L'burg schools 06 09 2014 regular session

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REGULAR SESSION OF THE LAWRENCEBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES GREENDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL, 200 TIGER BLVD., LAWRENCEBURG, IN 47025 June 09, 2014 at 6:00 pm (OPEN TO PUBLIC) I & II. The meeting was called to order and was led by President Greg McAdams at 6:09 pm. Other board members in attendance were: Vice President Kevin Mollaun, Secretary Shirley Seitz, Mr. Mark Knigga, Mr. Pat Myers, Mr. Kelly Mollaun and Mr. Bryan Johnson in at 6:19 pm. Others in attendance were Superintendent Karl Galey, Business Manager Mrs. Taylor, LHS Principal Mr. Snyder, GMS Principal Mr. Self, GMS Assistant Principal Mr. Obertate, CES Principal Mrs. Spaeth, LPS Principal Ms. Gregory, Curriculum Coordinator Mrs. Wintin, Student Representative Gavin McClanahan and citizens.


LHS Gym Project Update from Bruns-Gutzwiller (Provided by Tom Bruns). Mr. Tom Bruns informed the board that all the prime contracts have been awarded. He stated that the Building demolition is now complete and the site demo has started as well as the site cut and fill has also started. He spoke about the upcoming concrete pours and the structural steel to be started around 07-21-2014. At this point he feels they are on point with the overall timing.


Education Report: Mrs. Wintin shared GMS/LHS ECA dada. She spoke on improvements and declines in Algebra, Biology, English 10. She stated that she will be coordinating a plan of improvement with current principals and Bonnie Kelly to increase numbers as well as student motivation. Mr. Galey then acknowledged the GMS and LHS Band /Choirs for their ratings at the Spring ISSMA competitions.


Financial Items: Mrs. Taylor reviewed funds and claims as well as the Property Tax Distribution that was received 1 month early. This was approximately 52%. Mr. Kevin Mollaun made a motion to approve claims. Mr. Mark Knigga seconded that motion. The motion passed 7-0. Mr. Bryan Johnson made a motion to approve the LHS Gym Project Claims. Mr. Pat Myers seconded that motion. The motion passed 7-0.

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