May 15,2012 9:00 a.m., Gornmissionens Room Gounty Administration Buildlng 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana
Fresent: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell. Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney Terri Randall, County Administrator Absent/Excused: Gayle Pennington, County Auditor. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Executive session was held prior to the meeting to discuss pending litigation. There was some discussion and direction given to the county Administrator.
OLD BUSINESS Payroll Schedule Change
Tabled Until June 5 Meeting.
Appointment for Lawrenceburq Township Advisory Board Vacancv Jerome Gilb. The thirty days for appointment by the Party has passed and it is now the responsibility of the Commissioners.
Motlon to approve appointing Jerome Gilb to the Advisory Board of the fl-awrencehurg Township Trustee was moved by Tom Orschell and Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. l-,tfetin0eEeggqlgeg
Carla Burke canceled.
Gary Hensley
Motion to table Gary Hensley's request for approval to send out trending rnoved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanirnously.
- Margaret Minzner presented a request to submit an Automatic Vehicle Location Grant to the Community Foundation for Sheriff and first responder agencies. 911 Communication Center will be the applicant. Sfirane McHenry made a motion to allow 911 Communications of Dearborn
County to submit AVL Grant to the Foundation. Seconded by Tom Orschell and motion passed unanimously. Data Sharing Agreement with the State lndiana Office of Technology was presented for signature. This has been done in the past. They are allowing $2,000.00 per year to set up the web features.
Motion to sign the data exchange agreernent between State lndiana Office of Technology lndiana Geographical lnformaltion Division and Dearborn County moved by Shane McHenry and seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanirnously.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Superintendent - Tlm Greive presented updates.
Highway Engineer- Todd Listerman presented updates. He also assured commissioners that access to businesses in Bright will not be affected by the Bright project.
speed limits in lndiana on county roads - urbanized city limit 30 MpH and outside urbanized area 55 MPH. There is justification to raise or lower speed limit in urbanized areas as well as lower the limit in the rural areas. ADMINNSTRATOB - Teresa Randall presented an additional appropriation request to take to County Council for Hoosier Square. Total $65,000.00.
Motion by Tom Orschell and seconded by Shane McHenry to ratify Jeft hNughes signature. Motion passed unanimously. Certificate of Completion
Hoosier Square
lMotion to allow commissioner Hughes sign the centificate of substantial cornpletion on the Hoosier Square Building moved by $hane McHenry, Seconded by Torn Orschell. Motion passed unanimously
whitewater canal Scenic Byway Grant - Dearborn county will have to become the Grant holder should they decide to move forward. Commissioners will evaluate the facts.
Claims and Minutes were presented for signature.
AP Claims - Motion to accept these clainrs as presented moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. lVlotion to approve Utility Bills Moved by Shane McHenry, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously.
A rnotion 1to accept Payroll was moved by Tom Orschell, seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unaninrously. ATTOR|IEY POA.
Andy Baudendistel - Agreement between the Sheriff and HVL
Shane lVlcHenry made a motion to approve tlae agreement and sign the agreen'lent between the Dearbonn Gounty Sheriff and the Hidden Valley Fnoperty Owners Association as pnesented by Mr. Baudendistel. This was seconded by Torn Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. This agreement remains in effect until a new Sheriff is elected. Both parties have to sign any changes, and must give 60 day notice to terminate the agreement. CQMTUSSI9NER COMMENrq Jeff - He would like to congratulate the victors of the election and thank everyone who participated in the process. He will contact Maximus to see if there is any way that the Commissioners oan help the Judicial Branch of Dearborn County Government.
Tom - Would like to let everyone know that he attended an awards ceremony at the Sunman Dearborn Middle School that l-t. Governor Becky Skillman presented.
Destination lmagination very involved with.
a project that Art Wenzel and Margaret Minzner were
Shane - Sheriff Krbinhop would like to let the Commissioners know that he is moving the dog kennel and installing an I x 10 shed that is movable to store the maintenance supplies for the patrol cars.
- Art wenzel spoke about W-COMMENT Destination lmagination team.
the project he had done with the
with no other business before the Board a motion to adjourn was made by shane rrcHenry at 11:01 a.m. seconded by Tom orsctrelt the motion passed unanimously.