NOTICE TO BIDDERS GENERAL Sealed proposals for "High Street Parking Lot, Phase I - Demolition" located in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, Dearborn County, will be received by the Dearborn County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as "Owner", at the office of the Owner, 215B West High Street in Lawrenceburg, Indiana until 2:00 p. m. local time on October 11, 2012, opened and read aloud. All proposals received after the designated time will be returned unopened. Please contact Hrezo Engineering, Inc. with any questions you might have. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The work on this proj ect shall be performed in accordance with the Bid and Contract Documents dated September 2012, prepared by Hrezo Engi LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING neering, Inc., Greendale, Indiana. INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION This BASE BID shall consist of the complete demoCAUSE NO. 37447-GCA115 lition and removal of all structures located at 230 PETITION OF AURORA MUNICIPAL GAS UTILITY West High Street as shown in the Contract DocuFOR APPROVAL OF GAS COST ADJUSTMENT TO ments. BE APPLICABLE IN THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER, The ALTERNATE shall consist of the complete DECEMBER, 2012 AND JANUARY 2013 PURSUANT demolition and removal of all structures loca.ted at TO I.C. 8-1-2-42, P.L. 43-1983 232 West High Street as shown in the Contract Notice is hereby given that the Indiana Utility Documents in addition to the BASE BID the comRegulatory Commission will conduct a public Evi- plete demolition and removal of all structures lo dentiary Hearing in the above-captioned Cause in cated at 230 West High Street. the IURC Conference Center, Suite 220, Judicial Bid forms can be picked up at Hrezo Engineering, Courtroom 224 of the PNC Center, 101 W. Washing- 1025 Ridge Avenue, Greendale, Indiana, 47025. ton Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, commencing at EXAMINATION OF PLANS 11:00 AM, local time, on Wednesday, October 24, Plans and specifications for the project are on file 2012. This hearing is open to the public. and may be examined at the following location: If an accommodation is required to allow an indiHrezo Engineering, Inc. vidual with a disability to participate, please contact 1025 Ridge Avenue the Office of the Executive Secretary of the IURC at Greendale, IN 47025 (317) 232-2701 or TDD (317) 232-8556 at least 48 812-537-4700 hours in advance. Copies of the plans and specifications may be obINDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION tained from the office of Hrezo Engineering. Inc. for OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY a non-refundable fee of $40.00 pet set. Checks are (317) 232-2701 to be made payable to Hrezo Engineering Inc. BY: IURC - (LORAINE SEYFRIED) A certified check, bank draft, or a satisfactory bid DATE: 9/27/2012 bond executed by the BIDDER and Surety Com C-10-2-JP-1t pany, payable to the Dearborn County CommissionC-10-4-R-1t ers, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Community Mental BIDDER awarded work. will be required to furnish Health Center, Inc. will be held Thursday, October acceptable surety bond in the amount of one hun18, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the Dearborn Country Club dred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. in Aurora, Indiana. The primary purpose of the Each bid shall be: enclosed in a sealed opaque enmeeting will be the election of the Board of Direc- velope marked with the name and place of business tors of the Community Mental Health Center, Inc. of the BIDDER and bearing the following caption: "BID - HIGH STREET PARKING LOT, The meeting is open to the public. Anyone planning PHASE I DEMOLITION” to attend should contact Diane Majrouh at (812) 532-3402 no later than Friday, October 5, 2012 to Mailed proposals shall be addressed to Dearborn County Commissioners, 215B West High Street, make reservations. C-10-2-JP-1t Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. ATTN: Teresa Randall. All C-10-4-RSR-1t bids will be held for a period of one hundred and C-10-4-R-1t twenty (120) days after opening. END OF SECTION - NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS C-9-25-JP-2t GENERAL C-9-27-R-2t Sealed proposals for "High Street Parking Lot, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF Phase I - Demolition" located in Lawrenceburg, IndiADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS ana, Dearborn County, will be received by the Dearborn County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Dearborn as "Owner", at the office of the Owner, 215B West County, Indiana, that the Dearborn County Solid High Street in Lawrenceburg, Indiana until 2:00 p. Waste Management District at their regular meeting m. local time on October 11, 2012, opened and read place at the Lawrenceburg City Hall Thursday Octoaloud. All proposals received after the designated ber 18, 2012 at 11:00 am to consider the following time will be returned unopened. Please contact additional appropriations in excess of the budget Hrezo Engineering, Inc. with any questions you for the current year due to receipt of a grant from the Dearborn Community Foundation for the followmight have. ing: PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS NOTICE General Fund Amount Requested The work on this proj ect shall be performed in TO ac- TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given the Contract taxpayersDocuments of DEARBORN Indiana, that the Dearborn County 444 COUNTY, ProcessinginCenter Equipment cordance with the Bid toand Council will conduct a public hearing on theEngi 2013- budget at Glass the the County Admin. Building Meeting HMG-16P Crusher dated September 2012, prepared by Hrezo Room onInc., Friday, OctoberIndiana. 12, 2012 at 09:00 AM. Shredder Destroyit Model 4107 $17,872.00 neering, Greendale, Following any ten taxpayers may object to a budget, tax levy, or tax rate by filing an 450 Vehicle This BASEthis BIDmeeting shall consist of or themore complete demoobjection the proper of the political subdivision within seven 2012 Silverado Truckdays after the hearing. The oblition and with removal of all officers structures located at 230 jection petition must thethe provisions the budget, tax rate, or tax levytrailers that the taxpayers 4 custom-made recycling $57,169.00object West High Street as identify shown in Contract of Docuto. If a pertition is filed, the political subdivision shallGeneral adopt with budget a finding concerning the obFunditsTotal $75,041.00 ments. jections filed and testimony presented. The ALTERNATE shall consist of the complete Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have the Following the hearing, the Dearborn County Council meet at the the County Admin. to be heard.will The additional appropriations as demolition andaforementioned removal of all structures loca.ted at right Building Room as on shown Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 09:00 adopt the following budget: finally madeAM willtobe referred to the State Board of 232 WestMeeting High Street in the Contract Tax Commissioners. The Board will make a written Documents in addition to the BASE BID BUDGET the com- ESTIMATE Complete details of theremoval budget estimates by fund lo and dept. may be seen thesufficiency Auditor Office. as toatthe of funds to supplete demolition and of all structures - determination Net Assessed Valuation: port the appropriations made within fifteen (15) cated at 230 West High Street. 2,103,450,000 Fund Name can be picked up at Hrezo Engineering, Budget Estimate Max. Tax days of theEstimated receipt of Excessive a certified Levy copy Current of the action Bid forms Appeal Levy taken. Funds to be 1025 Ridge Avenue, Greendale, Indiana, 47025. raised Barbara J. Ault, Director EXAMINATION OF PLANS 2015 Reassessment 117,200 231,500 224,367 District County Solid Waste Management Plans and specifications for the project are on file Dearborn 4-D 99 Prosecutor 16,803 0 0 C-10-2-JP-1t and New may Law be examined at the following location: Adult Probation 59,489 0 0 C-10-4-R-1t Hrezo Users Engineering, Inc. Adult Protective Service 92,751 0 0 1025 Ridge Avenue Alcohol & Greendale, Drug Program 261,887 0 0 IN 47025 Auditor Ineigible Deduction 3,280 0 0 812-537-4700 Bail & Pretrial Court 0 0 Copies of theSup plans and 2specifications may15,724 be obBail & Pretrial Court 1 0 0 tained from theSup office of Hrezo Engineering. 47,091 Inc. for Clerk's Perpetuation 18,255 0 0 a non-refundable fee of $40.00 pet set. Checks are COIT 3,378,177 0 0 to be made payable to Hrezo Engineering Inc. Comm Corr check, Users Fee 293,937 0 0 A certified bank draft, or a satisfactory bid Community Corrections 488,038 0 0 bond executed by the BIDDER and Surety Com Community Transition ProgramCounty Commission14,201 0 0 pany, payable to the Dearborn Conv, & Vistors Prom 1,328,000 0 0 ers, inRec, an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the County 15,762,473 6,500,000 6,219,167 bid shallGeneral be submitted with each bid. County Highway 9,457,013 0 0 BIDDER awarded work. will be required to furnish County School Distribution 0 625,000 621,683 acceptable surety bond in the amount of one hunCounty's Jury(100%) Pay of the Contract Price. 39,500 0 0 dred percent Cum 385,216 369,000 369,270 EachBuilding bid shallCourthouse be: enclosed in a sealed opaque enCum Cap Development 503,345 329,000 329,539 velope marked with the name and place of business Cumulative Bridge 2,841,889 775,000 778,272 of the BIDDER and bearing the following caption: D. C. Juvenile UsersSTREET Fee 0 0 "BID - HIGH PARKING LOT, 9,065 Health Department 682,658 590,000 427,699 PHASE I DEMOLITION” Juvenile Probation shall Usersbe addressed to Dearborn 16,920 0 0 Mailed proposals Local Emergency Plan 0 0 County Commissioners, 215B West High 15,400 Street, Local Health Maintenance 74,913 0 0 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. ATTN: Teresa Randall. All Local Road Street 775,000 0 0 bids will be&held for a period of one hundred and Park & Recreation 10,000 0 0 twenty (120) days after opening. Pre-Trial Diversion- NOTICE TO BIDDERS 162,922 0 0 END OF SECTION Regional Sewer District 47,848 0 0 C-9-25-JP-2t Riverboat Revenue 257,250 0 0 C-9-27-R-2t Sheriff Work Release 23,000 0 0 Statewide 911 659,641 0 0 Sup Ct Probation Admin 47,019 0 0 Superior Ct Ad Prob Users 208,475 0 0 Victim Support Service 75,893 0 0 TOTALS 38,190,273 9,419,500 8,969,997 2013 estimated maximum levy for this unit is 8,707,499.00 Taxpayers appearing at the hearing shall have an opportunity to be heard. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-17-13, after the tax levies have been determined, fixed by the appropriate governing body, and the tax rates published by the County Auditor, then ten (10) or more taxpayers or one (1) taxpayer that owns property the represents a least ten percent (10%) of the taxable assessed valuation in the political subdivision may initiate an appeal from the County board of tax adjustmentʼs action on a political subdivisionʼs budget by filing a statement of their objections with the County Auditor. The statement must be filed not later than ten (10) days after the publication of the notice, The statement shall specifically identify the provisions of the budget and tax levy to which the taxpayers object. The County Auditor shall forward the statement, with the budget, to the Department of Local Government Finance. Gayle Pennington, Auditor of Dearborn County 9/21/2012 C-9-27-R-2t C-10-2-JP-2t
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Dearborn County, Indiana, that the Dearborn County Solid Waste Management District at their regular meeting place at the Lawrenceburg City Hall Thursday October 18, 2012 at 11:00 am to consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year due to receipt of a grant from the Dearborn Community Foundation for the following: General Fund Amount Requested 444 Processing Center Equipment HMG-16P Glass Crusher $17,872.00 Shredder Destroyit Model 4107 450 Vehicle 2012 Silverado Truck $57,169.00 4 custom-made recycling trailers General Fund Total $75,041.00 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have the right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. The Board will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of a certified copy of the action taken. Barbara J. Ault, Director Dearborn County Solid Waste Management District C-10-2-JP-1t C-10-4-R-1t LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION CAUSE NO. 37368-GCA116 PETITION OF SYCAMORE GAS COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF GAS COST ADJUSTMENTS TO BE APPLICABLE DURING THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 2012 AND JANUARY 2013 PURSUANT TO I.C. 8-1-2-42 AND 8-1-2-42.3 Notice is hereby given that the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission will conduct a public Evidentiary Hearing in the above-captioned Cause in the IURC Conference Center, Suite 220, Judicial Courtroom 224 of the PNC Center, 101 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, commencing at 9:30 AM, local time, on Monday, October 22, 2012. This hearing is open to the public. If an accommodation is required to allow an individual with a disability to participate, please contact the Office of the Executive Secretary of the IURC at (317) 232-2701 or TDD (317) 232-8556 at least 48 hours in advance. INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (317) 232-2701 BY: IURC - (LORAINE SEYFRIED) DATE: 9/24/2012 C-9-27-R-1t C-10-2-JP-1t IN THE CIRCUIT COURT DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA GENERAL TERM, 2012 CAUSE NO. 15C01-1209-GU-45 STATE OF INDIANA ) SS. COUNTY OF DEARBORN ) IN RE: THE GUARDIANSHIP OF: WILLIAM R. CAIN III, Child, Minor Person, by ROY FUSON and KIMBERLY FUSON, NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to Respondents, Melissa Fuson and William Cain, and any other person who may be concerned; You are notified that a Verified Emergency Petition for Appointment of Guardians has been filed in the Court named above. The nature of the Petition is the appointment of a Guardian for William R. Cain III, born December 24, 1994. You must answer the Petition in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before the 16th day of October 2012, at 9:00 A.M. and if you fail to do so, an Order will be entered on the Petition. If you have a Cross Petition arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. Thomas R. Blondell (23292-15) Zerbe Garner Miller & Blondell, LLP 15 West Center Street Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 Phone: (812) 537-0001 Attorney for Petitioners, Jim and Rosie Bevis C-9-25-JP-3t NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to Indiana State Law, a sale of personal property stored in the renter's space to satisfy the owner's lien will be held on October 13, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Terms: Purchases must be made with cash and paid for at the time of sale. There is a 10% buyer's premium and purchases are subject to Indiana sales tax. There is a $50.00 refundable cleanout fee for any buyer who has not purchased with us before. All goods are sold "as is" and must be removed within 48 hours of the sale. Sale is subject to cancellation or adjournment. A Better Highway 50 Self Storage location and the units to be sold by Jason Strange Auctioneer #AU I 0800081 are as follows: A Better Highway 50 Self Storage 11070 US Hwy 50, Dillsboro IN 47018 10:00 a.m. Unit# Name: 229 Shawna Burkhart 75 Crystal Hudson 33 Savanah M McDaniel 39/40 Jessica Robbins 209 Doug Wilson C-10-2-JP-1t C-10-4-R-1t REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS SECTION A INTENT AND PURPOSE The City of Lawrenceburg ("the City") is visibly active in the spirit of self-improvement - through the expansion or enhancement of existing resources, developing new assets such as community parks and other projects and by making those necessary adjustments to carry the changes, such as the Tanners Creek Bridge. The City is forwarding this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") to solicit proposals for consultants to provide financial advisory services to the Redevelopment Commission ("RDC"). The City anticipates the need to retain the serv ices of an independent firm of Certified Public Accountants ("the Firm"), to serve as Financial Advisor to the ROC. The City desires to retain the Firm
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS SECTION A INTENT AND PURPOSE The City of Lawrenceburg ("the City") is visibly active in the spirit of self-improvement - through the expansion or enhancement of existing resources, developing new assets such as community parks and other projects and by making those necessary adjustments to carry the changes, such as the Tanners Creek Bridge. The City is forwarding this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") to solicit proposals for consultants to provide financial advisory services to the Redevelopment Commission ("RDC"). The City anticipates the need to retain the serv ices of an independent firm of Certified Public Accountants ("the Firm"), to serve as Financial Advisor to the ROC. The City desires to retain the Firm on an as-needed basis and anticipates the services required to potentially include but not be limited to capital project planning, assistance with the issuance of bonds, feasibility studies, financial modeling. budgeting, arbitrage rebate compliance, TIF database management and other matters (see Section C "Service Scope and Specifications" for additional details). The selected Firm shall enter into an engagement with the City. The City will determine if applicants meet the qualification standards noted in this RFQ. SECTION B PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 1. General a. Proposals for consultant services to provide accounting and financial services to the City ("the Proposal") will be received by the Redevelopment Director at the City Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 until 2:00 pm., local time, on Wednesday, October 24, 2012. Proposals shall be marked as "Financial Advisory Services RFQ". Any Proposal received later than the above time and date shall be returned. No conditional Proposals shall be considered. b. A Proposal may not be modified. withdrawn or canceled by the submitter for a period of sixty (60) days following the above-stipulated date for the Proposal submission. c. The Proposal shall be signed by an official duly authorized to submit the Proposal and of the proposing entity authorized to enter into a contract with the City. 2. Proposals a. Rejection: The City shall have the right to reject any or all proposals, including, without limitation, a Proposal not accompanied by proper date required by the Request for Qualifications document, or Proposals in any way incomplete or irregular. b. Withdrawal: No Proposal shall be withdrawn after submission without the consent of the City for a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled submission deadline date. Permission shall not be given for modification of any Proposal after the same has been filed with the City. c. Interpretation: Any persons submitting Proposals who are in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the Specifications should at once notify the Redevelopment Director and request an interpretation thereof. Interpretation of the Proposal shall be made in writing only, a copy of which shall be mailed or delivered by the Redevelopment Director. The City shall not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations, written or oral, of the Proposal. d. The City reserves the right to request that further information be presented from the applicant in order to clarify particular items. 3. Qualifications of Firm The City shall require submission, with the Proposal, of supporting data regarding the qualifications of the Firm. The Firm shall furnish the following information: • Demonstrated knowledge of Redevelopment Commissions and Tax Increment Financing ("TIF"). • Financial Consulting • Analysis of Financing Alternatives • Planning and Financial Structuring • Disclosure and Presentations • Sale, Closing and Follow-Through • Listing of current municipal and governmental clients and the services provided to them. Please include Contact e-mail addresses and phone num bers. SECTION C SERVICE SCOPE AND SPECIFICATIONS Services provided by the Firm under this RFQ would include, but not be limited to, general consulting services relating to: • Financial Advisory. The Firm is to be available to provide financial advisory services to the RDC. Financial advisory services are defined as assistance in the preparation of estimates and projections and the preparation of documents necessary to secure borrowing for tax anticipation warrants. bonds, loans, lease-purchase agreements and other financing arrangements as necessary for the issuance of debt or debt-related instruments by the City. Financial advisory services also include the design, negotiation and implementation of economic development incentives as requested by the City and TIF database management. • Other Consulting Assistance. The Firm is to be available to provide other consulting assistance to the RDC. Other consulting assistance is defined as assistance with financial or operational issues for the RDC that does not fall within the categories of Financial Advisory. All research and development, background and support documentation created for and in the production of any accounting or financial documents for the City shall become the sole property of the City and shall be provided to the Redevelopment Director at completion of the applicable document. Questions should be addressed to: Grant Hughes Redevelopment Director City of Lawrenceburg 230 Walnut Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 812-532-3550 Jackie Stutz Clerk Treasurer C-10-2-JP-2t C-10-4-R-2t
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