LEGAL NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Dearborn County Bridge No. 34 The Dearborn Commissioners will receive bids for the replacement of Dearborn County Bridge No. 34 on Short Ridge Road, Dearborn County, Indiana. Bids will be received until 1:00 PM, prevailing time, on November 1, 2012, at the Dearborn County Engineer's office, 10255 Randall Avenue, Aurora, Indiana 47001. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened at 1:10 PM, prevailing time, on November 1, 2012, at the Dearborn County Engineer's office, 10255 Randall Avenue, Aurora, Indiana 47001. The Project includes, but is not limited to, demolition and replacement of Dearborn County Bridge No. 34 carrying Short Ridge Road over a Branch of North Hogan Creek; earthwork; roadway improvements; and all other necessary items. Inquiries to: Howard J. Barth & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 347 E. Washington St., Greensburg, Indiana 47240. Bid documents are on file at the Dearborn County Engineer's office and the office of Howard J. Barth & Associates, Inc. Bid Documents may be obtained from Howard J. Barth & Associates, Inc. for a non-refundable fee of $125 per set. Checks should be made payable to Howard J. Barth & Associates. Authorized By: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ref: Project No. 10-2978 C-10-11-R-2t C-10-16-JP-2t
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at 9387 SR 48, Aurora, Indiana, at 7:30 o'clock 7:30 p.m., on the 5th day of November, 2012. Fund Name: Transportation (6301) Amount Major Budget Classification: 10000 Personal Services 20000 Supplies 30000 Other Services & Charges $ 415,130 40000 Capital Outlays TOTAL for Transportation Fund (6301): $ 415,130 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have the right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken. Dated: October 2,2012 Robert Rollins, Admin. Asst/Business Mgr. C-10-16-JP-1t C-10-18-R-1t NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of Lawrenceburg Coax Lane Off R/W Concrete Project Notice is hereby given that the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, will receive sealed bid for the Coax Lane Off RJW Concrete Project at the Lawrence burg Clerk-Treasurer's Office, 212 Walnut Street, until 4:00 PM (local time) on Monday, November 5, 2012. The bids will be opened, read aloud and awarded at the Board of Works Meeting at approximately 6:00 PM (local time) on November 5, 2012 at the Law renceburg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. This project is being bid as a Lump Sum Project. The scope of work shall include but not limited to the demolition, preparation, construction and restoration per the plans and specifications prepared by
NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of Lawrenceburg Coax Lane Off R/W Concrete Project Notice is hereby given that the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, will receive sealed bid for the Coax Lane Off RJW Concrete Project at the Lawrence burg Clerk-Treasurer's Office, 212 Walnut Street, until 4:00 PM (local time) on Monday, November 5, 2012. The bids will be opened, read aloud and awarded at the Board of Works Meeting at approximately 6:00 PM (local time) on November 5, 2012 at the Law renceburg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. This project is being bid as a Lump Sum Project. The scope of work shall include but not limited to the demolition, preparation, construction and restoration per the plans and specifications prepared by Michael S. Hall Land Surveying. It involves all types of concrete work, drainage and excavating. The City will provide the Geotechnical Testing required. Bids shall include the completed Standard Questionnaire Fonn No. 96, including the non-collusion affidavit, project schedule, and the company's complete financial statement. Each bid shall also in clude the completed Conflict of Interest / Nepotism affidavit and the E-Verify forms provided. Each bid shall be accompanied by an acceptable bidders bond, certified check or a nonrevocable letter of credit prepared in substance and in form satisfactory to the City of Lawrenceburg, in the amount of five (5) percent of a lump-sum amount. Wage rates for this project shall not be less than the current prescribed scale of wages as deter mined pursuant to the provisions of chapter 319 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Indiana of 1935. The contractor receiving the award shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each for one hundred (100) percent of the lump-sum amount, along with written proof of insurance before receiving the Notice to Proceed. Packets with detailed specifications, plans and the required forms, may be picked up at the office of the Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer during normal working hours up to the mandatory Pre Bid Meeting. The mandatory Pre Bid Meeting will be held at 2:00 PM (local time) on October 23, 2012 at the Lawrenceburg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. Bidders shall be pre-qualified with the City at least 48 hours prior to submitting bids. Any questions shall be directed to Mike Hall of Michael S. Hall Land Surveying at (812) 537-5384. The City of Lawrenceburg is an Equal Opportunity / A.D.A. Compliant Employer. Jackie Stutz, Clerk-Treasurer City of Lawrenceburg Joe Votaw, Attorney City of Lawrenceburg C-10-11-R-2t C-10-16-JP-2t
LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLES CITY OF AURORA, INDIANA The City of Aurora, Indiana hereby advertises for and solicits sealed bids and proposals for an exclusive franchise to use the public streets, alleys and rights-of-ways of the City of Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana for the provision of waste management services. The franchise will include garbage and solid waste collection from all residences and most small commercial establishments within the City of Aurora, other than those within multi-family residential buildings, or complexes thereof, with more than four single-family residences therein that are located outside the historic downtown district. All bids and proposals in response to this solicitation must be by the use of forms completed according to instructions available from the offices of the City of Aurora Clerk-Treasurer, 235 Main Street, Aurora, Indiana 47001. Form 96 (Revised 2010) to include the "Non-Collusion Affidavit" and Bid Summary Forms must be completed according to the speci-fications and instructions and enclosed within a sealed envelope, with the words "Aurora Waste Collection Franchise" on the outside of the envelope. All bids and proposals in response to this solicitation must be received by the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Aurora on or before 4:30 p.m., prevailing time, on Monday, November 5, 2012. All bids re ceived in accordance with the above instructions shall be publicly opened at approximately 5:00 p.m. that same day at the public Utility Board meeting, in the Aurora City Hall, Aurora, Indiana. The City of Aurora hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids and proposals submitted in response hereto. C-10-9-JP-2t