Farmers Fair King & Queen 2012

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Farmer’s Fair King & Queen 2012 • The Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio County News & The Dearborn County Register, September 27, 2012-1

King & Queen 104th Annual Farmers Fair

Royal Court

Lawrenceburg High School

Jacqueline Adele Zerbe

Activities: Varsity Tennis & Soccer, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Academic Team Hobbies: Playing Soccer and Tennis Future Plans: I plan to attend Indiana University next fall. Candidate’s Thoughts on Nomination: It’s an honor to be picked by my classmates to participate in the Farmer’s Fair. This fair is a great Indiana tradition.

Jalen Glenn Obertate Activities: Big Brother/Big Sisters, French Club, Pep Club, Academic Team, Tennis, Basketball, Cadet Teaching, National Honor Society Hobbies: Playing basketball, spending time with friends and family, cheering at sporting events, fishing, hunting, music and going to church Future Plans: After graduation I hope to play basketball while studying pre-veterinary medicine. After that I would like to attend Purdue University’s Veterinarian School. Candidate’s Thoughts on Nomination: This is without a doubt a huge honor to represent Lawrenceburg’s class of 2013 in this long standing tradition. My goal is to represent LHS and its students, along with my name as best as I possible can. This means a lot and I greatly appreciate the opportunity.

Southeastern Career Center Anna Zins

Activities: Varsity Cheerleading at BHS, Key Club, Young Life, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) at SCC. Batesville Christian Church Youth Group.


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With your help I will restore our system of justice to one of which we can be proud; one that reflects the values of the people of this county:

Hobbies: Swimming, Cheering and Acting. I am involved with the Prairie Fire Children Theater and have been in a total of 13 plays. I also love to spend time with my family and friends.


Future Plans: I plan to attend Ivy Tech Community College in Muncie, IN and study Dental Hygiene. Candidate’s Thoughts on Nomination: I am really excited about the contest. It is an honor to have been chosen by my fellow classmates, who come from 12 different area schools, to represent the Southeastern Career Center.

Proudly Supporting the

Aurora Farmer’s Fair!

Dakota (Cody) Yount Activities: Golf, Cross-Country, Basketball at Southwestern High School. Member of the Business Professionals of America at SCC.

iller, er, Ryan Marie M Kyle (Thayer) Mill & Alan Miller

Hobbies: I enjoy spending time with friends, working at the gym and golfing. I also work and that keeps me very busy.

Paid for by the Make It Miller for Judge Committee

Don’t miss the contest results, or any other excitement!

Future Plans: I am currently a member of the Army National Guard. After graduation I plan to attend IUS for Computer Networking. After college I would like to attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) with the military. Candidate’s Thoughts on Nomination: It means a lot to me to have been selected to represent SCC as their King candidate. I have wanted this for a long time. I have four family member that have been King or Queen candidates in the past, so it’s kind of a tradition for my family. I have always wanted to represent my school too.

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