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Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $99,900. 812-584-3522 House for sale by owner. Greendale- 4-bedroom cape cod , finished basement, 2-bath, newer roof, new windows, 1-car garage. $124,800 firm. 812-584-0196
West Harrison- 3BR, 2 bath in Mill End Estates, $16,000.00. Recently remodeled. Possible lease option with $5000.00 down 6872 Bittner Rd, Sunman. and $400/month for 3 AURORA-1 BR APT. LEASE-221 SECOND ST. Beautiful, secluded prop- years. 812-655-9439 AURORA. GROUND erty. Several nice pond FLOOR. STOVE & sites. 36 tillable acres FRIDGE. UTILITIES INcould be rented as well as CLUDED! $550/ MONTH. 9 acres of pasture. Acre$525 DEPOSIT. NO age subject to survey. C1230 $342,000. Lender- Ordered Lake Liq- PETS. 584-1616, 9A-6P. 12503 N. Hogan Rd, uidation Sale!! 2 acres with MAYBERRYPROPERAurora. Hunters Para - FREE boat slips only TIES@EMBARQMAIL.CO dise!! Nice 2 BR, 1 BA $29,900. Was $69,9000. M home situated on almost Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 10 acres. Pole barn with acre Kentucky Lake. All in- Aurora-Energy efficient, 100 AMP electric service frastructure completed. 2-bedroom, 1-bath duplex. and running water. Could Own for pennies on the Tile, laminated wood floorbe subdivided. C1175 dollar. Excellent financing. ing, newer appliances, basement w/garage, and $128,000. Call now 1-800-704-3154. w/d hookups. $650.00 Please contact Country- X-3766 monthly $650.00 deposit. side Realty at Tenant pays utilities. Abso888-825-7614 for more delutely no pets. Contact tails. Jennifer 812-584-0006.
Naples Florida Area! Bank acquired luxury condo only $169,900. Same unit sold for $428,895 Own your brand new condo for pennies on the dollar. Granite counters, tile floors, stainless appliances, more. Enjoy the pool, clubhouse, fitness center. Walk to over 20 resturants/100 shops! Must see. Hurry - 90% sold out! Call 1-866-2825, x431 Rising Sun- 3BR, 1BA, fenced yard, newer 24x36 Pole Barn, acre lot, owe $70K, sell $70K/ 812-290-3758-leave message
HOMES 12 MOBILE FOR SALE Abandoned Doublewide with land, Please Take Over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503
Locally Owned Established Business
FOR SALE 2011 Net $150,000
Fixtures & Inventory 2.5 x 2011 net income. Cash only or will take partial payment in real property. Please reply to: MR. J PO BOX 4128 Lawrenceburg, IN TRI-STATE LAND COMPANY
859-485-1330 1 ¾ ac. Northern Switzerland Co.-3 bd & 2 ba single wide, 2 decks, flat pasture, city water, $59,900.00, $4,000.00 down, $535 per mo.
Building lot sale, good neighborhood. 169x141-1/2 acre+. All utilities & cable on Sherman Dr., Aurora. 812-926-0100
Dillsboro Maple Glen Apartments, 2 bedroom apartment available. Call 812-432-5697. Dillsboro Townhouses- 1 and 2 bedroom units available. Also accepting applications for subsidized housing. No pets. Call Quality Property Management, 432-3230 or 800-479-1920
Dillsboro- 2BR, laundry room, garage, $550/month, $500 deposit. You pay all utilities. No in0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bed- door pets, no indoor smokroom at Village Square ing. Call 812-432-5410 Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 Duplex available, 2 bedroom, basement, fenced and up. (513)367-6366. yard, quiet dead-end 0 steps! Miamitown, large street, 543 W. High St. 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Utilities, deposit & referManor Apts. Private patio, e n c e s required. lovely grounds. $395 and 513-276-5884 up. Free h e a t ! 812-290-4490-Residential (513)353-0398. Cleaning, You Make The 2 Bedroom duplexes for Mess Weʼll Do The Rest. rent in Aurora, $500 & For Rent: Efficiencies $600/month. References $160.00 per week utilities required. C a l l included. Deposit required. 812-926-0256 Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in 2-1/2 room basement Lawrenceburg. Deposit apartment, fully furnished, required. 859-512-3899 recently remodeled. No Glenn Meadows Apartpets, no s m o k i n g . ments. Rising Sun Indi$300/month, all utilities fur- ana on the Majestic Ohio nished. References re River. Golf Cart friendly quired, 812-926-1028. community, park like setAurora - 1 bdrm, newer ting with all the convencarpet, open/lg. living rm., iences. No subsidized kitchen, & dining rm. Utili- housing. Call for more ties separate. Very clean. information No pets. $400.00 per 812-438-2300. month. Call 744-5675. Greendale - 1 bedroom apartment, 2nd floor, Aurora 1BR, furnished, kitchen, 2nd floor. No pets/smok- e q u i p p e d ing. Utilities paid by tenant. washer/dryer hook-up, carpeted, $450 + deposit & Free laundry room short/long term. Prime lo- utilities. Call evenings cation office retail space 812-623-4130. also. Leave message Harrison - One bedroom (812)926-1083 apartment. Heat/water inAurora- 1BR, not pets, cluded. $410 per month, washer/ dryer hook-up, plus deposit. Very quiet utilities not included. Also, home like atmosphere. upstairs room available, 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Call (513)984-0035. $440/month. 812-216-8477 Harrison - Tippecanoe Aurora- Aspen Ridge 1BR, Apts. Spacious remodnewly remodeled, rear eled 1BR $540, 2BR deck, water & sewer in - $610, dishwasher, balcluded, $ 4 9 5 / m o n t h cony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included. 513-532-8933 No pets. 812-637-1787, Aurora- Aspen Ridge 3&4 513-574-4400 BR apartment, 2 baths garage, equipped kitchen, Harrison area. 1 bedroom, laundry hook-up, gas FP, newly remodeled, apartrear deck, $895/month m e n t for rent. 513-532-8933 (513)260-0465.
11 ac. East Enterprise - pasture, woods, small creek, semi-private, fronts Hwy 250, city water, $42,900.00, $2,000.00 down.
3 units for rent $450,$475, $525/ month plus utilities on Scotts Ridge Rd. Call 812-623-4454 or 859-240-0126 Trailer for rent 2 bedroom, 1 bath, total electric in RisHarrison, 1 and 2 bedroom ing Sun, No pets. apt., Leasing special, 812-438-2176 $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555. Garage space for rent Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Pri- small medium and large $275 and up vate patio with breathtak220 electric ing view of the valley. Free business or storage heat! $450 and up. No Call Tom pets. Visit (513)477-8848 (513)845-4141. Lawrenceburg nr. - Randall Ave off Route 50 Harrison, OH-Tippeca150acres, 8,000sqft. noe Apartments, Spa cious remodeled 1BR bldg+720sqft office under $545.00, 2BR $640.00 construction next to Dearborn Co bldgs & Southdishwasher, balcony, very, very clean. Water & eastern Beverages bld to sewer included, no pets. suit, financing available, sale or lease I-74 & 812-637-1787, N.Bend-6 ofc bldgs, land 513-574-4400 avail, 7 locs. Realtors welHarrison, Ohio apartment come for rent. 2 bedroom, websitewasher/dryer connections, V & G business and fitness cenRack 513-574-7661. ters, pool. Great location! Office / warehouse / retail Call Brittany for more inforspace for lease in Law mation. (513)367-4999. renceburg, 1500 sqft to In Harrison, 1 bedroom 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. apartments, starting at $450, heat paid. Laundry facilities on site. Call for move in specials. (513)515-2569.
Large 1 bedroom apt., in Harrison, $435/month plus electric. (513)479-5155. Lawrenceburg 2 bedroom condo, new construction for sale or rent, land contract available. Rent $925 month. 513-532-8933 Lawrenceburg/ AuroraDuplex, 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, laundry, $795/ month plus deposit. 513-549-3418
Milan- Nicer 11/2 bedroom with W/D hook-up, stove/fridge, AC, fur nished. No smoking. Service animals only, $440/month plus deposit and utilities, available July 1st. 812-374-7706 New Build Duplex- Rising Sun, 2 bedroom, bath and a half, all wood laminate and ceramic floors, all new appliances including dishwasher, washer and dryer hook-up only, nice oversize garage. $800.00/month. Please call 812-438-3366. Leave message or e-mail for application. Opera House Apartments2-bed, 2-bath loft, $850/month plus deposit. All utilities included 513-218-7404. Second floor 2BR apartment for rent, C/A, electric heat, on-site W/D, recently remodeled, $550/month plus deposit. 513-319-8784
Small 2 bedroom apart ment in West Harrison, Ind. $595 per month. All utilities included. No pets. First months rent plus deposit. (513)235-0869.
$650 month, Aurora West Conwell, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, LV, DN, kitchenw/appliances, new upgrades, double lot, utilities & deposit required. Call 926-4735 or 513-310-7588.
3 Bedroom, 1 bath Duplex. New tile. SR 48, Manchester, $700 month, 1 year lease. No pets. Cell (513)593-3191.
4 1/2 ac. Patriot area - partly wooded, small pond, mobiles welcome, city water avail., $28,900.00, $1,000.00 down.
Harrison Move-in special. Newly remodeled 1-2 bedroom w/patio or balcony, pool, wooded area $470 and up. No pets. (513)202-0715. Section 8 accepted.
1BR, 1800 sq.ft. wrap around deck close to main lake, $725.00/month in cluding utilities. 513-403-3790
2 ac. Vevay area - Hwy 129, larger brick farmhouse, 4 bd & 1 ba, fixer upper, 2 car detached garage, $75,900.00, $5,000 down, $667 per mo.
25 Driver Trainees Needed! Learn to drive for Stevens Transport! Earn $800 per week! No experience needed! Local 15 day CDL Training at TDI!!! WIA, VA & Carrier funding! 1-877-649-3156. ATTENTION FLATBED DRIVERS: Great Starting Pay & Benefits. Fuel, Safety & Referral Bo nuses. Home Weekends. Call & apply for a new car e e r w i t h 866-317-6556. ext. 7 Averitt is looking for CDL-A Drivers! Great, low-cost benefits package and weekly hometime. 4 months T/T experience required - apply now! 888-362-8608 Visit Equal Opportunity Employer Bartender/Pro-shop attendant, some weeknights, all weekend nights and some weekend days. Bartending, cleaning, pro-shop duties, and some cooking required. Apply at Country View Golf Course. 812-576-5000 “Can You Dig It” We will train, certify & provide lifetime assistance landing work. Hiring in Indiana. Start digging as a heavy equipment operator. 866-362-6497 AC1213 Class-A CDL driver. All local deliveries, Monday-Friday, 1st shift, 30K plus to start. Call Tod at 513-738-2500 Dedicated Drivers Needed! Exceptional Pay and Benefits package. Run regionally, be home weekly! New Trucks in 2012! Call Today 888-409-6033 or visit online Driver Wanted- Dump truck/ trailer. Preferred Class-A CDL, good driving record, Tri-state deliveries. Send resume to Paul & Sons Trucking, 7748 Hartford Ridge/ Aurora, IN 47001. Drivers - CDL-A Drivers Needed! Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus for Experienced Drivers! New student pay and Lease Program now available! 877-521-5775
Drivers - CDL-A OTR DRIVERS Premium Pay Package! Start up to .46 cpm Home Most Week ends! Call today! 800-441-4271 IN-100 Drivers - Great pay, quarterly safety bonus. Hometime choices. Steady freight, full or part-time. Safe, clean, modern trucks. CDL-A , 3 months current OTR experience. 800-414-9569 DRIVERS! Stone Belt Freight puts drivers first! Competitive pay! Home weekends! Excellent benefits! Pre-loaded trailers. Call Kelsy, 888-272-0961.
Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage bonus. Home weekends. Insurance & 401k. Apply @ 800-648-9915 Flatbed Drivers. New Pay Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage bonus. Home weekends. Insurance & 401k. Apply @ 800-648-9915 JOIN MARTEN TRANSPORT: Regional runs available! More Hometime & Earning Power; Excellent Pay & Benefits! Recent increase on Auto matic Detention Pay! Plus: Flex Fleet opportunities >> 4 days on, 4 days off! <<or>> 7 days on, 7 days off! <<866-370-4469 CDL-A, 6 mos. Exp re quired. EEOE/AAP
Drivers-CDL-A TEAM with TOTAL! MILES*EQUIPMENT*BENEFITS .50cents/mile for Hazmat Teams. Solo drivers also needed! 800-942-2104 EXT.7307 or 7308 Join the Schilli Companies New Pay Package! Van Drivers: Company/Owner and flatbed positions. OP's. Local & Long Haul. Class A CDL 1 year rec. Dedicated Runs. Pd OTR exp. min. 23 years Loaded/Unloaded. Good o l d . 1-877-261-2101 Home time. CO.-Excellent Benefits. O/OP's-100% FSC, Fuel Cards. CDL-A: 2yrs OTR exp. Tank & Local Janitorial Company Haz. end a + hiring $10/HR. Evening shift Mon-Fri. Must have own transportation and pocheck required. Send Drivers: NO Experience? lice resume or ask for applicaClass A CDL Driver Train- tion at the following e-mail ing. We train and employ! address spurlocksj@hotNew pay increases coming soon. Experienced drivers also needed! Central Refrigerated 877-369-7203. Looking for Lube Technician, experience sug www.centraltruckdrivinggested but not required. Work 40 hours weekly. Drivers: OTR 10-14 days Must have own hand tools. online out. $1000 Sign-on, Great A p p l y call Pay, Benefits! Haven't w w w . w y l e r . c o m , driven lately? No problem! 812-537-2525. CDL-A 1yr. exp. w/Clean MVR1(877)412-7209. Now hiring busers, part-time at Woodlands, 9680 Cilley Rd., Cleves, Drivers: Owner Ops: Ohio 45002. Call for apRound Trips & Dedicated pointment, (513)353-2593. Lanes Available. $1000 Supplement your income. Sign-On Bonus! Frequent, Planned Hometime Cimar- Optometric Assistant full ron Express 800-866-7713 time. Duties include; comx123 puter entry, billing, insur Established company is ance, phones, ordering looking for drivers in the materials and eyewear dispensing. Every other SatLawrenceburg area. If you urday. Pay commensurate have a good driving re with experience. Will train. cord, like to help people, and would like to supple- Send resume to: Michael ment your income, please Ringel, 1003 Harrison Ave., #100, Harrison, OH call 812-663-9990 to 45030 schedule an interview. Owner Operators Wanted Experienced Tanker/Flat- Midwest Regional Class A bed Drivers! *Strong CDL up to 1.10/mile home Freight Network *Stability weekends FSC Paid All *Great Pay Every Second Miles $1500 sign on FronCounts! Call Today! t i e r Transport 1-800-277-0212 www.pri- 800-991-6227 For
ResCare/CASC is a company that helps individuals with disabilities. We are looking for good people (Support Associates) in the Lawrenceburg and surrounding area to provide assistance to individuals. Visit and follow these simple steps to apply: Select: “Careers” “Candidates New to ResCare-External Application” “Put Seymour, IN for the city and state” “Apply” (next to the position you are applying for) ResCare, Inc. offers a great benefit package!!! Valid driver’s license, clean driving record, clear background check and auto insurance required. Must have high school diploma or GED. 1-866-601-1863 Equal Opportunity Employer F/M/D/V
Aurora, quiet, family neighborhood, 3bd, LR/DR, 1ba, hardwood floors, FP, garage, laundry hook-up, gas/CA, double glazed windows, refrig/stove. References required. $800 +deposit. 812-926-4204
Many other properties to choose from. Can’t list all properties. Call today to find out the other land we have for sale.
Open Houses
Sunday, June 24
12598 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN- $150,000- 3 Bed, 1 Bath, 1.1 Acres. Brick ranch on private country lot! Full finished basement with wet bar. 12:00- 2:00. Contact Andrew Lohmiller (812)584- 6880. 12056 SR 350, Moores Hill, IN- $80,000- 4 Bed, 1 Bath, 1.5 acres. Needs some cosmetics but has new roof, furnace and appliances. 3:00-5:00. Contact Andrew Lohmiller (812)584-6880. 21032 SunnyRidge, Lawrenceburg, IN- $150,000- 3 Bed, 2 Bath, .32 AcresNice makeover on large home sitting at the edge ofHVL against a greenbelt. No neighbors behind you! 1:00- 4:00. Contact Katie Zeinner (812) 584-1156. 6608 Stonegate Dr., Guilford, IN- $290,000- 4 Bed, 3 Bath, .76 Acres.- Custom designed home, immaculate from comer to comer! 1:00- 4:00. Contact Amber Ritzmann (812) 584-2552. 23646 Appalachia Dr., Lawrenceburg, IN- $194,900- 4 Bed, 2 Bath, .76 Acres- Spacious 4 bedroom ranch on quiet tree-lined street. 1:00- 4:00. Contact Tom Cook (812) 621-0192. 932 Main Street, Rising Sun, IN- $119,900- 3 Bed, 1 Bath, .41 Acres- Open floor plan, hardwood, floors, updated eat-in kitchen, etc.! 12:00- 2:00. Contact Billy Rumsey (812)584-9498. 70 E. High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN- $159,900- 3 story commercial building in the heart of the new development in Lawrenceburg! 3:00- 5:00. Contact Billy Rumsey (812)584-9498.
(812)537-1023 •
SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park. Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.
CALL 812-221-0425
Aurora- 4BR, 2 bath, 150 Lincoln St. Has refrigerator, dishwasher, range, and W/D hook-ups, $800/month. 812-655-9439 House-Duplex, large living room, dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, utility room with washer & dryer hook-up. Off street parking with deck on back porch. $900 a month, 1 month deposit. 859-512-3899 Ranch with 2 master suites, gourmet kitchen, cherry floors, stone FP, 2-car garage, large porch a n d d e c k , $1125.00/month. 513-403-3790 Whitewater Township - 3 bedroom house with small yard. Stove and fridge, washer/dryer hook-up, full basement. $675 plus deposit. (513)515-0707.
Call for an appointment * Foreclosure Special * Equipped kitchens * Laundry facilities * Heat included * 24 hour emergency maintenance * Minutes from I-275
* Ask about Deposit Special * Lots of closet space * Children play area * Walk to Ludlow City Park * Extra Storage * Pets Welcome
NOW LEASING 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
Neighbors Caring For Neighbors
ULTRASOUND TECH - Part time opening on Days
PHLEBOTOMIST - Part time opening on Evenings, but includes some Days. Previous phlebotomy experience preferred. PHARMACY TECH - Occasional openings, varied hours including some weekends
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600 Wilson Creek Rd. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
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