Budget Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current Tax CAUSE NO. 15C01-1208-GU-41 to be raised (Including Appeal(included Levy STATE OF INDIANA ) SS. appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) COUNTY OF Dearborn) from max. levy limitations) IN RE: THE GUARDIANSHIP OF:$25,145,000 0005-CASINO/RIVERBOAT KYRA N. CLIFT, 0061-RAINY DAY Child, Minor Person, 0101-GENERAL 7,388,808 6,000,000 5,325,216 by Rosie Bevis and 0342-POLICE PENSION 300,000 100,000 95,618 Jim Bevis 0706-L R &, S 20,000 NOTICE OF SUIT 930,187 0708-MVH 50,000 34,187 The State of Indiana to Respondent, Gianna D. 1303-PARK 474,632 75,000 53,418 Getts, and any other person who may be con NOTICE ADERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 1310-PARK NR 152,000 cerned; 6402-TRASH/SANITATION OP LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER & HOTEL You are notified that a Verified Emergency Petition 9500-NR PLANNING 50,000 BP #3 - Kitchen Equipment/Site Work for Appointment of Guardians has been filed in the 9501-NR FIRE 399,500 NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BIDS Court named above. 9502-MUNICIPAL Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk Treasurer The DEVELOPMENT nature of the Petition FUND is the appointment of a of the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, until 2:00 PM, Guardian for Kyra N. Clift, born August 6, 2005. $35,076,000 BUDGET local time, on October 16, 2012, The Clerk Treasurer You must answer the Petition in writing, by you or is located Total $69,936,127 6,225,000 5,508,439IN at 230 Walnut Street. Lawrenceburg, your attorney, be publicly Date 9/6/12 on or before the 25th day of Septem- 47025. Sealed Bids willJackie Stutz opened at the ber 2012, at 10:00 A.M. and if you fail to do so, an City of Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer Administration Bldg - Council Order will be entered on the Petition. C-9-11-JP-2t Chambers and read aloud for: If you have a Cross Petition arising from the same LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER, BP#3 Kitchen C-9-13-R-2t transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in Equipment/Site Work to provide all labor, materials, your written answer. apparatus, expendable tools and equipment, and all Thomas R. Blondell (23292-15) other services required for the package. This Bid Zerbe Garner Miller & Blondell, LLP Package contains multiple bid categories. 15 West Center Street Those categories are as follows: Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 BC-20 Kitchen Equipment Phone: (812) 537-0001 BC-22 Landscaping Attorney for Petitioners, BC-23 Asphalt Paving Jim and Rosie Bevis BC-24 Site Pavers/Concrete C-9-4-JP-3t All contractors are required to be pre-qualified by NOTICE TO BIDDERS the City of Lawrenceburg. Failure to become The City of Lawrenceburg Meyerfield Drive pre-qualified will result in an unresponsive bid that Off R/W Concrete Project will not be opened at bid time, Each contractor will Notice is hereby given that the City of Lawrence- be responsible for their scope of work as indicated burg, Indiana, will receive sealed bid for the Meyer- in the specifications, as well as, coordinating with field Drive Off RJW Concrete Project at the Law - the efforts of others. renceburg Clerk-Treasurer's Office, 212 Walnut The contractors are responsible to make them Street, until 2:00 PM (local time) on Tuesday, Octo- selves familiar with all existing conditions and it is ber 9, 2012. strongly suggested that they attend the Pre-Bid The bids will be opened and read aloud at 2:05 PM Meeting to be held at 2:00PM on October 2, 2012 at (local time) on October 9, 2012 at the Lawrenceburg Messer's jobsite office at 1 W. High Street, Law Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. All bids renceburg, IN. A mandatory Pre-Application meetshall be taken under advisement and awarded at the ing to become prequalified will be held immediately October 15,2012 Board of Works Meeting at 6:00 PM following the Pre-Bid meeting. The Contract Docu(local time) ments maybe reviewed at the following offices: This project is being bid as a Lump Sum Project. 1. Lawrenceburg Administration Bldg. 230 Walnut The scope of work shall include but not limited to Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 the demolition, preparation, construction and resto- 2. Messer Construction Co. 5158 Fishwick Dr. Cinration per the plans and specifications prepared by cinnati, OH 45216-2216 Messer Construction Co. Michael S. Hall Land Surveying. It involves all types 6964 Hillsdale Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46250 of concrete work, drainage and excavating. The City 3. F.W. Dodge Corporation 7265 Kenwood Road will provide the Geotechnical Testing required. Cincinnati, OH 45236 Bids shall include the completed Standard Ques- 4. Allied Construction Industries 3 Kovach Drive tionnaire Form No. 96, including the non-collusion Cincinnati, OH 45215 Phone: (513) 221-8020 Fax: affidavit, project schedule, and the company's com- (513) 221-8023 plete fmancial statement. Each bid shall also in - Documents may be purchased at the following ofclude the completed Conflict of Interest/Nepotism fice: ARC (formally Queen City Reprographics) 2863 affidavit and the E-Verify forms provided. Each bid East Sharon Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241 513-326-2300 shall be accompanied by an acceptable bidders 800-966-2260 bond, certified check or a nonrevocable letter of Documents will also be available on 1SqFt. Access credit prepared in substance and in form satisfac- to 1SqFt will be made available upon request if you tory to the City of Lawrenceburg, in the amount of are not a subscriber. five (5) percent of a lump-sum amount. The City will GENERAL BID REQUIREMENTS provide the Geotechnical Testing required. To be responsive, all bids must include all equipWage rates for this project shall not be less than ment, apparatus, materials and work necessary to the current prescribed scale of wages as deter - be in strict conformance with the Contract Docu mined pursuant to the provisions of chapter 319 of ments the Acts of the General Assembly ofIndiana of 1935. REJECTION OF BIDS The contractor receiving the award shall furnish an The City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana expressly re approved Perfonnance Bond and a Payment Bond, serves the right to reject any or all bids, to judge each for one hundred (100) percent of the lump-sum the character and sufficiency of the work offered by amount, along with written proof of insurance be- the bidders, and to judge the ability of any bidder to fore receiving the Notice to Proceed. perform the work in a proper manner. Packets with detailed specifications and the re EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF BIDS quired forms, may be picked up at the office of the No bidder may withdraw a bid for a period of sixty Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer during normal work- (60) days from the date of opening thereof. ing hours up to the mandatory Pre Bid Meeting. The BONDING REQUIREMENTS mandatory Pre Bid Meeting will be held at 2:00 PM A bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety (local time) on September 27,2012 at the Lawrence- company in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) burg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. of the aggregate amount of the bid shall be submitBidders shall be pre-qualified with the City at least ted with each bid. In lieu of such bond, a certified 48 hours prior to submitting bids. Any questions check in the amount equal to that required in such shall be directed to Mike Hall of Michael S. Hall bond, payable to the Lawrenceburg Clerk Treasurer Land Surveying at (812) 537-5384. may be submitted. The City of Lawrenceburg is an Equal Opportunity / The successful bidder will be required to furnish an A.D.A. Compliant Employer. acceptable Performance Bond in the amount of one Jackie Stutz, Clerk-Treasurer hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. City of Lawrenceburg Jackie Stutz, Clerk-Treasurer Joe Votaw, Attorney City of Lawrenceburg City of Lawrenceburg C-9-18-JP-2t C-9-18-JP-2t C-9-20-R-2t C-9-20-R-2t TOWN OF MOORES HILL NOTICE ADERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR ORDINANCE 2012·9·1 LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER & HOTEL AN ORDINANCE CORRECTING ORDINANCE 2010-4, BP #3 - Kitchen Equipment/Site Work REGULATING THE REMOVAL OF UNCUT GRASS, NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk Treasurer WEEDS AND RANK VEGETATION of the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, until 2:00 PM, WHEREAS, the Town of Moores Hill previously local time, on October 16, 2012, The Clerk Treasurer passed an Ordinance regulating the removal; of unis located at 230 Walnut Street. Lawrenceburg, IN cut grass, weeds and rank vegetation designated 47025. Sealed Bids will be publicly opened at the Ordinance Number 2010-4; City of Lawrenceburg Administration Bldg - Council WHEREAS, the Town Council has been made aware of a typographical error in Section 7(B) of Chambers and read aloud for: LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER, BP#3 Kitchen said ordinance which may lead to confusion; WHEREAS, the Town Council desires that the erEquipment/Site Work to provide all labor, materials, apparatus, expendable tools and equipment, and all ror be corrected so that the public may be clearly other services required for the package. This Bid informed of their rights, obligations and duties un-

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