RS 10-4-12 Legals

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ing Inspector to be unsafe as defined in this section building or structure is abandoned for a period in David Wayne Schultz, were the Defendants, requirare hereby declared to be public nuisances and excess of six months so as to constitute such ing me to make the sum as provided for in said Deshall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition building or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or cree with interest and costs, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 4th day of Decemhazard to the public. or removal. (D) The Rising Sun Building Inspector shall be (2) UNSAFE BUILDING also means, for the pur - ber, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. of said day, at the 123 S. authorized to administer and to proceed under the poses of the Unsafe Building Law, a tract of real Mulberry St., Rising Sun, IN 47040, the fee simple of provisions of said law in ordering the repair or re- property that does not contain a building or struc- the whole body of Real Estate in Ohio County, Indimoval of any building found to be unsafe as speci- ture, not including land used for production agricul- ana: ture, is an unsafe premises if the tract is a fire haz- The following described real estate in Ohio County, fied therein or as specified hereafter. (E) Wherever in the building regulations of the city ard, a hazard to public health, a public nuisance, or State of Indiana: A part of the Northeast Quarter of NOTICE Section 2, Township 3 North, Range 2 West of the or the Rising Sun Unsafe Building Law, it is pro - dangerous to a person or property. Absentee voting starts October 9 and ends at noon vided that anything must be done to the approval of (G) A definition of SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY IN- First Principal Meridian located in Cass Township, on November 5 at the Ohio County Courthouse. or subject to the direction of the Building Inspector, TEREST set forth in I.C. 36-7-9-2 is hereby incorpo- Ohio County, Indiana, described as follows: Hours will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri- or any other officer of the city, this shall be con - rated by reference herein as if copied in full. Beginning at an iron pin found at the Southeast day 9-4 with lunch from noon to 1. Voting will be strued to give such officer only the discretion of de- (H) All work for the reconstruction, repair or demo- Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Townopen October 27, and November 3 from 9 - 1. termining whether the rules and standards estab- lition of buildings and other structures shall be per- ship 3 North, Range 2 West; thence with the East Annie Jo Jackson lished by ordinance have been complied with; and formed in a good workmanlike manner according to Line of Section 2, North 0 degrees 12' 36" East Ohio County Clerk no such provision shall be construed as giving any the accepted standards and practices in. the trade. 435.87 feet to an iron pin and The Point of Begin C-9-27-RSR-2t officer discretionary powers as to what such The provisions of the building laws, as defined in I. ning; thence with the North Line of a certain 11.125 C-9-27-OCN-2t regulations or standard shall be, power to require C. 22-12-1-3, adopted as rules of the Fire Prevention acre tract, North 88 degrees 34' 08" West 2091.01 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING conditions not described by ordinance, or to en - and Building Safety Commission (675 lAC), includ- feet to a Railroad Spike in the center of a Salem Ridge Road (this line also passing through iron The Annual Meeting of the Community Mental force ordinance provisions in an arbitrary or discre- ing 675 lAC 12-4-9 and 675 lAC 12-4-11(a), shall be considered standard and acceptable practice for pins at 874.96 feet and 20761.01 feet); thence with Health Center, Inc. will be held Thursday, October tionary manner. the center of said road, first North 47 degrees 27' 18, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the Dearborn Country Club (F) The description of an unsafe building con - all matters covered by this section in Aurora, Indiana. The primary purpose of the tained in I.C. 36-7-9-4 is hereby supplemented to or orders issued pursuant to this section by the 00" East 100.31 feet and thence North 47 degrees 22' 00" East 308.03 feet to a Railroad Spike; thence meeting will be the election of the Board of Direc- provide minimum standards for building condition Building Inspector of the city. tors of the Community Mental Health Center, Inc. or maintenance in the city by adding the following (I) (1) An Unsafe Building Fund is hereby estab - leaving said road and with the South Line of a cerlished in the operating budget of the city and in ac- tain 10.776 acre tract, South 86 degrees 43' 3~'' East The meeting is open to the public. Anyone planning definitions: to attend should contact Diane Majrouh at (812) (1) UNSAFE BUILDING means any building or cordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-9-14. Any 1793.6 feet to an iron pipe on the East Line of Sec532-3402 no later than Friday, October 5, 2012 to structure which has any or all of the conditions or balance remaining in the Fund at the end of a fiscal tion 2 (this line also passing a large wood post at 25 feet and through an iron pipe at 839.76 feet); thence make reservations. defects hereinafter described, provided that such year shall be carried over in the Fund for the C-10-2-JP-1t conditions or defects exist to the extent that life, following year and shall not revert to the General with said East Line of Section 2, South a degrees C-10-4-RSR-1t health, property or safety of the public or its occu- Fund. Money for the Unsafe Building Fund may be 12' 36" West 226.23 feet to The Point of Beginning. received from any sources including appropriations 58-05-02-100-008.000-001 C-10-4-R-1t pants are endangered: (a) Whenever any door, aisle, passageway or by local, state or federal governments, and dona- and commonly known as: 7501 Salem Ridge Road, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT other means of exit is not of sufficient width or size tions. The following monies shall be deposited in Aurora, IN 47001. FOR OHIO COUNTY Subject to all easements and restrictions of record or is not so arranged as to provide a safe and ade- the Unsafe Building Fund: STATE OF INDIANA (a) Monies received as payment for or settlement not otherwise extinguished in the proceedings quate means of exit in case of fire or panic. CASE NO. 58C01-1209-MF-0022 (b) Whenever the walking surface of any aisle, pas- of obligations or judgments established under I.C. known as Cause # 58C01-1108-MF-0018 in the SupeFRIENDSHIP STATE BANK, rior Court of the County of Ohio Indiana, and subsageway, stairway or other means of exit is so 36-7-9-9 through 36-7-9-13 and I.C. 36-7-9-17 PLAINTIFF, ject to all real estate taxes, and assessments curwarped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to through 36-7-9-22. v. KALIF T. VAUGHN, JEZRAEL VAUGHN, ZEPHACKI not provide safe and adequate means of exit in case (b) Monies received from bonds posted under I. C. rently due, delinquent or which are to become a lien. 36-7-9-7. VAUGHN, AND HEIRS AND/OR DEVISEES OF of fire or panic. (c) Whenever the stress in any materials, member (c) Money received in satisfaction of receiver's Said sale will be made without relief from valuation ELIZABETH ANN VAUGHN, or portion thereof, due to all dead and live loads, is notes or certificates that were issued under I.C. or appraisement laws. If the sale is set aside for any DEFENDANTS. more than one and one-half times the working 36-7-9-20 and were purchased with money from the reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser THE STATE OF INDIANA TO THE DEFENDANTS stress or stresses allowed for new buildings of Unsafe Building Fund. (d) Money received for payment or settlement of shalt have no further recourse against the MortgaNAMED ABOVE AND ANY OTHER PERSON OR EN- similar structure, purpose or location. gor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. civil penalties imposed under I.C. 36-7-9-7. TITY CONCERNED OR HAVING OR CLAIMING AN (d) Whenever any portion thereof has been damEldon Fancher INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED aged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood, or by any (2) Money in the Unsafe Building Fund may be Ohio County Sheriff used for the expenses incurred in carrying out the other cause, to such an extent that the structural BELOW; Cass Township purposes of this section, including: You are hereby notified that you have been sued by strength or stability thereof is materially less than it the parties named as the Plaintiff and in the court was before such catastrophe and is less than the (a) The cost of obtaining reliable information James L. Shoemaker (19562-49) indicated above. The nature of this suit is a Com- minimum requirements for new buildings of similar about the identity and location of each person who S. Brent Potter (10900-49) owns a substantial property interest in unsafe Craig D. Doyle (4783-49) plaint on Note and for Foreclosure of Mortgage. You structure, purpose or location. Rayanna A. Binder (24776-49) have been sued to answer as to any interest you (e) Whenever any portion, member or appurte - premises; (b) The cost of an examination of an unsafe build- Christina M. Bruno (27334-49) may have with respect to the following described nance thereof is likely to fail, to become detached Curt D. Hochbein (29284-29) or dislodged or to collapse and thereby injure per- ing by a registered real property: architect or registered engineer not employed by Ryan T. Kiernan (29316-49) Lot Number Twenty (20) in A.C. Pepper's Addition sons or damage property. David M. Johnson (30-354-45) the department; to the Town now City of Rising Sun, as per plat (f) Whenever any portion of a building, or any thereof, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of member, appurtenance or ornamentation on the ex- (c) The cost of surveys necessary to determine Doyle Legal Corporation, P.C. terior thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability the location and dimensions of real property on 41 E Washington Street, Suite 400 Ohio County, Indiana. Indianapolis, IN 46204 which an unsafe building is located; Together with and subject to all covenants and re- or is not so anchored, attached or fastened in place strictions of record and any and all highways, ease- so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of (d) The cost of giving notice of orders, notice of Telephone (317) 264-5000 ments, rights and appurtenances thereunto belong- one-half of that specified for new buildings of simi- statements of rescission, notice of continued hear- Facsimile (317) 264-5400 C-9-20-RSR-3t lar structure, purpose or location without exceeding ing, and notice of statements that public bids are ing and appertaining. to be let in the manner prescribed by I.C. 36-7-9-25; COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 223 South Mulberry the working stresses permitted for such buildings. (g) Whenever any portion thereof has wracked, (e) The bid price of work by a contractor under Street, Rising Sun, Indiana 47040. You must file a written response to the Complaint warped, buckled or settled to such an extent that I.C. 36-7-9-10 or pursuant to I.C. 36-7-9-17 through on Note and for Foreclosure of Mortgage within walls or other structural portions have materially 36-7-9-22; (f) The cost of emergency action under I.C. thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is less resistance to wind or earthquake than is re 36-7-9-9; and published, and in case you fail to do so, judgment quired in the case of similar new construction. by default may be entered against you for the relief (h) Whenever the building or structure, or any por- (g) The cost of notes or receivers' certificates issued under I. C. 36-7-9-20. demanded by the Plaintiff in the Complaint on Note tion thereof, because of dilapidation, deterioration or decay; faulty construction; the removal, move- (3) All payments of monies from the Unsafe Buildand for Foreclosure of Mortgage. ment or instability of any portion of the ground nec- ing Fund must be made in accordance with applicaDATE: September 27, 2012 Annie Jo Jackson essary for the purpose of supporting such building; ble law. SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Clerk, Ohio County Circuit Court the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foun- (J) No person, firm or corporation, whether an IN THE OHIO CIRCUIT COURT owner, lessee, sub-lessee or occupant, shall erect, dation; or any other cause, is likely to partially or Attorney for the Plaintiff: CAUSE NO. 58C01-1204-MF-0013 construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, recompletely collapse. Keith D. Mull, Attorney No. 17087-32 STATE OF INDIANA (i) Whenever, for any reason, the building or move, demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any COUNTY OF OHIO )ss: LAW OFFICES OF KEITH D. MULL, LLC building or premises, or cause or permit the same structure, or any portion thereof, is manifestly un2867 Charlestown Road U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the safe for the purpose for which it is being used. New Albany, Indiana 47150 Plaintiff, provisions of this section or any order issued by (j) Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical (812) 206-2315 the Building Inspector. Any person violating the vs. C-10-4-RSR-3t structural members lift, lean or buckle to such an DAVID ENGLAND and UNITED GUARANTY RESIC-10-4-OCN-3t extent that a plumb line passing through the center provisions of this section or I.C. 36-7-9-2 shall com- DENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH of gravity does not fall inside the middle one-third mit a Class C infraction for each day such violation CAROLINA, NOTICE FOR PUBLIC HEARING continues. of the base. Defendants. The Rising Sun Board of Zoning Appeals will hold (k) Whenever the building or structure, exclusive § 96.02 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION. NOTICE OF SUIT a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October of the foundation, shows 33% or more damage or The Building Inspector shall be responsible for the The State of Indiana to the Defendant(s) above 09, 2012, in the Conference Room of the City Ad - deterioration of its supporting member or members, administration of this chapter in the city. named, and any other person who may be con ministration Building, 200 N. Walnut Street, City of or 50% damage or deterioration of its non-support- § 96.03 HEARING OFFICER. Rising Sun, County of Ohio, State of Indiana for the ing members, enclosing or outside walls or cover- The designated Hearing Officer for violations is - cerned. You are hereby notified that you have been sued in following Purposes: sued under this section shall be a person appointed ings. the Court above named. Name: Sue Obertate by the Mayor. Any decision made by the Hearing Of(l) Whenever the building or structure has been The nature of the suit against you is: Address: P. O. Box 121 so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood or ficer is subject to appeal to the Common Council of Complaint on Note and to Foreclose Mortgage on Rising Sun, IN 47040 has become so dilapidated or deteriorated so as to the city upon written request by either party to Variance from Development Standards and Use become an attractive nuisance to children, or freely the action, made within ten days of the Hearing Offi- Real Estate for: To build a Front Porch at 318 North Poplar and accessible to persons for the purpose of commit- cers decision. Appeals of the decisions of the Com- Against the property commonly known as 4852 a Sunroom from detached garage. mon Council are made to the Ohio Circuit Court, Cass Union Rd, Rising Sun, IN 47040-9657 and deting unlawful acts. Said hearing will be open to the public and com - (m) Whenever any building or structure has been made within ten days of the Common Councils de- scribed as follows: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section Ten (10), ments will be heard. constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of cision. Rising Sun Board of Zoning Appeals any specific requirement or prohibition applicable Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force Township Three (3) North, Range Two (2) West, bounded as follows: Beginning on the Steele's CorEd Hautman, Chairman to such building or structure provided by the build- and effect immediately after its passage and ap C-9-27-RSR-2t ing regulations of this city, or of any law or ordi - proval by the Mayor of the City of Rising Sun, Indi- ner and Aberdeen County Highway at the South C-9-27-OCN-2t nance of this state or city relating to the condition, ana, and after proper publication and posting as re- west comer of the small parcel of ground formerly owned by Jale Suits, and fonnerly owned by 10hn quired by law. ORDINANCE NO. 2012-6 location or structure of buildings. W. Fletcher and running thence East 203 feet. ORDINANCE ADOPTING (n) Whenever any building or structure which, PASSED AND APPROVED by the Common Council thence South 87 feet; thence West 232 feet to said STATUTORY REGULATIONS whether or not erected in accordance with all appli- of the City of Rising Sun, Indiana this 6th day of Highway; thence Northwesterly along said Highway cable laws or ordinances, has any non-supporting September, 2012 REGARDING UNSAFE BUILDINGS Steve Slack to the place of beginning, containing one acre of WHEREAS, the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, has a part, member or portion less than 50%, or in any Dennis Radcliff land, more or less. number of unsafe buildings; supporting part, member or portion less than 66% This summons by publication is specifically di Mike Padgett WHEREAS, the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, is in of the strength, fire resisting qualities or characterJillian Nead rected to the following named defendant(s); need of establishing statutory regulations to insure istics, or weather-resisting qualities or characterisGary Kinnett United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company of the safety of the citizens; tics required by law in the case of a newly con North Carolina Presented to the Mayor of the City of Rising Sun, structed building of like area, height and occupancy NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE This summons by publication is specifically di Indiana, for his approval and signature this 6th day COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RISING SUN, in the same location. rected to the following named defendant(s) whose INDIANA, states that the following language shall (0) Whenever a building or structure used or in- of September, 2012. whereabouts are unknown: Rae Baker Gipson, Clerk Treasurer be inserted as Chapter 96 in the Code of tended to be used for dwelling purposes, because David England Ordinances: of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, This Ordinance duly approved and signed by me on If you have a claim for relief against the plaintiff damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inade- this 6th day of September, 2012. CHAPTER 96: UNSAFE BUILDINGS Branden Roeder, Mayor arising from the same transaction or occurrence, § 96.01 ADOPTION OF STATUTORY REGULATIONS. quate light, air or sanitation facilities, or otherwise you must assert it in your written answer or re (A) Pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-9, there as determined by the Ohio County Board of Health Attest: sponse. Rae Baker Gipson, Clerk Treasurer is hereby established the Rising Sun Unsafe Build- to be unsanitary, unfit for human habitation or in C-10-4-RSR-1t You must answer the Complaint in writing. by you ing Law. such a condition that is likely to cause sickness or C-10-4-OCN-1t or your attomey by November 3, 2012 and if you fail (B) The provisions of I.e. 36-7-9-1 through disease. to do so a judgment by default may be entered 36-7-9-28 are hereby incorporated by reference in (p) Whenever any building or structure, because against you for the relief demanded, by the Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE the Rising Sun Unsafe Building Law. All proceed- of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioraFEIWELL & HANNOY, P.C. ings within the city for the inspection, repair and re- tion, damage, inadequate exits or lack of sufficient By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me diBy ALAN W. MCEWAN moval of unsafe buildings shall be governed by fireresistive construction as determined by the Fire rected from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ohio Attorney No. 2405149 County, Indiana, in Cause No. 58C01-1108-MF-0018, said law and the provisions of this section. In the Chief of the Rising Sun Volunteer Fire Attorney for Plaintiff wherein Bank of America, N.A. successor by event the provisions of this section conflict with the Department is determined to be a fire hazard. ALAN W. MCEWAN provisions of I. C. 36-7-9-2 through 36-7-9-28, then (q) When any portion of a building or structure re- merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP f/k/a FEIWELL & HANNOY, P.C. the provisions of the state statute shall control. mains on a site after the demolition or destruction Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP was Plain- 251 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1700 tiff, and Tina R. Schultz a/k/a Tina Marie Schultz (C) All buildings or portions thereof within the city of the building or structure or whenever any Indianapolis, IN 46204-1944 which are determined after inspection by the Build- building or structure is abandoned for a period in a/k/a Teena Schultz and David W. Schultz a/k/a (317) 237-2727 ing Inspector to be unsafe as defined in this section excess of six months so as to constitute such David Wayne Schultz, were the Defendants, ing me to make the sum as provided for in said Debuilding or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or are hereby declared to be public nuisances and NOTICE cree with interest and costs, I will expose at public shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition hazard to the public. FEIWELL & HANNOY, P.C. IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. (2) UNSAFE BUILDING also means, for the pur - sale to the highest bidder, on the 4th day of Decemor removal. C-9-20-RSR-3t (D) The Rising Sun Building Inspector shall be poses of the Unsafe Building Law, a tract of real ber, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. of said day, at the 123 S. authorized to administer and to proceed under the property that does not contain a building or struc- Mulberry St., Rising Sun, IN 47040, the fee simple of provisions of said law in ordering the repair or re- ture, not including land used for production agricul- the whole body of Real Estate in Ohio County, Indimoval of any building found to be unsafe as speci- ture, is an unsafe premises if the tract is a fire haz- ana: fied therein or as specified hereafter. ard, a hazard to public health, a public nuisance, or The following described real estate in Ohio County, State of Indiana: A part of the Northeast Quarter of (E) Wherever in the building regulations of the city dangerous to a person or property. or the Rising Sun Unsafe Building Law, it is pro - (G) A definition of SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY IN- Section 2, Township 3 North, Range 2 West of the vided that anything must be done to the approval of TEREST set forth in I.C. 36-7-9-2 is hereby incorpo- First Principal Meridian located in Cass Township, Ohio County, Indiana, described as follows: or subject to the direction of the Building Inspector, rated by reference herein as if copied in full. or any other officer of the city, this shall be con - (H) All work for the reconstruction, repair or demo- Beginning at an iron pin found at the Southeast strued to give such officer only the discretion of de- lition of buildings and other structures shall be per- Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Towntermining whether the rules and standards estab- formed in a good workmanlike manner according to ship 3 North, Range 2 West; thence with the East lished by ordinance have been complied with; and the accepted standards and practices in. the trade. Line of Section 2, North 0 degrees 12' 36" East no such provision shall be construed as giving any The provisions of the building laws, as defined in I. 435.87 feet to an iron pin and The Point of Begin officer discretionary powers as to what such C. 22-12-1-3, adopted as rules of the Fire Prevention ning; thence with the North Line of a certain 11.125 regulations or standard shall be, power to require and Building Safety Commission (675 lAC), includ- acre tract, North 88 degrees 34' 08" West 2091.01 feet to a Railroad Spike in the center of a Salem conditions not described by ordinance, or to en - ing 675 lAC 12-4-9 and 675 lAC 12-4-11(a), shall force ordinance provisions in an arbitrary or discre- be considered standard and acceptable practice for Ridge Road (this line also passing through iron pins at 874.96 feet and 20761.01 feet); thence with tionary manner. all matters covered by this section ways to go green proofing • Easy more! inside for: Winter weather the center of said road, first North 47 degrees 27' value • of benefits • & muchcon - or orders issued pursuant to this section by the (F) TheLook description an unsafe cts with big building to boost home Ways ness • Small proje damp ent hing basem 00" East 100.31 feet and thence North 47 degrees tained inBanisI.C. 36-7-9-4 is hereby supplemented to Building Inspector of the city. provide minimum standards for building condition (I) (1) An Unsafe Building Fund is hereby estab - 22' 00" East 308.03 feet to a Railroad Spike; thence Start fall with targeted our special fall homebudget of the city and in ac- leaving said road and with the South Line of a ceror maintenance in this the city by adding theadvertising following in lished in the operating is the go-to guide definitions: improvement section. Fall Home Improvement cordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-9-14. Any tain 10.776 acre tract, South 86 degrees 43' 3~'' East for homeowners looking to enhance their properties, making it (1) UNSAFE BUILDING means any building or balance remaining in the Fund at the end of a fiscal 1793.6 feet to an iron pipe on the East Line of Secthe perfect place to showcase your products, services and tion 2 (this line also passing a large wood post at 25 structure whichspecial has any or allContact of the conditions ormore yearinformation shall be carried over in the Fund for the offers. us today for about defects hereinafter putting described, that suchtool following year and shall not revert to the General feet and through an iron pipe at 839.76 feet); thence this provided business-building to work for you! conditions or defects exist to the extent that life, Fund. Money for the Unsafe Building Fund may be with said East Line of Section 2, South a degrees health, property or safety of the public or its occu- received from any sources including appropriations 12' 36" West 226.23 feet to The Point of Beginning. Inserted In:by local, state or federal governments, and dona58-05-02-100-008.000-001 pants are endangered: The Harrison Press • The Dearborn County Register (a) Whenever any door, aisle, passageway or tions. The following monies shall be deposited in and commonly known as: 7501 Salem Ridge Road, The Risings Recorder County News Aurora, IN 47001. other means of exit is not Sun of sufficient width/orThe size Ohio the Unsafe Building Fund: Oct. 17and & adeOct.(a)18Monies received as payment for or settlement Subject to all easements and restrictions of record or is not so arranged as to provide a safe quate means of exit in case of fire or panic. Worth noticing of obligations or judgments established under I.C. not otherwise extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause # 58C01-1108-MF-0018 in the Supe(b) Whenever the walking surface of any aisle, pas- 36-7-9-9 through 36-7-9-13 and I.C. 36-7-9-17 Deadline 9, 2012! rior Court of the County of Ohio Indiana, and sub36-7-9-22. sageway, stairway or other meansisofOctober exit is so through warped, loose, or otherwise unsafe as or to (b) Call worn, today fortorn more information to reserve yourfrom space! Monies received bonds posted under I. C. ject to all real estate taxes, and assessments currently due, delinquent or which are to become a not provide safe and adequate means of exit in case 36-7-9-7. (c) Money received in satisfaction of receiver's lien. of fire or panic. 126 West High Street • Lawrenceburg, IN • 812-537-0063 (c) Whenever the stress in any materials, member notes or certificates that were issued under I.C. Said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. If •the sale is set aside for any 36-7-9-20 and were purchased with money from the or portion thereof, due to all dead and live loads, is reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled more than one and one-half times the working Unsafe Building Fund. • paid. The Purchaser stress or stresses allowed for new buildings of (d) Money received for payment or settlement of only to a return of the deposit shalt have no further recourse against the Mortgacivil penalties imposed under I.C. 36-7-9-7. similar structure, purpose or location. (d) Whenever any portion thereof has been dam- (2) Money in the Unsafe Building Fund may be gor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney.


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