Buying or Selling?
Carol Hofmann
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Down Memory Lane
A lovely wedding, with thoughts of days past & yet to come
Our only granddaughter’s wedding is rather modest. over. The pretty little girl you read about I can share that Ray has plenty of jeans. I –Rachel’s Day- and saw on Over ordered three pair off the Internet 50’s cover two months ago made while in Florida. We thought we a beautiful bride. She and Ryan forgot to bring them, so I quickly both blinked away joyful tears ordered three more pair. Yes, we during their impressive ceremony. found the Florida ones in the botAt the reception, we enjoyed a tom of a packed basket. Now Ray fine meal. Then the old folks chathas a bountiful supply of new ted while the young folks danced jeans. the night away. It was a great Ray did not wear a tie to the time. Ray and I wish many blesswedding. He found he had a pair ings for the happy couple of black lace shoes. I was pleased And did I wear my peacock he didn’t have to wear the Velcro feather dress featured in last Doris Butt ones. No colorful socks from him. month’s Over 50? I did. Was I I decided on a two cane walk comfortable in it, well, kind of? I down the aisle instead of holding chose to wear it with my blue slacks. I wore grandson Aaron’s arm. I didn’t trust my new my new shoes which hurt my feet because I shoes. We were in perfect step all the way decided to wear a pair of thick aqua anklets down. that matched my peacock feathers. I wonder Last summer I had the privilege of being if anyone noticed hem. I shed the new shoes in a loving group that helped Rachel pick out for my Easy Spirits at the reception. her wedding dress. She just went to look, but I had my hair done. It only requires a she found the perfect dress. It came home shower each morning to get it tamed and with her. then a few strokes with a comb to satisfy me. That made me think back to my wedding I don’t remember ever having my hair styled attire some 56 years ago. I put together a without a cut. I must say simple white pleated skirt it did add crowning touch and white blouse I found to the peacock outfit. at local stores. My sister I wore a pretty new made the veil. Our girls pair of earrings that played dress up clothes matched my feathers. I with my wedding choice. am disappointed that my Ray did buy a new flea market find was supsuit which he could fit in posed to have silver post, today, but it is long gone. but they made my ears There has been no suit hurt by the middle of the since then. reception When we first attended Ray looked handsome our Florida church some in his blue coat with eighteen years ago, he matching pants and a was one of few that did white shirt. He really had not wear a coat. Now it is the choice of blue, tan or the opposite. Hardly anyblack slacks. Blue lookedThe happy couple: Ryan and Rachel one wears a coat or even a Metcalf. best. suit. Ray was just ahead of As we decided which to choose, I thought the times. Our Indiana church always knew back to earlier days when for years there was it didn’t matter what you wear to church. only one choice of slacks and a couple shirts. Old folks in Florida haven’t quite reached Those were the days of after church trips to that point yet. Colerain K-Mart where we enjoyed a treat I was looking through my closet to see of a sub sandwich and a frosty. The children what could be passed on to Goodwill. Over might get a new outfit if they out grew the 50 readers know I have a talent of passing last one. Jennie and Allison had one Sunday on anything that just sits or hangs around dress. Doug had a couple shirts and a good and has no use. However, one thing I found pair of jeans. I faired some better because I was neatly packed in a clear plastic shoe box needed to dress up for teaching. Times are sized container. I knew what it was and almuch better now, but our wardrobe is still See WEDDING, Page 5
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Aurora native Kirtley Baker, who played for three major league teams over five seasons, would have been a member of this 1894 National League champion Baltimore Orioles team - had he not been released early that season when manager Ned Hanlon tried to convert the right-handed pitcher to an infielder. The roster included future Baseball Hall of Famers Wilbert Robinson, Hughie Jennings, John McGraw and Willie Keeler.
County’s first major leaguer died in 1927
contract - played outfield for the Brooklyn Superbas (later Dodgers) in 19 games during the 1909 season, batting .256. Lawrenceburg’s George Boehler, a 6’2” right-hander, tossed a total of 61 games By Jim Buchberger for Detroit, the St. Louis Browns, Pittsburgh Sports Editor and the Brooklyn Robins (Dodgers) in an on-and-off career that spanned nine seaIt started with a simple glance at the list sons between 1912-1926. Following them, later in the 20th centuof baseball player birthdays to update the twice-weekly sports trivia box feature in ry, were Aurora’s Bill Brandt, another righty who pitched in parts of three seasons for these newspapers. the Pittsburgh Pirates from “Kirtley Baker,” it read. 1941-43, before serving in “Born in Aurora, Ind., June World War II. 24, 1869.” Most current Dearborn Curiosity led us to this County baseball fans knew, story today, after hours of or have at least heard of, research – and an abortive more recent big leaguers hunt for surviving relatives. Jim Lyttle (Yankees/White After all, the 5’9”, 160Sox/Expos/Dodgers) and pound right-handed pitcher Billy McCool (Reds/Padres/ from the game’s Dead Ball Cardinals). Era – nicknamed Whitey – Kirtley Baker, the son of was Dearborn County’s firstWilliam and Emily (Gibson) ever documented major Baker, preceded them all. leaguer. In fact, his five-year major Moores Hill’s strapping league career – spent on Walt (Smoke) Justis pitched some of the worst profestwo games, for a total of sional teams on record, 3-1/3 innings, for the Detroit unfortunately – began and Tigers in 1905, before decidended before the turn of ing he didn’t want to travel. Kirtley Baker, circa 1900 Aurora native Red (AlexTHE LAWRENCEBURG PRESS the 20th century. “A great lover of baseander Cummings) Downey – son of the local judge who See BAKER, Page 7 helped Baker obtain his first professional